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Intermodal and Interoperable Travel Management for European Cities

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00350
  • Martin Boehm
  • AustriaTech - Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd.
  • Austria


The European project In-Time focuses on Multimodal Real Time Traffic and Travel Information services with the goal to reduce drastically energy consumption in urban areas across the different modes of transport by changing the mobility behaviour (modal shift) of the singl...Lead moreThe European project In-Time focuses on Multimodal Real Time Traffic and Travel Information services with the goal to reduce drastically energy consumption in urban areas across the different modes of transport by changing the mobility behaviour (modal shift) of the single traveller. In-Time provides mainly 2 end-user services: ? Business-to-business services will enable European-wide Traffic Information Service Providers (TISPs) to get access to regional traffic and travel data and services of the single pilot cities via a harmonised standardised open interface. This will enable the TISP to provide interoperable and multimodal services (e-services) to their end-users. E-services will influence the on-trip travel behaviour by optimising journeys taking the energy consumption into account. The community will be the users of mobile devices or navigational devices. ? Web based interoperable and intermodal pre-trip information will be provided by the pilot operators and has the potential to influence the travel behaviour in the trip planning stage by taking environmental aspects into account. The typical users are persons that are planning an urban trip on short term. Central part of the In-Time concept is an interoperable and multimodal Regional Data/Service Server (RDSS) which can be seen as a service-oriented middleware infrastructure providing a number of data/services, covering individual traffic, public transport, weather, location based services, and intermodal transport planning. The In-Time solution with the commonly agreed standardised interface will be set up at 6 European pilot sites to ensure the easy access of real-time multimodal traffic data for external TISPs.

Paper Title

Toolkit for sustainable decision making in ITS deployment

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00349
  • Martin Boehm
  • AustriaTech - Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd.
  • Austria


A number of EU-communications have addressed the fact that slow and uncoordinated decision making for ITS deployment on urban, regional and national level is the most urgent problem to be solved in order to utilise the benefits ITS deployment can gain for a sustainable Eu...Lead moreA number of EU-communications have addressed the fact that slow and uncoordinated decision making for ITS deployment on urban, regional and national level is the most urgent problem to be solved in order to utilise the benefits ITS deployment can gain for a sustainable European transportation system. As lack on easy and efficient access to a wide spread ITS knowledge as well as decision making for the deployment is recognised as the key factors for slow down investment on ITS on administration level, a new ITS toolkit with a single entry approach will be developed within the European project 2DECIDE.

Paper Title

Networking on the Internet - a pilot is "going Europe"

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00348
  • Ulrich Just
  • Ministry for the Environment, Construction, Transport and Europe of the State of Bremen/Germany
  • Germany


The Internet is the backbone of traveller and traffic information all over the world. Most information services are basing on Internet platforms providing information for various target groups and transport purposes. As a part of ITS-Project EasyWay the Euro-regional proj...Lead moreThe Internet is the backbone of traveller and traffic information all over the world. Most information services are basing on Internet platforms providing information for various target groups and transport purposes. As a part of ITS-Project EasyWay the Euro-regional project VIKING (partners: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Northern Germany) pursues the vision to connect existing Internet portals and services to each other without creation of new meta-platforms. Using advanced Internet technologies distributed information system can be built. The main objectives are - to make information from other portals and services available on regional/national websites by a deep-linking system managed by an automated updating routine with individual selection of the published content - to create an open system that can be used bi-directional and by all interested services irrespective of their national/regional affiliation This is a networking strategy to overcome limitations resulting from the prevailing national or regional focus of internet platforms and to foster the distribution of information for long distance and border-crossing transport. In the result the system should enable convenient access to Internet based European traveller and traffic information services from the users preferred local site - simply made for use by everyone. The VIKING pilot will be extended step-by-step to a European network of connected services in the EasyWay area which covers most parts of Europe. Tests are running successfully and the pilot is close to be ready for "going Europe".

Paper Title

Road Environment Perception For Automated Vehicles

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00347
  • George Thomaidis
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
  • Greece


Highly automated driving technologies for intelligent transport incorporate technologies that have the potential of increasing traffic safety, mobility efficiency and driving comfort. Automated vehicles require an accurate and robust representation of the environment in w...Lead moreHighly automated driving technologies for intelligent transport incorporate technologies that have the potential of increasing traffic safety, mobility efficiency and driving comfort. Automated vehicles require an accurate and robust representation of the environment in which the vehicle is moving. This paper describes the data fusion techniques used in the HAVEit project. First an overview of the system is presented. The next section explains the sensor fusion architecture, where the data flow from sensors to perception output is explained. Afterwards, the local and global tracking processing is presented, where the tracking and track fusion algorithms are presented. In the final section of the paper, a short description of the implementation and some results from the testing of the developed algorithms are presented. Finally, conclusions, future steps and a small discussion are provided.

Paper Title

Offline Optimization Of Curve Speed Warning Applications

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00346
  • Manolis Tsogas
  • Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS)
  • Greece


In safety automotive applications the system must be capable of early recognizing the maneuvers performed by the driver and the intention associated with them in order to take preventive measures or trigger warning alarms. In this paper the problem of optimizing the core ...Lead moreIn safety automotive applications the system must be capable of early recognizing the maneuvers performed by the driver and the intention associated with them in order to take preventive measures or trigger warning alarms. In this paper the problem of optimizing the core algorithm of a curve speed warning application is investigated. The offline tool will determine the accuracy of specified map data compared to real data using vehicle dynamics. The work described here is part of the research activities in the European research project euroFOT.

Paper Title

The ROADIDEA data mediation - data support for ITS deployment

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00345
  • Rene Kelpin
  • German Aerospace Centre DLR
  • Germany


Intelligent transport services (ITS), applications and systems strongly rely on reliable data sources, which have to be given with a sufficient degree of coverage and penetration. Moreover, available data has to be well described in order i.) to allow a best possible know...Lead moreIntelligent transport services (ITS), applications and systems strongly rely on reliable data sources, which have to be given with a sufficient degree of coverage and penetration. Moreover, available data has to be well described in order i.) to allow a best possible knowledge about it, ii.) to find it in an huge data archive, and so, iii.) to utilize it in a best possible way. Finally, data has to be accessible without any borders. In an optimal environment necessary data sets are available free of charge; network access is publicly available without bureaucratic and technical restrictions. Reality tells a different story. European data availability of sources relevant for ITS purposes is very heterogeneous. In the European research project ROADIDEA given availability of data sources for the transportation sector was analysed thoroughly. The project focussed on a definition of a road map for new and radical innovation for the European transport sector valid for the next decades. Special attention was focussed on the investigation of available data sources from a European perspective. This paper describes the work and the results of the data related work package of the project ROADIDEA with regard to the project objectives. The major outcome of the ROADIDEA data research was the implementation of a ‘data mediation’, which targets at a combination of technologies applicable in a ? from a data perspective ? optimal transportation world.

Paper Title

SAFE ROAD TRAINS FOR ENVIRONMENT: Human factors’ aspects in dual mode transport systems

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00337
  • Maider Larburu
  • Spain


After being widely applied in aviation, automation is increasingly applied to surface transportation. Furthermore, with the increased reliability and reduced cost of electronics and communications, it is becoming viable to develop a safe and reliable platooning system. Th...Lead moreAfter being widely applied in aviation, automation is increasingly applied to surface transportation. Furthermore, with the increased reliability and reduced cost of electronics and communications, it is becoming viable to develop a safe and reliable platooning system. These intelligent systems of the future will contribute to improved safety, efficiency, and journey time of vehicles while at the same time reducing stress for passengers. However, although new technologies make vehicle platooning possible, these new technologies will require interaction with drivers. Therefore, the development of appropriate Human - Machine Interfaces (HMI) progressively assumes greater importance, as diverse and innovative technologies are designed and implemented in vehicles. As a result of this interaction there is a need to research human aspects and the HMI. The main objective of this study consists of analysing human aspects involved in vehicle platooning. Accordingly, this paper describes the human factors issues that come into play when introducing autonomous driving. A further study objective is to develop a high-quality HMI, and assess the effectiveness of the HMI, including the acceptability level from possible end-users point of view. In order to assess this, tests are developed in a virtual environment using a driving simulator platform. This study has been supported by the European project “Safe Road Trains for the Environment, SARTRE”, that aims to develop an appropriate HMI for a platooning environment. This takes into account information coming from objective parameters, logged during the simulation tests, such as drivers’ reaction time, and the driver preferences derived from acceptability assessment.

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Video Based Highway Monitoring

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00288
  • Stijn Vandebuerie
  • Belgium


In this paper, we discuss a general system using video detection modules for traffic monitoring and incident detection on highways, together with some of the underlying detection principles. Video detection is not limited to a single spot on the road, but it can analyse t...Lead moreIn this paper, we discuss a general system using video detection modules for traffic monitoring and incident detection on highways, together with some of the underlying detection principles. Video detection is not limited to a single spot on the road, but it can analyse the traffic situation over a large area, and thus better and faster detect any anomalies in the traffic situation. When useful it is also possible to send over images of abnormal traffic to the operator and this only when needed, thus relieving the traffic operator from watching several monitors on a permanent base. Video detection is the means by excellence to provide the correct traffic information for a reactive as well as a pro-active traffic management.

Paper Title

EGNOS telematics support safety in HAZMAT

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00283
  • Antonella Di fazio
  • Telespazio
  • Italy


Carrying goods by road involves the risk of traffic accidents. If the goods carried are dangerous, there is also the risk of an incident, as for instance spillage of the goods, leading to hazards such as fire, explosion, chemical burn or environmental damage. Thus it must...Lead moreCarrying goods by road involves the risk of traffic accidents. If the goods carried are dangerous, there is also the risk of an incident, as for instance spillage of the goods, leading to hazards such as fire, explosion, chemical burn or environmental damage. Thus it must be handled safely. Satellite Navigation is the basis for numerous applications, for example agriculture and geodesy, but its principal uses are in the transport sectors. Today GPS (Global Positioning System) based positioning and navigation systems are already in operation in almost all modes of transport, including telematics applications for the surveillance of hazardous goods. EGNOS (European Geostationay Overlay Service) and Galileo are the two systems implementing the European GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) strategy. EGNOS improves the accuracy of current GPS signal to up to one metre and provides integrity information, making it suitable for applications requiring very accurate and guaranteed positioning. EGNOS Open Service is operational since October 2009, and freely available to most common applications. This paper presents the current initiatives in Europe related to the utilization of EGNOS for the safe management of hydrocarbon transport via road, both in operational commercial uses and in the frame of research & development initiatives.

Paper Title

Parameters Determining Route Choice in Pedestrian Networks

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00280
  • Olaf Czogalla
  • IFAK
  • Germany


The focus of this paper is the modelling of a decision process that takes place on the tactical level of a pedestrian's trip. The tactical level is defined in delimitation to the superior strategic level and subordinated operational level with respect to trip purpose and ...Lead moreThe focus of this paper is the modelling of a decision process that takes place on the tactical level of a pedestrian's trip. The tactical level is defined in delimitation to the superior strategic level and subordinated operational level with respect to trip purpose and spatial relations. Whereas on the strategic level the purpose, the origin and destination, the choices for traffic mode and time of departure are being set before the trip starts, on the tactical level, decisions are being made for the actual route or diversions within the pedestrian's network during the trip. At the tactical level, the decision making process can be modelled by the minimisation problem of walking costs in a network that takes into account both the network related quality and individual related factors. In the paper, the concept of a pedestrian quality attribute and its evaluation by physical assessable factors are introduced. In order to enable the application of the model, it is assumed that experiences in principle are gained by the walking pedestrian from prior knowledge of the walking network. This is the essential precondition for the decision making process that is based on a conventional route search algorithm. Instead the routing decisions by pedestrians are drawn in a mental process during walking that is characterised as non-formalistic. The purpose of the formalistic approach described in the text is to help understand the influencing factors and mechanisms of the decision making process in the analysis of pedestrian quality needs.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00279
  • Gerbrand Klijn
  • Province Noord-Brabant
  • Netherlands


‘RUSH HOUR AVOIDANCE’ - EFFECTING BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE USING IN-CAR TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SUMMARY Preceding the introduction of road pricing, the national government wishes to provide relief for the accessibility problems surrounding major cities over the coming years ...Lead more‘RUSH HOUR AVOIDANCE’ - EFFECTING BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE USING IN-CAR TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SUMMARY Preceding the introduction of road pricing, the national government wishes to provide relief for the accessibility problems surrounding major cities over the coming years using mobility projects entitled ‘Anders Betalen voor Mobiliteit’ [Paying for Mobility in a Different Way] (hereinafter to be referred to as: ABvM). In that framework, the Provincial Government of Noord-Brabant and the Samenwerkingsverband Regio Eindhoven (SRE) [Eindhoven Area Cooperation] together with the municipalities of Eindhoven and ’s-Hertogenbosch will start a mobility trial in the spring of 2010 aimed at making the Eindhoven and ’s-Hertogenbosch area more accessible. The mobility trial's objective is to make drivers think about whether they should travel and, if so, at what time and using which mode of transport (consciousness raising). The trial will be introduced by a consortium using a maximum of 3,000 road users. At this moment the preparations until the spring are underway.

Paper Title

Low Emission Zone 2.0 - Future Deployment Options

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00278
  • Dietrich Leihs
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


Major urban air pollution reduction can be achieved by changing the mobility behaviour, namely by reducing the overall car traffic. Communalities are offered a broad variety of ITS measures that range from augmenting public transport over incentives for green cars to driv...Lead moreMajor urban air pollution reduction can be achieved by changing the mobility behaviour, namely by reducing the overall car traffic. Communalities are offered a broad variety of ITS measures that range from augmenting public transport over incentives for green cars to drive bans. Low Emission Zones (LEZ) play a central role as they are the expression to change urban mobility significantly, stimulate a citizen’s value shift and also affect mobility far outside the zone. Most LEZ are regulating the access for polluting cars, though the regulations are different and act differently in changing the driver’s behaviour. In most cases, the pollution class is subject to the regulation, sometimes it aims at the particle matter emissions, sometimes the vehicle class is considered, sometimes both is combined. The access regulation is either a pure driving ban or a charge has to be paid. Driving bans cause an immediate pollution reduction, on the other hand people are forced to change their habits immediately, be it either the use of public transport or to buy new cars. Hence pure driving bans are disadvantageous for certain population groups. For sustainable changes there is hardly an alternative to collecting charges as the charging criteria can be adopted dynamically (e.g. during congestion times, at unfavourable weather, etc.), a rare good (“clean cities”) is assigned to a value, leading to a re-evaluation of the driver’s own mobility habits and consequentially he can change according to this new attitude, to his capabilities and to the new circumstances.

Paper Title

DSRC for safer transport ? Data and radio communication architectures for ITS ?

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00272
  • Florin Grafu
  • Romania


Wireless technology such as DSRC is advancing at speed and the opportunities for use in the intelligent transport field are immeasurable and include areas such as road user charging, congestion control and fleet management. Developing intelligent infrastructure within the...Lead moreWireless technology such as DSRC is advancing at speed and the opportunities for use in the intelligent transport field are immeasurable and include areas such as road user charging, congestion control and fleet management. Developing intelligent infrastructure within the road transport sector will be a major research issue of the next decade. The ability to monitor, sense, manage and communicate with vehicles, the roadside control systems and the driver offers new and currently unexplored new tools to manage the road network more efficiently. To view all transportation equipment as a big network and transform the vehicle, the infrastructure and all ITS equipment in IPv6 network nodes will create new advantage for the users and for the urban traffic in general. Enable new wireless services like DSRC shall improve the traffic flow not only in urban area. We must understand that safer transport shall be view from the both side: user (driver or pedestrian) view and ITS departments (Urban Authorities) view.

Paper Title

CityMobil, Advanced Transport for the Urban Environment

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00264
  • Jan Van dijke
  • TNO Science and Industry
  • Netherlands


CityMobil is an Integrated Project in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union. The project addresses the topic “Advanced Road transport for the Urban Environment.” The project started in May 2006 and will run for 5.5 years until October 2011. The project is carr...Lead moreCityMobil is an Integrated Project in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union. The project addresses the topic “Advanced Road transport for the Urban Environment.” The project started in May 2006 and will run for 5.5 years until October 2011. The project is carried out by a group of 29 partners led by TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. The goal of this research project is to make significant steps forward towards realisation of automated traffic solutions for the city of tomorrow. The paper describes the first results, four years after the start of the project.

Paper Title

Results of iCars Thematic Network project - ICT for Energy Efficiency in Transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00263
  • Wolfgang Reinhardt
  • European Automobile Manufacturers Association
  • Belgium


The iCars Thematic Network is a two-year project financed by the European Commission DG Information Society and Media to support the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) based on Intelligent Communication and Information Technologies (ICT). The final report w...Lead moreThe iCars Thematic Network is a two-year project financed by the European Commission DG Information Society and Media to support the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) based on Intelligent Communication and Information Technologies (ICT). The final report will be available end of June 2010 so that the ITS World Congress gives a first opportunity to present the results to a large public. The whole project is very broad and deals both with public procurement, dissemination of information and awareness actions, impact assessment methods for ITS, and energy efficiency in road transport. Due to its importance and actuality the presentation will only focus on ICT technology and ITS applications for energy-efficiency and a potential road map on the introduction of these technologies.

Paper Title

Improving knowledge of ITS - Swedish ITS Training Programme

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00256
  • Peter Von heidenstam
  • Sweden


The Swedish Road Administration (SRA) has developed a National Training Programme for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) directed towards Transportation and Traffic Engineers and Planners. The goal of the ITS Training Programme is to increase knowledge relating to I...Lead moreThe Swedish Road Administration (SRA) has developed a National Training Programme for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) directed towards Transportation and Traffic Engineers and Planners. The goal of the ITS Training Programme is to increase knowledge relating to ITS systems, the effects they bring about and their relative costs and benefits. It is envisaged that improving awareness and skills regarding ITS at a local level will encourage ITS solutions to become a natural choice for solving traffic problems in urban and non-urban areas. Background Tools for solving traffic and transportation problems are often characterised by physical measures. Changes in the physical design may be both costly and intrusive whereas ITS, in many cases, may be a cost effective solution and can have beneficial traffic effects. In particular, a number of evaluations relating to the use of local ITS systems have shown great potential both for traffic safety improvement and environmental benefit. Local ITS systems are typically Variable Message Signs used to pass information to drivers with the objective of achieving a speed reduction. They can also be used to warn of crossing vehicles or pedestrians. Even though these systems are easy to implement and have documented beneficial effects the number of installations is low and the market potential quite high. Today A full flexible training programme is at hand since spring-time 2009. At present approx 100 students has participated. A brand new interactive web-educational tool will be presented at ITS WORLD 2010.

Paper Title

The Use of Variable Speed Limits for Traffic Control

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00241
  • Hatice Gocmen demir
  • University
  • Turkey


With the development of ITS, Variable Speed Limits has been applied for various purposes to the freeway traffic control problem. In this study a VSL control strategy is proposed for getting a smooth traffic flow during peak period. The D100 Urban Freeway approaching to Bo...Lead moreWith the development of ITS, Variable Speed Limits has been applied for various purposes to the freeway traffic control problem. In this study a VSL control strategy is proposed for getting a smooth traffic flow during peak period. The D100 Urban Freeway approaching to Bosporus Bridge in Europe to Asia direction in Istanbul was selected as the test network. The impacts of Variable Speed applications on freeway have been assessed by using CORSIM microscopic simulation. With the application of VSL, speed differences reduce between the detector stations as an indication of positive impacts of VSL on safety.

Paper Title

Variable Message Signs: The State of Practice

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00240
  • Hatice Gocmen demir
  • University
  • Turkey


Variable Message Signs (VMS) are known as individual elements of ITS and are one of the main techniques for the provision of on-trip information to drivers. It differs from the conventional traffic signs in that they can be configured to show a range of different messages...Lead moreVariable Message Signs (VMS) are known as individual elements of ITS and are one of the main techniques for the provision of on-trip information to drivers. It differs from the conventional traffic signs in that they can be configured to show a range of different messages composed of letters, symbols or both according to current need. The information displayed on VMSs can be classified as warnings, advice and requirements. It can alert motorist to current road and weather condition and reroute them around accidents and congestion bottlenecks. It can be use to give advice regarding parking or routing. VMS can be use as a tool of traffic management by presenting information to modify the behavior of travelers. They may ask drivers to change travel speed, change lanes, divert to a different route etc. Moreover they can be used to give general advice (“Drive Safely!”etc.) or they can be used to provide general information (the time or temperature etc.). In this study, the general specification of VMS is introduced. A control strategy is proposed for the use of VMS in D100 Freeway Section in Istanbul for operational issue.

Paper Title

Measures to Raise the Sophistication of Expressway Snow and Ice Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01543
  • Toshifumi Watanabe
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited.,
  • Japan


The Hokkaido Branch of East Nippon Expressway Company Limited. (NEXCO East Japan) has deployed on a trial basis a system for real-time, linear monitoring of road conditions, snowfall amount, snow accumulation and other factors, from an office. The system is designed to fu...Lead moreThe Hokkaido Branch of East Nippon Expressway Company Limited. (NEXCO East Japan) has deployed on a trial basis a system for real-time, linear monitoring of road conditions, snowfall amount, snow accumulation and other factors, from an office. The system is designed to further raise the efficiency and effectiveness of snow and ice countermeasures at expressways in Hokkaido. The road-condition video collection system displays on a route map still images of road conditions taken every minute from web cameras mounted on road-patrol vehicles and private-sector buses on scheduled routes, while enabling users to monitor visibility conditions by estimating visibility through image analysis. In addition, the snowfall system monitors snowfall amounts by plotting graphs of snow accumulation data measured every ten minutes using the optical differential phase detection method. This paper presents a case study of how these systems were used effectively to make implementation decisions and provide support for snow and ice countermeasures and other tasks. It also reports on measures to ensure safe driving and enhance customer service going forward.

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New Flexible Toll Measures and Handling of the System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01542
  • Hiroyuki Shibata
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited.,
  • Japan


In accordance with state policies, tolls have been successively lowered since October 2008, but the “Expressway Toll Cap of 1,000 Yen for Rural Areas”, which was implemented as a state emergency stimulus package at the end of March 2009, was first implemented for the Toky...Lead moreIn accordance with state policies, tolls have been successively lowered since October 2008, but the “Expressway Toll Cap of 1,000 Yen for Rural Areas”, which was implemented as a state emergency stimulus package at the end of March 2009, was first implemented for the Tokyo Wan Aqua Line operated by our company, the East Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO East), as the precursor for the whole country, and this toll cap was only later developed nationwide. This “toll cap of 1,000 yen” was not only a substantial rate cut which had no precedent, but was the first attempt to establish a toll cap on the toll calculation program which already assumed a fixed rate cut. In addition, steps were taken at the end of April of the same year for “Special Provisions on Connections” so that the toll cap of 1,000 yen could be applied even when connecting between specific interchanges of city areas, and under difficult handling conditions, had to be implemented within a short period of time. Amid such restrictions in terms of the system, we would now like to present details of the new toll rate cut which was implemented based on certain conditions and the handling of such system.

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The introduction of the snow vehicle position monitoring system and its effectiveness

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01541
  • Masatoshi Yokota
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited.,
  • Japan


NEXCO East introduced a snow vehicle monitoring system for greater efficiency in dealing with snow and ice on expressway. The purpose is to gain a round-the-clock understanding of the snow work situation and to respond immediately and without fail to the changing snowfall...Lead moreNEXCO East introduced a snow vehicle monitoring system for greater efficiency in dealing with snow and ice on expressway. The purpose is to gain a round-the-clock understanding of the snow work situation and to respond immediately and without fail to the changing snowfall situation. The system are consist of On Board Unit, Data Server,operation terminal, road management radio as network and GPS. The On Board Unit on the vehicle displays the position of the vehicle visually on a simple chart and adapted an easy-to-use touch panel. At the snow work operation center the position of each vehicle on the map and the details of the work are available and this information is automatically recorded. There is also a working data storage function. In addition, when there is a report of an accident it is possible to order a response by the nearest vehicle. With this system it is planned to make snow work more efficient and improve the on-the-ground work environment

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Development of the device to prevent wrong-way driving

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01540
  • Yuichi Mizushima
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited.,
  • Japan


In expressways in Japan, the act of wrong-way driving among inexperienced drivers and head-on collision accidents which occur as a result are viewed as a problem. As a solution to this problem, NEXCO East and NEXCO Engineering Niigata developed a sensing and warning devic...Lead moreIn expressways in Japan, the act of wrong-way driving among inexperienced drivers and head-on collision accidents which occur as a result are viewed as a problem. As a solution to this problem, NEXCO East and NEXCO Engineering Niigata developed a sensing and warning device which prevents wrong-way driving on expressways, and installed them on sites. This device consists of an image processing device which senses the act of wrong-way driving and a warning device towards drivers. This device was installed in locations where wrong-way driving among inexperienced drivers was concerned. Within 6 months from installation, the device sensed 5 cases of wrong-way driving, warned the driver to stop driving the wrong way, and successfully prevented head-on collision accidents. In addition, this device is able to store photographed images of the past as it senses the act of wrong-way driving. This is extremely effective for ex-post analysis as well as for devising fundamental measures to prevent the act of wrong-way driving as we can objectively record the driver’s behaviors which lead to the act of wrong-way driving. This article is a report regarding the development of this device and its achievement in operation.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01539
  • Hirohiko Hattori
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited.,
  • Japan


Progress is being made in experiments in Japan aimed at making practicable intelligent road and vehicle wireless communications using the SHF band (5.8 GHz) DSRC beacons. Use of the DSRC beacons makes it possible to obtain information on vehicle behaviour in the form of p...Lead moreProgress is being made in experiments in Japan aimed at making practicable intelligent road and vehicle wireless communications using the SHF band (5.8 GHz) DSRC beacons. Use of the DSRC beacons makes it possible to obtain information on vehicle behaviour in the form of probe data. In this paper we gather vehicle probe data using the DSRC beacons and DSRC vehicle-mounted units and study the precision of vehicle behaviour. Up to the present time information on expressways has been provided on the basis of information collected from patrols, reports and roadway observation equipment, but the aim is to improve the accuracy of the information provided through the use of the probe data. The experiments place particular emphasis on the travelling environment of snow-covered roads; simulation runs on expressways were carried out repeatedly in an attempt to test the validity (accuracy, reliability, limitations) of the probe data.

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Expressway Traffic Control System Reflecting the Risk of Large Scale Earthquakes

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01538
  • Hitoshi Marumo
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited.,
  • Japan


The Tohoku branch of East Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO East) manages approximately 1,300 km of expressway in order to provide customers with a sense of security, safety, comfort, and convenience 24 hours a day. Over the past 10 years, there have been three inc...Lead moreThe Tohoku branch of East Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO East) manages approximately 1,300 km of expressway in order to provide customers with a sense of security, safety, comfort, and convenience 24 hours a day. Over the past 10 years, there have been three incidences of large-scale earthquakes of magnitude 7 class within the region managed by The Tohoku branch. With a large-scale earthquake (M7?8) expected to occur off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture within the next 30 years with a 99% probability, it is essential to construct a system that enables the road management center to continue functioning even when an earthquake occurs. The road control center supervises and controls facilities and the collection and output of traffic information using a wide range of road facilities. However, the road control center has experienced events in the past where the road management system did not function fully because of a rapid succession of malfunctions, power failure signals, etc. With plans to construct a new system, this paper discusses a road management system, which reflects the experiences of earthquakes in the past, with an integrated signals management system that can promptly assess the situation even when a disaster strikes and a system architecture that can continue to function fully even if the central processor fails.

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Improving Legibility and Energy efficiency of Variable Message Sign(VMS)

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01519
  • Chul yong kim Yong ja lee
  • ledo co.,ltd
  • Republic of Korea


A driver on the road receives 90% or more of information through perception. Therefore, information must be provided to a driver in an accurate and concise manner. Among visual information on the road, Variable Message Sign (VMS) provide essential information to the drive...Lead moreA driver on the road receives 90% or more of information through perception. Therefore, information must be provided to a driver in an accurate and concise manner. Among visual information on the road, Variable Message Sign (VMS) provide essential information to the driver in real time and allows efficient traffic flow and safe passing. With advances in LED modules, VMS are currently evolving into a structure that aims for low power and emits brighter light. This paper was written because there was conjecture that light that must only be displayed to the drivers may impede growth of animals and plants that are also exposed to it and lead to electric power waste. Therefore, this paper proposes a LED module structure that is environmentally friendly and highly energy efficient through two technical improvements. First, shortcomings of existing LED modules were overcome to reduce power consumption. Second, an environmentally friendly and energy efficient LED module structure that prevents light pollution due to unnecessary emitted light was proposed. Ultimately, the LED module that is proposed in this paper is a product that not only enhances driver convenience but is also economically and environmentally complete.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01518
  • Yongseok Hahn
  • Yooshin
  • Republic of Korea


Master Plan and Preliminary Engineering Design on the ITS of Incheon Free Economic Zone(IFEZ)', requested by the IFEZ Authority, were conducted by Yooshin in association with Pyoungsang located in Incheon city. The project is composed of selecting adequate ITS services on...Lead moreMaster Plan and Preliminary Engineering Design on the ITS of Incheon Free Economic Zone(IFEZ)', requested by the IFEZ Authority, were conducted by Yooshin in association with Pyoungsang located in Incheon city. The project is composed of selecting adequate ITS services on each area in IFEZ, planning ITS centers, and preparing the integration of each center for three areas in IFEZ. Especially the preliminary Engineering Design was carried out for 'Incheon Asia Game in 2014'. Also, the Datailed Design on three ITS servicest will be immediately introduced for 'Global Fair & Festival 2009 Incheon, Korea' in Songdo Newtown.

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A Study on the Visibility of the Colored Bikes

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01517
  • Woohyun Kim
  • Korea Institute of Construction Technology
  • Republic of Korea


As recently bicycles are attracting a lot of attention, many studies on bike lanes have been performed. However, most of them were about types, operation, and facilities, and there has been no study on colors surface colors. In most cases, surface colors of bike lanes app...Lead moreAs recently bicycles are attracting a lot of attention, many studies on bike lanes have been performed. However, most of them were about types, operation, and facilities, and there has been no study on colors surface colors. In most cases, surface colors of bike lanes applied in Korea have been existing conventional colors or users’ preferred colors, which means that bike lane colors have been practically decided by subjective judgment. On the ground, the present study aims at learning the relationship between two general genders, and bicycle users and non-users in terms of ‘visibility’ and ‘preference’, and in doing so suggesting reasonable options for surface colors of bike lanes. It was found that there was no difference according to variables of general features of survey participants in red colors while there was a difference between bicycle users and non-users in terms of visibility. In blue colors, there were differences found excluding the preference of bicycle users and non-users.

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Technique for Automatically Issuing Tax Invoices for Using a Toll Road

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01515
  • Ji Bum Kim
  • DM Communication and Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Expressways in Korea can be divided into expressways managed by Korea Expressway Corporation, a government invested institution, and private expressways. Private expressways have been increasing recently. While toll for the expressways managed by Korea Expressway Corporat...Lead moreExpressways in Korea can be divided into expressways managed by Korea Expressway Corporation, a government invested institution, and private expressways. Private expressways have been increasing recently. While toll for the expressways managed by Korea Expressway Corporation are tax exempt, toll for private expressways are subject to taxation. Therefore, in order for a corporate businessman using the private expressways to get a tax refund, evidence of toll payment must be submitted to the expressway operating agency and tax invoice must be received from the operating agency and then submitted to the National Tax Service. Payment methods for the toll on the expressway are separated into pre/post payment electronic cards and cash. Post payment electronic card is excluded from the target for issuing a tax invoice. If a road user requests a tax invoice to be issued, the operating agency extracts the toll by searching the passing record database with the electronic card number. If cash was used for the payment, receipts that have been issued are collected, the amounts listed in the receipts are summed without a verification process and tax invoice is issued for the resulting total amount. In this paper, an automation method to reduce the work load and a method to prevent tax evasion will be developed by analyzing the tax invoice issuing process. The proposed method calculates the tax invoice issuing information via an issuing and matching algorithm that was developed by using the material submitted by the road user and vehicle number plate recognition information for the passing vehicles. The proposed algorithm may be applied not only in expressways but also in parking lot fee collection systems. It has the effect of simplifying the operation and preventing illegal rebates of the value added tax (VAT).

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01514
  • Moo-Sang Kim
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Installation of video collection devices (CCTV) that can be used to determine the road situation in real time has been expanded recently. This trend reflects the fact that image information is preferred by the road operators and users due to characteristics like immediacy...Lead moreInstallation of video collection devices (CCTV) that can be used to determine the road situation in real time has been expanded recently. This trend reflects the fact that image information is preferred by the road operators and users due to characteristics like immediacy, accuracy, conciseness and visibility. Since the CCTV system that is being operated at the present by the Traffic Information Center is run by operators, however, difficulty in operation will increase as the number of CCTV systems increases. When an accident like an incident occurs, rapid response will be difficult because verification will be late. Since there is functional demand for environmental information like direction information, location information and environment information that are difficult to determine with just image information, text information is displayed simultaneously with the image information. The goal of this paper is to improve service by transferring the passing pattern conveniently in video and images by adding functions which allow vehicle flow to be determined. The improvement method that is being proposed has the advantage of making it possible for the real time traffic information to be understood together with image information. This is accomplished by processing the CCTV image data so that it can be displayed together with the traffic data after analyzing and processing the traffic information that is entered so that traffic data that is collected at the corresponding point is displayed through the CCTV monitor when real time situation of the road is observed through the CCTV system. In addition, there is the advantage that an operator can understand the traffic situation quickly since traffic speed information that is difficult to determine from the CCTV monitor screen is converted to numerical values and displayed on the CCTV screen.

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Singapore ERP - The new Dual-mode In-vehicle Unit

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01512
  • Eddie Lim
  • Land Transport Authority
  • Singapore


The next generation In-vehicle Unit (IU), also known as the dual-mode IU, is an improved version of the current IU for the Singapore Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system. The dual-mode IU was designed to accept both the existing stored value cards (Cashcard) and future co...Lead moreThe next generation In-vehicle Unit (IU), also known as the dual-mode IU, is an improved version of the current IU for the Singapore Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system. The dual-mode IU was designed to accept both the existing stored value cards (Cashcard) and future contact-less stored value cards (CSC) that comply with the Contactless E-Purse Application Standard (CEPAS). The dual mode IU was developed to create an avenue for other card suppliers to introduce their cards for payment of ERP charges so that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) is not tied to any single card supplier and to align with card suppliers’ plan to move towards the use of contact-less smartcard technology in the future. The dual-mode IU has enhanced features such as automatic top-up of card balance (for CEPAS-compliant cards) and the display of ERP charges deducted in addition to the balance of the card at the point of passing under the ERP gantry. It is also physically smaller and aesthetically improved. The new IU also comes with a new communication link that will enable the IU to send information such as the gantry location, date and time of transaction and the ERP charges deducted to an external device such as a taxi meter so that these details can be printed with the taxi fare receipt.

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Expressway Disaster Management Utilizing IT

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01508
  • Giduk Yoon
  • Korea Expressway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


The level of demands made by customers using the expressways is becoming more sophisticated and diverse by the day due to advances in IT technology. Local heavy snow and severe rain storms have become frequent due to the recent weather hazard phenomenon. Therefore, Korea ...Lead moreThe level of demands made by customers using the expressways is becoming more sophisticated and diverse by the day due to advances in IT technology. Local heavy snow and severe rain storms have become frequent due to the recent weather hazard phenomenon. Therefore, Korea Expressway Corporation has constructed a new IT disaster management ("Hi-Maintenance Management") system in which various maintenance and management systems, Korea Meteorological Administration forecast materials and information from site patrols and CCTV which are being operated as unit operations are integrated and managed.

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A Study of a Positioning System Using Address Information on Web and Spot Information in Cityscape

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01506
  • Tomotaka Nagaosa
  • Kanto Gakuin University
  • Japan


This paper describes a study of a positioning system using address information on web and spot information in cityscape. First, accuracy of an conventional positioning system is evaluated in urban areas using GPS on a cellular phone. Second, a unique positioning system i...Lead moreThis paper describes a study of a positioning system using address information on web and spot information in cityscape. First, accuracy of an conventional positioning system is evaluated in urban areas using GPS on a cellular phone. Second, a unique positioning system is proposed. A user sends both location information acquired from GPS and spots’ names getting from sign boards around the user to a server by using a web browser of the cellular phone. The user's position is estimated by the Web searching using both of information. To evaluate the proposed system, the operation experiment of the system that uses location information in the GPS experiment and spots’ names information on several measurement points in which there are is carried out. It is shown that accuracy of the propose system is superior to that of GPS. Last, the relations among selection of spots, structure of the Web site and the measurement positioning errors on the proposed system is considered.

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Improvement of Port Entrance System using RFID

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01505
  • Hyung Rim Choi
  • DongA University
  • Republic of Korea


As the world has had a high recognition of security since 9/11 attacks in 2001, many countries and international organizations around the world are making strenuous efforts in establishing stronger security, centering on areas with high possibility of terrorist attacks. I...Lead moreAs the world has had a high recognition of security since 9/11 attacks in 2001, many countries and international organizations around the world are making strenuous efforts in establishing stronger security, centering on areas with high possibility of terrorist attacks. In particular, harbor facilities where a great deal of trade take place between countries, have high possibilities of becoming the objects of terrorist attacks and also of becoming places of trading objects and illegal items which might be leveraged for terror attacks. In this study, I have explained the current status of the harbor entrance system through existing documents, interviews and field trips to harbors and have also introduced improvement measures using RFID technology from the viewpoint of BP(Business Process). I expect that this study will be used as basic materials because I have studied the number of people entering harbors and working procedures for vehicle entrance, which have not been studied so far and also laid out various factors to be considered to introduce RFID technology.

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Comparative Assessment of Impacts Before and After Opening ITS Service

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01501
  • Ho Yun Kang
  • Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College
  • Republic of Korea


The explosive increase of automobiles after industrialization has caused serious traffic problems. While people can easily move to any places they want to go thanks to the development of automobiles, it has brought in not only congestion expenses caused by the serious tra...Lead moreThe explosive increase of automobiles after industrialization has caused serious traffic problems. While people can easily move to any places they want to go thanks to the development of automobiles, it has brought in not only congestion expenses caused by the serious traffic congestions but the result of aggravating greenhouse effect due to increase in the quantity of carbon dioxide exhausted from the vehicles. Therefore, solution to the traffic problems may be the best countermeasure to reduce environmental pollution, not to mention the economic gains. The ITS(Intelligent Transport System) has been introduced as the best solution to the aforementioned problems. An ITS is an intelligent and informatized system for road traffic utilizing advanced technologies such as electronics, information processing, communication technology, etc. to solve the automobile traffic problems and also to make automobile transportation more comfortable. ITS projects in Korea have been increasingly executed nationwide after the pilot project of Gwacheon City in 1996. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the status of ITS projects in Korea and the status of domestic and overseas projects and a comparative analysis of traffic volumes before and after the execution of the ITS project has been conducted. The section of national road Route 7(Ulsan~Gyeongju) has been selected as the subject area of research, and the improvement of travel speed can be verified through the speed contour map compared to that before execution of the ITS project according to the result of the comparative analysis.

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Design of Harmonic Suppressed Stub Bandpass Filter in Tapped line Geometry - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01497
  • Byung-Kuk Jeon
  • Kwangwoon Univ.
  • Republic of Korea


In this paper, a 5.8 GHz stub bandpass filter (BPF) using tapped line method with T-junction line in which the 2nd and 3rd harmonics are suppressed , is proposed. This approach improved conventional method which is needed EM(electromagnetic) analysis for using Qe (externa...Lead moreIn this paper, a 5.8 GHz stub bandpass filter (BPF) using tapped line method with T-junction line in which the 2nd and 3rd harmonics are suppressed , is proposed. This approach improved conventional method which is needed EM(electromagnetic) analysis for using Qe (external quality factor) . So, tapped line geometry more easily can design by determing tapped line position to formula. Stub location can analyze through inverter value of 4/λ resonator applied tapped line feeding method. In this letter, the filter is designed with the substrate of duroid. From the experimental results, 5.8 GHz harmonic suppressed stub bandpass filter shows the insertion loss of 1db with center frequency and the return loss of 15, bandwidth 900MHz.

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Case study on image system of maintenance vehicle for ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01495
  • Young ho Kim
  • Samsung SDS
  • Republic of Korea


The research studied cases which applied system of image collecting system of maintenance vehicle for communication smoothly between center operator and worker of maintenance and monitored site where it could not collect image information in Gyenggi-Do Currently, It is on...Lead moreThe research studied cases which applied system of image collecting system of maintenance vehicle for communication smoothly between center operator and worker of maintenance and monitored site where it could not collect image information in Gyenggi-Do Currently, It is only measure to communicate between center operator and worker of site maintenance for calling phone. In order to figure traffic condition out, vehicle for maintenance which is installed unit for gathering image information connected with center through streaming image system in the Gyenggi-Do traffic center. It makes easy to communicate between center operator and worker of site maintenance and possible to monitor site whether installed CCTV or not Also, It integrate gathering image with image system in center. It is possible to provide processing image information through web streaming server and save the image through wall controller and image saving system.

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A Combined Reader Selection Method for Positioning Accuracy Improvement in Indoor WLAN Environments

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01494
  • Byeong Kang
  • Soon Chun Hyang University
  • Republic of Korea


In this paper, two kinds of reader selection schemes named as random reader selection and combined reader selection methods are proposed to enhance the positioning accuracy considering indoor wireless LAN environments. A testbed was set up to measure and compare the posit...Lead moreIn this paper, two kinds of reader selection schemes named as random reader selection and combined reader selection methods are proposed to enhance the positioning accuracy considering indoor wireless LAN environments. A testbed was set up to measure and compare the positioning estimation error of the suggested methods and previous conventional schemes which are called as normal and reference reader selection. The experiments results showed that the accuracy of location estimation was enormously improved with our proposed methods in a hostile environment with some obstacles.

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Gimpo-Si intelligent transport systems (ITS) basic planning measures introduced over the U-ITS research

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01493
  • Jaeyoung Kim
  • Republic of Korea


U-ITS means to provide service environment which can realize transport intelligence to any object at anytime and anywhere by combining ubiquitous, environment friendly and human friendly attributes by developing spatial constraints and technical limit of the existing ITS ...Lead moreU-ITS means to provide service environment which can realize transport intelligence to any object at anytime and anywhere by combining ubiquitous, environment friendly and human friendly attributes by developing spatial constraints and technical limit of the existing ITS in one more step. In this study, we plan to integrate systems, which are separated in concept, such as ITS, UTIS, U-CITY and etc, which are under plans or already being established now, with Gimpo city as an example and to study establishment plan of U-ITS in compliance with the urban characteristics of Gimpo city

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A Study on operation analysis of Permissive Left-turn in Korea

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01492
  • Eun-Ah Byun
  • Road Traffic Authority
  • Republic of Korea


A Study on operation analysis of Permissive Left-turn in KoreaA Study on operation analysis of Permissive Left-turn in Korea

Paper Title

Design of a Large Bridge Maintenance, Management, Measurement and Monitoring System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01491
  • Se yoon Oh
  • Korea Expreeway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


Bridges have become larger in scale recently due to increases in physical distribution and movement of people as industrial development has become more sophisticated. In addition, increase in routes that pass through mountains, valleys and ocean have also played a part in...Lead moreBridges have become larger in scale recently due to increases in physical distribution and movement of people as industrial development has become more sophisticated. In addition, increase in routes that pass through mountains, valleys and ocean have also played a part in increasing the size of the structures. This is different from the road environment that has been built up to the present. Therefore, design and construction of long span bridges like suspension bridges or cable-stayed girder bridges have increased. Bridge designers are doing their best to satisfy demands like this from society. Considerable technical skills exist for building a measurement system, the basis in carrying out research on bridge maintenance and management, because such a system has been built before in Korea, development of a system to determine the soundness of a structure in a reasonable manner like determining the safety, usability and reliability by using measurement results has not been very successful. Therefore, a scheme to build a more efficient maintenance, management, measurement and monitoring system will be examined in this research. To do so, design factors and new information management