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1120-1160 of 3402

Paper Title

Dutch field operational test experience with "the Assisted Driver"

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4102
  • Tom Alkim
  • RWS-AVV Transport Research Centre
  • Netherlands


Abstract— In order to get a better understanding of how driving with Advanced Driver Assistance (ADA) systems effects traffic flow in terms of safety, throughput and environment in practice a Field Operational Test (FOT), called “The Assisted Driver” was conducted by the ...Lead moreAbstract— In order to get a better understanding of how driving with Advanced Driver Assistance (ADA) systems effects traffic flow in terms of safety, throughput and environment in practice a Field Operational Test (FOT), called “The Assisted Driver” was conducted by the Dutch Road Authority Rijkswaterstaat in The Netherlands. The main component of this project was the so-called Full Traffic FOT in which 20 cars, equipped with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Lane Departure Warning, were driven in mixed traffic for five months. During this period a vast amount of data was collected by installed data-loggers in order to perform an objective impact assessment. The results are quite promising. Driving with ACC and LDW improves traffic safety with approximately 8% and fuel consumption decreases with 3%. Associated emissions can decrease up to 10% and there seems to be no direct negative effect for throughput.

Paper Title

Traffic Data Fusion in Urban Networks: Data Replacement

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4101
  • Hao Liu
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


In this study we focus on one particular application of traffic data fusion in an urban environment, which is data replacement or data imputation (to impute = to replace). The idea behind it is simple: given a variety of different sensors and hence data in an urban networ...Lead moreIn this study we focus on one particular application of traffic data fusion in an urban environment, which is data replacement or data imputation (to impute = to replace). The idea behind it is simple: given a variety of different sensors and hence data in an urban network, data from one traffic sensor can be utilized to fill in the gaps in the data produced by another (or vice versa). A more robust and reliable traffic monitoring system evolves than one built solely on the basis of one particular brand of traffic sensor.

Paper Title

Evaluating non trivial objective functions for traffic management by means of optimal prescriptive route guidance

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4099
  • Frank Zuurbier
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


This paper investigates system optimal route guidance based on non trivial objective functions, when a) dealing with emission, b) cumulative network throughput and c) a combination of both from a management point of view. A brief discussion is presented indicating some of...Lead moreThis paper investigates system optimal route guidance based on non trivial objective functions, when a) dealing with emission, b) cumulative network throughput and c) a combination of both from a management point of view. A brief discussion is presented indicating some of the drawbacks when generating guidance based on system optimal assignments and difficulties which may arise in the calculation process. The objective functions a) and b) are shown for different quasi static network scenario’s to lead to almost dissimilar routings. A third trade-off objective is presented which is successful in reconciling both points of view. The proposed logic for combining both types of objective functions is discussed as its application to real-time traffic management

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4098
  • Harry Lahrmann
  • Aalborg University
  • Denmark


The paper describes an Intelligent Speed Adaptation project in Denmark called Spar på Farten. The project is based on Pay As You Drive principles, which means that the ISA equipment both gives a warning when the driver is speeding but also gives penalty points which reduc...Lead moreThe paper describes an Intelligent Speed Adaptation project in Denmark called Spar på Farten. The project is based on Pay As You Drive principles, which means that the ISA equipment both gives a warning when the driver is speeding but also gives penalty points which reduce a promised bonus of 30 % on the insurance rate. In the project we have devel-oped an OBU for ISA with GPRS connection to a web server, an advanced map matching program, and an air based map update function. We have developed a speed map for 22,000 km roads, including a web based maintaining tool. The project will proceed in a three year test period involving 300 car drivers as participants in the project, and we have some very primary results from the first 3 months driving, e.g. showing that the percentage speeding more than 5 km/h on 80 km roads is reduced from 22% to 1%. Until now 65 OBU are in-stalled.

Paper Title

Impacts of ITS on road network robustness: a preliminary scenario-based study

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4097
  • Minwei Li
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has attracted more and more attentions of road authorities and researchers by improving the usefulness and efficiency of the existing infrastructure. In this paper, we introduce a simulation-based systematical framework in analyzing the ...Lead moreIntelligent Transport System (ITS) has attracted more and more attentions of road authorities and researchers by improving the usefulness and efficiency of the existing infrastructure. In this paper, we introduce a simulation-based systematical framework in analyzing the impacts of ITS to road network robustness, which is a new and important characteristic of road networks. The results show that some ITS measures, such as Dynamic Route Information Panel (DRIP) and Variable Message System (VMS) that can supply real-time information of the traffic conditions to travelers, can help the network to increase their robustness against unexpected and exceptional incidents.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4096
  • Yang shunxin
  • Southeast University
  • China


Duration prediction is one of the most important steps of the overall incident management process. The real-time decisions regarding the resources needed to clear and manage the incident and information given to travelers all depend on the knowledge of incident duration. ...Lead moreDuration prediction is one of the most important steps of the overall incident management process. The real-time decisions regarding the resources needed to clear and manage the incident and information given to travelers all depend on the knowledge of incident duration. An accurate and reliable estimation of incident duration contributes a lot to the efficiency of incident management operation and the Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). This paper reviews several major researches on incident data analysis and duration to summarize the methodologies and conclusions in each study. And the objective of this paper is to integrate the previous models to develop a forecasting model that can predict the duration of Chinese freeway incident, which can facilitate incident management and support traveler decisions.

Paper Title

The Standardization of Infrared Communication

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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4095
  • Hannes Stratil
  • Efkon AG
  • Austria


An essential key requirement of future ITS communication is the ability to set up "ad-hoc connections" and to transmit KBytes of data in a few milliseconds. The most crucial and time-consuming part in multinode environment is the link-setup procedure. Especially in a free...Lead moreAn essential key requirement of future ITS communication is the ability to set up "ad-hoc connections" and to transmit KBytes of data in a few milliseconds. The most crucial and time-consuming part in multinode environment is the link-setup procedure. Especially in a free space situation with unpredictable and fast changing link conditions. ISO-CALM Infrared, the new ISO-Standard (ISO 21214) for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication, presents an outstanding solution to this problem. The standard offers a simple method to address other communication partners directly and to communicate with them direction-oriented. Infrared communication has outstanding capabilities to shape communication zones according user-requirements, features high data rate for up- and download, and offers, due to the beaming characteristics, a high reliability and protection of privacy.

Paper Title

Epidemic Algorithms for Information Dissemination in Vehicular Adhoc Networks

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4094
  • Maziar Nekovee
  • British Telecom
  • United Kingdom


Vehicular adhoc networks (VANET), which are created by vehicles equipped with short and medium range wireless communication, have an array of important applications in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Many of these applications require reliable, bandwidth-efficient di...Lead moreVehicular adhoc networks (VANET), which are created by vehicles equipped with short and medium range wireless communication, have an array of important applications in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Many of these applications require reliable, bandwidth-efficient dissemination of traffic and road information via adhoc network technology. This is a difficult task since inter-vehicular networks often lack continuous end-to-end connectivity and are characterised by large variations in node density. In this paper we introduce a new epidemic algorithm for information dissemination in highly dynamic and intermittently connected VANET. We show through realistic simulations in highway traffic that our algorithm is capable of reliable and efficient information dissemination in VANET in the face of frequent network fragmentation and large density variations.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4092
  • Sven Vlassenroot
  • Ghent University
  • Belgium


Nowadays, new technologies, such as ITS, could create alternative solutions for a better road safety. But how sure can we be whether ITS will be accepted by the people? Measuring public support of road safety defines the degree of acceptance people have to adapt or not to...Lead moreNowadays, new technologies, such as ITS, could create alternative solutions for a better road safety. But how sure can we be whether ITS will be accepted by the people? Measuring public support of road safety defines the degree of acceptance people have to adapt or not to adapt to the desired behaviour. The focus of this paper is defining what is meant with ‘public support’, what the benefits are of knowing the public support for ITS, and how it can be measured. Through literature search, the content of public support will be outlined.

Paper Title

3D Modeling of a Residential Map by Matching with Range Images of Streets

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4091
  • Lihong Tong
  • Univ. of Tokyo
  • Japan


We have proposed a novel method that refines 3 dimensional modeling of buildings from a 2 dimensional digital residential map using range images of streets taken by a probe car. After pattern lines of the range images are determined using depth analysis and edge detection...Lead moreWe have proposed a novel method that refines 3 dimensional modeling of buildings from a 2 dimensional digital residential map using range images of streets taken by a probe car. After pattern lines of the range images are determined using depth analysis and edge detection, they are matched with pattern lines of the digital map using a pattern matching algorithm based on dynamic programming. The 3 dimensional range data of every building facade can be extracted and linked with the corresponding building data in the digital map according to the matching result.

Paper Title

A real time platform for estimating the Driver - Vehicle – Environment state in AIDE integrated project.

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4090
  • Angelos Amditis
  • Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS)
  • Greece


This paper describes the real time platform that achieves the perception of the Driver - Vehicle - Environment state, developed under the third subproject of AIDE. The platform processes the data that represent the Driver - Vehicle - Environment state, in a synchronised m...Lead moreThis paper describes the real time platform that achieves the perception of the Driver - Vehicle - Environment state, developed under the third subproject of AIDE. The platform processes the data that represent the Driver - Vehicle - Environment state, in a synchronised manner. The collected data come from on board sensors and applications that aim at achieving a reliable representation of the vehicle's kinetic state, the driver's level of availability, the lateral and rear field of the vehicle, the eyelid openings and head/gaze direction vectors tracked by camera views of the driver, and the map data coming from GPS.

Paper Title

Bottleneck Calibration in Micro-Simulation for Corridor Management Using Data from Single Loop Detectors

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4089
  • Xuegang Ban
  • University of California-Berkeley
  • United States


Corridor mobility improvements require new approaches to corridor management planning and operations, for which micro-simulation is usually applied to assess corridor performance and evaluate traffic improvement strategies. Bottleneck calibration in micro-simulation plays...Lead moreCorridor mobility improvements require new approaches to corridor management planning and operations, for which micro-simulation is usually applied to assess corridor performance and evaluate traffic improvement strategies. Bottleneck calibration in micro-simulation plays an important role in developing these corridor-level micro-simulation models. This paper extends a recently developed method for conducting corridor-level bottleneck calibration by using data from single loop detectors. We show that, instead of using speeds which are usually obtained from double loop detectors, similar calibration results can be achieved by using occupancy data that is available from single loop detectors. Our results thus extend the practicality of the previous method so that it can be applied to all areas with loop detectors (single or double) deployed.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4088
  • kyungwoo kang
  • hanyang university
  • Korea


In this paper, we estimated changeable road pricing while considering the capital and congestion degree, that could be applicable in the long term (Gangbyeon Expressway). We investigated traffic volume and speed(unit per 15 minutes, 2005. Jan. 10 - 2005. Jan. 14.). Then ...Lead more In this paper, we estimated changeable road pricing while considering the capital and congestion degree, that could be applicable in the long term (Gangbyeon Expressway). We investigated traffic volume and speed(unit per 15 minutes, 2005. Jan. 10 - 2005. Jan. 14.). Then we determined congestion areas as when the average pass speed of vehicle is under 30km/h on Expressway occurred over 3 times a day. The 13 sections were investigated out of the total of 43 sections. These sections are between Nanji I.C. and the northern end of Sungsoo Bridge. As a result, there were some differences among each section(13 sections, average length : 1.38km), but we were able to estimate the range of road pricing which is 900~2,300won, that is in accordance with the degree of congestion.

Paper Title

Local MAD Method for Probe Vehicle Data Processing

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4087
  • Xuegang Ban
  • University of California-Berkeley
  • United States


This paper presents a local median absolute deviation (MAD) method to process travel times from raw probe vehicles data. The method is applied locally to each time window (band) with a fixed duration. To determine a proper band width, a sensitivity analysis is conducted t...Lead moreThis paper presents a local median absolute deviation (MAD) method to process travel times from raw probe vehicles data. The method is applied locally to each time window (band) with a fixed duration. To determine a proper band width, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to study how the band width impacts the performance of the method. The analysis reveals that if data samples are fairly large, a band width of 15-30 minutes can be chosen in order to capture the trend of travel times and the statistical rigor of the local MAD method. The method and the analysis presented in this paper are expected to provide some insights to practitioners who plan to use probe vehicle data for traffic analyses.

Paper Title

Research on the Key Technology of Multilateration Algorithm for Enhanced Surface Surveillance

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4086
  • Xi Lin
  • Beihang University
  • China


In this paper, an enhanced surface surveillance method named as multilateration is introduced; its system architecture and advantages are summarized and compared with traditional radar. Based on Bancroft’s algorithm, a new positioning solution is proposed and analyzed. Si...Lead moreIn this paper, an enhanced surface surveillance method named as multilateration is introduced; its system architecture and advantages are summarized and compared with traditional radar. Based on Bancroft’s algorithm, a new positioning solution is proposed and analyzed. Simulation results show that the new algorithm is feasible and multilateration technology is applicable in the enhanced surface surveillance.

Paper Title

Expanding the Degree of View of CCTV Camera Video Image and De-blurring with Nonlinear Equation

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4085
  • In Jung Lee
  • Hoseo University
  • Korea


A CCTV system reduces some number of cameras if we use fish-eye. In this case, fish-eye image distorted, we need transformation to flat images. In the center of images, a transformed image has no distortion, but at near boundary image has plentiful distortion. This distor...Lead moreA CCTV system reduces some number of cameras if we use fish-eye. In this case, fish-eye image distorted, we need transformation to flat images. In the center of images, a transformed image has no distortion, but at near boundary image has plentiful distortion. This distortion is caused by occlusion of angled ray and diffraction. We know that the linear filtering approach cannot separate noise from signal where their Fourier spectra overlap. But using a non-linear discretization method, we shall reduce blurred noise. In this paper, we introduce the backward solution of nonlinear wave equation for reducing blurred noise and biased expansion of equilibrium contour. We propose, after applying the introduced method, and calculate with discretization method. To analysis the experimental result, we investigate to PSNR and get about 4 PSNR value better than current method.

Paper Title

Research on Nonlinear Dynamic Model and Cooperative Application for Logistics Parks Based on ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4081
  • Shixiang Liang
  • Intelligent Transport System Center, Wuhan University of Technology
  • China


On the basis of analyzing the relationship between logistics parks and ITS development, concepts based on ITS logistics parks and relevant activities has been offered and presented in the paper. Furthermore, a migration model of logistics enterprises in the park has been ...Lead moreOn the basis of analyzing the relationship between logistics parks and ITS development, concepts based on ITS logistics parks and relevant activities has been offered and presented in the paper. Furthermore, a migration model of logistics enterprises in the park has been established so as to prove how the enterprises decide to migrate. Wuhan Danshuichi Logistics Park was chose as a case to test the validity of the model. It is believed that the knowledge gained from this study provide efficient operation of enterprises in park and government guide for logistics park construction with a theoretical basis.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4079
  • Hou Siyuan
  • Atkins Consultants LTD.
  • China


The purpose of this paper is attempt to find out an effective and feasible system methodology for the implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in China. System methodology is popular applied to solve the large scale system engineering. WULI-SHILI-RENLI (WSR) ...Lead moreThe purpose of this paper is attempt to find out an effective and feasible system methodology for the implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in China. System methodology is popular applied to solve the large scale system engineering. WULI-SHILI-RENLI (WSR) system methodology was developed based on the China culture and philosophy and has been proven feasible by practices in China system engineering sector. WSR system methodology will be imported to ITS implementation in China in this paper to explore the feasibility and new thinking to deploy ITS national implementation schemes in China. Nationwide ITS implementation undoubtedly is one of the most complicated systems in ITS engineering field. The paper looks at the thoughts and reasoning on the application of WSR system methodology to the future ITS implementation in China. It then assesses the requirements of ITS implementation and forecast the trend of ITS implementation in China. And Explore the feasibility WSR & ITS.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4077
  • Nikolaos Floudas
  • Institute of communication and Computer Systems
  • Greece


This paper describes the algorithms that were developed in the scenario assessment modules of IP PReVENT subproject SASPENCE. These algorithms aim at achieving a reliable representation of the host and other vehicles states and their kinematics, by processing the input da...Lead moreThis paper describes the algorithms that were developed in the scenario assessment modules of IP PReVENT subproject SASPENCE. These algorithms aim at achieving a reliable representation of the host and other vehicles states and their kinematics, by processing the input data from sensors and other sources providing higher quality of information to the Warning and Intervention Strategies and HMI modules of the overall system. The work presented in this paper focuses mainly on the vehicle positioning and state estimation system together with the path prediction modules for host vehicle and other vehicles.

Paper Title

Assessment of implementing telematic technologies and services in the City of Zagreb (Croatia)

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4076
  • Mario Anžek
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Croatia


Relatively underdeveloped telematic technologies in the function of the traffic system of the City of Zagreb gave incentive for a survey carried out among the traffic experts. The purpose of the survey was to assess the implementation of the telematic technologies with th...Lead moreRelatively underdeveloped telematic technologies in the function of the traffic system of the City of Zagreb gave incentive for a survey carried out among the traffic experts. The purpose of the survey was to assess the implementation of the telematic technologies with the mission of improving the quality of the Zagreb traffic system. The survey has analysed in particular the problems in the operation of signal controls and the advantages and drawbacks in the development of telematic services. The aim of the study was also to promote the profession regarding traffic technology in decision-making on telematic problems in the City of Zagreb. Eventually, based on the obtained results, the work proposes measures for a wider and faster implementation of telematic technologies and services in the City of Zagreb.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4075
  • Fei Xin
  • Tingji University,Department of traffic engineering
  • China


The popular use of traffic detectors makes it fairly easy to collect abundant data. However, how to utilize these data effectively to analyze traffic conditions becomes an urgent problem. In this paper, On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is applied to traffic informatio...Lead moreThe popular use of traffic detectors makes it fairly easy to collect abundant data. However, how to utilize these data effectively to analyze traffic conditions becomes an urgent problem. In this paper, On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is applied to traffic information system to solve this problem. As the core of OLAP, a multidimensional data model for traffic conditions analysis is designed, which can deal with numerous data from different viewpoints and granularities. Fundamental procedures of establishing the model are demonstrated and traffic parameters are summarized. The application of the model to “Shenzhen urban transportation simulation system” shows well applicability for traffic conditions analysis.

Paper Title

Study on the vision-based detection and tracking of cyclists and pedestrians

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4074
  • Yi Zhao
  • Beijing Jiaotong University
  • China


This paper proposed a vision-based system dealing with the detection and tracking of moving objects, especially for cyclists and pedestrians. The system is mainly composed of two units: the detection unit and the tracking unit. The background frame differencing technique ...Lead moreThis paper proposed a vision-based system dealing with the detection and tracking of moving objects, especially for cyclists and pedestrians. The system is mainly composed of two units: the detection unit and the tracking unit. The background frame differencing technique was applied in the detection unit for segmenting the moving object. The detected result was then inputted into the tracking unit and later fedback as the measurement of Kalman filter. Finally, the test experiment indicated that the proposed model was able to successfully track the trajectory of moving objects in consecutive frames under the real-world circumstance of occlusion.

Paper Title

Predicting travel time and its variability in the short term

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4073
  • Geoff Rose
  • Monash University
  • Australia


To improve the quality of travel time information provided to motorists, techniques are needed which predict the range of travel times which motorists may experience. This paper develops two techniques that can be applied to predict the travel time range in real time as w...Lead moreTo improve the quality of travel time information provided to motorists, techniques are needed which predict the range of travel times which motorists may experience. This paper develops two techniques that can be applied to predict the travel time range in real time as well as up to one hour ahead. One is based on the relationship between mean travel time (estimated using a neural network model) and driver-to-driver travel time variability, and the other utilizes the estimated travel time distribution based on the lane-to-lane variation in speed. The results show that the proposed techniques provide reliable travel time range prediction in the short term prediction context (up to one hour ahead).

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4072
  • Houbing Song
  • Texas Transportation Institute
  • United States


The need for a traffic prediction system is strong and the ability to predict traffic is desirable. Several such systems, including DynaMIT and DYNASMART, have been developed. However, these systems cannot be deployed in China because of China’s unique local traffic chara...Lead moreThe need for a traffic prediction system is strong and the ability to predict traffic is desirable. Several such systems, including DynaMIT and DYNASMART, have been developed. However, these systems cannot be deployed in China because of China’s unique local traffic characteristics. Xi’an Jiaotong University initiated a traffic prediction system project in 2001 and DynaCHINA (Dynamic Consistent Hybrid Information based on Network Assignment) was developed in 2006. DynaCHINA can predict a traffic bottleneck and then direct traffic to other routes to mitigate congestion and prevent potential congestion situations from developing into serious traffic jams. DynaCHINA has four unique features. Laboratory evaluation had shown its potential. Initial field deployments are being conducted in Beijing, Jinan and Guangzhou.

Paper Title

How VR Supports the Development of ADAS-IVIS and Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4071
  • Angelos Amditis
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
  • Greece


This paper focuses on Virtual Reality systems and how these can be applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems and particularly in the automotive field. A description of how the automotive industry has already been benefited from VR Technologies is given, along with the...Lead moreThis paper focuses on Virtual Reality systems and how these can be applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems and particularly in the automotive field. A description of how the automotive industry has already been benefited from VR Technologies is given, along with the expected research novelties that will allow its better use and integration in the common procedures. In this way, novel designing processes, evaluation methodologies together with decreased costs will be resulted.

Paper Title


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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4070
  • Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


Travel time reliability has become more important in modern society as industrial society and household require just in time transport for business and private activities. The data collection system of traffic flow, on the other hand, has made it possible to handle huge s...Lead moreTravel time reliability has become more important in modern society as industrial society and household require just in time transport for business and private activities. The data collection system of traffic flow, on the other hand, has made it possible to handle huge size of travel time data. This paper aims to examine the fundamental characteristics of travel time reliability measures using the traffic flow data in the Han-shin expressway network. Then, they are compared with the previously proposed traffic congestion measures, and the differences among several routes in the network are investigated.

Paper Title

Optimal safety spacing for the car following of adaptive cruise controlled vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4069
  • Heeje Park
  • Pukyung National University
  • Korea


We adopted GMIT model that is the most stable one among the several car following models. The equilibrium condition that the leading vehicle and following vehicle are at the same velocity were assumed so that we could obtain the optimum distance of velocity. Also, we chan...Lead moreWe adopted GMIT model that is the most stable one among the several car following models. The equilibrium condition that the leading vehicle and following vehicle are at the same velocity were assumed so that we could obtain the optimum distance of velocity. Also, we changed parameters that verifies the propriety of the sensitivity becomes the important scenario in the simulation. Based on the simulation results, we could identify decreasing effects on safety distance about 85% when speed is 100km/h in the normal condition. And the results of propriety of the sensitivity changed is verified decreasing effects on safety distance about 50% when speed is 100km/h. The result is effective comparing with the safety distance applied in the carfollowing model. We conclusively identified that the optimum safety distance at various speed levels, and it shows a good indicator for future automated highway systems.

Paper Title

The Bicycle Following Model Based on BP Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4068
  • Wei Liying
  • school of traffic and transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University
  • China


a bicycle following model based on BP network is established by collecting bicycle traffic data from the video shot at signalized intersection. Considering the influence of some critical parameters, such as relative distance, relative speed, acceleration of leading bicycl...Lead morea bicycle following model based on BP network is established by collecting bicycle traffic data from the video shot at signalized intersection. Considering the influence of some critical parameters, such as relative distance, relative speed, acceleration of leading bicycle, characteristic of rider, transverse interference etc., three different bicycle-following models are firstly proposed and an acceptable model is finally suggested by comparing their errors. Verifications show that this model can better reflect the stimulus-response relationship between the leading and the following bicycles in the restricted riding environment in China.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4067
  • ByoungYong Ryu
  • Pukyung National University
  • Korea


As the traffic demand is increased, automatic incident detection has become an important task and is one of the key functions of modern traffic management systems. Nevertheless, conventional incident management algorithms have lots of problems, because of low detection ra...Lead moreAs the traffic demand is increased, automatic incident detection has become an important task and is one of the key functions of modern traffic management systems. Nevertheless, conventional incident management algorithms have lots of problems, because of low detection rate and high false alarm rate. Hence, this paper attempts to provide an artificial intelligent based solution using artificial neural network and neuro-fuzzy algorithm. Proposed incident detection model consist of neural network which estimates suspected time and location of incident and neuro-fuzzy algorithm that determines exact incident time and location based on the result of the neural network. The hybrid model shows that high detection rate as 83% and low false alarm rate as 0.017%

Paper Title


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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4066
  • Sangwon Yoon
  • Pukyung National University
  • Korea


As transportation facilities get larger and more complex, it is essential to present guiding and navigation system to users for their convenience. There are several studies for choosing optimal path for the road network, but all of those are insufficient for the inside of...Lead moreAs transportation facilities get larger and more complex, it is essential to present guiding and navigation system to users for their convenience. There are several studies for choosing optimal path for the road network, but all of those are insufficient for the inside of transportation facility. This study is to develop the algorithm for selecting optimal path from the underground parking lot to user’s multiple destination in the building. Not only objective, but subjective factors are considered to decide the optimal route for their destinations. To define the minimum cost for moving, Dijkstra algorithm and evaluation function considered human factor are adopted. Several scenarios demonstrate the characteristic and originality of selecting optimal path algorithm.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4064
  • HU Zhongwei
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


This paper compares and analyzes the existing system architecture development approaches, which are process oriented development approach and object oriented approach. Then, the High Level Architecture (HLA) concept in the modeling and simulation field is introduced and a...Lead moreThis paper compares and analyzes the existing system architecture development approaches, which are process oriented development approach and object oriented approach. Then, the High Level Architecture (HLA) concept in the modeling and simulation field is introduced and a new logical system architecture development approach based on HLA is brought forward. In addition, the ITS information testing platform is designed and constructed according to the new approach. As demonstrated and validated, the development approach based on HLA can be applied in ITS information platform construction effectively.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4063
  • Ling Huang
  • Beijing Jiaotong University
  • China


Microscopic traffic flow simulation models are now widely used in urban traffic planning, management and evaluation, etc. Yet most traffic simulation models lack of realistic behavioural models under mixed traffic flow conditions, especially models at intersections with i...Lead moreMicroscopic traffic flow simulation models are now widely used in urban traffic planning, management and evaluation, etc. Yet most traffic simulation models lack of realistic behavioural models under mixed traffic flow conditions, especially models at intersections with interactions and conflicts with other road users. The paper presented a two-level model on cyclists crossing behaviours at unsignalized intersections, integrating the complex path finding behaviours and the relatively automatic riding behaviours, which proven to be promising by field data.

Paper Title

Signal Control at Roundabouts

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4062
  • Zvonko Kavran
  • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Croatia


There are various attitudes towards the implementation of the traffic signal control system at roundabouts; today still one approach excludes the other and vice versa. The opinion which prevails is that no traffic lights should be installed at roundabouts, and according t...Lead moreThere are various attitudes towards the implementation of the traffic signal control system at roundabouts; today still one approach excludes the other and vice versa. The opinion which prevails is that no traffic lights should be installed at roundabouts, and according to some opinions these may even prove harmful. Present technologies of traffic process management at the micro-level (at every segment of the traffic area), negate the exclusiveness of the previous attitude and offer real-time on-line adaptive management of the traffic process. The work presents the principles of traffic management by means of traffic signal control at roundabouts and a case study of the adaptive traffic management at the roundabout Jadranska avenija – Jadranski most - Avenija Dubrovnik – Remetinečka cesta in the City of Zagreb.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4060
  • Shihsien Liu
  • Tamkang University
  • Chinese,Taibei


This paper aims to explore the congestion perception on signalized arterials in space. Employing the effective measurement of habit questionnaire, we propose the dicrimination analysis to construct the rules of subjective congestion index. To verify the suggested approach...Lead moreThis paper aims to explore the congestion perception on signalized arterials in space. Employing the effective measurement of habit questionnaire, we propose the dicrimination analysis to construct the rules of subjective congestion index. To verify the suggested approach workable in gerneral network, a transferbility model is tested. Finally, real case study is introduced with further discussion in details of its applications.

Paper Title

Algorithm of Delimiting Urban Traffic Signal Coordinate Control Subarea

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4059
  • Lin Yu
  • Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institution ITS Department
  • China


How to define the boundary of urban traffic signal coordinate control subarea is an important problem of traffic control theory. This paper presents an algorithm for sub-area delimitation based on the research on connection between intersections. Firstly, the conception o...Lead moreHow to define the boundary of urban traffic signal coordinate control subarea is an important problem of traffic control theory. This paper presents an algorithm for sub-area delimitation based on the research on connection between intersections. Firstly, the conception of intersection connection index and route connection index is proposed and principle of the delimitation is introduced. The digraph description method of urban road network is also proposed in this paper for the need of research. Then, the steps of delimitation algorithm are explained in detail. Finally, the feasibility of the algorithm was validated by a case study.

Paper Title

Study on Bus Coordination Holding Control for Tansit Hub under ITS

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4058
  • Teng Jing
  • Tongji University
  • China


With the quick expansion of the transit network of China’s big cities, the passenger transferring efficiency need be increased step by step. Transit hubs are often the bottlenecks in passenger transferring procedures. In this paper, bus coordination holding control for tr...Lead moreWith the quick expansion of the transit network of China’s big cities, the passenger transferring efficiency need be increased step by step. Transit hubs are often the bottlenecks in passenger transferring procedures. In this paper, bus coordination holding control for transit hub, as an important dynamic dispatching method of improving transit hubs’ service level is studied in the framework of bus coordination dispatching mode for transit hub. Firstly bus coordination holding control flow is studied based on ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) environment. Then a control model is presented to optimize bus vehicle holding times and the corresponding solving method is discussed. In the end, an example is given to illustrate the control strategy.

Paper Title

Social representations and acceptability of LAVIA (French ISA system)

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4057
  • Carine Pianelli
  • GARIG, INRETS / Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale, Université de Provence
  • France


A program of experimentation of LAVIA (french ISA system) was launched in France in 2001. A first survey was carried out on 394 drivers in order to study their attitudes and social representations of speed and LAVIA and their a priori acceptability of this system. The exp...Lead moreA program of experimentation of LAVIA (french ISA system) was launched in France in 2001. A first survey was carried out on 394 drivers in order to study their attitudes and social representations of speed and LAVIA and their a priori acceptability of this system. The experimentation of LAVIA was carried out on 20 vehicles and 90 drivers from November 2004 to January 2006. This experimentation enabled to study the influence of the three modes of LAVIA (advisory, voluntary and mandatory) on driving behavior. The transformations caused by the use of LAVIA on drivers’ attitudes, social representations and acceptability were studied after the trials. These differents results are presented in this paper.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4056
  • Zvonimir Radic
  • ISOT
  • Croatia


The general systems model of technological systems as components of the national technological infrastructure, and the concept of informational synergy in technology, revealed the decisive role of human beings in processes of development, implementation, maintenance and u...Lead moreThe general systems model of technological systems as components of the national technological infrastructure, and the concept of informational synergy in technology, revealed the decisive role of human beings in processes of development, implementation, maintenance and use of national intelligent transport systems. The balance among a number of travel and traffic modes: from pedestrian to space shuttle, and the proper modification of the rates of changes of existing national societal, natural and technological systems, caused by introduction of technical intelligence into the existing travel and traffic systems, may be achieved in any country by learning societal, natural and technological features of the respective population, influencing their reception, interpretation, generation and transmission of cognitive information, i.e. their behavior in technological systems of intelligent travel and traffic.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4055
  • min chen
  • Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • China


as a result of the urban spatial expansion and the fast pace of modern life, more and more people take taxi. So the Shenzhen government decides to increase the taxi availability to match the traffic demand. The government worries about if the increased taxi availability w...Lead moreas a result of the urban spatial expansion and the fast pace of modern life, more and more people take taxi. So the Shenzhen government decides to increase the taxi availability to match the traffic demand. The government worries about if the increased taxi availability would aggravate traffic congestion and if it will have influence on taxi industry. Floating car data (GPS data) can be used to calculate the empty taxi rate which can reflect the operation condition of taxi industry. People also can use the GPS data to analyze the OD matrix of taxi which is very important for the design of taxi stops and taxi stands.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4051
  • Xiaohong Chen
  • School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University
  • China


Based on the infrastructure condition and transport technology capacity of China, the primary objective of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) development of Chinese cities is to provide technical support and decision support of transport planning process. The construction...Lead moreBased on the infrastructure condition and transport technology capacity of China, the primary objective of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) development of Chinese cities is to provide technical support and decision support of transport planning process. The construction of planning decision-oriented transport information platform is to realize the objective above mentioned thought the information collection and abstraction. This paper analyzes the requirement of the system, proposes the software architecture, and discusses critical technique problems in the system development. The proposed design method was successfully applied in the Shenzhen Urban Transport Simulation System.