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A Thirty Year Journey - Carnegie Mellon University and Autonomous Vehicles

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0560
  • Emil Bolongaita
  • Carnegie Mellon University Australia
  • Australia


In the not too distant future, fully driverless and autonomous vehicles will be commonplace on the roads of the world. At Carnegie Mellon, we have been preparing for this revolution in the transport industry for thirty years. A future state, so hard to imagine only a few ...Lead moreIn the not too distant future, fully driverless and autonomous vehicles will be commonplace on the roads of the world. At Carnegie Mellon, we have been preparing for this revolution in the transport industry for thirty years. A future state, so hard to imagine only a few years ago, requires research and design of systems to enable this to happen with no previous experiences or domain knowledge to call upon. Smart transportation systems needed to be modelled, autonomous and connected vehicles needed to be built, and to achieve all of this, breakthroughs in advanced robotics and artificial intelligence needed to be made within a mature software engineering paradigm. Today, not only has CMU built totally autonomous vehicles currently being trialled on public roads in the USA, but many of CMU’s graduates are spearheading the efforts of global vehicle manufacturers, and new market entrants, as they race for competitive advantage in this new frontier. In this presentation, we will explore the thirty years of focused effort that CMU has been immersed in with our partners so totally driverless and connected cars have societal acceptance to travel on our public roads.

Paper Title

Enterprise Cloud Hosting cost model for Surface Transport Management

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0487
  • Tim Mercer-Cook
  • Cubic Transportation Systems
  • United States


This paper presents a new cost model for the deployment of a next-generation integrated traffic management platform. Cubic’s NextTraffic™ is a feature-rich integration platform, which provides access to a suite of functionalities designed to connect heterogeneous control ...Lead moreThis paper presents a new cost model for the deployment of a next-generation integrated traffic management platform. Cubic’s NextTraffic™ is a feature-rich integration platform, which provides access to a suite of functionalities designed to connect heterogeneous control systems and data sources to deliver a fully-integrated traffic management solution. The NextTraffic™ platform is part of Cubic’s NextCity™ product suite and delivers an integrated intelligent transportation solution using advanced Cloud Computing infrastructure to meet the varying needs of clients across the globe. NextTraffic™ provides core capability to support local, regional and national traffic management strategies using a single configurable platform. The platform uses the power, flexibility and resilience of Cloud Computing to deliver an unrivalled quality of service provision in a cost effective way. With Cloud Hosting’s flexible pay-as-you-use offering, clients now have the option to use this new cost model to achieve a cost-effective deployment paid for on an ongoing-basis.

Paper Title

Incident Detection and Virtual Variable Messaging using Bluetooth

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0473
  • James Cox
  • Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia
  • Australia


Incident Detection and Virtual Variable Messaging using Bluetooth probe data and Low Energy advertising packetsIncident Detection and Virtual Variable Messaging using Bluetooth probe data and Low Energy advertising packets

Paper Title

Electro-Mobility:It’s more than just the car; the big picture.

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0345
  • Lance Douglass
  • Chargepoint
  • Australia


Many of the benefits of electric vehicle adoption are already known but what does the broader e-Mobility landscape look like, who are the stakeholders and what are the challenges?Many of the benefits of electric vehicle adoption are already known but what does the broader e-Mobility landscape look like, who are the stakeholders and what are the challenges?

Paper Title

Managing City Logistics with MobileDOCK

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0324
  • Russell Thompson
  • The University of Melbourne
  • Australia


Many urban regions are experiencing considerable growth in deliveries at activity hubs that present substantial challenges for the efficient and sustainable distribution of goods. Activity hubs are serviced by numerous stakeholders that include suppliers, receivers, carri...Lead moreMany urban regions are experiencing considerable growth in deliveries at activity hubs that present substantial challenges for the efficient and sustainable distribution of goods. Activity hubs are serviced by numerous stakeholders that include suppliers, receivers, carriers and receivers as well as activity hub facility managers, road and local government authorities. This paper describes the MobileDOCK system developed to facilitate and coordinate deliveries at activity hubs. The broad benefits to key stakeholders are described. The Melbourne Emporium is used as a case study to illustrate the benefits achieved by implementing MobileDOCK.

Paper Title

Upgrading Managed Motorways in a live environment

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0310
  • Hawkins John
  • Visionstream Pty Ltd
  • Australia


This presentation will describe the challenges and how they were met, from several projects upgrading Melbourne's managed motorway networks with new ITS functionality, while at the same time having to maximise the operational performance of the network.This presentation will describe the challenges and how they were met, from several projects upgrading Melbourne's managed motorway networks with new ITS functionality, while at the same time having to maximise the operational performance of the network.

Paper Title

Towards implementation of on-demand, multimodal, off-peak public transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0309
  • Philip Kilby
  • NICTA and ANU
  • Australia


The BusPlus system has been proposed as a means of providing responsive off-peak public transport at moderate cost. The system uses a hub-and-shuttle approach: buses run only on trunk routes between hubs, while multi-hire taxis shuttle passengers between hubs and their lo...Lead moreThe BusPlus system has been proposed as a means of providing responsive off-peak public transport at moderate cost. The system uses a hub-and-shuttle approach: buses run only on trunk routes between hubs, while multi-hire taxis shuttle passengers between hubs and their local bus stop. This paper reviews the BusPlus system, and describes progress towards implementation of the software required for the system.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0188
  • Murray Robertson
  • Downer
  • New Zealand


The demand on Australasia’s public transport services is escalating. Growing urban congestion, rising vehicle running costs and proactive infrastructure investment has seen public transport users re-think how they move around our main centres. People are requiring more co...Lead moreThe demand on Australasia’s public transport services is escalating. Growing urban congestion, rising vehicle running costs and proactive infrastructure investment has seen public transport users re-think how they move around our main centres. People are requiring more connectivity and the demand for a world-class smart liveable city is no longer an aspiration but an expectation. Recognising the opportunity to support local government with these challenges and developing smart city initiatives Downer led a consortium of companies to build a prototype smart bus shelter. Formed through the technology eco-system of ng Connect the companies of Downer, Alcatel-Lucent, Solta, Designbrand, Schneider-Electric, Samsung and Chorus joined forces to develop an end-to-end delivery solution for a 'Smart Shelter'. More than just a connected bus stop the Smart Shelter is a smart city hub. It offers immense potential for the local authority to present real-time interactive touch displays to their public transport users while also creating potential revenue opportunities through fibre-connected real-estate.

Paper Title

Achieving accuracy in a high volume environment

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0140
  • Jean-Marc Genesi
  • Transurban
  • Australia


Toll operators can benefit from developing and mastering a toll transaction reconciliation system providing a live ongoing toll auditing capability. This provides the toll operator with the ability to measure its asset performance at all levels: systems and technology, op...Lead moreToll operators can benefit from developing and mastering a toll transaction reconciliation system providing a live ongoing toll auditing capability. This provides the toll operator with the ability to measure its asset performance at all levels: systems and technology, operations and maintenance, toll and customer management, enforcement, financials. This is a key tool to drive operational excellence.

Paper Title

Bluetooth Intelligence informs High-Value Decisions in the ITS and Investment Environment

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0058
  • Richard Young
  • Beca Ltd
  • New Zealand


Strategic decision making relies on high quality data. This paper describes how high quality Bluetooth and Wi-Fi data that is anonymously and securely collected from passing vehicles by roadside sensors can provide a wealth of intelligence. Bluetooth signal detection is a...Lead moreStrategic decision making relies on high quality data. This paper describes how high quality Bluetooth and Wi-Fi data that is anonymously and securely collected from passing vehicles by roadside sensors can provide a wealth of intelligence. Bluetooth signal detection is an established method of determining travel time and is increasingly being used as a prime source of information in highway operations centres. This work is summarised, together with the approach taken in New Zealand to share information directly with customer’s thorough simple mobile services. With appropriate technical and privacy solutions in place; the technology can also provide the intelligence at a level suitable for major investment decisions including assessing toll route performance, and the development of accurate traffic models to the design of new infrastructure. The BlipTrack system has been used to develop these solutions with the New Zealand Transport Agency being the main client.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AN-CP0027
  • Gino Dompietro
  • Jacobs Group (Australia) Ltd
  • Australia


Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have the potential to radically alter the way society moves people and freight and to significantly improve safety, productivity and sustainability. However, because they have not been deployed widely enough or in sufficient volumes the...Lead moreIntelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have the potential to radically alter the way society moves people and freight and to significantly improve safety, productivity and sustainability. However, because they have not been deployed widely enough or in sufficient volumes they are yet to live up to that potential. There are indications that this is changing and that within the near future we will see the promise of ITS being delivered in more significant ways. This presentation will highlight some of the implications of the widespread deployment of ITS in Australia and overseas and present some strategic considerations for road sector decision makers who will be planning for an increasingly ITS enabled future. These considerations will include: • The role of advances in enabling technologies such as telecommunications, satellite positioning and the internet; • Possible impacts of ITS on existing business models and systems – tolling and customer management, freight and logistics, ancillary and support services; • The role of ITS for safety, security and privacy – incident detection and management, driver behaviour, law enforcement, violations detection and deterrence; and • The effects of vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communications on safety, traffic management, network planning and road design

Paper Title

What is Transportation Tech?

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0734
  • Valerie Lefler
  • IGD
  • United States


Transportation Tech is a subscription based online training platform designed to provide convenient, effective, and relevant training to current and future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technicians. It features an on demand, learn at your own pace learning plat...Lead moreTransportation Tech is a subscription based online training platform designed to provide convenient, effective, and relevant training to current and future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technicians. It features an on demand, learn at your own pace learning platform and curriculum developed with practicing technicians and technical education institutions. The training is being developed as part of the Small Business Innovation and Research program for the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. It is an effort to help address the current shortage and impending spike in demand for skilled technicians in these vital fields in the very near future. Transportation Tech is not expected to replace the vital hands-on or on-the-job training commonplace in this field. We endeavor to provide our students with an excellent working knowledge of the field of study, a ‘big picture’ understanding of operations as a whole, and the development of intellectual skills vital to execution of their professions (i.e. malfunction troubleshooting) in all modes of transportation. Field research informs the belief that on-the-job training is significantly improved with prior exposure to the subject matter thus creating the opportunity for shorter probationary periods, reduced accidents and errors, and lower turnover of technician candidates.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0713
  • Mohamed Talas
  • United States


The Midtown In Motion (MIM) active traffic management system was commissioned in New York City in June 2011. The system has been since expanded, and refined and has been operational. Experience to date is that the TMC operators make extensive use of the ATM features, invo...Lead moreThe Midtown In Motion (MIM) active traffic management system was commissioned in New York City in June 2011. The system has been since expanded, and refined and has been operational. Experience to date is that the TMC operators make extensive use of the ATM features, invoking them on average 3-4 times per day on each arterial. During the time the system has been in operation, experience has been gained, automated logging has been introduced, and equipment reliability has increased. A range of metrics have been used to measure performance. This paper presents some of those metrics and key findings. If the number of times the system is invoked is an indicator, the system is very active. Based on data from the system and a review of supplemental datasets, it is clear that in the face of increasing traffic (higher economic activity) on most arterials, service was maintained or even improved.

Paper Title

Large-scale Evaluation of CV Applications using Analysis, Modeling and Simulation Testbed

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0701
  • Raj Kamalanathsharma
  • Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
  • United States


Connected Vehicle Applications use vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication to get and broadcast the required data elements and traveler decisions. A subset of these applications, known as the Dynamic Mobility Applications aim at using this data to i...Lead moreConnected Vehicle Applications use vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication to get and broadcast the required data elements and traveler decisions. A subset of these applications, known as the Dynamic Mobility Applications aim at using this data to improve mobility of the network. This paper aims at assessing different characteristics of these applications in terms of data-sources, communication latency and losses as well as synergies and conflicts between multiple applications when implemented together using large scale transportation modeling and simulation. A microscopic calibrated model of San Mateo region in California was used for this assessment.

Paper Title

Evaluating performance of content & rate control schemes

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0690
  • S M Osman Gani
  • West Virginia University
  • United States


Message length adaptation, together with message content and rate control can ensure scalable communication between vehicles in automated driving systems. In this paper we study and evaluate performance of different content and rate control schemes. This study determines ...Lead moreMessage length adaptation, together with message content and rate control can ensure scalable communication between vehicles in automated driving systems. In this paper we study and evaluate performance of different content and rate control schemes. This study determines that rate cannot be traded off for larger message sizes and the content should be concentrated to information at close distances.

Paper Title

Privacy Enhancement for Interconnected Vehicles via Secure Multiparty Computation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0661
  • Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam
  • University of Rochester
  • United States


Vehicle-to-vechicle communication is wireless transmission of data between vehicles where the goal is to prevent accidents by sharing speed and position data. As has been well established, V2V has the potential to dramatically improve the highway safety, however, the same...Lead moreVehicle-to-vechicle communication is wireless transmission of data between vehicles where the goal is to prevent accidents by sharing speed and position data. As has been well established, V2V has the potential to dramatically improve the highway safety, however, the same technology raises serious concerns regarding security and privacy of the data being created, collected and shared. In this work, we identify a particular privacy vulnerability of the proposed Security Credential Management System (SCMS) and suggest an alternative mechanism to provide stronger privacy guarantees by using a powerful tool from modern cryptography known as secure multiparty computation.

Paper Title

Road Usage Charging Systems: Five Approaches to Ensuring Personal Privacy Protection

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0585
  • Jeff Doyle
  • D'Artagnan Consulting, LLP
  • United States


Distance-based road usage charging systems have been implemented only in a select few jurisdictions around the world. However, many governments are now actively researching and testing road usage charging, with deployed systems expected to take root in the United States a...Lead moreDistance-based road usage charging systems have been implemented only in a select few jurisdictions around the world. However, many governments are now actively researching and testing road usage charging, with deployed systems expected to take root in the United States and elsewhere in 2016. A main obstacle to more widespread adoption of road usage charges is the public’s perception that such systems will involve governmental tracking of vehicle movements, thus violating the personal privacy of citizens. This paper argues that although these critics’ privacy concerns are based on erroneous assumptions and their fears seem greatly exaggerated, lawmakers would be wise to address them head-on with a robust suite of policies that enhance privacy protections, thereby diffusing critics. Five specific approaches for protecting reasonable privacy expectations are described and explained, including the policy and economic impacts of each approach.

Paper Title

ITS Strategic Planning – A Foundation for Sustaining Livable Cities and Communities

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0559
  • Steven Cyra
  • HNTB Corporation
  • United States


The Madison Metropolitan Area is the fastest growing region in the State of Wisconsin and is consistently ranked in the top 10 of most livable USA cities. The City itself is the second-fastest growing of Midwest cities with a population of 200,000 or more. Madison has lon...Lead moreThe Madison Metropolitan Area is the fastest growing region in the State of Wisconsin and is consistently ranked in the top 10 of most livable USA cities. The City itself is the second-fastest growing of Midwest cities with a population of 200,000 or more. Madison has long recognized the importance of the multimodal transportation system to the livability and economic vitality of its city. This paper presents the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan developed for Madison as a foundation for sustaining its high level of livability despite significant growth. The paper also offers a strong case for integrating current and emerging technology as a cost-effective means of enhancing all transportation modes from walking and cycling to autos and transit. Included are lessons learned in the strategic planning process, the involvement of stakeholders and how the plan and its recommendations were integrated with the region’s Congestion Management Process. By completing an ITS Strategic Plan for its community, Madison serves as a model for other growing cities that wish to leverage technology to enhance its transportation system and sustain its quality of life and livability for its citizens.

Paper Title

Using communications to improve the performance of road vehicle automation systems: automated merging

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0556
  • Steven Shladover
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • United States


This paper presents two cooperative automated merging strategies for highway entry, one using I2V communication and the other one using V2V communication. For each communication architecture, a simple but effective algorithm is proposed. The proposed automated merge strat...Lead moreThis paper presents two cooperative automated merging strategies for highway entry, one using I2V communication and the other one using V2V communication. For each communication architecture, a simple but effective algorithm is proposed. The proposed automated merge strategies are compared with a benchmark manual driving model in a traffic micro-simulation. The results show significantly reduced travel time through a merging section with high traffic flow demand. The I2V case has notably reduced the travel time in the merging section when the traffic flow is high. Furthermore, the V2V case can support a significant increase in traffic flow without increasing travel times. The results indicate the potential advantages of using cooperative automation to relieve the bottleneck in the merging section.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0545
  • Joe Silva
  • Transurban
  • United States


A next generation concept of operations (ConOps) is evolving for the I-495 and I-95 Express Lanes in the Northern Virginia portion of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. A highly customized, integrated Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) including a Tolling and Tr...Lead moreA next generation concept of operations (ConOps) is evolving for the I-495 and I-95 Express Lanes in the Northern Virginia portion of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. A highly customized, integrated Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) including a Tolling and Traffic Management System (TTMS), and a cutting-edge Dynamic Pricing System (DPS), was delivered as part of the road openings in 2012 and 2014 and has been used to manage both roads. Having now gained strong operational experience with this base system, the Operations and Technology teams at Transurban (USA) Inc. are developing and testing various system and operational enhancements to improve efficiency and the customer experience. Most notably for 2016, the team is working to integrate Vehicle Occupancy Detection (VOD) to optimally manage High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) violations. Moreover, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) concepts are being explored for the potential to improve traveler mobility, safety and information management.

Paper Title

The Policy Imperative: A Comparison of Distance-Based Charging in California and Oregon

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0527
  • Travis Dunn
  • D'Artagnan Consulting
  • United States


California and Oregon, neighboring states in the Western U.S., are simultaneously exploring distance-based charging as a sustainable revenue alternative to motor fuel taxes. Despite their proximity and inter-governmental efforts to share resources and lessons learned, the...Lead moreCalifornia and Oregon, neighboring states in the Western U.S., are simultaneously exploring distance-based charging as a sustainable revenue alternative to motor fuel taxes. Despite their proximity and inter-governmental efforts to share resources and lessons learned, the two states have diverged along several important dimensions of distance-based charging policy, including the name of the policy (“road usage charging” in Oregon, “road charging” in California). This paper enumerates the various distinctions between the two states’ policies and analyzes three in particular: distance reporting options, rate setting, and privacy protection. In examining the distinctions, this paper illustrates the importance of the policy development process in exploring, crafting, and implementing transformations in how transportation is funded.

Paper Title

Advanced technologies & challenges to public transportation agencies

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0516
  • Navin Nageli
  • Navjoy Consulting Services, Inc
  • United States


Every day we are bombarded with news about latest technologies affecting our world. Each of these technologies presenting a solution to a sliver of the transportation problems we are facing. Agency staff are hearing about these technologies from their executives, politici...Lead moreEvery day we are bombarded with news about latest technologies affecting our world. Each of these technologies presenting a solution to a sliver of the transportation problems we are facing. Agency staff are hearing about these technologies from their executives, politicians, vendors, consultants, media, various industries, private companies, non-profits, state and federal agencies. There is so much noise that it hard to strategically think about what all this means to an individual agency and how it will address the transportation problems within their community. What should public agencies do to position themselves for this tidal wave of technological advancements? How will it impact the assets, services, and staff of these agencies? How do the agencies bring it all together? This paper examines the major disruptions of latest technologies and provide guidelines and principles for public transportation agencies on how to better prepare their organizations for the future.

Paper Title

Analysis of Sign Visual Condition from Mobile LiDAR Imaging and Digital Photologs

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0504
  • Kevin Heaslip
  • Virginia Tech
  • United States


Since the important task of traffic signs is to convey critical information to drivers, the replacement of ineffective signs leads to safer and more efficient environment for road users. However, research regarding the identification of factors contributing to sign degrad...Lead moreSince the important task of traffic signs is to convey critical information to drivers, the replacement of ineffective signs leads to safer and more efficient environment for road users. However, research regarding the identification of factors contributing to sign degradation is far from complete. To fill this gap, we examined a large number of possible explanatory variables that may affect a sign’s visual condition. These factors include: size, mount height, direction, color, elevation, temperature, precipitation, air pollution, and land cover. To do this, an equipped vehicle digitally collected data of over 97,000 traffic signs across the state of Utah. The visual condition of the sign (rated as good, fair, or poor) was acquired from inspection of daytime digital images taken of each individual sign during the post-processing analysis. We obtained location and climate factors from several official sources. We employed ArcGIS software to compile information throughout the process. We applied the Random Forests model to analyze this data and rank all of the factors based on their importance to the sign visual condition. The findings of this study provide transportation agencies with useful information in identifying traffic signs with a higher likelihood of degradation.

Paper Title

Energy Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0497
  • Dominik Karbowski
  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • United States


Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) may drive more smoothly, stop less often, and move at faster speeds, thanks to overall improvements to traffic flows. This changes in driving pattern will have an impact on energy consumption, which we estimate in this paper using h...Lead moreConnected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) may drive more smoothly, stop less often, and move at faster speeds, thanks to overall improvements to traffic flows. This changes in driving pattern will have an impact on energy consumption, which we estimate in this paper using high-fidelity vehicle models. The vehicles— one Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), one Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), and a conventional—are modeled in Autonomie, a high-fidelity, forward-looking vehicle simulation tool. They are simulated on various CAVs scenarios and modeled by variations of the drive cycle. First, a reference fuel consumption value is obtained for steady-state speeds, a potentially optimal state reached by the highest achievable connectivity and automation degree. Second, Real-World Driving Cycles are selected from a database of recorded speed traces in the Chicago area. Different changes to the original speed profiles are then applied to represent the connectivity impact: removed stops, smoothed speed, and saturation of strong accelerations. An overall increase in speed is also investigated to represent improved traffic flow. In each case, the distance remains the same as in the original case, representing the same origin and destination. Finally, a detailed energy analysis is performed, highlighting the close relationship between CAV technologies and powertrain electrification.

Paper Title

The new mobility revolution: what role and opportunities for public transport?

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0495
  • Alexandre Savard
  • GIRO Inc.
  • Canada


The landscape of urban mobility is rapidly changing, driven by evolving customer needs and technological advancements. Leading to new mobility services and business models, this transformation is providing city-dwellers an increasing range of transportation options and in...Lead moreThe landscape of urban mobility is rapidly changing, driven by evolving customer needs and technological advancements. Leading to new mobility services and business models, this transformation is providing city-dwellers an increasing range of transportation options and information with which to plan and carry out their journeys. The new urban mobility offer is, however, only the prelude to an imminent revolution, the advent of the autonomous car, which in the coming years will change the passenger transport industry forever. In this environment, which role can, or must, public transport play to remain attractive and continue to make a positive contribution to the movement of people? How can it innovate to optimize the use of resources in support of an integrated, connected and seamless mobility chain? How can it provide a viable alternative to the autonomous car in a multimodal, door-to-door transportation context? What business models, practices and tools must it revisit in order to collaborate and partner successfully with new mobility suppliers? This presentation aims to present strategies and technologies that can help public transport authorities and operators improve their services to better address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Paper Title

Evaluation and Testing of Driver Assistive Truck Platooning: Final Project Results

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0465
  • Richard Bishop
  • Bishop Consulting
  • United States


This paper describes final results of a project to prototype, evaluate, and test Driver Assistive Truck Platooning (DATP), which could have significant positive safety and fuel savings potential for heavy truck operations in long haul freight movement. The project is led ...Lead moreThis paper describes final results of a project to prototype, evaluate, and test Driver Assistive Truck Platooning (DATP), which could have significant positive safety and fuel savings potential for heavy truck operations in long haul freight movement. The project is led by Auburn University and funded by the FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research program. Other partners are Peloton Technology, Peterbilt Trucks, Meritor WABCO, and the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) (a research organization within the American Trucking Associations Federation). This paper primarily focuses on results from Phase Two, as Phase One results were reported previously. Phase Two explored a range of technical and non-technical topics, including assessing feasible real-world implementation issues, aerodynamic effects, V2V communications, traffic flow, and platoon formation.

Paper Title

Developing a Connected Vehicle Deployment Plan: Real-World Strategies for Early Deployment

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0462
  • Scott Shogan
  • WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff
  • United States


This paper highlights the Michigan Department of Transportation's strategy in developing a connected vehicle regional deployment plan for the Detroit region. In a time of dynamic change and great uncertainty with regards to connected vehicle technologies, this plan focuse...Lead moreThis paper highlights the Michigan Department of Transportation's strategy in developing a connected vehicle regional deployment plan for the Detroit region. In a time of dynamic change and great uncertainty with regards to connected vehicle technologies, this plan focuses on further developing foundational systems and mechanisms to deliver valuable infrastructure data to customers today, while outlining a fixed infrastructure strategy that enables testing and research today and the greatest potential day-one value tomorrow.

Paper Title

Untangling environmental and roadway revenue policy

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0449
  • Matthew Dorfman
  • D'Artagnan Consulting
  • United States


Road Charging—charging for roadway use by the kilometre or mile instead of by the gallon of fuel consumed—is not in conflict with environmental concerns. Yet some environmentally-concerned authors claim that keeping the fuel tax would be better for the environment than sw...Lead moreRoad Charging—charging for roadway use by the kilometre or mile instead of by the gallon of fuel consumed—is not in conflict with environmental concerns. Yet some environmentally-concerned authors claim that keeping the fuel tax would be better for the environment than switching to the road charge. This paper first presents several reasons why the existing fuel taxes with revenue dedicated for road funding are a poor tool for pursuing environmental policy, and in consequence, when fuel taxes are replaced by per-km road charges, such road charges also should not be used as a tool for environmental policy. By contrast, this paper argues that new, specifically environmental taxes, such as carbon taxes, are well suited as complements to road charges. This paper argues that a combination of road charges for roadway maintenance and construction, and carbon taxes and other measures for improving environmental outcomes, provides the best combination of sustainability for transportation: sustainable transportation finance and sustainable environmental impacts.

Paper Title

Adapting road agency business models to private sector provision of ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0448
  • Matthew Dorfman
  • D'Artagnan Consulting
  • United States


This paper argues that while road agencies will always have an important role in providing infrastructure and overseeing transportation service provision, they can and should do more to embrace the overall trend towards direct private sector service provision. Road agenci...Lead moreThis paper argues that while road agencies will always have an important role in providing infrastructure and overseeing transportation service provision, they can and should do more to embrace the overall trend towards direct private sector service provision. Road agencies should adapt their business models to work with the private sector, instead of seeing these new services as threats, which sometimes happens. After a brief introduction, this paper presents several concrete ways transportation agencies can transition their business models to support greater and better private service provision of ITS: • Simplified, expedited procurements • The employment of open markets • Founding innovation centers or labs • Creation of public-private forums • Introducing greater flexibility and empowerment for employees • Simplify regulations to the legal minimum

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Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0433
  • Steve Novosad
  • HNTB
  • United States


The Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA) was one of three Connected Vehicle (CV) Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) Pilot Deployments selected by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to deploy CV V2I technology to solve local issues. The CV V2I Pi...Lead moreThe Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA) was one of three Connected Vehicle (CV) Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) Pilot Deployments selected by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to deploy CV V2I technology to solve local issues. The CV V2I Pilot is a three phase program. The first phase was initiated in September 2015 to develop the Concept of Operations and will be completed in August 2016. Phase 2 is the Pilot Design, Implementation, Testing, and Deployment. Phase 2 is expected to be twenty months. Phase 3 is the Pilot System Operation and Maintenance and is expected to last eighteen months. One of the primary goals of the Pilot is the system will remain operational at the conclusion of Phase 3 and be used as the basis for expanding the technology deployment to address other safety, mobility, environmental and other issues.

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Design of an architectural model suitable for Colombia Metropolitan West Central Area.

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0427
  • Luz Natalia Giraldo Martínez
  • Colombia


In this article an architecture model of an advanced system of public passenger transport in the metropolitan area of West Central in Colombia is presented. The proposed architecture allows the management of public transport, ensuring the information provided to the user ...Lead moreIn this article an architecture model of an advanced system of public passenger transport in the metropolitan area of West Central in Colombia is presented. The proposed architecture allows the management of public transport, ensuring the information provided to the user and the different transport companies with a platform that integrates different tools designed for the Bus Rapid Transit transport systems and traditional transport. In the strategy is proposed a number of projects to achieve gradually implementing an intelligent transportation system.

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Dedicated Short-Range Communications: Revolutionizing Transportation and Advancing Spectrum Innovation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0419
  • Suzanne Sloan
  • U.S. Department of Transportation
  • United States


Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) in the 5.850-5.925 GHz band, are an integral part of a Nation’s future communication solution. Cellular and Wi-Fi have made great advancements but, to date, none of these options offer the ability to deliver consistent, reliable...Lead moreDedicated short-range communications (DSRC) in the 5.850-5.925 GHz band, are an integral part of a Nation’s future communication solution. Cellular and Wi-Fi have made great advancements but, to date, none of these options offer the ability to deliver consistent, reliable communications within a highly moving environment. By employing both broadcast as well as peer-to-peer (internet protocol) communications, DSRC offers an effective and efficient method for utilizing capacity and realizing a high level of density of messages per square kilometer, per second. If spectrum sharing proves feasible, this advancement will only increase the efficiency of this band.

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Certification for V2X technologies supporting connected vehicle deployments

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0415
  • Dmitri Khijniak
  • 7layers
  • United States


An industry consortium consisting of 7layers, Danlaw and OmniAir also called the Certification Operating Council (COC) sponsored by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) is developing an industry certification program for connected vehicle technologies. This certifi...Lead moreAn industry consortium consisting of 7layers, Danlaw and OmniAir also called the Certification Operating Council (COC) sponsored by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) is developing an industry certification program for connected vehicle technologies. This certification is initially aims to support the USDOT Connected Vehicle pilot deployments. The certification focuses on the device interoperability and conformance to the industry standards defined for the communication technology known as 5.GHz Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and defined in a suite of IEEE and SAE standards.

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Development of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Safety Applications in the United States

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0413
  • Carl Andersen
  • U.S. Department of Transportation / FHWA
  • United States


This paper summarizes the development of prototype vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) safety applications in the United States under a cooperative agreement between the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners, LLC (CAMP) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). After consider...Lead moreThis paper summarizes the development of prototype vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) safety applications in the United States under a cooperative agreement between the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partners, LLC (CAMP) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). After consideration of a number of V2I safety applications, Red Light Violation Warning, Curve Speed Warning and Reduced Speed Zone Warning / Lane Closure Warning were selected for further development. Building upon prior work, Concepts of Operation, Performance Requirements and Objective Test Procedures were developed for these applications, along with the required message standards.

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Integrating vehicular safety contextual information with channel congestion control for DSRC

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0357
  • Hongsheng Lu
  • Toyota InfoTechnology Center
  • United States


Channel congestion control is a key technology for Dedicated Short Range Communication to achieve sustainable scalability performance. Vehicles, by many congestion control solutions, transmit less aggressively but using identical transmission parameters when vehicle densi...Lead moreChannel congestion control is a key technology for Dedicated Short Range Communication to achieve sustainable scalability performance. Vehicles, by many congestion control solutions, transmit less aggressively but using identical transmission parameters when vehicle density is large. However, the transmission requirements may vary from one vehicle to another, e.g. depending on vehicle dynamics or location, resulting in an unequal demand for the wireless resource. This paper therefore proposes a framework to support control of channel congestion with consideration of possible disparity in vehicles’ safety environments. With the new scheme, vehicles are allowed to temporarily change transmission behavior according to their detectable potential safety risks. Evaluation by simulations shows that this framework leads to improved vehicle safety performance.

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International Harmonisation of C-ITS - Task Group 7

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0350
  • Peter Girgis
  • Transport Certification Australia Limited
  • Australia


In May of 2015, a Harmonisation Task Group (HTG) comprising policy and technical experts began the process of identifying standards for the common services of C-ITS, connected automated vehicles, and as the basis of the transportation role in Smart and Connected Cities as...Lead moreIn May of 2015, a Harmonisation Task Group (HTG) comprising policy and technical experts began the process of identifying standards for the common services of C-ITS, connected automated vehicles, and as the basis of the transportation role in Smart and Connected Cities as well as the Internet of Things (IoT). The HTG was one of seven, similar international HTGs, each collaborating to address a key aspect of harmonisation. HTG7 was co-led by representatives from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), the European Commission (EC), and Transport Certification Australia (TCA). The results of this analysis are organised as recommendations in the following areas: (a) gap analyses with different countries and regions for the identification of complete C-ITS environments; (b) standards selection to fill those gaps through either adoption, adaptation, or new developments; (c) the description of requirements for globally unique identifiers and facilitation for the development of an identifier registry; and (d) recommended certification regimes. The analysis also identifies those policies that are best suited to local decisions. This paper provides stakeholders with an overview of results and a review of the analysis objectives and methodology, highlighting findings and their implications for C-ITS deployments.

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Fully Convolutional Neural Detector for Real-time Pedestrian Detection using Deep learning

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0320
  • Min Young Kim
  • Panasonic Corporation
  • United States


Object detection has been an important research area in computer vision for decades. Recently, deep (machine) learning has emerged to achieve state of the art performance. However, computing requirements are too high for deep learning algorithms to be deployed into real-w...Lead moreObject detection has been an important research area in computer vision for decades. Recently, deep (machine) learning has emerged to achieve state of the art performance. However, computing requirements are too high for deep learning algorithms to be deployed into real-world products. We focus on pedestrian detection, as a key component of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), and specifically addressing the issue of real time detection in embedded applications. In this paper, we will present our novel deep learning algorithms based on fully convolutional neural networks, which can be run in real time (45fps on 640x480 input data) producing competitive detection performance.

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A Novel Approach to Digital Key Sharing for Vehicle Access Control

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0315
  • Pino Porciello
  • TrustPoint Innovation Technologies Ltd
  • Canada


Modern automobiles use a variety of key-based access control methods to restrict use of the vehicle to authorized persons only. These keys are normally either a physical object, or a static piece of secret knowledge such as a PIN code, or newer server-based key sharing vi...Lead moreModern automobiles use a variety of key-based access control methods to restrict use of the vehicle to authorized persons only. These keys are normally either a physical object, or a static piece of secret knowledge such as a PIN code, or newer server-based key sharing via a smartphone. Each of these methods have several disadvantages including significant security issues. This paper describes a new novel approach to digital key sharing for vehicle access that overcomes the limitations of current methods. Cryptographic operations based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) are used to provide a high level of security and the method presented avoids the need for the vehicle to communicate with a key sharing server, thus allowing for various operations to be performed without such connectivity between the vehicle and the server.

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Preliminary Comparison of Suitability of DSRC and LTE-V2X for V2V Safety Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0308
  • Takayuki Shimizu
  • Toyota InfoTechnology Center, U.S.A., Inc.
  • United States


This paper provides a comparison between two wireless communication technologies that might be used to support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) safety: DSRC and the emerging LTE-V2X. The comparison is primarily based on technical analysis and simulation, but also includes non-tec...Lead moreThis paper provides a comparison between two wireless communication technologies that might be used to support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) safety: DSRC and the emerging LTE-V2X. The comparison is primarily based on technical analysis and simulation, but also includes non-technical factors such as automotive industry, cellular industry, and government support and involvement.

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Impact study of the implementation of free-flow system in Brazilian highways

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AM-TP0290
  • Tulio Santos
  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Brazil


Currently, the electronic toll collection system or free-flow offers the opportunity for toll infrastructure operators to provide a substantially greater amount of traffic capacity than the conventional toll collection systems. Moreover, many benefits are generated by the...Lead moreCurrently, the electronic toll collection system or free-flow offers the opportunity for toll infrastructure operators to provide a substantially greater amount of traffic capacity than the conventional toll collection systems. Moreover, many benefits are generated by the system, such as reducing conflicts and congestion tolls, increased security of the electronic toll collection and increased mobility through the free flow of vehicles. In this context, this paper analyzes the operation of the electronic toll collection system and the impacts of the implementation of this system in Brazil. Then, it proposes a payment mechanism methodology in different types of highway concession (common concession, sponsored concession and administrative concession), taking into account the main disadvantages of the system and any problems in its operation.