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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2110
  • fulvio simonelli
  • Department of Transportation Engineering – University of Naples “Federico II”,
  • Italy


This paper presents some results of the project "Monitoring, control and information system for the active management of the road safety in a motorway infrastructure", leaded by the Società Autostrade Meridionali S.P.A. (Autostrade Group) and partially founded by the MIUR...Lead moreThis paper presents some results of the project "Monitoring, control and information system for the active management of the road safety in a motorway infrastructure", leaded by the Società Autostrade Meridionali S.P.A. (Autostrade Group) and partially founded by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research). The project has been aimed to the experimentation of advanced technologies and management patterns on motorway A3 (Napoli-Pompei-Salerno). This paper aims particularly focus on implementation and calibration of the microsimulation model. Then, since the microsimulation model has been calibrated and it is able to reproduce adequately the real phenomenona, several control strategies can be tested off-line. In particular four different ramp metering policy have been tested , in order to establish their applicability in our context

Paper Title

Tool and method for design and analysis of GNSS only Electronic Toll Collection of guaranteed performance

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2109
  • Joaquín Cosmen-Schortmann
  • GMV
  • Spain


GNSS appears as one of the most flexible and cost efficient technologies for the implementation of large ETC systems both for urban and roads networks. However, due to the nature of GNSS with random position errors and temporal occultation of signal, GNSS based ETC still ...Lead moreGNSS appears as one of the most flexible and cost efficient technologies for the implementation of large ETC systems both for urban and roads networks. However, due to the nature of GNSS with random position errors and temporal occultation of signal, GNSS based ETC still has some constraints that need to be overcome; for instance, in the Toll Collect system, additional on-board sensors and side infrastructure beacons are implemented what leads to a complex and expensive system. The use of a signal with guaranteed integrity, as the one planned in Galileo, combined with OBU algorithms that ensures position integrity also considering local errors, provides an efficient solution that guarantees the resulting performance of ETC in terms of correctness of the charging. This paper introduces the technology for ETC based on the use of a GNSS integrity service and describes the tool to analyse different ETC implementations ensuring that requirements are satisfied.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2108
  • Gerdien Klunder
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


In the past years, a considerable effort has been put into the development of travel time predictors. However, long term travel time predictors are hardly used in Europe at this moment, while the need for them increases since congestion will increase further in the coming...Lead moreIn the past years, a considerable effort has been put into the development of travel time predictors. However, long term travel time predictors are hardly used in Europe at this moment, while the need for them increases since congestion will increase further in the coming years. Therefore, a long term travel time prediction algorithm using historical data is developed by TNO. In a case study for a route in The Netherlands, the effect of different factors influencing the travel time are studied, as well as the suitability of this prediction method for large scale travel time predictions. The algorithm will be implemented as web service for one of the most used travel time and route planners of the Netherlands. In the final paper, the results of the case study and the performance of the algorithm for the total motorway network of The Netherlands will be presented.

Paper Title

Developing Demand Management on the M25 Motorway and the Trunk Road Network in the South East of England

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2107
  • John Spiers
  • Hyder Consulting
  • Great Britain


The M25 Road Improvement Scheme will address the high level of congestion and improve travel time reliability on the M25, one of the busiest motorways in Europe. The scheme involves the widening of nearly 110 kilometres of motorway from dual 3-lane to dual 4-lane standard...Lead moreThe M25 Road Improvement Scheme will address the high level of congestion and improve travel time reliability on the M25, one of the busiest motorways in Europe. The scheme involves the widening of nearly 110 kilometres of motorway from dual 3-lane to dual 4-lane standard. An integral part in the success of the scheme will be the management of traffic demand using Integrated Demand Management (IDM) measures to safeguard the benefits of the additional capacity provided by widening. This paper describes the development of the IDM strategy using a hierarchy of transport models and the measures that will be employed

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2106
  • Mark Bodger
  • Siemens Traffic Controls
  • United Kingdom


The SCOOT Urban Traffic Control system is now operating in over 200 cities and towns worldwide. Since the first system was installed there has been a continuous program of research and development to provide new facilities which take into account new technology and meet t...Lead moreThe SCOOT Urban Traffic Control system is now operating in over 200 cities and towns worldwide. Since the first system was installed there has been a continuous program of research and development to provide new facilities which take into account new technology and meet the requirements of the traffic manager. This paper reports on a new version SCOOT MC3 ( Managing Congestion, Communications and Control) and new developments which will affect how SCOOT operates in four key areas: communications, congestion control, bus priority and puffin pedestrian facilities. In addition, it also looks at future developments currently being undertaken.

Paper Title

Digital services due to public data as a reliable source, - pointing at challenges related to access, financing, quality and reliability

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2105
  • Liv Nordbye
  • Norwegian Public Roads Administration
  • Norway


Public digital information has been used to develop a lot of new products and services i.e. to improve infrastructure planning and construction, road maintenance and operation, vehicle navigation and public transport planning and information, also multimodal information. ...Lead morePublic digital information has been used to develop a lot of new products and services i.e. to improve infrastructure planning and construction, road maintenance and operation, vehicle navigation and public transport planning and information, also multimodal information. Accurate and up-to-date safety attributes are important for efficient safe driving along the road network, and reliable route data is important for the public transport users, especially they who go multimodal. For many data users, the reality today is however a complex landscape of multiple data providers, multiple formats, varying availability and quality of data and long delays between data updates. This presentation uses relevant business theory models pointing at challenges related to access, financing, quality and reliability of public digital information.

Paper Title

REasonable in vehicle data aggregation for Car-to-X Communication in Cooperative Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2104
  • Susanne Breitenberger
  • BMW AG
  • Germany


Today’s visions of future cooperative traffic systems are based on communication between vehicles as well as vehicle to infrastructure communication. The goal is an effective information exchange in order to provide safety and mobility related information as a service to ...Lead moreToday’s visions of future cooperative traffic systems are based on communication between vehicles as well as vehicle to infrastructure communication. The goal is an effective information exchange in order to provide safety and mobility related information as a service to everybody. The BMW Research is engaged in the development of detektion algorithms for automatic detection of traffic status und lokal hazards, and especially in questions about possible and reasonable in vehicle tasks for vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communication. This paper will discuss the possibilities and necessities for the development of data fusion methods and data aggregation for use in vehicles in cooperative traffic systems.

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Modelling Tools for ITS systems

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2103
  • Florin Codrut Nemtanu
  • Politehnica University of Bucharest
  • Romania


The paper presents the main tools for modelling of intelligent transportation systems and the needs of those tools to develop integrated and interoperable systems. The authors show the basic procedure for modelling in connection with user needs and possible technical solu...Lead moreThe paper presents the main tools for modelling of intelligent transportation systems and the needs of those tools to develop integrated and interoperable systems. The authors show the basic procedure for modelling in connection with user needs and possible technical solutions. In final part of the paper is presented the application of those tools for specific intelligent transportation systems in Romania and also the involving of those tools in ITS architecture development.

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WiseCar Intelligent driving assistance systems for improved safety and efficiency in Transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2102
  • Ragnhild Wahl
  • Norway


There are numerous available ICT based products and services for road users and the growth has been extensive. Such products could be supplied by the car manufacturer. However, an increased amount of products are supplied by small and medium sized enterprises, competing o...Lead moreThere are numerous available ICT based products and services for road users and the growth has been extensive. Such products could be supplied by the car manufacturer. However, an increased amount of products are supplied by small and medium sized enterprises, competing on small niche markets. Mobile ICT solutions, telecommunication and next generation positioning techniques enable a considerable market for new and improved products and business opportunities. This paper presents a Norwegian research initiative; the WiseCar project. The project aims at developing mobile ICT products and services for improved safety and efficiency in transport.

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Large scale introduction of automated transport Which legal and administrative barriers are present?

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2101
  • Ragnhild Wahl
  • Norway


The CityMobil project “Towards advanced transport for the urban environment” aims at achieving a more effective organisation of urban transport, resulting in a more rational use of motorised traffic with less congestion and pollution, safer driving, a higher quality of li...Lead moreThe CityMobil project “Towards advanced transport for the urban environment” aims at achieving a more effective organisation of urban transport, resulting in a more rational use of motorised traffic with less congestion and pollution, safer driving, a higher quality of living and an enhanced integration with spatial development. This should be achieved by promoting the introducing of advanced technologies into the transport environment. The concepts, methods and tools developed in CityMobil will be validated and demonstrated in a number of different European cities under different circumstances, representing the first stages of automated transport systems that are really integrated in an urban environment. This paper presents an overview of legal and administrative barriers that are in the way of large scale introduction of advanced transport systems. The paper is based on work carried out in the CityMobil project.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2100
  • Hannes Stratil
  • Efkon AG
  • Austria


The International Standard ISO 21214 is a new ISO Standard for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication via Infrared. This contribution presents the first single chip semiconductor product which has the new standard implemented. The infrared communication device...Lead moreThe International Standard ISO 21214 is a new ISO Standard for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication via Infrared. This contribution presents the first single chip semiconductor product which has the new standard implemented. The infrared communication device handles all CALM inherent issues and provides a standardized, easy to implement interface to the outside. Therefore this chip is expected to be a key building block of vehicle communication systems.

Paper Title

CALM Standardization – The Future of ITS?

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2099
  • Hannes Stratil
  • Efkon AG
  • Austria


The family of International Standards for CALM (Continuous air interface, long and medium range) are the new ISO-Standards for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication. While Cellular or Metropolitan Area Networks contributes the WAN-connectivity covers Microwav...Lead moreThe family of International Standards for CALM (Continuous air interface, long and medium range) are the new ISO-Standards for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication. While Cellular or Metropolitan Area Networks contributes the WAN-connectivity covers Microwave-LANs the mid-range. Infrared adds finally the capability to communicate in predefined directions and to detect the communication-distance to the partner by time-of-light measurement.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2098
  • marie-line gallenne
  • laboratoire central des ponts et chaussees
  • France, Metropolitan


The SARI project, whose objectives are supported by the PREDIT programme, aims to bring about a significant reduction in the number of loss-of-control accidents by providing drivers with better information about the driving difficulties they will have to confront. The pro...Lead moreThe SARI project, whose objectives are supported by the PREDIT programme, aims to bring about a significant reduction in the number of loss-of-control accidents by providing drivers with better information about the driving difficulties they will have to confront. The project essentially targets secondary roads, as the behaviour of drivers on such roads is mainly determined by the road itself rather than by other drivers. Some of the characteristics of these roads should lead drivers to modify the way they drive in order hazards. The objective is to relate a level of risk of loss of control to the characteristics of the road in order to identify information that helps drivers move from the situation of normal attention to one of increased attention and lead them to modify their behaviour.

Paper Title

A decision support system for the city of Beijing to develop and apply effective traffic measure schemes

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2097
  • Wim Hoeven
  • DHV. BV
  • Netherlands


This paper describes the development of a decision support system (DSS) for traffic management in Beijing. The extreme increase of traffic makes traffic management a major challenge, in which learning on the basis of actual traffic information is vital. The DSS comprises ...Lead moreThis paper describes the development of a decision support system (DSS) for traffic management in Beijing. The extreme increase of traffic makes traffic management a major challenge, in which learning on the basis of actual traffic information is vital. The DSS comprises of a static and dynamic traffic model to analyze traffic conditions and variations. With this instrument, potential measures of traffic management are evaluated to define scenarios with traffic plans for improvement of traffic circulation under specific conditions like events, incidents and accidents, and bad weather. These scenarios are stored in a central database to be used in daily operations.

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Vehicle Alert System

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2096
  • Katrin Bilstrup
  • Halmstad University
  • Sweden


The Vehicle Alert System (VAS) project focuses on timely and reliable communication under the challenging circumstances of a highly mobile vehicular network. Through a cross layer design, we gain the flexibility needed to adapt the system to the individual requirements of...Lead moreThe Vehicle Alert System (VAS) project focuses on timely and reliable communication under the challenging circumstances of a highly mobile vehicular network. Through a cross layer design, we gain the flexibility needed to adapt the system to the individual requirements of three chosen application scenarios that represent different situations where cooperation between vehicles can make a significant impact. The VAS project is a collaboration project involving academic as well as industrial partners and it will finish in 2009 with the implementation of a demonstrator for a vehicle alert system.

Paper Title

COVER: Feasibility study of traffic information services via DVB-H.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2095
  • Jussi Kiuru
  • Finnish Road Enterprise
  • Finland


The core of the COVER EU eSafety project is to implement an innovative cooperative COVER Platform which utilizes DVB-H and other wireless networks. It focuses in delivering traffic information via DVB-H network to different nomadic and mobile devices. DVB-H offers an effi...Lead moreThe core of the COVER EU eSafety project is to implement an innovative cooperative COVER Platform which utilizes DVB-H and other wireless networks. It focuses in delivering traffic information via DVB-H network to different nomadic and mobile devices. DVB-H offers an efficient and media rich point to multipoint channel for delivering traffic information to end users. Integrators (traffic content, DVB-H content) play a key role in creation of the still unformed business models. DVB-H can also substitute for TMC in the long run.

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ALTEA eCall+

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2094
  • Iacopo Bini Smaghi
  • ALTEA Italia Srl
  • Italy


eCall+ puts eCall a step forward, allowing the developing of positive business models for future telematics applications. eCall+ allows major savings to car manufacturers, authorities, insurance companies and other institutions. In addition, it permits data collection via...Lead moreeCall+ puts eCall a step forward, allowing the developing of positive business models for future telematics applications. eCall+ allows major savings to car manufacturers, authorities, insurance companies and other institutions. In addition, it permits data collection via a single embedded black-box. eCall+ is a natural development of the EU approved eCall, which will be mandatory in Europe by 2010. eCall+ as the introduction of new profitable business models for telematics. eCall+ has been introduced in Shanghai (Telematicsupdate Asia 2006), Sao Paulo (SIMBA, October 2006) , Delhi (SIMBA, November 2006 ) and Cape Town ( SIMBA, November 2006 ), Bruxelles ( Ertico, October 2006).

Paper Title

Innovative & up-to-date provision of information along a provincial road

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2093
  • Bart Swaans
  • Province of Noord-Brabant
  • Netherlands


The Province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands developed a system that was introduced as a pilot project consisting a various Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) systems that worked in conjuction with each other. The concept 'The Informative Road' is used primarily as a ro...Lead moreThe Province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands developed a system that was introduced as a pilot project consisting a various Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) systems that worked in conjuction with each other. The concept 'The Informative Road' is used primarily as a roadside system and is ready for new developments in the field of in-car information. In addition to the technical realization, evaluation is another important part of the pilot project. The traffic engineering and behavioural effects of the system play a central role in the evaluation. The evaluation will be completed at the end of 2007 and the provincial executive of the Province of Noord-Brabant will make a decision about the application of the 'Informative Road' concept at other locations in the province.

Paper Title

Pilot project ‘Intelligent speed information in the school environment’

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2092
  • Bart Swaans
  • Province of Noord-Brabant
  • Netherlands


Improving accessibility, liveability and road safety is the central theme of our mobility policy. Mobility and accessibility are important conditions for the smooth progress of economic and social processes. In large areas of the Netherlands, however, accessibility is und...Lead moreImproving accessibility, liveability and road safety is the central theme of our mobility policy. Mobility and accessibility are important conditions for the smooth progress of economic and social processes. In large areas of the Netherlands, however, accessibility is under serious pressure due to increasing car use and the accompanying increase in size and number of traffic jams. Other aspects, such as road safety and liveability, are also at issue when it comes to increasing mobility. In policy papers about mobility, such as the national government's Mobility Memorandum and the provincial and municipal traffic and transport plans, the problems in the field of accessibility, liveability and road safety are mentioned as serious bottlenecks for the economic and social development of the Netherlands. These documents express the ambition to meet the wishes and needs of individual travellers and companies by facilitating mobility within the set limits of liveability and safety.

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Traffic Management Plan – methodological guides

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2091
  • GUIGNIER Emmanuel
  • LEE Conseil
  • France


Traffic Management Plans (TMP) are powerful tools to improve traffic flow and roads safety. The next publication of the French national technical guide “Periurban Traffic Management Plan” is the occasion to present these plans designed to organize and coordinate the diffe...Lead moreTraffic Management Plans (TMP) are powerful tools to improve traffic flow and roads safety. The next publication of the French national technical guide “Periurban Traffic Management Plan” is the occasion to present these plans designed to organize and coordinate the different services responsible for traffic management in case of important perturbations, foreseeable or not. The “LEE Conseils” communication will be illustrated with concrete examples of French or international TMP.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2090
  • Thomas Sjöström
  • Sweden


The transport corridor from Denmark to Russia via southern Sweden is an important link between East and West in the Baltic Sea Region. To strengthen the corridor the East-West project within the Interreg III programme has started to develop a strategy for infrastructure i...Lead moreThe transport corridor from Denmark to Russia via southern Sweden is an important link between East and West in the Baltic Sea Region. To strengthen the corridor the East-West project within the Interreg III programme has started to develop a strategy for infrastructure improvements and new solutions for business and logistics. This paper recommends value added services that can be integrated in an On Board Unit (OBU) used for distance based Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) system in operation. The method applied is to identify candidate services, analyse the technical conditions that follows from interoperable EFC and finally map the candidate services against technical prerequisites to identify prospect combinations in general and for a East West demonstrator in particular.

Paper Title

Vehicle detection and classification by contour shape model

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2088
  • Mikhail Taranin
  • RC Module
  • Russia


A video-based system for vehicle detection is considered. We propose a contour shape method to detect and recognize the vehicles in the complicated conditions. The method is a good compromise between the detection quality and computational cost. The real-time version of c...Lead moreA video-based system for vehicle detection is considered. We propose a contour shape method to detect and recognize the vehicles in the complicated conditions. The method is a good compromise between the detection quality and computational cost. The real-time version of contour shape algorithm has been implemented in “TrafficMonitor-C” visual surveillance system

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GPS pilot project

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2087
  • Charlotte Holstrom
  • Danish Road Directorate
  • Denmark


The Danish Road Directorate is running a pilot project using GPS data for transport planning and improvement of models. The pilot is using GPS data collected from fleet management systems bearing the costs of equipment and communication. The first results indicate that GP...Lead moreThe Danish Road Directorate is running a pilot project using GPS data for transport planning and improvement of models. The pilot is using GPS data collected from fleet management systems bearing the costs of equipment and communication. The first results indicate that GPS data is a good complement to the use of road side equipment especially after the Danish Road Directorate took over the responsibility for app. 2000 km of additional road network as a result of a structural reform in Denmark, where the counties were abolished.

Paper Title

Infrastructure-Based Co-operative Architectures: How Safespot Deals with Different Road Network Areas.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2086
  • Filippo Visintainer
  • Centro Ricerche Fiat, Trento Branch
  • Italy


The SAFESPOT Integrated Project, started in February 2006, is a research project co-funded by the European Commission, under the strategic objective “eSafety Cooperative Systems for Road Transport”. Its goal is to understand how intelligent vehicles and roads can co-opera...Lead moreThe SAFESPOT Integrated Project, started in February 2006, is a research project co-funded by the European Commission, under the strategic objective “eSafety Cooperative Systems for Road Transport”. Its goal is to understand how intelligent vehicles and roads can co-operate to produce a breakthrough in road safety. The system should extend in space and time the driver’s awareness of the surrounding environment, using wireless communication to enable vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure co-operation through the IEEE 802.11p protocol. This paper presents the conceived architecture solutions, aimed at fulfilling the SAFESPOT system requirements in every kind of environment within the road network.

Paper Title

Specifying applications for infrastructure-based co-operative road-safety

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2085
  • Fabien Bonnefoi
  • Cofiroute
  • France


SAFESPOT is an Integrated Project co-funded by the European Commission, under the strategic objective “eSafety Cooperative Systems for Road Transport”. The Goal of SAFESPOT is to understand how intelligent vehicles and intelligent roads can cooperate to produce a breakthr...Lead moreSAFESPOT is an Integrated Project co-funded by the European Commission, under the strategic objective “eSafety Cooperative Systems for Road Transport”. The Goal of SAFESPOT is to understand how intelligent vehicles and intelligent roads can cooperate to produce a breakthrough in road safety. This paper presents the SAFESPOT applications where decisions are taken by the road infrastructure in cooperation with vehicles. They are designed on the basis of road accident data analysis for the urban, rural and motorway roads. The applications detect in advance potentially dangerous situations and extend the driver’s awareness of the surrounding environment by generating warnings.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2084
  • Fabien Moutarde
  • Ecole des Mines de Paris (ParisTech)
  • France


We present a new modular traffic signs recognition system, successfully applied to both American and European speed limit signs. Our sign detection step is based only on shape-detection (rectangles or circles). This enables it to work on grayscale images, contrary to most...Lead moreWe present a new modular traffic signs recognition system, successfully applied to both American and European speed limit signs. Our sign detection step is based only on shape-detection (rectangles or circles). This enables it to work on grayscale images, contrary to most European competitors. Speed sign candidates are classified (or rejected) by segmenting potential digits inside them, and then applying a neural digit recognition. The global detection rate is ~90% for both (standard) U.S. and E.U. speed signs, with a misclassification rate 150 minutes of video. The system processes in real-time ~20 frames/s on a standard high-end laptop.

Paper Title

SAFESPOT Local Dynamic Maps – Virtual Worlds for Safety Applications

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2083
  • Christine Bartels
  • Tele Atlas
  • Germany


The handling of information coming together from various sources is a precondition in order to realize Cooperative Systems. The Local Dynamic Map (LDM) in that respect is the key component to provide and store dynamic and static data for in-vehicle and infrastructure safe...Lead moreThe handling of information coming together from various sources is a precondition in order to realize Cooperative Systems. The Local Dynamic Map (LDM) in that respect is the key component to provide and store dynamic and static data for in-vehicle and infrastructure safety applications. This paper will provide an overview of relevant specifications, architectures and to-be-enabled scenarios of the Cooperative Systems project SAFESPOT focusing on the Local Dynamic Map.

Paper Title

A new type of information panel on Dutch motorways

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2082
  • Hans Remeijn
  • Rijkswaterstaat - AVV
  • Netherlands


Along the Amsterdam A10 ring road, and on four motorways leading towards it, six so-called "bermDRIPs", have been erected during the summer of 2006. Where "berm" means shoulder (or verge), and DRIP means Dynamic Route Information Panel. It is expected that a great number ...Lead moreAlong the Amsterdam A10 ring road, and on four motorways leading towards it, six so-called "bermDRIPs", have been erected during the summer of 2006. Where "berm" means shoulder (or verge), and DRIP means Dynamic Route Information Panel. It is expected that a great number of these signs will be used in the coming years. Unlike the well known big information panels with 3 lines of text, in most cases positioned over the road, these signs will in most cases not inform about queues but will mainly be used for giving information about events like accidents, (future) road works, diversions, etcetera.

Paper Title

Image Recognition and Incident Detection – Image detection in the real-world

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2081
  • Mark Cracknell
  • Transport for London
  • United Kingdom


Image Detection technologies have proven that they can offer a real benefit to theoperational work of TfL.By creating the largest dataset of traffic incident video scenarios in the UK, with over500 hours of footage, and running over 40 tests TfL can with confidence commen...Lead moreImage Detection technologies have proven that they can offer a real benefit to theoperational work of TfL.By creating the largest dataset of traffic incident video scenarios in the UK, with over500 hours of footage, and running over 40 tests TfL can with confidence comment ofthe abilities of Image detection systems.With very promising results in congestion monitoring (90%) and traffic counting(90%) it is clear that this technology has applications in the traffic monitoring arena.This project has developed strong developmental relationships with key suppliers anddevelopers of this technology and TfL has been instrumental in pushing thecapabilities of image detection.

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Establishing and implementing security procedures to address new threats created by the creation of a national IP network.

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2080
  • David Bradbrook
  • Highways Agency
  • United Kingdom


The Highways Agency (HA) of England is building a new national Internet Protocol (IP) network, which by September 2007 will provide high bandwidth IP services to all motorways in England. On completion of this network the HA will commence transferring ITS systems onto the...Lead moreThe Highways Agency (HA) of England is building a new national Internet Protocol (IP) network, which by September 2007 will provide high bandwidth IP services to all motorways in England. On completion of this network the HA will commence transferring ITS systems onto the new network. The use of IP will provide new levels of flexibility, however access to the network and the attached ITS systems will become easier, because of the ubiquitous nature of IP technology. This introduces a new threat to the security of ITS systems operated by the HA. The HA is addressing this issue through the development of procedures for granting ITS systems a “code of connection”.This gives permission for the system to use the IP network provided that a defined procedure has been followed. The procedure includes a security risk assessment of the system, which includes identifying the data passed over the network, the threats to the data and the controls required minimise the risk of any breach in security

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2079
  • Amanda-Jayne Wilson
  • WSP Development and Transportation
  • United Kingdom


In order to manage the network efficiently the Highways Agency are investigating innovative methods of traffic control such as Dynamic Road Marking (DRM). WSP have therefore conducted an evaluation of DRM technologies suitable for the replication of white lines. These DRM...Lead moreIn order to manage the network efficiently the Highways Agency are investigating innovative methods of traffic control such as Dynamic Road Marking (DRM). WSP have therefore conducted an evaluation of DRM technologies suitable for the replication of white lines. These DRM systems could be used to actively adapt the road layout according to varying traffic conditions thus improving the efficiency of existing infrastructure. The evaluation included both off-road trialling and optical laboratory testing. The project is now set to investigate the feasibility of using DRM technologies to facilitate hard shoulder running through junctions. This paper will outline the findings of both the evaluation and the junction re-design for through junction running.

Paper Title

The evolution of tolling markets

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2078
  • Dragan Kostevski
  • Siemens AG, Siemens VDO Automotive
  • Germany


concentraiting population into cityareas and rising welth in the world rise big problems in transportation and traffic. the biggest problems are polution, congestion and investment costs. Tolling systems today are not only for collecting money, they are a an important ins...Lead moreconcentraiting population into cityareas and rising welth in the world rise big problems in transportation and traffic. the biggest problems are polution, congestion and investment costs. Tolling systems today are not only for collecting money, they are a an important instrument for solving the problems.

Paper Title

Networking of traveller information Internet services in northern Europe

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2077
  • Ulrich Just
  • Ministry of Construction, Environment and Transport
  • Germany


The euroregional Project VIKING, formed by the ministries/road administrations of Denmark, Finland, Northern Germany, Norway and Sweden, is developing a family of travel and transport related internet portals and specialized information services for different scales and p...Lead moreThe euroregional Project VIKING, formed by the ministries/road administrations of Denmark, Finland, Northern Germany, Norway and Sweden, is developing a family of travel and transport related internet portals and specialized information services for different scales and purposes. Work has started with national information services in the Scandinavian countries and first local pilots in Germany and has been continued focusing on building complex joint ventures on the international and national level. Meanwhile the whole project area is covered by information services that have been developed under VIKING approach. The multi-national joint ventures are running directly in the responsibility of VIKING work groups. The VIKING services are no "closed shops", neither concerning the cooperation (prepared for extension) nor concerning the information (multi-modal and multi-purposes approach).

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2076
  • Tobias Schendzielorz
  • Munich University of Technology
  • Germany


Accident blackspots in urban areas are in particular the controlled and non-controlled intersections, because the road users are often confronted here with complex situations that are sometimes hard to interpret and to deal with properly. The objective of this paper is to...Lead moreAccident blackspots in urban areas are in particular the controlled and non-controlled intersections, because the road users are often confronted here with complex situations that are sometimes hard to interpret and to deal with properly. The objective of this paper is to present a new safety application concept “Co-operative Intersection Collision Prevention System” (CICPS), which is mainly based on the exchange of data between approaching vehicles and the roadside traffic control infrastructure and an accurate modeling of the vehicles trajectories. CICPS is one of the main applications of the European research project SAFESPOT, which concerns to co-operative systems with safety focus.

Paper Title

Improving Drivers Safety and Driving Pleasure – Next Generation ADAS and IVIS

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2075
  • Dirk Wisselmann
  • BMW Group Research and Technology
  • Germany


The BMW Group Research and Technology is developing new advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and in vehicle information systems (IVIS) to improve the safety and the driving pleasure. Selected new systems basing on improved onboard sensors and integrated communication...Lead moreThe BMW Group Research and Technology is developing new advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and in vehicle information systems (IVIS) to improve the safety and the driving pleasure. Selected new systems basing on improved onboard sensors and integrated communication technologies will be presented. Requirements and future challenges will be discussed.

Paper Title

FeedMAP – Map deviation detection to enhance incremental updates

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2074
  • Stefan Lüer
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
  • Belgium


The FeedMAP project studies the commercial and technical feasibility of map deviation feedback. In order to improve the flow of user map feedback, the FeedMAP concept uses all vehicles equipped with a digital map for deviation detection, i.e. to check if the maps are inde...Lead moreThe FeedMAP project studies the commercial and technical feasibility of map deviation feedback. In order to improve the flow of user map feedback, the FeedMAP concept uses all vehicles equipped with a digital map for deviation detection, i.e. to check if the maps are indeed accurate and complete. During the project 24 different road network and road status deviation types are investigated at 4 test sites. The paper presents the latest implementation experiences at the test sites.

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  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2073
  • Vincent POUYET
  • Siemens Transportation Systems
  • France


TEOR is the East-West BRT system serving Greater Rouen, in France. It has been in operation for more than 5 years and is run with optically guided buses. Lateral guidance of the vehicles increases accessibility, safety and comfort. TEOR is a successful example of a bus sy...Lead moreTEOR is the East-West BRT system serving Greater Rouen, in France. It has been in operation for more than 5 years and is run with optically guided buses. Lateral guidance of the vehicles increases accessibility, safety and comfort. TEOR is a successful example of a bus system that offers high level of service at a reasonable cost. Building up on those years of commercial operation, our consortium drives today new developments to increase further TEOR services in the context of a 3-year long project named ANGO and funded by the French PREDIT program. One of the tasks of the project is to develop a localization embedded system that will provide accurate and secure longitudinal positioning information all along the route of the vehicle. This positioning information will then be exploited to introduce longitudinal control functionalities and Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) that aim at improving fuel consumption, comfort, and maintenance.

Paper Title

Navigation re-invented: Enhanced Digital maps allowing Multi Modal Transport Navigation

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2072
  • Linde Vande Velde
  • Tele Atlas
  • Belgium


Tele Atlas is partner in the EC funded project eMOTION – Europe-wide-multi Modal On-Trip Traffic Information - which aims to specify the organisational, legal, economical, financial and technical framework for a Europe-wide multi modal traffic information service that off...Lead moreTele Atlas is partner in the EC funded project eMOTION – Europe-wide-multi Modal On-Trip Traffic Information - which aims to specify the organisational, legal, economical, financial and technical framework for a Europe-wide multi modal traffic information service that offers real time information for road and public transport users by means of on-trip-devices like PDA and Smart Phones or in-car-systems. The project develops policies and scenarios for a Europe-wide information service integrating content providers, service operators and providers with different legal status, coming from public and commercial sectors all over Europe. Policies and scenarios cover legal and organisational aspects as well as implementation and data safety policies, and meet in an organisational and legal framework for the service architecture and finally in a proof-of-the-concept.

Paper Title

Mov’eo-lab, a dedicated test-bed for cooperative assistance devices

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2070
  • Blosseville Jean Marc
  • France, Metropolitan


Mov’eo, French cluster dedicated to the future of the vehicles and roads has the ambition to create an international test-bed dedicated to test and evaluation of driver assistance devices. This forthcoming French test site is named Mov’eo-lab. The analysis and content of ...Lead moreMov’eo, French cluster dedicated to the future of the vehicles and roads has the ambition to create an international test-bed dedicated to test and evaluation of driver assistance devices. This forthcoming French test site is named Mov’eo-lab. The analysis and content of Mov’eo-lab dedicated to cooperative systems will be detailed in the paper. The Section 1 of the paper will detail Moveo-lab functional analysis and gives some conclusions on services to provide to research teams. Section 2 will present first technical solutions for deployment of telematic technologies on the site with progressive equipments. Section 3 will propose a discussion on financing economic models for such a national test-bed

Paper Title

Evaluation framework for preventive safety applications

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2069
  • Johan Scholliers
  • VTT
  • Finland


The PReVENT Integrated Project European automotive industry activity co-funded by the European Commission to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating preventive safety applications and technologies. PReVAL is a subproject of PReVENT, and addresses address...Lead moreThe PReVENT Integrated Project European automotive industry activity co-funded by the European Commission to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating preventive safety applications and technologies. PReVAL is a subproject of PReVENT, and addresses addresses the possible impacts of safety applications developed and demonstrated in PReVENT. PReVAL's objectives are to identify best practices for the assessment for technical and HMI performance, to develop a framework for estimating safety impact, and to make recommendations for the future assessment of preventive safety applications. The evaluation framework, which is developed during the first half of 2007, will be described in the final paper.