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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2068
  • Mikko Tarkiainen
  • VTT
  • Finland


The vehicle of the future communicates with other vehicles, infrastructure, hotspots and devices inside the vehicle. Entertainment and consumer electronics are gaining grounds in vehicles to a greater extent. Safer driving is still one of the most important goals of the f...Lead moreThe vehicle of the future communicates with other vehicles, infrastructure, hotspots and devices inside the vehicle. Entertainment and consumer electronics are gaining grounds in vehicles to a greater extent. Safer driving is still one of the most important goals of the future. This paper briefly presents different communication channels of the connected vehicles with related trends. Also issues around vehicle and consumer electronics connectivity and integration are briefly discussed.

Paper Title

Functional match of in-vehicle driving assistance systems and infrastructure redesign for road traffic safety

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2067
  • Meng Lu
  • Lund University
  • Netherlands


This paper addresses a research question, concerning the existence and nature of functional relationships between the two categories of measures for improving road traffic safety: in-vehicle driving assistance systems and physical infrastructure of the road network. This ...Lead moreThis paper addresses a research question, concerning the existence and nature of functional relationships between the two categories of measures for improving road traffic safety: in-vehicle driving assistance systems and physical infrastructure of the road network. This is a first necessary step to further develop a quantitative method for comparative analysis of different measures. To this purpose we investigate the potential match of infrastructure measures and driving assistance system functions in terms of the extent to which they fulfil road traffic safety principles and requirements, i.e. which instruments from each of these two sets have the same or similar effects for enhancing road traffic safety. Potential complementarity of certain infrastructure and in-vehicle driving assistance systems measures is not addressed in this research.

Paper Title

Micro-level effects of a kilometre taxation – modelling haulier categories

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2063
  • Linda Ramstedt
  • Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Sweden


This paper is focusing on how an introduction of a kilometre taxation in Sweden will influence the transport industry in general and the hauliers in special. The paper is describing an attempt to categorise different types of hauliers which exist in the Swedish haulier ma...Lead moreThis paper is focusing on how an introduction of a kilometre taxation in Sweden will influence the transport industry in general and the hauliers in special. The paper is describing an attempt to categorise different types of hauliers which exist in the Swedish haulier market, and the categorisation is exemplified by haulier companies. One purpose of these categories is to be used in a decision support systems to make predictions of the effects of road user charges.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2062
  • Ali Lattunen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


The motivations of introducing advanced car park control and service concepts are to provide parking customers with better service while automating control and guidance systems, and to enable efficient remote operation of car parks. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finlan...Lead moreThe motivations of introducing advanced car park control and service concepts are to provide parking customers with better service while automating control and guidance systems, and to enable efficient remote operation of car parks. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is coordinating a cross-technology P-Innovations project, concentrating on developing innovative and internationally measurable parking control concepts and services. The innovations are directly brought on to practical level by piloting them in real car park environment, the ultimate aim being to incubate fresh business ideas between the participative companies

Paper Title

Online Simulation for Incident Decision Support in Urban Context.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2057
  • José Carlos Riveira
  • Telvent
  • Spain


This paper includes the case-study of a project for the Madrid Municipality Traffic Management Centre, developed since October 2006 and aimed to provide a flexible tool for the traffic management centre for creation of strategies and evaluation of alternative solutions, i...Lead moreThis paper includes the case-study of a project for the Madrid Municipality Traffic Management Centre, developed since October 2006 and aimed to provide a flexible tool for the traffic management centre for creation of strategies and evaluation of alternative solutions, including short-term online simulation to allow suitable response to emergency situations, depending on actual traffic conditions and existing events.

Paper Title

Alternative Heavy-Load Truck Circulation in the Vielha Tunnel.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2056
  • José Carlos Riveira
  • Telvent
  • Spain


This paper includes the case-study of a project implemented in the Vielha Tunnel, in northern Pyrenees Mountains, with the objective to manage a controlled circulation of heavy-load trucks inside the tunnel, avoiding the simultaneous circulation in both directions simulta...Lead moreThis paper includes the case-study of a project implemented in the Vielha Tunnel, in northern Pyrenees Mountains, with the objective to manage a controlled circulation of heavy-load trucks inside the tunnel, avoiding the simultaneous circulation in both directions simultaneously. In this paper, the technical solution will be described as an example of safety enhancement.

Paper Title

Dmotion – Alternative Route Guidance System based on an Enlarged Cooperative Workflow-based Strategy Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2055
  • Heiko Boehme
  • City of Duesseldorf, Amt 66
  • Germany


The German research project Dmotion is aimed at developing and implementing an integrated traffic management system for the whole of Greater Düsseldorf. Currently, each road authority is responsible for traffic control within its own territory – namely the City of Düsseld...Lead moreThe German research project Dmotion is aimed at developing and implementing an integrated traffic management system for the whole of Greater Düsseldorf. Currently, each road authority is responsible for traffic control within its own territory – namely the City of Düsseldorf operating the urban road network and the Federal State of NRW operating the motorways.A strategy management – consisting in Situation Analysis, Workflow System and Activity Management – needs to be designed to connect both systems to one comprehensive system. The main tool in this process is the so-called ‘Measure Exchange List’ which helps adjusting coherent strategies between the partners.

Paper Title

Dmotion-An Overview of the German Research Project.The Process Chain from a Comprehensive Data and Information Network to a Strategy Conform Routing.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2054
  • Andreas Budde
  • City of Duesseldorf, Amt 66
  • Germany


The German research project Dmotion is aimed at developing and implementing an integrated traffic management system for Greater Düsseldorf. Currently, each road authority is responsible for traffic analysis and control within its own territory – the City of Düsseldorf ope...Lead moreThe German research project Dmotion is aimed at developing and implementing an integrated traffic management system for Greater Düsseldorf. Currently, each road authority is responsible for traffic analysis and control within its own territory – the City of Düsseldorf operating the urban road network, the Federal State of NRW operating the motorways.By establishing a data, information and strategy network between two public authorities and a private service provider, an enhanced traffic state analysis and a strategy management system will be provided. Road users will receive information on current traffic conditions and traffic management strategies via different media including dynamic routing advices via on-board and off-board navigation services.

Paper Title

Priotiy control of LRT and tramways in the course of major urban roads - an off-line method to integrate trains into coordinated signal systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2053
  • Manfred Dr. Brenner
  • Germany


The report deals with a planning approach to integrate tramways and LRT-vehicles into coordinated signal systems in the course of urban major roads. As these PT systems normally dispose over separated tracks, at-grade signalled intersections remain as conflict areas and c...Lead moreThe report deals with a planning approach to integrate tramways and LRT-vehicles into coordinated signal systems in the course of urban major roads. As these PT systems normally dispose over separated tracks, at-grade signalled intersections remain as conflict areas and cause considerable delays. By optimizing coordination structures in a way that tramways and LRT-vehicles put into with minimum delays, active priority control can be realized with minimum restraints on conflict streams and without a cost-intensive modernization of the signal control system.

Paper Title

The integrated traffic management system of the state capital of Potsdam (Germany)

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2052
  • Manfred Dr. Brenner
  • Germany


The report describes the comprehensive traffic management system in the Brandenburg State Capital of Potsdam (150,000 inh.), which has been completed in 2002 as one of the first TM-systems in medium-size cities in Germany. After 4 years of operation, favourable experience...Lead moreThe report describes the comprehensive traffic management system in the Brandenburg State Capital of Potsdam (150,000 inh.), which has been completed in 2002 as one of the first TM-systems in medium-size cities in Germany. After 4 years of operation, favourable experience have come in, concerning stabilization of traffic flow, acceleration of public transport operation and reduction of critical traffic situations. The TM-system integrates the traffic signal control system, PT operation center, alternative routing system, parking guidance system, rescue centers and the construction site management system. Pre- and on-trip information is provided in the Internet and by variable message signs.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2051
  • Karsten Heinig
  • Leibniz University of Hannover
  • Germany


Two in vehicle information systems have been developed contributing to the EC goals to reduce accident related costs of transport and mobility. The effect these applications on traffic safety, namely the driving behavior of 60 subjects will be analyzed after the end of th...Lead moreTwo in vehicle information systems have been developed contributing to the EC goals to reduce accident related costs of transport and mobility. The effect these applications on traffic safety, namely the driving behavior of 60 subjects will be analyzed after the end of the test drives. Even if the here presented preliminary results cannot come up with statistical significant values, clear and promising tendencies are shown: Both applications increase traffic safety by reducing driving speed, quantities of speed limit violations and exposure time of speed limit violations.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2050
  • Russell Clarke
  • Siemens
  • United Kingdom


In 2005 Transport for London purchased one of the worlds largest real-time passenger information and fleet management systems in a project valued at £117M with the objectives of equipping 8000 vehicles with GPS tracking and installing 500 passenger information signs. The ...Lead moreIn 2005 Transport for London purchased one of the worlds largest real-time passenger information and fleet management systems in a project valued at £117M with the objectives of equipping 8000 vehicles with GPS tracking and installing 500 passenger information signs. The option to expand the system to deploy priority at traffic signals for buses was made in April 2006 which requires up to 3200 sets of signals to be upgraded. With such a large scale deployment a number of useful tools and methods have been developed to minimise waste and improve efficiency. The desire to share this knowledge is the key purpose of this paper.

Paper Title

Exploratory Modeling to Support Multi-Criteria Analysis to Cope With the Uncertainties in Implementing ISA

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2048
  • Jan-Willem (J.W.G.M.) Pas
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


Policymakers are facing public pressure to take measures to reduce speeding fatalities. A possible measure for reducing speeding is implementing Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), which supports or enforces a driver to maintain the appropriate speed limit. However, despi...Lead morePolicymakers are facing public pressure to take measures to reduce speeding fatalities. A possible measure for reducing speeding is implementing Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), which supports or enforces a driver to maintain the appropriate speed limit. However, despite its safety benefits, ISA impacts on other measures, such as emissions, throughput, and travel time, also need to be considered. In this paper we show how exploratory modelling can support a multi-criteria analysis to develop robust policies for the implementation of ISA. The insights may shed light on the uncertainties and enable a large scale implementation of ISA.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2047
  • Peter Wessel
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


This paper will give an overview of the development of co-modal and multi modal commuter services. It will describe the full scale tests and demonstrations that have been carried out in the Göteborg region, as well as ongoing developments and future plans. The paper will ...Lead moreThis paper will give an overview of the development of co-modal and multi modal commuter services. It will describe the full scale tests and demonstrations that have been carried out in the Göteborg region, as well as ongoing developments and future plans. The paper will look into both the implications of human factors as well as the technical achievements in order to be able to supply co- and multi-modal commuter services that will influence the people to shift from well inhibited private car commuting to a multi modal approach where the trip is carried out using different kind of transportation depending on the current situation. The shift from “single-driver-private-car” will reduce the impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable development of our cities and regions.

Paper Title

Next Generation Enforcement Solutions with Digital Camera Sensors and Laser Scanning: Wanted Cars

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2046
  • Michael Leyendecker
  • VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH
  • Germany


Next generation technology is fully digital, laser-based and automated Examples are laser-based speed enforcement and automated search of WANTED CARS Digital cameras and lasers enable automated search of WANTED CARS even under challenging traffic and weather conditions In...Lead moreNext generation technology is fully digital, laser-based and automated Examples are laser-based speed enforcement and automated search of WANTED CARS Digital cameras and lasers enable automated search of WANTED CARS even under challenging traffic and weather conditions Installations in Germany vary according to Police requirements; equipment is installed at border crossings, in police vehicles and on tripods

Paper Title

Next Generation Enforcement Solutions with Digital Camera Sensors and Laser-Scanning: Speed Enforcement

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2045
  • Michael Leyendecker
  • VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH
  • Germany


Next generation technology is fully digital, laser-based and automated Examples are laser-based speed enforcement Speed enforcement as core element of traffic safety strategies Traditional radar based enforcement does not allow sufficient enforcement Avoiding shortcomings of the radar speed systemsNext generation technology is fully digital, laser-based and automated Examples are laser-based speed enforcement Speed enforcement as core element of traffic safety strategies Traditional radar based enforcement does not allow sufficient enforcement Avoiding shortcomings of the radar speed systems

Paper Title

Speed management in urban areas: an international approach

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2042
  • Jacques NOUVIER
  • France


Speed has positive impacts on economy. But excessive speeds (i.e. driving above the speed limits) or inappropriate speeds (driving too fast for the prevailing conditions, but within the limits) are dangerous everywhere. Furthermore, speed also has negative impacts on the ...Lead moreSpeed has positive impacts on economy. But excessive speeds (i.e. driving above the speed limits) or inappropriate speeds (driving too fast for the prevailing conditions, but within the limits) are dangerous everywhere. Furthermore, speed also has negative impacts on the environment and quality of life. Hence the interest to launch sound speed management policies. The paper will highlight some results of the OECD-ECMT group dealing with this subject. The results presented here will be those more suited for urban areas. Of course, the technological aspects will be more developed than the others.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2041
  • Abderrahman Essebbar
  • France


This paper presents a multi-reference noise reduction system for use in a vehicle. It is aimed at enhancing the driver’s speech in noisy driving environments for applications such as voice command or hands free phone. Both human listening tests and speech recognition test...Lead moreThis paper presents a multi-reference noise reduction system for use in a vehicle. It is aimed at enhancing the driver’s speech in noisy driving environments for applications such as voice command or hands free phone. Both human listening tests and speech recognition tests prove our system increases global performances compared to what is obtained with classical single channel speech processing methods.

Paper Title

Real Time Low-level Pedestrian Detection on a Moving Car

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2040
  • Guanglin Ma
  • University of Wuppertal
  • Germany


This paper presents a robust real time low-level pedestrian detection algorithm, which is capable of handling the challenges of stationary as well as moving objects, utilizing a single car mounted monochrome camera. First, the system detects obstacles by utilizing the inv...Lead moreThis paper presents a robust real time low-level pedestrian detection algorithm, which is capable of handling the challenges of stationary as well as moving objects, utilizing a single car mounted monochrome camera. First, the system detects obstacles by utilizing the inverse perspective mapping(IPM) algorithm. A fast digital image stabilization algorithm is used to compensate the oscillation of the camera on the vehicle. Finally, a low level pedestrian segmentation algorithm is developed to extract bounding boxes of potential pedestrians. Further more a novel “Pedestrian Detection Strip” is introduced to reduce the calculation time drastically.

Paper Title

Pilot Trial of Integrated Traffic Management in Yorkshire

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2039
  • Julian Steed
  • Atkins
  • United Kingdom


The Highways Agency manages the strategic road network in England. The remaining parts of the English road network are managed by numerous local authorities. Each authority adopts different approaches to managing congestion based on the nature of the network under their j...Lead moreThe Highways Agency manages the strategic road network in England. The remaining parts of the English road network are managed by numerous local authorities. Each authority adopts different approaches to managing congestion based on the nature of the network under their jurisdiction. The Highways Agency is proposing to introduce Integrated Traffic Management measures to better manage access to the motorway network and has an ongoing programme to achieve this. The ITM project has already proved the concept that access management of the motorway network does not automatically have a detrimental effect on traffic using the surrounding road network. At the London world congress, we reported the theoretical results of this work based on micro simulation modelling. In Beijing, we shall be presenting the results of the pilot scheme in south Yorkshire. This paper reports on the successful partnership of three highway authorities, the Highways Agency, Sheffield City Council and Rotherham

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2038
  • Jan-Willem (J.W.G.M.) Pas
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) seem highly promising in reducing road congestion, traffic un-safety and environmental impacts. However, up until now, real-world implementation of ADAS has been a slow process, as knowledge on conditions for ADAS implementation a...Lead moreAdvanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) seem highly promising in reducing road congestion, traffic un-safety and environmental impacts. However, up until now, real-world implementation of ADAS has been a slow process, as knowledge on conditions for ADAS implementation and outcomes of ADAS implementation are uncertain. In order to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the implementation of ADAS, this paper presents the results of an expert opinion study on the Future of ADAS (FADAS). The results are thoroughly compared to five previously conducted expert opinion studies regarding the future implementation of ADAS.

Paper Title

BALI: A demonstrator for a better knowledge of speed limits

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2037
  • Loïc Blaive
  • Ministry of Transport - SETRA
  • France


Reducing road insecurity is an objective of general importance at both European and French national levels. All players are equally convinced that greater observance of speed limits is a condition for drastically reducing the number of fatal and serious casualties on Euro...Lead moreReducing road insecurity is an objective of general importance at both European and French national levels. All players are equally convinced that greater observance of speed limits is a condition for drastically reducing the number of fatal and serious casualties on European Union roads. In parallel with enforcement, technical developments can contribute to achieving this objective. Today, intelligent speed limitation devices may be marketed, but they lack data for their operation. Feeding reliable information into these systems is fundamental to their efficiency. Therefore the BALI project was launched by the French Ministry of Transport to demonstrate, at French test Department scale, the advantage and reliability of a system for collecting and disseminating speed limit data. This requires not only creation of collection technical infrastructure but, above all, adherence of local data producers. This will certainly be one of the most long-awaited features of this experiment.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2035
  • Jiri Plihal
  • e4t electronics for transportation s.r.o.
  • Czech Republic


Authors of this paper would like to introduce present state of the research project Ministry of Transport called Information support for visually impaired people. The aim of the project is to develop, test and establish background for realisation uniform, geographical, ac...Lead moreAuthors of this paper would like to introduce present state of the research project Ministry of Transport called Information support for visually impaired people. The aim of the project is to develop, test and establish background for realisation uniform, geographical, acoustic and referencing system, that will be able handicapped, especially blind people navigate to the required destination. One of the basic project realisation presumptions is to set a user location. For this purpose is used satellite navigation system GPS with later possible extension to the system Galileo. Project is now solved in second year.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2034
  • Olaf Czogalla
  • IFAK
  • Germany


The estimation of link travel times of urban arterial roads is an integral subject of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Several methods of travel time estimation have been applied using loop detectors, floating cars and direct measurement of vehicle speeds. This paper p...Lead moreThe estimation of link travel times of urban arterial roads is an integral subject of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Several methods of travel time estimation have been applied using loop detectors, floating cars and direct measurement of vehicle speeds. This paper proposes to extend the floating car method to collect traffic data through measuring systems mounted to public transportation vehicles, called Floating Car Observers (FCO). Floating Car Observers are capable of collecting traffic data in both directions of traffic flow in time and space. The Floating Car Observer approach is introduced and focuses especially on aspects of geo-referencing and travel time estimation.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2033
  • RATP
  • France


This paper presents a new graphical user interface developed by RATP for controllers who operate bus/tram/trolley lines in real-time. This interface called "Interactive Schedule" is designed to be connected to any Automatic Vehicle Monitoring system. It consists in a grap...Lead moreThis paper presents a new graphical user interface developed by RATP for controllers who operate bus/tram/trolley lines in real-time. This interface called "Interactive Schedule" is designed to be connected to any Automatic Vehicle Monitoring system. It consists in a graphic, dynamic and interactive representation of the line and its schedule.This new interface should improve the quality and efficiency of real-time management and provide the controllers with better ergonomics.

Paper Title

A new approach to distance based Road User Charges - The Swedish kilometre tax

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2032
  • Jonas Sundberg
  • Sweden


The Swedish parliament voted in May 2006 in favour of a national kilometre-tax for Heavy Goods Vehicles with the objective of internalising external costs. With this objective, the solutions applied in other countries do not meet the Swedish requirements. Instead a soluti...Lead moreThe Swedish parliament voted in May 2006 in favour of a national kilometre-tax for Heavy Goods Vehicles with the objective of internalising external costs. With this objective, the solutions applied in other countries do not meet the Swedish requirements. Instead a solution is proposed with three key technical properties: A Thin Client concept for the OBU, a combination of positioning and communication solutions for the OBU and a system security solution reduced to a secret kernel. Also, the Swedish solution is open for parallel service provider interfaces, preparing for integration of OBU´s issued by European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) Providers.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2031
  • Agata Quattrone
  • D.I.M.E.T. - Department of Computer Science, Mathematic, Electronic and Transport
  • Italy


In this study an analysis of the problems about standard coordination both hardware and software of ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems in the field of local public transport and some solutions for an integration of ITS Architecture KAREN-Transit with the standard TRANSMODEL are proposed.In this study an analysis of the problems about standard coordination both hardware and software of ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems in the field of local public transport and some solutions for an integration of ITS Architecture KAREN-Transit with the standard TRANSMODEL are proposed.

Paper Title

Dynamic, forecasted travel times in a motorway network

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2030
  • Jan Holm
  • Danish Road Directorate
  • Denmark


The traffic on the motorway network of Copenhagen is monitored by several hundred detectors measuring speed and volume. Until now the information has been presented to the public on a website with traffic states for each road segment. In the new system all measurements ar...Lead moreThe traffic on the motorway network of Copenhagen is monitored by several hundred detectors measuring speed and volume. Until now the information has been presented to the public on a website with traffic states for each road segment. In the new system all measurements are aggregated into actual travel times on each segment of the motorways. Furthermore, every minute the system calculates a 15 min's forecast and a 30 min's forecast of the travel time for each segment. The forecasts are estimated based on a linear regression model of historical data. Any user can on a website request a forecast of the travel time for the user from A to B. The system will calculate the total travel time for the user from A to B using respectively the actual travel time, the 15 mi's forecasted time or the 30 min's forecasted time depending on the travellers aggregated travel time. Much imphasis has been put into the user interface and very few choices have to be made by the user of the website.

Paper Title

Concept of centralized architecture together with domain control units to fulfill the requirements of future E/E architecture

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2029
  • Jascha Freess
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Germany


In order to allow the realization of today´s functionalities, automotive electric/electronic-architectures have changed from an aggregation of isolated systems to fully interconnected networks. In parallel, the number of ECUs in passenger cars rose to 70 or even 80. The f...Lead moreIn order to allow the realization of today´s functionalities, automotive electric/electronic-architectures have changed from an aggregation of isolated systems to fully interconnected networks. In parallel, the number of ECUs in passenger cars rose to 70 or even 80. The future is going to see a melt of system boundaries, when even more functionalities, that link several systems, are to be integrated. Coping with complexity will be even more important. Still, costs remain the main drivers in the development of e/e-architectures. At Robert Bosch GmbH a catalogue of criteria is set up. Different architectural approaches for the chassis domain were assessed. In this paper, the major assessment results will be discussed. Accordingly, a deduced centralized and scalable solution will be presented.

Paper Title

Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Intelligent Transport Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2028
  • Morten Welde
  • Norwegian Public Roads Administration
  • Norway


The use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is on the increase throughout the world for a variety of purposes. What these systems have in common is that they are introduced to enhance mobility, accessibility and safety, or, in other words, to generate benefits to the u...Lead moreThe use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is on the increase throughout the world for a variety of purposes. What these systems have in common is that they are introduced to enhance mobility, accessibility and safety, or, in other words, to generate benefits to the users and to society. These benefits must, however, by definition outweigh the total costs of implementing and operating the systems to provide a net benefit to society. A variety of quantitative approaches exist for assessing traditional transport projects with cost-benefit analysis (CBA) being the most widespread method. The paper discusses the use of CBA for ITS and what limitations the methodology has for providing an efficient framework for evaluating the economic impacts of such schemes. Finally, we provide a check list of factors that must be considered when conducting cost-benefit analysis of ITS projects.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2027
  • Roland Galbas
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Germany


Modern automotive safety function development is strongly driven by reduction of development effort, and component cost, tight scheduling and the expectation of high efficiency. The industry is called upon to exhibit proven evidences of function efficiency, all that befor...Lead moreModern automotive safety function development is strongly driven by reduction of development effort, and component cost, tight scheduling and the expectation of high efficiency. The industry is called upon to exhibit proven evidences of function efficiency, all that before function works in field. A key factor to resolve given challenges is the involvement of the newest results of accident analysis into the development process. Based on weighted In-depth accident data a function and its related components can be precisely defined with focus on high efficiency and optimal designed components as a top down approach. Thus we like to introduce an accidents analysis based methodology to develop active safety functions. The power of this method will be shown by a currently developed function which is not yet available on the market. The high potential of accident analysis as a master tool has been already approved while confirming the efficiency of existing safety systems as e.g. ESP.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2026
  • Francis Ying-Tong Man
  • Siemens AG, Siemens VDO Automotive
  • Germany


World wide real-time-traffic-information for Automotive - current situation and future opportunities, e.g. FCD, C2C, C2I. Overview from traffic data collection via data analysis and processing to use cases for end user. Future prospects of real-time-traffic-information to...Lead moreWorld wide real-time-traffic-information for Automotive - current situation and future opportunities, e.g. FCD, C2C, C2I. Overview from traffic data collection via data analysis and processing to use cases for end user. Future prospects of real-time-traffic-information to keep the mobility and for a better life in consideration of all possible transportation to reach the destination.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2025
  • POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Transports Faculty
  • Romania


Starting with January 1st, 2007, Romania became a new EU membership country. The Romanian road network infrastructure remains, unfortunately, under-developed and incapable of sustaining the continuous growth of the traffic volumes. Recently, in the inter-urban road networ...Lead moreStarting with January 1st, 2007, Romania became a new EU membership country. The Romanian road network infrastructure remains, unfortunately, under-developed and incapable of sustaining the continuous growth of the traffic volumes. Recently, in the inter-urban road network, several projects were granted to develop new, modern highways, as continuity for the already defined EU transport corridors crossing Romania. Congestions are also affecting the urban areas, which are frequently experiencing difficult traffic conditions, pollution and intense queuing at traffic lights. This paper presents recent results of several research projects in urban ITS field, integrated in the general development policy and sustainable growth of the ITS urban architecture for Romanian cities.

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2023
  • Rudolf Ball
  • Austria


In 2005, the ASFINAG, Austria`s motorway authority, has started a project called LARIS, which stands for Lakeside Route Information System. With a very new approach of data analysis we have opened a new door in traffic data mining: routes. Based on data of Austria`s free ...Lead moreIn 2005, the ASFINAG, Austria`s motorway authority, has started a project called LARIS, which stands for Lakeside Route Information System. With a very new approach of data analysis we have opened a new door in traffic data mining: routes. Based on data of Austria`s free flow multilane tolling system [1], ASFINAG R&D has build a software system to transform toll data into route information, store that information in an appropriate matter and enable access to it in a highly modular way. LARIS serves as a corporate-wide, route based knowledge system.

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Next generation ITS in-car features and devices - an automotive Tier1 perspective.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2021
  • Christoph Racher
  • Siemens AG
  • Germany


Today GPS navigation including TMC real-time traffic information represents the small amount of widely installed ITS features in our cars compared to the wide range of solutions we imagine. Due to the current trends car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication we ex...Lead moreToday GPS navigation including TMC real-time traffic information represents the small amount of widely installed ITS features in our cars compared to the wide range of solutions we imagine. Due to the current trends car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication we expect a boost for in-car telematics applications. The connected car seems to be the evolutionary step providing the vehicle telematics platform we are all waiting for. But what is really coming up next? How will devices and solutions look like? The presentation gives an inside view of an automotive Tier1 ITS strategy and portfolio. The major next generation vehicle developments will be discussed.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2020
  • Nick Hounsell
  • University of Southampton
  • United Kingdom


London has a long history of the successful bus priority at traffic signals schemes. It has kept pace with the recent detection and communication technologies by updating its bus priority system. Recently, Transport for London (TfL) has procured a modern Automatic Vehicle...Lead moreLondon has a long history of the successful bus priority at traffic signals schemes. It has kept pace with the recent detection and communication technologies by updating its bus priority system. Recently, Transport for London (TfL) has procured a modern Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system known as iBUS. This system is based on GPS and supporting technologies for bus location. With the new AVL system, there is opportunity to implement bus priority at many more junctions than the previous system offered. In the context of this expansion, this paper explores different issues of bus priority at traffic signals in London and presents a way ahead for these issues to build an even more efficient and beneficial bus priority system.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2019
  • Arno Hinsberger
  • University of Applied Sciences Saarland
  • Germany


Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication will enable applications that increase traffic safety and efficiency [2], [3], [4]. The Car to Car Communication Consortium [5] aims to globally harmonise standards in this field. The underlying ar...Lead moreVehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication will enable applications that increase traffic safety and efficiency [2], [3], [4]. The Car to Car Communication Consortium [5] aims to globally harmonise standards in this field. The underlying architecture is widely based on the upcoming IEEE 802.11p / IEEE 1609 standards, which adapt WLAN technology to the automotive environment. Moreover there are specific requirements that go beyond the layers covered by the radio protocols [6]. Road Side Unit systems (RSU) are valuable tools to support safety applications as well as those that increase efficiency. This paper describes those applications and depicts the benefits for road operators as well as the technological basis of RSU systems.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2016
  • Vladimir Zyryanov
  • Rostov State Civil Engineering University
  • Russian Federation


The present paper describes five year experience of development of new graduate program at Rostov State Civil Engineering University for traffic specialists. This is a first experience in Russia for creating education programs in traffic management, transportation and log...Lead moreThe present paper describes five year experience of development of new graduate program at Rostov State Civil Engineering University for traffic specialists. This is a first experience in Russia for creating education programs in traffic management, transportation and logistics on the basis of Intelligent Transport Systems.

Paper Title

ITS Bavaria 2015-Current concepts and visions for the implementation of ITS in Bavaria

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2014
  • Ulrich Haspel
  • Bavarian Board of Building
  • Germany


The Bavarian Road Authorities have conducted several research projects regarding ITS projects in the past years. One of the outcomes of those projects was the experience that all ITS services have to be placed on a common technical platform. Thus the multimodal georeferen...Lead moreThe Bavarian Road Authorities have conducted several research projects regarding ITS projects in the past years. One of the outcomes of those projects was the experience that all ITS services have to be placed on a common technical platform. Thus the multimodal georeferencing system INTREST was developed. After the extensive research phase, the phase of technical implementation of the project results was started with the foundation of the public-private partnership agency ViB which was tendered to run all traffic information services in Bavaria the coming 10 years. Starting from this organisational structure, the future developments in Bavarias ITS will be implemented stepwise into the running systems. For the implementation of these developments and to cover future plans and visions an ITS master plan will be elaboraborated.

Paper Title

VIB-Traffic information Agency Bavaria

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 2013
  • Ulrich Haspel
  • Bavarian Board of Building
  • Germany


After several projects concerning traffic information services the Bavarian Board of Building has initiated the founding of a Traffic Information Agency, whose tasks are to improve the already existing services, now publicly operated and to base them on a common technical...Lead moreAfter several projects concerning traffic information services the Bavarian Board of Building has initiated the founding of a Traffic Information Agency, whose tasks are to improve the already existing services, now publicly operated and to base them on a common technical platform. The operation of this agency called ViB has been tendered for a run-time of 10 years from the start in January 2006. The services of the VIB will consist of free basic services, services for the public authorities and payable value-added services.