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Paper Title

Using GPS/GIS to Support an On-Demand-Type Parcel Collection and Delivery System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01091
  • Etsuo Masuda
  • Ryutsu Keizai University
  • Japan


In this paper, we examine a system that transport companies could use to efficiently match empty space in delivery vehicles with delivery requests received from random sources (ie. not pre-arranged), thus creating an “on-demand” distribution system which collects loads in...Lead moreIn this paper, we examine a system that transport companies could use to efficiently match empty space in delivery vehicles with delivery requests received from random sources (ie. not pre-arranged), thus creating an “on-demand” distribution system which collects loads individually. In this type of distribution system, delivery requests are immediately transmitted via a multi-user broadcast communications system to vehicles that potentially have unutilized space. GPS(Global Positioning System)/GIS(Geographic Information System) and Internet technology are used to locate the vehicle which can pick up the delivery most efficiently. A simulation is then used to evaluate the proposed system and determine its effectiveness.

Paper Title

Concept Design of a Noble Dynamic Park and Ride Service using 5.8GHz DSRC for ITS FOT in Kashiwa

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01090
  • Takayuki HIRASAWA
  • Institute of Industrial Science, the Univerisity
  • Japan


The concept of a noble dynamic park-and-ride service is proposed which provides drivers with variety of effective transport transfer guidance information for mode choice decisions with new-type car navigation system called ITS OBU enabled with 5.8GHz DSRC. A deployment sc...Lead moreThe concept of a noble dynamic park-and-ride service is proposed which provides drivers with variety of effective transport transfer guidance information for mode choice decisions with new-type car navigation system called ITS OBU enabled with 5.8GHz DSRC. A deployment scenario has been drawn for a national ITS FOT model city project in Kashiwa in the suburbs of Tokyo.

Paper Title

Development of the New National ITS Architecture of Korea

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01089
  • Sibok Lee
  • Youngan University
  • Republic of Korea


Korean government has developed the 1st version of the National ITS Architecture in 1999 and utilized it as the framework for ITS planning, design, and standardization. The National Architecture now needs to be revised to adapt to environmental changes in ITS market and n...Lead moreKorean government has developed the 1st version of the National ITS Architecture in 1999 and utilized it as the framework for ITS planning, design, and standardization. The National Architecture now needs to be revised to adapt to environmental changes in ITS market and newly emerging ITS technologies. This study evaluates the current version of the architecture and suggests the directions for revision for a new national ITS architecture. The two most popular methodologies for architecture development-the process-oriented approach and the object-oriented approach-were reviewed, and the process-oriented approach was selected for new architecture development. The concept of the national architecture was then newly defined based on evaluation of the existing architecture. The new National ITS Architecture is suggested to be composed of ITS user services, logical architecture, physical architecture, and project architecture. This study must be followed by actual architecture development efforts and supporting policy actions for successful deployment of the new National ITS Architecture.

Paper Title

A Study on Seamless Handover Algorithm in the u-TSN environment

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01087
  • SinWoo Park
  • Kyungpook National University
  • Republic of Korea


The u-TSN(Ubiquitous Transportation Service Network) is a system which aims on providing various traffic services through telecommunication among vehicles, u-TSN center and roadside infrastructures. To provide best communication quality to moving vehicles between roadside...Lead moreThe u-TSN(Ubiquitous Transportation Service Network) is a system which aims on providing various traffic services through telecommunication among vehicles, u-TSN center and roadside infrastructures. To provide best communication quality to moving vehicles between roadside infrastructure service coverage, in the u-TSN, handover is one of important issues. In the u-TSN, communication between vehicle and roadside infrastructure is adopting IEEE 802.11p standard. In this paper, we propose handover algorithm considering IEEE 802.11p standard characteristics. Furthermore, message transmission method without data loss during vehicle’s movement into adjacent roadside infrastructure transmission coverage will be proposed.

Paper Title

An Analysis of Segway Behavior focusing on Safety Distance for Pedestrians and Gaze of Riders

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01086
  • Hiroaki Nishiuchi
  • College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
  • Japan


Recently, personal transporter is focused as new transportation mode to support pedestrians and to improve the mobility in huge buildings, space, factories and so on. Therefore it is well known manufacturer are producing these transporters and some of them are already use...Lead moreRecently, personal transporter is focused as new transportation mode to support pedestrians and to improve the mobility in huge buildings, space, factories and so on. Therefore it is well known manufacturer are producing these transporters and some of them are already used in many situations in the world. However, personal transporter has not yet allowed using on street in Japan since it is concerning mainly safety problems. And actually there is not a lot of knowledge of their safety to discuss whether it is really safe or not. Therefore this research analyzes Segway PT riders’ behavior through several experiments. One is the experiments for determine the safety distance with pedestrians. The results of experiments are compared to the one from bicycle case. From the results, the safety of Segway PT is discussed. And another experiment is focused on the movement of gaze of Segway PT riders using Eye-Mark recorder equipped with CCD video camera. That is investigated to understand what riders are careful when they are riding on Segway PT. These analyses could be mentioned for safety of Segway PT to make it possible to ride on Japanese street.

Paper Title

Extensional Smart Phone Probe for Road Bump Detection

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01085
  • Koichi Yagi
  • Traffic Hazard Technology
  • Japan


When the wide area disaster like an earthquake is occurred, traffic monitoring and road bump detection are important to understand seriousness of the earthquake damage. If this information can be get immediately, rescue operation will be done more efficiently. But current...Lead moreWhen the wide area disaster like an earthquake is occurred, traffic monitoring and road bump detection are important to understand seriousness of the earthquake damage. If this information can be get immediately, rescue operation will be done more efficiently. But currently, special equipment is needed for road bump detection. It means long time is needed to research whole areas. In this paper, the road bump detection method is proposed that is the smart phone which has GPS and three-dimensional accelerometer, only put on the vehicle dashboard. This method is one kind of cellular phone probe, so travel speed can be measured at same time for each road. The road bump detection logic and an experiment result are explained.

Paper Title

The Conceptual framework of incident detection system(SMART-I) associated with SMART Highway

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01083
  • Sang hwa Lee
  • Myong Ji University
  • Republic of Korea


Unexpected situations mean the general situations[accidents, obstacles, vehicles’ standing, etc] which give adverse impacts on traffic flow and safety while the definition of unexpected situations on the SMART HIGHWAY generally includes the congestion followed by the incr...Lead moreUnexpected situations mean the general situations[accidents, obstacles, vehicles’ standing, etc] which give adverse impacts on traffic flow and safety while the definition of unexpected situations on the SMART HIGHWAY generally includes the congestion followed by the increase in traffic volume in addition to the existing definition of unexpected situations. The currently used detection method of emergencies on the highway is carried out on the basis of traffic data[speed, traffic volume, occupancy rate]collected from the detectors at a point; the sorts of detectors at this time are loop detectors and video image detectors. In order to establish safe and speedy road which SMART HIGHWAY is pursuing, it is necessary to prepare a detection scheme to make up for the demerits of the existing detection system; for this purpose, there need to be a prompt detection and countermeasure against a variety of unexpected situations, such as traffic accidents, disabled vehicles, vehicular congestion, and standing on the shoulders, etc. which could happen on the road at any time. Accordingly, this research is aimed at making a conception of real-time SMART-I[detection system against unexpected situations] for all sections as a rudimentary stage for the system development capable of detecting diverse patterns of emergencies that could happen on the SMART HIGHWAY.

Paper Title

An Introduction On-Line Electric Vehicle development

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01082
  • Dae Jun Kang
  • Republic of Korea


In green car, Electric Vehicle(EV) is one of the most practical approaches and it has been developed mainly by increasing energy density, life span and downsizing size, cost, charging time, weight of battery. Although great advances in battery have brought progress of EV ...Lead moreIn green car, Electric Vehicle(EV) is one of the most practical approaches and it has been developed mainly by increasing energy density, life span and downsizing size, cost, charging time, weight of battery. Although great advances in battery have brought progress of EV in recent years, it still needs to be improved to be successfully deployed on a commercial scale. Thus, this paper introduces a new concept electric vehicle, On Line Electric Vehicle(OLEV). The OLEV is composed of three parts; wireless charging system, vehicle power management system, and road network system. Wireless charging system can be divided into inductive power supply system that supply inductive power to road and pick-up system that receive power from road. Vehicle power management system distributes and manages a power for vehicle driving. Road network system takes charge of comprehensive control such as road segmentation, information of vehicle location on road. Through those three systems, OLEV can receive inductive power, which is using driving energy and battery charging, from road by wireless. In this way, OLEV can minimize capacity of battery. To demonstrate the benefits of OLEV, we show a case study in an experimental environment.

Paper Title

SDU-APTSS: A Middlleware-Based Approach to Advanced Public Transportation System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01081
  • Hongjun Song
  • Shandong University
  • China


Advanced Public Transportation System(APTS) plays an irreplaceable role in bus corporation management, decision support and passenger service, multiple functions and goals make the system complex,hybrid and heterogeneous, it’s usually one big challenge to design and imple...Lead moreAdvanced Public Transportation System(APTS) plays an irreplaceable role in bus corporation management, decision support and passenger service, multiple functions and goals make the system complex,hybrid and heterogeneous, it’s usually one big challenge to design and implement such system, and it’s even harder to maintain and upgrade.This paper introduces middleware to contend with the above issues.Middleware serves as a perspective to view and analyze the APTS, and a means to design and develop the system architecture as well as functional modules. This paper presents a middleware-based bus scheduling and information service system,named as SDU-APTSS,for Jinan City Public Transportation Group(JCPTG) of Shandong province. The developed system has the following key features. (1) It is fully middleware-based designed and implemented; (2)A two-tier server architecture is presented to provide scalbility,flexibility and management capability;(3)A set of APTS-oriented IDL service interfaces are defined that provides modulization,standardization and model-driven ability.

Paper Title

Toll Collection service in Kansai

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01079
  • Nippon Expressway Company Co.,Ltd
  • Japan


NEXCO West (West Nippon Expressway Company Limited) is being constructing the new network of expressways in Kansai region, Japan. As a result, drivers can select many routes to go to the destination. The network-advanced expressway will have difficulty to supply informati...Lead moreNEXCO West (West Nippon Expressway Company Limited) is being constructing the new network of expressways in Kansai region, Japan. As a result, drivers can select many routes to go to the destination. The network-advanced expressway will have difficulty to supply information that drivers can select the route which drivers take shorter time. NEXCO West is trying to use the data of DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communication) as route records of drivers from entrance to exit of expressways. The DSRC antennas for the route information collecting were installed. We can receive drivers’ data from the antennas that the drivers pass through the points. On this research report, we are going to introduce the system to figure out drivers’ traffic characteristics.

Paper Title

The taraffic volume measurement with imasing Processor

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01077
  • Nippon Expressway Company Co.,Ltd
  • Japan


The traffic measuring technology by the image processing can catch the situation of the road as information. It resembles human sensing ability to perceive objects. The biggest problem of the image processing with only one camera is rather low accuracy interfered by the s...Lead moreThe traffic measuring technology by the image processing can catch the situation of the road as information. It resembles human sensing ability to perceive objects. The biggest problem of the image processing with only one camera is rather low accuracy interfered by the shadows of the vehicles and reflection of lights. In addition, during the congestion, the number of vehicles that flow too close each other may be recognized less than actual. To solve this problem, a new system with two cameras has been developed as stereo eyes. It takes a picture of the same position with two cameras. The images taken by both cameras are associated to measure the parallax of the object between images. This traffic measuring technology by the stereo image processing is enable to obtain by the distance information and detected the object. This text reports that the great improvement in the accurate measurement of traffic flow is verified by the proof experiment in traffic congestions.

Paper Title

A study for Executive BMS. - Case of Daegu Metropolitan city BMS

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01076
  • Gyunjo Kim
  • Samsung SDS
  • Republic of Korea


This paper is discuss for BMS. BMS is necessary executive active to control Bus company. But except Daegu other City do not control Bus company. Daegu city operation violation crackdown on sanctions through the bus company. So this paper discuss to real case of BMS and af...Lead moreThis paper is discuss for BMS. BMS is necessary executive active to control Bus company. But except Daegu other City do not control Bus company. Daegu city operation violation crackdown on sanctions through the bus company. So this paper discuss to real case of BMS and after BMS's aim. The rest paper supplementation after case analysis.

Paper Title

Verification of MOE Prediction Method for Signalized Intersections

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01074
  • Sangwon Yoon
  • The Korea Transport Institute
  • Republic of Korea


A variety of manuals are proposed and used for analysis of signalized intersection performance including capacity, delay and saturation flow. Among them, HCM(Highway Capacity Manual, publication of Transportation Research Board) is widely used in transportation study grou...Lead moreA variety of manuals are proposed and used for analysis of signalized intersection performance including capacity, delay and saturation flow. Among them, HCM(Highway Capacity Manual, publication of Transportation Research Board) is widely used in transportation study groups. However, HCM generates the intersection performance in lane group level which can not capture distinct characteristics of individual lanes. To mitigate the limitation, there are manuals and papers to provide new solution through estimating intersection performance by subgroups. However they do not have enough reliability due to lack of verification by field data. In this paper, signalized intersection performance by individual lane level compared with intersection field data. Furthermore, the result deduced from HCM is compared with field data. Through comparing these results, reliability of the result from HCM and the method by lane-by-lane can be examined. From the result, it is proved that MOEs of signalized intersection performance from theoretical method have difference comparing with field data. Nonetheless, the lane-by-lane method has some more similar result to field data than HCM result in terms of v/c ratio and control delay. Consequently, more accurate performance of signalized intersection can be shown when individual lane property is reflected on the analysis.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01069
  • Jiancheng WENG
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


The Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system is an importation application subsystem of the intelligent transportation system (ITS). The system can continuously record the time of vehicles enter into, or departure from the certain toll station as well the charge informatio...Lead moreThe Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system is an importation application subsystem of the intelligent transportation system (ITS). The system can continuously record the time of vehicles enter into, or departure from the certain toll station as well the charge information. Based on the charge transaction data of ETC system, this article analyzed the original data, and determined the data processing flow of ETC Data. Then, the paper proposed the travel speed calculation model of freeway, the traffic flow distribution analysis method and the information mining techniques of O-D distribution, vehicle type proportion in different toll gate and so on. The research finally took the ETC data Beijing in 2008 as an example, and carried a case analysis. The result indicated that the data processing and the index extraction techniques proposed in this research can accurately gain the information which is necessary in the freeway operation and management. This information will provide effective decision-making support for the freeway travelers’ information service, the highway traffic operation and highway network planning.

Paper Title

Ramp Traffic Volume Forecasting Model using Historical Data and Dynamic Trend

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01068
  • Jee Eun Jang
  • Ajou Univ.
  • Republic of Korea


Phenomena of delay and congestion due to traffic jam occur repeatedly in spite of continuous constructions of highways, and the importance of traffic management through the expansion of transportation facilities in an operative aspect rather then the addition and improvem...Lead morePhenomena of delay and congestion due to traffic jam occur repeatedly in spite of continuous constructions of highways, and the importance of traffic management through the expansion of transportation facilities in an operative aspect rather then the addition and improvement of road facilities increases. An ex post plan for solving traffic congestion requires much time from the construction of system to its operation. Thus, this study aims for building a model system of traffic flow analysis and status prediction to reduce congestion and to improve services for users through effective traffic management such as providing traffic information and managing the operation.

Paper Title

Prospect of Using Weigh-in-motion System for Enhancing Vehicle Weight Enforcement - A Case Study of Malaysian Roads

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01066
  • Ahmad Saifizul Abdullah
  • University of Malaya
  • Malaysia


The need to monitor and enforce vehicle weight limits is important to road authorities and those responsible for the maintenance of roads and highways. Overloading of the road and highway pavement by overloaded trucks would accelerate the deterioration of the pavement lea...Lead moreThe need to monitor and enforce vehicle weight limits is important to road authorities and those responsible for the maintenance of roads and highways. Overloading of the road and highway pavement by overloaded trucks would accelerate the deterioration of the pavement leading to rutting, cracking, fatigue and possibly structural failure. This is explained by the fact that the relation between vehicle axle load and the damage factor is to the fourth power. This paper discusses the results obtained from a weigh-in-motion (WIM) system installed near a static weigh station along a major road in Malaysia. The WIM system enables the capturing of several traffic and vehicular data which were validated on-site. Vehicle classification, especially different truck categories, as well as gross vehicle weight and each axle weight for each truck were analysed. The findings were quite revealing in terms of explaining the possible reasons as to why roads in Malaysia experience failures long before the design life span. Based on the results of this study, it is proposed that the weigh-in-motion system should be used in conjunction with the existing static weighing stations to improve vehicle weight enforcement in the country and help prevent the premature road pavement failures.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01065
  • Xiao Kuan Yang
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Right turn vehicles will conflict with through bicycles at signalized intersections during green indication. This is due to the particular layout of cross section of roadways in Beijing, China. As is known large right turn traffic volume has resulted in the installation o...Lead moreRight turn vehicles will conflict with through bicycles at signalized intersections during green indication. This is due to the particular layout of cross section of roadways in Beijing, China. As is known large right turn traffic volume has resulted in the installation of dual-right-turn lanes at signalized intersections. The use of dual-right-turn lanes at intersections leads to much complicated conflict between bicycle traffic and vehicular traffic, which greatly affects the capacity of right turn traffic compared with the situation in other countries like the US where bicycle traffic is almost non-existent. The objective of this study is to explore the potential capacity of dual-right-turn lanes at signalized intersections under mixed traffic conditions. The concept bicycle group is employed in this study. This paper defines two conflict zones between right turn movement and bicycle traffic, in order to differentiate two flows from dual-right-turn lanes. Relationships among the arrival rate of bicycle group at each conflict zone and the saturation flow rate of passing through right turn movement are investigated. A model based on gap acceptance theory is adopted to estimate the capacity of dual-right-turn lanes under mixed traffic conditions. The critical gaps and follow-up times of dual-right-turn movement traversing bicycle fleets are analyzed using Raff’s model. The analysis is carried through using the collected data from three four-leg signalized intersections in Beijing, where the dual-right-turn lanes are used. This study is the first exploration on the capacity estimation of dual-right-turn movement under mixed traffic condition.

Paper Title

Study for Bus-Only Lane System on Metropolitan Expressway Seoul Area in Korea-ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01064
  • Lee Hyungsuk
  • Kore Expressway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


This study will analyze the problems of the experience of Bus-Only Lane System in Expressway and propose the idea to apply in metropolitan expressways.This study will analyze the problems of the experience of Bus-Only Lane System in Expressway and propose the idea to apply in metropolitan expressways.

Paper Title

Comparative Study of Port Passenger Demand Estimation Techniques

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01062
  • Sangsoo Lee
  • Ajou University
  • Republic of Korea


This study compared the performance of forecasting techniques to predict the port passenger demand using the data collected from the Pyeongtaek Port. Four statistical techniques were applied and monthly demands were estimated. Results showed that the least error was found...Lead moreThis study compared the performance of forecasting techniques to predict the port passenger demand using the data collected from the Pyeongtaek Port. Four statistical techniques were applied and monthly demands were estimated. Results showed that the least error was found from the weighted moving average technique. In addition, other tested techniques also showed a reasonable error pattern except the linear regression technique. This performance difference of technique was attributed to the inherent characteristics of each technique and data pattern.

Paper Title

Quantitative Analysis of Traffic Conflicts in Traffic Impact Studies

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01061
  • Xiao Kuan Yang
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Traffic impact studies (TIS) have been required by transportation agencies to evaluate the potential transportation impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding neighborhood since 2001 in Beijing. The analysis on the negative aspect brought by proposed projects ...Lead moreTraffic impact studies (TIS) have been required by transportation agencies to evaluate the potential transportation impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding neighborhood since 2001 in Beijing. The analysis on the negative aspect brought by proposed projects in terms of improper location and excessive number of driveways or inappropriate opening of median becomes the focus of TIS. However, the analysis of the traffic conflicts generated by proposed development has been so far limited to qualitative interpretation and conflict diagrams in traffic impact reports, which makes it difficult for traffic professionals to evaluate traffic organization/circulation plans. The objective of this paper attempts to explore to quantify traffic conflicts analysis. Concept of conflict complexity is,for the first time, introduced in this study as a new evaluation indicator. The model to estimate conflict complexity is then built up by putting vehicle-bicycle conflict, vehicle-pedestrian conflict and vehicle-vehicle conflict into consideration. This indicator can be used to quantitatively determine if traffic organization and circulation proposed in TIS report is justified. Finally, based on the data from 65 TIS reports from Beijing city the threshold values for criterion are worked out in the study. The result from this study will help transportation agencies make decision for the proposed projects in quantitative manner.

Paper Title

Characteristics of Eyes Movement of Drivers with Different Driving Experience on Perception of Traffic Signs

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01059
  • Xiao Kuan Yang
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Traffic signs provide drivers with essential information. It is important for drivers to recognize and make a response based on the messages of traffic signs. Although several studies have evaluated the legibility of different kinds (e.g. color, shape, size) of traffic si...Lead moreTraffic signs provide drivers with essential information. It is important for drivers to recognize and make a response based on the messages of traffic signs. Although several studies have evaluated the legibility of different kinds (e.g. color, shape, size) of traffic signs, there are very few studies related to the effect of driving experience on legibility of traffic signs. This study was conducted to find the variability of driver eye movements with different driving experience. Eye Tracking System was used to study characteristics of drivers’ eye movements, such as fixation duration, variations of fixation points and the distribution of glance zone. Two types of drivers (experienced and inexperienced drivers) were compared. It is found from this study that the driving experience has an obvious effect on the characteristics of drivers’ eye movement. Eye movement analysis indicates that inexperienced drivers who aren’t familiar with road environments look at the signs more frequently and longer than experienced drivers. The results from this study also show that information of traffic signs should not be excessive. In addition traffic signs should be installed in proper locations to tailor to driver expectations. The findings from this study will assist traffic engineers in designing and installing the traffic signs in a reasonable way.

Paper Title

A High Efficient Doherty Amplifier for Digital TRS Repeater Applications - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01058
  • Seong-gi Noh
  • Kwangwoon university
  • Republic of Korea


Recently, digital trunked radio system (TRS) has been widely used for transportation communications. Modern transportation communications systems require low power consumption and small size for cost reduction. One of the main sources of power consuming in a system is pow...Lead moreRecently, digital trunked radio system (TRS) has been widely used for transportation communications. Modern transportation communications systems require low power consumption and small size for cost reduction. One of the main sources of power consuming in a system is power amplifier. The Doherty amplifier is a technique for improving the efficiency at high output back-off with advantages of simple circuitry, ease configuration in compared to others efficiency improvement techniques. In this paper, a high gain and high efficiency Doherty amplifier for TETRA signals at the frequency of 858.5 MHz is designed by using shunt capacitors at the output matching circuit and peaking compensation lines.

Paper Title

Satisfaction Survey of Dynamic Bus Information System in Tainan City

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01057
  • Yu-Chin Chen
  • Kao-Yuan University
  • Taiwan


This paper briefly investigates bus passengers’ satisfaction with the bus-information system using Tainan as an example. The satisfaction surveys were conducted over three years (2007-2009) in order to explore the changes in passenger perceptions of bus service quality du...Lead moreThis paper briefly investigates bus passengers’ satisfaction with the bus-information system using Tainan as an example. The satisfaction surveys were conducted over three years (2007-2009) in order to explore the changes in passenger perceptions of bus service quality during the implementation of the bus-information system. In general, significant improvements in perceived service quality were observed relative to the higher and more extensive levels of the system.

Paper Title

The Contents of Carbon dioxide Emission on Public Transport Information Web Service in Korea

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01056
  • Korea Transportation Safety Authority
  • Republic of Korea


Korea Transportation Safety Authority(KOTSA) revealed its Intelligent Information System(ITS) Service plans aimed at public transport information and provide of ITS information contents ; real time road speed, bus information system and so on. Its public transport informa...Lead moreKorea Transportation Safety Authority(KOTSA) revealed its Intelligent Information System(ITS) Service plans aimed at public transport information and provide of ITS information contents ; real time road speed, bus information system and so on. Its public transport information service called ALGOGA system. ALGOGA means that public user could know the route plan and the mode to the destination before the departure. The number of visitor in ALOGGA web page was over twenty thousand ones a day. ALGOGA provides public transport information about timetables, bus stops, subway and route guide as start-destination by three method; personal digital assistants (PDA), internet website and mobile phone. This internet website also offers real-time information on the public traffic situation and alternative recommendations. Recently, an important rise of CO2 emissions is stated due to the circulation of private vehicles. The idea of going Green, ALGOGA provided information of carbon dioxide emission content by using public transport route. The content show carbon dioxide emission to web user in kilogram and the number of tree planted in internet popup page. For example, internet users could find the various methods to get their destination in using various public modes and know the number of carbon dioxide emission. And we also provide the exact the number of trees when you use the public mode instead of private one. This information would be the useful advice to the public or private transport users considering abnormal climate changes and impact the buildup of CO2.

Paper Title

Admission Control of New Calls By Dynamic Bandwidth Reservation Using Road Layout Information and Bidirectional Navigator

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01054
  • Jinsoo Park
  • KT
  • Republic of Korea


An important call-level QoS issue is to find an admission control for new calls which provides a dropping probability within a pre-determined level while maximizing utilization of available bandwidth. We propose a call admission control for new calls where originating cal...Lead moreAn important call-level QoS issue is to find an admission control for new calls which provides a dropping probability within a pre-determined level while maximizing utilization of available bandwidth. We propose a call admission control for new calls where originating call is admitted only both when BS has enough leftover bandwidth to serve after dynamic bandwidth reservation for anticipated handoff calls is made in advance and next cell that this call moves to has enough bandwidth for handover. And the proposed call admission control incorporates both mobile position information and road topology knowledge by bidirectional navigator. With capabilities of current smart navigator, BS gathers the information on when each of incoming handoff calls will arrive and how much bandwidth each of them needs whenever new call requests to be admitted. After BS reserves necessary resources for incoming handoff calls, BS checks whether it has enough bandwidth to admit this call or not. Dynamic bandwidth reservations for handoff calls are realized by an amount of necessary bandwidth computed by arrival times of incoming handoff calls and departure times of outgoing handoff calls. Arrival times and departure times of calls are calculated by information on speed and position of mobile stations and road topology. We evaluate the performance of the proposed call admission control (CAC) via simulations. Simulation results show that our approach achieves better resource management than most existing guard-channel-based approaches.

Paper Title

Advanced Testing Techniques in Speed Enforcement Technology

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01053
  • David Laizans
  • SGS Australia Pty Ltd
  • Australia


Automated speed enforcement programs are an effective strategy in improving road safety and reducing the death toll on our roads. The aim of these programs is to permanently change driver behaviour and to achieve this goal the technology must have credibility in the eyes ...Lead moreAutomated speed enforcement programs are an effective strategy in improving road safety and reducing the death toll on our roads. The aim of these programs is to permanently change driver behaviour and to achieve this goal the technology must have credibility in the eyes of road users. The most effective method for improving confidence in a speed enforcement program is demonstrating the accuracy and reliability of the technology through an independent and transparent process. Advancements in the development of vehicle simulators has increased accuracy in the testing of this technology with precise laboratory simulators now available for all technologies now in common use including piezoelectric, optical fibre, inductive loop, Lidar, Doppler radar, and tracking radar devices. In addition to laboratory techniques advances in field testing techniques allow characterising a systems performance across a large volume of vehicles. This type of equipment characterisation provides a picture of the reliability and repeatability of speed enforcement technology systems and confirms correct operation of the system. A plot of the speed difference distribution provides a comprehensive picture of the performance of systems. Analysis of the vehicle speed sensors in fixed systems also provides data on the operation of the system. In the example of a Doppler radar system the energy pattern of the radio frequency energy on the target road surface is measured to confirm the amplitude of signal in the centre of the lane and sufficient attenuation at the edge of the lane. Similar techniques are also applied for other sensor types.

Paper Title

Development of a Driving Simulator for Education of Safe Driving on Expressways

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01051
  • Akira Mitsuishi
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


Even expressways, on which driving is safer than on ordinary roads, have hazards to safe driving such as driving errors, effects by other vehicles, weather, etc. Though many measures for safety have been taken, their effects are generally limited and do not last long. To ...Lead moreEven expressways, on which driving is safer than on ordinary roads, have hazards to safe driving such as driving errors, effects by other vehicles, weather, etc. Though many measures for safety have been taken, their effects are generally limited and do not last long. To solve the problem we think it is important to raise the safety consciousness of the drivers. Giving them experiences related to traffic accidents is a way for raising their consciousness of safe driving on expressways. However, it is impossible to realise such situations on expressways. We have developed a driving simulator (DS)with recent virtual reality technology to reproduce various driving scenarios with hazards on expressways. With the DS drivers can experience scenarios related to accidents and understand the importance of safe driving, their individual driving behaviour and limit. We can take it easily with an ordinary truck and therefore many drivers can enjoy it. This paper describes its outline and our plan to use it.

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Integrating Ramp Signal, Intelligent Transport systems & Network Performance Measurement

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01050
  • Hanford Cheung
  • Auckland Motorway Alliance
  • New Zealand


The Auckland Motorway network is unique in the country in many ways. Particularly, in terms of the volume of goods and commuters that it carries and the additional economic cost of congestion that the nation incurs for transporting these goods and people. NZTA set up the ...Lead moreThe Auckland Motorway network is unique in the country in many ways. Particularly, in terms of the volume of goods and commuters that it carries and the additional economic cost of congestion that the nation incurs for transporting these goods and people. NZTA set up the Auckland Motorway Alliance (AMA) in October 2008 with an aim to provide road users with a better experience on the motorway network. The introduction of Auckland Motorway’s Ramp Signalling System (RSS) gradual introduction of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) infrastructure on the network’s Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) have continued to improve the performance of the network. This paper provides an overview of: ? the current state of performance measurement on the Auckland Motorways network o definition of congestion o performance baseline establishment o performance target establishment o limitations of the current approach & lessons learnt ? the ramp signalling system in brief o layout of detectors o traffic data collected ? integrating performance measurement with RSS and ITS infrastructure o other data collection devices o database infrastructure & analytic tools o data validation methodologies under development o how a network performance monitoring programme can measure successes of ITS implementation, e.g. ramp signals o challenges & future development road map

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01047
  • Akifumi Shintaku
  • Cwntral Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


The New Tomei Expressway, along with the New Meishin expressway, will connect the three major metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka in Japan and its length will be approximately 330km. The construction of the New Tomei Expressway is carried out vigorously, with plans...Lead moreThe New Tomei Expressway, along with the New Meishin expressway, will connect the three major metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka in Japan and its length will be approximately 330km. The construction of the New Tomei Expressway is carried out vigorously, with plans to open the section within Shizuoka Prefecture (from Gotenba to Inasa) by the end of2012. We will have field operational tests and demonstrations on completed sections of the expressway in advance to the opening to the public from February in this year. Many ITS technologies, such as vehicle infrastructure cooperative system and the system for efficient expressway operation, will be tested and demonstrated. This paper reports the contents and some results of field tests, such as the latest ITS technologies and technologies from other various fields. Various kinds of field-test, such as providing effective safety information by ITS on-board units as DSRC, detecting road conditions by image processing and platooning operation of trucks are taken from February.

Paper Title

Travel Time Estimation with Transfer Function Technique and Data Fusion

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01045
  • Chee Chung Tong
  • Tamkang University
  • Taiwan


Transfer function technique with the capability to calibrate bivariate relations for time series data was recognized to capture the effect of dynamic nature real time data. In this paper the authors develop an integrated procedure to combine two different data sources in ...Lead moreTransfer function technique with the capability to calibrate bivariate relations for time series data was recognized to capture the effect of dynamic nature real time data. In this paper the authors develop an integrated procedure to combine two different data sources in the application of estimation of travel time along a specific road segment. Transfer functions were calibrated for traffic data from loop detector and probe vehicle data streams respectively for each unified space-time interval to recognize the inherent differences between them. Finally, data fusion technique was applied to obtain the estimated travel time by integrating estimates from fixed loop VD detector and probe vehicle. A base model without applying transfer function technique was also constructed to serve as a benchmark. This study employed Paramics, a microscopic traffic simulation program, as primary research tool of data sources to evaluate the proposed issues. Care has been taken to calibrate simulation parameters using true field survey data to ensue the consistency. Comparing with base case, where no transfer functions applied, we demonstrated the quality of transfer function by significant improvement of MAPE values over those of the base model.

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Improvement for Express Highway Hipass Use of Freight Transportation Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01032
  • Eok Keun Lee
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Electronic Toll Collection System (ETCS), which is referred to as Hipass in Korea, was installed across the country in 2007 and has been expanded to new expressways and tollgates with large traffic volume. Hipass is a system that collects the toll using the ultraviolet ra...Lead moreElectronic Toll Collection System (ETCS), which is referred to as Hipass in Korea, was installed across the country in 2007 and has been expanded to new expressways and tollgates with large traffic volume. Hipass is a system that collects the toll using the ultraviolet ray or frequency-mode wireless communication mode, when a vehicle with On-Board Unit (OBU) enters the tollgate. As it collects the toll while the vehicle is still running, it is possible to reduce the fuel cost and the operation time which may have been incurred if the vehicle has to stop for paying the toll. Furthermore, as the system is operated unattended, it is possible to save the operation cost and as the vehicles do not have to stop, it helps reduce delay or congestion, contributing to establishing low-carbon green transportation. However, the types of vehicles that can enter into the Hipass lane are limited to small/medium cars, buses, and small freight cars. Medium and larger freight cars are measured before entering into the expressway to see whether the freight is loaded within the limit announced by the relevant laws and regulations, so they can only enter into the lane equipped with the system that can measure and record the gross weight of the vehicle, the axial load, and the total height including the freight. As high-speed Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) equipment appropriate for Hipass has not yet developed, the freight cars cannot use the Hipass lanes. Though the number of freight cars is still small in comparison to the total number of cars registered, the percentage of the freight cars using expressways is high. Therefore, in order to increase the effect of Hipass, it is necessary to make it earlier to allow the freight cars to use the Hipass lanes. As an alternative for the medium and large freight cars to use the Hipass lane, this paper proposes a system that measures the weight of the freight car before entering into the expressway and records it on the freight card.

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Improvement of ITS Upper Structure for Fall Prevention from High Areas

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01031
  • Man Kwan Cho
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


At present, since 4 units of CCTV and 4 units of video image type VDS facilities on bents of Seohae Daegyo (West ocean great bridge) and etc have frequent breakdowns due to the characteristics of great bridges above the ocean such as strong wind, strong earthquake, strong...Lead moreAt present, since 4 units of CCTV and 4 units of video image type VDS facilities on bents of Seohae Daegyo (West ocean great bridge) and etc have frequent breakdowns due to the characteristics of great bridges above the ocean such as strong wind, strong earthquake, strong salt and etc, people have to work by depending on a beam lift 100% during breakdown countermeasure and general inspection. During the works, a beam lift is set on shoulders of great bridges and sign car is deployed but since shoulders on bents of bridges not only have no retreat roads during emergency but also workers, who work at the top of beam lifts, have no alternatives but to get hurt during emergency situations such as breakdowns of passing vehicles or driving while sleeping and etc. In addition, often cases, overall conditions such as beam lift and sign car deployment time and etc in connection with branch office business are not good and in this case, it is connected to delay of breakdown repairs and consequently, operation rate of information & communication facility is deteriorated. I have suggested a system in which an independent work is possible even without connection with overall heavy equipment support business while improving safety of workers more than anything else by perfectly bing prepared for customer service through improvement of these various conditions.

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Visualizing Knowledge Maps of Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Case Study of Taiwan

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01029
  • Chi-Chung Tao
  • Tamkang University
  • Taiwan


Information visualization technology has become a promising means in the field of Webometrics and Informetrics. Based on citation analysis, cluster analysis and multi dimension scaling analysis, huge of data, information on the Internet are easily transformed into knowled...Lead moreInformation visualization technology has become a promising means in the field of Webometrics and Informetrics. Based on citation analysis, cluster analysis and multi dimension scaling analysis, huge of data, information on the Internet are easily transformed into knowledge maps with such visualization tools which can provide an overview of academic research trends in graphics interactively. It is, therefore, anticipated that digital literatures of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be visualized with knowledge maps in the near future. This paper investigates ITS-related literatures including books, papers and reports saved in database of Web of Science from1998 to 2008 in Taiwan. First, a framework to define ITS knowledge and criteria for classification will be set up. Then different knowledge maps according to corresponding criteria are drawn with the software package CiteSpace. Finally, interpretations to depict results are provided to demonstrate ITS academic research trends in Taiwan.

Paper Title

Performance Evaluation of the 2D Positioning by M-CubITS in Plural Traffic Lane Roads

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01027
  • Kim Jeyeon
  • Japan


This paper proposes a vehicle positioning system by M-CubITS (M-sequence Multi-modal Markers for ITS) in plural traffic lane roads, and shows the effectiveness of this system. The proposal system is composed of the driving lane recognition subsystem and the M-CubITS subsy...Lead moreThis paper proposes a vehicle positioning system by M-CubITS (M-sequence Multi-modal Markers for ITS) in plural traffic lane roads, and shows the effectiveness of this system. The proposal system is composed of the driving lane recognition subsystem and the M-CubITS subsystem. The diving lane recognition subsystem determines its vehicle’s driving lane (lateral direction) in plural traffic lanes. The M-CubITS subsystem carries out the positioning (lateral and longitudinal direction) in the determined driving lane. We perform vehicle driving experiments with lane change, show the effectiveness of the proposal system.

Paper Title

Improvement of Efficient Vehicle Monitoring on Hipass Lanes

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01026
  • Nae Hun Cho
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Rapid increase of the number of possession of vehicles due to development of industry indicates a trend of continuous increase in number of vehicles using highway and it is the reality that level of service requirements of using customers such as elimination of traffic de...Lead moreRapid increase of the number of possession of vehicles due to development of industry indicates a trend of continuous increase in number of vehicles using highway and it is the reality that level of service requirements of using customers such as elimination of traffic delay &congestion at highway tollgates, diversification and convenience of toll payment means and etc are increasing higher.HI-PASS has the purpose of not only improvement of quality of customer service and increase of traffic passage capability of car lanes by eliminating traffic delay & congestion at highway tollgates but also of reduction of additional car lanes installation cost and of efficiency rationalization of business management of toll collect business and for this end, it provides the best technological power and the best service based on infrared rays(IR)method HI-PASS system and on-board unit(OBU)for system popularization. That is, it has big advantage of reducing fuel cost and time of each car for paying toll after stopping at toll booth since toll is collected automatically after communication with infrared rays/frequency method when a car enters business branch even without stop at toll booth but as phenomena of over-speeding and increase of violation vehicles appear due to this. As there were many reports such as 「HI-PASS customary free pass without honest consciousness」of Munhwa Daily Newspaper in 2007 and etc,「HI-PASS is selfish pass」 report of SBS「HI-PASS car lanes are escape path without paying tolls」report of CBS in 2008,it is definitively necessary to prepare prevention countermeasure for implementing high speed and stable actions to prevent safety accidents and non-payment of toll by cars passing through HI-PASS car lanes at highway tollgates. In this study,with regard to improvement plan utilizing the current facility and future countermeasure direction, fe was verified in comparison with the current installation equipments and models of improvement equipmentsasibility of improvement equipments.

Paper Title

Improvement of Driver Recognition on Hipass Lanes

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01025
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


In this study, we suggests a system to help drivers using the tollgates of expressways to clearly understand Hipass lanes. This Hipass is a system, which allows drivers to pay a toll, with business offices being established at a tollgate and OBU(On-Board Unit) in a car, w...Lead moreIn this study, we suggests a system to help drivers using the tollgates of expressways to clearly understand Hipass lanes. This Hipass is a system, which allows drivers to pay a toll, with business offices being established at a tollgate and OBU(On-Board Unit) in a car, which is the basis of DSRC(Dedicated Short-Range Communication). There are VMS and an antenna device installed at an arch-type Gantry as a component of the system to inform drivers of road conditions, and a vehicle detecting device and a video recorder for violated vehicles are installed at islands, concrete structures separating lanes, for operation. Currently, users identify VMS and LCS(signal marking) installed at an arch-type Gantry when users use a Hipass lane. However, they are clearly identified by the drivers of day and night time, so that there are many cases of drivers entering a road by mistake and there is a case of abruptly switching a lane after finding a lane later. Therefore, we need a device that can be clearly identified form a long distance because there is always a possibility of an safety accident. Gantry is a gray colored steel structure. It looks not much different from a Canopy pillar of a business building at night, so that it is not easy see it due to its low visibility. This problem was identified after analysis. In this study, in order to solve this problem, we improved the signal system for customers'convenience by installing an identifying device using LED(Light Emitting Diode) in front of the Gantry.

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Analysis of Minimum Requirements Time for Bicycle Signal Clearacne Interval

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01024
  • DooHwan Joo
  • Road Traffic Authority
  • Republic of Korea


Korea has experienced a very rapid increase in police-reported collisions between bicycle and motor vehicles over the past decade. Even though cycling accidents are increasing, efforts to make urban areas more accommodating to cyclists are seldom formed. So, Korea Nationa...Lead moreKorea has experienced a very rapid increase in police-reported collisions between bicycle and motor vehicles over the past decade. Even though cycling accidents are increasing, efforts to make urban areas more accommodating to cyclists are seldom formed. So, Korea National Police Agency(KNPA) decide to install Bicycle-Traffic-Signal at signalized intersections. Clearance intervals(including both the yellow change and all-red clearance intervals) at signalized intersections that are of inadequate lengths for bicycles may cause accidents. Data on bicycling speed, acceleration and deceleration were tested and analyzed on the flat. Using the results of the analysis and based on the AASHTO's equation of the bicycle clearance interval, a methodology is got for calculation safe clearance intervals for bicycle riders. The clearance interval call for bicycles will be larger or same than for vehicles because of the speed, acceleration and deceleration difference. Adequate bicycle speed, acceleration and deceleration for korean bicycle users is presented in this paper. It is hoped that traffic engineers to provide safe intersection clearance time for bicycles use the results of this paper. Introduction

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The Study on Improvement Measures with regard to Bidding

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01022
  • Woo Hyun Shin
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) has been driven by local road ITS, municipality ITS and UTIS of National Police Agency, and is planned to be expanded. ITS currently operated in Korea is important not only for growth of industry related to ITS but also for national develo...Lead moreIntelligent Traffic System (ITS) has been driven by local road ITS, municipality ITS and UTIS of National Police Agency, and is planned to be expanded. ITS currently operated in Korea is important not only for growth of industry related to ITS but also for national development. ITS bidding policy requires improvement to establish Win-Win Strategy to grow with specialized mid to small sized businesses as well as large businesses with technology edge. This paper derives the issues of the ITS bidding policy through analysis of ITS bidding policy and case, and proposes an improvement plan for the derived issues to promote healthy development of ITS industry and support the policy maker to improve the bidding policy.

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A Study of Real Time Road Surface Friction Coefficient Measuring on Highway

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01021
  • Jisoo Kim
  • Cheil Engineering
  • Republic of Korea


Smart Highway aims at road users to be served safety and comfortable driving environment. In order to do that, much diverse road and traffic information should be collected and provided than the existing highways. Road surface friction coefficient between road surface and...Lead moreSmart Highway aims at road users to be served safety and comfortable driving environment. In order to do that, much diverse road and traffic information should be collected and provided than the existing highways. Road surface friction coefficient between road surface and vehicle tires is one of the most important information that guarantees vehicle safety especially wet road condition. Measuring road surface friction coefficient, in these days, is generally used for maintain road surface pavement in Korea. Observing road conditions at all times, however, is more important to improve road safety not just for maintenance. Also because vehicle driving characteristics on basic section and merging/diverging section are clearly different, measuring road surface friction coefficient strategy should be set up after analyzing characteristics of each section.

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Forecast on the Demand of Ubiquitous Traffic System Information Device

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AP01020
  • Eon Soo Jung
  • DB Communication & Systems
  • Republic of Korea


This study forecasts the market demand for ubiquitous vehicle sensor, the terminal mounted on vehicles in the ubiquitous environment, in order to develop the base technology for ubiquitous transportation (u-Transportation) system. The forecast on market demand is focused ...Lead moreThis study forecasts the market demand for ubiquitous vehicle sensor, the terminal mounted on vehicles in the ubiquitous environment, in order to develop the base technology for ubiquitous transportation (u-Transportation) system. The forecast on market demand is focused on properly reflecting the reality, by applying the diffusion model selected for complementing the limit that the existing demand forecast method has in forecasting the market for new products. It is expected that the result of this study will be used for formulating the market strategy for the u-Transportation system to be developed in the future.