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Paper Title

Intelligent Instrastructure Testing and Evaluation for Electric Vehicle Performance

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01324
  • Visalakshmi Suresh
  • Newcastle University
  • UK


This paper will present the electric vehicle remote data monitoring system to analyze the energy efficiency, range and carbon emission. An automated system to monitor the electric vehicle performance is being designed, implemented and evaluated. The data from vehicle CAN ...Lead moreThis paper will present the electric vehicle remote data monitoring system to analyze the energy efficiency, range and carbon emission. An automated system to monitor the electric vehicle performance is being designed, implemented and evaluated. The data from vehicle CAN bus, on board diagnostic ports, discreet sensors, battery monitoring systems and geographic positioning systems are integrated for knowledge discovery. The vehicle performance is assessed in terms of energy regeneration, drive efficiency with respect to altitude, congestion state of the road and thereby the battery consumption is categorized over individual journeys. The system evaluation will illustrate the carbon emissions of a similar fossil fuelled vehicle through onboard simulation for concurrent journeys.

Paper Title

Finding Fairness in Tolling Schemes

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01323
  • Norbert Schindler
  • Siemens Electronic Tolling
  • Austria


Various types of road infrastructure and different political goals lead to a variety of tolling principles implemented on road networks, most usually to generate revenues or to regulate traffic. When a tolling policy is established, the issue of fairness is always raised....Lead moreVarious types of road infrastructure and different political goals lead to a variety of tolling principles implemented on road networks, most usually to generate revenues or to regulate traffic. When a tolling policy is established, the issue of fairness is always raised. Fairness applies not only to road users, but also to the infrastructure owners and service providers. Issues such as traffic congestion and environmental impact are also often taken into consideration when a tolling policy is being developed. Since ancient times, when tolling schemes were first introduced, there has never been a tolling solution in which all involved parties were completely satisfied. From a commercial perspective, someone has to pay for the road infrastructure, capital expenditures, operational services, and road maintenance. When it comes to tolling, political decision-makers are usually forced to choose among a variety of solutions ? each being problematic in some form or another, and sure to aggravate a certain group of constituents. We describe some tolling paradigms which are conducive to achieving fairness in tolling, thanks to the development of advanced technology which enables an optimal approach to more accurately toll wider variety of road networks. In particular, we elaborate on the recent deployment of state-of-the-art satellite-based tolling technology in Central Europe. Through the use of advanced technologies, regular adaptations to tolling implementation can be easily realized as toll policies are optimized in order to reach a maximum amount of fairness for users of the road infrastructure.

Paper Title

IPv6 GeoNetworking for ITS: lessons of the GeoNet Project

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01322
  • Arnaud De La Fortelle
  • Mines ParisTech
  • France


The European project GeoNet ran two years (2008-2010). It specified, implemented and tested an IPv6 GeoNetworking mechanism that is currently submitted for standardization. This paper aims at a high level overview of what is exactly IPv6 GeoNetworking, what it is for and ...Lead moreThe European project GeoNet ran two years (2008-2010). It specified, implemented and tested an IPv6 GeoNetworking mechanism that is currently submitted for standardization. This paper aims at a high level overview of what is exactly IPv6 GeoNetworking, what it is for and why it is considered as a key feature worth standardizing. In short, IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6 and particularly the mobility protocols) gives to ITS all the communication power of the Internet, most notably within the ISO CALM standard. GeoNetworking is the ability for communication systems to send a message to a geographic area. Its first design by the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium was for safety. A non-IP choice was made for efficiency reasons (very short latency). The GeoNet project was launched to ensure the convergence between two communication systems that seemed to be developed in parallel.

Paper Title

Is Tolling Based On Satellite-Positioning Possible?

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01319
  • Karl-Heinz Stappert
  • TUV Rheinland InterTraffic GmbH
  • Germany


Tolling is becoming more important in countries with a high demand for financing road infrastructure. The traditional way of tolling relies on manual collection methods with stopping vehicles at barriers, extensive staff involvement and a considerable share of handling ca...Lead moreTolling is becoming more important in countries with a high demand for financing road infrastructure. The traditional way of tolling relies on manual collection methods with stopping vehicles at barriers, extensive staff involvement and a considerable share of handling cash. In a situation of growing traffic demand tolling by traditional means adds to congestion. Established electronic toll collection systems use tag and beacon technology and DSRC communication. However, this technology requires extensive installation of gantries at the toll road, which is not always possible or convenient. The concept of using satellite-positioning for tolling purposes was brought up in the mid-nineties. About 10 years later the first real wide-spread application of a satellite-based toll system was started for trucks on motorways in Germany. This system has now been performing well for more than 5 years without malfunction whilst generating considerable revenue. Meanwhile a second satellite-based tolling system was started in Slovakia. More governments are planning the introduction of tolling using this technical option, e.g. France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Sweden, the UK and the USA. Based on these developments pros and cons of satellite-based toll systems will be presented. Experience from Germany will show, that there are no substantial problems, which would prevent this technology from being used in more tolling schemes. Ongoing activities in different countries indicate, that the advantages of the new tolling technology seem to outweigh the disadvantages. The presentation will give guidelines on how to decide about the introduction of a satellite-based toll system.

Paper Title

Digital maps for lane level and pedestrian positioning

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01317
  • Kees Wevers
  • Netherlands


Certain driving assistance and active safety applications would benefit from lane level vehicle positioning. This applies both to autonomous and cooperative systems. Similarly, pedestrian navigation applications require accurate and precise positioning at the level of a w...Lead moreCertain driving assistance and active safety applications would benefit from lane level vehicle positioning. This applies both to autonomous and cooperative systems. Similarly, pedestrian navigation applications require accurate and precise positioning at the level of a walkway or a pedestrian crossing. Such positioning requires a combination of accurate absolute positioning and accurate digital maps of sufficient resolution with information concerning lane level details. The paper addresses the requirements for both positioning and the digital map, and especially assesses if the requirements for the digital map can be met in the near future, and the impact of this development on the map database in terms of specification, capturing and maintenance cost, and map database file size. A promising new data capturing method that seems technically and economically feasible for large-scale acquisition of such data will be described and evaluated. This new method is also promising for capturing data for pedestrian maps permitting accurate positioning and navigation.

Paper Title

Joint Interpretation of On-board vision and static GPS cartography for Determination of Correct Speed Limit

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01316
  • Fabien Moutarde
  • Mines ParisTech
  • France


We present here a first prototype of a “Speed Limit Support” Advance Driving Assistance System (ADAS) producing permanent reliable information on the current speed limit applicable to the vehicle. Such a module can be used either for information of the driver, or could ev...Lead moreWe present here a first prototype of a “Speed Limit Support” Advance Driving Assistance System (ADAS) producing permanent reliable information on the current speed limit applicable to the vehicle. Such a module can be used either for information of the driver, or could even serve for automatic setting of the maximum speed of a smart Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). Our system is based on a joint interpretation of cartographic information (for static reference information) with on-board vision, used for traffic sign detection and recognition (including supplementary sub-signs) and visual road lines localization (for detection of lane changes). The visual traffic sign detection part is quite robust (90% global correct detection and recognition for main speed signs, and 80% for exit-lane sub-signs detection). Our approach for joint interpretation with cartography is original, and logic-based rather than probability-based, which allows correct behaviour even in cases, which do happen, when both vision and cartography may provide the same erroneous information.

Paper Title

Core European ITS services from a national perspective

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01315
  • Arne Lindeberg
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


This paper describes the concept of core European ITS services in the EasyWay project and more specifically the two services identified within the Freight and Logistics services area. These are “Intelligent Truck Parking” and “Access to abnormal and hazardous goods inform...Lead moreThis paper describes the concept of core European ITS services in the EasyWay project and more specifically the two services identified within the Freight and Logistics services area. These are “Intelligent Truck Parking” and “Access to abnormal and hazardous goods information”. The paper also deals with advantages and some challenges connected to such services from a national (Swedish) perspective.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01314
  • Jan Buehne
  • University of Cologne
  • Germany


Despite their expected potential to improve road safety, the deployment of cooperative vehicle safety systems can be disturbed or delayed because of lack of user acceptance and the possible occurence of market failures such as external effects. The analysis of market fail...Lead moreDespite their expected potential to improve road safety, the deployment of cooperative vehicle safety systems can be disturbed or delayed because of lack of user acceptance and the possible occurence of market failures such as external effects. The analysis of market failures in regard to cooperative vehicle safety systems has yet received only minor attention within scientific research. This paper presents the results of an internet based survey in order to estimate demand-related obstacles. The knowledge, awareness and acceptance of cooperative vehicle safety systems were checked as well as the willingness-to-pay of users. Also the participants were asked to define the role of public and private bodies in the implementation process.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01309
  • Gwenaelle Toulminet
  • Ecole des Mines de Paris
  • France


Four different French motorway companies (ASF, ATMB, SANEF and SAPN), the service provider Autoroutes Trafic and PSA are involved in the European project COOPERS (COOPerative systEms for Intelligent Road Safety). Their participation consists in six demonstrations which ha...Lead moreFour different French motorway companies (ASF, ATMB, SANEF and SAPN), the service provider Autoroutes Trafic and PSA are involved in the European project COOPERS (COOPerative systEms for Intelligent Road Safety). Their participation consists in six demonstrations which have the objective to investigate the future of traffic management for road operators. The work in the project aimed at enriching the uplink by using service vehicle as xFCD source or by automatically sending emergency call data to TCC. It also aimed at dedicating the down information and proving the concept of “on board VMS” using GPRS communication medium. In this paper, we present the results obtained during the real driving demonstrations. We also present an analysis of the results from technical, efficiency and user acceptability point of view and possible impact on road safety.

Paper Title

E_Adept a Complete Support and Guidance System for Elderly and Disabled People

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01308
  • Haval Davoody
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


The “speedy” society puts tougher demands on each individual to cope with more information in less time, extending travel limits and be able to absorb more and more of different type of information. Mobility is one of the most noticeable activities that makes elderly peop...Lead moreThe “speedy” society puts tougher demands on each individual to cope with more information in less time, extending travel limits and be able to absorb more and more of different type of information. Mobility is one of the most noticeable activities that makes elderly people dysfunctional in the society. Many projects have been carried out in trying to get a better life for elderly and disabled people. Most of these research and pilot projects end up as a report collecting dust as a shelf wormer. Some other projects reach the market, where many obstacles face a complete implementation helping the target group. Some few make it whole the way and they are invaluable for many persons in their daily life. Here is an example of a project where many partners have put their heads together, partners from the whole chain. This constellation increases has a much better chance to go the whole way, studying every step to make sure that it will reach its goal in making life easier for a growing part of the population in many parts of the world. e-Adept is a project that combines researchers, industry, sector authorities, investment companies and of course the target group. e-Adept gathers a range of services needed by the target groups, allowing at the same time the freedom and flexibility in adapting the services individually. e-Adept is an open architecture which allows further development, adding more services and user groups

Paper Title

The facility layer for cooperative applications and services

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01306
  • Peter Christ
  • Belgium


Standardisation in ETSI, CEN and ISO CALM agrees on a common architecture for the ITS station. Frequencies have been assigned for ITS services at 5.9GHz in Europe, US and Japan. A basic set of applications for safe, efficient and environmental friendly mobility is defined...Lead moreStandardisation in ETSI, CEN and ISO CALM agrees on a common architecture for the ITS station. Frequencies have been assigned for ITS services at 5.9GHz in Europe, US and Japan. A basic set of applications for safe, efficient and environmental friendly mobility is defined in ETSI and functional and operational requirements for the facility layer to support those applications have been specified in a trial specification for Europe. The CVIS project started before and contributed the ETSI standardisation. This paper presents the Framework of Open Applications Management (FOAM), the middleware and facility layer of the CVIS project. The CVIS project validated the FOAM implementation against the high level objectives to fulfil the requirements of a cooperative system. The validations results will be given. FOAM is an early implementation of what ETSI is specifying as facility layer. This paper will discuss how and to what extend FOAM meets the functional and operational requirements of the ETSI basic set of applications.

Paper Title

Swedish Distance Based Charging - Field Trials Results

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01305
  • Thomas Sjostrom
  • Sweden


Distance based charging for heavy goods vehicles is set to be implemented in Sweden, probably as soon as 2013. In order to support this implementation a test site is being established in southern Sweden. The Swedish concept, an approach to a distance based charging servic...Lead moreDistance based charging for heavy goods vehicles is set to be implemented in Sweden, probably as soon as 2013. In order to support this implementation a test site is being established in southern Sweden. The Swedish concept, an approach to a distance based charging service adapted to both national requirements and harmonised with European standardisation, has to be practically tested prior a full scale implementation. The research and development project ARENA, funded by the Swedish Road Administration, VINNOVA and European Regional Development Fund aim to conduct field trials on the test site and deploys part of the infrastructure that will be operated by the authorities. Cooperation with industry will allow for testing of in-vehicle equipment and communication. The field trials are operational from November 2009 to April 2010 and are divided in two parts; a full participation during normal conditions and a test track in a controlled research environment. Participation is open to all companies that are ready to fulfill the field trial requirements and obligations. The purpose is to test and demonstrate the technical solutions of the participating companies and to verify the Arena concept. A quantitative technical evaluation as well as a qualitative evaluation will be performed from three different perspectives; Toll Charger, Toll Service Provider and from a Users perspective. The field trials are currently ongoing and results from the trials will be available at the time of presentation in Busan

Paper Title

Electronic horizon, local dynamic map and perception horizon

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01304
  • Kees Wevers
  • Netherlands


The electronic horizon is a key concept in the realm of autonomous driving assistance systems. It is a forward-looking limited size extract of relevant geometry and attributes from the map database in support of various driver support, comfort, safety and efficiency appli...Lead moreThe electronic horizon is a key concept in the realm of autonomous driving assistance systems. It is a forward-looking limited size extract of relevant geometry and attributes from the map database in support of various driver support, comfort, safety and efficiency applications. The local dynamic map is a more recent key concept in the realm of cooperative driving assistance systems. It provides a map related data store of relevant static, slowly dynamic and highly dynamic information in the vicinity of the vehicle, for use in safety and efficiency applications. The latest development is the concept of the perception horizon, with entails a far-reaching integration of relevant sensor data, electronic horizon and communication data. The paper will describe relevant details of the three concepts, and especially identify their relationships and commonalities.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01303
  • Ljupko Smunovic
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
  • Croatia


ABSTRACT In modern society, every person is guaranteed the freedom of movement and accessibility of the desired destination. This means that a society in which people with disabilities will have the same rights as other members of the community should be promoted. In orde...Lead moreABSTRACT In modern society, every person is guaranteed the freedom of movement and accessibility of the desired destination. This means that a society in which people with disabilities will have the same rights as other members of the community should be promoted. In order to improve the conditions for the movement and accessibility for blind persons in Croatia, mainly the traditional measures (lowering curbs, building ramps, elevators, lifting platforms, etc.) are applied, which try to remove architectural barriers that stand in the way of pedestrians to the destination. There is little use of advanced management measures and traffic management. This paper describes navigation as an integral part of pedestrian traffic management problems. Independent walking of blind persons in a familiar environment is possible only with the help of a white cane. Ina n unknown environment, things are much more complex. Further complications can occurr due to sudden changes in goals and redefinition of paths. Using the services provided by intelligent transport systems, certain improvements are possible, such as finding a certain location in an unknown area, walking on the streets and travelling by public transport. In that way, the disadvantages of and discrimination against blind people are reduced. The paper also gives an overview of technologies used for navigation in developed countries. The problems of positioning and orientation, whaich are essential for navigation, are also described.

Paper Title

South African Open Road Tolling Programme - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01302
  • Salahdin Yacoubi
  • Kapsch South
  • South Africa


South African Open Road Tolling ProgrammeSouth African Open Road Tolling Programme

Paper Title

Clustering DSRC-based Networks for Logistics Operations in Ports - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01299
  • Adrian Coronado Mondragon
  • The University of Hull
  • UK


As supply chains become larger and global, so is their dependency on port facilities running complex multimodal operations. Modern port facilities have increasing needs involving track and trace, security, information sharing and visibility. Dedicated Short Range Communic...Lead moreAs supply chains become larger and global, so is their dependency on port facilities running complex multimodal operations. Modern port facilities have increasing needs involving track and trace, security, information sharing and visibility. Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) @ 5.9 GHz is a technology that has the potential to meet the multiple needs of port facilities given their dependence on road haulage and other modes of transport. A cluster arrangement based on the type of logistics operations performed by road haulage vehicles is used to assess the deployment of DSRC-based wireless networks. Logistics operations analysis and network modeling and simulation are performed to demonstrate the feasibility of the cluster approach, which uses a pilot truck leader, to facilitate cooperation between road haulage vehicles using the roads within port facilities; as well as to meet port and terminal operators need for accurate monitoring based on probe data and location applications.

Paper Title

Cargo centric approach for Supply Chain Design - Reference Architecture

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01298
  • Manfred Gschweidl
  • University of Applied Sciences
  • Austria


This intended paper describes a reference architecture developed in the European project EURIDICE, funded by the European Commission for new approaches regarding supply chain design and information systems integration of different stakeholders throughout supply chains. Th...Lead moreThis intended paper describes a reference architecture developed in the European project EURIDICE, funded by the European Commission for new approaches regarding supply chain design and information systems integration of different stakeholders throughout supply chains. The detailed high level architecture design phase has been finished and it will be described in the final paper with the most important architecture components providing novelty for supply chain design.

Paper Title

Traffic management / Competition on governmental organisation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01297
  • Axel Stocker
  • Armed Forces
  • Switzerland


The need of strategically joint of Traffic Management and Traffic Information is well accepted. Strategic Traffic Management should be follow and support the general economical guidelines of the government. Various channels, not under fully control of the public bodies, o...Lead moreThe need of strategically joint of Traffic Management and Traffic Information is well accepted. Strategic Traffic Management should be follow and support the general economical guidelines of the government. Various channels, not under fully control of the public bodies, often distribute traffic Information. To gain control over Traffic Information channels and therewith enhance the importance of Traffic Management it is proposed to take more control. Several marketing and business plans described this situation already. The different to other works is this paper is beside the ordinary marketing tools elaborated and additional justified by the military approach of fact finding and decision making.

Paper Title

Traffic Data Sharing to Deliver Seamless Information Services - A Scottish Example

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01296
  • Graeme Scott
  • IBI Group
  • UK


This paper will focus on the work being undertaken by Transport Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council to implement seamless information across operational boundaries in a cost-effective manner. Such information can be of benefit to both road users and road authorities. T...Lead moreThis paper will focus on the work being undertaken by Transport Scotland and City of Edinburgh Council to implement seamless information across operational boundaries in a cost-effective manner. Such information can be of benefit to both road users and road authorities. This aim will be delivered through making best use of additional infrastructure, adding new detection sites, and harnessing new data exchange protocols. The results of the work will be used as a model for further implementation in towns and cities throughout Scotland, and can provide lessons to other road authorities.

Paper Title

Making Accident Data Compatible With ITS-based Traffic Management: Turkish Case

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01295
  • Yavuz Duvarci
  • Izmir Institute of Technology
  • Turkey


One of the most important reasons of the high rate of accidents would largely lend itself to ineffective data collection and evaluation process since the necessary information cannot be obtained effectively from the traffic accidents reports (TAR). The discord and dealing...Lead moreOne of the most important reasons of the high rate of accidents would largely lend itself to ineffective data collection and evaluation process since the necessary information cannot be obtained effectively from the traffic accidents reports (TAR). The discord and dealing with non-relevant data may appear at four levels: (1) Country and Cultural, (2) Institutional and organizational, (3) Data collection, (4) Data analysis and Evaluation. The case findings are consistent with this knowledge put forward in the literature; there is a transparency problem in coordination between the institutions as well as the inefficient TAR data, which is open to manipulation; the problem of under-reporting and inappropriate data storage prevails before the false statistical evaluation methods. The old-fashioned data management structure causes incompatibility with the novel technologies, avoiding timely interventions in reducing accidents and alleviating the fatalities. Transmission of the data to the interest agencies for evaluation and effective operation of the ITS-based systems should be considered. The problem areas were explored through diagnoses at institutional, data collection, and evaluation steps and the solutions were determined accordingly for the case city of Izmir.

Paper Title

V2I Data Exchange Architecture For Enhanced Vehicle-Road Cooperation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01294
  • Samer Ammoun
  • Inria
  • France


Mobile communication has a big potential in the transportation domain. Due to constant progress in the technology, new concepts of cooperation are emerging between vehicles as well as between vehicles and the road infrastructure. The French project Divas is focusing on th...Lead moreMobile communication has a big potential in the transportation domain. Due to constant progress in the technology, new concepts of cooperation are emerging between vehicles as well as between vehicles and the road infrastructure. The French project Divas is focusing on the risk related only to the vehicle-road link. The objective of Divas is to establish a dialogue between the vehicle and the road in order to enhance safety on all types of roads with a particular focus on rural roads for which few research effort is done. In order to perform this task, researchers from different horizons (private companies and public institutes, road operators and fleet managers) are working together in order to answer these questions: What is the content of the road-vehicle dialogue? Which technology should be used? How beneficial can be the role of the road and the vehicles in the safety enhancement? Who would be liable of a Divas system? Divas system is conceived as an ADAS: the output of this system for the driver is delivered as an advised speed. But of course there are also benefits for fleet and road operators as well. In this paper, we will focus on the Divas operational system. The two main entities of this system are the Road-Side-Unit and the On-Board-Unit. Those entities are reflecting the whole work made in the project. Their functions and the data they exchange contribute to global work undertaken for a better safety using ITS systems.

Paper Title

INTELVIA-An Integral System for Safe and Intelligent Traffic Operational Management

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01291
  • Gloria Pastor Grau
  • Applus+IDIADA
  • Spain


By using telecommunications, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) improve traffic safety and efficiency, facilitating an integral transport of people and goods. Even with the benefits obtained through ITS Systems nowadays, significant innovations will take place in the fol...Lead moreBy using telecommunications, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) improve traffic safety and efficiency, facilitating an integral transport of people and goods. Even with the benefits obtained through ITS Systems nowadays, significant innovations will take place in the following years such as the ubiquitous and integral use of computer vision, or the development and future implementation of Cooperative ITS systems that will allow a direct communication between vehicles (V2V, Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and with the roadside elements (V2I, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) by means of mobile and wireless communication. In this context, comes the INTELVIA project (1), with the clear objective of developing ITS technologies to obtain the advantages of using information and communication technologies in the field of road transport and traffic management.

Paper Title

CoCarX - LTE as a Means of Providing Managed Vehicle Telematic Services

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01289
  • Ulrich Ulrich
  • Vodafone Group Service GmbH
  • Germany


Cooperative Cars eXtended (CoCarX) is a recently started project that aims at fine tuning mobile communication technologies for the use in vehicular communication. Vodafones focus is to reuse and profile standardized network management functions that allow vehicle manufac...Lead moreCooperative Cars eXtended (CoCarX) is a recently started project that aims at fine tuning mobile communication technologies for the use in vehicular communication. Vodafones focus is to reuse and profile standardized network management functions that allow vehicle manufacturers to roll out innovative telematic services with full management and billing flexibility and without any financial risks.

Paper Title

Telematics/ITS: From Automotive to Leisure Marine Telematics; A regional case study in knowledge transfer. - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01283
  • Arn Van der Pluijm
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


This paper describes the knowledge transfer between two European funded projects within the field of Telematics / Intelligent Transport Systems. The knowledge development model that has been developed within the EADIS (European Automotive Design Innovation Studio) is tran...Lead moreThis paper describes the knowledge transfer between two European funded projects within the field of Telematics / Intelligent Transport Systems. The knowledge development model that has been developed within the EADIS (European Automotive Design Innovation Studio) is transformed into a knowledge development model that is suitable for a second programme entitled Waternavigator. EADIS was a two year international initiative funded by the EU Leonardo Da Vinci programme. It involved five European automotive and design related design educational institutions who have developed an online training programme that aims to share knowledge about automotive telematics to the automotive design community. Waternavigator is a project within the Netzwerk Toekomst programme, which is a European funded four year programme (Interreg IVb). The goal of this programme is to increase tourism and local economic activity in the Eems Dollart Region by developing ICT-oriented businesses and services. Waternavigator is one of seven projects within this programme. The aim of this project is to develop an interactive information system for water based tourists and leisure users. The knowledge transfer between the two projects consists of transforming the model of the EADIS programme into a suitable model for the WaterNavigator project. This means that the model for a collaborative learning studio for Vehicle Automotive Telematics needs to be transformed into a model for New Business Development in Marine Telematics. This paper is a scoping paper demonstrating the approach taken and outlining the further work that needs to be undertaken.

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Ontology-based risk knowledge management framework for hazardous material transportation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01277
  • Yasanur Kayikci
  • Technology University of Graz
  • Austria


Transportation of hazardous material is an important issue in European Union. The majority of haz-mat transportation within and through countries is especially road and rail-based and it contains a greater risk concern; therefore hazard assessment and prevention have even...Lead moreTransportation of hazardous material is an important issue in European Union. The majority of haz-mat transportation within and through countries is especially road and rail-based and it contains a greater risk concern; therefore hazard assessment and prevention have even a greater significance. However there is not exactly common methodology to assess risks in haz-mat transportation, in this study an ontology-based risk knowledge management framework is proposed specifically to use ontological mechanisms recognized as a suitable way for risk management that facilitates to structure important information easily to identify and analyze risks in haz-mat transportation. Moreover a semantic network is constructed for the structuring of this information. This rule-based relation uses ontology as a common knowledge domain management. Ontology describes a knowledge domain with support of standard terminology as well as relationships, rules and axioms. Finally, this study is validated with a numerical case study to demonstrate the steps of the proposed model. Later on this framework could make a substantial contribution to adapt as a tool of a software solution.

Paper Title

INFRARED for vehicle-to-vehicle Communication in the European HAVEit Project

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01276
  • Hannes Stratil
  • Austria


The European HAVEit Project aims at the realization of the long-term vision of highly automated driving for intelligent transport. The project will develop, validate and demonstrate important intermediate steps towards highly automated driving. HAVEit will significantly c...Lead moreThe European HAVEit Project aims at the realization of the long-term vision of highly automated driving for intelligent transport. The project will develop, validate and demonstrate important intermediate steps towards highly automated driving. HAVEit will significantly contribute to higher traffic safety and efficiency usage for passenger cars, busses and trucks, thereby strongly promoting safe and intelligent mobility of both people and goods. All cutting edge HAVEit functionalities will be validated and demonstrated in 7 validation vehicles. The HAVEit project will use wireless communication technology to evaluate and demonstrate their usage for highly automated driving. Wireless communication ? as designed and developed in the European Projects CVIS, COOPERS and SAFESPOT ? is an important part for future ITS Systems and can improves the reliability of highly automated driving applications. This paper will present the vehicle-to-vehicle communication components used in HAVEit. These communication components use Infrared to send messages from one vehicle to another. Infrared offers the capability to communicate in predefined directions and is completely insensitive against other communication modules or other communication technologies. Infrared communication provides high data rate, high reliability and protection of privacy. The excellent communication characteristics make Infrared to the preferable communication technology for V2V communication in HAVEit.

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Incident Detection Systems for Enhancing Traffic Safety on Existing and New Road Infrastructure

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01270
  • Norbert Hainitz
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


With the increased awareness of security requirements in today’s road environment, incident detection systems (IDS) around the world are becoming more prevalent with focus on driver safety, accident prevention, automated detection of incidents with automated notification ...Lead moreWith the increased awareness of security requirements in today’s road environment, incident detection systems (IDS) around the world are becoming more prevalent with focus on driver safety, accident prevention, automated detection of incidents with automated notification and smart-routing of information to traffic management centers, and first responders, as well as the up-and-coming build out of the roadside-to-vehicle networks. Advancements in IDS have already saved numerous lives by alerting drivers and road network operators of accidents within seconds of their occurrence. This paper provides an overview of the promising transfer capabilities derived from an incident detection systems supposedly invented for tunnel safety as well the superior applicability for general traffic management purposes.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01268
  • Sadko Mandzuka
  • Faculty of Traffic Science
  • Croatia


An overview of the Road Weather Information System (RWIS) for the needs of Croatian Intelligent Transport System is presented in the paper. The basic features of the system architecture, components configuration, application software, as well as some machine-human interfa...Lead moreAn overview of the Road Weather Information System (RWIS) for the needs of Croatian Intelligent Transport System is presented in the paper. The basic features of the system architecture, components configuration, application software, as well as some machine-human interface solutions are described. Road weather monitoring is the basis for successful road traffic with respects to the weather condition that significantly affect to the safety, functionality and efficiency of road traffic. The paper also focuses on new ways of utilizing the massive amount of weather sensor data collected from RWIS. Traditional ways of using Road Weather Information Systems have been to forecast road icing before its formation for proactive winter-road maintenance. The algorithm of applying artificial neural networks for short-term forecast of surface temperature road is presented in the paper.

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01267
  • Pero Skorput
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Croatia


The paper discusses basic function and interoperability requirements of digitally signed videos as a part of ubiquities ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) environment. It presents the possibilities of interoperability requirements of the surveillance camera video by digi...Lead moreThe paper discusses basic function and interoperability requirements of digitally signed videos as a part of ubiquities ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) environment. It presents the possibilities of interoperability requirements of the surveillance camera video by digital signing, using the public key infrastructure as part of interoperable traffic and information system in the ubiquities intelligent transport systems.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01262
  • Pero Skorput
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Croatia


The paper presents an overview of Incident Management Systems developed for new generation tunnels on Croatian motorways. An integral approach of Incident management system development, its subsystems, methods of realization of incidence algorithms etc. is described. Meth...Lead moreThe paper presents an overview of Incident Management Systems developed for new generation tunnels on Croatian motorways. An integral approach of Incident management system development, its subsystems, methods of realization of incidence algorithms etc. is described. Methodology of scenario creation for certain incidence is described also. In case of multi-tunnel part of road, methodology of priority determining is suggested based on risk analysis. Finally, some examples on incidence scenarios and related algorithms are presented.

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The Need of Combining Different Traffic Modelling Levels for Effectively Assess ITS Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01261
  • Alexandre Torday
  • TSS - Transport Simulation Systems
  • Spain


In order to take decision and to correctly choose ITS technologies, road authorities and private sector must e able to evaluate the benefits they can expect from different type of applications to later on compare them agianst the realted investment. Among the different to...Lead moreIn order to take decision and to correctly choose ITS technologies, road authorities and private sector must e able to evaluate the benefits they can expect from different type of applications to later on compare them agianst the realted investment. Among the different tolls avialble, traffic modelling is certainly one of the well none method to get numerical ouputs that allows the comparison between different solutions. Nowadys, several level of traffic modelling are available, ranging from macro to micro without forgetting the new coming meso. Instead of debating on which level is the most appropriate, a dequate usage of the three of them is much more efficient. In order to do that, however, there is a clear need for integarted modelling environment that allows a correct combination of the modelling level. This paper demonstrate what can be expected form the usage of such integrated platform and its benefits versus separated packages. To underline it, the paper relies on three real projects in Barcelona, Paris and Tokyo taht used an integrated modelling framwork to get numerical results to their ITS applications assessment.

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PRONTO: Event Recognition for Public Transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01246
  • Mika Varjola
  • WSP Finland Oy
  • Finland


PRONTO project, partially funded by the European Commission, was launched in 2009 in order to research the effects of real-time information based event recognition and decision making in operation control. The project focuses on the fields of emergency rescue operations a...Lead morePRONTO project, partially funded by the European Commission, was launched in 2009 in order to research the effects of real-time information based event recognition and decision making in operation control. The project focuses on the fields of emergency rescue operations and public transport, both of which typically involve vast amounts of information gathering in their operations. The project’s aim is to demonstrate how organizations can fully utilize the collected data and the effects of this in their operations. The project’s advantages for public transport are demonstrated in a pilot, where collected sensor data is analyzed and used to support decision making in various situations as well as operations control. The advantages for end users, operators and the environment are obvious, because fuel consumption is reduced and passenger comfort and traffic safety are increased at the same time as the drivers get feedback form their driving. As a result of this project more information regarding public transportation should be received and the significant events that need to be recognized are defined. Thus more specific information about ways to improve the operation can be received and increase the effectiveness and importance of public transport.

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Detecting congestion with Bluetooth

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01222
  • Jens Peder Kristensen
  • KeyResearch
  • Denmark


Bluetooth is a technology used for radio communication over short distances between mobile phones, car radios, headsets and laptops. The paper demonstrates how Bluetooth signals can be utilized to register congestion, but also to calculate the average speed of the commuti...Lead moreBluetooth is a technology used for radio communication over short distances between mobile phones, car radios, headsets and laptops. The paper demonstrates how Bluetooth signals can be utilized to register congestion, but also to calculate the average speed of the commuting traffic. The advantage of using Bluetooth signals compared to other means of traffic speed measurements is that the necessary road side infrastructure needed for capturing Bluetooth signals is relatively cheap. Measurements made in Denmark by KeyResearch show that between 5%-18% of all passing vehicles have a Bluetooth device on board which can be detected. The demonstrations showed that though this percentage is relatively low, it is sufficient to register congestion and average speed in real time. This information can then be used to control variable message signs or generate queue information. The Bluetooth data is verified by using video recording of the vehicle license place and their average speed for comparison with the Bluetooth measurements.

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01213
  • Katia Pagle
  • ICCS
  • Greece


The market for the Nomadic Devices, such as on-board navigation devices and smart phones, integrated to road vehicles is increasing rapidly today. While providing useful services for travellers, these devices may introduce significant usability and distraction problems, w...Lead moreThe market for the Nomadic Devices, such as on-board navigation devices and smart phones, integrated to road vehicles is increasing rapidly today. While providing useful services for travellers, these devices may introduce significant usability and distraction problems, while they are often accused to be jeopardizing safety, as these devices are not usually specially designed for the vehicle context. Consequently, there is a need to study the impacts of such devices by Field Operational Tests (FOT). TeleFOT (Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles), is a European Commission co-funded large scale collaborative project aiming to assess the impacts of aftermarket and nomadic devices used in vehicles for driver support and to raise wide awareness of the functions and potential these devices offer, by implementing Field Operational Tests. To do so three European test communities are built for long term testing and assessment of driver support functions provided through aftermarket and nomadic devices. The final paper will present the lessons learned, as well as early observations and the mid term results in Greece, which is one of the TeleFOT test sites.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01199
  • Shaleen Srivastava
  • Jacobs Engineering
  • UK


TDI (Transport Data Integration and Fusion) is a unique innovation which combines the disciplines of intelligent transport systems, traffic control systems, real time transport data collection and up-to-date transport modelling for the benefit of the travelling public. Th...Lead moreTDI (Transport Data Integration and Fusion) is a unique innovation which combines the disciplines of intelligent transport systems, traffic control systems, real time transport data collection and up-to-date transport modelling for the benefit of the travelling public. The TDI drives a desktop application and a website based display which uses all existing and future sources of real-time transport data (including sector leading use of mobile phones) to show live and predicted travel patterns and congestion levels on the network.

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Development and Evaluation of a Route Guidance System with Realtime Traffic Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01192
  • Pengjun Zheng
  • University of Southampton
  • UK


The “Reading Area Transport Information Network” project has been focused on the delivery of an enhanced unified communications network for Reading Borough Council using WiMax/Wi-Fi and on the use of the latest 3G communication capability to better deliver existing transp...Lead moreThe “Reading Area Transport Information Network” project has been focused on the delivery of an enhanced unified communications network for Reading Borough Council using WiMax/Wi-Fi and on the use of the latest 3G communication capability to better deliver existing transport services and to provide a platform for the delivery of enhanced services in the future. The in-vehicle navigation sub-project reported here is the first UK development project on vehicle navigation using real-time traffic information, which involved the development of a navigation system which integrated real time traffic information on delays and incidents from city council’s Urban Transport Management and Control (UTMC) system with a satellite navigation system. Using portable computer as a platform, the in-vehicle navigation service was trialled by professional drivers on their delivery journeys between an out of town depot and a town centre store in Reading. The technical reliability and user acceptance of diversion routes provided by the navigation system to avoid congestion were evaluated. The results clearly demonstrated the feasibility of integrating UTMC traffic information into in-vehicle navigation systems. It was shown that acceptance level for route guidance advice was high (in excess of 80%) by professional drivers who had very good local knowledge of traffic conditions. It was also shown that the overall quality of journey time information from the UTMC system was satisfactory

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Not in My Car, Political Perspectives on Intelligent Speed Adaptation

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01184
  • Harry Lahrmann
  • Aalborg University
  • Denmark


In Denmark an experiment with Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) based on Pay As You Speed principles was undertaken. The experiment was planned for 300 cars but in the end only 153 drivers were recruited. For the 153 the results were very positive, e.g. results show that...Lead moreIn Denmark an experiment with Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) based on Pay As You Speed principles was undertaken. The experiment was planned for 300 cars but in the end only 153 drivers were recruited. For the 153 the results were very positive, e.g. results show that the speeding percentage on e.g. rural roads decreased from 17% to 4%. With the hope of recruiting ‘ambassadors’ or ‘role models’ for the cause local politicians were under the trial asked to test the equipment. Afterwards the politicians were interviewed. In this paper results from the interviews are revealed and the political perspectives are discussed. ISA has proven to be an effective means to control inappropriate speeding, but also that voluntary ISA probably not it the way to a large scale implementing of ISA. An important question now is how to convey the positive results. How do we go on with the promotion of ISA, and which actors are likely to participate in the future debate about and implementation of ISA?

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MTC Chennai, India and its Estimated Time of Arrival System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01182
  • Stefan Hoepfel
  • Siemens AG
  • Germany


The Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) of the city of Chennai is going to gain attractiveness to its bus fleet for its 5 million daily commuters by installing an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) system in conjunction with a GPS-based track & trace application. This h...Lead moreThe Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) of the city of Chennai is going to gain attractiveness to its bus fleet for its 5 million daily commuters by installing an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) system in conjunction with a GPS-based track & trace application. This has been realised in a very short time, with relatively low effort and off-the-shelf applications. The result is visible to its customers, who do use Public Transport on a daily basis and who do experience the improvements. In particular buses are being equipped with In-Vehicle-Units (IVUs) which serve as hardware and communication device. A software application runs on top of the IVU's operating system. This software application is based on a mature Telematics kernel originally designed for automotive company. It has been enhanced and by its track and trace module in conjunction with a new algorithm to predict the estimated arrival time (taking average speed driven, current speed and distance to the next bus stop into account), it achieves a result with an average deviation of ± 1 minute in a dynamic way. Almost 600 buses are equipped. It seems that MTC Chennai is going the right way: gaining more attractiveness and nevertheless keeping the fares low. By this active role, MTC will tackle congestion and pollution and in parallel at the same time an increasing number of people will switch to a bus system that is perceived to be reliable and punctual.

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Novel PGI Concepts Enrich Parking Information Services

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01173
  • Ali Lattunen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


Five Finnish traffic domain companies and VTT have defined a framework for collection, management and distribution of dynamic parking related data as integrated part of existing ITS (Intelligent Traffic System) services in urban areas. The framework comprises methods for ...Lead moreFive Finnish traffic domain companies and VTT have defined a framework for collection, management and distribution of dynamic parking related data as integrated part of existing ITS (Intelligent Traffic System) services in urban areas. The framework comprises methods for raw data collection from parking systems, uniform data interfaces between sub-systems, intelligent control of guidance systems, distribution of polymorphic content and integration into traffic information systems and other external systems. These technology concepts are being evaluated in real use by a set of PGI (Parking Guidance and Information) sub-systems implemented and piloted together during the first half of year 2010. The partners strive for promoting the exchange of all parking related dynamic information via multitude of channels.

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Integrated Microsimulation to Evaluate Freight on Urban Network and Operation at Inner Port Area

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU01157
  • Vladimir Zyryanov
  • Rostov State Civil Engineering University
  • Russian Federation


This paper aims to develop a microsimulation of freight transport that can incorporate moving of heavy vehicles on the urban network and at inner area of harbour. The increase of efficiency of transportation of the constantly increasing goods volume is very important for ...Lead moreThis paper aims to develop a microsimulation of freight transport that can incorporate moving of heavy vehicles on the urban network and at inner area of harbour. The increase of efficiency of transportation of the constantly increasing goods volume is very important for the quality of life and keeping sustainable transport system. On the road network near ports and terminals is continuous increase volumes of freight vehicles that can be reach 20% in total volume of traffic flow. For the elimination of these problems the essential importance has application of modelling. The our investigation is based on the integrated microscopic simulation model including city network and port area for one of terminals in Port of Novorossiysk, one of the biggest ports of Russia. In our case at microsimulation the logistic chain extends up to each vessel and point of loading/unloading. Result of performance of the project is proposals on development of dedicated roads for trucks and forecasting of work of transport in the port at increasing of demand of transportation.