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Paper Title

Advanced Information Infrastructure For Enabling Control And Effectiveness In Warehouse Operations

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00851
  • Andreas Hagen
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Sweden


The primary purpose of the paper is to outline the possibilities for logistics process improvements of a warehouse through the use of information systems (IS). The secondary purpose of the paper is to show how a warehouse can be integrated in an advanced information infra...Lead moreThe primary purpose of the paper is to outline the possibilities for logistics process improvements of a warehouse through the use of information systems (IS). The secondary purpose of the paper is to show how a warehouse can be integrated in an advanced information infrastructure, an intelligent infrastructure, by using IS and Auto-ID technology as enablers. This paper is descriptive and conceptual, with an approach combining both deductive and inductive methods. A literature review was conducted in order to gather the necessary theory to create a framework founding the analysis. A case study was conducted in order to gather empirical data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to gather data related to the warehouse functions and processes. Documents regarding the processes were identified and analyzed for further data regarding the activities and processes. The collected data was analyzed in order to identify how the logistics process could be improved, and when the analysis was completed an experiment was conducted in which the improvements were tested.

Paper Title

Priority of commercial trucks within coordinated signalling

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00846
  • Orjan Tveit
  • Norway


The PRINT project seeks to permit a more green traffic flow in urban areas through reducing pollution from commercial trucks by giving priority and thereby reduce the numbers of stop and starts. The green ITS solution is based upon existing technology like detection, trac...Lead moreThe PRINT project seeks to permit a more green traffic flow in urban areas through reducing pollution from commercial trucks by giving priority and thereby reduce the numbers of stop and starts. The green ITS solution is based upon existing technology like detection, tracking and priority hierarchy within traffic light signaling. The adaptation and utilization to aid commercial trucks are however a new concept, that shows substantial potential with regards to reducing emissions and fuel consumptions. The next step in a proposed Norwegian development is to allow commercial trucks in priority lanes in urban areas instead of lining them up in queues. Signal priority and priority lanes combined are to be investigated in the PRINT project. An extension with a total concept embracing both priority as well as management may be the supreme solution to utilize green ITS and reducing emissions and fuel consumptions. This paper reports the results from PRINT Demonstrator 1 ? Priority of commercial trucks within coordinated signaling. SINTEF has equipped ten trucks from Posten Norway with onboard equipment identifying position and communicating with the overall management system for traffic light signaling. By requesting priority when passing virtual loops the commercial trucks can benefit from a smoother path through the area. The priority of commercial trucks is subordinated priority of bus and trams in the demonstrator.

Paper Title

Experiences and next step in operating the Swedish traffic safety camera system

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00843
  • Eva Lundberg
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


The Swedish Traffic Camera System is a national system that consists of about 1100 cameras, data communication and one operating and one investigating center. The system is owned and operated by the Swedish Road Administration and the Swedish Police following an agreement...Lead moreThe Swedish Traffic Camera System is a national system that consists of about 1100 cameras, data communication and one operating and one investigating center. The system is owned and operated by the Swedish Road Administration and the Swedish Police following an agreement signed in 2005. The systems overall purpose is to save lives and reduce speed-related accidents. Location of the cameras and how the system is activated are important to achieve the goals for the system. The criteria for locations shall fulfill requirements for speeding, number of accidents and measuring requirements at the location. The traffic safety cameras aren´t constantly activated to register speed violations. A suggested activating timetable for each section is done and the timetable shall fulfill requirements on traffic flow, mean speed and accident frequency. The system is one of the most successful tools in Sweden for traffic safety and reduction of carbon dioxide ? the number of fatal accidents has been cut by 30% and the average speed has been reduced by 5% on roads with cameras. Investigations show that more than 70% of Swedes have a positive attitude towards our system. We have learnt that respect and acceptance for the system is best achieved with a good information strategy, transparency of the system and maintenance of the visible part of the system- the cameras. By analyzing the traffic flow, the speeds, number of violations and other information the criteria for location and activating timetables will be developed.

Paper Title

Benchmarking Evaluation Study of Personal Navigation Devices in TeleFOT

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00841
  • Petri Mononen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


TeleFOT (Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles), as a Large Scale Collaborative Project under the Seventh Framework Programme, acts in response to a need recognised by the European Commission, namely to test the impacts of driver support f...Lead moreTeleFOT (Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles), as a Large Scale Collaborative Project under the Seventh Framework Programme, acts in response to a need recognised by the European Commission, namely to test the impacts of driver support functions on the driving task with large fleets of test drivers in real-life driving conditions. This paper presents the results of a benchmarking evaluation study of three different personal navigation devices, a study performed within the auspices of TeleFOT. The purpose of the study was to evaluate devices and gather such evaluation data that the single numeric grades for each device’s usability and user experience could be expressed. The benchmarking evaluations were conducted in June-October 2009. The study focused on three navigation devices: TomTom 630 Go Traffic, Nokia 6210 Navigator smart phone and NDrive G800R that includes real photos in perspective.

Paper Title

Evaluation of Pedestrian/Child Recognition by Stereovision System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00840
  • Dzmitry Tsishkou
  • France


Improvement of driving experience and safety during low speed backup/frontal maneuver is our problem of interest. There are two strong reasons why this area has become increasingly popular in the last decade. First, the sensors are mature enough to deliver rich raw data a...Lead moreImprovement of driving experience and safety during low speed backup/frontal maneuver is our problem of interest. There are two strong reasons why this area has become increasingly popular in the last decade. First, the sensors are mature enough to deliver rich raw data and hence can form practical basis for use in a wide range of applications. Second, the mathematical algorithms, when combined properly with the raw data, could potentially be applied for several important automotive applications. We have chosen wide-angle stereovision-based sensor combined with computer vision intelligence to detect all obstacles above 10cm height as a basis of our system. Additionally to detecting all obstacles the system is capable of recognizing pedestrians, which is needed to enhance collision avoidance intelligence. Our recognition approach is based on combination of state-of-the-art methods with situation specific cues that allows us to reach 95% detection rate with 10 false alarms per hour. In this paper, we review our stereovision-based obstacle and pedestrian sensor; discuss its architecture and present performance evaluation results while recognizing pedestrians in urban situations.

Paper Title

Vision-Based Safe Maneuvers With Detection of 10cm Height Obstacles

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00837
  • Christophe Vestri
  • IMRA Europe S.A.S.
  • France


Every year, crashes are responsible for hundreds of accidents in the world. There is lots of R&D to find obstacle detection systems that can avoid these accidents, but none of them is able to monitor low and small obstacles. This paper presents a stereovision system that ...Lead moreEvery year, crashes are responsible for hundreds of accidents in the world. There is lots of R&D to find obstacle detection systems that can avoid these accidents, but none of them is able to monitor low and small obstacles. This paper presents a stereovision system that monitors a 6m area around vehicle to detect low height obstacles (about 10cm) on the road such as curbs, stopping blocks or small stones. The biggest challenge is to separate those obstacles from ground surface because the height variation with the ground is small and they correspond to very few pixels in the image (mainly with wide angle camera). We have developed a real-time wide angle stereo algorithm which detects obstacles in two stages: first, a plane that approximates the ground surface separates main obstacles such as pedestrian and cars from the ground. Second, a specific algorithm analyzes height transitions along the full ground surface to recover low height obstacles and small (10cm*10cm) objects located on the ground. This new algorithm is the main contribution of the paper. We show detection results under typical urban situations and evaluate small object detection. Road surface is correctly marked up to 6m and low height obstacles are detected up to 5 meters.

Paper Title

Cooperative Position Verification - Defending Against Roadside Attackers 2.0

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00817
  • Tim Leinmueller
  • DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH
  • Germany


Security analysis has shown that attacks from roadside attackers constitute the highest risk for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). Therefore, protecting them against these attackers is one of the primary goals of security engineering in VANETs. In previous work, we intr...Lead moreSecurity analysis has shown that attacks from roadside attackers constitute the highest risk for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). Therefore, protecting them against these attackers is one of the primary goals of security engineering in VANETs. In previous work, we introduced a defense mechanism that is able to defend against roadside attackers to a certain extend. The main weaknesses of this mechanism are solved by the additional mechanisms introduced in this work. As in our previous work, vehicles build up trust relations to other vehicles that have been neighbors for a certain time and thus proofed their movement. Upon detection of new neighbors, information from already trusted neighbors is used to evaluate the new neighbor. The new approach shortens the evaluation time of new direct neighbors and defends against attackers that try to circumvent the previous defense mechanism by increasing their transmission range.

Paper Title

Optimization of speed limit impact area in highway intersections

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00702
  • Olavi Koskinen
  • FinnRA
  • Finland


The reduced speed limit in intersections causes extra fuel consumption, emissions and time loss caused by acceleration work, when leaving intersections. This study tries to find the optimum length for the reduced speed limit area.The reduced speed limit in intersections causes extra fuel consumption, emissions and time loss caused by acceleration work, when leaving intersections. This study tries to find the optimum length for the reduced speed limit area.

Paper Title

Utilization of road data in gear shift robot in heavy duty vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00701
  • Olavi Koskinen
  • FinnRA
  • Finland


The presentation shows, how a smart gear shift robot in a heavy duty vehicle can recognize the road geometry and control the gear shifts in optimal way. The number of gear shifts will be minimized. By this implementation the fuel consumption and pollutant emissions can be...Lead moreThe presentation shows, how a smart gear shift robot in a heavy duty vehicle can recognize the road geometry and control the gear shifts in optimal way. The number of gear shifts will be minimized. By this implementation the fuel consumption and pollutant emissions can be minimized as well as the time loss.

Paper Title

FREEFLOW:, Setting standards in traffic intelligence

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00700
  • Andy Graham
  • Wayne kerr consultancy
  • UK


FREEFLOW is an innovative ITS development and demonstration project developed under the UK’s Future Intelligent Transport Systems programme. It has a focus on turning traffic data into intelligence useful to both network managers and the travelling public. It brings a mix...Lead moreFREEFLOW is an innovative ITS development and demonstration project developed under the UK’s Future Intelligent Transport Systems programme. It has a focus on turning traffic data into intelligence useful to both network managers and the travelling public. It brings a mix of public and private partners drawn from both ITS, military and medical backgrounds to provide fresh and innovative approaches. The key objective is to develop new services and tools that can be used to make the most of current data already available and emerging data, to provide new tools for managing networks. To build on existing investments and avoid duplication, and ensure the widest dissemination of our output to users, the project has relied heavily on open standards. Examples used include DATEX, SIRI and UTMC. FREEFLOW’s results have added to the development and deployment of new and improved standards such as use of XML rather than Corba for distribution of traffic data . This paper shows how three widely different cities have benefitted from the overall “plug and play” approach of the project. Each city has different policy and technical drivers, including key elements of the London network. This paper also shows how by adopting open international standards, we can tailor the data provided to external users to meet their needs, how we can provide standardised data for new traffic management tools across different types of network and how we can control on street equipment and new information sources in a consistent and expandable way.

Paper Title

Smart Red Light Enforcement Systems - Busan 2010

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00696
  • Borja Garcia Urquiza
  • TEVA
  • Spain


Presentation of a new concept for a totally non invasive and fully transportable red light enforcement system. The point is that the whole process: ? traffic signal cycle tracking ? vehicle/presence detection ? driving offence detection ? vehicle identification is done us...Lead morePresentation of a new concept for a totally non invasive and fully transportable red light enforcement system. The point is that the whole process: ? traffic signal cycle tracking ? vehicle/presence detection ? driving offence detection ? vehicle identification is done using artificial intelligence. Because of this the device is easy to transport and install into any traffic light crossing, without civil works on the road. All calibration and offence proves downloading are done remotely and using wireless networks. This kind of red light enforcement systems are fully automatic and work day & night thanks to the using of infrared cameras.

Paper Title

Compatibility of Network Management Systems for Road Traffic

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00693
  • Jos Vrancken
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


The introduction of network management is among the primary challenges in road traffic management. Few systems are currently available, most of them for urban green light waves, for ramp metering coordination and for coordination of variable message signs. Lack of compati...Lead moreThe introduction of network management is among the primary challenges in road traffic management. Few systems are currently available, most of them for urban green light waves, for ramp metering coordination and for coordination of variable message signs. Lack of compatibility between different systems from different vendors plays a role in the slow take-up of network management systems in various ways. One of these ways has to do with the attractiveness of these systems to traffic management authorities, the main potential customers group. This was shown with a qualitative and a quantitative research, as described in this paper.

Paper Title

Automated Border Crossing and System for Handling Queues with Long Waiting Time

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00692
  • Madis Sassiad
  • Referents Ltd
  • Estonia


International Road Transport Union (IRU) has specified concerning international trucking as one of its priorities, shortening the distressingly long waits in border crossing ques. Long border-queues are major problem of European Union and Russian Federation. Sometimes are...Lead moreInternational Road Transport Union (IRU) has specified concerning international trucking as one of its priorities, shortening the distressingly long waits in border crossing ques. Long border-queues are major problem of European Union and Russian Federation. Sometimes are trucks waiting even 11 days to cross the border. Usual length of the queue is about 1 to 3 days. Association of Estonian International Road Carriers (ERAA) has started project called “Automated Border Crossing” (www.bordercrosiing.eu/show). Aim of this project is to reduce waiting times for road haulers with the overall objective of not having to wait for more than eight hour or even less. Such a technology gives to a great degree flexibility for road haulers as they can with that system plan their truck-drivers time and make use of that emancipated time. “Automated Border Crossing” is piloted in Narva border post (Estonia) from beginning of year 2010 and is suitable to extend it to other border posts between EU and Russia or in border posts between some other countries and it is possible to use such a system as well in harbors such as Hamburg. Future plans of this project are to integrate this application with fleet management systems and make it as one part of system, which includes as well mobile monitoring of cars and automated warning system over mobile operators network and time prediction system to book parking place or border crossing time.

Paper Title

EVALUE - A Test Program for Active Safety Systems

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00691
  • Micha Lesemann
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


Active safety systems are massively implemented into new vehicle generations and offer a high potential in decreasing road accidents. While testing and rating of the passive safety of vehicles are based on established and accepted methods and programs, no such are availab...Lead moreActive safety systems are massively implemented into new vehicle generations and offer a high potential in decreasing road accidents. While testing and rating of the passive safety of vehicles are based on established and accepted methods and programs, no such are available for active safety of cars or trucks today. The main focus of the European research project "Testing and Evaluation Methods for ICT-based Safety Systems (eVALUE)" is to define objective methods for the assessment of vehicle active safety. The methods are based on relevant traffic scenarios that, according to investigated statistics and databases, represent the majority of accidents, where active safety systems can come into effect. These new and highly needed test methods will allow the assessment of the active safety performance of a vehicle. However, the eVALUE consortium will only define the test methods while the thresholds for the specific values are not specified. This remains the competence of every institution adopting the test methods and actually applying them in order to assess different vehicles. The results which can be generated by applying these methods will increase the public awareness for active safety systems and foster the development within the industry.

Paper Title

ACTIF ? A tool for conceptualizing concrete answers in the challenge for sustainable mobility

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00690
  • Yannick Denis
  • France


The sustainable mobility has become a leitmotiv for the National and European transportation policy. Prefering the name “Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development and the Sea” than “Ministry for Transport or Publicworks”, the French government shows the will of tak...Lead moreThe sustainable mobility has become a leitmotiv for the National and European transportation policy. Prefering the name “Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development and the Sea” than “Ministry for Transport or Publicworks”, the French government shows the will of taking into account this dimension in its policy and its actions. ACTIF - the French Framework Architecture for ITS ? is one of its actions for promoting the interoperability of transport systems. For making ACTIF a true Assistance for Conceptualizing Interoperable Transport Systems the ACTIF-team, renforced by private and public partners has worked during the last year on important improvements on the model and on its tool OSCAR. The first challenge was to propose useful outputs answering better to the user expectations: diagrams and documents for project managers and designers, description of organisation and functional chains, interfaces between systems and sub-systems, details concerning dataflows and applicable standards, and functional specifications. This led to important modifications in ACTIF-model, in ACTIF methodological guidelines and ACTIF tools. Different applications on real projects are now available on line, in French and also in English. With these enrichments, the wish of ACTIF-team is to contribute to produce interoperable IT systems, following clear and shared Frameworks and generalizing the use of standards.

Paper Title

Developing a flexible traffic safety camera system

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00687
  • Eva Lundberg
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


Sweden has a good experience of traffic safety camera system ? since 2006 the Swedish Road Administration (SRA) and the Swedish Police have established a system that consists of: ? more than 1000 permanent and mobile cameras covering 3000 kilometers of road which represen...Lead moreSweden has a good experience of traffic safety camera system ? since 2006 the Swedish Road Administration (SRA) and the Swedish Police have established a system that consists of: ? more than 1000 permanent and mobile cameras covering 3000 kilometers of road which represents 10 % of the traffic flow on the national network, ? data communication of registered speeding violations ? one operating and one investigation center. The system is one of the most successful tools in Sweden for traffic safety and reduction of carbon dioxide and thanks to the system the number of fatal accidents has been cut by 30% on roads with cameras. During 2008 a study was done by the SRA and the Police if section control with safety camera systems should be installed in Sweden. The conclusion from the study was that even though section control with safety camera systems is possible to establish in Sweden there are still more potentials and effects from the existing system that have not been fully used yet. The suggestion was that with a more flexible system with permanent and movable units the same effects as with section control with safety camera systems can be achieved at a lower cost and with fewer risks. The SRA and the Police decided in 2009 to start a common project with the goal to further develop the safety camera system by an increased use of semi-movable cameras and developing the operating the existing system.

Paper Title

Wireless Traffic Safety Network Between Cars ? Real Time Road Weather, Incident and Accident Data to Vehicles

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00685
  • Pekka Eloranta
  • Mobisoft Oy
  • Finland


The European Eureka/Celtic project WiSafeCar (2009 ? 2011) aims to develop an effective service platform and advanced intelligent wireless traffic safety network between cars and infrastructure, with possibility to exploit vehicle based sensor and observation data in orde...Lead moreThe European Eureka/Celtic project WiSafeCar (2009 ? 2011) aims to develop an effective service platform and advanced intelligent wireless traffic safety network between cars and infrastructure, with possibility to exploit vehicle based sensor and observation data in order to generate secure and reliable intelligent real-time services and service platform for vehicles. In the project different participants from various countries (Finland, Luxembourg, Spain, South-Korea, Turkey and Austria) will develop and offer advanced services within the project. This paper will especially focus on the Finnish pilot services dealing with incident/accident warnings, real time road condition data and local road weather forecasting.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00594
  • Ignacio Parra
  • Alcala University
  • Spain


This paper describes a new approach for improving the estimation of a vehicle motion trajectory in complex urban environments by means of visual odometry. A new strategy for compensating the heterodasticity in the 3D input data using a weighted non-linear least squares ba...Lead moreThis paper describes a new approach for improving the estimation of a vehicle motion trajectory in complex urban environments by means of visual odometry. A new strategy for compensating the heterodasticity in the 3D input data using a weighted non-linear least squares based system is presented. A Matlab simulator is used in order to analyze the error in the estimation and validate the new solution. The obtained results are discussed and compared to the previous system. The final goal is the autonomous vehicle outdoor navigation in large-scale environments and the improvement of current vehicle navigation systems based only on standard GPS. This research is oriented to the development of traffic collective systems aiming vehicle-infrastructure cooperation to improve dynamic traffic management. We provide examples of estimated vehicle trajectories using the proposed method and discuss the key issues for further improvement.

Paper Title

InteractIVe ? Enhanced Dynamic Pass Predictor Approach to Sustainable Accident Reduction

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00593
  • Kees Wevers
  • Netherlands


The BMW "enhanced Dynamic Path Predictor" (eDPP) application will offer a higher degree of accident prevention through: advanced driver-information and driver-warning strategies; improved actuation using the new and enhanced ADASIS v2 protocol; an advanced visibility rang...Lead moreThe BMW "enhanced Dynamic Path Predictor" (eDPP) application will offer a higher degree of accident prevention through: advanced driver-information and driver-warning strategies; improved actuation using the new and enhanced ADASIS v2 protocol; an advanced visibility range sensing system (using camera based traffic sign recognition); v2i communication for acquiring information on the local traffic situation (traffic, dynamic hazards), v2v communication for overtaking warnings; and integration of the independent ACC system including other vehicle parameters as well as its interaction with the driver. The eDPP is an example of a new generation advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). It will increase vehicle intelligence, and will substantially contribute to safer and more efficient driving experience for the whole range of vehicles of the BMW Group, well beyond what is currently possible with the its EfficientDynamics strategy.

Paper Title

ITS for Vulnerable Road Users: The use of Digital Maps for the Evaluation an Improvement of a Bicycle-Network and Infrastructure

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00590
  • Koen De Baets
  • Ghent University
  • Belgium


ITS management aims to increase safety of the road network, including the safety of the vulnerable users on the road. One way to improve the safety of vulnerable users is to optimize the quality of the cycle infrastructure along a cycle route network. A critical component...Lead moreITS management aims to increase safety of the road network, including the safety of the vulnerable users on the road. One way to improve the safety of vulnerable users is to optimize the quality of the cycle infrastructure along a cycle route network. A critical component is to determine the locations with the highest need for infrastructure improvements. This paper presents a methodology to evaluate the cycle path infrastructure and to detect the severity of the bottlenecks along a route network. A methodology has been developed to calculate the bottlenecks along a network with the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS). The bottlenecks are determined by calculating the deviations from the existing cycling infrastructure with a required, thus safe infrastructure. A handbook provided by the Flemish government is used as a guideline for the required infrastructure. A first step is to determine all relevant criteria, followed by an inventory of all the attributes along the road network. Each attribute is evaluated and contributes entirely or partially to the severity of a bottleneck. Using a multi-criteria analysis, the bottleneck-score will be calculated for each cycle path along the network. The results are visualised on a map. This research lies within the scope of the mobility policy of the City of Ghent, and is part of a priority map that indicates which cycle paths should be (re)constructed first. Beyond this policy, the research can be extended to applications for other road users.

Paper Title

GINA ?GNSS for INnovative road Applications- : Assessment of the use of European GNSS for Road User Charging. Trials and results

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00588
  • Sara Gutierrez Lanza
  • GMV
  • Spain


The GSA/EC co-funded FP7 project GINA addresses the adoption of EGNOS/Galileo in the road sector concentrating on applications such as Road User Charging and Value Added Services considering technical and economical large-scale feasibility and positive impacts in aspects ...Lead moreThe GSA/EC co-funded FP7 project GINA addresses the adoption of EGNOS/Galileo in the road sector concentrating on applications such as Road User Charging and Value Added Services considering technical and economical large-scale feasibility and positive impacts in aspects such as congestion and pollution. The core activity of the project includes a large scale RUC trial in the Netherlands (having the Dutch ABvM system as a reference) envisaged to start in March 2010 and extending over a six-month period. Positioning and travelled distance information will be recorded using different configurations. This paper addresses the analysis of the methodology applied for the assessment of the performance of GNSS in road sector applications, describes the details of the large scale trials covered by the project and evaluates the results of the analysis of the data recorded. The conclusions will shed some light on still open points associated to the use of GNSS for Road User Charging while paving the way to the adoption of GALILEO on the road sector.

Paper Title

Probabilistic situation assessment for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00568
  • Robin Schubert
  • Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Germany


The perception of traffic situations is a crucial requirement for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Information about the existence, position, and dynamic parameters of traffic participants can be obtained by different sensors or via Vehicle-To-X-communication. For soph...Lead moreThe perception of traffic situations is a crucial requirement for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Information about the existence, position, and dynamic parameters of traffic participants can be obtained by different sensors or via Vehicle-To-X-communication. For sophisticated applications, the perceived entities have to be put in relation to each other in order to obtain an understanding of the current traffic situations. In this paper, the probabilistic handling of this situation assessment task is discussed on the example of a lane change recommendation system. The aim is to develop a unified approach for handling uncertainties from the sensor to the application level.

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The ITS Test Beds project

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00567
  • Erwin Vermassen
  • ITS Belgium
  • Belgium


The EC FP7 funded ITS Test Beds project has the aim to develop an architecture of a framework suitable for testing, validating, and certification ITS systems, specification implementations and field operational tests. The project is conducted by the ITS Nationals organiza...Lead moreThe EC FP7 funded ITS Test Beds project has the aim to develop an architecture of a framework suitable for testing, validating, and certification ITS systems, specification implementations and field operational tests. The project is conducted by the ITS Nationals organizations of The Netherlands, Norway, France and Belgium. The ITS Nationals organizations are assisted by research organizations being: DLR (Germany), TNO (The Netherlands), INRETS (France), SINTEF (Norway) and TINC (Belgium). Four private companies act as “customers” of the system: NXP, Technolution, Be-Mobile and Q-Free. The most important aim of ITS Test Beds is to enable the re-use of resources made available by test sites for tests procedures developed and executed by other test sites. These resources can be software assets such as validation and reference implementations of standards and specifications or tools such as modeling and simulation systems. Resources can also refer to infrastructure assets and expertise. A prototype implementation provides a procedure and Service Oriented Software approach to integrate different distributed test services into test cases. The result information is stored in a central data repository and again made available to the test bed community for further processing and analysis. The resulting framework and operational environment must be suitable for conducting laboratory, small scale and large scale field operational tests on a pan European an even global scale in a cost effective and objective fashion. The ITS Test Bed is an FP7 project funded by DG Research. The project runs from February 2009 unto April 2011.

Paper Title

Future transport ? a multimodal challenge: ITS supporting more environmentally friendly transport

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00564
  • Richard Harris
  • Logica
  • UK


We are facing unprecedented challenges ? globalization and climate change. While transport is vital for our industrial performance and economy it also conflicts with our environmental objectives. So, we have to be smarter about our transport. We have to work together to t...Lead moreWe are facing unprecedented challenges ? globalization and climate change. While transport is vital for our industrial performance and economy it also conflicts with our environmental objectives. So, we have to be smarter about our transport. We have to work together to tackle these issues as isolated individual measures will not be enough. This paper and presentation will focus on the business drivers behind increased cooperation and the development of multimodal transport. It will set out the policy objectives and describe the latest operational initiatives across Europe and beyond. It will consider the operational framework requirements for accelerated deployment and cooperation. Procter & Gamble, continue to switch goods transport from road to rail. Currently 10% rail but increasing to 30% by 2015 (saving 70,000 tons of CO2 a year). Rotterdam: In 2011 the intermodal terminal (Transferium located in Alblasserdam) will transfer hundreds of thousands of containers each year from trucks onto barges. Reducing trucks on A15 Motorway by 10%. Amsterdam ? established the policy to reduce cars in the centre, through parking and access control, supported by Park-and Ride (Amsterdam Arena Transferium) and good public transport London Olympics 2012: All spectators will use public transport, trains will take 240.000 people an hour to the venue. Twitter in India, heavy rain in Mumbai (July 2009) led to the informal social network becoming the information source of choice for travelers ? we should encourage such innovation and not over regulate or stifle such initiatives.

Paper Title

Roadside Unit as a Service based on a model for the IT Integration into the ITS

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00563
  • Luis Herrera-quintero
  • Univesity of Alicante
  • Spain


In this paper, we have formulated a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) model for the Information Technologies (IT) integration into the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Within the model the services oriented Roadside Units (RSU as a Service) are presented as a k...Lead moreIn this paper, we have formulated a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) model for the Information Technologies (IT) integration into the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Within the model the services oriented Roadside Units (RSU as a Service) are presented as a key element for the interoperability, compatibility, integration and expandability between ITS services and technologies. In order to develop our model each of the technologies that are involved in the ITS scenario have been identified, catalogued and decoupled. The proposed model can be applied to many ITS services, that takes advantage of the services oriented RSUs because of these are able to expose their monitoring services as Web Services. Likewise, a case study has been designed and implemented for a significant ITS service (parking management system) that includes all the components of our model. In our case study, it has taken advantage of new embedded technologies in order to develop the service oriented RSU. Therefore, the ITS services will be readily incorporated to the model that, in turn, it is able to generate ITS value-added services which can be directly consumed by the final users and in our case by the navigation systems.

Paper Title

OBU - Fraud & Manipulation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00548
  • Dragan Kostevski
  • Continental Automotive GmbH
  • Germany


One of the most criticall points in a tolling scheme are manipulation and fraud. The presentation should give an overview about the parties that would try to manipulate a system, the motivation of all the parties, and the way they would try to manipulate the OBU. On the o...Lead moreOne of the most criticall points in a tolling scheme are manipulation and fraud. The presentation should give an overview about the parties that would try to manipulate a system, the motivation of all the parties, and the way they would try to manipulate the OBU. On the other side it will be given an overview on what technology provides to prevent, detect and report manipulation of the OBU.

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Driver workload in simulated roads and tunnels and the appropriateness of ITS applications

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00547
  • Ruggero Ceci
  • Swedish Road Adminstration
  • Sweden


The main purpose of this study is to measure the impact of environment factors of simulated roads and tunnels on driver performance. Perceptual cues are manipulated in order to increase performance measures and improve road tunnel safety. The effects of environment factor...Lead moreThe main purpose of this study is to measure the impact of environment factors of simulated roads and tunnels on driver performance. Perceptual cues are manipulated in order to increase performance measures and improve road tunnel safety. The effects of environment factors on driver workload are obtained from 1) objective primary task measures such as vehicle speed, lateral position, 2) driver performance measures such as PDT reaction time, eye movement behaviour measures and 3) subjective workload measure such as the NASA-TLX and other workload scales. By manipulating visual information, it is expected that driver performance can be improved and that our understanding of the demands and needs of tunnel driving and also help us determine which ITS applications may be appropriate in tunnels.

Paper Title

Merging GNSS tolling from Truck to passenger cars - The OBU model

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00546
  • Dragan Kostevski
  • Continental Automotive GmbH
  • Germany


There are already several tolling schemes which include passenger cars. Those schemes provide the driver with a DSRC or Infrared Tag and he is already part of the system. However, if we look into the GNSS based tolling market, the technology is still only deployed in truc...Lead moreThere are already several tolling schemes which include passenger cars. Those schemes provide the driver with a DSRC or Infrared Tag and he is already part of the system. However, if we look into the GNSS based tolling market, the technology is still only deployed in truck tolling schemes. And this is going to change. Netherland, Singapore, the UK and other countries now are strongly working towards the implementation of a GNSS based passenger car scheme. But are todays GNSS Based OBUs suitable for passenger cars? Proppably not. The presentation will give an overview about the specific requirements that are to be fulfilled in a passenger car OBU, looking at technology, certification & homologation, as well as legal aspects for the specific vehicle class. It will give an overview on how this passenger car OBU will look like and where the differences to the last generation OBUs are.

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EGNOS evaluation trial for road user charging

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00525
  • Volker Vierroth
  • Satellic
  • Germany


Egnos can be seen as a predecessor of Galileo as it offers some key features of Galileo by using the existing GPS satellite technology enhanced by a well designed system to increase accuracy and reliability; EGNOS therefore supports a smooth alignment to new technologies ...Lead moreEgnos can be seen as a predecessor of Galileo as it offers some key features of Galileo by using the existing GPS satellite technology enhanced by a well designed system to increase accuracy and reliability; EGNOS therefore supports a smooth alignment to new technologies before the GALILEO system is operational. Road charging systems are evolving from road segment refinancing towards systems for management of traffic and environment. The tolling schemes have to evolve accordingly and match these new, more sophisticated requirements. A main requirement is a reliable and robust identification of toll events, mostly based on the vehicles position. EGNOS is recogognized as one means to achieve higher location accuracy for tolling systems that want to make use of smaller toll elements (like e.g. secondary road segments). Positioning accuracy has to be considered as a limiting element for map matching and tolling algorithms. A general increase in accuracy is dependant as well from chipset, antenna and other conditions like environment. This paper describes first preliminary results of a trial that compares GPS receivers with and without EGNOS use and tries to identify possible benefits for tolling applications. Its focus is on coverage and availability issues, technical details of EGNOS vs. GPS only are well known and have been published already. It shall act as a pre-requisite for additional, more detailed, trials with higher resource availability in the near future.

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Harnessing Apartment Sales Portals to Mobility Management

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00505
  • Heidi Saarinen
  • Strafica Oy
  • Finland


The choice of home location is the most important decision in determining one’s transport needs, available transport modes, time used in daily transport and the emissions caused by daily trips. By adding mobility information to the choice of home location it is possible t...Lead moreThe choice of home location is the most important decision in determining one’s transport needs, available transport modes, time used in daily transport and the emissions caused by daily trips. By adding mobility information to the choice of home location it is possible to cut down the number of car-dependent citizens and get people to think about their daily trips before they make a decision that determines trips quite permanently. This presentation show, what kind of mobility information is related to home location, what are the needs and wants of consumers, how the information should be presented and how it could be included in the nationwide, commercial apartment/home sales internet portals. The pre-study that finished in December 2009 resulted that owners of the commercial apartment sales portals are very interested in integrating and building mobility related information and features in their services. The services are very popular. In the next phase of the project starting in February 2010 the features are planned in detail and also the possibilities to use PPP (public private partnership) model in the financing of the development work are being studied.

Paper Title

The Swedish ITS Action Plan

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00504
  • Hans Rode
  • Swedish Road Administration
  • Sweden


Abstract The 17th ITS World Congress in Busan, October 2010 The Swedish ITS action plan, covering all modes of transport Based on our experiences from the 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm in September 2009 we recognized that it is of great importance to focus on trans...Lead moreAbstract The 17th ITS World Congress in Busan, October 2010 The Swedish ITS action plan, covering all modes of transport Based on our experiences from the 16th ITS World Congress in Stockholm in September 2009 we recognized that it is of great importance to focus on transportation of goods and people instead of the different modes of transport. Based on those experiences we will deliver an ITS action plan covering all the transport modes and with focus on the benefits for the society and the individual. To accomplish this, we are going to use different methods; 1.We are going to present different problems in “daily life” and the solutions with a reference to the existing infra structure. 2.We are going to suggest changes in the legislation to open up for easier cooperation with the private sector. 3.We are going to develop business models and user cases to get a clearer picture of the division of labour and responsibilities ? who will be doing what? 4.The responsible authorities and other parties will be given a timetable and deadline for solving the problems. 5.We are going to establish a new authority with the combined responsibility for, road, rail, the maritime sector and civil aviation. 6.We are going to initiate initiatives for innovations that will combine and contribute to the use of all modes of transport. 7.We are going to develop pilots together with the private sector.

Paper Title

Electronic Toll Collection Systems to improve Road Safety

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00486
  • Michael Weber
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


This paper centers the widely deployed Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) backbone and shows possible Road Safety applications as cost-efficient add-on applications at the top of this ETC architecture. The multi-modal electronic systems approach allows the gathering of info...Lead moreThis paper centers the widely deployed Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) backbone and shows possible Road Safety applications as cost-efficient add-on applications at the top of this ETC architecture. The multi-modal electronic systems approach allows the gathering of information and the collection of fares - detection and enforcement therefore are not only the strong elements in toll collection, but also crucial to improve road safety. This paper perceives road safety as an integrated approach and a shared responsibility between the Public and the Private. Special emphasis is put on the interaction of safety and security aspects when it comes to data privacy. In that context, Safety is linked to technical aspects and the reliability of a system whereas Data Security is defined as the provision of the right information to the right people at the right time.

Paper Title

Addressing transport policies through application of road user charges

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00480
  • Marie Karlsson
  • Sweco Infrastructure
  • Sweden


This technical paper addresses questions dealing with how road user charging can be used in support of transport policy objectives ? when shifting from taxation of vehicles and fuel to taxation of vehicle and use of infrastructure. Several European countries have implemen...Lead moreThis technical paper addresses questions dealing with how road user charging can be used in support of transport policy objectives ? when shifting from taxation of vehicles and fuel to taxation of vehicle and use of infrastructure. Several European countries have implemented road user charging by shifting from taxation of vehicles and fuels to taxation of vehicles and use of infrastructure and there are more countries investigating such an introduction. According to the European Union decision EETS (1) road user charging in all member states shall be implemented in 2015. It is therefore of great importance for Sweden and other European countries to increase the knowledge in this field. To achieve desirable effects and fulfill transport policy goals by means of road user charging, knowledge of the links between these goals, external effects caused by road traffic and road user charges addressing effects and goals must be established. This study visualizes these links and as a result of the connections shown, various economic instruments can be combined. Infrastructure measures such as reversible lanes are also studied. The result of the study is a mixture of economic instruments and infrastructure measures addressing externalities caused by road traffic. A benchmarking study has also been made. Implemented or planned taxation shifts in Switzerland, Denmark and the Netherlands have been studied and compared with the mixture of economic instruments and infrastructure measures mentioned above. The comparison shows differences in policy goals and current laws. These differences are affecting the instruments used.

Paper Title

The Issue of Total Cost of Ownership in Electronic Toll Collection Systems

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00469
  • Per Furnes
  • Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


This paper attempts at highlighting the fact that modern implementation of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems is not just about initial system investments, but also highly sensitive to operational costs. Not only does this apply to regions with high labor costs but ...Lead moreThis paper attempts at highlighting the fact that modern implementation of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems is not just about initial system investments, but also highly sensitive to operational costs. Not only does this apply to regions with high labor costs but seemingly also other parameters influence; such as telecom call cost rates, operational modes and models. We aim at establishing a model for total cost of ownership for ETC system that can be used as a strategic tool for system implementations. Then we exemplify how this model, when parameterized, illustrates the financial considerations that stakeholders will have to make upon introducing ETC systems.

Paper Title

To tag - or not to tag vehicles for electronic toll collection

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00468
  • Per Furnes
  • Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


This article discusses cost aspects related to recent advances in electronic toll collection system technologies. Automatic recognition of vehicles’ license plates, known as ALPR, now is implemented for electronic toll collection is introduced in certain systems as the ma...Lead moreThis article discusses cost aspects related to recent advances in electronic toll collection system technologies. Automatic recognition of vehicles’ license plates, known as ALPR, now is implemented for electronic toll collection is introduced in certain systems as the main method of automatic charging. Hence ALPR competes against traditional tag based systems where an electronic tag provides the secure identification of the passage. Now, we aim at understanding the significance of assumed cost drivers in electronic toll collection when based upon tag or ALPR or combinations thereof. To illustrate this point we debate whether an implementation strategy mixed between tags and ALPR is better than a strategy solely based on ALPR, given favorable conditions for the latter. This would enable stake holders to gain insight into important cost factors when introducing future toll schemes.

Paper Title

Regionwide interoperability for electronic license plates

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00467
  • Per Furnes
  • Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


This paper addresses the latest aspects of standardization of electronic license plates, also known as electronic registration identification (ERI). The standardization of electronic license plate for vehicles or ‘ERI’ has come closer to completion. The successful ballot ...Lead moreThis paper addresses the latest aspects of standardization of electronic license plates, also known as electronic registration identification (ERI). The standardization of electronic license plate for vehicles or ‘ERI’ has come closer to completion. The successful ballot of application interface standard, ISO17264 implies that yet another standard that enables interoperability and open interfaces. In particular ISO17264 applies an application interface definition based on the similar communication architecture as used in ISO14906. This implies that ERI transactions and data could be defined in an unambiguous way and could pave the way for national ERI specifications. Hence ERI application issuers can opt for open procurements relying on international standards. The paper explains how the ISO17264 could be used to achieve region wide interoperability using the CEN DSRC protocol.

Paper Title

Using SITSA-C to define functionality and organisation of National Traffic Management Centre

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00466
  • Robert Rijavec
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
  • Slovenia


Slovenia is setting up the National Traffic Management Centre (NTMC) to manage road traffic on the highest, strategic, level. The physical and functional viewpoint of NTMC are based upon SITSA-C (Slovenian Intelligent Transport System and services Architecture framework f...Lead moreSlovenia is setting up the National Traffic Management Centre (NTMC) to manage road traffic on the highest, strategic, level. The physical and functional viewpoint of NTMC are based upon SITSA-C (Slovenian Intelligent Transport System and services Architecture framework for roads). Introduction of ITS architecture to NTMC is the necessary basis for better inter-city road traffic control system, road information service provider system (also on the cross-border level), road maintenance management system and travel coordination system. This paper presents an approach how to implement NTMC from the functional and physical viewpoint, i.e. what are the main functions and its physical concept. This paper also describes an organisational viewpoint of NTMC. The concept could be use for any country around the World with similar road traffic management organisation to Slovenia.

Paper Title

SAFERIDER - Advanced Telematics For Enhancing The Safety And Comfort Of Motorcycle Riders

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00465
  • Andrea Spadoni
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Italy


The enormous impact that road fatalities have in our society has attracted the attention of various official entities and policy makers to this issue. In particular, for more than 15 years the European Commission took care about road crashes, especially in relation to the...Lead moreThe enormous impact that road fatalities have in our society has attracted the attention of various official entities and policy makers to this issue. In particular, for more than 15 years the European Commission took care about road crashes, especially in relation to the eSafety strategic objective: the reduction of all road accidents by 50% by the year 2010. Among motor vehicle accidents, which represents second most frequent cause of death for people 5-29 years old, motorcyclists are worldwide among the most vulnerable road users. Motorcycle and moped fatalities account for 17,7% of the total number of road accident fatalities in Europe. Therefore, compared to a passenger vehicle occupant, a motorcycle rider is 26 times more likely to die in a crash, based on vehicle miles travelled. It’s clear that the social impact of this phenomenon is dramatically negative from the European Community point of view. This paper will present the SAFERIDER (Advanced telematics for enhancing the safety and comfort of motorcycle riders) project outline, focusing on the functionality developed and the activity done so far. In details, the paper will show the architecture developed for the simulator testing, the validation plan on which the simulation activities are based, the integration of the innovative vehicle demonstrators, and the expected results of the third year of the project. Waiting for the project conclusion, the draft results seem to be very interesting for challenging objectives of the European Community.

Paper Title

The Effect of ITS Systems on Driver Mental Workload

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00455
  • Alex Uyttendaele
  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Netherlands


Driving is a strenuous task and requires a high level of attention. ITS systems strive to reduce the mental workload by automating part of the driving task. The present article will compare two different ITS systems to the manual driving task with regards to mental worklo...Lead moreDriving is a strenuous task and requires a high level of attention. ITS systems strive to reduce the mental workload by automating part of the driving task. The present article will compare two different ITS systems to the manual driving task with regards to mental workload. The first system is a Cooperative Cruise Control (CACC) system which automates breaking and acceleration and informs the driver of upcoming traffic changes. The second is a Cooperative Cruise Control (CCC) system which merely informs the driver of upcoming traffic without automating anything. The first hypothesis suggests that drivers using CACC will have a lower workload due to the automation. The second hypothesis contradicts this hypothesis by suggesting that the added monitoring task due to distrust in automated systems counteracts this reduce in workload. Mental workload is measured from driving characteristics, a secondary reaction time task, self report questionnaires and physiological data.

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Fog warning system in Venice Region

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_EU00454
  • Pekka Leviakangas
  • VTT
  • Finland


The fog warning system build-up is one of the pilot systems of project ROADIDEA, under 7th Framework Programme of the EU. The pilot was built and put in operation during the project. This paper summarises the evaluation of the pilot and assesses the ex ante impacts. Espec...Lead moreThe fog warning system build-up is one of the pilot systems of project ROADIDEA, under 7th Framework Programme of the EU. The pilot was built and put in operation during the project. This paper summarises the evaluation of the pilot and assesses the ex ante impacts. Especially the safety impact of the system is evaluated based on prior studies on similar systems and national accident statistics in Italy. The other critical evaluation line is the system interfaces between the other system entities within ARPAV, the meteorological service for Venice Region, as well as with prospective systems hosted by other organisations, such as traffic carabinieri and traffic management centres of the region. Also other technical and organisational aspects are evaluated. The challenges concerning the system architecture, looking at technical, organisational and economic issues, are discussed in the end.