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Paper Title

Active Control of Traffic Signals using a Multi-objective Approach and Evolutionary Algorithms

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0287
  • Samara Leal
  • Brazil


Operation of traffic signal control plans in big cities is a research area of extreme importance in transport engineering, as traffic signals incorrectly coordinated can lead to increasing waiting time of vehicles at traffic signals and therefore to large delay times at i...Lead moreOperation of traffic signal control plans in big cities is a research area of extreme importance in transport engineering, as traffic signals incorrectly coordinated can lead to increasing waiting time of vehicles at traffic signals and therefore to large delay times at intersections. Moreover, suboptimal control plans could contribute to congestion, which has become a major concern for public management agencies, because it is one of the factors of decrease in productivity and people's life quality. In this context, this paper presents a method for Active Control of Traffic Signals (ACTS) associated to the use of NSGA2 multi-objective algorithm, aimed at optimizing the traffic signal control plan in response to traffic demand of a region of Belo Horizonte city (Brazil), at cycle time interval. Objectives are to minimize average delay time and number of vehicles’ stops per cycle. Actual data collected by the Company of Transport and Traffic of Belo Horizonte (BHTrans) were used with AIMSUN simulator and the experiments were compared to a genetic algorithm (GA) and the current signal control plan used by BHTrans, in order to decide which method is more efficient in optimizing traffic operation.

Paper Title

Improving Service by Reconfiguring Maryland’s State Highway Administration’s Statewide Operations Center

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0274
  • Jeffrey Randall
  • Jacobs Engineering Group
  • United States


The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) intends to implement a complete reconfiguration of the Coordinated Highway Action Response Team (CHART) Statewide Operations Center (SOC) in order to modernize the facility to support current real-time traffic management cap...Lead moreThe Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) intends to implement a complete reconfiguration of the Coordinated Highway Action Response Team (CHART) Statewide Operations Center (SOC) in order to modernize the facility to support current real-time traffic management capabilities through a task management and quality enhancement effort. CHART's mission is to improve "real-time" operations of Maryland's highway system through teamwork and technology. SHA’s real-time traffic management began in the mid 1980s as an initiative focused on improving summer recreational travel to and from Maryland's eastern shore. The existing SOC was first commissioned in 1995, and since that time, CHART’s focus has expanded both geographically to cover the entire state as well as functionally to include not only traffic management, but also 24x7x365 statewide communications, maintenance service calls, lane closure permit coordination, and emergency operations. The technology tools available to CHART to support their mission are have grown with the program and are state-of-the-art, and CHART’s measure of performance and service delivery are excellent. But SHA understands that they can further improve their service delivery to their customers through a physical modification of the SOC to improve information flow and collaboration, enhance wellness, and improve space utilization.

Paper Title

The Critical Importance of Infrastructure in the Connected Vehicle World

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0267
  • Timothy O'Leary
  • Iteris, Inc.
  • United States


This paper focuses on the dramatic changes the ITS market will experience as a result of the global deployment Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV). We have experienced tremendous excitement regarding the deployment of V2V technologies and the improvements they provide...Lead moreThis paper focuses on the dramatic changes the ITS market will experience as a result of the global deployment Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV). We have experienced tremendous excitement regarding the deployment of V2V technologies and the improvements they provide. However, important questions regarding the role of infrastructure have been overshadowed in most V2V projections. Issues addressed in this paper include the changing requirements for infrastructure, new business models resulting from vehicle based data, and the changes in revenue generation in the Connected Vehicle world. This paper will address how CAV technology will compliment, upgrade or replace existing infrastructure technologies. As a result of deploying CAV, what are the effects on the development of Smart Cities, intelligent highways, toll roads and long term strategic transportation plans? The ITS industry faces critical questions around how CAV technology will change the driving experience of road users today. The deployment of CAV technology will have a global impact on the existing infrastructure and planned improvements. This paper will identify the potential disruption during this transition. More importantly, it will identify ways for transportation planners to manage the transition, for road users, from existing transportation infrastructure to the future of Connected Vehicles.

Paper Title

Next stage certification environment for connected vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0264
  • Michael Brown
  • SwRI
  • United States


In September of 2015, The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced the selection of three connected vehicle deployment sites as Wave 1 participants in the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program. The three sites collectively envision a broad spectru...Lead moreIn September of 2015, The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced the selection of three connected vehicle deployment sites as Wave 1 participants in the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program. The three sites collectively envision a broad spectrum of applications enabled by connected vehicle technologies driven by site-specific needs. In parallel, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) and the Certification Steering Committee have started to work with OmniAir Certification Services (OCS) under a cooperative agreement to set up and deliver the next generation of certification services in support of the Connected Vehicle Pilots and other near-term projects. OCS is a not for profit certification organization founded by OmniAir, an industry consortium dedicated to interoperability in the transportation industry, in 2010. The OCS team, led by SwRI, is developing test specifications, procedures, and tools to conduct certification testing for the connected vehicle pilot deployments. This paper will provide an overview of the project, accomplishments to date, and lessons learned from the effort.

Paper Title

Use of data analytics to help revolutionize the heavy vehicle insurance market

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0261
  • Gail Levario
  • EROAD Inc.
  • United States


The concept of user-based insurance by using GPS data applications to determine insurance premiums has been exclusive to the light vehicle sector. Despite the sizeable premiums, the heavy vehicle insurance market faces more challenges given the aspects of determining risk...Lead moreThe concept of user-based insurance by using GPS data applications to determine insurance premiums has been exclusive to the light vehicle sector. Despite the sizeable premiums, the heavy vehicle insurance market faces more challenges given the aspects of determining risks such as vehicle operation, driver behaviour and asset maintenance. Moreover, the perception in the event of an accident involving a heavy vehicle is to assume fault unless proven otherwise. In this context, the advancements in telematics solutions to capture information around the vehicle and driver has significantly improved the ability for the heavy vehicle carrier and driver to demonstrate the real and expected risks. This paper describes new ways technology vendors and insurance companies are taking to revolutionize the commercial heavy vehicle insurance market in America and New Zealand. One example being the collaborative initiative between insurance company IAG New Zealand, under the brands Lumley and NZI, and technology provider EROAD. The initiative waives the excess for the carrier if the driver is performing within the top percentile when the safety rating is benchmarked against the population. This creates incentives for the carrier to proactively manage risks while providing invaluable data to insurance companies for better market modelling.

Paper Title

Leveraging Big Data to Identify and Address Mobility Issues

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0190
  • aditya mokkapati
  • United States


As traffic congestion continues to be a major challenge, many public agencies are struggling to address mobility issues due to lack of funding and high cost of traditional transportation capacity improvements such as roadway widening. Intelligent Transportation Systems (I...Lead moreAs traffic congestion continues to be a major challenge, many public agencies are struggling to address mobility issues due to lack of funding and high cost of traditional transportation capacity improvements such as roadway widening. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies offer a viable and less expensive alternative to growing traffic gridlocks. Recent years have seen an increased usage of new travel time measurement technologies such as Bluetooth and crowdsourcing. Big data companies collect traffic data from various sources such as crowdsourcing technology from millions of users. This paper illustrates how big data from crowdsourcing technology such as online traffic maps can be used to identify and address mobility issues in a systematic and systemic manner. Based on the methodology proposed in this paper, public agencies can prioritize congestion hotspots and use available funds in an efficient manner to obtain a good return on investment (ROI).

Paper Title

Jacobs Engineering Group Connected Vehicle Deployment: Lessons Learned

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0176
  • Christopher Armstrong
  • Jacobs Engineering Group
  • United States


Jacobs Engineering Group is deploying a connected vehicle system on behalf of the Colorado Department of Transportation to address the challenges on one of the most important and most utilized economic and recreational corridors in the state, the Interstate 70 Mountain Co...Lead moreJacobs Engineering Group is deploying a connected vehicle system on behalf of the Colorado Department of Transportation to address the challenges on one of the most important and most utilized economic and recreational corridors in the state, the Interstate 70 Mountain Corridor. The Mountain Corridor project is to be the first large-scale, live deployment of CV technology for the traveling public in the nation. CDOT expects to uncover a wealth of knowledge and lessons learned resulting from its experience deploying a first-of-its-kind system.

Paper Title

Challenges and Opportunities of Worldwide Connected Vehicle and Automated Vehicle Deployment

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0175
  • Brian Burkhard
  • Jacobs Engineering Group
  • United States


World governments of established and developing countries have the opportunity to advance their vehicle systems like never before. An unprecedented number of investments are being made in vehicular systems that include innovative use of social media, sharing, as well as t...Lead moreWorld governments of established and developing countries have the opportunity to advance their vehicle systems like never before. An unprecedented number of investments are being made in vehicular systems that include innovative use of social media, sharing, as well as the use of new sensing and communications technologies. Vehicles can not only be driven with greater safety but they will soon be able to drive themselves safer than most humans. Smart infrastructure designs are providing opportunities to communicate with vehicles. Furthermore, smart cities are emerging that provide a rich backbone of connectivity between formally disparate operating agencies and could allow an endless flow of real-time information. However, while the benefits of connected and automated vehicles can be made abundantly clear, the challenges are often overwhelming. In a world where the automotive vehicle has lived a well-matured life, we are all now facing the birth of new kinds of vehicle. Standardization of the technical and operational aspects of these vehicles could present new hurdles. This presentation will explore some of the challenges that countries can expect to see and recommend a template for countries yet to consider the advent of connected and automated vehicles.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0172
  • Osama Elhamshary
  • California Department of Transportation
  • United States


Traditionally the state (i.e. government/public sector) is responsible for developing infrastructure projects. In most countries, resources to fund sustainable infrastructure and improve accessibility to goods and services are scarce. Thus, private sector participation in...Lead moreTraditionally the state (i.e. government/public sector) is responsible for developing infrastructure projects. In most countries, resources to fund sustainable infrastructure and improve accessibility to goods and services are scarce. Thus, private sector participation in providing infrastructure can supplement scarce public resources which can be utilized for other higher priority governmental efforts. This paper supports giving private sector more opportunities in delivering infrastructure projects. However, there are various issues associated with capacity, motivation, legal, institutional and regulatory frameworks that need to be addressed to enable PPPs to deliver sustainable development. The World Bank defines Sustainable Development as the growth that must be both inclusive and environmentally sound to reduce poverty and improve quality of life. This paper argues that a systematic approach could be established by the public sector “government” to encourage the private sector to engage in a collaborative “PPP” models. This paper’s scope is to document, analyze and provide lessons learned and guiding principles to present a roadmap of how to participate in PPPs and also to provide an overview of current policies, processes and challenges to private sector involvement. Finally, a roadmap will be presented for private sector engagement in sustainable development using the PPP collaboration model.

Paper Title

From Smart to Intelligent Mobility

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0169
  • John Jung
  • Intelligent Community Forum
  • United States


Urban transportation and efficient logistics is at the heart of vital, thriving metropolitan areas. Unbridled growth can result in congestion, pollution and undesirable daily stress which can evolve into impoverished environments leading to inefficiencies, unproductive la...Lead moreUrban transportation and efficient logistics is at the heart of vital, thriving metropolitan areas. Unbridled growth can result in congestion, pollution and undesirable daily stress which can evolve into impoverished environments leading to inefficiencies, unproductive land-uses and a diminished quality of life. Solving the mobility challenges of moving people, goods and services is one of the most pressing issues in modern and growing cities around the world, especially given that by mid-century three-quarters of the world’s population will be living in urban centers. With our cities ill-prepared for this massive migration, mobility and its impacts: social, economic, environmental and political, will all need to be addressed before it is too late to save our cities as liveable ecosystems. Mobility challenges impacting trade and the attraction and retention of investment and talent can seriously undermine the sustainability of the city and region from an environmental, fiscal and social perspective. This presentation will look at international smart technologies to manage urban assets and systems to improve efficiencies, increase transport productivity and harness enhanced mobility options. But it will also look at international examples of a more holistic approach called intelligent communities that aim to solve transportation, sustainability and liveability issues.

Paper Title

Using moveable barrier in the new urban environment

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0167
  • Paul Grant
  • Lindsay Transportation Solutions
  • United States


The challenges faced by urban traffic planners are increasingly difficult as populations and travel demands constantly rise in cities around the world. Lack of both funding and right-of-way make new road construction a daunting task in an urban environment, and many agenc...Lead moreThe challenges faced by urban traffic planners are increasingly difficult as populations and travel demands constantly rise in cities around the world. Lack of both funding and right-of-way make new road construction a daunting task in an urban environment, and many agencies are now focused on reducing congestion through a managed lanes approach. One proven way to increase road capacity without new construction is to identify existing tidal flow traffic patterns where the road can be reconfigured throughout the day to give the maximum number of lanes to peak traffic at all times. This is accomplished in many cities using plastic delineation and overhead lights, but head-on accidents with injuries and fatalities are common with these methods. The Road Zipper is a moveable barrier system that quickly reconfigures the road under traffic to mitigate congestion while providing positive barrier protection between opposing lanes of traffic. The system allows agencies to create managed lanes on busy arterials in either a contraflow or moveable median configuration. For urban construction work, moveable barrier maximizes traffic throughput while accelerating the construction process by providing more work space during off-peak traffic hours.

Paper Title

How Local Governments Can Plan for Driverless Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0163
  • Lauren Isaac
  • WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff
  • United States


Driverless vehicles have the potential to change all aspects of mobility – from driver safety and insurance liability to car ownership and how Americans commute. It has the potential to disrupt both public and private transportation as we know it. As Google, Uber, the aut...Lead moreDriverless vehicles have the potential to change all aspects of mobility – from driver safety and insurance liability to car ownership and how Americans commute. It has the potential to disrupt both public and private transportation as we know it. As Google, Uber, the automobile industry, and other organizations continue to make rapid technological advances in driverless cars, it is vital that federal, state, and local governments establish policies, laws and regulations that account for this disruptive technology. Of utmost importance is finding a balance between guarding public safety while regulating insurance/liability and still encouraging investment in research and development of driverless vehicles and their implementation and integration into our transportation system. Driverless vehicles will likely have a huge impact on our society’s future; however, it is the government’s actions (now and in the future) that will determine how they are integrated into our society and if the impacts are largely positive or negative. The intent of this paper is to outline the role of government in driverless vehicles and present information local and regional governments need to inform planning and decision-making – both now and in the future.

Paper Title

V2P Communications for Vehicle-Pedestrian Crash-Warning

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0116
  • Hayami Ito
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Japan


Vehicle-pedestrian crashes cause fatalities or severe injuries rather than vehicle-vehicle crashes, therefore, various vehicle-pedestrian crash-warning solutions have been applied. In this report, we first analyze pedestrian-fatality statistics in the world and the US, th...Lead moreVehicle-pedestrian crashes cause fatalities or severe injuries rather than vehicle-vehicle crashes, therefore, various vehicle-pedestrian crash-warning solutions have been applied. In this report, we first analyze pedestrian-fatality statistics in the world and the US, then examine various vehicle-pedestrian crash-warning solutions, including three types of communication- solution that can detect pedestrians in non-line-of-sight: “pedestrians have communication modules to communicate to vehicles directly”, “vehicles have modules to detect pedestrians’ mobile-phones”, and “vehicles and pedestrians communicate through mobile-network”. Especially, we analyze technical challenges in communication-solutions: channel-congestion, communication-delay, radio-propagation, and pedestrian devices’ energy-consumption. Finally, we conclude this report with our approaches to implement communication-solutions for vehicle-pedestrian crash-warning applications.

Paper Title

The role of the traveler in future traffic flow improvement

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0115
  • Greg Yova
  • QvisionTechnology.com
  • United States


The goal of this paper is to consider the most underutilized part of the equation – the traveler. Research supports the idea that informed travelers can have a great positive impact on traffic to the point of avoiding gridlock altogether. Therefore it is vital that we inc...Lead moreThe goal of this paper is to consider the most underutilized part of the equation – the traveler. Research supports the idea that informed travelers can have a great positive impact on traffic to the point of avoiding gridlock altogether. Therefore it is vital that we include travelers in the equation in our efforts to make the most of existing motorways.

Paper Title

Innovations in automating real-time winter road condition reporting in Minnesota

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0114
  • Peter Davies
  • Castle Rock Associates
  • United States


Providing accurate, reliable, and detailed real-time traveler information during winter storms is an ongoing goal and challenge for many transportation agencies, particularly those in regions that endure multiple major events during the winter season. The Minnesota Depart...Lead moreProviding accurate, reliable, and detailed real-time traveler information during winter storms is an ongoing goal and challenge for many transportation agencies, particularly those in regions that endure multiple major events during the winter season. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) in the USA utilizes multiple systems to plan, respond to, manage, and provide information about winter storm’s impacts on public roads. Its Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) analyzes weather data from multiple sources—including weather service, road weather information systems (RWIS), automated weather observation systems (AWOS) and DOT plow/treatment activities—to generate both current and forecasted views of road conditions throughout the state. MnDOT’s 511 traveler information system—which includes phone, web, and mobile app components—is the primary means by which the DOT informs the public about current conditions in real time during winter storms. This paper explores the DOT’s undertaking to bring data from these two systems together—as well as real-time snowplow cameras from the snowplows it recently equipped with web-enabled cameras—to improve upon its real-time winter maintenance and public reporting functions.

Paper Title

Using Bluetooth Low Energy Technology to Trigger In-Vehicle Messages at Workzones

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0091
  • Chen-Fu Liao
  • University of Minnesota
  • United States


In order to reduce risky behaviour around work zones, this project examines the effectiveness of using in-vehicle messages to heighten drivers’ awareness of safety-critical and pertinent work zone information. The investigation centers around an inexpensive technology bas...Lead moreIn order to reduce risky behaviour around work zones, this project examines the effectiveness of using in-vehicle messages to heighten drivers’ awareness of safety-critical and pertinent work zone information. The investigation centers around an inexpensive technology based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tags that can be deployed in or ahead of the work zone. A smartphone app was developed to trigger non-distracting, auditory-visual messages in a smartphone mounted in a vehicle within range of the BLE work zone tags. Messages associated with BLE tags around the work zone can be updated remotely in real time and as such may provide significantly improved situational awareness about dynamic conditions at work zones such as: awareness of workers on site, changing traffic conditions, or hazards in the environment. Experiment results indicate that while travelling at 70 MPH, the smartphone app is able to successfully detect a long-range BLE tag placed 125 m away on a traffic barrel on a roadway shoulder. Additional experiments are being conducted to validate the system performance under different roadway geometry, traffic, and weather conditions.

Paper Title

Data Collection and remote monitoring at remote intesections

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0090
  • Matt Zinn
  • Eberle Design, Inc.
  • United States


Data collection and monitoring of intersections connected to an ATMS is relatively easy. There is a lot of "BIG DATA" that can be retrieved as long as there is a fiber or WiFi connection. However, for the thousands upon thousands of intersections that do not have any conn...Lead moreData collection and monitoring of intersections connected to an ATMS is relatively easy. There is a lot of "BIG DATA" that can be retrieved as long as there is a fiber or WiFi connection. However, for the thousands upon thousands of intersections that do not have any connectivity there are now options. With cloud base processes and cellular technologies expanding exponentially there are solutions that can be provided to not only collect data from remote intersections but also monitor the functionality and operations of the intersection with the same equipment. There is also the added benefit of using this technology to back up an existing communications back bone for those times where power issues have interrupted normal communications methods.

Paper Title

Integrating social media, dispatch, and commercial probe data for after-action reviews

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0072
  • Stephen Remias
  • Wayne State University
  • United States


The recent growth of social media platforms and transportation data have created an environment rich for new opportunities to optimize traffic management procedures. In the past, transportation engineers have relied on subjective data to perform after-action reviews of va...Lead moreThe recent growth of social media platforms and transportation data have created an environment rich for new opportunities to optimize traffic management procedures. In the past, transportation engineers have relied on subjective data to perform after-action reviews of various traffic incidents. The subjective response to traffic management provides general trends, but does not lead to tangible improvements in incident response and management. This paper introduces new data fusion and visualization techniques using these data sources to identify, measure, and evaluate current procedures. The fusion of social media, dispatch, weather, and probe data will allow for the measurement of the complete incident response process from occurrence to return to normal traffic flow. These techniques are used to evaluate a series of events on Interstate 65 in Indiana. I-65 is one of the critical national freight corridors in the United States. The purpose of fusing numerous data sources is to understand and quantify each step of the incident response process. These techniques can be used by transportation engineers and decision makers to develop strategies to improve the current incident response strategies.

Paper Title

Performance Measures of Smartphone Warning Messages in Work Zones and Intersections

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0062
  • Qing Li
  • Texas Southern University
  • United States


Work zones and intersections are hot spots of conflict areas, leading to crashes. Though many efforts have been made to enhance the safety, there is little indication that the crashes in the two types of conflict areas are declining nationwide. Thousands of crashes are re...Lead moreWork zones and intersections are hot spots of conflict areas, leading to crashes. Though many efforts have been made to enhance the safety, there is little indication that the crashes in the two types of conflict areas are declining nationwide. Thousands of crashes are recorded every year in the United States, which are mainly attributed by the insufficiency in the traffic controls and drivers’ misjudgement. To supplement the conventional traffic controls, a smartphone based audio warning message (AWM) was proposed and tested in driving simulators regarding safety of workers in work zones as well as vehicles at intersections for left-turn. Results show that the AWM is able to effectively increase drivers’ awareness of traffic signs and dynamic traffic situations, in particular, in a hazardous situation.

Paper Title

Assessment of Emerging Wireless Technologies for Vehicle Safety Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0056
  • Hirofumi Onishi
  • Alpine Electronics Research of America Inc.
  • United States


Vehicle safety applications with wireless communications have been focuses of global ITS researches. Especially, 802.11p based DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) is planned to be deployed in time-sensitive crash avoidance applications. On the other hand, initiall...Lead moreVehicle safety applications with wireless communications have been focuses of global ITS researches. Especially, 802.11p based DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) is planned to be deployed in time-sensitive crash avoidance applications. On the other hand, initially, mobile-communications have been applied to information and entertainment applications, emerging mobile-communications, such as LTE-Advanced and 5G, impact to safety applications, as well as mobility and environment applications. In this report, we examine safety applications’ requirements to wireless communications, and then discuss advantages and challenges of each wireless technology to be applied to safety applications.

Paper Title

Examining the Impact of the Compliance Rate and the Penetration of Automatic Daytime Running Lights on the Safety Effectiveness of Regulatory Headlight Signs

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0733
  • Mohamed Ahmed
  • University of wyoming
  • United States


Although automatic Daytime Running Lights (DRLs) may have a significant impact on increasing vehicle conspicuity during different times of the day, their effect on the overall safety is still up for debate. A recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrat...Lead moreAlthough automatic Daytime Running Lights (DRLs) may have a significant impact on increasing vehicle conspicuity during different times of the day, their effect on the overall safety is still up for debate. A recent study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) showed that DRLs offer no statistically significant reduction in the frequency or severity of the crashes analyzed. There are functional issues with using the automatic DRLs only; drivers with automatic DRLs often do not turn on their low beam headlights in adverse weather conditions and at dusk or dawn. This is especially dangerous because the taillights do not come on until the low beam headlights are turned on manually. This becomes more important at hazardous roadway sections that require both headlights and taillights.

Paper Title

Investigating the Feasibility of Using SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study to Support Data Requirements of VSL Decision Making Algorithms and its Application in Connected Vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0732
  • Ali Ghasemzadeh
  • University of wyoming
  • United States


The ambiguity caused by drivers’ behavior and performance during adverse weather conditions to select proper speeds may have a significant impact on the safety and operations performances of freeways. . Short term speed prediction is important for policy makers and traffi...Lead moreThe ambiguity caused by drivers’ behavior and performance during adverse weather conditions to select proper speeds may have a significant impact on the safety and operations performances of freeways. . Short term speed prediction is important for policy makers and traffic engineers to overcome the risk of unpredictability of speed behavior during various weather conditions and to help setting appropriate variable speed limits. The objective of this paper is to employ interrupted time series model to predict vehicle speed using the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Naturalistic Driving Study time series data.

Paper Title

Analysis of the impacts of CAV technologies on travel demand

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0670
  • Joshua Auld
  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • United States


Connected and automated vehicle technologies are likely to have significant impacts not only on how vehicles operate within the transportation system, but also on how individuals utilize their vehicles. While many connected and autonomous vehicle technologies have the pot...Lead moreConnected and automated vehicle technologies are likely to have significant impacts not only on how vehicles operate within the transportation system, but also on how individuals utilize their vehicles. While many connected and autonomous vehicle technologies have the potential to increase network throughput and/or efficiency many of these same technologies have a secondary effect of reducing driver burden which can drive changes in behaviour. Such changes in travel behaviour, in effect lowering the cost of driving, have the potential to increase the utilization of the transportation systems with concurrent negative externalities such as congestion, energy use and emissions. Relatively few studies have analysed the potential impacts of CAV technologies from a systems perspective, often focusing on gains and losses to an individual vehicle, at a single intersection, or along a corridor. However, travel demand and traffic flow is a complex, adaptive, non-linear system, so in this study we use an advanced transportation systems simulation model, POLARIS, to study potential impacts of several connected and automated vehicle technologies at the regional-level.

Paper Title

A Cycle-Based Variable Speed Limit Methodology for Improved Freeway Merging

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0434
  • jia hu
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • United States


This paper presents a cycle based variable speed limit (CVSL) strategy would variate speed limit in the upstream link of freeway merging area. CVSL only reduces speed limit in a fraction of time in a fixed period of time (cycle). The speed limit variation in a cycle would...Lead moreThis paper presents a cycle based variable speed limit (CVSL) strategy would variate speed limit in the upstream link of freeway merging area. CVSL only reduces speed limit in a fraction of time in a fixed period of time (cycle). The speed limit variation in a cycle would create the artificial gap on freeway mainline, efficiently increase the merging opportunities for ramp vehicles. CVSL keeps VSL’s benefit in reducing delays and overcome VSL’s shortcoming in no significant throughput increase, as demonstrated in our simulation studies. We establish analytical CVSL delay models, including ramp and freeway delays with CVSL speed as decision variable and propose a robotic solution method to minimizing the delays. The delay model and solutions are implemented and independently evaluated in microscopic simulation. CVSL system is implemented with interface with Traffic Flow Open-source Microscopic Model (ETFOMM), an open source microscopic traffic simulation software sponsored by U.S. DOT. Detector information are feed into the delay model. Two performance measures: total travel delay and throughput are used to evaluate CVSL system. Our simulation evaluation indicated that 16% delay reduction and 6 percentage throughput increase. This CVSL strategy is ready for field evaluation.

Paper Title

Subtle anomaly detection in the global dynamics of connected vehicle systems

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0304
  • Paul Avery
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United States


Increasing the connectivity and automation among vehicles, roadside devices, and traffic management systems creates the potential for greater safety and efficiency benefits, while also introducing potential safety and security risks if connectivity and automation are misu...Lead moreIncreasing the connectivity and automation among vehicles, roadside devices, and traffic management systems creates the potential for greater safety and efficiency benefits, while also introducing potential safety and security risks if connectivity and automation are misused or malfunction. A single anomaly source could influence multiple vehicles in the surrounding area capable of receiving and acting on connected vehicle (CV) or roadside equipment (RSE) messages. A well-designed attack could potentially create a significant impact zone that could also affect traditional driver-controlled vehicles. An Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) should enhance driving and safety by alerting a driver or taking control to avoid a collision; however, an ADAS could decrease efficiency or safety if it reacts to false positives or sensor/message inputs indicating there is a false problem. The integration and coordination of numerous vehicles within a system is an active field of research and development, which has been actively pursued at Southwest Research Institute since 2008. This paper describes ongoing research work aimed at testing the hypothesis that subtle anomalies in the behavior of a traffic system comprised of communicating vehicles are detectable through the analysis of the system’s global behavior.

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Artificial intelligence based station-level rail transit ridership forecasting using smart card data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0266
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • United States


This paper employs a canonical correlation analysis method to quantify the linkage between urban rail transit station demand and the surrounding land-use patterns. It is used to identify key land use variables by evaluating their degrees of contribution to the rail transi...Lead moreThis paper employs a canonical correlation analysis method to quantify the linkage between urban rail transit station demand and the surrounding land-use patterns. It is used to identify key land use variables by evaluating their degrees of contribution to the rail transit station demand. A full month of IC card data and detailed regulatory land use plan from Chongqing, China are collected for model development and validation. The proposed model contributes to offering the capability of targeting key lane use patterns and associating them with rail transit station boarding and alighting demand simultaneously. The proposed model can reveal underlying rules between rail transit station demand and land use variables and can be used to evaluate the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) plans to improve land use and transit operational efficiency.

Paper Title

Analysis of Incidents Durations: Estimation of Random Parameter and Quantile Regressions

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-SP0118
  • Behram Wali
  • The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
  • United States


Accurate prediction of incident duration and strategies for developing countermeasures are two imperative perspectives of Traffic Incident Management (TIM). Past research has applied various types of regression models for predicting incident durations and assessment of as...Lead moreAccurate prediction of incident duration and strategies for developing countermeasures are two imperative perspectives of Traffic Incident Management (TIM). Past research has applied various types of regression models for predicting incident durations and assessment of associated factors. However, an important methodological aspect is unobserved heterogeneity which may be present due to several unobserved/omitted factors. Incorporation of heterogeneity can have a significant potential in enhancing model predictive capabilities as well as obtaining more robust insights for devising practical incident management strategies. This study uses two statistical techniques, i.e., random parameter and quantile regression models, to address unobserved heterogeneity and further to compare both methodologies in the context of two important perspectives. Specifically, quantile regression allows modeling associations between different quantiles of incident duration and explanatory factors. This can help with designing appropriate strategies for small-scale and large-scale incidents. Contrarily, compared to fixed-parameter and quantile regression models, random parameter model is observed to result in more accurate prediction of incident durations, however it does not (typically) model different quantiles of incident duration. The practical implications of results are discussed with respect to travelers and incident manager perspectives. Limitations are highlighted along with suggestions for future work.

Paper Title

Advanced Toll Back Office Using A Service Orientated Architecture

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-CP0590
  • Jon Ramirez
  • Cubic Transportation Systems
  • United States


Tolling Back Office Solutions in operation today are generally based on proprietary solutions that impede access to data and lack flexibility. On deciding to re-enter the tolling industry, Cubic canvassed toll operators to provide recommendations on developing the archite...Lead moreTolling Back Office Solutions in operation today are generally based on proprietary solutions that impede access to data and lack flexibility. On deciding to re-enter the tolling industry, Cubic canvassed toll operators to provide recommendations on developing the architecture of a new tolling back office system. Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. (Cubic) is introducing this new tolling solution as part of its NextCity suite of ITS initiatives. Cubic’s tolling back office solution integrates customer account management (NextContact), account-based transaction processing (NextAccount), reporting and dashboards (NextInfo) and a clearing house (NextLedger) within a single, unified Enterprise Service Bus.

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A Personal Autonomous Chair for Independent Mobility.

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-CP0285
  • David Bruemmer
  • 5D Robotics
  • United States


To improve the mobility and quality of life for the elderly and disabled to increase independence. The goal is to provide innovative new modes of transportation to extend and enhance the use of transportation from point A to point B. The Comfortable Autonomous Reliable Tr...Lead moreTo improve the mobility and quality of life for the elderly and disabled to increase independence. The goal is to provide innovative new modes of transportation to extend and enhance the use of transportation from point A to point B. The Comfortable Autonomous Reliable Transport (CAR-t) will provide a reliable, safe form of mobility. This low-speed, electric vehicle will augment ways elderly can stay in their homes rather than entering residential aged care homes or relying on other forms of more costly, un-reliable transportation. No one should have to wait for transportation or be without transportation choices and communities should be built around humans rather than cars. Ecosystems should be designed around pedestrians and should use personal transportation systems in a shared mobility model to link people and places to provide the best possible customer service. Imagine the CAR-t as a personal support vehicle to appear within minutes of being summoned and seamlessly transporting you to a selected destination (in/outdoors) without any stress or frustrations. The chair becomes a transportation concierge, moving you or your packages on a pre-determined path such as from a home to; a doctor’s, a neighbors, shopping or other destination.

Paper Title

UTP ElecTraCop as a New Concept for ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-CP0245
  • Mikhail Molchanov
  • Matsur & Co., Inc.
  • United States


This paper is devoted to acute challenges, which ITS (intelligent transport systems) currently face, from a three-point perspective: lack of a single solution, lack of autonomy, and lack of integrating ability. These challenges, from the authors' point of view, can be tac...Lead moreThis paper is devoted to acute challenges, which ITS (intelligent transport systems) currently face, from a three-point perspective: lack of a single solution, lack of autonomy, and lack of integrating ability. These challenges, from the authors' point of view, can be tackled using the UTP (United Technological Platform) “ElecTraCop” (Electronic Traffic Cop), presented here as a new concept for the entire ITS industry. This complex system is a multifunctional technological basis, aimed at solving the whole array of traffic problems, from junction and parking management to overall control over traffic and road network. Still, its ultimate goal is efficient control over road demand, revolutionizing the concept of road taxes and driving tolls, where car owners must pay not for possessing a car but for using it. The paper summarizes various goals that can be achieved by using this system.

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Helios – A New Tool for Road Weather Awareness in Smart Cities

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-CP0110
  • Sheldon Drobot
  • Harris Corporation
  • United States


This paper describes a new commercial analytic product for road weather monitoring. The Helios Solution (https://exelishelios.com/) is a real-time, hyper-local set of analytic filters that run on a camera network. The Helios view provides user-configurable options to exam...Lead moreThis paper describes a new commercial analytic product for road weather monitoring. The Helios Solution (https://exelishelios.com/) is a real-time, hyper-local set of analytic filters that run on a camera network. The Helios view provides user-configurable options to examine camera locations, Helios alerts, radar information, and watch/warning/advisory information from the National Weather Service. This hyper-local information far exceeds the resolution of typical weather forecasts and is specific to roadway environments, unlike most common weather forecasts.

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VDS-Based Traffic Flow Stability and Management Application

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4220
  • Kisu Kim
  • Korea Institute of Construction Technology
  • Korea


VDS-based individual vehicle information may provide the driver of the traveling vehicle with the variable traffic flow following the 1st, 2nd shock wave on site at real time basis to reduce the accident risk by controlling the inter-vehicle distance, and also increase th...Lead moreVDS-based individual vehicle information may provide the driver of the traveling vehicle with the variable traffic flow following the 1st, 2nd shock wave on site at real time basis to reduce the accident risk by controlling the inter-vehicle distance, and also increase the traffic efficiency by reducing the density through alleviating the traffic volume within the section into larger section by applying the MANET technology to the VDS installed on site and utilizing it in the automatic Cruise Control system.

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Public Private Partnership as a Model of ITS Provision

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4218
  • Wei Yao
  • University College London
  • United Kingdom


An increasing number of countries around the world have attached great importance to ITS. However, funding for the development, operation, maintenance, and enhancement of ITS continues to be a major challenge. The objective of the presented paper is to determine the condi...Lead moreAn increasing number of countries around the world have attached great importance to ITS. However, funding for the development, operation, maintenance, and enhancement of ITS continues to be a major challenge. The objective of the presented paper is to determine the conditions for which ITS projects are more effectively provided through PPP agreements. We identify the four P conditions necessary for effective PPP agreements in ITS provision (Preventing free riders, Property rights, Profits available, and Potential monitoring). We address the government role in PPPs for achieving profitable provision for the private sector and guaranteeing quality and safety for government.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4217
  • Wei Yao
  • University College London
  • United Kingdom


Being the funding reason, the public sector needs to consider close cooperation with private sector for effective ITS provision. However, the private investor is not interested in financing non-profit or low profit ITS projects as social benefit in ITS implementation. Thi...Lead moreBeing the funding reason, the public sector needs to consider close cooperation with private sector for effective ITS provision. However, the private investor is not interested in financing non-profit or low profit ITS projects as social benefit in ITS implementation. This paper examines the social and individual benefits for different ITS user services and exposes the reasons that are preventing ITS modernization. During the case studies, it further analyses subsidy and internalising can be used to encourage ITS provision by PPP. The study finds that it may be easier when governments intervention by subsidies or making requirement by legal framework.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4213
  • Gilbert Ching
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Japan


The prediction of received power in the adjacent zone of a Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) system operating inside an arched transportation tunnel is discussed. Wideband directional channel sounding was conducted inside the tunnel, and the gain, angle-of-arriv...Lead moreThe prediction of received power in the adjacent zone of a Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) system operating inside an arched transportation tunnel is discussed. Wideband directional channel sounding was conducted inside the tunnel, and the gain, angle-of-arrival and delay of each propagation path were estimated from the measured data. By simulating application antennas according to the DSRC standard, the received power was predicted for 2 road-side unit antenna positions. The dominant scatterers causing the over-reach of radiated power to the adjacent zone were identified and attributed to the ground and sidewalk. The effect of these scatterers were modeled using their scattering losses.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4211
  • Jun Hong
  • Tsinghua Unviersity
  • China


Using vehicles as probes is a flexible and low-cost way to obtain real-time traffic information. This paper addresses the sampling issue of using probe vehicles for detecting traffic information in a road network. A spatial and temporal analysis model based on signal proc...Lead moreUsing vehicles as probes is a flexible and low-cost way to obtain real-time traffic information. This paper addresses the sampling issue of using probe vehicles for detecting traffic information in a road network. A spatial and temporal analysis model based on signal processing theory is established and used to derive bounds on the sampling period, transmitting period and sample size of probe vehicles. We also develop a Traffic & Information-collecting Simulation Platform, to simulate the traffic flow in a road network and generate probe vehicle data for analysis. The simulation results find that traffic flow has strong correlation in terms of time and space, which is critical to the sampling problem. This paper solves some of the key issues involved in the design of a probe vehicle-based real-time traffic information system.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4210
  • Jinxin Cao
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore


In this paper the authors analyze the container terminal traffic of prime movers with productivity constraints of yard cranes (YCs) and quay cranes (QCs) by micro simulation approach. Simulation provides the possibility in considering complicated constraints and situation...Lead moreIn this paper the authors analyze the container terminal traffic of prime movers with productivity constraints of yard cranes (YCs) and quay cranes (QCs) by micro simulation approach. Simulation provides the possibility in considering complicated constraints and situations in container terminals. Different scenarios are studied in order to consider the impacts of productivity constraints toward the traffic of prime movers. Based on the simulation results, statistical and sensitivity analyses are conducted, respectively. Conclusions and future research needs are presented.

Paper Title

The Evaluation of BRT Impact on Ordinary Buses in Beijing

  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4209
  • Rui Song
  • Beijing Jiaotong University
  • China


The paper is delivered to discuss whether or how the bus rapid transit benefits Beijing’s traffic condition by demonstrating some factors influenced by the BRT system respectively and then attempts to give out a assessment of effects via analyzed methods such as quantifie...Lead moreThe paper is delivered to discuss whether or how the bus rapid transit benefits Beijing’s traffic condition by demonstrating some factors influenced by the BRT system respectively and then attempts to give out a assessment of effects via analyzed methods such as quantified utility function of passenger, etc. First, the route adjusting Influence of BRT on ordinary buses is addressed. Then, influence of BRT on the number of ordinary buses is discussed. Thirdly, how the number of ordinary buses influenced is shown. Fourthly, the signal influence on BRT and ordinary buses has been analyzed. The findings are useful for BRT planning and operations management.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4208
  • yaping zhang
  • Harbin Institute of Technology
  • China


Based on traffic wave speed formula and May speed-density model of follow-up theory and its characteristics, catastrophe mechanism of traffic jam is revealed and the cusp catastrophe models on density is deduced and established from the catastrophe phenomena according to ...Lead moreBased on traffic wave speed formula and May speed-density model of follow-up theory and its characteristics, catastrophe mechanism of traffic jam is revealed and the cusp catastrophe models on density is deduced and established from the catastrophe phenomena according to the collected data about speed and density, and the critical density of actual traffic jam and speed scope of threshold value is acquired. The establishment of the cusp catastrophe models on density and the determination of the critical density scope lay a theory foundation for the establishment of expressway traffic control and management strategies.

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  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 14th ITS World Congress Beijing 2007
  • 4207
  • yaping zhang
  • Harbin Institute of Technology
  • China


Traffic flow single fractal and multi-fractal characteristics on urban expressway are analyzed in this paper. Fractal dimensions are obtained by G-P algorithm and phase space reconstruction method, and the multi-fractal spectrums charts are calculated and drawn out to ana...Lead moreTraffic flow single fractal and multi-fractal characteristics on urban expressway are analyzed in this paper. Fractal dimensions are obtained by G-P algorithm and phase space reconstruction method, and the multi-fractal spectrums charts are calculated and drawn out to analyze traffic congestion and jam by generalized G-P algorithm for traffic flow short period prediction and traffic control.