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Paper Title

Intersection Safety – Results of the EC-Project INTERSAFE

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2162
  • Kay Fuerstenberg
  • IBEO Automobile Sensor GmbH
  • Germany


The INTERSAFE project was created to generate a European Approach to increase safety at intersections. A detailed accident analysis was carried out. Based on the derived relevant scenarios driver assistant functions are developed to support the driver in critical intersec...Lead moreThe INTERSAFE project was created to generate a European Approach to increase safety at intersections. A detailed accident analysis was carried out. Based on the derived relevant scenarios driver assistant functions are developed to support the driver in critical intersection situations. In addition evaluation and user test results of the Intersection Driver Warning System are presented and discussed.

Paper Title

Effective information resources create new opportunities for ITS applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2161
  • Lars-Erik Stålkrantz
  • City of Stockholm
  • Sweden


Local authorities have a lot of information in their IT systems describing road incidents and events. By utilizing this information in an effective and structured manner, new ITS applications can be created which improve and make safer the daily lives of ordinary members ...Lead moreLocal authorities have a lot of information in their IT systems describing road incidents and events. By utilizing this information in an effective and structured manner, new ITS applications can be created which improve and make safer the daily lives of ordinary members of the public. This presentation describes how the City of Stockholm has created a reference model integrating all road network information, and how this model is used to set up a Local Road Database (LRD, or LV in Swedish, as used in the figures). In addition, the presentation provides examples of applications clearly showing the benefits of access to information.

Paper Title

GNSS based Electronic Toll Collection System of Guaranteed Performances

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2160
  • Miguel Angel MArtinez-Olagüe
  • GMV
  • Spain


During 2005 ITS community assisted to operations start up of the first GPS based ETC system in the world, the German Toll Collect. In parallel Transport for London conducted GPS trials to check feasibility to evolve current Congestion Charging system to a new one based on...Lead moreDuring 2005 ITS community assisted to operations start up of the first GPS based ETC system in the world, the German Toll Collect. In parallel Transport for London conducted GPS trials to check feasibility to evolve current Congestion Charging system to a new one based on GPS. GNSS appears as the most flexible and cost efficient technologies to implement large scale ETC systems. However due to the nature of GNSS position errors, GNSS based ETC still has some constraints that need to be overcome. In the Toll Collect system, additional sensors and side infrastructure are used resulting a complex and costly system. On the other hand the trials performed by Transport for London showed the difficulty to bound position errors with a confidence level. This paper presents an innovative ETC system based on the use of a GNSS integrity service, as EGNOS or Galileo, combined with algorithms that ensure position integrity to efficiently overcome such a problems.

Paper Title

Location Data Accuracy for Travel Time Estimation in GSM and UMTS

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2159
  • David Gundlegård
  • Linköping University
  • Sweden


In this paper, field measurements from the GSM and UMTS network are analysed in a road traffic information context. The measurements indicate large improvements using the UMTS network. These improvements can be used to generate traffic information with higher quality and ...Lead moreIn this paper, field measurements from the GSM and UMTS network are analysed in a road traffic information context. The measurements indicate large improvements using the UMTS network. These improvements can be used to generate traffic information with higher quality and extend the geographic usage area for these kinds of systems.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2157
  • Risto Öörni
  • VTT
  • Finland


The aim of the work was to study, what are the benefits of meteorological information in the field of transport and ITS. The work covered all modes of transport and all effects on the transport system. Results presented in the paper are based on a literature study, intern...Lead moreThe aim of the work was to study, what are the benefits of meteorological information in the field of transport and ITS. The work covered all modes of transport and all effects on the transport system. Results presented in the paper are based on a literature study, internet searches, expert interviews and ongoing research related to ITS and meteorological information services in Finland and countries in South-eastern Europe.

Paper Title

The LoCoSS project of GIS ITS Bretagne: overview and status

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2156
  • François PEYRET
  • LCPC (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées)
  • France


A scientific coordination group devoted to Intelligent Transportation Systems has been set up in the Brittany region, called GIS ITS Bretagne. The focus of the paper is on the LoCoSS project, one of the 2 first projects launched by the GIS, which aims at improving the eff...Lead moreA scientific coordination group devoted to Intelligent Transportation Systems has been set up in the Brittany region, called GIS ITS Bretagne. The focus of the paper is on the LoCoSS project, one of the 2 first projects launched by the GIS, which aims at improving the efficiency and safety of terrestrial and maritime rescue operations through the use of and geo-localization and wireless communication technologies. The paper gives an overview of the project and presents its progress after the first year, particularly in terms of geographical data management and indoor localization of the intervening firemen

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2155
  • Martin Hauschild
  • BMW Group
  • Germany


The increasing popularity of probe vehicle systems as a source of high quality traffic data has raised discussions about privacy issues. This paper indroduces an advanced system that aggregates data inside the vehicle before transmission providing a mecanism of ensuring p...Lead moreThe increasing popularity of probe vehicle systems as a source of high quality traffic data has raised discussions about privacy issues. This paper indroduces an advanced system that aggregates data inside the vehicle before transmission providing a mecanism of ensuring privacy and increasing data efficiency at the architectural level. This way sensitive personal data is used in information aquisition but does not leave the vehicle.

Paper Title

Open Traffic Systems - An Extensible Middleware for Distributed Traffic Management Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2154
  • Daniel Bültmann
  • RWTH Aachen, Chair of Communication Networks, Faculty 6
  • Germany


Communication protocols are the key enablers for successful deployment of distributed system architectures. Operators of traffic management systems are interested in encouraging competition among system manufacturers to benefit from cost reduction. Traffic management syst...Lead moreCommunication protocols are the key enablers for successful deployment of distributed system architectures. Operators of traffic management systems are interested in encouraging competition among system manufacturers to benefit from cost reduction. Traffic management systems with long life-cycles impose special demand on extensibility and adaptability of communication protocols. In this paper a middleware as one essential element of such a communication architecture will be described. The overall concept is called Open Traffic Systems (OTS). Necessary steps to meet the general requirements for an open specification, adaptability and extensibility will be discussed.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2153
  • Marshall Poulton
  • Transport for London
  • United Kingdom


Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world's environment, society and economy today. Its impact can already been seen across the globe and the UK will not be immune. London as a World Class City is at the forefront of technical innovation to develop...Lead moreClimate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world's environment, society and economy today. Its impact can already been seen across the globe and the UK will not be immune. London as a World Class City is at the forefront of technical innovation to develop new applications and process to provide accurate environmental information to Transport for London as the network operator of the Captal's roads. The impact of road traffic on local air quality and individuals exposure to air pollution are major public policy concerns and stimulates a substantial body of research aimed at improving underlying vehicle technologies and traffic management schemes to minimise the impact of air pollution. This research however requires increasingly detailed knowlegde of how traffic-generated pollution behaves in the urban environment. This project aims to address these challenges by novel combination and extension of e-Science, sensor and positioning technolgies and data fusion.

Paper Title

To meet tomorrow's demands for MLFF tolling - including value added services - ISO Calm active bi-directional high speed communication-will be the key

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2152
  • Josef Grassauer
  • Austria


This paper gives an overview about requirements of an MLFF (Multilane Free Flow) - ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) System of tomorrow. An innovative Solution for it will be presented. Basically a fully automatic MLFF ETC-system has to include vehicle Classification, Enfo...Lead moreThis paper gives an overview about requirements of an MLFF (Multilane Free Flow) - ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) System of tomorrow. An innovative Solution for it will be presented. Basically a fully automatic MLFF ETC-system has to include vehicle Classification, Enforcement e.g. by means of digital image capturing as well as in vehicle equipment and a back office system to deduct charges. Furthermore the system needs to be compatible to any potentially existing system and needs to fulfill various technology requirements like a secure Communication, has to offer a high bandwidth and to provide low reuse distances between the road side units. Besides the general tolling functionally VAS (Value Added Services) which increase traffic efficiency and safety are coming more and more important. Accompanied with these required functionalities a big challenge for state-of-the-art communication technology arises. The answer is to use the ISO-CALM communication platform with multiple media

Paper Title

Recent trials of acoustic+video traffic sensors

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2151
  • Jean-Hubert WILBROD
  • NEAVIA technologies
  • France, Metropolitan


Acoustic+video sensors are sensors combining sound and image acquisition and processing in order to measure road traffic. The main interests of these sensors are that they are non intrusive and that they have a low power consumption. Neavia technologies has developed 2 ki...Lead moreAcoustic+video sensors are sensors combining sound and image acquisition and processing in order to measure road traffic. The main interests of these sensors are that they are non intrusive and that they have a low power consumption. Neavia technologies has developed 2 kind of sensors. They are described below. The first has been experimented on the ring of Bordeaux, France. The second has been experimented in Créteil, France on a 4lanes road. We describe the layout of these experiments and give the main results obtained.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2150
  • Anthony Patrinos
  • Greece


A real time decision support system for optimal routing of Dangerous Goods Vehicles (DGVs) by balancing the associated economic costs and societal risks is described. Risks are calculated using the methodology of Quantitative Risk Analysis and a dynamic path optimiza-tion...Lead moreA real time decision support system for optimal routing of Dangerous Goods Vehicles (DGVs) by balancing the associated economic costs and societal risks is described. Risks are calculated using the methodology of Quantitative Risk Analysis and a dynamic path optimiza-tion algorithm is used for routing. Inputs to the system include the road network, population distribution data, real-time as well as statistical traffic data, historical accident data, road characteristics, vehicle and cargo status and weather information. Novel methods were devel-oped for obtaining answers from the system in real time in spite of the complexity of the as-sociated computations.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2149
  • Isabel Wilmink
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


This paper explores the ways in which the environment can be included in traffic management and Intelligent Transport systems (ITS) planning. For that, it is important to understand what traffic parameters are important in the context of air quality and noise, and how to ...Lead moreThis paper explores the ways in which the environment can be included in traffic management and Intelligent Transport systems (ITS) planning. For that, it is important to understand what traffic parameters are important in the context of air quality and noise, and how to translate this knowledge into effective, environmentally friendly traffic management measures and ITS. In addition to providing an approach for developing environmentally friendly traffic management, this paper discusses the requirements of tools necessary to assess the impacts of measures on throughput, safety and the environment.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2147
  • Frank Jaeger
  • Physikalisch-Techn. Bundesanstalt
  • Germany


Traffic enforcement bodies required new mobile speed enforcement systems more ap-propriate for dense traffic exceeding the speed limit on a multilane highway with road works as this is a typical hazardous accident situation. Two new systems recently devel-oped in Germany ...Lead moreTraffic enforcement bodies required new mobile speed enforcement systems more ap-propriate for dense traffic exceeding the speed limit on a multilane highway with road works as this is a typical hazardous accident situation. Two new systems recently devel-oped in Germany promise to solve this problem by an additional distance measurement. If the geometry of the location is roughly known the measured distance allows a doubt-less assignment of the speed to a vehicle even in dense traffic. The PTB had to check the proper functioning in a type approval procedure. For this purpose PTB has developed a reference system installed on two locations with real traffic covering the whole spec-trum of vehicles and speed. The two new systems, the experience of first users in Ger-many, the reference system of the PTB and typical results of the type tests are described.

Paper Title

The process of Measuring and Validating Bus Stop Location Data for the iBus project at London Buses

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2146
  • Steve Robinson
  • London Buses, Transport for London (TfL)
  • United Kingdom


London Buses (part of Transport for London) is in the process of installing a new GBP120m Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) solution called iBus across all 8,400 buses and 700 bus routes in London. This system requires accurate bus-stop location data. This technical note d...Lead moreLondon Buses (part of Transport for London) is in the process of installing a new GBP120m Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) solution called iBus across all 8,400 buses and 700 bus routes in London. This system requires accurate bus-stop location data. This technical note discusses various approaches to collect this data, and presents research undertaken at London Buses to measure the performance of each one. The optimal approach to collecting bus-stop location data is to plot the bus-stops on an electronic map, on-site, using a lap-top. In addition a novel approach for validating this stop-location data is presented. This validation approach has proved to be very useful in identifying erroneous network data.

Paper Title

Dmotion – Public-Private Strategy Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2145
  • Torben Hilgers
  • PTV AG
  • Germany


Because of growing penetration rates of individual routing and traffic information systems, private traffic service suppliers are becoming an important actor in the process of traffic management and alternative route guidance. By establishing an information and strategy n...Lead moreBecause of growing penetration rates of individual routing and traffic information systems, private traffic service suppliers are becoming an important actor in the process of traffic management and alternative route guidance. By establishing an information and strategy network of private service suppliers and public road authorities, the knowledge on current traffic conditions will be improved and consistency between collective and individual information offers will be guaranteed. In addition, the private service supplier is able to support the implementation of traffic management strategies and to consider public alternative route advices by providing an individual ‘strategy conform’ routing service.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2144
  • Kerry Malone
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


eIMPACT, a project in the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for Information Society Technologies and Media, assesses the socio-economic effects of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS), their impact on traffic safety and efficiency. It addresses policy options and the vi...Lead moreeIMPACT, a project in the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for Information Society Technologies and Media, assesses the socio-economic effects of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS), their impact on traffic safety and efficiency. It addresses policy options and the views of the different stakeholders involved: users, OEMs, insurance companies, and society. With determining these effects, eIMPACT also provides an indication of the prospects for introducing IVSS. This paper presents the methodology used in the impact assessment, and presents the impact results to date.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2143
  • Simon Edwards
  • Newcastle University
  • United Kingdom


The MESSAGE project investigates the use of low cost wireless sensors and their deployment to create a dense, ad-hoc network in a road environment. Each of the sensors will capture one or more of the pollutants directly associated with road vehicle emissions. This paper w...Lead moreThe MESSAGE project investigates the use of low cost wireless sensors and their deployment to create a dense, ad-hoc network in a road environment. Each of the sensors will capture one or more of the pollutants directly associated with road vehicle emissions. This paper will provide an overview of the deployment of a MOTES network in Gateshead, UK, to measure a variety of pollutants.The research will cover three distinct areas: the network development; the applications developed for monitoring pollutants; and an investigation as to how the data collected could be used to validate and calibrate emissions and dispersions models.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2142
  • Daniel Schmidt
  • Leibniz University of Hannover
  • Germany


This paper presents the data fusion techniques in the R&D project - Dmotion, in which the system of real-time traffic state estimation (DINO) has been further developed for the conurbation of Düsseldorf, Germany. Moreover, the required traffic data and data sources for da...Lead moreThis paper presents the data fusion techniques in the R&D project - Dmotion, in which the system of real-time traffic state estimation (DINO) has been further developed for the conurbation of Düsseldorf, Germany. Moreover, the required traffic data and data sources for data fusion are also described in this paper. It is expected that the traffic state in Düsseldorf can be monitored more accurately with the use of the proposed data fusion techniques. The respective research is still under progress and the results will be available within a few months.

Paper Title

New solutions for traffic information exchange

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2141
  • Lars Asplund
  • WM-data a LogicaCMG company
  • Sweden


Exchange of traffic information cross border and national is one of the cornerstones to achieve high quality road traffic management, safety and user services. The presentation is an architectural approach covering the principles and building blocks of a concept for excha...Lead moreExchange of traffic information cross border and national is one of the cornerstones to achieve high quality road traffic management, safety and user services. The presentation is an architectural approach covering the principles and building blocks of a concept for exchange of traffic and travel information. It is based on DATEX and the new DATEX II concept for data exchange with cross border TIC:s, service providers and other parties active in the area of use of traffic information and supply of road user services. A fundamental idea is to provide the necessary means to open up authority databases and make them accessible for all these actors. DATEX II is funded by and is an initiative of the European Commission. The presentation will also describe experiences from an implementation at the Swedish Road Administration (SRA).

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2140
  • Risto Kulmala
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


eIMPACT "Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stand-alone and Co-operative Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS) in Europe" is part of the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for Information Society Technologies and Media and will run for two years until December 2007. The ...Lead moreeIMPACT "Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Stand-alone and Co-operative Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS) in Europe" is part of the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for Information Society Technologies and Media and will run for two years until December 2007. The project assesses the socio-economic effects of 12 Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS), their impact on traffic safety and efficiency. This paper concentrates on the safety effect of three systems.

Paper Title

Evaluating road safety effects of driver assistant systems using instrumented vehicle and driving simulator

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2138
  • Thomas Engen
  • SINTEF Technology and Society
  • Norway


Road safety effects of a public measure are difficult to measure. Often this has been done by using evaluation research. This type of research is time consuming and the results are often controversial. Using instrumented vehicle or driving simulator to measure effects dri...Lead moreRoad safety effects of a public measure are difficult to measure. Often this has been done by using evaluation research. This type of research is time consuming and the results are often controversial. Using instrumented vehicle or driving simulator to measure effects driver assistant systems is now becoming more common. In Norway we have started a project to develop a methodology for evaluation of driving assistant systems related to traffic flow and traffic safety. This paper discusses preliminary results concerning validity of evaluating safety effects of driving assistant systems using driving simulator or instrumented vehicle. Using an instrumented vehicle or a driving simulator you can measure data like speed and lateral position. Based on these data it is possible to derive the influence on traffic safety.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2137
  • Simon Edwards
  • Newcastle University
  • United Kingdom


Many elderly and disabled people are missing opportunities for social interaction due to physical, physiological or psychological impairment. ASK-IT is a web-based system that will provide the personalised and seamless information needed for everyday life, including multi...Lead moreMany elderly and disabled people are missing opportunities for social interaction due to physical, physiological or psychological impairment. ASK-IT is a web-based system that will provide the personalised and seamless information needed for everyday life, including multi-modal and pedestrian mobility. ASK-IT will provide information tailored to the users’ specific mobility requirements. This paper provides background to the ASK-IT project and presents research into indoor positioning technologies for disabled people. ASK-IT will create a network of wireless sensors in the Discovery Museum in Newcastle, UK, which will provide the user with localisation, and amenity and exhibit information.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2136
  • Bernd Rainer
  • Asfinag
  • Austria


HOTWAVE is an operational test in V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication operated by ASFINAG, Austria’s motorway authority. For this test a specially equipped highway section is used. The main goal of the project is the evaluation of wireless LAN technology for mob...Lead moreHOTWAVE is an operational test in V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication operated by ASFINAG, Austria’s motorway authority. For this test a specially equipped highway section is used. The main goal of the project is the evaluation of wireless LAN technology for mobile V2I communication. Thereby VoIP functionality is a mandatory. Key factors are climatic influences as well as the impact of shadowing effects by other vehicles and constructions on the radio waves. These findings will be summarized in a final report, which should serve as ASFINAG’s future reference in planning wireless communication infrastructure along its road network.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2135
  • Martin Reinthaler
  • arsenal research
  • Austria


The use of floating car data (FCD) provides an efficient way to estimate speeds and traffic states. The research project Dmotion aims for evaluation of different types and data providers, especially taxi fleets and public transport. In cooperation with a traffic model inc...Lead moreThe use of floating car data (FCD) provides an efficient way to estimate speeds and traffic states. The research project Dmotion aims for evaluation of different types and data providers, especially taxi fleets and public transport. In cooperation with a traffic model including sensor data and data fusion a comprehensive data, information and strategy network for regional and local authorities, as well as for private service providers is generated. The evaluation of FCD includes comparison with data from identified measurements, to confirm the coherence with collective. Furthermore a model was developed to integrate public transport fleets in traffic state detection.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2133
  • Josef Czako
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


We present detailed information on the multi lane free flow ETC systems for trucks working in the three neighboring countries Germany, Czech Republic, and Austria. The information covers technical, organizational, and commercial aspects. We describe the main features of t...Lead moreWe present detailed information on the multi lane free flow ETC systems for trucks working in the three neighboring countries Germany, Czech Republic, and Austria. The information covers technical, organizational, and commercial aspects. We describe the main features of the systems and compare important facts and figures in concise tables.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2132
  • Remy Bendahan
  • IMRA Europe SAS
  • France, Metropolitan


We present a system for automatic parking space detection. We demonstrate that current monocular rear cameras can be used in combination with an ultrasonic sensor for detection of parking space. The method used to retrieve the 3D profiles of parked vehicles and to detect ...Lead moreWe present a system for automatic parking space detection. We demonstrate that current monocular rear cameras can be used in combination with an ultrasonic sensor for detection of parking space. The method used to retrieve the 3D profiles of parked vehicles and to detect & measure the length of parking space is presented. The quantitative evaluation of the system is also reported. The current results show that 3D vision sensor and ultrasonic sensor can mutually complement each other and be used for automatic parking space detection.

Paper Title

Transport for London's Testof Value Added Services to Support DSRC Road Charging Trials

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2131
  • Nicholas Williams
  • Transport for London
  • United Kingdom


This paper presents the summarised results of the value added services trial undertaken by TfL since January 2006. This trial investigated the feasibility and acceptability of providing value added services (e.g. account info, traffic alerts and news) to drivers by mobile...Lead moreThis paper presents the summarised results of the value added services trial undertaken by TfL since January 2006. This trial investigated the feasibility and acceptability of providing value added services (e.g. account info, traffic alerts and news) to drivers by mobile phone, triggered from DSRC-based tag detections, as they entered the representative trial min zone. TfL’s Stage 1 Technology Trials in 2004 (Reference [3]) demonstrated that it was possible to provide Value Added Services (VAS) to mobile handsets based on their location inn or outside the Congestion Charging Zone. The DSRC trial provides accurate information on location; tag ID, direction of travel and time of transit for each test vehicle as it passes through the charge point. The data provided by the charge point can be processed to provide vehicle registration marks (VRM) and mobile telephone numbers of vehicle and driver. VAS can be then instigated in an accurate and timely manner using Text to Voice or SM

Paper Title

Truck Tolling in the Czech Republic

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2130
  • Michael Gschnitzer
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


Truck tolling started its operation on the major road network in the Czech Republic on January 1, 2007. We show the principal setup of the ETC system including enforcement. Figures from the first operational period are presented, and we give an outlook to the second phase...Lead moreTruck tolling started its operation on the major road network in the Czech Republic on January 1, 2007. We show the principal setup of the ETC system including enforcement. Figures from the first operational period are presented, and we give an outlook to the second phase of the national tolling scheme.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2129
  • Turkey


Integrating a Toll Collection System and a Traffic Management System on one comprehensive platform provides optimal services to the owners, operators and public if configured accurately and equipped with provisions for proper performance indices. After a long period of de...Lead moreIntegrating a Toll Collection System and a Traffic Management System on one comprehensive platform provides optimal services to the owners, operators and public if configured accurately and equipped with provisions for proper performance indices. After a long period of developing and deploying Toll Collection systems for the General Directorate of Turkish Highways, ASELSAN has implemented an Integrated Tolling and Traffic Management System (IT&TMS). This paper presents the design process of this Integrated Tolling and Traffic Management System. Along with descriptions of the system components, the logical and physical connection between these various components and the effect of this connection structure on the architecture of the whole system is described.

Paper Title

Traveller Information Service Based On Real-Time Toll Data In Austria

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2127
  • Michael Schneider
  • arsenal research
  • Austria


In this paper we present the research project GO®-SMART which demonstrates the use of existing toll data on the high-ranking road network in Austria to develop an area-wide, high-quality traffic information service in different implementations: road users are informed via...Lead moreIn this paper we present the research project GO®-SMART which demonstrates the use of existing toll data on the high-ranking road network in Austria to develop an area-wide, high-quality traffic information service in different implementations: road users are informed via web-interface, by GPRS-Service and RDS-TMC service as well as via traffic information on the radio. During the stage of algorithm development and implementation, special focus is put on compatibility of technologies with other tolling systems.

Paper Title

Provision of Enhanced Maps for Automotive Functions - Actions and Initiatives

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2126
  • Stephen T'Siobbel
  • Tele Atlas
  • Belgium


The applicability of enhanced digital map databases as predictive sensor for eSafety systems has been demonstrated in a large number of research projects. New uses have been identified which support vehicles functions concentrating on economical and environmental issues, ...Lead moreThe applicability of enhanced digital map databases as predictive sensor for eSafety systems has been demonstrated in a large number of research projects. New uses have been identified which support vehicles functions concentrating on economical and environmental issues, e.g. fuel saving, and the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gasses and volatile organic compounds. Related to enhanced map data bases, the major obstacles for an early and wide scale deployment of these systems are the high costs for their creation and maintenance in combination with the stringent quality requirements. An up-to-date overview of the initiatives and actions that are or will be taken to make sure these map data bases will be available is presented. Two approaches can be identified. A first addresses Public Private Partnerships (PPP) between the stakeholders in the data provision chain, being road/public authorities, map makers, application builders, and service providers. An example of this in Europe i

Paper Title

eCall – Basis for Future Telematic Services

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2123
  • Ulrich Dietz
  • Vodafone GROUP R&D Germany
  • Germany


The EU Commissions undertaking eCall, if implemented in 2010, will have a huge impact on the telematics landscape since eCall will require a communication device in every car that can be reused to offer value added services on, given an appropriate business case and techn...Lead moreThe EU Commissions undertaking eCall, if implemented in 2010, will have a huge impact on the telematics landscape since eCall will require a communication device in every car that can be reused to offer value added services on, given an appropriate business case and technical solution is found. The paper will summarize and evaluate the current eCall status, will outline the implementation as seen by a Mobile Network Operator, and will give an outlook on how eCall may be used as a core component to offer value added services on top. Of special interest are both technical and business aspects as they represent the two main areas the most emphasis should be put on. The paper will conclude with some advices both for Mobile Network Operators and service providers on how to go forward best.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2119
  • Antonio Marqués
  • ETRA I+D
  • Spain


This paper relates the first approach to one of the key results of the TRACKSS project (Technologies for Road Advanced Cooperative Knowledge Sharing Sensors, FPVI-IST-2004-027329): the Knowledge Sharing Model. The strategic goal of the project consists of the development ...Lead moreThis paper relates the first approach to one of the key results of the TRACKSS project (Technologies for Road Advanced Cooperative Knowledge Sharing Sensors, FPVI-IST-2004-027329): the Knowledge Sharing Model. The strategic goal of the project consists of the development of new systems for cooperative sensing and predicting flow, infrastructure and environmental conditions surrounding traffic, with a view to improve road transport operations safety and efficiency. TRACKSS improves and develops a number of breakthrough sensing technologies and proposes a new model for knowledge sharing between sensors. The Knowledge Sharing Model tackled by TRACKSS considers three different topics: the characteristics of the observables (sensing targets), the kind of information the sensor is going to gather, and the different functions that are required by new knowledge sharing capabilities.

Paper Title

Traffic and tourist information.

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2118
  • Jens Peder Kristensen
  • KeyResearch
  • Denmark


Combining high technology with needs of passengers and tourist is a success in North Jutland. The project Hotspot North are reaching many new travellers by using a combination of Bluetooth, wap and touch screen technologies to reach users of cellular phones. The users wil...Lead moreCombining high technology with needs of passengers and tourist is a success in North Jutland. The project Hotspot North are reaching many new travellers by using a combination of Bluetooth, wap and touch screen technologies to reach users of cellular phones. The users will have a broad range of information available ranging from traffic information, weather information, hot news to tourist information. All these information will be available in 5 languages. The project supports GPRS and Bluetooth communication. It is the first in the world to cover a full habour area with Bluetooth services.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2117
  • Antonio Marqués
  • ETRA I+D
  • Spain


This paper introduces the guided bus/tramway system to be implemented in Castellón (Spain) under the scope of the Citymobil project (FP6-2005-Transport-4- 031315) led by TNO. The system provides a lower cost alternative to light rail while having the advantages of dedicat...Lead moreThis paper introduces the guided bus/tramway system to be implemented in Castellón (Spain) under the scope of the Citymobil project (FP6-2005-Transport-4- 031315) led by TNO. The system provides a lower cost alternative to light rail while having the advantages of dedicated rights of way. The overall objective of Citymobil is to achieve a more effective organisation of urban transport, resulting in a more rational use of motorised traffic with less congestion and pollution, safer driving, a higher quality of living and an enhanced integration with spatial development. The city of tomorrow is in need of integrated traffic solutions that provide the required mobility in an efficient, safe and economic manner. The focus of the research is on automated road transport. It can be forecast that in the next ten years, individual vehicles with dual mode capabilities - manual (assisted) driving on regular roads- and fully automatic driving on dedicated zones where no (or few) manual vehicles

Paper Title

Implementing and coordinating ITS schemes for mega events - Insights drawn from FIFA Worldcup 2006 & World Youth Day 2005

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2116
  • Gunnar Landfester
  • Dornier Consulting GmbH
  • Germany


Mega events have a huge impact on traffic and require intensive planning. Due to the spontaneous character of events, however, not all incidents can be planned in advance. Dealing with such uncertainties can be supported by traffic management solutions. Of particular inte...Lead moreMega events have a huge impact on traffic and require intensive planning. Due to the spontaneous character of events, however, not all incidents can be planned in advance. Dealing with such uncertainties can be supported by traffic management solutions. Of particular interest is the implementation of an integrated venue management which merges all single ITS systems and available traffic information. Based on the experience gained from FIFA Worldcup 2006 and World Youth day 2005 the requirements of such a system and its restrictions will be specified. Different implemented ITS measures can be evaluated in terms of cost and impact. Examples of ad hoc measures for critical situations show benefits and limitations of an active traffic management.

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  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2115
  • Zeina Nazer
  • Hyder Consulting
  • United Kingdom


Charging for the use of an existing road (or road network) is on the agenda of local and state authorities worldwide although so far less than a handful have demonstrated commitment to pricing road space for the purposes of demand management. Whilst interest in the use of...Lead moreCharging for the use of an existing road (or road network) is on the agenda of local and state authorities worldwide although so far less than a handful have demonstrated commitment to pricing road space for the purposes of demand management. Whilst interest in the use of pricing as a demand management mechanism is growing there are several hurdles to be overcome before a charging scheme can be implemented on the streets. This paper takes a critical view of the driver of public acceptance and, through citing real-world examples, show how acceptance can be developed. Striking a ‘deal’ with the public may include several measures such as improved public transit, complementary road upgrades, selective discounts and predictable service levels. The scale and timing of these is important to demonstrate benefits whilst meeting scheme objectives including change of mode of travel and changing the time of travel.

Paper Title

Madrid´s Interchange Plan 2004-2007

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2114
  • J. Dionisio González
  • Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
  • Spain


In order to optimize operation and maintenance of these public transportation nodes in Madrid, to ensure the quality of service to users, monitor operation in real time and coordinate the resolution of incidents, CRTM is developing an Integrated Management System (IMS) fo...Lead moreIn order to optimize operation and maintenance of these public transportation nodes in Madrid, to ensure the quality of service to users, monitor operation in real time and coordinate the resolution of incidents, CRTM is developing an Integrated Management System (IMS) for the infrastructures under development within Madrid´s Interchange Plan 2004-2007.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2113
  • Zeina Nazer
  • Hyder Consulting
  • United Kingdom


Up to 5 years ago, the mainstream technology for electronic toll collection was Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and its near relation, Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI). Schemes based on these formed the backbone of national charging systems in Europe, Nor...Lead moreUp to 5 years ago, the mainstream technology for electronic toll collection was Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and its near relation, Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI). Schemes based on these formed the backbone of national charging systems in Europe, North and South Americas and South East Asia. Standards were publicly available and these technologies were considered to be a safe solution for tolling. Europe and North America had already deployed regional interoperable schemes, including the Inter Agency Group’s EZ-Pass in the North East of the US and Télépeage Inter-Société (TIS) in France. The paper concludes with a critical analysis of emerging policy trends, the resulting challenges facing current and future scheme operators and the future direction of technology evolution to enable policy trends.