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1440-1480 of 3402

Paper Title

A Study on Traffic Information Collection Using Ad-Hoc Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3050
  • Tae Wook Kim
  • Kyung-won University
  • Korea


Development of Telematics technology and GPS technology that allows accurate location tracking for mobile units has lead active development of real-time environment location information applications for logistics management and aviation controls. Specially, researches on ...Lead moreDevelopment of Telematics technology and GPS technology that allows accurate location tracking for mobile units has lead active development of real-time environment location information applications for logistics management and aviation controls. Specially, researches on vehicle location tracking system utilizing geographical and location information to track location of mobile vehicles became a representing application system. To utilize location information in GSI environment and to provide more efficient services development of LBS(Location Based Service) technology was necessary. our study will utilize the Ad-Hoc Network and consider connectivity of vehicles within the routing message to propose a traffic information model that can provide real-time vehicle information among mobile nodes traveling on the road.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3049
  • Doohee Nam
  • Hansung University
  • Japan


The disabled and elderly people have a wide variety of functional impairments. By disability and elderly user group definition, identification of users needs and specification of content requirements were studied. Existing technologies including location, navigation and i...Lead moreThe disabled and elderly people have a wide variety of functional impairments. By disability and elderly user group definition, identification of users needs and specification of content requirements were studied. Existing technologies including location, navigation and information exchange devise and communication systems were analyzed to design proper integrated system for indoor and outdoor uses. There are two types of services considered in the project: assisted living services(ALS) including health and emergency needs and assisted mobility services(AMS) with transportation needs. To develop each content, content identification and requirements was studied through interviews and expert consultations. System requirements and specification using usecase technique for disabled and elderly people are discussed.

Paper Title

Optimization of traffic control corresponding to the increase of ETC

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3048
  • Tomonobu Tanino
  • Central Nippon Expressway Company
  • Japan


In proportion to the increase of ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) vehicle in Japan, expected effects such as alleviation of traffic congestion and reduction of CO2 emission at tollgates can be seen. However, various issues related with traffic safety are about to happen; ...Lead moreIn proportion to the increase of ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) vehicle in Japan, expected effects such as alleviation of traffic congestion and reduction of CO2 emission at tollgates can be seen. However, various issues related with traffic safety are about to happen; the speed of vehicles passing through exclusive ETC lanes is on the rise and the frequency of dangerous traffic weaving occurrence around tollbooths increases. This paper shows the method of analyzing traffic condition by image processing assistance system and proposes the revision of present design manual about road alignment to realize the optimized traffic control corresponding to the present.

Paper Title

Traffic Information and Prediction System: Evaluation, Observations, and Suggestions

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3047
  • Kyeong-Pyo Kang
  • The Korea Transport Institute
  • Korea


This project presents the evaluation result of one ITS technology, called TIPS (Traffic Information and Prediction System). This system employs traffic data from sensors to project the travel time from a set of given origins to the target destination. The field test resul...Lead moreThis project presents the evaluation result of one ITS technology, called TIPS (Traffic Information and Prediction System). This system employs traffic data from sensors to project the travel time from a set of given origins to the target destination. The field test results from the highway segment along EB I-70 from MD 32 to I-695 reveal that prediction of travel times under moderate and stable traffic conditions is likely to yield an acceptable level of reliability. However, much remains to be improved for achieving reliable prediction of travel times under congested and unstable traffic flows.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3046
  • Rui Wang
  • ORITIS Traffic Information Service Inc.
  • Japan


In this paper, a mobile system for automatic license plate number identification is introduced. This mobile system is capable of automatically identifying, restoring, and online submitting license plate information from vehicles of low or high speeds, in either daytime or...Lead moreIn this paper, a mobile system for automatic license plate number identification is introduced. This mobile system is capable of automatically identifying, restoring, and online submitting license plate information from vehicles of low or high speeds, in either daytime or nighttime. By matching the license plate information collected at different sites, detailed traffic flow analyses can be carried on for after-effect evaluations of new road works or ITS projects. Case studies from the practical world are also provided, in this paper, to show the potential of the new technology in the ITS industry.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3045
  • Rui Wang
  • ORITIS Traffic Information Service Inc.
  • Japan


In addition to traditional traffic surveys, data from GPS (Global Positioning System) equipped probe vehicles have been gaining more and more attentions in Japan in recent years. In this paper, a system that is capable of applying various types of probe data in estimation...Lead moreIn addition to traditional traffic surveys, data from GPS (Global Positioning System) equipped probe vehicles have been gaining more and more attentions in Japan in recent years. In this paper, a system that is capable of applying various types of probe data in estimation of road link average speed is introduced. Probe data, as many as 19 types of them, are standardized firstly. These data are then matched to road links of Digital Road Maps (DRM) by one of the two map matching algorithms proposed in this paper, link matching (LM) or node matching (NM). Finally travel speed can be estimated and further used in many possible ITS applications as shown in a practical case study.

Paper Title

Fuzzy Longitudinal Controller Design and Experimentation for Adaptive Cruise Control and Stop & Go

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3044
  • Chen Chien-Tzu
  • Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC)
  • China


Now ACC systems have been developed for highway driving assistance, but could not handle urban traffic situations. One of the reasons is the frequent switching between acceleration and deceleration, and the smooth control for the driving stability and comfortable at low s...Lead moreNow ACC systems have been developed for highway driving assistance, but could not handle urban traffic situations. One of the reasons is the frequent switching between acceleration and deceleration, and the smooth control for the driving stability and comfortable at low speeds is more difficult than at high speeds. This paper presents a fuzzy longitudinal control system for car-following. This controller achieves the main functions of both adaptive cruise control (ACC) and Stop & Go control. For constructing the vehicular longitudinal control system, we use vacuum boosters to control the throttle and the braking pedal, thus circumventing the technical difficulties of using engine management system and anti-brake system.

Paper Title

Cellular Probe System Deployment in City of Shanghai

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3043
  • Weiyi Qiu
  • TrafficCast China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  • China


This paper presents a technical introduction to a cellular-based real-time traffic probe system--TrafficCast2.0, which is deployed by TrafficCast China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, China. This system uses wireless location technology (WLT) to automatically and anonym...Lead moreThis paper presents a technical introduction to a cellular-based real-time traffic probe system--TrafficCast2.0, which is deployed by TrafficCast China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, China. This system uses wireless location technology (WLT) to automatically and anonymously track wireless devices to generate real-time and predictive traffic information. In 2006, TraffiCast2.0 has been successfully operated in Shanghai. The system covers all the roads within the Inner Ring Area in Shanghai, which has 77 square kilometres and includes 773 kilometres of major roads and more than 2,000 roadway segments. It produces real-time traffic information in a 7/24 fashion and the update time interval ranges from 2 to 5 minutes.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3042
  • Aichi Prefectural Police Headquarters
  • Japan


The acoustic signal controller helps visually impaired people at a pedestrian crossing. However, we have to take into consideration noise pollution which effects local inhabitants. For instance, setting the sound level to a minimum, or stopping the sound at night. Due to ...Lead moreThe acoustic signal controller helps visually impaired people at a pedestrian crossing. However, we have to take into consideration noise pollution which effects local inhabitants. For instance, setting the sound level to a minimum, or stopping the sound at night. Due to this the controller is not sufficient for visually impaired people. Another problem arising at present is that the acoustic signal controller cannot be installed in populated area because even during the daytime guidance sound is considered noise pollution. Therefore, we have developed a new acoustic signal controller to solve these problems.

Paper Title

Effects of Motorcycle Parking Charging Schemes on Traveler's Mode Choice Behaviors in the City of Taipei

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3041
  • Shou-Ren Hu
  • Cheng Kung University
  • Chinese,Taibei


Motorcycle is a popularly commuting mode in Taiwan in view of its high mobility and/or accessibility and limited parking space requirement. The huge amount of registered motorcycles and their routine usage for commuting purpose in the metropolitan area have caused signifi...Lead moreMotorcycle is a popularly commuting mode in Taiwan in view of its high mobility and/or accessibility and limited parking space requirement. The huge amount of registered motorcycles and their routine usage for commuting purpose in the metropolitan area have caused significant traffic congestion and safety problems, and their usage costs are unreasonably underestimated. To effectively improve the parking order and reasonably reflect the costs associated with motorcycle usage, starting from December 15, 2004, the Deportment of Transportation (DOT), Taipei City Government has deployed a parking charging scheme on motorcycle users in the business and exhibition area of the Hsin-I district. The purposes of the present research are to comprehend the state-of-the-practice of motorcycle parking charging schemes and management policy in the city of Taipei, and investigate the effects of different pricing schemes on the usage of on-street motorcycle parking and travel behaviors.

Paper Title

Ubiquitous ITS R&D Project

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3040
  • Kazuo Eguchi
  • KDDIlabs
  • Japan


To make road environment safer, more efficient, and more convenient, it is necessary to integrate advancement of vehicle, road, and telecommunication. Seven companies cooperated and started two years ago the R&D project named Ubiquitous ITS funded by NICT, National Instit...Lead moreTo make road environment safer, more efficient, and more convenient, it is necessary to integrate advancement of vehicle, road, and telecommunication. Seven companies cooperated and started two years ago the R&D project named Ubiquitous ITS funded by NICT, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. The project is a three-year-project and consists of three themes that are the study of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications, the study of telematics, and the study of distributing road traffic information via digital terrestrial TV broadcasting. This paper explains the contents and its progress made by the second year of the project.

Paper Title

The parking support system offering a bird's-eye view image

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3039
  • Toshihiro Mori
  • Japan


This parking support system shows the bird's eye view image of the vehicle and surroundings. Using the software on a car-navigation system, a system changes a rear view camera image into a bird's-eye view image, and synthesizes the stored images and the real-time image, a...Lead moreThis parking support system shows the bird's eye view image of the vehicle and surroundings. Using the software on a car-navigation system, a system changes a rear view camera image into a bird's-eye view image, and synthesizes the stored images and the real-time image, and overlays the vehicle image and guidelines on it. The driver can understand the position and direction of a parking space easily. Moreover, this system is equipped also with the function which displays a vehicle position in a parking space with a still image when a vehicle finished backing up.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3038
  • Takeo Endo
  • Toyota Motor corporation
  • Japan


This article describes the development of a new automobile security system comprising the three functions listed below, which have been achieved by integrating a conventional security system (alarm and immobilizer) with telematics technology (the G-BOOK and G-Link telemat...Lead moreThis article describes the development of a new automobile security system comprising the three functions listed below, which have been achieved by integrating a conventional security system (alarm and immobilizer) with telematics technology (the G-BOOK and G-Link telematics service offered by Toyota). Vehicle tracking system Alarm and image notification system Remote immobilizer system

Paper Title

Method of Traffic Flow Parameter Measure Based on Corner Matching

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3037
  • qin zhong
  • South China University of Technology
  • China


The traffic flow parameters measure (TFPS) is the premise to realize the intelligent traffic. It is important to procure the traffic parameter automatically, accurately and real time for traffic supervise and route guide. In this paper, the corner matching based approach ...Lead moreThe traffic flow parameters measure (TFPS) is the premise to realize the intelligent traffic. It is important to procure the traffic parameter automatically, accurately and real time for traffic supervise and route guide. In this paper, the corner matching based approach is proposed. First, set the detection region which is divided into initiative detection and tracking region. The existence of motion vehicle is tested in the initiative region, if the motion vehicles have appeared, the corners of motion vehicle are located and the state parameters of the motion vehicles are initialized. In the tracing region, the vehicles are traced. according to the kinetic consistency hypothesis of the rigid body, the objections are segmented based on their corners characteristic, in the end of tracing, the information such as the traffic flow and the average velocity etc are computed. The paper also propose corresponding acceleration algorithm of detecting the corner locating and the motion vehicles

Paper Title

An Synthesis Evaluation of the Advanced Public Transportation Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3036
  • Xuemei Zhou
  • Tongji University
  • China


With the application of communication and information technologies to the public transit system, the public transit changed greatly. The traditional evaluation architecture for the public transit should be improved aiming at the characteristics of APTS and cities in China...Lead moreWith the application of communication and information technologies to the public transit system, the public transit changed greatly. The traditional evaluation architecture for the public transit should be improved aiming at the characteristics of APTS and cities in China. This paper studied an integrated evaluation and establishes the evaluation architecture of APTS, which is adjusted and improved by consulting relevant traffic experts. The theory of fuzzy mathematics is applied to propose a synthesis evaluation method of APTS. Finally, this paper gives an application example. The results will be both theoretically and practically valuable to developing APTS in China.

Paper Title

Efficient Road Network Database Realization Facing Location-based Navigation

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3035
  • huang dong
  • Navinfo Co., Ltd
  • China


Aiming at complexity of road network for location-based navigation, this article advances an efficient road network data storage specification. Besides basic requirements for navigation applications, it mainly considers expansibility, dynamic update and dynamic interactio...Lead moreAiming at complexity of road network for location-based navigation, this article advances an efficient road network data storage specification. Besides basic requirements for navigation applications, it mainly considers expansibility, dynamic update and dynamic interaction. The main design idea is like this. 1) Each road data object shall have a permanent ID. 2) Road network data shall be stored as countrywide layer and base layer according to road grades and topology, and each layer satisfies connexity and closure. 3) In countrywide layer, road network shall be stored as one storage unit through abstraction. 4) In base layer, road network shall be stored as multiple storage units according to road grades through virtual layer method. 5) Multilevel Overlapping Areas shall be created for base layer. Its route planning application in Beijing has been realized. The effect is much better than traditional methods'. It fully indicates its rationality and efficiency

Paper Title

A Vehicle Detection Method for Expressway in MPEG Compressed Domain

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3034
  • Tiejun He
  • ITS Research Institute of Southeast University
  • China


This paper proposes a method that extracts traffic information from MPEG video streams for expressway. Firstly, a moving vehicle detection algorithm using motion vector of macroblocks is introduced. Secondly, a pavement localization method in video frame using DC coeffici...Lead moreThis paper proposes a method that extracts traffic information from MPEG video streams for expressway. Firstly, a moving vehicle detection algorithm using motion vector of macroblocks is introduced. Secondly, a pavement localization method in video frame using DC coefficient of DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is described. Finally, a video-shot-change detection method is discussed.

Paper Title

Agile Transportation Based on C3I2 Information Fusion

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3033
  • Zhiyong Lu
  • wuhan university technology (yujiatu campus) ITS
  • China


Through the Agility of Agile Transportation key concept and the C3I2 mode of information fusion, the realization mechanism of Agile Transportation is to be discussed for analyzing influence of which the idea of multilateral virtual alliance works on Agility of transportat...Lead moreThrough the Agility of Agile Transportation key concept and the C3I2 mode of information fusion, the realization mechanism of Agile Transportation is to be discussed for analyzing influence of which the idea of multilateral virtual alliance works on Agility of transportation enterprise. By research on the agile transportation based on network information fusion, middle layers are reduced, and the pyramid manage mode is transformed to flat manage mode. The modern logistic technology is used to enhance the ability of multilateral virtual alliance --cooperation ability, flexible dispatching ability of logistic node, speediness transportation ability, response ability of transportation market change , to become accessible, integrated, efficient, offers flexibility of choices, convenient transportation system.

Paper Title

Implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems Based Paratransit Services in China

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3032
  • Guo-qiang Zhang
  • Southeast University
  • China


Based upon modern technologies, intelligent transport systems (ITS) promises great opportunities to transportation systems. The purpose of this paper is to discuss application of ITS technology to paratransit services in China. In particular, based upon basic technologies...Lead moreBased upon modern technologies, intelligent transport systems (ITS) promises great opportunities to transportation systems. The purpose of this paper is to discuss application of ITS technology to paratransit services in China. In particular, based upon basic technologies of ITS, this paper (a) explains the history and current situation of paratransit services and the significance of introduction of ITS to paratransit services, (b) studies the implementation of ITS technologies to paratransit services, taking the social and economic situation of China into consideration and (c) discusses the important roles of the local government in the process.

Paper Title

An Implementation of Remote Disaster Tolerance on ITMS facing Beijing Olympiad Games

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3031
  • cheng xinqian
  • The Information and Communication division of Beijing Traffic Management Bureau under Beijing Public Security Bureau.
  • China


Starting from the current situation of Beijing Intelligent traffic management, this paper describes the necessity of satisfying remote disaster tolerance of traffic management data for Beijing Olympiad Games in 2008. Moreover, with deep analysis and contrast for technolog...Lead moreStarting from the current situation of Beijing Intelligent traffic management, this paper describes the necessity of satisfying remote disaster tolerance of traffic management data for Beijing Olympiad Games in 2008. Moreover, with deep analysis and contrast for technology and strategy of disaster tolerance, the paper proposes the implementation solution, including design principle, plan, stages and running, for the remote disaster tolerance of all data and information. The implementation of the solution will definitely increase greatly intelligence and informatics of Beijing ITMS and insure the sustainability for Beijing intelligent management business, thus, satisfy the requirements of Beijing Olympic traffic management.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3030
  • Yoshiyuki Hagiwara
  • OMRON Corporation
  • Japan


This paper presents results of filed experiment of image vehicle sensor used for the DSSS. In this experiment, we proposed the application of the S-T MRF model to detect vehicles approaching towards an intersection, which may encounter the right turn accident. The advanta...Lead moreThis paper presents results of filed experiment of image vehicle sensor used for the DSSS. In this experiment, we proposed the application of the S-T MRF model to detect vehicles approaching towards an intersection, which may encounter the right turn accident. The advantage of the S-T MRF model used for image vehicle sensor is the robustness for occlusion occurs near an intersection. Then, the system can provide the precise information to drivers regarding the existence of approaching vehicles by using proposed sensor. As a result, this sensor is expected to contribute the reduction of traffic accidents at an intersection.

Paper Title

Digital Road Network Correction with FCD Data And its Web Publication Based on GIS

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3029
  • Liu Chun
  • Tongji University
  • China


With the improvement of road condition, traffic control and traffic information services become more and more popular and necessary. The accurate raw data of traffic situation is vital precondition for traffic decision-making. Intelligent transportation system is the cert...Lead moreWith the improvement of road condition, traffic control and traffic information services become more and more popular and necessary. The accurate raw data of traffic situation is vital precondition for traffic decision-making. Intelligent transportation system is the certain outcome when the modern traffic system develops to a high degree. In intelligent transportation systems, real-time transportation information can be collected by Floating Data Car (FCD). In this situation, positions of a sufficient number of vehicles can be frequently sent to the center site and travel time can be measured directly. The traffic center gathers all FCD to realize traffic pattern recognition and then the recognition set are sent by broadcast. Users can receive this information by wireless implements for dynamic navigation. In this paper, coordinate transformation of FCD and road segment velocity considering FCD and traffic information publication are discussed. To verify the feasibility of these metho

Paper Title

An Implementation of Urban Advanced Public Transport Information System

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3028
  • Yang LI-Qiang
  • ITS Institute School of Transportation Southeast Universit
  • China


Traffic congestion has become a major problem for modern cities, an efficient approach to solve the problem is to develop urban public transport as a priority, and enhance the efficiency of pubic transport. The aim of the study was to design an urban Advanced Public Trans...Lead moreTraffic congestion has become a major problem for modern cities, an efficient approach to solve the problem is to develop urban public transport as a priority, and enhance the efficiency of pubic transport. The aim of the study was to design an urban Advanced Public Transit Information System (APTIS) which based on the latest electronics and communication technology. The results of investigation indicated APTIS can make public transport more expeditious and efficient.

Paper Title

An Research on the Network Security System for the Capital Traffic Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3026
  • wang shihua
  • beijing traffic management bureau
  • China


With technological factors increasing significantly during daily work of the capital traffic management, the Information Technology has already became a base of traffic management work, and offered protection to the capital traffic management system. This paper focuses on...Lead moreWith technological factors increasing significantly during daily work of the capital traffic management, the Information Technology has already became a base of traffic management work, and offered protection to the capital traffic management system. This paper focuses on the current situation of the integrated information system of the capital traffic management, analyzes the problems and possible causes for network security, and proposes a network security system to solve those problems.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3025
  • Masatoshi Takahara
  • Japan


This paper describes the human machine interface (HMI) for car-navigation systems that notifies route guidance to a driver by use of seat vibration. We developed the HMI technology that notifies route guidance to the driver by use of seat vibration. This HMI has the follo...Lead moreThis paper describes the human machine interface (HMI) for car-navigation systems that notifies route guidance to a driver by use of seat vibration. We developed the HMI technology that notifies route guidance to the driver by use of seat vibration. This HMI has the following characteristics to the conventional car-navigation systems. The route guidance (for general way): The guidance way is indicated by vibration of each motor right or left. Moreover, the distance to a crossing is indicated by change of vibration. The route guidance (for freeway): navigation systems changes guidance start distance in consideration of the difference between a general way and a free way. By using this HMI, the driver can know the guidance way and the distance of crossing, without verifying the car-navigation screen. As this result, eyes movement of the driver decreased and we verified that a driver's operating duty was mitigable.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3024
  • Kazuya Kato
  • Japan


This paper presents an application of a car navigation system controlling suspension damping force by utilizing road information. If the shape of the curve and surface of the front road is correctly identified in advance, the suspension should be able to be controlled opt...Lead moreThis paper presents an application of a car navigation system controlling suspension damping force by utilizing road information. If the shape of the curve and surface of the front road is correctly identified in advance, the suspension should be able to be controlled optimally. Although this application was considered using car navigation information, it was necessary for sufficient performance to develop higher performance curve detection accuracy and self-learning function. Thus, in this paper, we describe an original method allowing accurate curve detection, as well as the self-learning technology that were developed to realize this function, The development of these technologies allowed us to realize a new application that greatly improves driving stability as well as ride comfort.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3023
  • Shinji Yasuhara
  • Nissan Motor Co.
  • Japan


The traffic accident rate is rapidly increasing in Japan. In order to help make a safe and comfortable car life, reduction of traffic accidents are necessary. In order to help prevent accidents, the 3rd phase of ASV Project (ASV3) under the leadership of the Ministry of L...Lead moreThe traffic accident rate is rapidly increasing in Japan. In order to help make a safe and comfortable car life, reduction of traffic accidents are necessary. In order to help prevent accidents, the 3rd phase of ASV Project (ASV3) under the leadership of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is promoting safety system technology development that supplies the other vehicle's existence and approaching vehicle's information to the driver. This is accomplished through multi-vehicle-information-exchange by using Vehicle to Vehicle communication technology. The results and the subjects from the evaluation test for this safety support system by Vehicle to Vehicle communications (V-V system) are introduced bellow.

Paper Title

The minimum sample size for reliable link travel time information

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3022
  • Enjian Yao
  • NEC Corporation
  • Japan


To generate reliable road traffic information such as link travel time with probe vehicle data or AVI data, it is necessary to ensure the minimum sample size for the variation existing in those data sources. Beginning with the analysis of data statistical properties, this...Lead moreTo generate reliable road traffic information such as link travel time with probe vehicle data or AVI data, it is necessary to ensure the minimum sample size for the variation existing in those data sources. Beginning with the analysis of data statistical properties, this paper estimates the necessary minimum sample size with the standard deviation approach, and then the directly calculated results are summarized according to the possible influential factors of link travel time information to get a more general minimum sample size result. Finally, these results are validated by comparing the traffic information generated respectively from the source data and randomly selected data with the estimated necessary minimum sample size.

Paper Title

A field trial of an IC tag system to help reduce traffic accidents involving children

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3020
  • Maki Ueda
  • Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
  • Japan


Accidents involving pedestrians almost always lead to injuries and deaths. Drivers of vehicle have a difficult time recognizing the action of pedestrians and hence there is a need to seek an effective solution to this issue. Therefore, a safety support system using an IC ...Lead moreAccidents involving pedestrians almost always lead to injuries and deaths. Drivers of vehicle have a difficult time recognizing the action of pedestrians and hence there is a need to seek an effective solution to this issue. Therefore, a safety support system using an IC tag to help reduce traffic accidents involving pedestrians - especially children - has been developed. This system was tested in a real field conditions, a residential city area where many blind intersections due to hills, house walls and other obstacles can be found. This paper describes the field test and its evaluation results.

Paper Title

Monash-Citylink-West Gate upgrade project - Integrated ITS operations

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3018
  • Charles Karl
  • ARRB Group
  • Australia


In May 2006, a $1 billion four year-project to increase capacity and improve safety on the Monash-West Gate Freeway, a 75 km corridor in Melbourne, Australia, was announced. The project will commence in 2007 and will include a range of dynamic systems for integrated opera...Lead moreIn May 2006, a $1 billion four year-project to increase capacity and improve safety on the Monash-West Gate Freeway, a 75 km corridor in Melbourne, Australia, was announced. The project will commence in 2007 and will include a range of dynamic systems for integrated operations totalling over $100m. The project will introduce ramp metering to control traffic entering the freeway, contra-flow lanes on the West Gate Bridge and use of variable speed limits to ensure optimum flow, as well as providing real-time traffic information. In summation the paper will provide the first overview of the significant Australian project at an international conference and the project’s current status by end 2007 will be presented together with the emerging learnings in the areas of application of control algorithms for the dynamic systems (ramp metering and speed control) as well as the system architecture.

Paper Title

The presentation layer proposal for the incremental map data delivery of the car navigation system.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3017
  • Norihiro Nakamura
  • Japan


The presentation layer of the OSI model for the incremental map data update of the car navigation system is proposed. To realize the reliable and efficient delivery of the incremental map data, following 5 functions are introduced. 1. Compression function to reduce the am...Lead moreThe presentation layer of the OSI model for the incremental map data update of the car navigation system is proposed. To realize the reliable and efficient delivery of the incremental map data, following 5 functions are introduced. 1. Compression function to reduce the amount of the packets, 2. Resume function to re-send the lost packets. 3. Data version correspondence check function to realize the incremental update. 4. Inspection function to check the damaged data. 5. Encryption function to prevent the illegal data diffusion.

Paper Title

Study on the Optimization Model of Public Transport Network Based on Stop Spacing

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3016
  • dai shuai
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Stop spacing is key design variable in urban public transport networks. It determines both the travel time for the passengers and the costs for the operator. Stop spacing influences the average speed of a public transport vehicle, the access distance and thus the access t...Lead moreStop spacing is key design variable in urban public transport networks. It determines both the travel time for the passengers and the costs for the operator. Stop spacing influences the average speed of a public transport vehicle, the access distance and thus the access time. Focusing from stop spacing, the paper provides optimization method of public transport in three aspects: passengers, operators and authorities. It presents some multi-objective optimized models, that is minimizing weighted travel time of passengers, maximizing the cost effectiveness of operators and maximizing social welfare. These methods and models will offer a certain theoretic basis to the design and decision of public transport network and its stop spacing.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3015
  • Lixia Bao
  • Transportation and Engineering College, Tongji University
  • China


Today with the rapid development of information technology, it is becoming more and more important to be able to share traffic information between various traffic management administrations. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a data fusion algorithm based on Self Org...Lead moreToday with the rapid development of information technology, it is becoming more and more important to be able to share traffic information between various traffic management administrations. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a data fusion algorithm based on Self Organizing Maps (SOMs) for Integrated Traffic Information System (ITIS), which is one of an essential part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and is being implemented in many metropolises in China recently. In this paper, the architecture of SOMs network is first described; secondly, the learning and training rules of SOMs are briefly addressed; in the third place, a data fusion algorithm based on SOMs neural network is validated with quantitative traffic data collected on urban expressway. Through the test in a certain area in the city of Shenzhen, we got the conclusion that data fusion algorithm studied in this paper can provide precise and comprehensive traffic information in ITIS for travelers and decision-ma

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  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3014
  • Ryosuke Ando
  • Toyota Transportation Research Institute
  • Japan


In the previous study, to grasp of the consciousness of the citizens for improving ITS services by citizens' needs, we reviewed the situation of the existing ITS services in Toyota City and then proposed an evaluation process and applied it in Toyota City. In a questionar...Lead moreIn the previous study, to grasp of the consciousness of the citizens for improving ITS services by citizens' needs, we reviewed the situation of the existing ITS services in Toyota City and then proposed an evaluation process and applied it in Toyota City. In a questionary survey we undertook in November of 2005, 893 persons replied. When we made an analysis by the different characteristics, we found that there are differences related with the recognition and making use of ITS services among the groups. In this paper, we will show the results of these kinds of analysis. The objective ITS services are some typical regional ITS services deployed in Toyota City. These are the information board on parking lots and travel time of the different route to a destination such as the city hall, portal site service for traffic and transport information, route search service and so on. Finally, we will discuss what should be done to attract the people to make use the ITS services.

Paper Title

KEY TO ETC SUCCESS - Lessons learned from six years operation in Japan

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3013
  • Motohisa Sato
  • Cental Nippon Expressway Company Ltd.
  • Japan


Japan Highway Public Corporation, which has been privatized and divided into three private companies named Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO) group now, started ETC service in spring of 2001. At the beginning of the service, the penetration ratio of ETC was low due...Lead moreJapan Highway Public Corporation, which has been privatized and divided into three private companies named Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO) group now, started ETC service in spring of 2001. At the beginning of the service, the penetration ratio of ETC was low due to several reasons such as high price of OBU, complicated ETC service application procedures, lack of ETC advantages such as less travel time at a toll plaza or less toll payment. We have been made various countermeasures like toll discount for ETC vehicles, or better ETC customer satisfaction minimizing troubles of ETC operation to boost the use of ETC in the last six years. This paper describes the keys to have successful ETC focused on the lessons learned in Japan.

Paper Title

Research of UHF band Wireless communications for Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Driving Safety Systems

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3011
  • toshitaka iwamoto
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Japan


At first an outline of cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems and current R&D activities in Japan for the near future implementations will be described. In the latter half of this paper, specifications required for the wireless communications aiming at an ideal cooper...Lead moreAt first an outline of cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems and current R&D activities in Japan for the near future implementations will be described. In the latter half of this paper, specifications required for the wireless communications aiming at an ideal cooperative vehicle- infrastructure driving safety systems for the future will be described. And some interesting field evaluation results by using UHF band will be provided.

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Traffic Management on Australian freeways and arterials

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3010
  • Charles Karl
  • ARRB Group
  • Australia


Increasing congestion on Australian freeways and arterials has resulted in a review of traffic management systems and procedures in urban corridors. This paper addresses the findings of a national review of traffic management in Australia, including current practices and ...Lead moreIncreasing congestion on Australian freeways and arterials has resulted in a review of traffic management systems and procedures in urban corridors. This paper addresses the findings of a national review of traffic management in Australia, including current practices and traffic trends. It introduces new research from road authorities which show evidence of peak spreading and a decline in vehicle throughput during times of peak demand. The paper discusses a range of solutions considered, including road space allocation tools (such as priority lanes), dynamic traffic management tools (such as ramp metering and variable speed control), network intelligence tools as well as the concept of integration approach with a combination of tools. The paper will conclude with recommendations for a way forward which includes investment in new traffic monitoring and evaluation tools, establishment of trials and demonstration projects and research into performance metrics, driver behaviour and

Paper Title

Research on the Architecture and Implement Scheme of Expressway Distributed Surveillance System

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3009
  • chai gan
  • SEU
  • China


Based on the operation situation of china expressway distributed surveillance system(EDSS) and the application of intelligent traffic system technology, the required analysis, logical architecture and physical architecture is introduced in this paper, furthermore, the imp...Lead moreBased on the operation situation of china expressway distributed surveillance system(EDSS) and the application of intelligent traffic system technology, the required analysis, logical architecture and physical architecture is introduced in this paper, furthermore, the implement scheme of correlative technology is also provided. The conclusions of this paper can provide designed foundation for the construction of intelligent EDSS of china.

Paper Title

The Integrated Secure Access Network Framework For Beijing Intelligent Traffic System

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3008
  • wang shihua
  • beijing traffic management bureau
  • China


In this paper we provide a framework for building up an integrated secure access network, based on the analysis of current communication network for intelligent traffic system in Beijing. This network framework aims to provide a secure and reliable network platform for ac...Lead moreIn this paper we provide a framework for building up an integrated secure access network, based on the analysis of current communication network for intelligent traffic system in Beijing. This network framework aims to provide a secure and reliable network platform for achieving sustainable development of Beijing intelligent traffic system.

Paper Title

The Analysis On The Key Issues of Electronic Toll Collection System

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 3007
  • Liangui Dai
  • Guangzhou NewSoft Technology Co. Ltd.
  • China


This paper analyses the construction and management mode of Electronic Toll Collection system, the matter of its operation, selection on tag,and points out the understanding on the above issues or problems and their solutions according to practical experience. The paper a...Lead moreThis paper analyses the construction and management mode of Electronic Toll Collection system, the matter of its operation, selection on tag,and points out the understanding on the above issues or problems and their solutions according to practical experience. The paper also points out that the mode of construction and management on ETC system is the core issue for system.