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Paper Title

The Case for Fairness in Urban Congestion Mitigation and Emission Reduction Measures

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00453
  • Michael Sena
  • Hughes Telematics, Inc.
  • Sweden


An increasing number of metropolitan governments are proposing or have already implemented measures that have as their goal the reduction of vehicular congestion in and around their cities, and, concomitantly, the reduction of environmentally hazardous emissions. Many of ...Lead moreAn increasing number of metropolitan governments are proposing or have already implemented measures that have as their goal the reduction of vehicular congestion in and around their cities, and, concomitantly, the reduction of environmentally hazardous emissions. Many of these measures involve the establishment of a tolling system that charges drivers of motorised vehicles a sum of money when they pass into established zones and sometimes when they pass out of these zones. Charges are either a flat rate, as in London, or may vary according to time of day, as in Stockholm. Exemptions from paying the tolls, or reductions in the amount to be paid, are made in some cases, such as for low-emission vehicles or for public facility vehicles and for residents living inside the zones, but relief from paying the tolls is not given based on ability to pay. This is an unfair form of taxation which penalises the economically challenged citizens who must pay a higher proportion of their income to drive their vehicles, and rewards the economically advantaged with less congestion and fewer delays on the roads. This paper will explore why tolling schemes for urban congestion mitigation and emission reduction are unfair and discriminatory, and will present a case for alternative measures which would result in achieving similar goals while not disadvantaging certain groups of citizens.

Paper Title

Fibre Technology to the Roadside End Device Service Delivery Point in the England’s ‘All Purpose Trunk Roads’

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00445
  • Gabriel Ozique
  • Fluor Enterprise Inc.
  • UK


Highways Agency (HA) in England implemented Internet Protocol (IP), Multiple Protocol Label Switching Label (MPLS) and Course Wave Division Multiplex (CWDM), Transmission System Core network in 2007 to monitor, control and manage traffic on English Motorways and ‘All Purp...Lead moreHighways Agency (HA) in England implemented Internet Protocol (IP), Multiple Protocol Label Switching Label (MPLS) and Course Wave Division Multiplex (CWDM), Transmission System Core network in 2007 to monitor, control and manage traffic on English Motorways and ‘All Purpose Trunk Roads’. This was done through Fluor International Ltd led consortium called GeneSYS Telecommunication Ltd. There are 11 service categories currently being provided to the HA. Fibre Optics cables link 150 transmission nodes (Transmission Stations) by the motorway. Copper cables are used to link voice and data services to ‘Service Delivery Point (SDP)’ on the roadside (the last mile). Fibre Optic cable is used for linking video services from the roadside to the node (Transmission Station). The maximum bandwidth for the links using copper cable is 2Mbps. When Fibre is used, this can be increased up to 1Gbps. The use of ITS in the effective and efficient management of traffic is increasingly being recognised. More data is required to be sent / received to/from Signalling and monitoring devices and traffic detection devices to the Command and Control Centres, to enable effective management of congestion. To this end, a Fibre-Only Technology solution has been designed, successfully implemented and trialled on an ‘All Purpose Trunk Road (A14)’ in England. This article will analyse the technological options considered for the implementation and trial for this ‘All Fibre solution’, the merits and demerits of each options, and the benefit of the chosen option

Paper Title

Strategic Testing Principles

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00442
  • Duoduo Wang
  • Collis BV
  • Netherlands


Testing is a key process in the lifecycle of a road pricing system. Its main goal is to ensure trust that the system not only works as required, but also that the system does what it was intended for in the first place. In this paper we will present a number of strategic ...Lead moreTesting is a key process in the lifecycle of a road pricing system. Its main goal is to ensure trust that the system not only works as required, but also that the system does what it was intended for in the first place. In this paper we will present a number of strategic principles for testing complex systems like road pricing systems, especially when delivered by multiple vendors. We illustrate these principles with the real case of the Dutch Road Pricing system, which is a GNSS and DSRC-based, nationwide tolling system due to begin operation by 2012.

Paper Title

An Improved Method for Subsequent Offset Optimzation of Traffic Lights

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00440
  • Andreas Poschinger
  • Siemens AG
  • Germany


This contribution describes a new approach to improve the subsequent offset optimization of traffic lights in urban networks based on VERO. After a first view on the optimization task and its nature and after a short view on the current state of research the paper explain...Lead moreThis contribution describes a new approach to improve the subsequent offset optimization of traffic lights in urban networks based on VERO. After a first view on the optimization task and its nature and after a short view on the current state of research the paper explains the difference between the subsequent optimization in SCOOT and the subsequent optimization in VERO. Then the VERO optimization method as well as the VERO traffic model is explained, which, by the way, models the steady state traffic in order to avoid the usual rolling horizon approach. The main part focuses on the new method to improve the VERO method by introducing on the one hand platoon propagation where appropriate and on the other hand “slot adherence” as new term of the performance index: extension of the performance index allows to improve the quality of modeled platoons by looking preferably for optimization results which lead to platoon shapes similar to the modeled platoons within the previous optimization of a neighboring junction.

Paper Title

Smart navigation - potential and real benefits to road users and society

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00439
  • Lars Gisow
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


Road users are today to a greater extent supported by dynamic systems that disseminate on-trip traffic information or route guidance. Achievements in the field of mobile communication and positioning have resulted in new, advanced services on the market. These services ca...Lead moreRoad users are today to a greater extent supported by dynamic systems that disseminate on-trip traffic information or route guidance. Achievements in the field of mobile communication and positioning have resulted in new, advanced services on the market. These services can be wider used through adaptation to individual travel behaviour and preferences. In an on-going R&D-project, a thorough analysis is made of the perspectives to use mobile IT-solutions more efficient in different traffic contexts. Guided by studies of key functions and interviews with providers and users, the influence of the services on tactical decisions during the trips now and in the future will be analysed. In the end, there will be a discussion of factors and functions that may be most important for the future development, and possibilities for the Swedish Road Administration to influence and improve the benefits to society.

Paper Title

Road administration responsibility for traffic information from a societal perspective

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00438
  • Lars Gisow
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


Traffic information is becoming increasingly important as the traffic grows and gets more complex. A trend in recent years has been to facilitate for private actors to disseminate information. However in Sweden this process has been slow and there is a need to clarify the...Lead moreTraffic information is becoming increasingly important as the traffic grows and gets more complex. A trend in recent years has been to facilitate for private actors to disseminate information. However in Sweden this process has been slow and there is a need to clarify the responsibility for providing information from a societal perspective. This is especially important for safety related information but also accessibility. The subject is addressed in an ongoing project at the Swedish Road Administra¬tion.

Paper Title

Mapping road safety attributes: a public-private partnership between road authorities and map providers

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00437
  • Maxime Flament
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
  • Belgium


Many state-of-the-art ITS applications rely on an accurate knowledge of both the characteristics of the road network and the traffic regulations applicable. Where road safety is at stake, it is essential that this information is validated and made available to all players...Lead moreMany state-of-the-art ITS applications rely on an accurate knowledge of both the characteristics of the road network and the traffic regulations applicable. Where road safety is at stake, it is essential that this information is validated and made available to all players on a fair and equitable basis, in view of ensuring a safe and orderly management of traffic. This applies, in particular, to digital mapping, including its inherent processes for data collection, validation and timely updating. Although map makers continuously survey the European road network for changes, map information is not always up-to-date and accurate. In addition, the fact that solutions exist for providing access to up-to-date safety attributes using incremental updates hardly constitutes a major bottleneck in the datachain. This paper attempts to give an overview of several past and ongoing EC financed activities aiming at optimising the collection and provision of road data and traffic regulations together with the road authorities of the EU Member States. It then describes the most recent results of the ROSATTE project, in terms of test implementation and organisational issues. The results should be used to build-up more experience for the future European deployment of such framework.

Paper Title

Navici AVL - Automatic Vehicle Location and Reporting Service

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00436
  • Ilkka Aho
  • Logica
  • Finland


In this paper, the use and architecture of the Navici AVL is described and further development ideas are introduced. With the help of the web browser based graphical interface, user can easily see how the fleet is geographically distributed and also generate a wide variet...Lead moreIn this paper, the use and architecture of the Navici AVL is described and further development ideas are introduced. With the help of the web browser based graphical interface, user can easily see how the fleet is geographically distributed and also generate a wide variety of reports for different purposes. Multifunctional GUI together with the GPS devices plus accessories installed in the vehicles the Navici AVL builds up a highly complex and sophisticated ensemble. The integration of several open source state-of-the-art methods with an advanced GPS apparatus enables exceptional accuracy and usability of the positioning and reporting functions. From the customer point of view, cost savings are achieved for instance via increased utilization rate, lowered misuse of the vehicles, automatic driving journal and several other basic and customized report types. The purchasing and maintenance of a fleet of vehicles is a significant investment in many organizations and firms. It is clear that in order to lower costs and develop a competitive advantage such companies have to consider some solutions to optimize the utilization rate. Logica has been providing vehicle tracking and reporting solutions for many years under Merlot product family. Originally, Navici AVL was implemented according to the new kinds of needs that customers had. That is to say, the customers want to improve the service continuously and in future even integrate it as a part of their existing systems like ERP.

Paper Title

Teleport: Journey Time Measurement in Real Time

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00434
  • Katharine Venters
  • department 83
  • UK


In this paper we describe Teleport, a solution to measure journey times between arbitrary locations in a city extremely accurately. This solution relies on the fact that most commuters carry mobile phones equipped with Bluetooth. Experiments and trial deployment indicate ...Lead moreIn this paper we describe Teleport, a solution to measure journey times between arbitrary locations in a city extremely accurately. This solution relies on the fact that most commuters carry mobile phones equipped with Bluetooth. Experiments and trial deployment indicate that Teleport is a low cost, reliable and accurate solution for journey time measurement in real time.

Paper Title

Mobile Virtual Synchronous Machine for V2G Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00431
  • Christopher Pelczar
  • Clausthal University of Technology
  • Germany


In this paper we propose an architecture of an electrical vehicle equipped with V2G capabilities using a virtual synchronous machine (VISMA), a power inverter that behaves like a synchronous machine in the grid, capable of providing ancillary services e.g. primary control...Lead moreIn this paper we propose an architecture of an electrical vehicle equipped with V2G capabilities using a virtual synchronous machine (VISMA), a power inverter that behaves like a synchronous machine in the grid, capable of providing ancillary services e.g. primary control and spinning reserve, and featuring intelligent charging to reduce the burden on the grid. We focus on issues of system integration of power electronics systems in electric vehicles. We realized an FPGA-based controller for the mobile VISMA and performed an electric conversion of a Smart Roadster, which will serve as a mobile testing platform for our system.

Paper Title

Remote Freight Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00427
  • Christian Udin
  • Sweco
  • Sweden


Remote Freight Information is one of the identified Viability Studies in the Roadmap work for Freight and Logistics in EasyWay. Remote Freight Information is a two way vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) interface/toolbox for freight transport vehicles. It contains a harmonis...Lead moreRemote Freight Information is one of the identified Viability Studies in the Roadmap work for Freight and Logistics in EasyWay. Remote Freight Information is a two way vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) interface/toolbox for freight transport vehicles. It contains a harmonised measure to readout the presence/passing of commercial vehicles at e.g. modal interchange points, and to communicate appropriate information (including situational) back to the vehicle by the standard interface.

Paper Title

Ensuring Trust in Autonomous EFC Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00420
  • David Bakker
  • Collis
  • Netherlands


In autonomous EFC systems, the amount to be paid to the toll charger is in effect determined by the on board equipment (OBE) in the vehicle. A toll charger in such systems has only limited possibilities to make sure that the OBE is functioning correctly at all times. The ...Lead moreIn autonomous EFC systems, the amount to be paid to the toll charger is in effect determined by the on board equipment (OBE) in the vehicle. A toll charger in such systems has only limited possibilities to make sure that the OBE is functioning correctly at all times. The question whether the toll declaration produced by the OBE can be trusted is therefore paramount. However, current international standards at this moment do not prescribe a specific security architecture for EFC systems. We present a solution in terms of a Trusted Element (TE) inside the OBE, which not only stores keys used to sign data, but also stores valuable information like (aggregated values of) distances, durations and counters. Such a TE, usually in the form of a smart card, is a proven success in many systems whose architecture resembles that of autonomous, interoperable EFC systems. The TE should be trusted by all toll chargers, whereas the OBE does not have to be trusted. We discuss the requirements for such a TE and show how a toll charger can use the TE to obtain trust in the toll declaration that is based on the functioning of an OBE without trusting the OBE itself.

Paper Title

Internet ITS - IPv6 a innovation for future transportations

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00418
  • Florin Grafu
  • Romania


Society as a whole is at a crossroads where connectivity between people, systems and devices of all types and at all times will soon be the norm rather than the exception. Intelligent Transport Systems make it possible to imagine a future in which cars will be able to for...Lead moreSociety as a whole is at a crossroads where connectivity between people, systems and devices of all types and at all times will soon be the norm rather than the exception. Intelligent Transport Systems make it possible to imagine a future in which cars will be able to foresee and avoid collisions, navigate the quickest route to their destination, making use of up-to-the minute traffic reports, identify the nearest available parking slot and minimize their carbon emissions. A new set of standards ? Continuous Air-interface for Long- and Medium-range communications (CALM) ? promise to provide the underlying glue to make all this happen. In this paper we will try to explain and add new features for communication dedicated for urban traffic and public transportation to improve all transportation sectors. IPv6 is one of the solutions for tide together al ITS equipments.

Paper Title

Travel Demand Management by Bonus Credits for Parking

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00413
  • Ralf Willenbrock
  • T-Systems P.R. China Ltd.
  • China


With the fast development of urbanization and the rapid growth of automobile industry, many cities around the world are facing severe problems with traffic congestion and related CO2 emissions. A new idea of bonus credits for parking will be introduced in this paper to en...Lead moreWith the fast development of urbanization and the rapid growth of automobile industry, many cities around the world are facing severe problems with traffic congestion and related CO2 emissions. A new idea of bonus credits for parking will be introduced in this paper to encourage people to travel in low emission zones, thus reducing the traffic congestion and emissions in high emission zones. A fleet of floating cars will be equipped with a mobile device integrated with a GPS receiver. Therefore, the traffic and emission condition of the urban road network can be monitored and the high/low emission zone can be defined. By implementing a bonus calculation algorithm, each trip is recorded and analyzed, and at the end of each trip, a bonus is given to the driver as a reduction to the parking fee he is about to pay. The high/low emission zones defined can also be used by the public authorities to adjust the parking fee dynamically.

Paper Title

Iterative Design and Assessment of an Audio Visual Warning Concept for Car2x Communication Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00411
  • Frederik Diederichs
  • University of Stuttgart IAT
  • Germany


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are expected to mitigate specific driver deficits and thus increase safety. For many current ADAS which do not take over any vehicle control the effect of the ADAS intervention is entirely dependent on the driver’s reaction to the...Lead moreAdvanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are expected to mitigate specific driver deficits and thus increase safety. For many current ADAS which do not take over any vehicle control the effect of the ADAS intervention is entirely dependent on the driver’s reaction to the HMI. The HMI concept reported in this paper is a result of the EU project SAFESPOT, funded within the 6th framework programme and aiming to develop communication based assistance systems to increase traffic safety. The project goal is to develop a system that can issue warnings at different stages of criticality ? from an early informative message to an imminent hazard warning right before a crash. Two experiments have already been carried out and published that describe elements of an innovative audio-visual HMI including new features like visual attractors distributed in the drivers field of view and so called hybricons (a fusion of earcons and auditory icons). This paper focuses on a third experiment that has been carried out in a driving simulator environment with 24 participants in December 2009. First results about driver behaviour following SAFESPOT warnings highlight some issues with the concept of early “comfort warnings”, whereas the general warning concept is on average appreciated by test subjects. The results of the third experiment have not been published elsewhere.

Paper Title

Cooperative safety systems in 2020

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00410
  • Freek Faber
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


Cooperative safety systems are a future that comes closer to reality quickly. The technology is currently being developed in European framework projects. This paper shows two deployments paths to the cooperative systems on the road in 2020. One path leads to cooperative w...Lead moreCooperative safety systems are a future that comes closer to reality quickly. The technology is currently being developed in European framework projects. This paper shows two deployments paths to the cooperative systems on the road in 2020. One path leads to cooperative warning systems addressing tactical driving tasks. The other path leads to time-critical warning and active safety systems.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00409
  • Mohamed Benmimoun
  • Institut fur Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


ABSTRACT The euroFOT project is the first large-scale Field Operational Test (FOT) of multiple advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in Europe. It will evaluate, using instrumented vehicles, the impacts of ADAS on safety, traffic efficiency, environment and user-accep...Lead moreABSTRACT The euroFOT project is the first large-scale Field Operational Test (FOT) of multiple advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in Europe. It will evaluate, using instrumented vehicles, the impacts of ADAS on safety, traffic efficiency, environment and user-acceptance in real life situations with normal drivers. The results of the evaluation of this field test will offer valuable information for the short and long-term impact of ADAS. Altogether, about 1000 vehicles from different manufacturers and with different ADAS will take part in the FOT and are coordinated by five vehicle management centers (VMC). The project duration is 40 months and it will end in August 2011. At the German1-VMC the data acquisition and data processing from 240 FOT vehicles is managed by the Institut fur Kraftfahrzeuge of the RWTH Aachen University (ika). The tested functions cover Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Forward Collision Warning (FCW) and Curve Speed Warning (CSW). Thereby only data from the vehicles’ CAN busses is used at the German1-VMC (e.g. vehicle speed, acceleration, etc.).

Paper Title

CEDAR: Charging Electronically by Distance And Road

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00404
  • John Walker
  • Thales Transport & Security Ltd
  • UK


CEDAR (Charging Electronically by Distance And Road) is a technology and user trial of Distance-Based Road User Charging in Southern England, using GPS-based On-Board Equipment (OBE), extending the successful trials Thales previously carried out for Transport for London (...Lead moreCEDAR (Charging Electronically by Distance And Road) is a technology and user trial of Distance-Based Road User Charging in Southern England, using GPS-based On-Board Equipment (OBE), extending the successful trials Thales previously carried out for Transport for London (TfL). The CEDAR Partners are: o Thales (Project Leader and technology developer); o University of Southampton Transportation Research Group (user studies) o Swindon Borough Council (User Partner, vehicle provider and trial site). The project was part-funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board, and ran for 18 months from May 2008 to December 2009. The project demonstrated that Time-Distance-Place (TDP) technology worked reliably over extended periods of time, for different charging regimes and specific application scenarios, and the service delivered consistently met the requirements of users. More particularly, the project demonstrated that GPS plus map-matching leads to accurate, robust and reasonably unambiguous charging, provided that the vehicle is on a road or that car parks, industrial estates & access roads are in the database. The project also showed that one system, covering different geographical areas, can use maps from different sources. Furthermore, the OBU can be used to indicate charge zone boundaries accurately, and can be easily programmed & reconfigured over the air, which permits more frequent position reporting, and the upload of charge zone boundary changes.

Paper Title

Development of ITS Policies - The Base for Legislation of ITS Schemes

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00402
  • Josef Czako
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are to facilitate daily life. Thus, corresponding policies have to be modeled around a demand-driven approach focusing on mobility and demographic aspects. Motorways and areas of high population density are hence the principal subjects ...Lead moreIntelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are to facilitate daily life. Thus, corresponding policies have to be modeled around a demand-driven approach focusing on mobility and demographic aspects. Motorways and areas of high population density are hence the principal subjects to be taken into account when developing ITS policies. This presentation defines Policy as a mechanism to reach explicit goals. Appropriate strategies, deriving from these policies, are the bridging element to user-friendly ITS applications. Policy therefore has to be understood as the higher-ranking framework enveloping a specific (political) topic. This paper elaborates three crucial areas to be taken into consideration when developing ITS Policy Models; (1) Definition of priority areas as a basis for ITS legislation (2) Re-use of existing Road user charging and tolling infrastructure as efficient base for ITS applications (3) Creation of a public environment in which the private sector is naturally motivated to meet the right long-term decisions. PRIORITY AREAS OF ITS In its Article 1 a) the European Union proposal on a ITS Directive defines 4 areas of priority constituting the base of future EU legislation on ITS; a) Optimal use of road, traffic and travel data; b) Continuity of traffic and freight management ITS services; c) ITS road safety and security applications; d) Linking the vehicle with the transport infrastructure. For the purpose of this Directive - most likely to come into effect in the mid of 2010 - ITS is defined as “systems, in which information and communication technologies are applied, in the field of road transport (including infrastructure, vehicles and users) and, traffic and mobility management, and with the interfaces to other transport modes”.

Paper Title

Traffic Control and Demand Management ? Case Study of Bergamo, Bologna and Turin (Italy)

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00398
  • Viktor Hatwagner
  • Kapsch TrafficCom S.r.l.
  • Austria


As seen in many cities worldwide the increasing traffic is producing a number of challenges for many communities which require immediate action. More and more cities are beginning to understand that only a restriction to access the city zones will have a sustainable impac...Lead moreAs seen in many cities worldwide the increasing traffic is producing a number of challenges for many communities which require immediate action. More and more cities are beginning to understand that only a restriction to access the city zones will have a sustainable impact on the number of vehicles entering a town. Depending on the individual situation of such cities various political, economical and environmental targets (or a combination of it) can be achieved. However despite the fact that the benefit of such decisions is undoubted the implementation of City Access Control or City Tolling Schemes is facing several political, legal and technical challenges. This presentation will try to cover these challenges in order to get a better understanding in which way such projects could be initiated and what kind of questions should be addressed in order to approach the public opinion in a positive way. Based on the case studies of 3 Italian cities (Bergamo, Bologna and Turin) the most important political and technical elements will be presented which are important success factors for a smooth start of such projects. Further some essential legal issues will be explained which have a strong influence on such projects. Last but not least the principal elements of such systems including the necessary infrastructure will be described as well as specific requirements of the infrastructure in urban areas which are quite often in sensitive historical city centres.

Paper Title

An ITS solution integrated to the IRT architecture in Cape Town within the FP7 project Stadium

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00397
  • Monica Giannini
  • Pluservice
  • Italy


The STADIUM project, co-funded by the EC, started in May 2009 and involves partners in Europe, South Africa (working on the upcoming 2010 Soccer World Cup) and India.The Stadium partners involved in the South African demo are implementing a special Demand Responsive Trans...Lead moreThe STADIUM project, co-funded by the EC, started in May 2009 and involves partners in Europe, South Africa (working on the upcoming 2010 Soccer World Cup) and India.The Stadium partners involved in the South African demo are implementing a special Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) system in order to complement and ‘fill the gaps’ to provide a total transport solution for the citizens and visitors to Cape Town. The system will be part of the Integrated Rapid Transit System (IRT). The Cape Town IRT system is a bold initiative to transform the public transport sector by dramatically improving the customer experience. This initiative seeks to integrate all modal options into a coherent package for the customer. Among the modes to be integrated are: Metrorail services, road-based services on trunk routes, conventional bus services, minibus taxi integration, feeder bus services, improved pedestrian and bicycle access, metered taxi integration, and park-and-ride facilities.Due to the relevance of the minivan transport sector in Cape Town and in whole South Africa, the Stadium demo activity aims to improve its performances through the development of an ITS application supporting a demand-responsive transport service. The main aims of the Stadium project are to demonstrate the use of the DRT application during the 2010 SWC and to demonstrate that the DRT application can improve the day-to-day operations of a public transport service offered by minibus taxis. The local Minibus Taxi operator involved in Stadium will experiment this solution to give easy access to the feeder services.

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UAV Controlling and Monitoring Workstation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00389
  • Lokesh Kumar
  • ISR, University of Coimbra
  • Portugal


This paper is going to present a controlling and monitoring workstation for unmanned aerial vehicles using advanced technologies such software defined radio and Google maps. UAV controlling and monitoring workstation is a ground based station where an operator will be abl...Lead moreThis paper is going to present a controlling and monitoring workstation for unmanned aerial vehicles using advanced technologies such software defined radio and Google maps. UAV controlling and monitoring workstation is a ground based station where an operator will be able to control the UAV flight between source and destination and can view the status of flight. This UCMW is planned to be specifically designed for the UAVs which are being used by the Postal and Parcel services for the transportation of daily posts and parcels. Those UAV will be used as an Intelligent Transportation Systems by the Postal and Parcel departments.

Paper Title

VTOL UAV for Postal and Parcel Services

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00388
  • Lokesh Kumar
  • ISR, University of Coimbra
  • Portugal


This paper is about finding out feasibility of building a VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for low load capacity of daily posts and parcels. UAVs are mostly being used by military and space missions but here the objective is to build one f...Lead moreThis paper is about finding out feasibility of building a VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for low load capacity of daily posts and parcels. UAVs are mostly being used by military and space missions but here the objective is to build one for daily commercial transportation. The idea of building this small UAV is deduced from the old technique of transporting a letter with the help of pigeons. This VTOL UAV will not require a runway strip for takeoff or landing rather it can be landed and takeoff at a small place such as the roof of the building of a Postal and Parcel department. The importance of building this system is finding out faster, cheaper and more efficient transportation for daily posts between nearby cities of a country than present conventional form such as railways and roadways. Modern microprocessors are becoming smaller in size, while achieving higher efficiency at the same time; this is allowing us to use the complex RTOS (Real Time Operating Systems) to manage the controls and sensors for resource intensive intelligent decisions to fly UAVs for our purpose. These UAVs could be built to cover a few hundreds to a few thousands of kilometers, which solely depend upon the area of the country in subject. The system is planned to be autonomous in itself.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00386
  • Rafael Toledo-moreo
  • University of Murcia
  • Spain


Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) appear to be today the most flexible and cost-efficient technology for deploying electronic fee collection (EFC) systems. However, the deployment of a successful GNSS-based EFC system implies a number of GNSS issues such as the a...Lead moreGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) appear to be today the most flexible and cost-efficient technology for deploying electronic fee collection (EFC) systems. However, the deployment of a successful GNSS-based EFC system implies a number of GNSS issues such as the availability, accuracy and reliability of the measurements, as long as some others related to possible aiding sensors, reference maps and communication aspects. This paper focuses on these aspects, providing analyses and recommendations, which can be useful for service providers and project evaluators.

Paper Title

Lessons learnt from the showcase in Amsterdam ? a user experience of worldclass

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00385
  • Martijn De kievit
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


The cooperative mobility showcase will feature the final results of three European integrated projects COOPERS, CVIS and SAFESPOT, co- financed by the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme of Research. This paper focuses on the the organisation of such a showcase and...Lead moreThe cooperative mobility showcase will feature the final results of three European integrated projects COOPERS, CVIS and SAFESPOT, co- financed by the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme of Research. This paper focuses on the the organisation of such a showcase and what are lessons to be learnt. It will also discuss interaction with the visitors and users and indicate what can be learnt in this retrospect as well.

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Extending the Reach of Freight Transport Information with Google Android 2.0

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00384
  • Joseph Muna
  • Avanti Communications
  • UK


The North Sea Freight Intelligent Transport System (NS FRITS) project is co-funded by the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme. It started on 1 January 2009 and is scheduled to run for three years. The project aims to improve competitiveness and the quality of life in ...Lead moreThe North Sea Freight Intelligent Transport System (NS FRITS) project is co-funded by the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme. It started on 1 January 2009 and is scheduled to run for three years. The project aims to improve competitiveness and the quality of life in the North Sea Region by addressing freight volumes, intermodality, congestion, emissions and associated security threats. It will do this by advancing coherence for the freight supply chain through an innovative process that, when fully operational, will provide dedicated information architecture capable of informing drivers and other major actors in the freight supply chain of changing circumstances within the region’s major transport corridors and between transport modes. The project will utilise three pilot tests to provide a blueprint for scalability and allow for recommendations to be made to regional and national level entities and others [1]. Implementation is scheduled to commence in January 2010, having completed user surveys, system requirements, and system design.

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Challenges to deployment of cooperative systems: white paper for deployment

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00383
  • Martijn De kievit
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


This paper discusses the white paper for deployment issues which is a result of the three European Integrated Projects CVIS, COOPERS and SAFESPOT focusing on cooperative systems. The main question is which challenges are we still facing before the full deployment of such ...Lead moreThis paper discusses the white paper for deployment issues which is a result of the three European Integrated Projects CVIS, COOPERS and SAFESPOT focusing on cooperative systems. The main question is which challenges are we still facing before the full deployment of such cooperative systems will start. This paper discusses the four most important challenges and shows what needs to be done in order to overcome the challenges and allow for swift deployment of cooperative systems realising the promising benefits first tests have revealed.

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For Whom, the Road Tolls? Time to Put the Customer First.

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00377
  • Philip Barton
  • Mouchel
  • UK


In our congested times, the ideal of ‘freedom of the open road’ too often becomes the reality of ‘rationing by queue’. This is environmentally and economically unsustainable. The case for road tolling to regulate demand is widely accepted by transport economists and plann...Lead moreIn our congested times, the ideal of ‘freedom of the open road’ too often becomes the reality of ‘rationing by queue’. This is environmentally and economically unsustainable. The case for road tolling to regulate demand is widely accepted by transport economists and planners. Most technical, commercial and operational barriers have been overcome. But cultural and political barriers remain as high as ever. Political acceptability ? opening the door to implementation ? depends above all on wider public acceptance. This paper argues that public support will be easier to win, if the case for tolling is built on meeting the needs of road users as customers, rather than left to transport experts and environmental lobby groups to advocate.

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Delivering Managed Motorways

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00376
  • Tom Bennett
  • Mouchel
  • UK


The Birmingham Box Managed Motorways Phases 1 & 2 project is funded by the Highways Agency (HA), an executive agency of the UK Department for Transport, and managed by the Transport Operations and Technology division of Mouchel Group. Managed Motorways use a range of tech...Lead moreThe Birmingham Box Managed Motorways Phases 1 & 2 project is funded by the Highways Agency (HA), an executive agency of the UK Department for Transport, and managed by the Transport Operations and Technology division of Mouchel Group. Managed Motorways use a range of techniques such as varying the speed limits and opening the hard shoulder to traffic at peak times to improve traffic flow, improve safety and reduce congestion. Phase 1 of the project has successfully delivered three operational sections of Variable Mandatory Speed Limits (VMSL) and one section of Hard Shoulder Running (HSR), working to a fast-track programme from commencement of design to operational systems in 2 years. The ministerial commitment to implement HSR by the end of 2009 was successfully completed 1 month early. This paper explains the integrated design and programming techniques used to facilitate the expedient delivery of the multi-disciplinary infrastructure, technology and systems design, and some of the challenges faced by the design team. An accelerated construction programme followed during which 46 new gantries were fabricated and deployed on site and 16 existing gantries modified, supporting over 300 new lane signals and 50 new message signs. The paper examines the innovative testing and commissioning approach taken by the Project Team to commission each section straight into operational service, and the integration of multiple contactors and disciplines to deliver a common goal.

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The Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge: 13,000 km, 3 months,... no driver

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00375
  • Alberto Broggi
  • VisLab
  • Italy


This document presents a new exciting effort in the intelligent vehicles arena which is going to set a new milestone in the history of vehicular robotics. Autonomous vehicles have been demonstrated able to reach the end of a 220 miles off-road trail (in the DARPA Grand Ch...Lead moreThis document presents a new exciting effort in the intelligent vehicles arena which is going to set a new milestone in the history of vehicular robotics. Autonomous vehicles have been demonstrated able to reach the end of a 220 miles off-road trail (in the DARPA Grand Challenge), to negotiate traffic and obey traffic rules (in the DARPA Urban Challenge), but no one ever tested their capabilities on a long, intercontinental trip and stressed their systems for 3 months in a row. This paper presents the Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge that VisLab is now preparing for 2010, during which 4 autonomous vehicles will drive from Italy to China with no human intervention. The challenge will take place from July 10, 2010 to Oct 10, 2010, therefore being currently under preparation, this draft paper focuses on the preparation issues; the final paper (submitted before July 30, 2010) will describe all the technical details of the vehicles and the challenge. The presentation at the congress will also present the vehicles, which will be flown from Shanghai to Busan and displayed at the congress.

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Traffic Signs Recognition for Detailed Digital Maps Development and Driver Assistance Systems

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00374
  • Felipe Jimenez
  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
  • Spain


Digital maps are considered as an additional sensor in many of the new ADAS, but these systems usually require a higher level of accuracy and detail of the maps. Among the important information that the maps should contain, we can find the road geometry and traffic signs....Lead moreDigital maps are considered as an additional sensor in many of the new ADAS, but these systems usually require a higher level of accuracy and detail of the maps. Among the important information that the maps should contain, we can find the road geometry and traffic signs. In the first case, it is interesting to use accurate and fast methods for measurement. In the paper, a method based on a datalog vehicle is used. Satellite positioning and inertial measurements systems data are combined and dynamic behavior of the vehicle body is corrected measuring the movements of the suspension system. On the other hand, the information provided by traffic signs and route-guidance signs is extremely important for safe and successful driving. An automatic system that is capable of extracting and identifying these signs automatically would help human drivers enormously; navigation would be easier, allowing them to concentrate on driving the vehicle. A Computer Vision System is used to recognize and classify the different families of traffic signs combining it with GPS information to develop detailed and accurate digital maps. This sign recognition can also be used for real time warnings to the driver. Some results of test carried out in real situations are shown.

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Assessing the impact of in-vehicle traffic management information in the demonstration phase of COOPERS

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00373
  • Thomas Scheider
  • AustriaTech
  • Austria


The assessment of the safety impacts of Cooperative systems depends on various dimensions which need to be taken into account: the number of risk prone situations in road traffic and their reduction due to dedicated advice to the driver, the mental workload for the driver...Lead moreThe assessment of the safety impacts of Cooperative systems depends on various dimensions which need to be taken into account: the number of risk prone situations in road traffic and their reduction due to dedicated advice to the driver, the mental workload for the driver in perceiving and interpreting the messages received, the adaptation of the driver behavior to the new systems and possible effects in a transition phase of system introduction. From previous research the projects DRIVE, AIDE, HUMANIST and SEiSS have similarities with the methodology defined in COOPERS. The approach includes technical validation of equipment, of communication media and of information services and combines this with user acceptance and human behavior evaluations. The design for the driving simulator study and the demonstration drives on public motorways is such that it enables a comparative assessment. This can be achieved taking into account the following four areas in the analytical and practical work, the schema of measurement parameters, the testing procedure, the measurement methods and the analysis method. For the COOPERS system the user acceptance of the drivers is validated in both environments, driving simulator and demonstration drives. Only dangerous situations like the wrong way driver scenario were analyzed only in the driving simulator. The statistical values for user acceptance data show that the acceptance is significantly higher after testing the system and stress levels are reduced with the system on. Furthermore drivers do understand the messages transmitted into the vehicle and react positively, with a reduced driving speed.

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Simulating cooperative intelligent driver safety systems with a micro-simulation model - ITS World 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00372
  • Joost Mak
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


The European project SAFESPOT aims to develop a platform for V2V (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I (vehicle to infrastructure) communication to be able to deploy safety oriented applications. In this paper the implementation of these systems as well as a communication module i...Lead moreThe European project SAFESPOT aims to develop a platform for V2V (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I (vehicle to infrastructure) communication to be able to deploy safety oriented applications. In this paper the implementation of these systems as well as a communication module in a microscopic traffic simulation environment is discussed, as well as the results of several simulated scenarios. The results were promising: safety was improved significantly with V2V and I2V systems, even with low penetration rates. This confirms the need for quick deployment of cooperative driver systems.

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Enhanced Perception Suitable for Active Intervention in Automotive Safety Applications - The interactIVe project

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00370
  • Panagiotis Lytrivis
  • Institute of Communications and Computer Systems
  • Greece


The interactIVe project addresses the development and evaluation of next-generation safety systems for Intelligent Vehicles, based on active intervention. Safety technologies have shown outstanding capabilities for supporting the driver in hazardous situations. Despite th...Lead moreThe interactIVe project addresses the development and evaluation of next-generation safety systems for Intelligent Vehicles, based on active intervention. Safety technologies have shown outstanding capabilities for supporting the driver in hazardous situations. Despite their effectiveness, currently available systems are typically implemented as independent functions. This results in multiple expensive sensors and unnecessary redundancy, limiting their scope to premium-class vehicles. The project is based on the concept that by integrating applications together, vehicle components may be shared among the various safety systems. This is accomplished in interactIVe by discrete architectural layers that are common to all applications. At this paper the focus is on the perception layer. Although sensor data fusion is an active area of study, substantial amount of research is still required before its commercial feasibility. Sensing the environment is a major cornerstone for many intelligent vehicle applications. The perception using sensor data fusion results in higher accuracy, reliability, completeness and confidence as compared to single sensor systems. Moreover, apart from well-known sensor technologies like radar and vision, information sources such as digital map databases and V2X communication will definitely enhance the perception of the environment. Therefore, significant effort is devoted in interactIVe to the enhancement and integration of the perception layer. This is done by considering the results from two IP PReVENT subprojects: ProFusion2 for sensor data fusion, and MAPS&ADAS for the ADAS horizon part and other related activities in the fields of map based developments and V2X communication-based developments.

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Efficient Traffic Data Collection - New Business Models for ITS Applications Connected to eFreight

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00359
  • Jens Lofgren
  • Sweco
  • Sweden


Mobility grows in various dimensions: People are travelling more frequently and longer distances. Transport of goods is increasing even faster, especially on the roads. As all types of transports are associated with costs and have negative impact on the environment, trans...Lead moreMobility grows in various dimensions: People are travelling more frequently and longer distances. Transport of goods is increasing even faster, especially on the roads. As all types of transports are associated with costs and have negative impact on the environment, transport efficiency is of great importance. Transport efficiency includes using the best combination of transport modes and choosing the best time and route in relation to the transport needs. This requires satisfactory and timely information. In order to reach a ubiquitous society with ITS, it is of significant importance with traffic related services facilitating transports of goods and people. Paramount in this respect is that service providers have access to cost efficient and quality assured traffic data. This paper discusses well-functioning business models between public and private organizations, facilitating and improving ITS services related to eFreight. Traditionally, traffic data is collected by an authority in cooperation with stakeholders with the aim of providing useful traffic information services to the market. The costs of collecting and offering quality assured data from complex systems increase the more stakeholders that are involved. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to establish cooperation between the public and private actors who are collecting traffic data, in order to establish an attractive business environment and in the end, bring forward a greater number of services to the market. The paper recommends different options to consider in the establishment of a sustainable business relation regarding traffic data collection and exchange of it.

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Automatic Journey Replanning for Passengers in the Case of Disruptions

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00357
  • Sebastian Naumann
  • Institut f. Automation u. Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg
  • Germany


Current passenger information services and mobile applications aim much more at opportunity passengers than at commuters. In particular, in the case of delays and disruptions the support to affected passengers is not satisfactory. In contrast, the personalised information...Lead moreCurrent passenger information services and mobile applications aim much more at opportunity passengers than at commuters. In particular, in the case of delays and disruptions the support to affected passengers is not satisfactory. In contrast, the personalised information services pVID and PIEPSER offer action alternatives to a passenger if his journey is affected by a disruption or delay. However, the alternative journeys must have been specified before. The better solution is to perform a journey replanning automatically if a disruption or delay occurs. The paper presents problems and solutions regarding this context. The described function of automatic journey replanning has been integrated into an information service and is recently being tested.

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Challenges of Platooning On Public Motorways

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00355
  • Carl Bergenhem
  • SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
  • Sweden


Road-trains or platoons present a significant opportunity to both improve traffic efficiency but also to improve the efficiency and safety of vehicles within the platoon. However, for platoons to be viable there needs to be minimal impact on supporting infrastructure whic...Lead moreRoad-trains or platoons present a significant opportunity to both improve traffic efficiency but also to improve the efficiency and safety of vehicles within the platoon. However, for platoons to be viable there needs to be minimal impact on supporting infrastructure which implies platoons will operate on unmodified public motorways. The European Commission FP7 co-funded SARTRE project aims to examine issues for allowing platoons to operate on public motorways. This paper discusses the SARTRE concept of platoons and the associated challenges such as interaction with other road users.

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A Collision Avoidance System based on Galileo Satellite

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00353
  • Frederic Christen
  • fka
  • Germany


Nowadays, collision avoidance systems (CAS) are an intensive research topic since the majority of all traffic accidents are collisions that are caused due to inattention or unadjusted driving behaviour of the driver. Up to date prototypic CAS are based on on-board environ...Lead moreNowadays, collision avoidance systems (CAS) are an intensive research topic since the majority of all traffic accidents are collisions that are caused due to inattention or unadjusted driving behaviour of the driver. Up to date prototypic CAS are based on on-board environmental sensors, such as camera or radar systems, that scan the vehicle's surrounding in order to assess the situation's hazardousness. The functionality of the used sensors under varying environmental conditions and the limited sensor covering area require an enormous effort to ensure a reliable detection of obstacles, and thus limit the application of the systems. In order to expand the operating field of such systems, a Galileo-based CAS will be developed within the project ‘Galileo above‘ (Anwendungszentrum fur bodengebundenen Verkehr / application centre for ground based traffic). This advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) detects surrounding vehicles that are on collision course and reacts autonomously, if the driver does not intervene to avoid the crash. For this purpose the system initiates an emergency stop and/or an emergency steering manoeuvre. For the development of the CAS the Galileo test centre automotiveGATE in Aldenhoven, Germany will be used. On this test area pseudolites will be installed which provide Galileo-like navigation signals. Thus, the development respectively tuning of Galileo-based vehicle systems will be enabled, so as to have them available on the market when the Galileo satellite system becomes operative. At the end of the project ‘Galileo above‘, first prototypes should demonstrate the potential of Galileo-based CAS.

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Operating Platoons On Public Motorways: An Introduction To The SARTRE Platooning Programme

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00352
  • Tom Robinson
  • Ricardo
  • UK


SARTRE [2] is a European Commission Co-Funded FP7 project that seeks to support a step change in transport utilization. The project vision is to develop and integrate solutions that allow vehicles to drive in platoons with a reduction in fuel consumption (potentially up t...Lead moreSARTRE [2] is a European Commission Co-Funded FP7 project that seeks to support a step change in transport utilization. The project vision is to develop and integrate solutions that allow vehicles to drive in platoons with a reduction in fuel consumption (potentially up to 20%), improvement in safety (anticipated 10% reduction in fatalities) and increased driver convenience (autonomous systems for following vehicles). The project is exploring the issues around operating platoons on public motorways and the integration of technologies necessary to achieve this as well as a potential charging mechanism that supports the business case. Where possible the project will use existing vehicle technologies to provide the enhanced platooning functions. These will be demonstrated in a platoon of up to 5 vehicles. SARTRE is a three year programme with 7 partners and not only addresses the integration and development of technology necessary to implement a platooning system but also the human factors that are relevant in the operation of the system. These human factors broadly fall into three categories: driver of the lead vehicle, drivers of the following vehicles and drivers of other vehicles on the highway. This paper provides an overview of the SARTRE project, stating the vision, potential benefits and approach being taken by the partners that will result in a prototype platoon being available for demonstration in 2012. The project aims to encourage a step change in personal transport usage through the development of safe environmental road trains (platoons).

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TeleFOT, Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket Nomadic Devices in Vehicles, Early Results

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00351
  • Petri Mononen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


This paper presents the European Large Scale Collaborative Project TeleFOT, describing its status and its first results. The paper is structured into two main sections: the first paragraph introduces core elements of TeleFOT, showing the scenario in which the project is i...Lead moreThis paper presents the European Large Scale Collaborative Project TeleFOT, describing its status and its first results. The paper is structured into two main sections: the first paragraph introduces core elements of TeleFOT, showing the scenario in which the project is inserted. Significant research and development in Europe in recent years have been focusing on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), since they are contributing to a change in mobility. The number of devices supporting transportation is increasing. In particular, the market penetration of aftermarket nomadic devices as personal navigation devices (PND) or smart phones is growing exponentially according to the market trends, but no standards directly related to the use of aftermarket and nomadic devices in vehicle exist yet. TeleFOT answers to a need recognised by the European Commission: the need to test via Field Operational Tests (FOT), the impacts of driver support functions on the driving task, including future interactive traffic services that will become part of driving environment systems within the next five years. The second paragraph of this paper illustrates Field Operational Tests to be conducted in TeleFOT and progress reached in the project.