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Paper Title

Bus Information System Deployment On Sun-Cheon City

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01335
  • Lee Il
  • ITS Korea
  • Republic of Korea


Bus Information System Deployment On Sun-Cheon CityBus Information System Deployment On Sun-Cheon City

Paper Title

A Study on Services for the Smart Information &Traffic management System of a Smart Highway

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01331
  • Eun joo Hong
  • ITS Korea
  • Republic of Korea


SITMS can secure mobility, safety, reliability of the smart highway as the core system to realize the advanced information-oriented highway by communicational linking. In this paper, we will define the service for SITMS and the guidelines how to realize the services. The ...Lead moreSITMS can secure mobility, safety, reliability of the smart highway as the core system to realize the advanced information-oriented highway by communicational linking. In this paper, we will define the service for SITMS and the guidelines how to realize the services. The national ITS preference architecture is supported by the 7 service domains, 23 service groups and 47 services. SITMS service is supposed to lead the advanced traffic control and safe driving by real-time communication between road infrastructure and an individual car and we selected 18 major services with respect to the national ITS architecture and redefined the definitions properly to smart highway The 18 major services consist of 9 services for optimal traffic management, a service for electronic payment, 2 services for traffic information utilization, a service for advanced traveler information, 4 services for advanced vehicle and highway and a service for efficient commercial vehicle operation. In this study, we also defined service scenarios and the logical architecture to give shape to the service concepts. And finally, we defined the relationship between functions which organize a service to realize these.

Paper Title

Evalution of Traffic Flow Improvement through Implementation of Bus Information System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01328
  • Seungmin Kang
  • Urban & Road Traffic Engineering Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


It is known that stoppage times at signalized intersections cause the biggest errors in bus arrival time prediction for real-time BIS (Bus Information System) services and no particular method is proven successful so far. This study developed a prediction method that comp...Lead moreIt is known that stoppage times at signalized intersections cause the biggest errors in bus arrival time prediction for real-time BIS (Bus Information System) services and no particular method is proven successful so far. This study developed a prediction method that compares the forecasted bus travel times (from bus stop to intersection stop line) using the Kalman filtering technique with the state of green indications of traffic signals and then incorporates possible stoppage into a next link travel times. From field surveys and in-lab simulation, this new method was found superior to other conventional techniques showing an average of more than 200% improvement in prediction accuracy.

Paper Title

CrossWatch? - Real Time Accident Prevention

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01301
  • Oded Ilan
  • IAT
  • Israel


The CrossWatch? system monitors intersections and alerts drivers of impending dangers. Video sensors monitor the road from above and provide the system with a simple view of road situations. Details are then conveyed to subscribing vehicles via RF-link. The vehicle's on-b...Lead moreThe CrossWatch? system monitors intersections and alerts drivers of impending dangers. Video sensors monitor the road from above and provide the system with a simple view of road situations. Details are then conveyed to subscribing vehicles via RF-link. The vehicle's on-board unit analyzes the incoming information, creating a local perception of the situation as relevant for the position and intentions of the vehicle. In case of potential conflict or danger, the driver is immediately alerted.

Paper Title

Traffic Monitoring System and More in Jeju

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01292
  • Hyoungsoo Kim
  • Korea Institute of Construction Technology
  • Republic of Cote d' Ivoire


Jeju, the best attraction of sightseeing in Korea, is a beautiful volcano island located at South Sea. Since the mountain of Hanla is placed at the center of the island, most of lands were developed on the outskirt. Jeju consists of two cities, Jeju-si and Seogyupo-si loc...Lead moreJeju, the best attraction of sightseeing in Korea, is a beautiful volcano island located at South Sea. Since the mountain of Hanla is placed at the center of the island, most of lands were developed on the outskirt. Jeju consists of two cities, Jeju-si and Seogyupo-si located at north and south of the island. With the exception of Jeju-si and Seogyupo-si, most areas are rural. In Jeju, the Traffic Monitoring System (TMS) consisting of various devices has been built in 2006. The purpose of the TMS is to not only traffic monitoring in Jeju but also more such as traffic signal control and mountain road control.

Paper Title

An Analysis of Saccadic Eye Movement Using FFT for Assessing Vigilance Levels during Simulated Driving

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01290
  • Akinori Ueno
  • Tokyo Denki University
  • Japan


Frequency characteristics of accelerative waveform of saccade (SC) are focused as a candidate for a vigilance index and are discussed with respect to change in visually assessed facial sleepiness. An experiment of one-hour simulated driving was conducted for nine subjects...Lead moreFrequency characteristics of accelerative waveform of saccade (SC) are focused as a candidate for a vigilance index and are discussed with respect to change in visually assessed facial sleepiness. An experiment of one-hour simulated driving was conducted for nine subjects, and eye movement and facial video image were recorded. A power spectrum of the accelerative waveform of SC was calculated for each SC using fast Fourier transform (FFT). Facial sleepiness (FS) was assessed in five levels for every five seconds of the recorded facial video by two trained determiners. As a result, correlation coefficients between FS and a spectral power extracted from the SC was high level (r > 0.7) in three subjects and showed fair level (0.7 > r > 0.5) in four subjects.

Paper Title

Research for Construction of Intermodal Connectivity and Transfer System Test-Bed

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01288
  • Jin Nyung Hur
  • UST Co., Ltd.
  • Republic of Korea


In order to eliminate the metropolitan area’s transportation problem and urban traffic congestion problem, and to active the public transport to meet the green policy which has become a global issue, and also, in order to use the facility based on that public transport co...Lead moreIn order to eliminate the metropolitan area’s transportation problem and urban traffic congestion problem, and to active the public transport to meet the green policy which has become a global issue, and also, in order to use the facility based on that public transport conveniently, the transport connection and transport system is developing now. Several kinds of examinations and trial operations are need if some system developing comes to the practical step from the development phase, so some test bed with the check capability which is required by the system or service should be designed. So in this paper, in order to design the test bed for the transport connection transfer system which is better than the existed facility based information connection system, we will arrange a new transport connection transfer system conception, infrastructure design, operation, and information connection system design. And we will develop a model with the capability which is required by the test bed infrastructure based on analysis the existed example, and finally, we will introduce the content of the test bed infrastructure in this paper.

Paper Title

Event-Driven Decision Making System for Intermodal Connectivity Transfer Center

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01287
  • Jin Nyung Hur
  • UST Co., Ltd.
  • Republic of Korea


This paper demonstrates a methodology for establishment of the context awareness based intermodal connectivity along the event-driven decision making system for public transit transfer information and facilities. Incidents and/or accidents in the large scale of intermodal...Lead moreThis paper demonstrates a methodology for establishment of the context awareness based intermodal connectivity along the event-driven decision making system for public transit transfer information and facilities. Incidents and/or accidents in the large scale of intermodal transfer center including bus stops, access points to train stations, vehicles, and other points of interest are the key elements upon the event-driven issues. This study has been conducted under a national ITS project which develops test and evaluation methodologies for facility and information design in the test-bed center. The results from this approach yield the proposed system applicable to the management service for public transport system operators along the technologies and infrastructure in ubiquitous society, where a variety of services and business models has been considered to be a better quality service for providing the context awareness based intermodal connectivity system.

Paper Title

Development of Automated Platooning System based on Heavy Duty Trucks

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01286
  • Yoshitada Suzuki
  • Japan Automobile Reserch Institute
  • Japan


In May 2007, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued a report titled “Next-GenerationVehicle and Fuel Initiative.” In the report, METI laid out the idea of Japan pursuing efforts to become the world’s most environmentally-friendly motorized society a...Lead moreIn May 2007, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued a report titled “Next-GenerationVehicle and Fuel Initiative.” In the report, METI laid out the idea of Japan pursuing efforts to become the world’s most environmentally-friendly motorized society as one measure of the initiative, and proposed building a low carbon emission economy based on intelligent transport systems (ITS). (1) JARI and 14 organizations including universties,private sectors and national institutes in collaborative relationship have been developing advanced sensing technologies and vehicle control technologies in order to build feasible automated platoon system based on heavy duty trucks.The concept and system configuration of experiment trucks and described.

Paper Title

Trajectory Information-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks with Mobile Mesh Router

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01279
  • Hong-Jong Jeong
  • Kyungpook National University
  • Republic of Korea


Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) technologies can allow Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) networks to provide high-speed broadband access service with low cost as compared to cellular networks. In this paper, in order to extend the lifetime of route, we introduce a rou...Lead moreWireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) technologies can allow Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) networks to provide high-speed broadband access service with low cost as compared to cellular networks. In this paper, in order to extend the lifetime of route, we introduce a routing protocol which can discover the route having the longest life time, based on trajectory information of destination mobile router. Using NS-2 simulations, we observe that our proposed routing protocol contributes to reducing the duration of route breakage and the latency of route discoveries.

Paper Title

A Combined Reader Selection Method for Positioning Accuracy Improvement in Indoor WLAN Environment

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01278
  • Byeong Kang
  • Soon Chun Hyang University
  • Republic of Korea


There has been increasing interests on positioning of objects or users in wireless indoor environments for advanced context-aware services in recent years. For outdoor location, the Global Positioning Systems(GPS) is widely used and its performance is satisfying in terms ...Lead moreThere has been increasing interests on positioning of objects or users in wireless indoor environments for advanced context-aware services in recent years. For outdoor location, the Global Positioning Systems(GPS) is widely used and its performance is satisfying in terms of coverage and accuracy . However, GPS can not be used for indoor location applications due to lack of line-of-sight conditions between satellites and terminals on earth and additional hardware and infrastructure to cover overall inner building area. Since IEEE 802.11 based WLAN has widely distributed over the world and the received signal strength(RSS) can be easily obtained from MAC software, RSS-based indoor positioning system is becoming a important commercial solution mainly using the fingerprints scheme. In this paper, we consider a combined reader selection method for location estimation improvement and a WLAN system is implemented for measure the location estimation error. We made a testbed system to compare the performance of three kinds of selection method, that is, reference reader selection, random reader selection and combined reader selection method . With our proposed combined method, the experiments results showed that the accuracy of location estimation was improved.

Paper Title

Supporting Seamless Handover in an IEEE 802.11p-based Wireless Access System for SMART Highway

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01275
  • Hyukjoon Lee
  • Kwangwoon University
  • Republic of Korea


The main goals of SMART Highway project funded by the ministry of land, transportation and maritime affairs of Korea include the development of a fast L2 handover scheme to support real-time continuous media services such as short video clips of the traffic condition on h...Lead moreThe main goals of SMART Highway project funded by the ministry of land, transportation and maritime affairs of Korea include the development of a fast L2 handover scheme to support real-time continuous media services such as short video clips of the traffic condition on highway segments played on on-board displays. As the IEEE 802.11 was not originally designed to support seamless handover between APs, neither the IEEE 802.11p protocol specification does support seamless handover. Instead, the IEEE 802.11p supports fast establishment of physical links between RSUs and OBUs by removing the association and authentication procedures specified in the IEEE 802.11 protocol specification. In this paper, we propose a handover scheme that adopts the IEEE 802.11 reassociation message transmitted in the control channel to inform the new RSU in order to complete the handover operation. The IEEE 802.11f/r messages are also adopted to transfer the OBU’s context information. This scheme also includes proactive caching based on neighbor graphs.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01272
  • Soon Yong Park
  • Dankook University
  • Republic of Korea


This study was analyzed by conflicts of each vehicle and estimated by safety at toll-booth area. And existing toll booth system was modeled by micro-simulation VISSIM and evaluated by Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM). Measure of effectiveness was number of conflic...Lead moreThis study was analyzed by conflicts of each vehicle and estimated by safety at toll-booth area. And existing toll booth system was modeled by micro-simulation VISSIM and evaluated by Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM). Measure of effectiveness was number of conflicts at tollgate area for the safety. The result of the analysis shows that number of conflicts can be reduced by adjustment and addition of Hi-pass lanes at tollgate area and that appropriate location of Hi-pass lane is more efficient than the existing system for safety

Paper Title

A 0.5 - 5.8 GHz Two-gain Mode Low Noise Amplifier

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01271
  • Joo Young Jang
  • Republic of Korea


A wideband two-gain mode low noise amplifier(LNA) is proposed for a in-vehicle wireless communications. The proposed LNA uses an inverter to increase the transconductance(gm) of the LNA. A splitting-load inductor is used to extend the gain bandwidth. To achieve two-gain m...Lead moreA wideband two-gain mode low noise amplifier(LNA) is proposed for a in-vehicle wireless communications. The proposed LNA uses an inverter to increase the transconductance(gm) of the LNA. A splitting-load inductor is used to extend the gain bandwidth. To achieve two-gain mode operation, a capacitor array and a resistor array are used. The LNA was fabricated using a 180nm Si CMOS technology. The bandwidth is 0.5-5.8 GHz. In the high gain mode, the LNA shows a 12.3 dB power gain, 4.2 dB noise figure(NF), and -4.4 dBm IIP3. In the low gain mode, the LNA shows a 7.4 dB power gain, 6.8 dB NF, and -1.6 dBm IIP3. The total power consumption is 21.6 mW under a 1.8 V supply. This LNA is adaptable for in-vehicle wireless communications since it is proposed for all the standards which cover from 0.5 GHz to 5.6 GHz.

Paper Title

Speed Transition Zone Design based on Driving Simulator Research

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01269
  • Ting Xu
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Large speed gaps may increase risks between adjacent speed zones. Therefore, speed transition zone is designed to provide a smooth change between two highway segments with different speed limits. The purpose of this study is to establish a procedure for transition speed z...Lead moreLarge speed gaps may increase risks between adjacent speed zones. Therefore, speed transition zone is designed to provide a smooth change between two highway segments with different speed limits. The purpose of this study is to establish a procedure for transition speed zone design on two-lanes with drivers’ behaviors statistics. In order to evaluate the effect of speed limit zone on drivers’ deceleration behaviors when passing different speed zones, two factors were considered in this study, i.e., existence of work zone and horizon curves. The speed gaps in this experiment are 50 km/h in work zone area and 20 km/h respectively. By using randomly selected drivers, the study measured driver’s actions in a real vehicle under the simulated environment traveling between speed zones at a 0.03 second intervals. Several different measures of effectiveness were used to compare the characteristics of the speed distributions, including average speed, 85th percentile speed, and pace speed. Results show that there is a significant difference in speed choice for deceleration between two scenarios due to speed reduction. Relationship between speed limit reduction and deceleration length was described by a linear model. Length of deceleration section is estimated by the model. Results show that the deceleration section is positive relation to speed reduction. The modeling process gives a detailed guidance for design of transitional speed zone.

Paper Title

Green traffic information systemin the master plan of ITS development on suncheon city

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01265
  • Min-Chul Jung
  • ITS Korea
  • Republic of Korea


Green traffic information systemin the master plan of ITS development on suncheon city ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ITS?? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ???? ??. ITS? ???? ???? ??? ??, ?? ??? ???? ITS ??? ???? ?? ? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ???. ?? ???? ????? ITS? ...Lead moreGreen traffic information systemin the master plan of ITS development on suncheon city ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ITS?? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ???? ??. ITS? ???? ???? ??? ??, ?? ??? ???? ITS ??? ???? ?? ? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ???. ?? ???? ????? ITS? ?? ? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ? ??? ???? ???. ????????? '????'??? ? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??, ???? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????. ?? ?? '?? ???? ?????'? ?????, ??? ??? ????(????, ??????)? ????(???? ??? ??)? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???. ???????? ?? ?????(NOX), ?????(SO2), ?????(CO), ??(O3) ?? ??? ?? ???? ????? ????, ?? ???? ????? ????. ????????? ??? ?????, ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???, ?? ?? ?? ????? ???? ? ????? ????? ?? ??????? ????. ?? ??, ??? ???? ???? ???? ????, ????/??/?? ???? ??? ??, ???/??? ???? ??? ??, ??? ??? ?? ? ??? ???? ? ????? ??? ? ??. ???????????? ??? ?????? ?? ???, ????? ???? ???? ? ? ?? ??? ?? ??. ?? ??, ????? ??? ?? ???? ?????, ????? ??? ? ? ?? ????? ????? ???.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01264
  • Kwang-Mook Yim
  • Kongju National University
  • Republic of Korea


ITS system is expanding and increasing its importance nationwide. A systematic relevance assessment system is needed to interconnect and ensure the interoperability of its operations. This system will examine, inspect, and authenticate the standard techniques of a systema...Lead moreITS system is expanding and increasing its importance nationwide. A systematic relevance assessment system is needed to interconnect and ensure the interoperability of its operations. This system will examine, inspect, and authenticate the standard techniques of a systematic verification procedure. In this study, a part of inspection is consist of the standard communication procedures and data packet structure, performance test item by item analysis, and evaluation for development of procedures derived items. So that standard document develops about use public transportation (bus) to exchange information on performance tests OBU.

Paper Title

Analysis on the Relationship between Observational Traffic Volumes and Roadside Air Pollution

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01263
  • Jungsoo Park
  • University of Seoul
  • Republic of Korea


Traffic is a major source of air pollutant in urban environment We are able to experience the polluted air easily when waiting for the bus or taxi at the roadside station and driving in inner city roads with opening the window. To this end, the government of Korea has int...Lead moreTraffic is a major source of air pollutant in urban environment We are able to experience the polluted air easily when waiting for the bus or taxi at the roadside station and driving in inner city roads with opening the window. To this end, the government of Korea has introduced various environmental policies in order to improve air quality So far, the effect evaluation of these policies involved in transportation has taken into consideration efficiency and economic feasibility only to the exclusion for environment-friendly. To consider environmental effects in the policies, emissions should be preciously yielded before and after. However, the factors that affect traffic emissions are extremely complex and are not reflected in the real emissions measured by roadside air quality system. Thus, the amount of emissions using existing method is not consistent with the results from roadside air quality management. The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between classified traffic counts and air qualities and develop the predicted model for each pollutants generation. So it would apply to the place where there is no roadside air quality measuring system and it can be possible to assess the transportation policies related to environment. We expect the predicted emissions models based on multiple regression are used for a variety of purposes; most commonly to estimate the roadside emissions without air quality measurement system and also to calculate the amount of each pollutants reduction following the remedies concerning sustainable policies.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01259
  • Song-Kyu Park
  • KF E&E Co., Ltd.
  • Republic of Korea


Observing the on-going climate change in the world and understanding its potential impacts to our human life including the nature are strong enough to boost up our efforts for CO2 reduction. There have been found and reported a wide range of CO2 emission across the world,...Lead moreObserving the on-going climate change in the world and understanding its potential impacts to our human life including the nature are strong enough to boost up our efforts for CO2 reduction. There have been found and reported a wide range of CO2 emission across the world, including natural and anthropogenic sources. Recently, the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) for climate change is the most important international issue. In order to control efficiency GHG emission reduction, it is essential to establish GHG emission inventory preferentially. In this study, CO2 emissions inventory from road sector was made by road type and classification.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01256
  • Su-Jin Park
  • KongJu National University
  • Republic of Korea


As society evolves, the public transport services should also develop. The existing public transportation service and technology has been investigated and established. A new public transportation information service is derived through ubiquitous environment to improve the...Lead moreAs society evolves, the public transport services should also develop. The existing public transportation service and technology has been investigated and established. A new public transportation information service is derived through ubiquitous environment to improve the technology. The new service offers to perform an online survey to demand analysis for the formulation of new service provision.

Paper Title

Improve the accuracy with Vehicle Detecting System equipment evaluation

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01255
  • Soon-Gee JO
  • ITS Korea
  • Republic of Korea


Most ITSs collect the information about a location on the road from the vehicle detecting system and the accuracy of traffic information about the corresponding section is determined by the performance level of the vehicle detecting system. So far, no substantial performa...Lead moreMost ITSs collect the information about a location on the road from the vehicle detecting system and the accuracy of traffic information about the corresponding section is determined by the performance level of the vehicle detecting system. So far, no substantial performance evaluation has been performed for various types of vehicle detecting systems in operation along the roadside and accordingly it was difficult to substantially evaluate the accuracy of traffic information. Recently, Korea has enforced the ITS evaluation and certification for the field systems such as vehicle detecting system and automatic vehicle identification system that directly affect the quality of traffic information since 2006. According to the results of the performance evaluation conducted in 2008 for volume and spot speed of the vehicle detecting systems in operation on the expressways, Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) for volume and spot speed of 610 spots shows the performance level of 94.4% and 95.8% respectively, which vary with sensor types, installed locations, and years of installation of the vehicle detecting systems, number of lanes, routes, and daytime and nighttime. This study proposes to use the percentage error (PE) values for calibrating the vehicle detecting systems, by complementing the results of the performance evaluation conducted in 2009 for vehicle detecting systems in operation on expressways and freeways.

Paper Title

A Knowledge Parallel Heuristic Search Algorithm in Ubiquitous Creativity System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01254
  • Chang-Duk Jung
  • Korea University
  • Republic of Korea


Heuristic search in ubiquitous knowledge system is an important technique in artificial intelligence. The best-first branch-and-bound ( A' ) algorithm is not only the most general search algorithm, but also one of a few general algorithms which can be used to solve a wide...Lead moreHeuristic search in ubiquitous knowledge system is an important technique in artificial intelligence. The best-first branch-and-bound ( A' ) algorithm is not only the most general search algorithm, but also one of a few general algorithms which can be used to solve a wide range of nondeterministic polynomial (NP)-hard processors. The A' algorithm can be parallelized by using a loosely-coupled network of processors. In this distributed A' algorithm, each processor maintains a local OPEN list and processes it implementation. The processors are required to exchange nodes of their local OPEN lists. One of the effective methods of exchanging information between processors is by using a BLACKBOARD. However, the BLACKBOARD requires shared memory. In this paper, we present a distributed A' algorithm using Binary Multi-Level Multi-Access (BMLMA) communication protocol. The communication network of BMLMA provides the global sorting of messages as a by-product of the protocol. Logically, this is analogous to a global associative memory: thus, it can be used to implement a logical associative BLACKBOARD. Computer simulation using a traveling salesman problem has confirmed the linear scalability of proposed algorithm.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01253
  • Song-Kyu Park
  • KF E&E Co., Ltd.
  • Republic of Korea


For set up a CO2 reduction polices, we must recognize what material of Greenhouse gas (GHG), where produce, how much amount, characteristics of source and contribution. GHG emission from freight transport sector was estimated by method of top down approach (TDA) in Korea....Lead moreFor set up a CO2 reduction polices, we must recognize what material of Greenhouse gas (GHG), where produce, how much amount, characteristics of source and contribution. GHG emission from freight transport sector was estimated by method of top down approach (TDA) in Korea. Emission as TDA has the merit of being easy calculating and accuracy in the aspects of national total amount, it is difficult of establishing reduction countermeasures of road transport sector. The method of bottom up approach (BAU) is essential for reduction of GHG emission. The scope of CO2 emissions from road freight transport of logistics company includes transportation sector (road, water-bone navigation, railways and air) and stationary sources of freight. In this study, CO2 emissions from freight sector of logistics company is calculated by road freight transport. Fuel consumption of individual vehicle was calculated using vehicle travelled distance and fuel efficiency data, and converted to CO2 emission.

Paper Title

The Application of Data Mining Technologies on Commercial Vehicle GPS Data - A Case Study on Formosa Plastics Transport Corp., Taiwan

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01250
  • Chen Chien Fu
  • Feng Chia University
  • Taiwan


The cost of commercial vehicle operations includes fuel, vehicle purchase / replacement / maintenance, and driver / staff, ..., etc. Among these costs, fuel is the one that is not only cost-concerned but also environment-concerned. The fuel consumption is highly correlate...Lead moreThe cost of commercial vehicle operations includes fuel, vehicle purchase / replacement / maintenance, and driver / staff, ..., etc. Among these costs, fuel is the one that is not only cost-concerned but also environment-concerned. The fuel consumption is highly correlated with the vehicle traveling distance and driving behavior patterns and the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the vehicle operations is one major contributing factor to the greenhouse effect that all human beings are suffering. How to utilize vehicles more efficiently in terms of time and travelling distance and reduce the carbon dioxide emission has become an important issue. Not to mention that many countries / areas have taken acts such as new laws for emission limitations to protect the environment. Advanced technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) can generate the real-time location information of commercial vehicles. These data, analyzed by appropriate data mining technologies, can be used for fleet management systems such as vehicle route planning and driving behavior analysis. In this study, research team cooperating with Taiwan's largest commercial vehicle fleet, Formosa Plastics Transport Corp., deploy GPS-based vehicle tracking and communication systems and apply data mining technologies to develop a new fleet management system that is not only cost-efficient but also environment-friendly. The results include reduced transportation costs, lowered emissions, improved driving behaviors, and a greener fleet.

Paper Title

Facilities for the Eledrly and Disabled

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01248
  • Keehong Um
  • Hansei University
  • Republic of Maldives


We are moving towards a ubiquitous society where people can access anything, anywhere, and at anytime regardless of time and location(1). A ubiquitous society is also called a "computers everywhere society", computers are used anytime, anywhere. Tiny computers would be em...Lead moreWe are moving towards a ubiquitous society where people can access anything, anywhere, and at anytime regardless of time and location(1). A ubiquitous society is also called a "computers everywhere society", computers are used anytime, anywhere. Tiny computers would be embedded everywhere in our daily living space (2). Our society is occupied by groups of people. Some are young some are old. Some are normal and some are handicapped. With age, the physical and mental abilities of people start to decline. Although many people are able to maintain high levels of physical functioning and mental acuity to very old ages, for many others the aging process results in a reduced ability to live independently(3). This loss of independence can be manifest in many ways. For some, failing eyesight and slowed motor functioning may require that they stop driving a car. Very old persons, although in relatively good health, may simply find it increasingly difficult to keep up with everyday tasks such as preparing meals, cleaning the house, doing laundry, keeping up with the maintenance of a house and yard. In this paper, as examples, we will consider facilities built for the benefits of the elderly and the handicapped. The most frequent approach is to define the disabled elderly as those individuals who require assistance with basic ADL(Activities of Daily Living). ADLs are typically used to describe the extent of chronic disability among the elderly. These core ADLs are: bathing, dressing, using the toilet, transferring from bed to chair, and feeding oneself(4).

Paper Title

Smart Intersection for ITS

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01247
  • Seong-han Choi
  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
  • Republic of Korea


We analyzed the intersection in terms of environment that is composed of three parts of traffic. The three parts are system environment, traffic environment and natural environment. The system environment is related to dilemma zone of signal system, the traffic environmen...Lead moreWe analyzed the intersection in terms of environment that is composed of three parts of traffic. The three parts are system environment, traffic environment and natural environment. The system environment is related to dilemma zone of signal system, the traffic environment is related to human threat factor of right turn system and natural environment is related to lighting system on the roads. And the integrated system is environmentally friendly developed the underground intersection design for intelligent transportation system regarding separation of pedestrian and vehicle. Finally we can design the intelligent and sustainable intersection system in all respects.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01245
  • Song-Kyu Park
  • KF E&E Co., Ltd.
  • Republic of Korea


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of transportation sector was estimated by method of top down approach (TDA) in Korea. Emission as TDA has the merit of being easy calculating and accuracy in the aspects of national total amount, it is difficult of establishing reduction coun...Lead moreGreenhouse gas (GHG) emission of transportation sector was estimated by method of top down approach (TDA) in Korea. Emission as TDA has the merit of being easy calculating and accuracy in the aspects of national total amount, it is difficult of establishing reduction countermeasures of road transport sector. For set up a reduction polices, the method of bottom up approach (BAU) is essential for reduction of GHG emission. This paper will be presented that GHG emission of road sector subdivides the classes of emission activity and estimates the emission as road type and logic of GHG emission model.

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Development of Human Machine Interface for Platooning Systems -Fundamental Proposal of HMI for Risk Avoidance-

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01244
  • Shin Kato
  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • Japan


This paper describes examination including the correspondence to abnormal and a failed state about an autonomous driving of the truck which aims at CO2 reduction and energy saving, and the human machine interface on a platoon system. Here, human machine interface in which...Lead moreThis paper describes examination including the correspondence to abnormal and a failed state about an autonomous driving of the truck which aims at CO2 reduction and energy saving, and the human machine interface on a platoon system. Here, human machine interface in which the judgment of operation intervention for risk avoidance of a driver is possible is proposed. The verification result of efficiency is shown about these basic experiments. Furthermore, HMI which aimed at more advanced information service is proposed.

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A Flexible Simulator for Cooperative Communication Systems in Vehicular Environment - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01242
  • Han Cho
  • ETRI
  • Republic of Korea


As the number of vehicles is rapidly increasing, traffic accidents has occurred very often and become a big social issue. Then the improvement of vehicle safety is an important issue to reduce the fatalities and injured. But in the real traffic situation, it is very hard ...Lead moreAs the number of vehicles is rapidly increasing, traffic accidents has occurred very often and become a big social issue. Then the improvement of vehicle safety is an important issue to reduce the fatalities and injured. But in the real traffic situation, it is very hard to implement the infrastructure to measure the effect of new technologies. This paper presents a novel communication simulator for huge vehicles in mobile environments. Mobile nodes and base stations have IEEE802.11p and WAVE modules which are generally accepted for vehicular environment. Simulator can deal with the several environments such as highway, rural and cities. Multi-hop routing is basically supported as well single hop communications. Various simulation results are shown to prove this simulator is well operable in many situations. This paper presents how to make a vehicular simulator getting the results for throughput, delay and packet error rate, etc. Then, engineers afford to measure the effect of new technologies in vehicular environment not to make real environment.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01241
  • Shin Daekyo
  • Korea Electronics Technology Institute
  • Republic of Korea


The paper presents a development of IEEE 802.11p Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) modem single-chip including IEEE 802.11 medium access control (MAC), IEEE 802.11p physical Layer (PHY) and some part of IEEE 1609 standards. The MAC functions are fully implem...Lead moreThe paper presents a development of IEEE 802.11p Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) modem single-chip including IEEE 802.11 medium access control (MAC), IEEE 802.11p physical Layer (PHY) and some part of IEEE 1609 standards. The MAC functions are fully implemented by hardware and the IEEE 1609 functions are implemented by firmware on an embedded 32-bit RISC processor and hardware acceleration logic. The chip has embedded 10-bit differential DAC to transmit data, 8-bit differential ADC to receive data and 8-bit single-end ADC for RSSI input signal. The chip has been successfully fabricated in 0.18-? CMOS technology with 256-pin LQFP package.

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Road Weather Information System(RWIS) Network for Gangwon-do’s Road Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01239
  • Joo Young Lee
  • Korea Institute of Contruction Technology
  • Republic of Korea


The road weather conditions is one of many elements affecting driving conditions. Bad weather such as rain, snow, ice, fog, high winds reduce the capacity of the road as well as increase traffic accidents risks. Recent Wonju Regional Construction Management Administration...Lead moreThe road weather conditions is one of many elements affecting driving conditions. Bad weather such as rain, snow, ice, fog, high winds reduce the capacity of the road as well as increase traffic accidents risks. Recent Wonju Regional Construction Management Administration maintaining National Highway in Gangwon-do applied the ITS(Intelligent Transportation System) technology for management road traffic condition and improvement safety during the bad weather. In short, This study is as follows. First, the geographic features and road conditions in Gangwon Province were investigated. Second, RWIS Network system characteristics such as system configuration, role, expected effects, etc. in Gangwon-do were introduced. Finally, conclusion and guidance for future research.

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A study of Hinterland boundaries and expansion of Busan Port

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01238
  • Myoun soo Lee
  • Korea Maritime University
  • Republic of Korea


As time progresses ports and maritime transports are deeply affected by the global economic and policies. To cope with these challenges, It is necessary that ports should analyze the changing environments and build strategies based on competitive advantages. Especially, t...Lead moreAs time progresses ports and maritime transports are deeply affected by the global economic and policies. To cope with these challenges, It is necessary that ports should analyze the changing environments and build strategies based on competitive advantages. Especially, the hinterland is considered as the key competitiveness capable of providing value-added services. To become a global logistics hub with the use of hinterland function, many governments have been developing hinterlands of the major ports like Port of Rotterdam, Port of Antwerp and Busan New Port. Busan New Port is now developing the logistics hinterland to become the hub-port in Northeast Asia. There are various decision factors to select ports by shipping companies. The factors are geographic location, port dues, service, and network with hinterland. However, most ports had already provided similar costs to shipping companies, the most important factor is port dues for them. If ports would survive or become the hub port, they have to build marketing strategies such as service in the port or good network based on hinterland. The aim of this paper is to define the hinterland in Busan port and expand its concept from locations nearby Busan port to national level such as China, Japan, Russia and East Europe.

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Conformance Test for TPEG Receivers

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01237
  • SangWoon Lee
  • University
  • Republic of Korea


TPEG is an international standard technology for traffic and traveler information service via digital broadcasting or communication networks. In this paper, we suggest a conformance test scheme for TPEG receivers. With this test scheme, the TPEG receivers can be tested an...Lead moreTPEG is an international standard technology for traffic and traveler information service via digital broadcasting or communication networks. In this paper, we suggest a conformance test scheme for TPEG receivers. With this test scheme, the TPEG receivers can be tested and certified whether it fit for the standards or not. This conformance test scheme and procedures are legislated as Korean telecommunication standard.

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Comparison of CSMA/CA and CDMA based inter-vehicle communication for collision warnings in large scale road systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01236
  • Peter Davis
  • ATR
  • Japan


A Monte Carlo method is used to numerically estimate the performance of inter-vehicle broadcast schemes in large-scale road environments and evaluate their reliability for safe driving applications. The use of a Monte Carlo method makes it possible to estimate performance...Lead moreA Monte Carlo method is used to numerically estimate the performance of inter-vehicle broadcast schemes in large-scale road environments and evaluate their reliability for safe driving applications. The use of a Monte Carlo method makes it possible to estimate performance for complex large-scale cases which have not been previously evaluated because the complete computation takes too much time. A Monte Carlo approach is made possible by the construction of probabilistic models corresponding to periodic broadcast protocols and non-line-of-sight radio signal loss. Specific models of CSMA/CA-based and CDMA-based protocols are constructed and used to obtain estimates of packet delivery ratios for vehicles approaching an intersection, considering the effects of interference from many other vehicles. Numerical results have been obtained for scenarios with up to 20,000 surrounding vehicles distributed on a road grid over a few square kilometers. Using realistic physical parameters which comply with bandwidth and power regulations, it is shown that the performance of a CSMA/CA protocol degrades severely as the number of vehicles increases. On the other hand, the recently proposed MM-SA protocol, which is based on CDMA and has additional mechanisms for channel division, packet-relay and self-organizing transmission timing control, exhibits superior performance when the number of vehicles is large.

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Proposal of MI WyNE Box for M-CubITS Pedestrian WYSIWYAS Navigation Environments

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01235
  • Tetsuya Manabe
  • Saitama University
  • Japan


This paper presents M-CubITS integrated WYSIWYAS navigation environment box (MI WyNE Box) that actualizes electronic concierges and complementary integration with M-CubITS pedestrian WYSIWYAS navigation systems. And more, we construct a prototype system and get prospect f...Lead moreThis paper presents M-CubITS integrated WYSIWYAS navigation environment box (MI WyNE Box) that actualizes electronic concierges and complementary integration with M-CubITS pedestrian WYSIWYAS navigation systems. And more, we construct a prototype system and get prospect for realizing WYSIWYAS navigation integrated environment centering on MI WyNE Box.

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Evaluation of eco-driving skill using traffic signals status information

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01232
  • Takashi Ichihara
  • the University of Tokyo
  • Japan


In order to solve environmental issues, eco-driving has to be promoted. One way to promote eco-driving is quantitatively estimating the driver’s eco-driving skill and then improves his unskilled driver performance. Therefore, authors proposed quantitative evaluation metho...Lead moreIn order to solve environmental issues, eco-driving has to be promoted. One way to promote eco-driving is quantitatively estimating the driver’s eco-driving skill and then improves his unskilled driver performance. Therefore, authors proposed quantitative evaluation method for eco-driving skill. In this method, the information of self-vehicle and surrounding traffic condition obtained by ITS technology such as VICS were used. Then, one of quantitative evaluation index named “eco-driving potential” was inducted, which shows how much a driver can improve his fuel consumption compared with other drivers was used. This paper shows the effectiveness of this method using traffic signals status information with the driving simulator. Then, the real vehicle experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of this method.

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A case study of fire risk analysis for guide way transit passenger coach

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01227
  • Duck Hee Lee
  • Korea Railroad Research Institute
  • Republic of Korea


A case study of fire risk analysis for guide way transit passenger coach was conducted. 160 cases of fire accident scenarios were considered with event tree methodology. Fire simulations with FDS and Egress simulations with Simulux were adopted for calculating the fatalit...Lead moreA case study of fire risk analysis for guide way transit passenger coach was conducted. 160 cases of fire accident scenarios were considered with event tree methodology. Fire simulations with FDS and Egress simulations with Simulux were adopted for calculating the fatalities by the methodology of safe time estimation. The risk result was plotted in F-N curve chart for the risk acceptance decision. A kind of smoke curtain for the prevention of gas spreading was suggested for risk reduction.

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Remote System Development on Automatic Recovery of ITS Equipments

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01224
  • Sang Un Lee
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has the purpose of realizing fast, safe, comfortable next generation transport system in the society with more accelerated informatization. ITS facilities are advancing and become intelligent day by day. Therefore, maintenance & operatio...Lead moreIntelligent Transport System (ITS) has the purpose of realizing fast, safe, comfortable next generation transport system in the society with more accelerated informatization. ITS facilities are advancing and become intelligent day by day. Therefore, maintenance & operation of ITS facility and emergency countermeasure system also must become intelligent and developed. Majority of ITS facilities are composed together with CONTROLLER such as CPU or PC and etc. These CONTROLLERs cannot be always normal. Anytime, temporary errors or abnormal phenomena can happen by internal & external factors. As one plan to respond fast and effectively under this kind of emergent situations, we thought about automatic/remote initialization system. Automatic/remote initialization system initializes systems automatically or remotely during generation of simple breakdowns such as temporary errors of ITS facility or stop phenomena and etc. During breakdown generation, prior countermeasure such as system initialization is possible before mobilization of service teams to the field and fast and effective emergency countermeasure is possible. So, this thesis plans to explain about problems of the current initialization countermeasure and overview and composition of improved automatic/remote initialization system of ITS facilities.

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Image Infomation Collection of CCTV Dead Zone Using Wireless AP

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01223
  • Eui-Duk Hwang
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Optical communication is used for collecting the video information of Chonan-Nonsan Highway. But due to the lack of optical lanes, it is difficult to additionally install optical cable. This paper proposes a method to solve this issue by establishing a wireless IP CCTV using wireless AP.Optical communication is used for collecting the video information of Chonan-Nonsan Highway. But due to the lack of optical lanes, it is difficult to additionally install optical cable. This paper proposes a method to solve this issue by establishing a wireless IP CCTV using wireless AP.

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Improvement of Measurement Sensor Error Correction of WIM systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01220
  • Man Keun Ryoo
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


At present, the importance of axle load weigher which measures overloading or not of commercial vehicles on highway and national road is beyond description. With existence of these axle load weigher, we can protect damages of bridges and roads of highway, national road an...Lead moreAt present, the importance of axle load weigher which measures overloading or not of commercial vehicles on highway and national road is beyond description. With existence of these axle load weigher, we can protect damages of bridges and roads of highway, national road and local road by controlling entry of overloading vehicles entering highway and national road and axle load weigher facility is the equipment which increases convenience of general users. In case of some commercial vehicle drivers still overload recklessly for their own interests without knowing these fundamental purpose and intention, they infringe damages to the third party and therefore, at this time, I would like to suggest improvement method of axle load weigher.