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Paper Title

Satellite positioning system GALILEO-Czech Republic approach - Priority system for public transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2216
  • Pavel Pribyl
  • Eltodo EG
  • Czech Republic


The Czech Ministry of Transport supported five year research project looking for proper application of GALILEO in the rail and road area. Prague firm Eltodo EG is responsible for roads. A few interesting possibilities of positioning system for city management were investi...Lead moreThe Czech Ministry of Transport supported five year research project looking for proper application of GALILEO in the rail and road area. Prague firm Eltodo EG is responsible for roads. A few interesting possibilities of positioning system for city management were investigated. The article presents new approach to the priorities for buses in the case of traffic overloaded intersection. In this situation, the registration point for a bus is only virtual and it depends on a length of a queue at approaching arm of intersection. The system gives priority in accordance with the queue length and delay of a bus. It is tested in the Prague at present.

Paper Title

Integrated Control Centers for tramway and LRT transit systems

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2215
  • José Carlos Riveira
  • Telvent
  • Spain


This paper proposal includes the description of Integrated Control Centers for Light Rails and Tramways systems. The paper will be devided in 3 sections: Stations subsystems and track control equipment description. Integration Control Center (Consist of interated telecomm...Lead moreThis paper proposal includes the description of Integrated Control Centers for Light Rails and Tramways systems. The paper will be devided in 3 sections: Stations subsystems and track control equipment description. Integration Control Center (Consist of interated telecommand systems for energy, communications and station facillities. Advanced Applications.

Paper Title


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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2213
  • Oystein Hellesoy
  • Q-Free Sdn. Bhd. / Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


January 2006 to July 2006, the Swedish Public Road Authority operated a full scale trial of congestion charging around the city of Stockholm. The paper provides an overview of the original objectives along with a presentation of the actual traffic reduction during the cou...Lead moreJanuary 2006 to July 2006, the Swedish Public Road Authority operated a full scale trial of congestion charging around the city of Stockholm. The paper provides an overview of the original objectives along with a presentation of the actual traffic reduction during the course of the trial. Further, the operational strategy in terms of management of subscribers and casual users (non-subscribers) is discussed. Finally, an overview of the scope of the project in terms of road charging technology deployed is presented along with a discussion of the latest technology trends in urban road charging.

Paper Title

Socio-economic impact assessment of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems in Europe – Methodology and Application within the eIMPACT project

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2211
  • Torsten Geissler
  • University of Cologne
  • Germany


This paper presents a comprehensive framework for socio-economic impact assessment of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS). It reflects methodological work performed within the eIMPACT project. The framework applies cost-benefit analysis (CBA) as the most prominent e...Lead moreThis paper presents a comprehensive framework for socio-economic impact assessment of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS). It reflects methodological work performed within the eIMPACT project. The framework applies cost-benefit analysis (CBA) as the most prominent economic assessment tool to prove the profitability of a measure on society level. Since relying on CBA will be not sufficient to safeguard the successful IVSS market deployment, CBA is embedded in a wider framework. The overall society perspective will be complemented by stakeholder analyses for key interest groups (e.g. system users, OEMs and suppliers, insurance companies and public authorities). The framework will be applied to twelve IVSS selected within eIMPACT for a comprehensive socio-economic impact assessment. First assessment results will become available to be presented in the full paper.

Paper Title

Traffic enforcement in the digital age

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2210
  • Robert Steer
  • Transport for London
  • United Kingdom


Transport for London (TfL) enforces traffic regulations on the Transport for London Road Network using camera technology. However, the limitations of the current systems have necessitated the expansion of TfL’s vision for the future. As well as replacing existing systems,...Lead moreTransport for London (TfL) enforces traffic regulations on the Transport for London Road Network using camera technology. However, the limitations of the current systems have necessitated the expansion of TfL’s vision for the future. As well as replacing existing systems, the introduction of new technologies is planned. These innovations will increase the effectiveness of enforcement, allow TfL to increase the types of traffic regulations they enforce, and expand their geographical coverage. TfL’s vision for the future is the complete, continuous and efficient enforcement of all traffic regulations on its network, through new technologies and valued partnerships.

Paper Title

ETC : Mixed technology for National Toll Scheme

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2207
  • CS
  • France


A lot of countries in the world are looking for solution to developed ETC solution with a national coverage. To avoid very high investment cost, GPS technology seems the best solution for countries not already equipped with other systems. We propose to present how we can ...Lead moreA lot of countries in the world are looking for solution to developed ETC solution with a national coverage. To avoid very high investment cost, GPS technology seems the best solution for countries not already equipped with other systems. We propose to present how we can mix different technologies in the same OBU as GPS / DSRC / GSM to ensure national coverage of road usage payment. How we can take advantage of current infrastructure installed ? How we can guaranty interoperability between concessionaires, countries ? what are the targeting customers ? What are the technical limit and how we will improve the technology ? Some case study and example will be developed.

Paper Title

The Challenge of Road Tolling and Traffic Information Services

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2206
  • Wolfram Tuchscheerer
  • EFKON mobility
  • Germany


Modern societies face numerous challenges in road transportation. Traffic demand continuously increases. Road network extension is limited and expensive. Thus, existing infrastructure has to be used more effective. Road tolling should, in addition to levying the required ...Lead moreModern societies face numerous challenges in road transportation. Traffic demand continuously increases. Road network extension is limited and expensive. Thus, existing infrastructure has to be used more effective. Road tolling should, in addition to levying the required money, support traffic information acquisition and traffic control. Both goals can be met by automatic systems using identical or similar modern information and communication technology. Institutions working on the requirements and design of such systems should keep this in mind in order to make such potential synergies productive. This paper gives an overview of main traffic management and tolling requirements, currently available technologies to implement this and existing solutions. A proposal for a real integrated traffic management and tolling system is shown.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2205
  • Ofer Avni
  • Cellint Traffic Solutions Ltd.
  • Israel


There are many challenges in testing data collection accuracy and latency of floating car technologies, and especially cellular based. Using floating test vehicle as reference will provide good results even if the detection system doesn’t detect slowdowns at all, when ave...Lead moreThere are many challenges in testing data collection accuracy and latency of floating car technologies, and especially cellular based. Using floating test vehicle as reference will provide good results even if the detection system doesn’t detect slowdowns at all, when averaged for a long time. Slowdown detection latency is the most important factor, which should be benchmarked against road sensor ONLY during times of SPEED FLUCTUATIONS. This paper summarizes both the queries and results and conclusions which were identified and reached by Cellint, based on its experience and as was validated in a controlled pilot by 3rd parties.

Paper Title

Active RFID technology for Road User Schemes

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2204
  • CS Communication & Systemes
  • France


To allow Road User Charging or Congestion Charging Schemes implementation with a cost effective solution RFID technology will open the future of several municipalities or counties. Active RFID is based on latest development on WiFi components. This will allow new typology...Lead moreTo allow Road User Charging or Congestion Charging Schemes implementation with a cost effective solution RFID technology will open the future of several municipalities or counties. Active RFID is based on latest development on WiFi components. This will allow new typology of schemes: Ø Diversion“Ring” Tolling o payment due for duration of vehicle presence within the area calculated between entry and exit if the vehicle doesn’t stop within the area Ø Area Tolling and Parking o payment due for duration of vehicle presence within the area with different fee for movement and parking periods Integration on the same OBU allow new capability for additional features. There is no interference between DSRC Frequency at 5.8 GHz and RFID Frequency at 868 MHz

Paper Title

Electronic Tolling Solution for M50 upgrade, Dublin (Eire)

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2203
  • CS Communication & Systemes
  • France


The paper will present the technical and organizational equipment and process for the tolling system which will be created and operated by BetEire Flow. The solution consists of bringing together components and infrastructures that have proven to be very successful in com...Lead moreThe paper will present the technical and organizational equipment and process for the tolling system which will be created and operated by BetEire Flow. The solution consists of bringing together components and infrastructures that have proven to be very successful in comparable road tolling environment in France and North America. Our design is based on our understanding of the Functional Service Description of the Authority and our objective is to capitalise on the existing back-office system and our operational experience to deploy a system with the features well adapted to M50 Free Flow project.

Paper Title

Automatic prevention and enforcement of interdistance violations in road tunnels

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2202
  • CS Communication & Systemes
  • France


This documents will present a new application based on video and laser technology for automatic prevention and enforcement for interdistance violation for road tunnel. To be efficient and increase safety the interdistance regulation must assure driver appropriation. For t...Lead moreThis documents will present a new application based on video and laser technology for automatic prevention and enforcement for interdistance violation for road tunnel. To be efficient and increase safety the interdistance regulation must assure driver appropriation. For this information prevention and enforcement is divided in two locations. First Interdistance requirement is displayed on Variable Message Sign to remember the driver the rules. In a second time violation detection is performed and violation evidence is recorded for enforcement purposes.

Paper Title

Multimedia Training Tool for drivers’ training on in-vehicle ADAS/IVIS

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2200
  • Stella Nikolaou
  • Greece


For the proper and safe use of ITS, driver’s training seems a prerequisite, in order to avoid negative impacts such as the enhancement of the accident risk. No matter how remarkable the design of an ITS, it will only be safe and beneficial if drivers are fully trained in ...Lead moreFor the proper and safe use of ITS, driver’s training seems a prerequisite, in order to avoid negative impacts such as the enhancement of the accident risk. No matter how remarkable the design of an ITS, it will only be safe and beneficial if drivers are fully trained in its use. The Multimedia Training Tool (MMT) for drivers’ training on ADAS/IVIS has been developed within the framework of the HUMANIST NoE, aiming at providing an enhanced theoretical training for selected ADAS/IVIS systems that are already on the market or are close to the commercialisation phase. This paper describes the scope of the MMT development, its structure and the future plans for its evaluation.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2199
  • Wavecom S.A, Marketing Dpt Wavecom S.A, Marketing Dpt
  • Wavecom S.A, Marketing Dpt
  • China


The European Union is promoting an emergency Call system (eCall) to reduce the number of roadway fatalities by minimizing the response time in case of accident. eCall is a combination of an In Vehicle System, a device with a GSM phone and GPS capability, a corresponding i...Lead moreThe European Union is promoting an emergency Call system (eCall) to reduce the number of roadway fatalities by minimizing the response time in case of accident. eCall is a combination of an In Vehicle System, a device with a GSM phone and GPS capability, a corresponding infrastructure of Public Safety Answering Points. The device automatically calls a PSAP, transmits the vehicle location and other data, and establish a voice connection. The paper discusses design consideration covering both technical and economical aspects for manufacturers desiring to implement eCall system, Specific Wavecom products’ features are noted a they they apply to this application.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2198
  • Kees Koster
  • LogicaCMG
  • Netherlands


In this paper, we describe the results of an evaluation of different systems for automatic identification for inland shipping. As a part of the ongoing introduction of River Information Services in the European Union the government of The Netherlands is aiming to introduc...Lead moreIn this paper, we describe the results of an evaluation of different systems for automatic identification for inland shipping. As a part of the ongoing introduction of River Information Services in the European Union the government of The Netherlands is aiming to introduce an automatic identification system on commercial vessels on the Dutch inland waterways. The system should be compatible with the marine AIS, in order that in areas where both marine vessels and inland vessels are present, identification and position information can be viewed by all vessels. In the evaluation Inland AIS was compared with AI-IP, an IP-based version of automatic identification. Based on a technical evaluation the recommendation could be made for the introduction of Inland AIS as the preferred system. Also, an economic evaluation was made concerning the costs of introducing automatic identification on the Dutch inland waterways. The report that documented the results of the evaluation has been instrument

Paper Title

Traffic Monitoring Using Synthetic Aperture Radar

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2197
  • Steffen Suchandt
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Germany


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well established active sensor technique that acquires high-resolution images of ground areas. In recent years, SAR has become a promising tool for traffic monitoring since it works independent of daylight and weather and it combines la...Lead moreSynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well established active sensor technique that acquires high-resolution images of ground areas. In recent years, SAR has become a promising tool for traffic monitoring since it works independent of daylight and weather and it combines large spatial coverage with short acquisition times. The advanced high-resolution German SAR satellite TerraSAR-X is scheduled to be launched in spring 2007. It features various data acquisition modes and allows for image resolutions down to 1 m. DLR is developing a traffic information extraction system for TerraSAR-X data in an associated project. It shall demonstrate the capability of a space-borne SAR to acquire data of traffic flows on highways. The aim of this paper is to introduce and demonstrate the capability and potential of SAR techniques for traffic monitoring to the transportation research community. We show examples of automatic traffic evaluation using data from airborne and spaceborne SAR sensors.

Paper Title

Transport Policy implementation using Road User Charging–An analysis of Sweden and Malaysia

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2196
  • Eva Schelin
  • Linkoping University
  • Malaysia


This paper will be part of a licentiate thesis. It will form a comparison of how governmental policies are implemented in a developing country, compared to how this is done in a developed country. How is the political process functioning? How is the implementation carried...Lead moreThis paper will be part of a licentiate thesis. It will form a comparison of how governmental policies are implemented in a developing country, compared to how this is done in a developed country. How is the political process functioning? How is the implementation carried out? Which are the differences? Which are the similarities? Are there issues that are significant to only a developed country or a developing country, or are most issues in transport policy implementation comparable, regardless of where the country are in the development chain? The case studies are based in Malaysia, Sweden and the European Union and the focus issues are road user charges.

Paper Title

Development of a software tool to learn user preferences for personalised route guidance

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2194
  • Kyounga Park
  • Imperial College London
  • United Kingdom


This study presents a technical perspective to learning user preferences in route guidance, describing a software tool capable of collecting user feedback on routes suggested by a navigation system. The software tool discovers knowledge on user preferences from its intera...Lead moreThis study presents a technical perspective to learning user preferences in route guidance, describing a software tool capable of collecting user feedback on routes suggested by a navigation system. The software tool discovers knowledge on user preferences from its interaction with the driver and applies the knowledge gained on a routing process. The results of the simulation experiments carried out in this study show that the software tool is suitable for use in a personalised navigation system, as it demonstrates a reasonable level of predictive accuracy.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2193
  • Juergen Zajicek
  • Arsenal research
  • Austria


Using Floating Car Data (FCD) technology for more than fleet management, could open new possibilities in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). On the Austrian road network approximately 20 accidents with hazardous good transports occurs every year [4]. The developed system...Lead moreUsing Floating Car Data (FCD) technology for more than fleet management, could open new possibilities in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). On the Austrian road network approximately 20 accidents with hazardous good transports occurs every year [4]. The developed system focuses on this kind of transports and calculates detailed routes and travel times for each hazardous goods transport in the road network. Also meeting points with other high risk transports are recognized by the expert system and warnings will broadcasted to the relevant drivers. The project included simulations and a field trial done in the city of Vienna.

Paper Title

Central London Congestion Charging: Western Extension Early Results

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2192
  • Jeremy Evans
  • Transport for London
  • United Kingdom


On 19 February 2007, following four years of successful operation, the central London congestion charging scheme will be extended from its current 22 square kilometers, to cover an additional approximately 20 square kilometers of central London. The purpose of the charge ...Lead moreOn 19 February 2007, following four years of successful operation, the central London congestion charging scheme will be extended from its current 22 square kilometers, to cover an additional approximately 20 square kilometers of central London. The purpose of the charge is to reduce congestion, and current projections suggest there will be a 10 to 14% reduction in traffic volumes within the extension, leading to a 5-20% reduction in congestion. Congestion charging brings other benefits such as reduced vehicle emissions and accidents and improved public transport performance. This paper will describe some of the early results achieved as a result of the extension, as well as the performance of the updated camera and ANPR technology implemented enforce the scheme.

Paper Title

Central London Congestion Charging: Distance Based Charging Trials

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2191
  • Jeremy Evans
  • Transport for London
  • United Kingdom


Transport for London(TFL) has, over the last four years, carried out a series of trials investigating the technical potential for a GNSS-enabled road user charge in central London. The first trial, in 2004, served as a proof of concept, but showed that GNSS accuracy in ce...Lead moreTransport for London(TFL) has, over the last four years, carried out a series of trials investigating the technical potential for a GNSS-enabled road user charge in central London. The first trial, in 2004, served as a proof of concept, but showed that GNSS accuracy in central London was poor. In autumn 2006, TFL completed an extensive trial on the performance of distance-based charging(DBC) capabilities of major equipment and system vendors. This second trial concluded that the best-performing systems might meet charging accuracy requirements, but that further studies will be needed in the future to determine whether the level of performance might be good enough to allow the introduction, at a later date, of a parallel distance-based charge alternative to the current fixed Congestion Charging,subject to a proper assessment and appropriate consultation. This paper will summarise the results already available and suitability. Some results of the ongoing trials should be available for pr

Paper Title

Dmotion –Travel Time and LOS Estimation on Slip Roads as a Part of an Integrated Route Guidance System

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2190
  • Michael Duesterwald
  • PTV AG
  • Germany


The objective of the German research project Dmotion is the development of an integrated traffic management system for Greater Düsseldorf. Currently, each road authority is responsible for traffic control within its own territory – the City of Düsseldorf operating the urb...Lead moreThe objective of the German research project Dmotion is the development of an integrated traffic management system for Greater Düsseldorf. Currently, each road authority is responsible for traffic control within its own territory – the City of Düsseldorf operating the urban road network, the Federal State of NRW operating the motorways. Due to two different operators holding traffic data, modelling of travel time or LOS for slip roads between urban roads and motorways is a missing link. For an integrated route guidance system based on a consistent report on traffic conditions, it is necessary to develop a model to estimate these values on slip roads.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2187
  • Philip Rowley
  • WSP Development & Transportation
  • United Kingdom


This paper details the development and implementation of the Highways Agency’s CCTV public access and media broadcast traffic information service. This unique service will give public internet access to over a 1000 live CCTV camera still images of England’s strategic road...Lead moreThis paper details the development and implementation of the Highways Agency’s CCTV public access and media broadcast traffic information service. This unique service will give public internet access to over a 1000 live CCTV camera still images of England’s strategic road network. In addition, it will deliver broadcast quality live streaming images to Traffic News broadcasters. The paper describes the research, feasibility studies and pilot projects that were used to develop the business case for the service. It will also discuss the policy issues involved in making CCTV images available and how these issues have been resolved.

Paper Title

Specifying the Picture Quality of Digital CCTV Transmission Systems

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2186
  • Robert Lynch
  • Hyder Consulting
  • United Kingdom


Over many years, the Highways Agency in the UK had developed a standard specification for the quality of closed circuit television transmission networks that could be tested objectively both in the factory, during system development, and on site during commissioning or an...Lead moreOver many years, the Highways Agency in the UK had developed a standard specification for the quality of closed circuit television transmission networks that could be tested objectively both in the factory, during system development, and on site during commissioning or annual maintenance. With the coming of its IP based telecommunications services the HA recognised that the specification for analogue transmission quality would be redundant, and that standard measuring techniques would not provide the necessary objective measure of quality. The HA produced an entirely new specification and test methodology that included an aggregation of subjective assessments to create an objective measure of quality. This paper describes the reasons for adopting the new standards, how those standards were developed and how they are working in practice. The presentation will additionally include a demonstration of different picture quality levels, showing the most common digital video aberrations

Paper Title

Managing a National Digital CCTV System

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2185
  • Robert Lynch
  • Hyder Consulting
  • United Kingdom


The UK Highways Agency (HA) will soon complete its implementation of a national IP-based closed circuit television system. The system will provide images of the roadside to seven Regional Control Centres, and is designed to provide outputs to third parties including the p...Lead moreThe UK Highways Agency (HA) will soon complete its implementation of a national IP-based closed circuit television system. The system will provide images of the roadside to seven Regional Control Centres, and is designed to provide outputs to third parties including the public. Subject to access restrictions, users of the system will be able to view and operate any camera. Camera selection will be via a map-based window, and operators will be provided with information via tool-tips and dialogue boxes. The system will integrate with other systems to help the RCC operator monitor conditions at the roadside. For the system to be well maintained, to provide users with a uniform look-and-feel, and for its potential to be maximised it is necessary to agree policy and to implement and maintain a series of technical standards and management processes. This paper and presentation outlines the national policies, standards and processes being implemented by the HA to manage their CCTV system

Paper Title

Traffic Radio

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2183
  • Andrew Landeg
  • WSP Group
  • United Kingdom


Planning a journey involves making an assessment of the best route, time and mode of travel. The importance of keeping travellers informed of the latest events throughout the duration of their journey, especially when travelling long distances has been recognised as equal...Lead morePlanning a journey involves making an assessment of the best route, time and mode of travel. The importance of keeping travellers informed of the latest events throughout the duration of their journey, especially when travelling long distances has been recognised as equally important. This paper considers the development of the Highways Agencies radio based traffic information services, providing an outline of the political and technical limitations faced.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2182
  • Pasi Sauna-aho
  • Transpoint Ltd
  • Finland


Paper describes how to utilize vehicle dynamics in analysis of driving habits in order that the analysis results could be used when planning and designing transport telematics applications. First the basis of vehicle dynamics is described. Secondly the concept of driving ...Lead morePaper describes how to utilize vehicle dynamics in analysis of driving habits in order that the analysis results could be used when planning and designing transport telematics applications. First the basis of vehicle dynamics is described. Secondly the concept of driving habits is defined in measurable terms so that it can be utilized in simulation. Then the goals for driving habits are defined from the point of view of a road haulage company which uses heavy vehicle combinations. Because of high masses (up to 60 tons) they are very sensitive to driving habits and disturbances: energy consumption and emission amounts change very much. After that a great number of computer simulations (more than 600) is carried out on the two rural roads (one is flat and the other is hilly) by varying the factors which determine the driving habits (goal speed, gear shift strategy, etc). Additionally the impacts of different disturbances are analyzed, too. Finally, an analysis of the results will be carr

Paper Title

Implementing the National Roads Telecommunications Services Project Technology Migration on a national scale

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2180
  • David Threlfall
  • Hyder Consulting (UK) Limited
  • United Kingdom


This paper provides a high level outline of the Highways Agency’s (“HA”) “National Roads Telecommunications Services” (“NRTS”) project to build a National telecom¬munications service for England’s motorways.This paper is intended to share the experiences and the approach ...Lead moreThis paper provides a high level outline of the Highways Agency’s (“HA”) “National Roads Telecommunications Services” (“NRTS”) project to build a National telecom¬munications service for England’s motorways.This paper is intended to share the experiences and the approach taken to developing and implementing this project and the lessons learned from migrating safety-critical services to a new digital network with minimum loss of service.The project was developed into a 10 year PFI deal for a single national contractor to take-on, upgrade, operate and maintain the roadside telecommunications network on England’s strategic roads. The contract was signed with GeneSYS on 16 September 2005, and is currently nearing the end of the 2 year initial implementation period.In this period GeneSYS will have taken-on the provision of all the services while upgrading and completing the backbone network to a fully digital network using generic components to replace theHA’s aging bespoke equipment.

Paper Title

AKTIV – A German Research Initiative in Cooperative Systems

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2179
  • Michael Ortgiese
  • PTV AG
  • Germany


The paper gives an overview of the German research initiative AKTIV -„Adaptive and Cooperative Technologies for the Intelligent Traffic“. The four-year cooperation of 28 partners will continue through 2010. With the goal of improving traffic safety and traffic flow, the p...Lead moreThe paper gives an overview of the German research initiative AKTIV -„Adaptive and Cooperative Technologies for the Intelligent Traffic“. The four-year cooperation of 28 partners will continue through 2010. With the goal of improving traffic safety and traffic flow, the partners are working together to design, develop, and evaluate novel driver assistance systems, knowledge and information technologies, solutions for efficient traffic management and C2C and C2I communication for future cooperative vehicle applications. The initiative AKTIV consists of the three projects: (1) Active Safety, (2) Traffic Management and (3) Cooperative Cars.

Paper Title

Is my vehicle liable? Complexity and Confusion of charging parameters in Europe

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2178
  • Andrea Felix
  • Rapp Trans AG
  • Switzerland


At the time there are four nation-wide EFC Schemes for Heavy (Goods) Vehicles are in operation in Europe. According to the national legislation and regulations the definition roads and vehicles subject to the charge and charging parameters vary in various dimensions. The ...Lead moreAt the time there are four nation-wide EFC Schemes for Heavy (Goods) Vehicles are in operation in Europe. According to the national legislation and regulations the definition roads and vehicles subject to the charge and charging parameters vary in various dimensions. The definition liability and the charging parameters selected have strong impact on system design, user friendliness, operation of the tolling scheme, definition of the enforcement approach, interoperability and earn of revenues. The four EFC schemes in operation in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland have complete different regulations regarding liability and charging parameters. This fact should not be underestimated in particular with respect to interoperability and is also rather confusing for hauliers, drivers and other stakeholders. This paper gives an overview how complex and confusing the situation across European EFC schemes for Heavy (Goods) Vehicles is and highlights the impacts of determination

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2177
  • Martin Boldt
  • Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Sweden


We identify a number of important criteria to consider when evaluating potential road user charging systems. In addition, we give some examples of the studies that will be performed in the process of the development of a Swedish Road User Charging (RUC) system.We identify a number of important criteria to consider when evaluating potential road user charging systems. In addition, we give some examples of the studies that will be performed in the process of the development of a Swedish Road User Charging (RUC) system.

Paper Title

Low Cost CCTV

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2176
  • Robert Lynch
  • Hyder Consulting
  • United Kingdom


Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems are a useful tool for managing the interurban highway network. They allow control room operators to provide appropriate response to incidents and events on the highway. CCTV infrastructure in the interurban environment has been exp...Lead moreClosed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems are a useful tool for managing the interurban highway network. They allow control room operators to provide appropriate response to incidents and events on the highway. CCTV infrastructure in the interurban environment has been expensive to provide adequate coverage of the whole network. This paper seeks to address this by presenting the conclusions of a study undertaken for the UK Highways Agency to improve the business case for CCTV. The study investigated and trialled a variety of possibilities for reducing the cost of implementing individual sites. The output of the study is guidance on how to identify and implement CCTV at lower cost.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2175
  • Andrew Pickford
  • Transport Technology Consultants
  • United Kingdom


Road user charging (RUC) is a relatively new term that embraces all policies that charge for road space. In popular literature the term ‘tolling’ is often used as a generalization to cover demand management as well as funding the development and operation of new infrastru...Lead moreRoad user charging (RUC) is a relatively new term that embraces all policies that charge for road space. In popular literature the term ‘tolling’ is often used as a generalization to cover demand management as well as funding the development and operation of new infrastructure. This confusion extends to the measures by which the performance of charging schemes is assessed. Applying the same measures to schemes that have different policy objectives for the purposes of comparison or to develop a business case for the scheme risks introducing large errors and consequently suboptimal decisions on scheme design and operation.This paper describes the different policy options, their respective strategic objectives and introduces performance measures for each Common misconceptions are explored and alternative suggestions are made to improve the accuracy by which some performance measures can be compared even if the underlying objectives are different. The techniques are applicable to RUC sc

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Traffic Radio UK

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2174
  • Andy Griffiths
  • Faber Maunsell
  • United Kingdom


The UK’s Highways Agency has recently obtained ministerial approval to implement a new continuous ‘Traffic Radio’ station across England. The service is planned for roll-out on DAB, supported by low power broadcasts on AM or FM at key locations around the network. Traffic...Lead moreThe UK’s Highways Agency has recently obtained ministerial approval to implement a new continuous ‘Traffic Radio’ station across England. The service is planned for roll-out on DAB, supported by low power broadcasts on AM or FM at key locations around the network. Traffic Radio should be live in England by the start of the ITS world congress, with a future expansion planned for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To ‘future proof’ the service and maximise accessibility, the Highways Agency also plan to review and trial upcoming technologies for possible service inclusion. Where possible the Highways Agency also plans to exploit opportunities for possible new data services using DAB.

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The introduction of driver assistance systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2173
  • Werner Huber
  • BMW Group
  • Germany


Innovative driver assistance systems (ADAS) afford the driver a benefit of safety and comfort. While systems like park distance control (PDC), navigation or the electronic stability programme (ESP) could attain a successful market launch, other products drag behind this a...Lead moreInnovative driver assistance systems (ADAS) afford the driver a benefit of safety and comfort. While systems like park distance control (PDC), navigation or the electronic stability programme (ESP) could attain a successful market launch, other products drag behind this achievement. This successful launch of new driver assistance systems depends on different factors, which are analysed in the paper. Beside market and customer-oriented product design an active communication plays a substantial role. The proper communication of new complex innovative functions like ADAS to the customer at the point of sale is a decisiive factor for a successful market introduction. Different approaches are discussed. The In-Door-Communication-System (ICS) introduced in 2005 is the BMW´s solution and first experiences are reported.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2172
  • Pedro José Marrón
  • University of Stuttgart
  • Germany


The EMMA project (FP6-2005-IST-5- 034097),coordinated by ETRA I+D, is committed to deliver a middleware platform and a development environment which facilitates the design and implementation of embedded software for cooperative sensing objects in the transport domain. The...Lead moreThe EMMA project (FP6-2005-IST-5- 034097),coordinated by ETRA I+D, is committed to deliver a middleware platform and a development environment which facilitates the design and implementation of embedded software for cooperative sensing objects in the transport domain. The objective is to open new prospects in the field of embedded systems for cooperating wireless sensors in order to hide the complexity of the underlying infrastructure.EMMA will foster cost-efficient ambient intelligence systems with optimal performance, high confidence, reduced time to market and faster deployment.

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Vehicular Ad hoc and Grid Networks: Discussion, Design and Evaluation

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2168
  • Rashid Mehmood
  • Swansea University
  • United Kingdom


This paper presents an overview of our ongoing research on fixed (conventional), ad hoc, and grid networking technologies for advanced safety applications and traffic management systems. Ad hoc networks can be combined with the conventional alternatives for traffic manage...Lead moreThis paper presents an overview of our ongoing research on fixed (conventional), ad hoc, and grid networking technologies for advanced safety applications and traffic management systems. Ad hoc networks can be combined with the conventional alternatives for traffic management, those based on fixed infrastructure such as loop detectors and cameras. Furthermore, we consider in our work integration of fixed and ad hoc network infrastructure with grid networks to address the enormous amount of data aggregation and processing requirements posed by the ubiquitous traffic monitoring and management systems. Our discussions in this paper draw on our experiences with a collaborative project at BT Research on Ubiquitous Traffic Telematics (Traffimatics) and our various strands of research in Telematics and ITS (intelligent transport systems) at Swansea. We will discuss that appropriate traffic mobility models are essential requirements for such advanced traffic management systems.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2167
  • Technical University of Catalonia
  • Spain


A timely response to incidents or other type of conflicting situations, recurrent or not, is a key requirement of any real time traffic management system, namely in large complex networks, but for a proper and improved performance of such system additional functions are n...Lead moreA timely response to incidents or other type of conflicting situations, recurrent or not, is a key requirement of any real time traffic management system, namely in large complex networks, but for a proper and improved performance of such system additional functions are necessary: A decision making process assisting the traffic operator in identifying which could be the more appropriate management strategy to solve, or at least alleviate, the identified problem; the capability of testing before implementation whether the selected strategy will have the expected impact or not and an anticipatory capability to short term forecast the short term evolution of traffic conditions to prevent the undesired effects of congestion. This paper presents the design and implementation of a system with these characteristics based on AIMSUN microscopic simulator and its application to some real life projects.

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Mare Nostrum VMS Long Distance Corridor: Checking the Comprehension of International Alphanumeric Formulations for Distance and Length

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2166
  • Alberto Arbaiza
  • Directorate General of Traffic (DGT)
  • Spain


The present paper will show the complete set of the comprehension tests results performed by the Mare Nostrum VMS Long Distance Corridor members (extending the initial results presented in i2TERN 2006 in the Euro-regional conference held in Barcelona. Results show at leas...Lead moreThe present paper will show the complete set of the comprehension tests results performed by the Mare Nostrum VMS Long Distance Corridor members (extending the initial results presented in i2TERN 2006 in the Euro-regional conference held in Barcelona. Results show at least 4 truly international alternatives that could be shared by the whole group (obtaining no less than 65% of correct answers on comprehension tests): length, kilometre points, qualitative interpolation of events, and qualitative location of events end. A critical analysis of results as well as the next steps of the MN-VMS group concerning the use of these formulations is also provided.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2165
  • Michael Blum
  • Dornier Consulting GmbH
  • Germany


Many European countries plan to introduce electronic toll collection systems to finance their roads or to fight congestion. However, the implementation of such systems is attached with major risks, as examples from Germany and the UK clearly show. Therefore, a continuous ...Lead moreMany European countries plan to introduce electronic toll collection systems to finance their roads or to fight congestion. However, the implementation of such systems is attached with major risks, as examples from Germany and the UK clearly show. Therefore, a continuous verification of the tolling scheme and the costs of the system planned must be recommended. An interesting way to verify plans for exceptionally large implementations is the Dutch market consultation. Other countries or road operators should make use of the Dutch results using a tool to compare the cost of implementation alternatives for their own roads.

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  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2163
  • matteo antoniola
  • Torino Wireless Foundation
  • Italy


The increasing number of vehicles moving on the roads causes all over the world traffic related problems, especially in the urban centres. Some cities are progressively adopting new solutions to the urban traffic problem, moving from the traditional limited access areas t...Lead moreThe increasing number of vehicles moving on the roads causes all over the world traffic related problems, especially in the urban centres. Some cities are progressively adopting new solutions to the urban traffic problem, moving from the traditional limited access areas to the introduction of pay-per-use schemes. Nevertheless the upcoming access control solutions do not take into account a set of critical factors, decisive for their sustainability. The “access rights” represent a more sustainable access control system and are able to ensure benefits in terms of both effectiveness and social acceptability of demand management solutions.