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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1035
  • Roger Berg
  • United States


Wireless Radio Communications (RC) systems have been proposed as cooperative vehicle safety system components used to transfer data and information to, from, among, or between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure. This paper proposes a candidate optimization of ...Lead moreWireless Radio Communications (RC) systems have been proposed as cooperative vehicle safety system components used to transfer data and information to, from, among, or between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure. This paper proposes a candidate optimization of RC performance by providing an intelligent adaptive multi-channel synchronization scheme with prioritization for low latency safety messaging. We show the results of an implementation on our evaluation platform to confirm the solution with real world performance test results.

Paper Title

Apply Cellular Network Data to Detect Freeway Traffic State Using Virtual Sensor Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1033
  • University of Wisconsin of Madison
  • United States


The most common source of colleting real-time traffic information is loop detection system, and the popularity of wireless communication provides a low-cost approach to collect position-related and time-related data from cellular network for traffic state detection. Const...Lead moreThe most common source of colleting real-time traffic information is loop detection system, and the popularity of wireless communication provides a low-cost approach to collect position-related and time-related data from cellular network for traffic state detection. Constructing a virtual sensor network with the basic parameters of cellular network may have the similar functions as what loop detector system has. This paper introduces the construction procedure of virtual sensor network, proposes an easily implemented traffic speed and volume detection model. Finally, the preliminary results from one operational cellular probe traffic data collection system are shown to verify that the proposed method is doable and has the potential for large scale application.

Paper Title

Sample Size Requirement for Cellular Probe Traffic Monitoring System

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1032
  • University of Wisconsin of Madison
  • United States


Using cell phone data to detect and estimate real-time traffic state is becoming a hot topic whether in academic or in industrial field, but the related research is still on the validation and evaluation stage. Several recent field tests can not generate relatively good r...Lead moreUsing cell phone data to detect and estimate real-time traffic state is becoming a hot topic whether in academic or in industrial field, but the related research is still on the validation and evaluation stage. Several recent field tests can not generate relatively good results because of the limitation of sample size. Based on our two-year field test results in Shanghai city of China, this paper proposes an analytical model of cellular probe traffic monitoring system, explains how sample size will affect the system performance, and presents several suggestions and recommendations on deploying such a system to agencies.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1029
  • Gene McHale
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • United States


The U.S. DOT Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems (CICAS) program is focused on developing new intersection safety countermeasures. The goal is to develop and test intersection safety countermeasures that are enabled by wireless vehicle-to-infrastructure c...Lead moreThe U.S. DOT Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems (CICAS) program is focused on developing new intersection safety countermeasures. The goal is to develop and test intersection safety countermeasures that are enabled by wireless vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. The CICAS program focuses on crossing path crashes at intersections and is divided into two major crash categories: 1) crashes caused by “violations” of traffic signals or stop signs, and 2) crashes caused by poor driver decisions related to judging gaps in traffic. Under the second category: the CICAS Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA) project is focused on providing drivers with information to assist them at stop signs on high speed expressway intersections; and the CICAS Signalized Left Turn Assist (CICAS-SLTA) project is focused on providing drivers with information to assist them in making unprotected left turns at signalized intersections. This paper focuses on the CICAS-SSA and CICAS-SLTA.

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Interstate 80 - Integrated Corridor Mobility Project

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1028
  • Habib Shamskhou
  • DKS Associates
  • United States


The Interstate-80 corridor from the Bay Bridge to the Carquinez Bridge is the worst congested corridor in the Northern California. This corridor has ranked as most congested corridor in the entire San Francisco Bay Area during the last six years, with traffic volumes reac...Lead moreThe Interstate-80 corridor from the Bay Bridge to the Carquinez Bridge is the worst congested corridor in the Northern California. This corridor has ranked as most congested corridor in the entire San Francisco Bay Area during the last six years, with traffic volumes reaching 312,000 vehicles per day. Currently, the demand on the freeway far exceeds the roadway capacity, causing unreliable travel times as well as diversion to the local arterials. The project cost is $87.7 million, largest such an initiatives in California. The primary goal of the I-80 Corridor Mobility Project is to build comprehensive Active Traffic Management systems for the I-80 corridor to create a balanced, responsive, and equitable system that will monitor and control traffic and improve the safety and mobility of the users, including transit customers in an innovative integrated fashion.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1027
  • Steven Dellenback
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United States


Southwest Research Institute® (SwRI) has undertaken a program that will allow researchers to investigate the development and commercialization of both vehicle autonomy as well as vehicle based telemetry systems used to improve safety and the movement of vehicles along the...Lead moreSouthwest Research Institute® (SwRI) has undertaken a program that will allow researchers to investigate the development and commercialization of both vehicle autonomy as well as vehicle based telemetry systems used to improve safety and the movement of vehicles along the highway. The focus of the research program is to integrate existing, commercially available sensors, software and algorithms into an autonomous vehicle. Over the last several years, significant work has been performed in the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) challenge program in the area of Autonomous Ground Vehicle (AGV) and this program is striving to exploit what has been done as well as adding innovative ideas to advance the state-of-the-art.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1026
  • Steven Dellenback
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United States


The Algorithm Processor Module (APM) is a mechanism for collecting, organizing, combining, and analyzing data associated with weather, roadway, and traffic conditions. The APM allows data from various subsystems to be combined and processed to form virtual data channels. ...Lead moreThe Algorithm Processor Module (APM) is a mechanism for collecting, organizing, combining, and analyzing data associated with weather, roadway, and traffic conditions. The APM allows data from various subsystems to be combined and processed to form virtual data channels. These virtual data channels are then analyzed using programs written in an easy to use, graphical language designed specifically to process and analyze these data streams. The APM allows users to quickly combine and analyze the information in the virtual data channels with a minimal amount of programming.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1025
  • Henry Ng
  • IBI Group
  • Canada


Progressively advanced information and Internet technologies have facilitated the implementation of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) that suit a wide variety of agency needs, including construction, congestion, and border crossing management, road weather info...Lead moreProgressively advanced information and Internet technologies have facilitated the implementation of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) that suit a wide variety of agency needs, including construction, congestion, and border crossing management, road weather information, media, and emergency services integration. ATIS assists in distributing timely traffic-related information to the public over widely accessible media, such as Web, radio, TV, Dynamic Message Signs, and mobile devices. This paper describes key features of recently implemented systems in British Columbia, Canada. Specific features include: automation of information dissemination, interactive voice response (text-to speech technology), map-based website functions, and integration with other ATIS

Paper Title

Application of a Map-Matching Algorithm in a Geospatial Environment to Support Infrastructure Management Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1024
  • Carola Blazquez
  • Universidad Andres Bello
  • Chile


Chile’s rapid infrastructure development presents a need for advanced innovative technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and geographic information systems. These technologies, which provide powerful mechanisms for ITS applications, are employed to accuratel...Lead moreChile’s rapid infrastructure development presents a need for advanced innovative technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and geographic information systems. These technologies, which provide powerful mechanisms for ITS applications, are employed to accurately locate features and incidents for assisting infrastructure management systems. Map-matching problems may occur when highly accurate roadway maps and GPS measurements are not available. This paper presents an algorithm, previously developed by the author, which solves the map-matching problem by determining the correct roadway to which GPS measurements should be associated. Successful results are obtained after implementing the algorithm on spatial database for Santiago city.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1023
  • Al Gullon
  • ACEs
  • Canada


ABSTRACT Those who refuse to study history are fated to repeat it. … and the history that ‘the 3rd World’ must study is the failure of the 1st World to significantly reduce high-impact collisions (seatbelts have reduced fatalities greatly). Although ‘public authorities’ c...Lead moreABSTRACT Those who refuse to study history are fated to repeat it. … and the history that ‘the 3rd World’ must study is the failure of the 1st World to significantly reduce high-impact collisions (seatbelts have reduced fatalities greatly). Although ‘public authorities’ continue to badly state the problem as speed, the author’s research provides convincing evidence that not speed but AMPS (Absent Minded Professor Syndrome) is the precipitating cause of all collisions. 3rd World traffic authorities should focus their ITS on 'active safety' including, especially, recent developments in collision warning systems. Also, the 15-24 age group has historically died at double their percentage in the total population. Since they will be the major ‘drivers’ of economic growth early driver education must emphasize the dominant role of mental distraction in collision causation.

Paper Title

Mesh Networking and Low Cost, Active Animal Collision Warning Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1019
  • Mark Gallagher
  • SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
  • United States


SRF Consulting Group, Inc., in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Transportation has created a prototype system that seeks to reduce the number of deer-vehicle-collisions (DVC) by providing an active warning to travelers. This implementation differs from previou...Lead moreSRF Consulting Group, Inc., in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Transportation has created a prototype system that seeks to reduce the number of deer-vehicle-collisions (DVC) by providing an active warning to travelers. This implementation differs from previous warning systems in its novel use of mesh networking technology, low cost and ease of installation.

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CARS as a Traffic Management System

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1017
  • Peter Davies
  • Castle Rock Associates
  • United States


Many statewide traveler information systems rely on condition reporting systems for the entry and fusion of real-time information on roadwork, driving conditions, travel times, and other events. Some transportation agencies in the U.S. and Canada are expanding the capabil...Lead moreMany statewide traveler information systems rely on condition reporting systems for the entry and fusion of real-time information on roadwork, driving conditions, travel times, and other events. Some transportation agencies in the U.S. and Canada are expanding the capabilities of these condition reporting systems to include traffic management functions. Using condition reporting systems also as an advanced traffic management system can streamline costs, increase consistency in traveler information, and reduce latencies between the assembly and dissemination of the information. For example, the act of entering an event into a condition reporting system can trigger messages on DMS, push messages to HAR broadcasts, and place cameras into the optimal position for viewing the event. This presentation will use the case study of the North American CARS deployments to show how such benefits can be realized by expanding a statewide condition reporting system to act also as an ATMS.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1015
  • Gene McHale
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • United States


USDOT FHWA has recently initiated an Exploratory Advanced Research Program. The program objective is to conduct research and development that could lead to revolutionary advances in highway engineering and intermodal surface transportation. This broad program includes foc...Lead moreUSDOT FHWA has recently initiated an Exploratory Advanced Research Program. The program objective is to conduct research and development that could lead to revolutionary advances in highway engineering and intermodal surface transportation. This broad program includes focus areas in highway safety, planning and environment, transportation policy, traffic congestion, highway infrastructure, and cross-cutting exploratory research. The ITS-related efforts are primarily found in the highway safety and traffic congestion focus areas. Solicitations for this program began in January 2007 with project awards beginning in June 2007. This paper provides an overview of the FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research Program with a focus on its ITS-related projects.

Paper Title

Integrating Systems Engineering into the Project Development Process

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1014
  • Robert Jaffe
  • ConSysTec Corp.
  • United States


The transportation project development process progresses through various stages including project initiation, project scoping, review of alternative designs, and the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E). Specifications are then used in procurement, ...Lead moreThe transportation project development process progresses through various stages including project initiation, project scoping, review of alternative designs, and the development of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E). Specifications are then used in procurement, construction, and inspection. Through this process transportation users needs result in infrastructure improvements and the realization of safety and mobility benefits. This paper provides guidance and samples to facilitate development of design documents, procurement specifications, and test procedures for ITS systems. A systems engineering methodology is discussed and followed throughout because of its strength as a project management and quality control tool. The systems engineering process (SEP) is a structured approach to technical management, system design, product realization, and technical evaluation. The SEP propagates through a series of steps which lead to a system solution.

Paper Title

Wireless Vehicular Safety Systems: Specialized Test Platform Supports Application Evaluation

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1013
  • Aaron Weinfield
  • United States


The U.S. Government and the automotive industry are investigating the use of Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) for vehicular safety applications. Specialized test platforms are required to evaluate and optimize the potential applications and underlying communica...Lead moreThe U.S. Government and the automotive industry are investigating the use of Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) for vehicular safety applications. Specialized test platforms are required to evaluate and optimize the potential applications and underlying communication technology under real-world driving conditions. This paper summarizes desired test platform features and some of the preliminary testing conducted using an earlier test platform. The paper then describes the hardware and software features of a recently developed advanced test platform specifically designed to test DSRC applications.

Paper Title

Traffic Model Planning for Proactive Emergency Evacuation

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1012
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc.
  • United States


"Traffic Model Planning for Proactive Emergency Evacuation" Edmond Chin-Ping Chang, Ph.D., P.E. President & CEO, EDCPC, Inc. Potomac, MD 20854 USA Tel: +1-3019834008 Fax: +1-3019834007 Cell: +1-2406438988 (USA) Cell: +86-13683266258 (CN) +886-928050633 (TW) e-Mail: ecc200...Lead more"Traffic Model Planning for Proactive Emergency Evacuation" Edmond Chin-Ping Chang, Ph.D., P.E. President & CEO, EDCPC, Inc. Potomac, MD 20854 USA Tel: +1-3019834008 Fax: +1-3019834007 Cell: +1-2406438988 (USA) Cell: +86-13683266258 (CN) +886-928050633 (TW) e-Mail: ecc2005@yahoo.com or ecc2005@EDCPC.com Website: http://www.EDCPC.com ABSTRACT Disasters, either natural or man-made, have devastating impacts on the lives of population all over the world. Emergency Evacuation Planning is one of the most protective and proactive measure that can offer viable alternative strategies during the regional emergencies in response to both natural and man-made disasters. Several evacuation traffic models have been developed, and are currently available to support the planning and analysis of emergency evacuation. However, to be effective, the decision-makers and transportation planners must fully understand how these traffic models can be used to facilitate the planni

Paper Title

Using a Service-Oriented Architecture to Implement ITS Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1011
  • Chih-Tong TANG
  • Raytheon Company
  • United States


We have seen significant progress in the development of ITS technologies since the first World Congress. These advances have improved the quality of life of human beings in the world. Further advances are expected in coming years due to cooperative efforts among governmen...Lead moreWe have seen significant progress in the development of ITS technologies since the first World Congress. These advances have improved the quality of life of human beings in the world. Further advances are expected in coming years due to cooperative efforts among government, industry and academia. In particular, safety and mobility applications will be implemented to improve traffic safety, increase traffic capacity, protect environment and increase system efficiency. This paper describes the benefits of using a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to implement these ITS applications, illustrated with examples from USDOT

Paper Title

Vehicular Applications using Local Peer Group Architecture

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1010
  • Toshiro HIKITA
  • TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, U.S.A.
  • United States


Vehicle communication is still facing a lot of challenges, including low latency, high reliability, adaptation to density and bandwidth. The dynamic Local Peer Group (LPG) architecture could overcome some of those challenges. In this paper we have introduced two vehicle a...Lead moreVehicle communication is still facing a lot of challenges, including low latency, high reliability, adaptation to density and bandwidth. The dynamic Local Peer Group (LPG) architecture could overcome some of those challenges. In this paper we have introduced two vehicle application concepts with LPG architecture to enhance vehicle communication technology.

Paper Title

FlexBus: An ITS-enabled Public Transport Service for Central Florida

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1009
  • Carol Schweiger
  • TranSystems Corporation
  • United States


FlexBus service, which is expected to begin in 2009, consists of operating a station-to-station transit service that utilizes certain ITS applications and roadway improvements to improve mobility in the Altamonte Springs (Central Florida) area between designated locations...Lead moreFlexBus service, which is expected to begin in 2009, consists of operating a station-to-station transit service that utilizes certain ITS applications and roadway improvements to improve mobility in the Altamonte Springs (Central Florida) area between designated locations. The FlexBus system intends to achieve greater operational effectiveness, cost efficiencies, travel speeds and customer responsiveness than traditional transit services. This paper will describe and summarize the ITS applications that form the basis of the FlexBus service, which serves stations at designated locations according to the user's request rather than by fixed schedule. ITS will facilitate vehicle location, scheduling, dispatching, routing, trip assignment and manifesting capabilities, and will utilize customer user interface devices to allow customers to request service in real-time or in advance.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1008
  • Zhaowei Yang
  • TransCore
  • United States


This paper presents an overview of the NTCIP-compliant next generation traffic control system being deployed for the City of New York, NY, USA. This paper discusses several aspects of the three major system components including 1) the Advanced Solid-state Traffic Controll...Lead moreThis paper presents an overview of the NTCIP-compliant next generation traffic control system being deployed for the City of New York, NY, USA. This paper discusses several aspects of the three major system components including 1) the Advanced Solid-state Traffic Controllers (ASTC), 2) the wireless communications network, and 3) the new central control system (TransSuite). This paper also describes the NTCIP development and testing program for the ASTC traffic controllers and summarizes lessons learned from the development efforts to date. The City of New York is moving forward on the next phase of this expansion program including procurement of 5,000 additional ASTC traffic controllers, the deployment of a City-Wide Metropolitan Wireless Network (CMWN), and completion of the development and integration of a new central control system.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1007
  • Ryan Lamm
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United States


While there are many challenges facing the transportation community with the realization of Vehicle Infrastructure Integration in the United States, one of the main questions of traffic managers is how this system will benefit daily operations. From a traffic management p...Lead moreWhile there are many challenges facing the transportation community with the realization of Vehicle Infrastructure Integration in the United States, one of the main questions of traffic managers is how this system will benefit daily operations. From a traffic management perspective, one of the primary advantages to a cooperative vehicle-highway system is the ability to utilize each individual vehicle as an intelligent probe. This paper will address recent Southwest Research Institute research surrounding the integration of dynamic vehicle probe data from a commercially available vehicle, using standardized message sets, directly into the framework of a currently deployed Advanced Traffic Management System.

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Mississippi State University Starkville Campus Traffic Simulation Studies

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1006
  • Li Zhang
  • Mississippi State University
  • United States


This Paper provides guidelines to properly conduct campus traffic simulation by exemplifying the study at Mississippi State University Starkville Campus. Campus traffic simulation models required careful calibration. The calibration focused on the entering and exiting vol...Lead moreThis Paper provides guidelines to properly conduct campus traffic simulation by exemplifying the study at Mississippi State University Starkville Campus. Campus traffic simulation models required careful calibration. The calibration focused on the entering and exiting volumes of the entire campus and key traffic parameters. The traffic signal timing plans at the key intersections were adjusted to allow intersections with adequate capacity to move vehicles more efficiently. Finally traffic scenarios, including the five-phase campus road construction and the Presidents Circle stop sign alternatives were developed. Each simulation scenarios was made of 20 runs to alleviate the random nature of the simulation. From the simulation results, the level of service was elevated at key intersections around the campus loop road for different scenarios. A recommendation is made on the number of lanes needed for the campus loop road.

Paper Title

Building Public Transport Information Services for Downstate New York Travelers and Operators

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1005
  • Paula Okunieff
  • Consensus Systems Technologies
  • United States


A nearly universal obstacle to developing and sustaining public transport service information is the complexity and lack of standard definitions, organization and exchange of data between applications that produce and those that use schedules as their core functionality. ...Lead moreA nearly universal obstacle to developing and sustaining public transport service information is the complexity and lack of standard definitions, organization and exchange of data between applications that produce and those that use schedules as their core functionality. Regional dataset integration remains a costly and resource-intensive activity regardless of data model and dictionaries promulgated by regional and standards organizations. This paper describes a project initiated by the New York State Department of Transportation to develop a prototype portal framework that manages and enables exchange of schedule data among agencies and effectively uses this multi-provider information as the basis for downstream applications. This paper describes the approach used to collaboratively define a cost-effective framework, tools and guidelines for integrating public transport schedule data.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1004
  • Robert Bertini
  • Portland State University
  • United States


An ITS data archive provides a unique opportunity to measure how a transportation system operates over time. An ITS data archive has been developed in Portland, Oregon at relatively low cost, taking advantage of sensors and communications used to operate the system in rea...Lead moreAn ITS data archive provides a unique opportunity to measure how a transportation system operates over time. An ITS data archive has been developed in Portland, Oregon at relatively low cost, taking advantage of sensors and communications used to operate the system in real time. The value of the data archive is governed by the quality of the analysis tools provided for users. The objective of this paper is to describe the results of a survey conducted to gauge ADUS user needs and experiences from both the planning and operations perspectives. Recommendations for improvements and next steps are provided.

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511 A National travel Information System

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1003
  • James Wright
  • United States


Since 2002 the United States has been systematically deploying 511 travel information services across the country. This paper will describe the progress, the services and some future emphasis areas.Since 2002 the United States has been systematically deploying 511 travel information services across the country. This paper will describe the progress, the services and some future emphasis areas.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1002
  • Robert Bertini
  • Portland State University
  • United States


Portland, Oregon is known for its innovative transportation and land use planning process and its multimodal transportation system. The implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has also followed a uniquely collaborative process, involving stakeholders fr...Lead morePortland, Oregon is known for its innovative transportation and land use planning process and its multimodal transportation system. The implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has also followed a uniquely collaborative process, involving stakeholders from local, regional, state and national agencies, private consultants, and university researchers, in a multimodal, bi-state environment. Collaborations have included the creation of a region-wide fiber-optic cable network and traveler information distribution system. This paper describes the collaborative processes used for successful development of ITS programs, the measurement of their benefits, and makes recommendations that can be applied in other regions around the world.

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Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) Fog Detection, Traveler Information and Dynamic Traffic Control System PTC Fog Warning System (FWS)

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 1001
  • Joerg Rosenbohm
  • Telvent Farradyne Inc.
  • United States


The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) commissioned a turn-key Fog Warning System (FWS) to eliminate fog-related crashes and to reduce secondary crashes along a 19 km (12 mile) stretch of the Turnpike. The Fog Warning System provides real- time, automated detection as...Lead moreThe Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) commissioned a turn-key Fog Warning System (FWS) to eliminate fog-related crashes and to reduce secondary crashes along a 19 km (12 mile) stretch of the Turnpike. The Fog Warning System provides real- time, automated detection as well as appropriate responses to counteract reduced visibility conditions by informing drivers of conditions present and lowering the speed limits to match the reduced visibility conditions. This project received the 'Best of ITS' award at the ITS America Annual Conference in 2006.

Paper Title

Reduced Emissions with Dynamic Speed Limits

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01516
  • Sara Abenius
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


Reduced Emissions with Dynamic Speed Limits On the European route E18 through Danderyd just north of Stockholm, variable speed limit signs have been implemented on a stretch of road of approximately 2 km. Particular matter (PM10) and nitric oxide (NOx) concentration in th...Lead moreReduced Emissions with Dynamic Speed Limits On the European route E18 through Danderyd just north of Stockholm, variable speed limit signs have been implemented on a stretch of road of approximately 2 km. Particular matter (PM10) and nitric oxide (NOx) concentration in the air have been measured. The collected data will periodically be analyzed. The purpose is to gain greater knowledge about the connection between vehicle speed and the concentration of pollution in the air. Hopefully, by means of dynamic speed limit signs it will be possible to lower the concentration of air pollution caused by traffic. Previous research at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and the Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm University (ITM) clearly indicate that emissions decrease as vehicle speed is lowered. Measurements of PM10 and NOx will continue until May 2010. A final report on the project is due by October 2010. If a statistically significant correlation is evident an inception to model dynamic speed limits considering hour, day and season will be carried out and dynamic speed limit signs will be implemented permanently. This can be of great help in setting standards for future society planning.

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The implementation of hybrid pilot toll system in Czech Republic ? one year experiences

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01499
  • Karel Feix
  • Kapsch Telematic Services
  • Czech Republic


Because of the heavy traffic on the 1st class routes and local traffic problems the discussion about charging of rural roads started in Czech Republic in 2008. Due the Czech local authorities require not only the charging of their rural roads, but the regulation of the tr...Lead moreBecause of the heavy traffic on the 1st class routes and local traffic problems the discussion about charging of rural roads started in Czech Republic in 2008. Due the Czech local authorities require not only the charging of their rural roads, but the regulation of the traffic as well, had the Czech Government authorised the company Kapsch - the operator and supplier of the toll system for the trucks about 3,5 tons - to develop together with the Technical University of Prague and the Czech Ministry of Transport, the proper concept of pilot toll system over the entire road complex. Kapsch proposed to solve this task by the concept based on the GNSS/GPRS technologies, so called “hybrid solution, Kapsch Area”, which would combine existing DSRC based system with a GPS/GNSS based subsystem. The DSRC/GNSS based pilot toll system has been delivered and implemented in July 2008, allowing the Czech Road and Motorway Directorate to test future tolling schemes with up to 10.000 test users. The project now runs on 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class roads with 10.000 testing cars (5.000 delivered by Kapsch, the others 5.000 delivered by 3rd parties). The pilot toll system runs for two years in real traffic. The existing results are very good and promising ? the matching results are higher than 99,75%. The goal is to provide sufficient data on reliability as well as the business case model data to be utilized in creating a commercial model for users.

Paper Title

ALPR AS A PRECONDITION FOR MLFF (ORT) TOLLING SYSTEMS. Prospects and challenges of optical license plate recognition systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01498
  • Erich Jaekel
  • Inex/Zamir Technologies
  • Austria


ALPR AS A PRECONDITION FOR MLFF (ORT) TOLLING SYSTEMS. Prospects and challenges of optical license plate recognition systems Erich Jaekel Inex/Zamir, Austria ABSTRACT More and more MLFF tolling systems will be installed round the world (of many reasons). For the successfu...Lead moreALPR AS A PRECONDITION FOR MLFF (ORT) TOLLING SYSTEMS. Prospects and challenges of optical license plate recognition systems Erich Jaekel Inex/Zamir, Austria ABSTRACT More and more MLFF tolling systems will be installed round the world (of many reasons). For the successful operation of such systems toll enforcement is a crucial point to avoid misuse. A major problem for the toll road operators are users who do not want to pay the toll. With MLLF toll systems no relatively simple measures exist (such as at a toll plaza system). If there is no way to enforce the payment of tolls, it is to be expected to only a very small amount of vehicle drivers voluntarily will pay for the road use. Since the toll at least should bear the costs of operation and maintenance, this would lead to an economic problem that can only be resolved by support from public funds, or lead to a bankruptcy of the road operator. The most appropriate technology for monitoring is ALPR systems. Of vehicles, which are suspected of not having paid the toll, photographs are made and a special OCR software extracts the data of the license plate. With these data then the car owner will be identified and the toll operator can collect the outstanding amount. As toll operators requires a high recognition rate (to optimise the revenues) there are highest requirements on the accuracy of the system. To reach these goals the requirements on the optical systems as well as on the recognition software are manifold and challenging.

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Development passengers transfer procedure for city transport in Riga

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01487
  • Nadezhda Kunicina
  • Riga Technical University
  • Latvia


The integration of railway transport in Riga city public transport control is important for passenger’s service, using existing recourses. However the integration of transport control systems just started developed. The first implemented system was bus control system ? AS...Lead moreThe integration of railway transport in Riga city public transport control is important for passenger’s service, using existing recourses. However the integration of transport control systems just started developed. The first implemented system was bus control system ? ASOS. The three level of integration in vehicle control, transport mode control and all city transportation system control in one system are described. The decision making procedures for predefined conditions, using decision trees, taking in account risky conditions by definition of possibility to choosing one of alternatives. The dynamic control for transport modes in pre - defined time interval and composite the final control procedure for each transport mode and harmonize the motion with aim to arrive transport in time and harmonize railway and public transport motion. An effective tool of research of problems of optimum control is the principle of dynamic system control, representing a necessary condition of optimality in such problems. The example of Riga city transport system is described.

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COoperative VEhicle Localization for efficient urban mobility

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01481
  • Carlo Liberto
  • Fiat Research Centre
  • Italy


In the future, a sustainable mobility can only be implemented if a very effective traffic management system will be put in operation. The vision of the future is that all vehicles will be connected and will be able to communicate their positions like it is done today with...Lead moreIn the future, a sustainable mobility can only be implemented if a very effective traffic management system will be put in operation. The vision of the future is that all vehicles will be connected and will be able to communicate their positions like it is done today with the air traffic control. In this paper, the European research project CoVeL, co-funded by the European Commission DG Transport, Galileo, is presented. The aim of the CoVeL project is to develop the Lane Navigation Assistant (LNA) in-vehicle system enabling lane-level positioning, lane-level navigation and lanelevel traffic management especially in urban areas. The LNA will use several satellite positioning augmentation technologies such as correction information from the European Geostationary Navigation Overly Service (EGNOS) system; exchange of such data via vehicular communication and enhanced innovative algorithms for cooperative localization and map matching. The resulting lane-level vehicle positioning will bring navigation and traffic management to a new level of effectiveness.

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Economic Contstrains for the Utilisation of the Safety Potential of Future Vehicle-to-Vehicle (C2C) Communication Technologies

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01468
  • Andreas Matthes
  • Technical University Dresden
  • Germany


This paper analyses the potential risks for market implementation and penetration of future vehicle-to-vehicle (C2C) technologies from a theoretical network economics point of view. Additional empirical data analysis for already established car safety systems (like ESP or...Lead moreThis paper analyses the potential risks for market implementation and penetration of future vehicle-to-vehicle (C2C) technologies from a theoretical network economics point of view. Additional empirical data analysis for already established car safety systems (like ESP or ABS) is done to generate further findings. Therefore the author used the GIDAS (German In-Depth Accident Study) database which includes over 17.000 real world crash records with on-scene investigation and afterwards evaluation of each accident. The author conducted several econometric methods (linear regression, multinomial-logit-estimation (MNL) and probit-estimation) in order to quantify the positive externalities of already established and accepted safety systems. The paper closes with four concrete policy recommendations for the implementation and penetration process for future vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies.

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Enabling Intelligent Algorithms with new generation radar sensors

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01449
  • Gerhard Lamprecht
  • Traffic Management Technologies (Pty) Ltd
  • South Africa


Traffic control algorithms have been rapidly gaining sophistication. These systems attempt to predict and control future traffic patterns by measuring recent past events. The effectiveness of these prediction models depends on the dimensions and resolution at which these ...Lead moreTraffic control algorithms have been rapidly gaining sophistication. These systems attempt to predict and control future traffic patterns by measuring recent past events. The effectiveness of these prediction models depends on the dimensions and resolution at which these events can be measured. Recent advances in digital beam steering and monolithic microwave integrated circuits have resulted in microwave sensors that offer superior accuracy and reliability. Traffic Professionals is now able to measure exact driver behavior and exact trajectory of each vehicle. Radars that enable efficient and safe management of air traffic are now available for automotive traffic control. With the exponential increase in information that these radars generate it is possible to create true learning machines. These autonomous sub-systems are capable of optimizing traffic at intersections, freeways, and cities for emissions, safety, delay and throughput. This paper introduces this new generation of radar system that will revolutionize traffic control theory and applications. WIth this level of individual vehicle location, acceleration and heading information a number of control methods becomes possible. Gap Acceptance could be continuously measured and feed to an adaptive fuzzy system that is able to predict the outcome of ramp metering control with precision. A new adaptive control system would use deceleration behavior of individual vehicles to optimize user experience or dis-utility. Information about deceleration and heading of individual vehicles also makes it possible to predict accidents up to 9 seconds before it happens with absolute precision and certainty.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01434
  • Angel M. Suarez
  • General Department of Traffic
  • Spain


For proper traffic management in terms of traffic flow characteristics and the relevant information provided to the driver, it is necessary to use tools that employ real-time traffic data and in a further process by offering a better understanding of the road situation. C...Lead moreFor proper traffic management in terms of traffic flow characteristics and the relevant information provided to the driver, it is necessary to use tools that employ real-time traffic data and in a further process by offering a better understanding of the road situation. Currently, most used tools for traffic data collection are the electromagnetic detectors and nearly all subsequent computer processes in order to prepare the information to assist the driver in its movements. However, electromagnetic based on detectors do not provide complete information, because they do not identify individual vehicles. The use of advanced technologies based on artificial vision can enable a more accurate understanding, not only about traffic data but also on the movement characteristics obtained vehicle by vehicle. The additional traffic data has enlarged the scope of software applications to improve traffic management, on singular roads which require a management based on artificial vision systems, such as specific cases when alternative routes can be used to reach the same destination. Additional aspects can be obtained as travel times, origin - destination matrix, average speed for each section, the most recommended route and knowledge of traffic movements performance allows a proper planning of traffic management in certain circumstances and events.

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Wireless Communication System for Public Transport Management as part of Bucharest Traffic Management System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01390
  • Sorin Dumitrescu
  • Electronic Solutions Ltd.
  • Romania


The Paper presents the local Wireless Communication solution used in Bucharest Traffic Management System. The local wireless communications are used to implement local signal priority for Public Transport Vehicles and for Emergency Vehicles and also are used as a back-up ...Lead moreThe Paper presents the local Wireless Communication solution used in Bucharest Traffic Management System. The local wireless communications are used to implement local signal priority for Public Transport Vehicles and for Emergency Vehicles and also are used as a back-up link Public Transport Management System. The primary communication link used for communication with vehicles in Public transport Management System is assured by a TETRA system. The paper is focused only on local wireless link that is based on IEEE 802.11g standard. A study for this communication link is under progress in junctions across Bucharest to determine several functioning parameters like: association time, maximum link distance, throuput, interferences, and also security issues related to this communication technology. The paper will present the study results and the conclusions regarding the use of WiFi technology as a reliable and secure vehicle-to-infrastructure link in Bucharest Traffic Management System.

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DATEX II: What's new in location referencing?

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01387
  • Loic Blaive
  • France


In Europe ITS are strongly supported by the European Commission’s ITS Action Plan with ambitious objectives on limiting GHG production, reducing congestion and improving road safety without hindering mobility. They cannot be reached without efficient and reliable data exc...Lead moreIn Europe ITS are strongly supported by the European Commission’s ITS Action Plan with ambitious objectives on limiting GHG production, reducing congestion and improving road safety without hindering mobility. They cannot be reached without efficient and reliable data exchanges between the different actors involved in offering new quality services to road end-users including exchanges between road operators as well as service providers. Among quality criteria, one is to offer a location referencing system that can accommodate the different practices of these actors being accurate, unambiguous and easy to use. Among the different projects dealing with data exchanges over years, DATEX II is representing a good bearer for such exchanges. The current presentation aims after a short overall presentation of what DATEX II is and an outline of the different actors’ practices regarding location referencing is to detail the choices made to design and model DATEX II, the relationships with standardisation, the different usage domains including extensibility. At the end, some outlooks are presented on possible extensions for dealing with future new services.

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Measuring and Using the RSSI of IEEE 802.11p

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01384
  • Katrin Sjoberg
  • Halmstad University
  • Sweden


This paper describes a channel measurement campaign that will be conducted with the hardware platform developed by the European project Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems (CVIS). The measurement campaign aims of finding the packet error rate (PER) versus the signa...Lead moreThis paper describes a channel measurement campaign that will be conducted with the hardware platform developed by the European project Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems (CVIS). The measurement campaign aims of finding the packet error rate (PER) versus the signal-to-interference-noise ratio (SINR) for different packet lengths when using the upcoming standard 802.11p in real scenarios. The results from the measurements will be fed into a computer simulator together with a realistic channel model for evaluating the scalability of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) in a highway scenario. The findings of the computer simulations will be a complement to already planned field operational tests (FOTs), where scalability is hard to test due to the high number of ITS stations required.

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Social Media and Personalized Traffic Weather Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01342
  • Katarina Elevant
  • Royal Institute of Technology KTH
  • Sweden


The role of traffic weather information services provided to travelers is of major importance to the society, in particular before, and during, severe weather events. The accuracy of local road weather information, however, represents one major limitation when creating su...Lead moreThe role of traffic weather information services provided to travelers is of major importance to the society, in particular before, and during, severe weather events. The accuracy of local road weather information, however, represents one major limitation when creating such information services. Furthermore, in order to decrease accident rates, drivers should be addressed in new innovative ways raising the credibility of the message, through user-centered and personalized services. In today’s ubiquitous society, with technology like cameras, sensors, mobile communication and the Internet, new opportunities to observe weather conditions arise. This paper presents a study on a personalized road weather warning system, based on participation and inclusion of weather observations performed by users. The theory is based on previous results on a “share weather” platform developed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, and a method for personalization applying recent weather experiences. The aim of the study was to further evaluate and develop the personalization model, while providing traffic weather warning messages in real-time to about 250 citizens in Stockholm during October 2009 to January 2010. A novel approach was introduced by testing inclusion of user-generated observations of weather, finally providing a personalization model for road weather information services based on user groups’ defaults.

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IPv6 in ITS architectures: The experience of the CVIS and GeoNet European Projects

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01333
  • Thierry Ernst
  • INRIA Rocquencourt
  • France


This paper presents IPv6-related architecture details and technical and non-technical results of obtained from the European CVIS and GeoNet projects. It mostly seeks at enhancing IPv6 awareness in the ITS sector. ISO TC 204 WG 16 is specifying an Intelligent Transportatio...Lead moreThis paper presents IPv6-related architecture details and technical and non-technical results of obtained from the European CVIS and GeoNet projects. It mostly seeks at enhancing IPv6 awareness in the ITS sector. ISO TC 204 WG 16 is specifying an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) communication architecture known as CALM for vehicle-vehicle and vehicleinfrastructure types of communications (V2X). A proof of this concept was performed in the framework of the CVIS European project which further improves and extends the CALM architecture. IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is used as the convergence protocol between the various types of applications and the various available communication medium. In the meantime, the combination of IPv6 and geonetworking, as investigated by the Car-to-Car Communication Consortium and ETSI TC ITS, was studied in the framework of the GeoNet project. GeoNetworking allows transmission of information to one or many vehicles located in a specified geographic area. IPv6 GeoNetworking is the combination of both IPv6 and GeoNetworking capabilities into a single protocol stack in order to comply with ETSI and ISO architectures