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Paper Title

Case-based Reasoning for Alpine Road Operation Support

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0079
  • Jo Skjermo
  • Norway


Alpine roads and mountain crossings are prone to dangerous weather during the winter seasons. Several changing factors such as wind direction, wind gust strength, visibility, and road friction makes safe operation of such roads sections challenging. SINTEF, the Norwegian ...Lead moreAlpine roads and mountain crossings are prone to dangerous weather during the winter seasons. Several changing factors such as wind direction, wind gust strength, visibility, and road friction makes safe operation of such roads sections challenging. SINTEF, the Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU) and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) are developing a support system for road operators of alpine roads and mountain crossings. A priori knowledge of local conditions, general knowledge, and online data from road side sensors are used as input to an Artificial Intelligence system. The Artificial Intelligence system is being implemented to predict situations where operators need to intervene, and will notify the operators with suggestions on how to best handle developing situations. Suggestions are generated using previous experiences and previous actions. The system is presently being developed for the Dovrefjell area in Norway, to test concepts and acquire knowledge on how such a system may be generalize for further road segments.

Paper Title

Measuring public transport priority quality with special attention to competing calls

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0071
  • Thomas Riedel
  • Adaptive Traffic Control AG and Verkehrs-Systeme AG
  • Switzerland


The public transport priority quality objective at signalised intersections is in general to delay public transport vehicles as little as possible. Public transport priority has an impact on other road users' capacity and/or delay time and on other, competing public trans...Lead moreThe public transport priority quality objective at signalised intersections is in general to delay public transport vehicles as little as possible. Public transport priority has an impact on other road users' capacity and/or delay time and on other, competing public transport priority calls. Therefor a zero waiting time priority strategy cannot always be chosen. Advanced public transport priority objective functions can be formulated by delay time expectations and maximum delay time limits, as well as delay time distribution function restrictions. The paper introduces a formalism that has been applied in Basel, Switzerland, a city with a high public transport vehicle density, composed of trams and busses. It further describes how the quality requirements can be measured and displayed in diagrams that are easy to understand. Finally it introduces additional quality measurements for control operators that can be used in case of insufficient quality to find the parts in the control logic to be improved.

Paper Title

The Electronic Toll Collection in the Czech Republic 9 years success

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0046
  • Karel Feix
  • Kapsch Telematic Services
  • Czech Republic


An electronic toll system was successfully launched in the Czech Republic in 2007. Since then, several interesting ITS applications have been implemented or are currently being planned; some of them exploit the toll system infrastructure. The government uses the toll infr...Lead moreAn electronic toll system was successfully launched in the Czech Republic in 2007. Since then, several interesting ITS applications have been implemented or are currently being planned; some of them exploit the toll system infrastructure. The government uses the toll infrastructure to improve road traffic safety and driving comfort, to manage traffic flow, and to protect investments into the road network by reducing the need to repair roads damaged by overweight cargo vehicles. Since 2012, a pilot project has been running, where focus concentrates on the detection of overloaded trucks by a dynamic high-speed weighing solution, which uses the toll infrastructure and the tolling process. In 2008 and 2009, the toll operator launched the operation of a traffic management system featuring sensors, detectors, cameras, and information boards on key highways. In addition, the system is capable of the online monitoring of the development of traffic flows.

Paper Title

Evaluation of a laser-based reference system for ADAS

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0045
  • Nico Steinhardt
  • Honda Research Institute EU GmbH
  • Germany


The evaluation and verification of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is a crucial element for guaranteeing safe operation of such systems on the road. To cover a wide variety of real-world situations, ground-truth data needs to be generated for large datasets, ren...Lead moreThe evaluation and verification of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) is a crucial element for guaranteeing safe operation of such systems on the road. To cover a wide variety of real-world situations, ground-truth data needs to be generated for large datasets, rendering complete manual annotation infeasible. However, when employing automatic ground-truth reference systems, the performance and accuracy of these systems becomes subject to validation itself. In this paper, we present a methodology for characterizing a 360 degree reference system based on vehicle-mounted laser scanners, which is widely used for automatized labelling of data. Furthermore, a high-accuracy ground-truth reference system (GTRS) is presented that will be used to determine the object classification and tracking performance as well as the position accuracy of the device-under-test (DuT). Following the proposed methodology, we will show how the accuracy of measurements varies with increasing complexity starting with idealized objects up to complex real-world traffic situations. By doing so, the cause of accuracy changes can be pinned down to properties of the object or scene constellation allowing a deeper understanding of the performance that can be expected from the DuT using real world data.

Paper Title

Environmental Impact Assessment of Automated Driving

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0043
  • Adrian Zlocki
  • fka - Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen
  • Germany


This paper describes the environmental impact assessment methodology that is applied for automated driving functions in the European research project AdaptIVe as well as first results of the impact assessment.This paper describes the environmental impact assessment methodology that is applied for automated driving functions in the European research project AdaptIVe as well as first results of the impact assessment.

Paper Title

Enhancing public transport planning by data visualization

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0038
  • Laura Niittyla
  • Mattersoft Ltd.
  • Finland


In order to create an efficient service network for public transport, the planners need to ensure the timetables and service network cover all relevant urban areas with evenly distributed and efficient operations. They also need to make sure that the most relevant connect...Lead moreIn order to create an efficient service network for public transport, the planners need to ensure the timetables and service network cover all relevant urban areas with evenly distributed and efficient operations. They also need to make sure that the most relevant connections are secured and that unnecessary chaining of vehicles does not occur in corridors. Especially in larger cities with an extensive network of public transport services, planning processes can be challenging with traditional planning systems. Most commonly, the planners mainly rely on tables received from planning software, having to manually check the plans meeting the necessary requirements. At the same time, however, it is not clearly visible how minor changes might have an impact elsewhere. In order to solve these challenges we present new approach to public transport planning from the timetable creation perspective. With the help of simulation of the planned data, public transport planners are able to visualize the current plan more realistically and in detail, thus enabling them to prevent errors and create more efficient and evenly distributed services with less resources.

Paper Title

Real-time traffic situation awareness based on open data sources

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0037
  • Laura Niittyla
  • Mattersoft Ltd.
  • Finland


With increasing number of traffic related open data available in cities, road network users and related authorities have significant possibilities for utilizing wide range of data to support their decision making. However, a huge challenge with increasing number of existi...Lead moreWith increasing number of traffic related open data available in cities, road network users and related authorities have significant possibilities for utilizing wide range of data to support their decision making. However, a huge challenge with increasing number of existing data sources is that most of the current services are not connected to other services, thus making the information utilization difficult. To overcome this challenge, the City of Tampere in Finland has been used as a test site for a comprehensive traffic conditions monitoring system gathering traffic related real-time information from various sources. The system also provides the data to interested stakeholders through one interface. Based on the gathered data, various events and issues, such as congestion, changing conditions and areas with continuous problems can be detected more easily. The data is processed with advanced detection algorithms and the extracted information is visualized on a monitoring system that can help road users and traffic planners to understand the prevailing conditions in traffic in more detail. Thus, all users having access to the information are able to make better decisions regarding their journeys and use it as a support when making decisions about improvements in the traffic infrastructure and services.

Paper Title

Travel time estimation on highways

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0035
  • dr. Jure Pirc
  • Q-free Traffic design
  • Slovenia


For the drivers and road operators the travel time information represents the most useful information when planning a trip. Travel time of a single vehicle could be recorded directly by measuring the time interval a vehicle needs to traverse the segment and to determine t...Lead moreFor the drivers and road operators the travel time information represents the most useful information when planning a trip. Travel time of a single vehicle could be recorded directly by measuring the time interval a vehicle needs to traverse the segment and to determine the representative value of the travel time the outliers have to be eliminated. The outliers in travel time measurements are vehicles whose shortened or extended travel times are not caused by the traffic conditions, but are the result of individual behavior of such vehicle. As the adequate information on travel times is the one of personal cars, the influence of heavy vehicles should be eliminated from the samples. The proposed algorithm determines the appropriate estimator that best describes the drivers of personal cars driving by the posted speed limit. Evaluation proved the algorithm to perform effectively in different traffic flow situations.

Paper Title

Thermal performance of the Heating system of the Electric Vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0730
  • Aisling Doyle
  • Transport Research Institute
  • Scotland


It is becoming widely accepted that the electric vehicle (EV) has found its place in the automobile market as a solution to many topical issues that face governments, policy makers, industrial stakeholders and even individuals in terms of energetic, economic and environme...Lead moreIt is becoming widely accepted that the electric vehicle (EV) has found its place in the automobile market as a solution to many topical issues that face governments, policy makers, industrial stakeholders and even individuals in terms of energetic, economic and environmental sustainability. However, issues still surround the reliability of this technology resulting in slow penetration of the EV into the market as a competent competitor. This paper will focus on the cabin heating aspect of the EV. The conventional internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) uses ‘waste’ heat from the engine to heat the vehicle. With a battery powered vehicle there is no heat produced to provide thermal comfort to the passenger and so this must be a consideration when looking at the range, longevity and overall performance of the EV. Previous studies have assessed the thermal properties of the vehicle cabin through experimental and modelling analyses. Few studies have considered solar radiation’s contribution to space heating of a vehicle’s cabin space. This paper will refer to experiments carried out on Renault Zoe electric vehicle.

Paper Title

Verifying claims of energy efficiency improvement A practical & systematic approach

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0669
  • Konstantinos Demestichas
  • ICCS - Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
  • Greece


Motivated by the need to provide solid validation results through field trials in intelligent transport-related solutions, despite the usually limited available resources, the present paper focuses on formulating and demonstrating ways to achieve such results based on sta...Lead moreMotivated by the need to provide solid validation results through field trials in intelligent transport-related solutions, despite the usually limited available resources, the present paper focuses on formulating and demonstrating ways to achieve such results based on statistical inference. To exemplify our approach, we use a sample of measurements collected in the field, so as to compare the functional performance of two alternative routing methods in terms of achievable energy savings. We employ and describe two different techniques to achieve this comparison, namely paired sample tests and statistical testing of mean value in a normal population. We reach conclusions on whether claims of outperformance of one routing method over the other can be supported by the experimental data and to what extent. In this way, we believe that our work will prove useful to both researchers and industrial application developers in the area of transport that are faced with the challenge of validating their solutions’ performance on the basis of limited field trials, due to resource constraints.

Paper Title

Bluetooth Beacon Enabled Mobility Services and Opportunities in Public Transit

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0654
  • Janne Lahti
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


BT beacon is a Bluetooth (a short-range wireless communication technology) device emitting simple advertisement messages in regular intervals, and this data can be detected by devices like smartphones and conveyed to the backend system for further processing. Beacons are ...Lead moreBT beacon is a Bluetooth (a short-range wireless communication technology) device emitting simple advertisement messages in regular intervals, and this data can be detected by devices like smartphones and conveyed to the backend system for further processing. Beacons are small, affordable and very easy to install nearly everywhere due to long lasting (3-5 years) battery power. As a result of these convenient properties, it has been estimated that up to 400 million dedicated beacon transmitter will be installed in our living environment setting challenges to management of such a set-up. To ease this problem, an open co-sharing of beacon installations between various applications and different service providers is suggested. This paper examines requirements for management co-shared beacons infrastructure from ITS applications perspective. Highly dynamic ITS environment set some unique requirements to beacon management systems data models compared to more static application areas.

Paper Title

Evaluating the social network concept within new ICT-enabled mobility schemes

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0647
  • Susan Grant-Muller
  • University of Leeds
  • United Kingdom


A growing body of new ICT-enabled mobility schemes have emerged, often employing web and smartphone applications to deliver information or incentives directly to the travelling public and facilitate networks of communication. These schemes are largely aimed at a behaviour...Lead moreA growing body of new ICT-enabled mobility schemes have emerged, often employing web and smartphone applications to deliver information or incentives directly to the travelling public and facilitate networks of communication. These schemes are largely aimed at a behavioural approach to demand management and enabling ‘smarter choices’. Many schemes include embedded social network functionalities, but the evaluation of the success and benefits of the social network concept is less common, potentially due to the lack of a structural framework to do so. This paper presents a novel evaluation method for the social network concept derived using an inductive approach. It draws on literature spanning webscience, behavior, ICT, evaluation and transport. Six core functionalities of social networks are presented with a corresponding empirical case for each. Taken together with established technical functionalities for enabling a social network, these form the basis for an evaluation framework comprising six groups of largely quantitative indicators. The framework is flexible and indicators may be adapted to the scheme characteristics. Measurement of indicators may be through either proprietary analytics software and/or through sensing and reporting analytic capabilities commonly available in app software. A goal achievement (or distance to target) approach is proposed to assess overall success.

Paper Title

Predictive dynamic distributed network management

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0627
  • Ian Cornwell
  • Mott Mac
  • United States


This paper describes innovative methods of a module for distributed road network management. Potential diversions across multiple networks are generated dynamically by a new algorithm using only the road network data as configuration. Commands to re-parameterise traffic c...Lead moreThis paper describes innovative methods of a module for distributed road network management. Potential diversions across multiple networks are generated dynamically by a new algorithm using only the road network data as configuration. Commands to re-parameterise traffic control equipment are also generated. The potential utility of responses is evaluated by a prediction engine using pattern recognition and traffic theory, which takes into account the effects of the response being evaluated, and any other active responses. If a response is predicted to produce beneficial effects, location-specific information is published for use in in-vehicle devices. Responses can be evaluated using multiple performance indicators, including delay and air quality. A consultation amongst traffic managers has informed the design and development of functionality for distributed collaboration and control, which has been realized using the emerging DATEX Collaborative ITS Services specification.

Paper Title

Travel times and vehicle statistics using CAM messages over ETSI ITS-G5

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0587
  • Ola Martin Lykkja
  • Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


This paper examines how Cooperative Awareness Message and Basic Safety Message can be used to collect traffic statistics and estimate travel times. Current traffic statistics collection methods does not provide the accuracy and fidelity required by road operators and publ...Lead moreThis paper examines how Cooperative Awareness Message and Basic Safety Message can be used to collect traffic statistics and estimate travel times. Current traffic statistics collection methods does not provide the accuracy and fidelity required by road operators and public authorities. Cooperative ITS standards as defined by ISO, ETSI, IEEE, SAE opens up for new and improved methods to collect such statistics. With C-ITS, the vehicle itself knows all relevant parameters in detail and with great accuracy. C-ITS will provide much more information about traffic to stakeholders and help them make more well founded decisions.

Paper Title

Fusion of V2X and Sensor Data Based on Motion Pattern Correlation

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0548
  • Oliver Sawade
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS
  • Germany


The introduction of dedicated short-range Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication enables the next step in ADAS – cooperative automated driver assistance systems (CoDAS). One of the major tasks to be solved beforehand is a robust reliable match from traditional sensors to inform...Lead moreThe introduction of dedicated short-range Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication enables the next step in ADAS – cooperative automated driver assistance systems (CoDAS). One of the major tasks to be solved beforehand is a robust reliable match from traditional sensors to information received over V2V communication. Traditionally, this issue was approached similar to sensor fusion between two internal sensors. In recent time though, it has become obvious, that the unique properties of vehicular communication demand a dedicated fusion approach. Building in track-based matching, we present a novel matching approach based on automatically generated traces and show, how this can be enhanced with cooperative positioning. Furthermore, we present a prototypical implementation tested in a 3D physical simulation and give an outlook on how matching quality affects functions and degradation of function performance.

Paper Title

Max Pressure Variant controls for a network of signalized intersections

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0537
  • Jennie Lioris
  • France


Max-Pressure (MP) policies applied to a Store and Forward network model, are based on queue measurements. The principal distinction of the MP control employed in this paper from those proposed in previous studies such as [1], [2], [3], etc. consists in the decentralised c...Lead moreMax-Pressure (MP) policies applied to a Store and Forward network model, are based on queue measurements. The principal distinction of the MP control employed in this paper from those proposed in previous studies such as [1], [2], [3], etc. consists in the decentralised character of this new version accompanied by stability guarantees. At each intersection the choice of the movements to actuate depends on the size of the adjacent queues to the intersection. Moreover, no knowledge of the external arrivals is required but only turning ratios. On the other hand, as presented in [4], whenever there exists any stabilising policy keeping all network queues bounded, the Max- Pressure also stabilises the system. Within this paper, Pre-timed controllers, periodically distributing the same actuation duration to each set of permitted movements, are compared with versions of MP control, studied in [4], [5], under fixed or fluctuating demand levels. Discrete event simulations evaluate the network performance for each policy in terms of travel times, queue size and delays.

Paper Title

OBSIe Innovative Noise Measurement Method for Sustainable Urban Development

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0535
  • Ewa Zofka
  • Road and Bridge Research Institute (IBDiM)
  • Poland


The purpose of this paper is to present an innovative method of measuring sound intensity called On-Board Sound Intensity on electric (EV) or hybrid electric vehicle (OBSIe). Typical sources of noise emitted by modern vehicles in urban areas are propulsion noise and noise...Lead moreThe purpose of this paper is to present an innovative method of measuring sound intensity called On-Board Sound Intensity on electric (EV) or hybrid electric vehicle (OBSIe). Typical sources of noise emitted by modern vehicles in urban areas are propulsion noise and noise generated at the tyre/pavement interface. Thinking of a future we can imagine cities full of silent, zero-emission cars. Propulsion noise becomes insignificant while tyre/pavement contact noise can still dominate in the urban, low-speed areas. Current methods of pavement noise measurements are not suited for the application in such scenarios and only partially eliminate the propulsion noise. Thus there is a need for research methods that can assess tyre/pavement noise at speeds lower than 50 km/h which is a threshold between propulsion noise and tyre/pavement noise. Our method developed at Road and Bridge Research Institute (IBDiM) in Poland is especially well suited to measure noise intensity in densely populated urban areas where vehicle transport generated noise is problematic. High manoeuvrability of a testing vehicle, quick installation and low cost are only some of the benefits of the OBSIe. An application of the OBSIe method to support sustainable development in the urban areas will be investigated in this paper.

Paper Title

Future Needs and Visions for Mobility-as-a-Service: Insights from European Workshops

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0532
  • Jana Sochor
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Sweden


The aim of this paper is to present and discuss results from the first in a series of four workshops held in three European countries – Austria, Finland, and Sweden – the purpose of which is to provide input for the development of a European roadmap for Mobility as a Serv...Lead moreThe aim of this paper is to present and discuss results from the first in a series of four workshops held in three European countries – Austria, Finland, and Sweden – the purpose of which is to provide input for the development of a European roadmap for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) within the project Mobility as a Service for Linking Europe (MaaSiFiE). The first workshop focused on the need for change in the current mobility paradigm, during which experts discussed needs and visions for future mobility services. Although a range of factors, including enablers and obstacles, for developing MaaS in and across Europe were identified in the three national workshops, some common key issues emerged, including: the need for leadership and a clearer division of the new roles and responsibilities; a user-centered, holistic “life” approach to mobility and traveler’s needs that is also founded on quality assurance, transparency, commonalities, and standards; a sustainability focus addressing both short- and long-term local and national goals of equity, accessibility, and environmental and consumer protection; a (eco)system approach in which rules, regulations, policies, actions, and mindsets of both individuals and organizations need to innovate so as to better support MaaS development and implementation.

Paper Title

Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring and Prediction of Road Traffic Induced Emissions

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0530
  • Xiaoliang Ma
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Sweden


Air quality limits are exceeded in many cities in the world, mainly due to emissions from road traffic. In Stockholm, studies show that traffic pollution can lead to premature deaths of 470 persons per year, 10 times higher than the number of deaths due to road accidents....Lead moreAir quality limits are exceeded in many cities in the world, mainly due to emissions from road traffic. In Stockholm, studies show that traffic pollution can lead to premature deaths of 470 persons per year, 10 times higher than the number of deaths due to road accidents. However, monitoring air-quality is still limited, based on a few stations that do not provide the temporal and spatial detail and coverage needed to design effective citywide traffic planning and management strategies. Wireless sensor network applies the latest communication technology with the state of art energy-efficient sensors to collect information of a wide spatial coverage in a relatively high frequency. This study installs such a sensor network for monitoring traffic-induced emissions on roads. The objectives are, in addition to use such a sensor network to continuously monitor air pollutants on the road, apply such data together with traffic measurements to predict traffic-induced emissions and enable green mobility applications and aid compliance with EU regulations.

Paper Title

Immersive driving simulation architecture to support gamified eco-driving instructions

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0528
  • Olivier Orfila
  • France


Eco-driving is about energy efficient use of vehicles. There are many approaches to improve eco-driving. Eco-driving driving style is hard to learn even with the help of driving assistance systems. This paper presents an immersive driving simulation training tool to suppo...Lead moreEco-driving is about energy efficient use of vehicles. There are many approaches to improve eco-driving. Eco-driving driving style is hard to learn even with the help of driving assistance systems. This paper presents an immersive driving simulation training tool to support eco-driving training. We address the following questions: (1) How gamification concepts can improve eco-driving evaluation, training and adoption in simulated environments and (2) How to setup such elements in a 3D immersive driving simulator. We present an implementation of gamification concepts in a driving simulator architecture built upon pro-SiVIC software and a 3D Helmet Mounted Display. The gamification functions is then used to motivate drivers to be eco-friendly. We conclude with future work and open issues.

Paper Title

Where can SSAM support Safety Analysis - An Austrian Example

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0486
  • Michael Haberl
  • Graz University of Technology
  • Austria


In order to reach the target of bisecting road fatalities within a decade until 2020, the European Commission introduced Road Safety Inspections (RSI) and Road Safety Audit (RSA) for existing and newly planned roads, respectively. In this study the applicability of the si...Lead moreIn order to reach the target of bisecting road fatalities within a decade until 2020, the European Commission introduced Road Safety Inspections (RSI) and Road Safety Audit (RSA) for existing and newly planned roads, respectively. In this study the applicability of the simulation tool Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM) for RSI and RSA is examined. SSAM assesses the safety of road traffic facilities based on automated conflict analysis of vehicle trajectories. In this study we calibrated the microscopic traffic flow simulator VISSIM and applied SSAM for an existing multilane motorway entrance and exit and for the first ramp metering system of Austria. According to SSAM safety will improve slightly with some additional rear-end accidents on the approaching ramp. This study indicates that SSAM can support Road Safety Audits (RSA) by identifying the probability of a limited number of accident types. However, single vehicle accidents cannot be detected.

Paper Title

Dynamic Optimisation of Urban Collective Taxis by Discrete-Event Simulation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0480
  • Jennie Lioris
  • France


We are interested in an autonomous demand responsive transport system providing similar service quality to that of conventional taxis whilst being more affordable. Reduced fares will be achieved by raising the number of vehicle passengers whilst optimal vehicle itinerarie...Lead moreWe are interested in an autonomous demand responsive transport system providing similar service quality to that of conventional taxis whilst being more affordable. Reduced fares will be achieved by raising the number of vehicle passengers whilst optimal vehicle itineraries will be defined according to their present state and current traffic conditions. Various strategies will be employed and system performances will be evaluated by a made-to-measure discrete event simulator, before undertaking any risky real-life application. Thus we shall be in position to optimise all the real-time controls governing the system (e.g. client acceptance, vehicle itinerary and detours, decisions for idle vehicles etc.) and define the optimal level of resources with the aim of providing optimal system performance measured by any conceivable combination of operational criteria in balance with the pending costs.

Paper Title

Using EDR to evaluate the loss of control risk

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0460
  • Claire Naude
  • France


EDRs (Event Data Recorders) enable to record potential crashes but also incidents, i.e. critical situations where the vehicle reaches high dynamics demands in longitudinal, lateral or combined direction. This study is based on various situations acquired by EDRs in a bend...Lead moreEDRs (Event Data Recorders) enable to record potential crashes but also incidents, i.e. critical situations where the vehicle reaches high dynamics demands in longitudinal, lateral or combined direction. This study is based on various situations acquired by EDRs in a bend considered as a zone of interest, because numerous losses of control were reported in the past. The hypothesis is to consider that the noise of the acceleration signal increases with the loss of control risk. The noise of lateral acceleration was quantified in the considered bend by two methods for 116 recordings, from normal driving passages to critical situations called incidents. The results show that in the most difficult part of the bend, the noise of incidents is superior to normal driving passages, showing that the vehicles come closer to their grip limits. Thus, this criterion is useful to evaluate the loss of control risk and the severity of an incident. This approach is complementary to other researches taking into account the dynamical driving parameters of the vehicle.

Paper Title

Time reliability diagnosis by AVL data in bus transit networks

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0373
  • Benedetto Barabino
  • Technomobility srl
  • Italy


Time reliability problems are unavoidable due to the stochastic context where bus services are operating. Therefore, characterizing the reliability and understanding possible unreliability sources provides an opportunity to keep buses on schedule. This paper presents an o...Lead moreTime reliability problems are unavoidable due to the stochastic context where bus services are operating. Therefore, characterizing the reliability and understanding possible unreliability sources provides an opportunity to keep buses on schedule. This paper presents an offline framework that: (1) characterizes the reliability over all bus stops and time periods of each route, (2) quantifies the occurrence of systematic unreliability sources and makes quantification-based links to the most appropriated strategies for the case at hand. This framework is applied on a real case study of a bus route, using about 50,000 AVL data records provided by an Italian bus operator. This experiment shows that transit managers could adopt this framework for accurate time reliability analysis.

Paper Title

Setting up an ITS innovation environment with many stakeholders

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0370
  • Juho Kostiainen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Finland


This paper presents a business-oriented multi-stakeholder approach for setting up an open innovation environment combining aspects of different test and experimentation platforms. The resulting platform and innovation environment supports a wider range of testing activiti...Lead moreThis paper presents a business-oriented multi-stakeholder approach for setting up an open innovation environment combining aspects of different test and experimentation platforms. The resulting platform and innovation environment supports a wider range of testing activities in terms of both focus and maturity of the developed solutions. The approach is described through an example case where the implementation of such environment was started as a public-private partnership after defining a feasible form of collaboration with different types of stakeholders. The specific case is based on using a fleet of electric buses as a concrete platform for testing, validating and promoting new technologies and services as well as involving the end users in the innovation and development process. Setting up such environments as a collaborative effort based on each party’s own business development activities has benefits in sharing the risks and focusing on core competences. While potentially reducing the need for public funding, the business-oriented approach consisting of multiple stakeholders also includes specific challenges in identifying and defining the necessary roles and suitable partners to fill in the needed spots without conflicts of interest. The paper identifies such challenges and proposes solutions for mitigating or solving them.

Paper Title

New Approach to Integrated Cross Modal Transport FOX and USEiT Projects Experience

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0276
  • Ewa Zofka
  • Road and Bridge Research Institute (IBDiM)
  • Poland


The objective of this paper is to show a new interdisciplinary approach to integrated transport which takes all four modes of transport such as road, rail, water and rail into consideration. Integrated and cross modal transport will be presented from the user stand point ...Lead moreThe objective of this paper is to show a new interdisciplinary approach to integrated transport which takes all four modes of transport such as road, rail, water and rail into consideration. Integrated and cross modal transport will be presented from the user stand point and in consideration with infrastructure changes and adaptations necessary for current and future technologies to come. The experience gained from participating in the two European Commission projects FOX and USE-iT will be presented in this paper. The USE-iT project examines common challenges across modes and domains, identifying potential areas for transferring good practice and potential future areas for collaborative research. FOX aims to develop a highly efficient and effective cross-modal R&D environment and culture which meets the demanding requirements of the transport and connectivity. We will present an overview of integrated transport technologies across all four modes and their potential for transferability to other modes and will conclude the paper with recommendations on the areas of integrated transport which present the greatest opportunities for cross modal application and those that need more consideration and improvements.

Paper Title

A New Method for Identifying Hazardous Road Locations using GPS and Accelerometer

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0260
  • Kristian Hegner Reinau
  • Aalborg University
  • Denmark


Identification of hazardous road locations is of key importance to traffic safety and has traditionally relied on accident statistics. Due to a declining quality of statistics on accidents in many countries, a need exist for new methods to identify hazardous road location...Lead moreIdentification of hazardous road locations is of key importance to traffic safety and has traditionally relied on accident statistics. Due to a declining quality of statistics on accidents in many countries, a need exist for new methods to identify hazardous road locations. This article presents a new method relying on GPS data and accelerometer data. The method developed in this article is superior to previous methods since it utilizes acceleration measurements to identify both a deceleration and a significant drop in speed by integrating acceleration measurements over time in a moving time-window. This calculation is combined with measurements of jerks to distinguish between planned decelerations and unplanned decelerations, which occurs when drivers react to hazardous situations. Finally, using GPS data, the unplanned decelerations identified are linked to specific locations. The method is tested and validated through a case study of Aalborg city, where HRLs identified on the basis of accident statistics are compared to the HCLs identified with the new method on a dataset of more than 36.531 hours of driving tracked with accelerometer and GPS, containing 131 million GPS and 1.1 billion acceleration measurements.

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Preconditions for establishing and maintaining test sites for cooperative mobility

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0229
  • Aki Aapaoja
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Finland


In the future, vehicles will communicate and cooperate more and more with each other and the infrastructure, enabling them to work together to reduce traffic jams and harmful emissions and to increase road capacity and safety. These cooperative driving and smart mobility ...Lead moreIn the future, vehicles will communicate and cooperate more and more with each other and the infrastructure, enabling them to work together to reduce traffic jams and harmful emissions and to increase road capacity and safety. These cooperative driving and smart mobility solutions allow for better and safer traffic management and cleaner and more fluent traffic for travelers. To achieve these objectives, much research and experiments are still needed. Especially sites allowing real-life tests are required. Not many good examples of these kinds of sites exist, although they are logical extensions of the traditional, controlled and closed research environments. This study identifies the main cornerstone factors for establishing and maintaining test sites for cooperative mobility by benchmarking two successful test sites. The results revealed that it is not about the technology but mostly about triple helix collaboration managed by a neutral party and supported by public authorities.

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Optimizing Allocation of Public Facilities in Sustainable Urban Planning

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0228
  • Alessandra Pascale
  • IBM Research
  • Ireland


Increasing population, composite infrastructures and limited road network make urban planning technically a complex process. In this paper, we propose a decision-aid tool for allocating public facilities while favoring routes taken by public transport. Thus, we focus on a...Lead moreIncreasing population, composite infrastructures and limited road network make urban planning technically a complex process. In this paper, we propose a decision-aid tool for allocating public facilities while favoring routes taken by public transport. Thus, we focus on allocating the facilities close to residents, given the current and projected population, available constructible surface, capacity of the facilities and train stops. We use a linear mixed-integer optimization model to formulate the problem with three facilities: hospitals, schools and green areas. We apply the model to an area in the South of France and compare the results with and without public transport, as well as with the current and the projected population.

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CHOREM: Choreographing services for emergency management

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0108
  • Lei Chen
  • VIktoria Swedish ICT
  • Sweden


Emergency management for traffic accident response is critical to minimize the damage and maximize the survival chance of the injuries. However, the current response system is far from automated, despite the rapid development of information and communication technology. T...Lead moreEmergency management for traffic accident response is critical to minimize the damage and maximize the survival chance of the injuries. However, the current response system is far from automated, despite the rapid development of information and communication technology. This paper presents a service-choreography-based emergency management system that coordinates all stakeholders within the emergency response system and fully automates the rescue process. The system requires no central control organization, and each stakeholder only needs to focus on its own task and exposes its collaboration details through web services. And a service-choreography is designed that coordinates all services for automated emergency response. Actors and stakeholders within the emergency response system are described with their detailed interactions. Services corresponding to each of the actors are designed and discussed. Distributed coordination logic is described and modelled into a service-choreography that will be automatically synthesised, enacted, deployed and executed in a cloud system to enable efficient emergency management.

Paper Title

Software Defined Platform for Data Fusion in Safety Critical ITS Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0106
  • Robin Streiter
  • Technische Universität Chemnitz
  • Germany


Connected vehicles, driver assistance and automated driving is one of the most growing trends in the automotive industry. Next to the political and regulatory challenges, there are many constraints from the information- and communication technology originating from the st...Lead moreConnected vehicles, driver assistance and automated driving is one of the most growing trends in the automotive industry. Next to the political and regulatory challenges, there are many constraints from the information- and communication technology originating from the steadily growing requirements regarding the safety critical implementation of those complex systems. This especially applies to the field of satellite navigation (GNSS). In the automotive context, GNSS is used for a wide range of navigation, routing and location based services, without any safety relevant background. As in the near future automotive suppliers and service providers need to implement more demanding business cases in the fields of location based services, Telematics, Car2Car Communication and automated driving, the requirements for automotive GNSS-based localization in terms of improved position accuracy, reliability and integrity are increasing dramatically. The aim of this project is to implement new concepts for GNSS-based vehicle localization in safety-critical ITS applications. The new GNSS receiver enables a high precise and safe vehicle localization in urban areas, which is a prerequisite for applications in the field of automated driving and advanced driver assistance.

Paper Title

The European InDrive Project – Automotive EGNSS for High Integrity ITS Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0104
  • Robin Streiter
  • Technische Universität Chemnitz
  • Germany


The main objective of the InDRIVE project consists in of the development and demonstration of innovative and close-to-market solutions for semi-automatic driving, heavily relying on accurate and high-integrity satellite navigation. Within this framework, an automotive enh...Lead moreThe main objective of the InDRIVE project consists in of the development and demonstration of innovative and close-to-market solutions for semi-automatic driving, heavily relying on accurate and high-integrity satellite navigation. Within this framework, an automotive enhanced positioning platform, based on the integration of GNSS and other on-board sensors will be developed that meets the requirements of safety critical applications in the context of autonomous driving and driver assistance. Technical objectives such as Increase of the accuracy of EGNSS positioning in urban areas and the improvement of a well-posed integrity measurement for hybrid position estimates will be addressed.

Paper Title

Towards a Semantically Enriched Local Dynamic Map

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-SP0065
  • Patrik Schneider
  • Siemens AG Österreich
  • Austria


With the increasing availability of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, the Local Dynamic Map (LDM) is as a key technology for integrating static, temporary, and dynamic information in a geographical context. Existing ideas do not leverage the full potential of the...Lead moreWith the increasing availability of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, the Local Dynamic Map (LDM) is as a key technology for integrating static, temporary, and dynamic information in a geographical context. Existing ideas do not leverage the full potential of the LDM, since a LDM contains lot of implicit informations. We aim to provide a semantically enriched LDM that applies Semantic Web technologies, in particular ontologies, in combination with spatial stream databases. This allows us to define an enhanced world model, to derive model properties, to infer new information, and to offer expressive query capabilities. We introduce our envisioned architecture which includes a LDM ontology, an annotation and linking framework, static and dynamic data containers, and a query stream-processing component. We also give an overview of three use cases that illustrate the usability and benefits of our approach and provide an initial validation of the use cases in an experimental prototype.

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EVP System Operating in a SCATs Based Traffic Regime in Doha Qatar

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0726
  • Andrea Thompson
  • Global Traffic Technologies
  • United States


Global Traffic Technologies’ (GTT's) Opticom emergency vehicle pre-emption (EVP) system, was first deployed at intersections across Doha in 2014. Eighty intersections in Doha are currently equipped with the Opticom system and there are plans to expand this to eventually c...Lead moreGlobal Traffic Technologies’ (GTT's) Opticom emergency vehicle pre-emption (EVP) system, was first deployed at intersections across Doha in 2014. Eighty intersections in Doha are currently equipped with the Opticom system and there are plans to expand this to eventually cover additional intersections. The Doha EVP project won the award for Most Innovative ITS Implementation at the 2014 ITS & Road Safety Forum Qatar event. The EVPS was a design-build project commissioned by the Qatar Public Works Authority, Ashghal. The EVPS is a GPS based system that allows traffic signals at intersections to give green light to an approaching vehicle that is equipped with a preemption radio transmitter.

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A cost effective & proven traffic collision warning system

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0725
  • Mark Schwartz
  • Global Traffic Technologies
  • United States


This paper outlines the statistics associated with rural and remote crashes, and describes a cost effective system designed for use in remote areas that provides enhanced safety for rural motorists and pedestrians. Pilot data from an Implementation in the US state of Minnesota is presented.This paper outlines the statistics associated with rural and remote crashes, and describes a cost effective system designed for use in remote areas that provides enhanced safety for rural motorists and pedestrians. Pilot data from an Implementation in the US state of Minnesota is presented.

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Leveraging probe data to build and maintain up-to-date and accurate maps

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0704
  • Pieter Gillegot-Vergauwen
  • TomTom Maps
  • Belgium


This paper discusses the use of probe data to build and maintain up-to-date and accurate maps. With the continued focus on automated driving and an emphasis on location in the Internet of Things, the role of maps in everyday life continues to gain momentum. These maps nee...Lead moreThis paper discusses the use of probe data to build and maintain up-to-date and accurate maps. With the continued focus on automated driving and an emphasis on location in the Internet of Things, the role of maps in everyday life continues to gain momentum. These maps need to perfectly reflect the realworld which changes constantly. TomTom has built a mapmaking platform that can not only keep pace with real-world changes but is also poised to scale with the increasing volume of probe data coming from vehicles equipped with sensors.

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Ylläs Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Project

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0671
  • Antti Vehvilainen
  • Finnish Transport Agency
  • Finland


This paper introduces the Ylläs Mobility as a Service (MaaS) project that is a part of Project Aurora. As one of the oldest ski resorts in Finnish Lapland, Ylläs provides an ideal, but challenging, proving arena for this project. A pilot program is about to commence which...Lead moreThis paper introduces the Ylläs Mobility as a Service (MaaS) project that is a part of Project Aurora. As one of the oldest ski resorts in Finnish Lapland, Ylläs provides an ideal, but challenging, proving arena for this project. A pilot program is about to commence which will lay the ground work for a MaaS project, gathering the necessary participants and building towards a full scale roll out.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0668
  • Christophe Sapet
  • Navya Technology
  • France


NAVYA is a French company specialized in the conception of electric, autonomous systems. For the past 10 years, NAVYA has been developing complex technological solutions towards sustainable mobility. NAVYA is mobilizing its expertise of intelligent transportation as to an...Lead moreNAVYA is a French company specialized in the conception of electric, autonomous systems. For the past 10 years, NAVYA has been developing complex technological solutions towards sustainable mobility. NAVYA is mobilizing its expertise of intelligent transportation as to answer the societal, economical and sustainable challenges of the 21st century. Based in Paris and Lyon (Villeurbanne), NAVYA is accompanied by the investment fund Robolution Capital. Launched in October 2015, the NAVYA ARMA is a 100 % electric and autonomous transport vehicle. This innovating and intelligent driverless shuttle can transport up to 15 passengers and safely drive up to 45 km/h, mostly on private sites.

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Multi-Mode Traffic Enforcement

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0600
  • Richard Middelmann
  • VITRONIC Machine Vision Australia Pty Ltd
  • Australia


Traditionally, enforcement technology has been delivered in the form of dedicated systems which were limited to the specific application for which they were designed. Speed enforcement, red light enforcement and the enforcement of other offenses in both fixed and mobile a...Lead moreTraditionally, enforcement technology has been delivered in the form of dedicated systems which were limited to the specific application for which they were designed. Speed enforcement, red light enforcement and the enforcement of other offenses in both fixed and mobile application scenarios all required separate solutions, resulting in additional installation and operator training costs Furthermore, the choice for one specific technology could prevent the installation of other technologies and therefore the enforcement of other risk factors at that site. A new generation of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) enforcement systems largely eliminates the restraints of these technology silos. Its measurement technology is not limited to a single enforcement application, and the hardware is designed to be extendable for future applications. The system’s flexibility and compact design allows it to be used for both mobile and fixed operation. In addition, the LIDAR sensor can provide traffic management systems with real time information on traffic volume differentiated by vehicle classes.

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Developing Mobility as a Service model in Seinäjoki, Finland

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-CP0589
  • Noora Salonen
  • Sito Oy
  • Finland


Text: In this paper we discuss the process of planning, testing and establishing a mobility as a service (MaaS) business in a mid-sized town Seinäjoki in central Finland. The paper highlights how a consortium of municipalities, service companies, bus and taxi operators ar...Lead moreText: In this paper we discuss the process of planning, testing and establishing a mobility as a service (MaaS) business in a mid-sized town Seinäjoki in central Finland. The paper highlights how a consortium of municipalities, service companies, bus and taxi operators are formed, what questions need to be addressed and how to test and start MaaS operations. First, we suggest that the key preparatory activities to be taken are to (1) promote an atmosphere of experiments among the consortium members, (2) find a preliminary working business model for all participants and to (3) gain commitment especially from the public sector to guarantee the development resources for the future. Second, we examine the process from idea to execution: (4) what steps need to be taken, (5) where the caveats are and what we could suggest for similar ambitions as (6) lessons learned. Third, we will examine the product (7) packages and (8) pricing that will be tested in the trial. We introduce (9) an iterative process to cope the lack of knowledge where intuition, business case and flexible trial setup can be used to examine and refine the offering and its pricing.