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Paper Title

The role of Government in the implementation of ITS in Pakistan

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01019
  • Wajahat Nassar
  • UET, Lahore
  • Pakistan


Intelligent Transport system has developed as one of the most extensive areas of research and investment due to the increasing environmental awareness, climatic change and the issues of road safety. Moreover, as cities around the world face the dilemma of urban congestion...Lead moreIntelligent Transport system has developed as one of the most extensive areas of research and investment due to the increasing environmental awareness, climatic change and the issues of road safety. Moreover, as cities around the world face the dilemma of urban congestion and migration, ITS provides the solution. The three giants in this regard are the US, Europe and Japan, who have developed the ITS architecture and are continuingly underway for developing and testing new technologies. The developing countries now have the opportunity to provide for the essentials for the deployment of ITS and work on already established standards on ITS. The role of the local governments in this regard is crucial. The government needs to build the capacity of the employees to ensure that they are able to work on the new components of the ITS. Similarly, an institutional setup has to be proposed to develop and establish a wing for the development of ITS and technological requirements to ensure that the data transfer and sharing is adequately provided. The paper presents the solution of a step-by-step approach for such deployment and uses the case of Pakistan to illustrate examples on how to work. The institutional setup is the main requirement for the deployment of ITS in Pakistan, as there is no single ministry for transportation and all the authorities have been devolved to the provincial governments. An architectural setup for the deployment of ITS has also been proposed in the paper and will ensure that work proceeds efficiently.

Paper Title

An Architectural Design of an Integrated Platform for U-City

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01018
  • Mun Kyu Lee
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


As development of system integration (SI) technology and desires of general residents for welfare are increased, interests in u-City are increasing. Suggested structure until now of integration platform, which is a core element of U City technology, is too technical or on...Lead moreAs development of system integration (SI) technology and desires of general residents for welfare are increased, interests in u-City are increasing. Suggested structure until now of integration platform, which is a core element of U City technology, is too technical or only general concept was listed. In this thesis, architecture of "U-City integration platform," which is a core element of urban control and u-service realization of U-City, will be re-defined and shall make it as the standard for understanding of development and integration platform.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01015
  • Sung-Jin Lee
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


In this paper, we analyze the contents of interface standard document applied to Hi-Pass system related communication protocols that should be observed or noted by all means in implementing Hi-Pass system in Korea, and propose the new algorithm for the improved communicat...Lead moreIn this paper, we analyze the contents of interface standard document applied to Hi-Pass system related communication protocols that should be observed or noted by all means in implementing Hi-Pass system in Korea, and propose the new algorithm for the improved communication protocol that can cut Hi-Pass communication processing time by analyzing operation systems by the lane types of tollgates.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01008
  • Jung-Sik Lee
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Vehicle classification in expressway is operated by 6-category classification, highway operator charge a differential toll to user by category. Automated vehicle classification(AVC) system in operation was changed 5-category classification system to 6-category classificat...Lead moreVehicle classification in expressway is operated by 6-category classification, highway operator charge a differential toll to user by category. Automated vehicle classification(AVC) system in operation was changed 5-category classification system to 6-category classification system by adding category 6, micro cars made by discounting 50% of category 1 since 1996. The 50% discount, which applied to only 800cc, has been expanded to less than 1,000cc since Jan. 2008. Since then, the new micro cars of 999cc were classified into category 1 by the vehicle classification system. As a result, the chances of eluding toll are getting higher and users’ complaints increase. To solve the problems, we propose the improved toll collection system that can classify the new micro cars by recognizing car license plate in entry station of closed tollgate.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01007
  • Mohit Sindhwani
  • Quantum Inventions
  • Singapore


The Singapore Traffic Information Platform (TRIP) was developed in 2008 under a technical collaboration between the Land Transport Authority of Singapore and Quantum Inventions. The objective of TRIP is to provide consumers, enterprises and vendors with real-time traffic ...Lead moreThe Singapore Traffic Information Platform (TRIP) was developed in 2008 under a technical collaboration between the Land Transport Authority of Singapore and Quantum Inventions. The objective of TRIP is to provide consumers, enterprises and vendors with real-time traffic information to be directly used for dynamic route guidance applications. This has an impact in the form of reduced road congestion as motorists are diverted away from traffic bottlenecks, increasing road safety and satisfaction amongst motorists from the enhanced experience, whilst addressing environmental concerns. In this project, a pilot trial was conducted to evaluate the reliability and effectiveness of processed traffic information. Reported data was correlated with data collected through real drives to determine the similarity between the two. Simulations were performed to estimate the effect of traffic-aware routing on overall travel time. Since its implementation, processed data from TRIP has powered numerous free as well as commercial, traffic-aware applications and solutions in Singapore. These include an RDS-TMC service, mobile applications for traffic advisory, a Twitter feed, display on web maps, and use in online and in-vehicle traffic-aware routing and navigation. In this paper, we share our experience in the development and deployment of TRIP, discussing the salient points of TRIP, in the use and processing of road traffic data collected by LTA to provide standardized machine-interoperable traffic information to in-vehicle systems over wireless media. We also share the results from the pilot trial drives and discuss the challenges and outcomes in providing services and applications to consumers.

Paper Title

Information Technology application to Unified Operation Center for Bimodal Tram

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01005
  • KRRI
  • Republic of Korea


Information Technology application to Unified Operation Center for Bimodal TramInformation Technology application to Unified Operation Center for Bimodal Tram

Paper Title

Construction of Wireless Controlled PSD of Smart Station for Bimodal Tram

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01003
  • KRRI
  • Republic of Korea


PSD(Passenger Screen Door) is playing a important role for preventing the dangerous situation such as suicide, misstep and dus contamination of passengers in the train station. Generally, PSD is interlocked with the door system of tram via the wired communication line in ...Lead morePSD(Passenger Screen Door) is playing a important role for preventing the dangerous situation such as suicide, misstep and dus contamination of passengers in the train station. Generally, PSD is interlocked with the door system of tram via the wired communication line in the train system. Bimodal tram is also served as a public transportation like the train. Smart station is a part of bimodal tram system which includes the operating center, image supervisory system. It is providing good comfort and convenience to the passengers. This paper has shown the construction of a wireless PSD system installed on the smart station which is controlled by the driver in the vehicle.

Paper Title

Evaluation of Phase Force-off Methods in Coordinated-Actuated Arterial Operations

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00997
  • Seong Namkoong
  • Korea Expressway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


Traffic controllers employ force-offs as an alternative way to adjust the phase splits according to actual traffic conditions in the field. This paper describes the detailed operational mechanisms of the force-off modes used in traffic signal controllers and CORSIM. In ad...Lead moreTraffic controllers employ force-offs as an alternative way to adjust the phase splits according to actual traffic conditions in the field. This paper describes the detailed operational mechanisms of the force-off modes used in traffic signal controllers and CORSIM. In addition, the delay performance of four force-off modes has been examined through simulation experiments under the coordinated-actuated signal operations environment. According to the simulation results, the fixed force-off mode showed the best performance for all volume-to-capacity ratios, and when considering short-term fluctuations in traffic volume, the fixed force-off mode again outperformed the floating force-off and CORSIM-embedded modes for the demand variations considered in this study. The results support that the fixed force-off mode is suitable for coordinated-actuated signal operations.

Paper Title

Market Segmentation Modeling of Telematics Services for Urban Car Drivers Using Support Vector Machine Method

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00994
  • Chi-Chung Tao
  • Tamkang University
  • Taiwan


An integrated approach based on innovation adoption model and lifestyle theory for customer segmentation of Telematics service content for urban car drivers using support vector machine method is proposed. Due to high daily trips and different car types Taipei metropolita...Lead moreAn integrated approach based on innovation adoption model and lifestyle theory for customer segmentation of Telematics service content for urban car drivers using support vector machine method is proposed. Due to high daily trips and different car types Taipei metropolitan area is chosen as the case study. Firstly, the content of Telematics service for urban car drivers are identified as the segmentation variable and key factor facets for Telematics service content are renamed by using factor analysis. Then, the SVM method is used to classify customer groups which are named by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and market segmentations are described with demographic, lifestyle and car patronage variables by using cross analysis and Chi-squared independence tests. Finally, this paper discusses empirical results to provide valuable implications for better Telematics service content marketing strategies in the future.

Paper Title

A Comparative Study of ITS progress method between Korea and Colombia

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00993
  • Jae-Uoong KIM
  • Korea Expressway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


This Study is about Comparison of ITS progress method between Republic of Korea(Korea) and Republic of Colombia(Colombia). A lot of conturies have went ahead ITS policy and projects. But there are many different method to achieve their goal because of social, culture, leg...Lead moreThis Study is about Comparison of ITS progress method between Republic of Korea(Korea) and Republic of Colombia(Colombia). A lot of conturies have went ahead ITS policy and projects. But there are many different method to achieve their goal because of social, culture, legal and economic factors. Therefore, this study will provide a useful information to contury or city that want to install ITS. And it gives a idea of optimal progress method. Korea has grew up in IT industries with traditional industries. Especially ITS is more running up in Korea after ITS World Congress 1998 at Seoul. The congress changed in Korea ITS society of legal, policy, system, education, Technical cooperation, Grand project. Colombia is growing seamless in economy. Colombia is progressing ITS projects through economy power. We can see the difference of progress method between two coutries. Korea and Colombia is really different to continental and growth base. Therefore, this study give a good suggestion to the policy maker how to progress about ITS

Paper Title

The Research of Bi-directional Pedestrian Platoon Crossing Mechanism at Signalized Intersection

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00992
  • Hui Zhang
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


This paper studies the two-phase and multiple events pedestrian platoon crossing mechanism at the interaction of bi-directional pedestrian at signalized intersection, consider the medium and high pedestrian density case, to be applied to the design of mixed traffic manage...Lead moreThis paper studies the two-phase and multiple events pedestrian platoon crossing mechanism at the interaction of bi-directional pedestrian at signalized intersection, consider the medium and high pedestrian density case, to be applied to the design of mixed traffic management to increase the operational efficiency. It selects the typical signal controlled intersections in Beijing CBD area and Shenzhen core region, gathering the image material of the pedestrians, applies the technique of video analysis. Thus, to apply simi software to analyze the operation trajectory, and obtain the statistics of the characteristic parameters such as walking speed and side displacement under different conditions. The microcosmic characteristics of pedestrian unity and mid-scope characteristics of pedestrian platoon within limited flexible space are studied thoroughly.

Paper Title

A Study on Combined GPS/GLONASS RTK Receiver using Embedded Platform and Field Test Results in Urban Area

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00988
  • Byung-Hyun Lee
  • Konkuk University
  • Republic of Korea


In these days, land vehicles demand more accurate and reliable GNSS receivers. Especially in urban area, there are many tall buildings and it makes wide-shadow area, thus the GNSS receivers have low reliability, availability, and integrity. But combined GPS/GLONASS is exp...Lead moreIn these days, land vehicles demand more accurate and reliable GNSS receivers. Especially in urban area, there are many tall buildings and it makes wide-shadow area, thus the GNSS receivers have low reliability, availability, and integrity. But combined GPS/GLONASS is expected to reduce these problems of satellite navigation. In the previous research, combined GPS/GLONASS receiver enhanced the probability of obtaining position from 87% to 98% using standalone algorithm in Teheran Street, Seoul, Korea. And RTK algorithm can improve the positioning accuracy. But for RTK algorithm, the wireless network to receive the observations from base station should be peaceful. And phase measurements have to be acquired stably. Unfortunately, it's very difficult in urban. That’s why the positioning results by various algorithms have to be given. Navigation performance based on embedded board must be evaluated. Because navigation algorithm for land vehicles should be operated using embedded board with low CPU in real time. In this paper, combined GPS/GLONASS RTK receiver for embedded platform was implemented and evaluated by driving experiment in urban area. In the experiment, positioning results was calculated using Evaluation Kit using RMI AU1250 CPU in real time.

Paper Title

Economic Impact Analysis of the 17th Busan ITS World Congress

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00987
  • Won Gyu LEE
  • Busan Development Indtitute
  • Republic of Korea


This paper estimates the economic impacts of the 17th ITS World Congress on a host city, Busan's economy. Input-Out analysis is employed in order to estimate the impacts. The impacts are estimated in two accounts: Participants expenditure and Expenditure by Organizing Com...Lead moreThis paper estimates the economic impacts of the 17th ITS World Congress on a host city, Busan's economy. Input-Out analysis is employed in order to estimate the impacts. The impacts are estimated in two accounts: Participants expenditure and Expenditure by Organizing Committee (OG). Three scenarios reflecting different levels of expenditures by OG and success in attracting participants and visitors are assumed. The impacts are measured in terms of production (sales volume), value added and employments (jobs). The result of this paper shows that the Congress will bring a very positive impact on Busan's economy, especially on employments.

Paper Title

A Hierachical Framework For Taiwan’s ITS Deployments Using Matrix Analysis

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00984
  • Chi-Chung Tao
  • Tamkang University
  • Taiwan


Matrix analysis is the first component of the Policy-Plan-Program-Project (4P) evaluation process that will be used to guide development of Taiwan’s ITS strategic plan.Matrix analysis is a screening tool that facilitates the identification of relationships between regiona...Lead moreMatrix analysis is the first component of the Policy-Plan-Program-Project (4P) evaluation process that will be used to guide development of Taiwan’s ITS strategic plan.Matrix analysis is a screening tool that facilitates the identification of relationships between regional goals, nationally mandated planning factors and National ITS Master Plans. Using best professional judgment, staff identified the goals and planning factors impacted by deployment of each user service of the National ITS Master Plans. User services were then sorted into four categories on the basis of cumulative impacts.Its purpose is not to create a bright line between user services worthy of further evaluation and those that fail to address priority needs. The purpose is to provide a starting point for discussion of the relative merits of a broad variety of ITS user services and applications.

Paper Title

ITS FOT Plan in Kashiwa City, Japan

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00983
  • Shinji Tanaka
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


Kashiwa city was adopted as one of ITS model cities by the Cabinet Office in Japan in June 2009. Advanced Mobility Research Center, The University of Tokyo is collaborating with Kashiwa City Office, several research institutes and private companies to promote and realize ...Lead moreKashiwa city was adopted as one of ITS model cities by the Cabinet Office in Japan in June 2009. Advanced Mobility Research Center, The University of Tokyo is collaborating with Kashiwa City Office, several research institutes and private companies to promote and realize various ITS applications and FOT in this area. This paper introduces the outline of this project and some of the specific applications planned in this FOT.

Paper Title

A study on the calculation method of Greenhouse gas in Road

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00982
  • Dong Hee HAN
  • Expressway & Transportation Research Institute
  • Republic of Korea


This paper contains the calculation method of greenhouse gas, especially Carbon Dioxide(CO2). In general, there are some methods to calculate the quantity of greenhouse gases in road. However, these methods did not contain further accuracy and had many assumptions for cal...Lead moreThis paper contains the calculation method of greenhouse gas, especially Carbon Dioxide(CO2). In general, there are some methods to calculate the quantity of greenhouse gases in road. However, these methods did not contain further accuracy and had many assumptions for calculating the quantity of greenhouse gas. We tried to improve accuracy in calculation method and consider characteristics of vehicles such as a kind of cars, speed and a variety of fuels. In order to improve calculation accuracy, we proposed "tier 2 and 3 method" in computing CO2 emission. Also, we adjusted above two methods to calculate CO2 emission in test site(Nam-Bu arterial). As a result, there are few differences in two methods. The result applied tier 2 method is 0.1% lower than the result adjusted tier 3 method. We hope the our research can help your understand to measuring CO2 emission by considering vehicle's activities.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00981
  • Changliang Yuan
  • Research institute of Highway Ministry of Transport
  • China


The paper proposed a new coordinated control strategy used for relieving traffic congestion in the scope of exit-ramp of the Expressway. The queue of auxiliary convergence road is selected as monitoring variable in the coordinated control strategy, and downstream intersec...Lead moreThe paper proposed a new coordinated control strategy used for relieving traffic congestion in the scope of exit-ramp of the Expressway. The queue of auxiliary convergence road is selected as monitoring variable in the coordinated control strategy, and downstream intersection cycle, split and auxiliary road green time are calculated. The control variables small-step adjustment algorithm is presented. The throughput flow duration of exit-ramp by the coordinated control strategy decreases at least 10% than by the fixed control strategy. Combined with road network delay data, the simulation results show the effectiveness of the coordinated control strategy.

Paper Title

Traffic Safety Augmented ITS for a Frequent Foggy Road

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00976
  • Wan-chol Ho
  • Samsung SDS
  • Republic of Korea


Most of ITS projects have focused mainly on 3 modules, such as data gathering, analysis/processing and providing of traffic information. In case of bad weather like a frequent and dense fog condition, some active method is necessary to improve traffic safety. In this pape...Lead moreMost of ITS projects have focused mainly on 3 modules, such as data gathering, analysis/processing and providing of traffic information. In case of bad weather like a frequent and dense fog condition, some active method is necessary to improve traffic safety. In this paper, an implementation case study of a traffic safety augmented ITS using remote controlled and PV(PhotoVoltaic) powered high intensity fog lamps in a frequent foggy road of Gyeong-gi province, Korea as is presented. This system is expected to be not only a service-oriented ITS but also eco-friendly system.

Paper Title

Automatic Guidance Control of an Articulated-All Wheel Steered Vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00975
  • Young Chol Kim
  • Chungbuk National University
  • Republic of Korea


This paper presents the design of a low-order controller for lateral guidance of an all wheel steered, single articulated vehicle which is currently being developed by the Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI). The vehicle has independent drives on each wheel except fo...Lead moreThis paper presents the design of a low-order controller for lateral guidance of an all wheel steered, single articulated vehicle which is currently being developed by the Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI). The vehicle has independent drives on each wheel except for the front axle. The main objectives of controller are to automatically steer the vehicle so as to follow the given reference path within permissible lateral deviations. We have used a three input-three output linearised model which is derived from the nonlinear vehicle dynamic model. For the purpose of making the controller be simple and tunable, a decentralized low-order control configuration is considered and has been designed by using the characteristic ratio assign (CRA) method. It is shown by simulation results applied to the nonlinear dynamic model that the resulting linear controller achieves the design objectives successfully.

Paper Title

Driver's Perception Reaction Time for Road Design

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00974
  • Bongjo Chung
  • korea expressway corporation
  • Republic of Korea


In order to adopt and develop state-of-the-art technology for roads, the overall review of human factors as well as physical factors for road design should be performed. The most important thing that must be considered in terms of human factors is Perception Reaction Time...Lead moreIn order to adopt and develop state-of-the-art technology for roads, the overall review of human factors as well as physical factors for road design should be performed. The most important thing that must be considered in terms of human factors is Perception Reaction Time (PRT). In this paper, factors that need to be improved and an improvement direction in the PRT applied for road design in Korea are proposed based on several research results and foreign cases. In particular, schemes for the improvement of an increase in elderly drivers and the amount of information were mainly proposed.

Paper Title

Roundabout Metering: Simulation and Reality

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00970
  • Glenn Geers
  • Australia


Simulations are widely used to judge the efficacy of proposed traffic control system implementations yet the performance of deployed systems with previous simulations is rarely documented. In this paper the simulated performance of a metered roundabout is compared to the ...Lead moreSimulations are widely used to judge the efficacy of proposed traffic control system implementations yet the performance of deployed systems with previous simulations is rarely documented. In this paper the simulated performance of a metered roundabout is compared to the measured performance achieved by the deployed system.

Paper Title

Active Pedestrian Protection System, Project Review

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00966
  • Ho gi Jung
  • Yonsei University
  • Republic of Korea


This paper introduces active pedestrian protection system (APPS) project, which was fulfilled during last three years (Nov. 2006 ? Oct. 2009) and supported by ministry of knowledge economy (MKE) of Korean government, and then summarizes its achievements. To reduce the num...Lead moreThis paper introduces active pedestrian protection system (APPS) project, which was fulfilled during last three years (Nov. 2006 ? Oct. 2009) and supported by ministry of knowledge economy (MKE) of Korean government, and then summarizes its achievements. To reduce the number and severity of vehicle-pedestrian accident by active safety vehicle (ASV), false alarm rate should be minimized. For this purpose, we developed critical area-centered pedestrian detection system which recognized locations of parked vehicles along the road-side then investigated only areas behind the parked vehicles. After evaluating four different approaches, sensor fusion of near infrared (NIR) vision and scanning laser radar was selected as the optimal. Although feasibility of braking and suspension for pedestrian protection was evaluated, only braking was proved to be useful.

Paper Title

A Study on Analysis of Driver's Visual Behavior on the VMS Message Display Form

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00965
  • Kun chan Lee
  • Hanbat National University
  • Republic of Korea


With constant economic growth and enhancement of standard of living of people, rapid social development and urbanization have caused urban traffic problems. The urban traffic problems can be defined as general problems for smooth traffic flow including maintenance of mass...Lead moreWith constant economic growth and enhancement of standard of living of people, rapid social development and urbanization have caused urban traffic problems. The urban traffic problems can be defined as general problems for smooth traffic flow including maintenance of mass transportation system according to suddenly increased population, traffic regulations for vehicles and pollution problem. As a method for solving traffic jams, one of the traffic problems of late, interest in Intelligent Traffic System(ITS) is increasing sharply, which is a system managing traffic demand by providing passers with information on traffic state of path and road conditions before they pass the road through ATIS, a field of ITS. Methods for providing Information for passers are traffic broadcasting, variable message signs, Internet and ARS, especially broadcasting media and variable message signs are mainly used. Variable message signs(VMS) is used on the roads as a method for providing information to promote smooth traffic flow and safety and prevent traffic accidents in advance by providing drivers with various information while driving. Recently, as ITS industry has been vitalized and technical factors of VMS have developed, various kinds of information is provided but the effect of VMS has not been maximized due to its limited type. Therefore, this study intends to provide methods for effective information transfer by analyzing driver's visual behavior characteristics for VMS and presenting a basis for maximizing VMS effect after considering read by expression type.

Paper Title

A Wireless Mesh Network with TDMA Schem

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00963
  • Dong Seog Han
  • Kyungpook National University
  • Republic of Korea


The ubiquitous ? transportation sensor network (u-TSN) is a network to provide traffic information to vehicles. There are a control center, infrastructures, and vehicle communication modules in the u-TSN. In this paper, a MAC protocol with TDMA scheme is proposed to commu...Lead moreThe ubiquitous ? transportation sensor network (u-TSN) is a network to provide traffic information to vehicles. There are a control center, infrastructures, and vehicle communication modules in the u-TSN. In this paper, a MAC protocol with TDMA scheme is proposed to communicate between the center and infrastructures for the wireless mesh network. The proposed scheme can enhance the communication capacity by about 70 % over the conventional CSMA/CA.

Paper Title

The Effect in Appling HDCCTV Solution to ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00960
  • Chang-Hoon Seol
  • Republic of Korea


To infrastructure the effective ITS in this information society, clear and real time transmission is necessary for every traffic situation. In the point of view, HDCCTV Solution which converts and transfers from SMPTE to HD-SDI is proper system for ITS infrastructure. The...Lead moreTo infrastructure the effective ITS in this information society, clear and real time transmission is necessary for every traffic situation. In the point of view, HDCCTV Solution which converts and transfers from SMPTE to HD-SDI is proper system for ITS infrastructure. The problems like blurring and delaying on video are occurred in network transmission. But, there’s no problems like those on the video since HDCCTV solution applies uncompressed data transmission. In result, high quality video of HD/Full-HD is transferred in real time so that it is possible to make appropriate and effective ITS by giving instant analysis and information offering.

Paper Title

Validation Scheme for Traffic Simulation to Estimate Environmental Impacts in 'Energy-ITS Project'

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00958
  • Ryota Horiguchi
  • i-Transport Lab. Co., Ltd.
  • Japan


From FY2008, 'Energy ITS Project' organized by NEDO Japan was launched. One of the major purpose of the project is to establish the rational procedure to estimate the CO2 emission from road traffic. In this paper, we will introduce the outline of the project and the basic...Lead moreFrom FY2008, 'Energy ITS Project' organized by NEDO Japan was launched. One of the major purpose of the project is to establish the rational procedure to estimate the CO2 emission from road traffic. In this paper, we will introduce the outline of the project and the basic concept of 'rational' use of traffic simulation and CO2 emission models based on model verification and validation scheme.

Paper Title

Development of High-performance Roadside Barrier using Computer Simulation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00957
  • Dongseong Kim
  • Kongju National University
  • Republic of Korea


Recent studies on road safety facilities have focused on using computer crash simulation technology to gain a better understanding of the behavior of the road safety facility when subjected to vehicular impact. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of e...Lead moreRecent studies on road safety facilities have focused on using computer crash simulation technology to gain a better understanding of the behavior of the road safety facility when subjected to vehicular impact. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of existing domestic high-performance roadside barrier by applying finite element analysis and to give improvement to satisfy the condition of a more severe crash. KEC-SB5-02 was chosen among existing domestic high-performance rated barriers (SB5) as the target model to be analyzed. KEC-SB5-02 roadside barrier improved the safety performance and aesthetics of the conventional W-type and Thrie-type beam roadside barrier model, it consists of reinforced steel pipe posts with 2m spacing and two C-type cross beam. A finite element model of KEC-SB5-02 roadside barrier was developed and its adequacy was evaluated through calibration and actual vehicle crash test results. Computer simulations for a variety of impact conditions considering occupant safety were made to determine the maximum impact conditions of the KEC-SB5-02 barrier, these are 1300kg for impact mass, impact velocity of 110km/h and impact angle of 20 degree. Impact Conditions of SMART Highway Road safety Facilities suggested impact conditions to minimize the degree of damage and punctuality and safety after car-barrier collisions for a highway with a design speed of more than 120km/h.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00956
  • Dongsoo Kang
  • Road Traffic Safety Authority
  • Republic of Korea


Current countermeasures for traffic safety in frequently foggy areas are limited to visual guide facilities for drivers and the provision of general warning and/or speed reduction information. Recently, ITS applications have begun to provide information through Variable M...Lead moreCurrent countermeasures for traffic safety in frequently foggy areas are limited to visual guide facilities for drivers and the provision of general warning and/or speed reduction information. Recently, ITS applications have begun to provide information through Variable Message Signs (VMS) and the Lane Control Systems (LCS) recommending 20% or 50% speed reductions because of poor visibility. There are three possible kinds of countermeasures against fog such as removing the fog, improving visibility, and giving guidance regarding speed reduction. The removal of fog is regarded as impractical, and the ability to improve visibility is low. It is then desirable and practical to evaluate the thickness of the fog, provide information on the fog, and give appropriate driving guidance to drivers. This study suggests additional traffic safety countermeasures such as a variable speed guidance system (VSGS) be used on the ITS in foggy conditions. The safe speeds can be determined by the method developed in this study.

Paper Title

Position and orientation estimation of an Articulated vehicle - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00955
  • Lee Yongsang
  • Chungbuk National Univ.
  • Republic of Korea


Position and orientation estimation based on magnet marker measurement system(MMS), wheel encoders and steering angle sensor for all-wheel steered single articulated vehicle. MMS data offer absolute position information. In addition to MMS, the vehicle equipped with six w...Lead morePosition and orientation estimation based on magnet marker measurement system(MMS), wheel encoders and steering angle sensor for all-wheel steered single articulated vehicle. MMS data offer absolute position information. In addition to MMS, the vehicle equipped with six wheel encoders to provide information on wheels of velocity and body-slip angle of vehicle. From these information, we can consist of position and orientation estimation algorithm based on vehicle kinematic model. In addition to estimation algorithm, we present some other methods to determine initial position and orientation for estimation algorithm when some error occurred in MMS data or magnet sensor can't detect some magnets. The results and analysis of simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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Comparison of Crossing Incidents Gathered from Drive Recorders in Three Regions

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00954
  • Hidekazu Shirai
  • Akita Prefectural University
  • Japan


It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of active safety measures to reduce traffic accidents based on accident data without scenario leading to an accident. Incident data (near-miss data) gathered from drive recorders become to be utilized instead of accident data....Lead moreIt is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of active safety measures to reduce traffic accidents based on accident data without scenario leading to an accident. Incident data (near-miss data) gathered from drive recorders become to be utilized instead of accident data. In this paper, incident data sets of the three regions, Tokyo 23 wards, Shizuoka city, and Yurihonjo city, are used. The data collected in a specific region has its own particular characteristics of the region. Data sets of some representative regions with variety of features are required to estimate the effectiveness of active safety measures in all Japan accidents. This paper first introduces two incident databases for the three regions, then describes the characteristic of crossing incident in the regions, and proposes traffic safety countermeasures for them.

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Effect of Combined Stimuli to raise Driver vigilance -Using Vibration and Auditory Stimulus-

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00949
  • Ryota Kawamura
  • Aichi Prefectural University
  • Japan


Recent years have seen many studies of the detection and the evaluation of drivers’ drowsiness. Although various systems to detect drowsy driving have been installed in vehicles, only to detect drivers’ drowsiness is not enough to keep safety driving. Therefore ways of st...Lead moreRecent years have seen many studies of the detection and the evaluation of drivers’ drowsiness. Although various systems to detect drowsy driving have been installed in vehicles, only to detect drivers’ drowsiness is not enough to keep safety driving. Therefore ways of stimulating the drivers’ vigilance (by delaying the creeping drowsiness) are in the spotlight. This paper describes a method where we propose combining steering wheel vibration with the auditory stimulus for the drowsy drivers to raise their vigilance upon the stimulus. We carried out experiments on driver vigilance as understood from the physiological signals, using a driving simulator. As a result, the blink duration was decreased because of the given stimulus combined with steering wheel vibration and sound. And, the progress of driver’s drowsiness was delayed by about 2.5 times compared with the case when no stimulus was given. Combined stimuli were also found to be more effective than by a single stimulus.

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The Development of Parking Support System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00947
  • Jun Kadowaki
  • AISIN SEIKI Co., Ltd.
  • Japan


A desirable human-machine interface (HMI) for a parking support system according to the drivers’ characteristics should be taken into account as a key issue. An evaluation of driver’s behavior while parking into garage without any parking support system was performed focu...Lead moreA desirable human-machine interface (HMI) for a parking support system according to the drivers’ characteristics should be taken into account as a key issue. An evaluation of driver’s behavior while parking into garage without any parking support system was performed focusing on the variation of the behavioral characteristics by driver’s skill level. The evaluation result shows that the improvements of the system performance reduces the mental load and burden, and the time needed for parking in significance level of 5%.

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Countermeasures against traffic accidents by wrong way

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00946
  • Masato Tatsumi
  • West Nippon Expressway Company Ltd.
  • Japan


In Japan, there are about one thousand reports of sighting that a car is driving the wrong way on expressways for a year. In fact accidents by wrong way driving occurred at the rate of about twenty times per year and most of those are serious accidents. From 2003 to 2007 ...Lead moreIn Japan, there are about one thousand reports of sighting that a car is driving the wrong way on expressways for a year. In fact accidents by wrong way driving occurred at the rate of about twenty times per year and most of those are serious accidents. From 2003 to 2007 there have been 84 accidents caused by wrong way driving on expressways operated by NEXCO-WEST. Among those case, 54 accidents of the cases include casualties and injuries and among 75 accident cases known the age data, 34 cases were caused by drivers aged 65 or over. Considering Japan’s rapidly aging society, Taking countermeasures against traffic accidents by wrong way on expressways is very important. NEXCO-WEST is making various efforts on reducing wrong way driving case. For example, we have settled post cones between ramp and expressway and painted arrows on the roadway surface. But it is not enough to prevent wrong way driving cases. So we have been taking countermeasures using ITS technology against traffic accidents by wrong way. One of the countermeasures is a wrong way drive prevention device using warring sign and sensors. the others are innovative countermeasures in developmental or planning phase. In this paper we explain it.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00945
  • JaeHyun Lee
  • KyungBong
  • Republic of Korea


BIT(Bus Information Terminal) service providing estimated arrival time of buses, and Internet Service supplying the shortest route of the network of public transportation enable people to use public transportation more conveniently. However, BIT is intended for unspecifie...Lead moreBIT(Bus Information Terminal) service providing estimated arrival time of buses, and Internet Service supplying the shortest route of the network of public transportation enable people to use public transportation more conveniently. However, BIT is intended for unspecified individuals only and Internet Service is limited for the areas outside public transportation network. This article is about a system designed for specified individuals with the use of remote control , BIT at bus stops and in-car BIT. The system provides an user with the distance, fair, route and time information about the travel. The system presented in this article constructs personalized public transportation applicable in ubiquitous era, and proves its *functionality through PPTIS

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An Adaptive Handover Prediction Technique for Next-Generation Navigation Systems - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00944
  • Woojin Ahn
  • Yonsei University
  • Republic of Korea


Recently, advanced car navigation systems combined with advanced communication systems have been grown rapidly, identified as a key technology for digital convergence. To support high-quality service to User Equipments equipped in vehicles, fast and seamless handover must...Lead moreRecently, advanced car navigation systems combined with advanced communication systems have been grown rapidly, identified as a key technology for digital convergence. To support high-quality service to User Equipments equipped in vehicles, fast and seamless handover must be guaranteed in high-speed mobility condition. In this paper, we propose a handover prediction technique for next-generation navigation systems. We introduce a geometric method to select the essential reporting information for sBS to estimate the best handover candidate cell using navigating information. And the condition for the handover prediction trigger is also determined. The objective of the proposed technique is to minimize the number of reporting events for handover while improved accuracy of the handover prediction including the handover candidate cell and the handover timing.

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Estimation and Analysis of GHG Emission on Expressway Construction

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00943
  • HyeMook Lee
  • Korea Expressway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


We don't usually consider Green House Gas emission on construction process. But we have to reduce GHG emission at construction process to protect earth environment. If we know GHG emission which items and how much, we maybe reduce GHG emission. This treatise is presenting...Lead moreWe don't usually consider Green House Gas emission on construction process. But we have to reduce GHG emission at construction process to protect earth environment. If we know GHG emission which items and how much, we maybe reduce GHG emission. This treatise is presenting an example of Green House Gas emission Emission on Expressway Construction. Perhaps road desingers need this reference treatise in road plan process.

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Development of High-tech Walking-aid system through unions of 2D barcode and braille block for the blind and visually impaired

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00942
  • Wan-Ki Kim
  • HuNS Inc.
  • Republic of Korea


According to a survey performed in 2002 by WHO, there are over 161 millions of visually disabled persons throughout the world. There are various types of accessories researched to aid the like of these many visually disabled persons. Especially, there are various method r...Lead moreAccording to a survey performed in 2002 by WHO, there are over 161 millions of visually disabled persons throughout the world. There are various types of accessories researched to aid the like of these many visually disabled persons. Especially, there are various method researched such as absolute coordinate recognition using GPS, distance recognition using a ultrasonic sensor or camera, position recognition methods using USN or ZigBee, etc., which are suitable for the visually disabled persons who should recognize their surrounding environments by leaning on their sense of touch and grasp the route of their destination. However, the position recognition method using a communication device catches the exact position via electromagnetic wave interference or has a limited use range. In order to overcome this limit, this research tried to use a two-dimensional barcode method that is accurate in input, simple in systems, and costfree in maintenance. Direction and position information and routes were made to be written by applying a two-dimensional barcode to the existing braille point blocks for the visually disabled. And a COMS type of subminiature camera applicable to a cell phone due to its small power consumption was attached to a blind stick. The attached COMS camera was made to realize a system of preventing the separation of braille point blocks for the visually disabled by tracking the braille point blocks for the visually disabled in real time and predicting the route, and a position information provision system by recognizing the information of a two-dimensional barcode.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00941
  • Takami Aoyagi
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
  • Japan


Vehicle detectors are essential for traffic flow controls such as traffic flow measurement, vehicle speed measurement and gap-actuated control. On the other hand, the smoother traffic brings traffic safety (by alleviating driver stress) and reduces environmental impact, t...Lead moreVehicle detectors are essential for traffic flow controls such as traffic flow measurement, vehicle speed measurement and gap-actuated control. On the other hand, the smoother traffic brings traffic safety (by alleviating driver stress) and reduces environmental impact, the benefit of which can be shared by society at large. This paper discusses the importance of vehicle detectors used for various purposes and the smoother traffic flow to be brought about by their effective operation and maintenance.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00940
  • Masayuki Kurosawa
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
  • Japan


Metropolitan Tokyo is a megacity with 12,838,000 residents, 7,338,000 license holders (57% of the population) and 5,315,000 vehicles (as of the end of 2009) and, at the same time, the capital city serving as the center of national politics and economy. The Tokyo Metropoli...Lead moreMetropolitan Tokyo is a megacity with 12,838,000 residents, 7,338,000 license holders (57% of the population) and 5,315,000 vehicles (as of the end of 2009) and, at the same time, the capital city serving as the center of national politics and economy. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is responsible for maintenance of public safety and order in Tokyo and realizing safe and comfortable road traffic is part of such responsibility. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Traffic Control Center is the core facility established for this purpose. The Traffic Control Center collects and captures the road traffic information (traffic volume, congestion, traffic accidents, road constructions, etc) across Metropolitan Tokyo in real time, for provision to drivers and for use in traffic control by regulating traffic lights. In today’s society where vehicles are used for transportation and commodity distribution to support our social life, the role the Traffic Control Center plays is significant and its full potential is requested to be maximized. The Road Traffic Control Console was developed for this purpose. The console which is equipped with many functions may be referred to as a “small traffic control center”

Paper Title

The Conceptual Framework of Automatic Tracking CCTV System for Tracing Incident Location

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP00939
  • Wan-Ki Kim
  • HuNS Inc.
  • Republic of Korea


this research is also aimed at developing algorism for data processing that enables an administrator to confirm the pattern of an abrupt situation by establishing a precise photographing system using a high-resolution camera for prompt detection of an abrupt situation, ex...Lead morethis research is also aimed at developing algorism for data processing that enables an administrator to confirm the pattern of an abrupt situation by establishing a precise photographing system using a high-resolution camera for prompt detection of an abrupt situation, extracting the coordinate value of an abrupt situation-affected point using GPS and GIS data on the road, and by getting a CCTV camera to automatically track the abrupt situation?affected point. the Attribute, Attitude toward Items, intention of Repeat Purchasing, and Others' intention of Recommendation of Professional Baseball Licensing Items of Clothing the Attribute, Attitude toward Items, intention of Repeat Purchasing, and Others' intention of Recommendation of Professional Baseball Licensing Items of Clothing As for the development environment for system establishment, this research set a one-kilometer section on a three-lane road as its detection target; then, this research came up with automatic tracking functions to make it possible to confirm within one minute after detecting an unexpected accident while doing research on the composition of system for automatic tracking, defining its function and doing study on algorism.