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Paper Title

Weather impact on Floating Car Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01148
  • Alexander Sohr
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Germany


Floating Car Data (FCD) are an accepted data source for capturing traffic states, especially in urban regions. If obtained from running fleet management systems, they are cheap to acquire, nearly no investments into the infrastructure are necessary and following costs are...Lead moreFloating Car Data (FCD) are an accepted data source for capturing traffic states, especially in urban regions. If obtained from running fleet management systems, they are cheap to acquire, nearly no investments into the infrastructure are necessary and following costs are low when data flat-rates from the mobile phone providers are considered. Since these data are very “noisy” ? which means traffic state information generated from single vehicles vary very much ? approaches exist how to obtain reliable traffic state information even from very sparse FCD. To improve the quality even for small fleets the integration of other data sources is necessary. Within this paper the influences weather conditions have on the daily speed variation curves derived from FCD are shown. This information is very meaningful for prediction applications and can be taken into account in historical data analysis.

Paper Title

Co-modal ITS and ITS in railways, reflections from The Swedish Rail Administration after ITS World Congress in Stockholm 2009

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01147
  • Mats Lindqvist
  • Triona AB
  • Sweden


The paper will describe the reflections, from a co-modal and railway perspective, the Swedish Rail Administration made after their work, starting 2005, with the ITS World Congress in Stockholm 2009. Since ITS as concept before the congress was relatively unused in the Swe...Lead moreThe paper will describe the reflections, from a co-modal and railway perspective, the Swedish Rail Administration made after their work, starting 2005, with the ITS World Congress in Stockholm 2009. Since ITS as concept before the congress was relatively unused in the Swedish railway part of the transport industry there were not only preparations for the congress as such, there were also a lot of work promoting ITS. The paper will describe the work the Swedish rail Administration made on behalf of the Board of the ITS World Congress 2009 as responsible for the focus area Traffic management (all four transport modes) and the work made within the railway industry before and during the congress. In both cases with promoting the Congress, finding interesting projects and showing interesting projects at the exhibition, the sessions, at technical visits and at the demonstrations site.

Paper Title

Personalised multi-modal commuter services in a middle-sized region

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01143
  • Eva Schelin
  • Swedish Transport Administration
  • Sweden


This paper will give an overview of the development of a multi modal commuter service being developed and designed for the greater Gothenburg region on the Swedish west-coast. It describes the background, expected effect goals, the plan for realization within the Gothenbu...Lead moreThis paper will give an overview of the development of a multi modal commuter service being developed and designed for the greater Gothenburg region on the Swedish west-coast. It describes the background, expected effect goals, the plan for realization within the Gothenburg region and a description of the technical and functional design. The paper will also look into the challenges identified during the work of implementing the service.

Paper Title

Validation of a Taxi-FCD System by GPS/Video-Testdrives

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01073
  • Elmar Brockfeld
  • German Aerospace Ceneter (DLR)
  • Germany


In contrast to traditional traffic sensors like induction loops, the GPS-position data from Floating Car Data fleets (FCD) are an excellent technology to determine travel times which are needed for traffic information and route guidance systems. This contribution is about...Lead moreIn contrast to traditional traffic sensors like induction loops, the GPS-position data from Floating Car Data fleets (FCD) are an excellent technology to determine travel times which are needed for traffic information and route guidance systems. This contribution is about the validation of a taxi-FCD system in Berlin with more than 4000 taxis, from which a traffic state map and travel times are generated permanently. The validation is done by analyzing the data measured in two weeks by test drives with GPS- and video-equipped vehicles on some selected arterial routes with the length of some kilometers. The travel times which are permanently calculated from the taxi-FCD system are primarily validated via the travel times of the test vehicles, which can be measured exactly with the GPS-information. In addition, the video equipment ? together with hand-written notes by the co-driver of the vehicles - delivers additional detailed data about the current traffic situation and other special situations. This way, occurring differences between the travel times of the taxi-FCD system and the test drives can be analysed in an accurate way. As a result, first the value of taxi-FCD systems for delivering travel times is validated and stressed. Second, the detailed information about the situations resulting in inaccurate travel times are analysed which delivers hints under which conditions even such a comprehensive FCD-system may not work with the expected quality.

Paper Title

Traffic Data Platform as ITS Infrastructure for Intelligent Traffic Data Management

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01055
  • Louis Calvin Touko Tcheumadjeu
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Germany


Many industrial and research projects in the field of ITS need traffic data to realized new and innovative applications. However, it is often costly and time-consuming to acquire or to access such data. That is, why a complete traffic data platform with standardized uniqu...Lead moreMany industrial and research projects in the field of ITS need traffic data to realized new and innovative applications. However, it is often costly and time-consuming to acquire or to access such data. That is, why a complete traffic data platform with standardized unique access can increase the efficiency of research for current and future ITS projects. For this purpose the Institute of Transportation Systems of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is developing a modular and SOA based Traffic Data Platform (TD-Platform) which provides all basic tools for storage, processing, fusion and management of traffic data from various sources. In this context, the TD-Platform is especially designed to support “online” services and information in a most efficient way. Moreover, due to its modularity and extensibility, the platform itself can be used as a framework for testing and researching new methods and algorithms for data fusion and quality estimation, for example. This paper gives a short overview about the internal structure of the TD-Platform and focuses on its application as traffic data pool and research platform. The main requirements are mentioned as well as the benefit and economical impact of the TD-Platform for different stakeholders including research organizations, local or federal authorities and industry. Finally, some use case scenarios show the practical applicability of the TD-Platform.

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01048
  • Shaleen Srivastava
  • Jacobs Engineering
  • UK


Errors (faults) and inaccuracies in highway traffic measurements often cause degrading of traffic information quality. Hence, it is important to assess inaccuracies and detect errors in traffic data. Knowledge of the accuracy of the data from different sensor types also p...Lead moreErrors (faults) and inaccuracies in highway traffic measurements often cause degrading of traffic information quality. Hence, it is important to assess inaccuracies and detect errors in traffic data. Knowledge of the accuracy of the data from different sensor types also plays a key role in traffic data fusion, which increases redundancy and improves the chances of detecting errors. The fusion of floating car data and inductive loop data with a mesoscopic traffic flow model is outlined as an application. A model-based method to detect data errors is proposed to build up accurate and reliable traffic information.

Paper Title

GNSS-enabled Services Convergence - The Role Model

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01044
  • Thomas Stranner
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


The availability of EGNOS and the advent of GALILEO as a reliable, locally augmentable, certified, with integrity capability and improved performance GNSS represents an important opportunity for business and social improvement for Europe. The GSC consortium is a group of ...Lead moreThe availability of EGNOS and the advent of GALILEO as a reliable, locally augmentable, certified, with integrity capability and improved performance GNSS represents an important opportunity for business and social improvement for Europe. The GSC consortium is a group of companies and institutions having long experience in road sector applications, road user charging or GNSS technologies. The GSC project proposes a new effort for establishing conditions for an open and competitive mass market of GNSS-enabled road transport services based on an existing RUC infrastructure. At this moment the market for GNSS-enabled road transport services is fragmented and for technical, procedural and contractual reasons, the service infrastructure (in-vehicle onboard equipment and central proxy) for road charging cannot be used for the deployment and operation of other (value added) applications. Even if the EETS on-board equipment is already technically capable of supporting multiple applications, the lack of stable and harmonised specifications and tools for certification of that equipment for the use of value added applications in parallel to a mission-critical service (such as road charging) is preventing any business entity from developing application in a Europe-wide open market. GSC will identify the specifications and tools needed to be able to monitor and certify the in-vehicle equipment as well as the back office components of interoperable ITS services based on GNSS to establish conditions for an open and competitive mass market for GNSS-enabled road transport services that leverage the value that new GNSS technologies like GALILEO and EGNOS bring.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01041
  • Stefica Mrvelj
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Croatia


There is an ongoing research on the implementation of public transport (PT) priority system in Zagreb within CiViTAS ELAN, a project co-funded by the European Union. Within the project framework, project objectives are defined and after that evaluation activities are set ...Lead moreThere is an ongoing research on the implementation of public transport (PT) priority system in Zagreb within CiViTAS ELAN, a project co-funded by the European Union. Within the project framework, project objectives are defined and after that evaluation activities are set up by defining evaluation indicators. For this purpose, a special set of evaluation indicators is used for the segmentation of vehicle operation time, where each time segment of the vehicle operation time (running time, intersection delay, dwell time and driving time) is going to be evaluated separately in order to detect the changes, even in the small time segments. In this paper three data collection methodologies are analyzed: manual time recording, GPS (Global Positioning System) vehicle tracking and manual video data processing. Additional attention is given to the special use-case scenarios, where comparative analysis of those methods is carried out. Use-case scenarios describe different traffic situations which are in close relation to public transport stop positioning (directly in front of signalized intersection or immediately after) and public transport stop occupancy.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01040
  • Marko Matulin
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Croatia


Giving priority to public transport (PT) vehicles at signalized intersections has always been an effective way to increase the overall quality of service in terms of reducing travel times. The benefits of introduction of these systems are often expressed only through cost...Lead moreGiving priority to public transport (PT) vehicles at signalized intersections has always been an effective way to increase the overall quality of service in terms of reducing travel times. The benefits of introduction of these systems are often expressed only through cost and benefit analysis, where you can see how and how much (expressed in monetary value) specific implications affect the PT company, city authority, users, society, etc. By conducting the evaluation of PT system performances using just this abovementioned methodology, certain transport impacts can easily be omitted. In this paper the emphasis is on defining the set of evaluation indicators which are used for the decomposition of PT vehicle operation time into different segments. The operation time decomposition enables the identification of different background data impacts (i.e. possibility of modal shift in favour of public transport) on the PT system performances. PT is supported by a traffic control system that will provide public transport vehicles progression through the city’s traffic signals on the tram corridors. The paper emerged from an ongoing research within the international CiViTAS ELAN project, where one of the objectives is to develop, demonstrate and evaluate the impact of giving priority to public transport in Zagreb on modal split, traffic congestion, energy consumptions, air quality etc.

Paper Title

How ITS Can Assist To Bridge The Gap Between Existing Road Networks And Expensive New Builds

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01033
  • James Gibson
  • Arup
  • UK


There are significant pressures on road space on strategic road networks throughout the world. A combination of many factors are now making the traditional approaches of widening and new builds unavailable to those responsible for providing and operating our networks. Thi...Lead moreThere are significant pressures on road space on strategic road networks throughout the world. A combination of many factors are now making the traditional approaches of widening and new builds unavailable to those responsible for providing and operating our networks. This paper will examine the way ITS is becoming an ever increasingly important tool for those charged with providing and managing a reliable road infrastructure within the constraints of the existing highway boundaries. The paper will also emphasize the importance ITS as an integral component of any engineering or network management approach, not a simple ‘bolt on’ extra to be considered in isolation.

Paper Title

Eco Routing For European Market

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01012
  • Aurelien Correia
  • Hitachi Europe SAS
  • France


Transportation activities largely contribute to CO2 emissions. In particular, cars and trucks fuel consumption must be reduced. Recent developments in intelligent transport system technologies allow saving fuel by guiding the driver through routes avoiding road traffic, w...Lead moreTransportation activities largely contribute to CO2 emissions. In particular, cars and trucks fuel consumption must be reduced. Recent developments in intelligent transport system technologies allow saving fuel by guiding the driver through routes avoiding road traffic, while taking into account elevation and car-specific fuel consumption profile. In this paper, we briefly review the context of “eco” features in the European market. Then, we compare results of driving tests on European roads using our specific ecological route search procedure, with those obtained using conventional time priority route search methods.

Paper Title

Innovation Trends in Vehicle Technologies related to ITS, as seen from the world of Patents.

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01000
  • Loukas Tsitsilonis
  • European Patent Office
  • Netherlands


The European Patent Office (EPO) has tremendous database of patent and non-patent documents from all over the world. This documentation is primarily used to retrieve prior art documents related to the claimed invention in a patent application. As collateral information, t...Lead moreThe European Patent Office (EPO) has tremendous database of patent and non-patent documents from all over the world. This documentation is primarily used to retrieve prior art documents related to the claimed invention in a patent application. As collateral information, this documentation can also become the source of retrieving innovation trends related to specific technical fields. The identified innovation trends can provide valuable information upon which strategic decisions are taken by the industry, universities, and research establishments. The innovation trends can also prove to be a valuable tool to policy makers, such as government institutions, for monitoring the rate by which environmental and traffic safety decisions taken at government or international level are implemented by the industry. Also the activity of certain companies in a specific technical domain can be assessed by the data related to published patent applications. In short, Patent Offices around the world hold a vast amount of primary data related to patent applications, which up to now has not been investigated and exploited to the full. This work is a first attempt to show how secondary, but nevertheless very important information on ITS related technologies, can be obtained by the full use of primary data related to patent applications. Based on published patent applications the presentation will show the development trend of ITS related technologies, such as passenger and pedestrian safety, vehicle stability and control systems, and vehicle communication with the environment. Some results will also be provided in assessing the activity in certain countries and companies in related technical fields.

Paper Title

Technology Contributions Towards A Sustainable Transport System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00998
  • John D'Arcy
  • Mott MacDonald
  • UK


Transport Technology systems, applications and services are increasingly recognised as playing a high profile and vital role in the achievement of transportation objectives and carbon reduction targets. Delegates will benefit from the experiences, results and lessons lear...Lead moreTransport Technology systems, applications and services are increasingly recognised as playing a high profile and vital role in the achievement of transportation objectives and carbon reduction targets. Delegates will benefit from the experiences, results and lessons learnt in responding to the challenges of improving the sustainability of network management and public transport operations. Case studies will provide details of the progress made in realising benefits from technology investment and deployment. Delegates will gain an insight into significant areas of technological research and innovation illustrating how current and future applications can contribute towards the sustainability agenda.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00996
  • John D'Arcy
  • Mott MacDonald
  • UK


With the implementation of large scale ITS programmes expanding globally, there is a need to ensure that ITS research programmes produce the guidance, standards, trial results and business case inputs required within a timescale that complements policy objectives and ITS ...Lead moreWith the implementation of large scale ITS programmes expanding globally, there is a need to ensure that ITS research programmes produce the guidance, standards, trial results and business case inputs required within a timescale that complements policy objectives and ITS strategic aims. This paper presents the latest developments in the evolution of model for the lifecycle of ITS projects, promoting elements of continuity from research through to implementation and operations. The continuity model is aimed at injecting pace to deliver the outputs of research in an effective, efficient and cost effective manner.

Paper Title

Modeling Service Quality and Benefits of Multi-Service Architectures in Road Transport Telematic Applications

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00980
  • Gideon Mbiydzenyuy
  • Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Sweden


Modeling benefits and Quality of Service (QoS) for Multi-Service Architectures (MSAs) is important to enable service providers offer the best Transport Telematic Services (TTSs) with high societal benefits to users. This study models how different QoS characteristics may ...Lead moreModeling benefits and Quality of Service (QoS) for Multi-Service Architectures (MSAs) is important to enable service providers offer the best Transport Telematic Services (TTSs) with high societal benefits to users. This study models how different QoS characteristics may influence potential benefits of MSAs for road based freight TTSs. A system performance oriented QoS measure has been introduced in coming up with a MSA benefits model, providing a possibility to capture different quality attributes, desired performance levels, and even the possibility to introduce desired priorities between applications and quality attributes.

Paper Title

On the Verge of Full Cahshless Payment on Motorway Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00938
  • Murat Barut
  • Turkish Road Association
  • Turkey


Operation of motorways dates back to 1973 with the inauguration of 1st ?stanbul Strait Bridge in Turkey. Today, about 2100 km of motorways network is in operation including two suspension bridges. Tolling is the primary ITS implementation in motorways network. Turkey is a...Lead moreOperation of motorways dates back to 1973 with the inauguration of 1st ?stanbul Strait Bridge in Turkey. Today, about 2100 km of motorways network is in operation including two suspension bridges. Tolling is the primary ITS implementation in motorways network. Turkey is a pioneer country in its region in terms of tolling implementation. Six millions of payment devices are in circulation. Traffic management and traveler information systems, which are integrated to tolling systems, are put into service in recent years. Various features of motorway electronic tolling systems will be described in this paper. Interoperability achievement of toll systems, integrated toll and traffic management systems, cashless payment progress and future objective will be presented.

Paper Title

Tampere Region ITS ? Status and Results of the TRITS Network in Finland

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00905
  • Mika Varjola
  • WSP Finland Oy
  • Finland


In the City of Tampere, Finland, different ITS stakeholders have since 2007 had an open co-operation network to promote and co-ordinate the existing and future development and implementation activities in the City of Tampere and the surrounding region in a more organized ...Lead moreIn the City of Tampere, Finland, different ITS stakeholders have since 2007 had an open co-operation network to promote and co-ordinate the existing and future development and implementation activities in the City of Tampere and the surrounding region in a more organized and effective manner. The network includes local service providers, hardware suppliers, software suppliers, consultancies, universities and authorities, who through constant communication work towards boosting the networks operations. The co-operation in has been successful so far. This paper summarizes the results of TRITS in the development.

Paper Title

The SafeTRIP project: improving road safety for passenger vehicles using 2-way satellite communications

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00900
  • France


SafeTRIP is an Integrated project (IP) of 20 partners from 7 European countries. It is coordinated by Sanef and represents an effort of about 11.5 million ?, with funding of 7.9 million ? by the European Commission DG Research. It started in October 2009 and will last 3 y...Lead moreSafeTRIP is an Integrated project (IP) of 20 partners from 7 European countries. It is coordinated by Sanef and represents an effort of about 11.5 million ?, with funding of 7.9 million ? by the European Commission DG Research. It started in October 2009 and will last 3 years. Its general objective is to improve the use of road transport infrastructures and to optimize the alert chain in case of incidents by offering an integrated system from data collection to safety service provision. Therefore, SafeTRIP will contribute to the objectives of the EC regarding road transport safety and of road fatalities reduction. SafeTRIP benefits from a new satellite technology: the S-band supported by the W2A satellite that was successfully launched in April 2009. Opening new perspectives for European telecommunications, the S-band is optimized for multimedia content delivery and 2-way data communications for on-board vehicles units. A low cost OBU “Greenbox receiver” will be installed in vehicles to provide personalized safety services, such as emergency calls and messages, incident and hazard warning, speed alert, vehicle monitoring and tracking, eco driving, driving assistance, pay as you drive, etc. These applications, dedicated to car and busses passenger vehicles, will be experimented in the field on French and Spanish roads as well as on the Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam corridor.

Paper Title

EGNOS-On-The-Road: what can be expected from EGNOS compared to GPS for road traffic management services

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00897
  • Francois PEYRET
  • Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees
  • France


Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, are more and more playing a key role in the development of new traffic applications and services, such as those making use of “Geofencing” techniques, electronic tolling systems being the most famous among them. Geo...Lead moreGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, are more and more playing a key role in the development of new traffic applications and services, such as those making use of “Geofencing” techniques, electronic tolling systems being the most famous among them. Geofencing needs geopositioning and in most of the case, geopositioning with a certain level of quality, in particular in terms of integrity for the liability-critical applications. The EGNOS system is the European Wide Area Augmentation System for GPS and has been built, upon air transport specifications, to increase the accuracy, but mainly the integrity of GPS system. The French Ministry in charge of Transport, the MEEDDM, has funded 2 specific studies, called “EGNOS-On-The-Road” 1 and 2, to assess, thanks to full-scale experiments in real-life conditions, the improvements that can be expected from EGNOS on the road, compared to GPS. The authors first describe the experimental test bench, the GNSS sensors and the data processing that have been used. Then they present the results, in terms of availability, accuracy and integrity, for several types of sensors: stand-alone GPS receivers, EGNOS/GPS receivers and even hybridized GNSS/dead-reckoning systems, with internal and external antennas. The paper ends with a conclusion and high-level recommendations.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00893
  • Katalin Kovacs
  • Szechenyi Istvan University
  • Hungary


Traffic systems are man-made systems in which the human component as a complex factor plays a significant part. The realistic modeling of them is extremely complicated. The aim of the paper is to present a behavior model of inhomogeneous driver-populations. The model, whi...Lead moreTraffic systems are man-made systems in which the human component as a complex factor plays a significant part. The realistic modeling of them is extremely complicated. The aim of the paper is to present a behavior model of inhomogeneous driver-populations. The model, which handles the time-dependent parameters of driver behavior as the most important predictors, describes the movement and the behavior of the inhomogeneous driver-populations approaching a signalized intersection, passing the amber signal light. The second part of the paper presents an estimation method. The method that was developed using the model parameters opens the door to estimating the composition of drivers and measuring the capacity of an intersection on a more sensitive scale.

Paper Title

Development and linking of intelligent infrastructure in Romania

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00892
  • Florin Nemtanu
  • Politehnica University of Bucharest
  • Romania


The authors present in this paper the actual stage of ITS domain in Romania and the future actions, especially in EasyWay project. The paper is focused on three main levels: interfaces between urban and interurban roads, interurban roads and European road network. The pap...Lead moreThe authors present in this paper the actual stage of ITS domain in Romania and the future actions, especially in EasyWay project. The paper is focused on three main levels: interfaces between urban and interurban roads, interurban roads and European road network. The paper shows the level of development, not only related with road administrator and national government, but also related with research and development entities and underlines the most important actions and legislative initiative in Romania. Another issue, which is revealed in the paper, is the main tasks of the Romania’s Work Plan in EasyWay phase II and the correlation of its activities at European level. The conclusions highlight the principal two main actions at national levels: the connection of ITS road infrastructure between urban and interurban area and the development at national level an ITS infrastructure for European ITS Services.

Paper Title

Management of Truck Parking Spaces Availability at COFIROUTE

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00891
  • Franck Petit
  • France


With the permanent will to improve quality of service on its motorway network, COFIROUTE is putting in place an experimentation that consists in displaying availability information upstream the rest and services areas. One parking lot on a services area will be fully equi...Lead moreWith the permanent will to improve quality of service on its motorway network, COFIROUTE is putting in place an experimentation that consists in displaying availability information upstream the rest and services areas. One parking lot on a services area will be fully equipped with presence sensors on each space, and two dedicated variable message signs will display in real time the number of free spaces. This paper describes the context of this experimentation, the technical solution that has been chosen and the evaluation that will be carried out.

Paper Title

Speed Limits Database Management: COFIROUTE’s Test Site in ROSATTE Project

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00890
  • Franck Petit
  • France


This paper describes the ROSATTE project general scope and objectives, details its achievements so far and presents the test site in which COFIROUTE is involved. This test site deals with the exchange of static and dynamic speed limit information between motorway companie...Lead moreThis paper describes the ROSATTE project general scope and objectives, details its achievements so far and presents the test site in which COFIROUTE is involved. This test site deals with the exchange of static and dynamic speed limit information between motorway companies and map providers. In this sense it reflects the specific point of view of a motorway company on this topic: indeed, having the same speed limit on the ground and on digital maps is of high importance regarding road safety on motorways, and so taking into account dynamic speed limits is necessary.

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An operational perspective on the organisation of large scale field operational tests of intelligent vehicles

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00887
  • Maxime Flament
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
  • Belgium


Field Operational Tests (FOT) are large-scale test programmes aiming at a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency, quality, robustness and acceptance of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) solutions used for smarter, safer and cleaner and more comfortable ...Lead moreField Operational Tests (FOT) are large-scale test programmes aiming at a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency, quality, robustness and acceptance of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) solutions used for smarter, safer and cleaner and more comfortable transport solutions. The operational aspects for the organisation of large scale FOT have been carefully described during the preparation of the euroFOT project funded by the EC DG information Society and Media. euroFOT involves 1000 vehicles with four vehicle management centres and 11 operation sites spread over most of Europe. This paper relates to the euroFOT project organisation and summarises the most important issues to take into account before and during the operations of a FOT based on lessons learned during pilot and ramping up of operations.

Paper Title

PASTORI project defines the future ITS services portfolio

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00886
  • Raine Hautala
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


The combination of advanced ICT and more precise positioning, provided by the European satellite positioning system Galileo, will drive the development of new service solutions that are based e.g. on real-time location identification, actual kilometres driven, object/user...Lead moreThe combination of advanced ICT and more precise positioning, provided by the European satellite positioning system Galileo, will drive the development of new service solutions that are based e.g. on real-time location identification, actual kilometres driven, object/user identification and electronic transactions. The greatest challenges facing developers of ITS services are the lack of working business models, the ambiguity and complexity of value networks, fixed standard practices through regulation or long history, as well as lack of risk-favouring approaches that should be facilitated. The market is looking for open implementation solutions based on true user needs. The objective of PASTORI project is to meet the aforementioned challenges. The project will deliver the necessary functional specifications and business models, drawing from concrete pilot services and proof-of-concepts, including e.g. safety and emergency services, insurance and taxation, and services based on mobility pricing.

Paper Title

Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System (CVIS) London Test site

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00883
  • Rene Burke
  • Transport for London (TfL)
  • UK


CVIS (Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems) is a major European research and development project with the aim to design, develop and test cooperative systems technologies. It is supported by the European Commission under the 6th framework programme for research and ...Lead moreCVIS (Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems) is a major European research and development project with the aim to design, develop and test cooperative systems technologies. It is supported by the European Commission under the 6th framework programme for research and development. The project’s ambition is to begin a revolution in mobility for travellers and goods, completely re-engineering how drivers, vehicles, goods and transport infrastructure interact. The project has over 60 partners bringing together a mix of public authorities, road operators, technology suppliers, vehicle manufacturers, research institutions and affiliated organisations. The project started in February 2006, and will end in June 2010 with a budget of over 40 million Euros. It is an important project in the development and the deployment of cooperative systems technology in the EU. The CVIS London Test Site was established to test and develop project results primarily coming from the Co-operative Freight and Fleet (CF&F) sub project from within the CVIS integrated project. The CVIS technology provided operators with an advanced loading bay booking system. An important aspect of the London test site was to use real freight operators, and real drivers and vehicles under normal day to day operations. The paper outlines the objective of the trial, the approach and the operation. This leads to the results and conclusion.

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Results of the Galileo Speed Warning Project: Incentivising drivers to improve the adoption rates of using Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) technology

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00882
  • Jonathan Guard
  • Avego Limited
  • Ireland


Intelligent Speed Adaptation technology has been around for over 20 years and large trials of several thousand participants have taken place, but adoption and growth in the availability of products and use of ISA remains low. Can reward based incentive schemes increase th...Lead moreIntelligent Speed Adaptation technology has been around for over 20 years and large trials of several thousand participants have taken place, but adoption and growth in the availability of products and use of ISA remains low. Can reward based incentive schemes increase the levels of adoption and change driver behavior? This paper presents the results from work completed by the authors in a collaboration project called Galileo Speed Warning, partially funded under a 7th Framework program which has resulted in the development of the CARAT Counter (Continuous Assessment of Road ATtitude).

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EfficientDynamics Approach to Sustainable CO2 Reduction

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00878
  • Jan Loewenau
  • BMW Group Research & Technology
  • Germany


Climate change brought about by industrial influences is a matter of fact and requires urgent action by everyone, including the automotive industry. No other car manufacturer has reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of its vehicle range to a greater extent than the ...Lead moreClimate change brought about by industrial influences is a matter of fact and requires urgent action by everyone, including the automotive industry. No other car manufacturer has reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of its vehicle range to a greater extent than the BMW Group with its 'EfficientDynamics' strategy. Focus is pointed on a common project that offers BMW, NAVTEQ and partners the opportunity to share views, requirements and concepts regarding the field of green driving to reduce CO2 emissions. And also it gives the opportunity to support map database suppliers in developing new methods of dynamic data capturing, dynamic extending data formats, and obtaining feedback through real-life experience with the BMW prototype application eCoAssist. The nature of this research project dictates the need for deep experience in Car2X communication services for green in-vehicle applications, predictive efficiency driving strategies with optimized longitudinal control as well as multimodale and perspective HMI functionalities. BMW will demonstrate the complete chain of the eCoAssist application to reduce CO2 emissions. The results of the project will be taken into account for the development of the EfficientDynamics and ConnectedDrive strategy that includes: ? Engine start stop function and intelligent energy management ? Brake energy regeneration and gear shift indicator ? Improved engines and power train ? Learning electronic horizon ? Predictive efficiency driving strategies with optimized longitudinal control ? Multimodale and perspective HMI functionalities ? Intelligent ACC with special control strategies and Car2X communication to achieve the target of fuel reduction.

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Pedestrian Detection Using Mobile Phone Technology - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00877
  • Steve Kearns
  • Transport for London
  • UK


PEDESTRIAN DETECTION USING MOBILE PHONE TECHNOLOGY This paper outlines the steps that have been taken by Transport for London to utilise mobile phone technology as a means of identifying pedestrian movement. It sets this work in a strategic context, describing how informa...Lead morePEDESTRIAN DETECTION USING MOBILE PHONE TECHNOLOGY This paper outlines the steps that have been taken by Transport for London to utilise mobile phone technology as a means of identifying pedestrian movement. It sets this work in a strategic context, describing how information about pedestrian movement complements information about vehicular movement in helping to achieve the Mayor of London's objective of facilitating movement in the city. The importance and benefits of acquiring real time / near real time information is emphasised throughout the paper. The paper details how the information derived from utilising mobile phone technology relating to pedestrian movement could be used to influence issues such as traffic signal programme modification, validation of traffic and transportation models, design of public transport facilities, location of street furniture / bus stops etc. The paper describes the brief that was set for the trial - including identification of pattern of pedestrian movement; measurement of dwell time; identification of dwell location; establishing the existence of any linked movement patterns; identifying the nationality of phones observed. It also deals with issues that have arisen during the trials undertaken including the latency of data transmission; volume of data generated; hardware requirements and issues associated with privacy of individuals. The paper draws the conclusion that acquisition of accurate and timely information about pedestrian movement is a vital additional element in developing systems to enhance efficient movement in urban areas.

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A unified multimodal Level of Service definition for Cargo Transportation based on Network Analysis

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00875
  • Juergen Zajicek
  • AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Austria


In this contribution a unified multimodal Level of Service definition for Cargo Transportation is proposed. By the use of novel Network Analysis (NA) methods a complex system of dependencies and interactions for four transport modes is generated for the purpose of cargo t...Lead moreIn this contribution a unified multimodal Level of Service definition for Cargo Transportation is proposed. By the use of novel Network Analysis (NA) methods a complex system of dependencies and interactions for four transport modes is generated for the purpose of cargo transportation. Based on the Level of Service (LoS) definition for passenger transportation and existing transport-mode specific LoS definitions a variety of further causal effects on transport quality have been identified, which are being defined by qualitative and quantitative indicators. With the creation of a multimodal semantic map the basis for highly sophisticated decision support in examining possible influences on transport quality and negotiating service contracts for high priority Supply Chains (SC) is given. Considering latest state of the art Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), meteorological data, calendar events and seasonal transport mode specific features a perspective of possible value added services (VAS) for risk optimization in Supply Chain Management (SCM) will be described.

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Next Generation of Automotive Security: Secure Hardware and Secure Open Platforms

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00874
  • Marko Wolf
  • escrypt GmbH - Embedded Security
  • Germany


This technical paper gives a short overview about the OVERSEE project, an European research project developing a new in-vehicle application and communication platform with an overall budget of about 4 M? started in January 2010. The OVERSEE project will provide an open in...Lead moreThis technical paper gives a short overview about the OVERSEE project, an European research project developing a new in-vehicle application and communication platform with an overall budget of about 4 M? started in January 2010. The OVERSEE project will provide an open in-vehicle information technology (IT) platform and corresponding internal and external communication interfaces for downloading and execution of OEM applications as well as third party applications ? similar to application stores known from mobile smart phones ? in a safe, secure, and very flexible manner. Thus, OVERSEE will lower the barriers, that means, the costs and risks, for realizing new vehicular applications by providing a rich and standardized vehicular runtime environment, while dependably enforcing the security and reliability of the underlying information technology.

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Priority of commercial trucks through dedicated lane assignment

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00873
  • Orjan Tveit
  • Norway


The PRINT project seeks in simple terms to permit a more green traffic flow in urban areas through reducing pollution from commercial trucks by giving priority and thereby decrease the numbers of stop and starts. The green ITS solution is based upon existing technology li...Lead moreThe PRINT project seeks in simple terms to permit a more green traffic flow in urban areas through reducing pollution from commercial trucks by giving priority and thereby decrease the numbers of stop and starts. The green ITS solution is based upon existing technology like detection, tracking and priority hierarchy within traffic light signaling. The adaptation and utilization to aid commercial trucks is however a new concept, that shows substantial potential with regards to reducing emissions and fuel consumptions. The next step in a proposed Norwegian development is to allow commercial trucks in priority lanes in urban areas instead of lining them up in queues. Signal priority and priority lanes combined are investigated in the PRINT project. An extension with a total concept embracing both priority as well as management may be the supreme solution to utilize green ITS and reducing emissions and fuel consumptions. This paper describes a proposed lane setup dedicated for heavy vehicles only. The reserved lane gives commercial trucks and buses the wanted progress given a situation with heavy traffic flows and traffic jam. High occupancy for both goods and persons should be in focus for the transport function of the arterial roads. The paper also describes a possible ITS based solution allowing the commercial truck to use onboard units to dynamically gets permits from a lane management system based upon available capacity.

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Market Model for a GNSS+enabled service Converged Platform

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00872
  • Rasmus Lindholm
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
  • Belgium


At this moment the market for GNSS-enabled road transport services is fragmented in vertical silos. The problem is that every new service adds a new gadget in the vehicle, a new back-office infrastructure and a new contract with new customer relations to be maintained. Th...Lead moreAt this moment the market for GNSS-enabled road transport services is fragmented in vertical silos. The problem is that every new service adds a new gadget in the vehicle, a new back-office infrastructure and a new contract with new customer relations to be maintained. This holds back not only the in-vehicle telematics market but also the uptake of the new advanced European GNSS services Galileo and EGNOS. To overcome the problem we propose to instead use a horizontal service converged model. The end-user could then choose his range of services and his equipment and with “one box” get access to cheap and easy localization services. This paper has used benchmarking, extensive risk analysis and a study of the applicable legal framework to develop a viable market model that could resolve the problems holding the telematics market back. The result is a proposal for a role model and the responsibilities that need to be assumed by the different roles. The conclusion is the importance of a strong central actor (Service Aggregator) offering a service infrastructure and of a governing role (the Interoperability Manager) not only for road user charging but for value added services as well.

Paper Title

The Architecture for GNSS enabled Service Converge

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00871
  • Rasmus Lindholm
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
  • Belgium


The availability of EGNOS and the advent of GALILEO as a reliable, locally augmentable, certified, with integrity capability and improved performance GNSS represents an important opportunity for business and social improvement for Europe. The Road Sector and Intelligent T...Lead moreThe availability of EGNOS and the advent of GALILEO as a reliable, locally augmentable, certified, with integrity capability and improved performance GNSS represents an important opportunity for business and social improvement for Europe. The Road Sector and Intelligent Transport Services (ITS) represent a considerable market for GNSS-enabled services ? in numbers at this moment the largest ? and it is crucial to work towards the conditions that business in this market needs for exploiting the full potential and increasing the return on investment of the GALILEO and EGNOS deployments. At this moment the market for GNSS-enabled road transport services is fragmented and for technical, procedural and contractual reasons, the service infrastructure (in-vehicle onboard equipment and central proxy) for one application cannot be used for the deployment and operation of other applications. This paper is discussing the approach behind the architecture of GSC based on GNSS and EGNOS and the Horizontal role model used in GSC.

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WISETRIP: Wide Scale Multimodal and Intelligent Journey Planner

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00868
  • Antonio Marques
  • Etra Investigacion y Desarrollo
  • Spain


WISETRIP is a research project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for R&D. The project consortium is formed by twelve participants from eight different countries: Greece, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and China. Th...Lead moreWISETRIP is a research project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for R&D. The project consortium is formed by twelve participants from eight different countries: Greece, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and China. The overall objective of this project is to develop and validate an innovative mobility service platform, which provides and personalizes multi-modal travel information. This system combines a variety of national and international Journey Planners (JP) in order to provide the user with real time personalized information anytime anywhere. The present paper will try to describe WISETRIP system and give an idea of how it will be developed and validated, focussing on the personalisation system, where ETRA I+D plays a major role.

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SMARTFREIGHT: Smart Freight Transport in urban areas

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00865
  • Antonio Marques
  • Etra Investigacion y Desarrollo
  • Spain


Smartfreight is a research project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for R&D. The project consortium is formed by ten participants from seven different European countries: Norway, Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, Belgium and...Lead moreSmartfreight is a research project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for R&D. The project consortium is formed by ten participants from seven different European countries: Norway, Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, Belgium and Spain. The main objective of this project is to benefit the society by making urban freight transport more efficient, environmentally friendly and safe through the smarter use of the distribution networks and through better delivery and back-load systems. The main idea is to specify, implement and evaluate an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution that enables the communication between vehicles and Traffic Management Centre. This presentation will be focused in the interoperability between the freight vehicle and the freight management systems. Specifically this document will deal with the individual freight vehicles access control by means of bidirectional communication between vehicle and the Urban Traffic Centre (UTC).

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Utilization of Tracking in Maintenance Resource Coordination

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00863
  • Johanna Ruotsalainen
  • TUT
  • Finland


The constant observation of environment and new technological opportunities is highly important for companies for ensuring the high-level customer service, their competitive advantage and cost-efficiency in the processes. This research about the utilization of tracking to...Lead moreThe constant observation of environment and new technological opportunities is highly important for companies for ensuring the high-level customer service, their competitive advantage and cost-efficiency in the processes. This research about the utilization of tracking tools in maintenance resource coordination was launched for investigating whether tracking can benefit coordination processes in the case company (global industrial service supplier), and if yes, how the advantages can be achieved. Firstly, various challenges were found in the field of mobile workforce management. Further, many of those challenges can be facilitated with tracking. However, the possibilities of tracking utilization vary in the differing business areas of the case company. Four dimensions in existing business were identified and main opportunities of tracking suggested for each of these business fields. Additionally, when implementing tracking into the business processes, few other influencing factors should also be considered. The successful implementation of tracking system and its usage necessitates strong support from management (explicit policies for using the information, training of supervisors, etc.) To summarize, the tracking tools offer numerous opportunities for maintenance resource coordination. However, the consideration of several managerial matters especially in the implementation process is required.

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Number plate fingerprinting for reliable vehicle identification in tolling applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00861
  • Martin Linauer
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


Number Plate Fingerprinting is increasingly being used to optimize the Automatic Number Plate Recognition performance in different applications. However, it is important to define an optimal configuration for the fingerprinting reference image dataset. Further a high-perf...Lead moreNumber Plate Fingerprinting is increasingly being used to optimize the Automatic Number Plate Recognition performance in different applications. However, it is important to define an optimal configuration for the fingerprinting reference image dataset. Further a high-performance process is needed to select candidate vehicles from the reference image database which are compared with the query image. This paper deals with the strategy for selecting reference fingerprints from the reference image dataset and the benchmark results for different fingerprinting methods.

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Needs for international cooperation on Field Operational Tests

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00860
  • Maxime Flament
  • ERTICO - ITS Europe
  • Belgium


Field Operation Tests (FOT) are an important tool to assess the benefits of ICT-based safety or efficiency systems. The results produced by FOTs are very robust as they are based on real data from real drivers on real roads and in every possible traffic and weather enviro...Lead moreField Operation Tests (FOT) are an important tool to assess the benefits of ICT-based safety or efficiency systems. The results produced by FOTs are very robust as they are based on real data from real drivers on real roads and in every possible traffic and weather environment. Topics currently addressed by the international FOT community are Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Nomadic Devices, Cooperative Systems or even naturalistic behaviour. Facilitated by the EC-funded FOT-Net support action, the FOT community has been increasingly networking in order to identify various common issues on which it makes sense to collaborate internationally. This paper describes the ambitions of the different active regions in FOT and present their main activities and their needs for international cooperation namely: - cooperation on methodology items will focus on the formulation of shared research questions and the definition of structural data formats for exchange of data. - exchange of data as a scientific endeavour for FOT organisers with a focus on the definition of Minimum Set of Data and standard tools to analyse this data. - use of the results of FOT to facilitate faster deployment. This international cooperation activity is driven by the new collaboration agreement between EC DG Information Society and Media and US DoT RITA. The paper conclude with specific needs in order to put this agreement into actions.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00853
  • Ahmet Hartoka
  • Turkey


Turkey’s all-automated contactless card-based highway toll collection system, known with its acronym KGS, reaches its 7th year of nationwide operation in year 2010. Since 2003, the year the system was commissioned, some security breaches appeared in contactless card world...Lead moreTurkey’s all-automated contactless card-based highway toll collection system, known with its acronym KGS, reaches its 7th year of nationwide operation in year 2010. Since 2003, the year the system was commissioned, some security breaches appeared in contactless card world, especially targeting MIFARE Classic? applications. The inventor of the MIFARE Classic, NXP Semiconductors, has answered these security breaches with a fully renewed but backwards compatible chip family, called MIFARE Plus?. The new chip family not only includes newer and more advanced security mechanisms, but also has different security levels from 0 to 3 and full backwards compatibility. Thus, MIFARE Plus is an ideal solution for replacing the MIFARE Classic cards on-the-fly. In this paper, we describe how in a two year period we plan to migrate from MIFARE Classic which was then the leading technology to today’s leading technology in secure contactless cards, MIFARE Plus.