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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0398
  • Dzmitry Tsishkou
  • France


In this paper, we have presented the first system that predicts safe trajectory using only video images as input and deep neural networks for decision making. We used 10 hours of video sequences along with GPS data recorded from multiple human drivers to train our deep ne...Lead moreIn this paper, we have presented the first system that predicts safe trajectory using only video images as input and deep neural networks for decision making. We used 10 hours of video sequences along with GPS data recorded from multiple human drivers to train our deep neural network. By analysing sequence of images captured up to 2 seconds before current moment our system could predict with 95% accuracy required changes of wheel angle and acceleration within 1 second in future. The high accuracy of predicted information demonstrated that real drivers in safe manoeuvres could eventually be copied.

Paper Title

Location-based Hydrogen efficiency of a Fuel-cell Car in Different Climates

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0396
  • Ernst Pucher
  • TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology
  • Austria


The development of zero-emission fuel-cell electric vehicles is advancing globally at an impressive rate. This paper presents the performance and hydrogen consumption of a passenger fuel-cell vehicle under real-world conditions. Driving routes in urban, suburban and rural...Lead moreThe development of zero-emission fuel-cell electric vehicles is advancing globally at an impressive rate. This paper presents the performance and hydrogen consumption of a passenger fuel-cell vehicle under real-world conditions. Driving routes in urban, suburban and rural locations were chosen to test the hydrogen consumption of the vehicle under summer and winter conditions. Additionally driving tests on the freeway at varying constant speeds were performed as well. All route and vehicle performance data were related second by second via GPS to the local position. The test vehicle and the location-based experimental system worked satisfying in all weather conditions. The all over average fuel consumption of the fuel-cell vehicle, depending on climate condition, is 1.05 kg/100 km Hydrogen for summer season and 1.20 kg/100 km for winter season. This results in a maximum range of 310 to 350 kilometres under real-world conditions.

Paper Title

The EcoTwin 2016 EU Truck Platooning Challenge Demonstrator

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0394
  • Gerardo Daalderop
  • NXP Semiconductors
  • The Netherlands


This paper reports on the progress in Truck Platooning achieved by the Dutch EcoTwin consortium consisting of NXP, TNO, DAF and Ricardo, with special emphasis on the demonstrator realised for the April 2016 European Truck Platooning Challenge (EU TPC -- organized by the D...Lead moreThis paper reports on the progress in Truck Platooning achieved by the Dutch EcoTwin consortium consisting of NXP, TNO, DAF and Ricardo, with special emphasis on the demonstrator realised for the April 2016 European Truck Platooning Challenge (EU TPC -- organized by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment). This truck platooning challenge indeed represents a veritable set of challenges with respect to driving and control strategies, with respect to technology development, and with respect to safety and robustness measures needed for driving on public road (intermixed with other traffic). A further challenge is the process to obtain an exemption from the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) for driving on public roads, with a prototype system, including the safety analysis. This paper relates the consortium’s experiences and lessons learned in the April 2016 European Truck Platooning Challenge, with an outlook towards the next steps.

Paper Title

First European evaluation of a vehicle occupancy sensor fosters carpooling

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0392
  • Alexis BACELAR
  • France


This study presents the first European evaluation of a vehicle passenger occupancy sensor. Until 2014, no control system, placed outside of the vehicle, was able to achieve the level of efficiency and reliability required for controlling HOV lanes automatically. A system ...Lead moreThis study presents the first European evaluation of a vehicle passenger occupancy sensor. Until 2014, no control system, placed outside of the vehicle, was able to achieve the level of efficiency and reliability required for controlling HOV lanes automatically. A system measuring the vehicle passenger occupancy, developed by the XEROX Company, was evaluated at the French-Swiss border near the city of Jougne from 26 May to 17 June 2015, where manual measurements and a carpooling survey have already been carried out. The predictions of the automatic vehicle passenger detection system for the morning rush hours are accurate at more than 97%. The average of number of occupants per vehicle measured by the system is 1.2, which is in perfect agreement with the manual counting undertaken in 2012 autumn. A new methodology, concerning the evaluation of the “occupancy” parameter, is also presented.

Paper Title

Road User Charging: Improving Customer Services

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0391
  • Tim Gammons
  • Arup
  • United Kingdom


The traveler, or end user of tolled facilities is often considered merely as a vehicle undertaking a financial transaction with the operator receiving a toll payment to meet the bridge or tunnel operators return on investment. This paper provides a brief summary of the pr...Lead moreThe traveler, or end user of tolled facilities is often considered merely as a vehicle undertaking a financial transaction with the operator receiving a toll payment to meet the bridge or tunnel operators return on investment. This paper provides a brief summary of the project to change after more than 30 years of manual toll collection to a fully automated free-flow toll facility with complementary manual/electronic toll lanes to satisfy customer demand and staged implementation. The key benefit driving the change is recognizing the toll payer’ as a customer and improving the delivery of services to that customer. In 2015 the Humber Bridge became the UK’s first hybrid Open Road Toll facility and immediately enhanced the customer’s experience. The paper will draw conclusions and discuss the merits, risks and issues that could be considered for other tolled facilities in providing better customer services.

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Towards C-ITS DAY1 for PTW - issues and opportunities

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0383
  • Arne Purschwitz
  • BMW Motorrad
  • Germany


The C-ITS technology is moving day by day one step towards achieving maturity, but while the roadmap for the car domain is clear, motorcycles have not yet been in the spotlight as part of the connected vehicle world. PTW (Powered Two Wheelers) have some specific character...Lead moreThe C-ITS technology is moving day by day one step towards achieving maturity, but while the roadmap for the car domain is clear, motorcycles have not yet been in the spotlight as part of the connected vehicle world. PTW (Powered Two Wheelers) have some specific characteristics and constraints that will prevent OEMs from simply transferring existing technology from cars to motorcycles. Leading manufacturers such as BMW Motorrad, Honda and Yamaha have been involved in research projects and are the founders of the Connected Motorcycle Consortium (known as CMC), working together with the common goal to be ready at DAY1 to deploy PTW C-ITS systems into the market. This paper presents the current status of activities done by the consortium, particularly addressing the main issues for PTW DAY1 C-ITS functions implementation.

Paper Title

Implementing Traffic light assistance in Trondheim

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0297
  • Ørjan Tveit
  • NPRA
  • Norway


The Norwegian Public Road Authority has implemented to a full-scale pilot of traffic light assistance (TLA) based on 48 intersections in Trondheim to obtain both more knowledge as well as evaluate how C-ITS facilities may assist drivers. This paper describes implementatio...Lead moreThe Norwegian Public Road Authority has implemented to a full-scale pilot of traffic light assistance (TLA) based on 48 intersections in Trondheim to obtain both more knowledge as well as evaluate how C-ITS facilities may assist drivers. This paper describes implementation of TLA and the challenges we have meet preparing new and old controllers and different controlling schemes to share data in real-time through our central monitoring and control system. Our scheme is based on car to back office communication which seems to become the prevailing solution for cities introducing C-ITS, instead of the industry drive for car to roadside equipment.

Paper Title

Utilization of Traffic light assistance in Trondheim

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0296
  • Ørjan Tveit
  • NPRA
  • Norway


The Norwegian Public Road Authority has implemented to a full-scale pilot of traffic light assistance (TLA) based on 48 intersections in Trondheim to obtain both more knowledge as well as evaluate how C-ITS facilities may assist drivers. This paper describes a cooperation...Lead moreThe Norwegian Public Road Authority has implemented to a full-scale pilot of traffic light assistance (TLA) based on 48 intersections in Trondheim to obtain both more knowledge as well as evaluate how C-ITS facilities may assist drivers. This paper describes a cooperation between NPRA and Volvo developing and testing functionality as speed advice, time to green, TLA managing ACC as well as activation/deactivation of stop and go based on TLA information. Our scheme is based on car to back office communication which seems to become the prevailing solution for cities introducing C-ITS, instead of the industry drive for car to roadside equipment.

Paper Title

Protecting the Data, Should it be Encrypted?

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0268
  • Peter Crumpton
  • Fluor Ltd
  • United Kingdom


There are increasingly high profile cyber attacks and loss of data being reported, and with the moves to big data and connected cars, the question of what data should be protected and how, are more pertinent than ever. Information security has increasingly become a core r...Lead moreThere are increasingly high profile cyber attacks and loss of data being reported, and with the moves to big data and connected cars, the question of what data should be protected and how, are more pertinent than ever. Information security has increasingly become a core requirement of strategic transport infrastructure due to growing technology and IT driven solutions. In transport and infrastructure environments, security vulnerabilities are often considered as mainly physical issues, and the response from companies was relational. Increasingly and for the future, intelligent transport systems require a holistic, embedded approach to information security strategy which employs the tenets of Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, and drives the risk management process to attain the identified security state and understand the activities required to meet it. It is vital to consider the criticality and sensitivity of the data by asking the question “What data can I afford to lose?”. If protection is required, then techniques such as encryption should be employed to provide a level of assurance that the data is being stored and transited in a known state.

Paper Title

oneTRANSPORT: A smart mobility open and scalable data platform

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0265
  • Mark Wedlock
  • Ove Arup and Partners
  • United Kingdom


Smart mobility is a promising concept with the potential to address many of the challenges facing the transport industry. Data (both static and dynamic) present a key enabler for smart mobility services. However, the provision of data to enable such services is faced with...Lead moreSmart mobility is a promising concept with the potential to address many of the challenges facing the transport industry. Data (both static and dynamic) present a key enabler for smart mobility services. However, the provision of data to enable such services is faced with a number of financial and technical challenges as well as political (in the case of public sector data) and commercial (in the case of private sector data) challenges. Such challenges have led to data being in silos and many applications being developed in isolation. This paper presents oneTRANSPORT, a project that aims to address both the technical and financial issues associated with the sharing and use of data to support a multitude of transport applications. This is by developing an open, standardised, cloud-based data platform and market place based on the recently published oneM2M standard and drives and assesses a set of new business models. oneTRANSPORT aims to make transport more user friendly and accessible by deploying the world’s first open and scalable platform enabling multi-modal and multi-system transport integration. The project is in its 2nd phase (In-field trial) having successfully demonstrated the potential of the platform in the 1st phase (Feasibility study).

Paper Title

Predictive Analytics: the Future of Optimising Autonomous and Car-Share Performance

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0257
  • Simon Wilson
  • Good Travel Software
  • Ireland


Customers’ relationships with vehicles are changing, disrupting the business models of both car manufacturers and rental companies. This change will become more rapid as autonomous vehicles move into the mainstream. We discuss how predictive analytics can be used to optim...Lead moreCustomers’ relationships with vehicles are changing, disrupting the business models of both car manufacturers and rental companies. This change will become more rapid as autonomous vehicles move into the mainstream. We discuss how predictive analytics can be used to optimise the performance of a fleet of autonomous vehicles by identifying idle vehicles that can be directed to locations where demand is predicted to exceed supply. This keeps the supply and demand of vehicles in balance across time and location and leads to higher utilisation rates in the fleet. A statistical model for making short-term predictions of demand across different locations in the city is described that forms the basis of the balancing solution. The same balancing issue exists in current car-share fleets, particularly those that follow the free-floating model where cars can be picked up and left off in any legal parking space in the zone of operation, but with the added complication that vehicles have to be manually relocated by staff employed by the fleet owner. We show how dynamic pricing of trips can be used to incentivise customers to take journeys that will balance the fleet.

Paper Title

Sensor Safety for the European Truck Platooning Challenge

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0250
  • Ellen van Nunen
  • TNO
  • The Netherlands


Towards deployment of truck platooning, safety is a critical prerequisite. Within truck platooning, short inter-vehicle distances are desired in view of efficiency and fuel consumption, but this is challenging for operational and functional safety requirements. Operationa...Lead moreTowards deployment of truck platooning, safety is a critical prerequisite. Within truck platooning, short inter-vehicle distances are desired in view of efficiency and fuel consumption, but this is challenging for operational and functional safety requirements. Operational and functional safety will determine the conditions in which the system can operate, such as the minimum safe time gap and the amount of traffic scenarios which are covered. This paper focuses on a safety mechanism for failure of sensors in the platooning application and aims to find a balance between the choice of a safe time gap and coverage of traffic scenarios. Based on a simulation study, insight is given in which combinations of time gap and coverage of traffic scenarios are realistic.

Paper Title

Creating a national framework for traffic management aid system

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0247
  • Jérémie Bossu
  • Cerema / DTecITM
  • France


Creating a national framework for traffic management aid system for interdepartmental roads departments of FranceCreating a national framework for traffic management aid system for interdepartmental roads departments of France

Paper Title

Co-operative ITS: IEEE 802.11p or LTE?

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0246
  • Kees Moerman
  • NXP Semiconductors
  • The Netherlands


This paper analyses the requirements for the Cooperative ITS (V2V) communication for different types of applications and compares how well those requirements are fulfilled by 2 standards, namely IEEE 802.11p and cellular/LTE(4G). There has been a recent push by the cellul...Lead moreThis paper analyses the requirements for the Cooperative ITS (V2V) communication for different types of applications and compares how well those requirements are fulfilled by 2 standards, namely IEEE 802.11p and cellular/LTE(4G). There has been a recent push by the cellular communications to use LTE. This might make sense in some cases, but especially for safety critical applications 4G is far from reaching requirements and the promises of 5G is still to be proven. The two technologies actually will complement each other, one excelling at short range while the other covers bigger geographical areas, helping to improve both the deployment and the impact of cooperative ITS.

Paper Title

In-Vehicle Real-Time Navigation in Public Transit Vehicles for Multi-Modal Transport Routes

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0243
  • Olaf Czogalla
  • ifak e.V. Magdeburg
  • Germany


An integral and seamless navigation of a public transit user along his multi modal transport route requires besides satellite based outdoor navigation and WiFi or Bluetooth based indoor navigation a third navigation mode that is denoted as real-time in-vehicle navigation....Lead moreAn integral and seamless navigation of a public transit user along his multi modal transport route requires besides satellite based outdoor navigation and WiFi or Bluetooth based indoor navigation a third navigation mode that is denoted as real-time in-vehicle navigation. The restricted GPS signal reception inside public transit vehicles like busses, trams and rail carriages prevents the user to localize his position within the public transit network. A multi-modal route planner and transit information system running on a mobile phone would not be able to monitor the progress of the individual route of the passenger during the transit segment of his trip. To overcome this missing link in the information chain a method and prototypic solution is proposed to establish a data transfer from the on-board equipment of the transit vehicle over the Integrated Board Information System (IBIS) vehicle data bus to the mobile route navigation system on the smart phone of the public transport user. The aim is to provide route guidance to the transit rider according to his individually planned trip.

Paper Title

Simulation Platform for Prototyping, Testing, and Validation of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0240
  • Dominique Gruyer
  • France


Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) enable emerging Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) to increase traffic safety and drivers’ comfort. ADAS rely usually on a rich set of ITS services, components and modules. Consequently, the experimental deployment...Lead moreCooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) enable emerging Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) to increase traffic safety and drivers’ comfort. ADAS rely usually on a rich set of ITS services, components and modules. Consequently, the experimental deployment of such systems seems to be a difficult task since it deals with complex road situations and thus leads to important experimental costs. In order to set up repeated experimental tests in road environments and to get ground truth before system deployment, intuitively, the use of simulation is highly required. In this paper, we present the simulation architecture proposed by the SINETIC project. The project aims at aggregating several C-ITS systems and components into unified and modular architecture. The proposed simulation platform is concentrated on two levels. The “system” level is mainly dedicated to simulate wide areas scenarios with a great number of vehicles, road side units and management centers. The “component” level is focused on the simulation of one specific geographic area with very realistic sensors, vehicles, and communication media. In this paper, we will in order to study and analyze the interaction between the different components.

Paper Title

Impact assessment methodology for connected ITS corridor

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0239
  • Alan Stevens
  • Transport Research Laboratory
  • United Kingdom


Evaluating the impact of cooperative ITS (C-ITS) presents unique challenges beyond the already complex world of ITS impact evaluation. Factors include additional stakeholders, multiple communication technologies and the possibility of implementing C-ITS services in many d...Lead moreEvaluating the impact of cooperative ITS (C-ITS) presents unique challenges beyond the already complex world of ITS impact evaluation. Factors include additional stakeholders, multiple communication technologies and the possibility of implementing C-ITS services in many different ways. This paper presents an impact methodology for a connected corridor with particular focus on determining the anticipated impacts by enumeration of intervention resources and mapping them onto outputs and outcomes through explicit mechanisms. This approach provides a rigorous basis upon which to identify indicators and determine suitable measurement metrics. The approach is being applied to a UK corridor project (the feasibility study of which will be completed by June 2016). The full paper will present relevant aspects of trials design applicable to determining impacts of the connected services.

Paper Title

Experimenting with early business models for parking data publication

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0232
  • Ali Lattunen
  • Finnpark Ltd.
  • Finland


Real-time parking data business will be shortly taking its first steps. There is a great demand from real-time traveller service providers for up-to-date parking information. The parking data types arousing the most interest are real-time availability and occupancy data: ...Lead moreReal-time parking data business will be shortly taking its first steps. There is a great demand from real-time traveller service providers for up-to-date parking information. The parking data types arousing the most interest are real-time availability and occupancy data: how many parking spaces are currently available and where those spaces are located. Availability information on parking facilities helps drivers to more easily find parking services that suit the drivers’ current needs and have free space. Moreover, there are other types of special parking data that are of interest to certain businesses. However, parking facilities – i.e., parking data sources – are scattered around, have heterogeneous systems behind, and are operated by different companies. Collecting geographically extensive and high-quality parking data requires both numerous business-to-business partnerships within the parking domain and a well-defined data management infrastructure to collect, integrate, refine and further publish the data. In the recent years, Finnpark Ltd has designed a platform for real-time data management and set up the parking data business. The authors have also built and put in practise some early business models for generating revenue from parking data publication.

Paper Title

Large Scale Train Detector Network ensures efficiency and safety in train operation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0230
  • Martin NOVAK
  • prosoft sued consulting gmbh, rail data services gmh&Co KG
  • Austria


This paper describes the hurdles and benefits of implementing a large scale train detector network based on RFID technology for a european railway infrastructure operator. This system consists of so called “readpoints” located on specific locations within the railway netw...Lead moreThis paper describes the hurdles and benefits of implementing a large scale train detector network based on RFID technology for a european railway infrastructure operator. This system consists of so called “readpoints” located on specific locations within the railway network and keeps track on the vehicles of each train throughout their travel. The mobile segment of the system is represented by a small RFID transponder mounted on the railway vehicle transmitting its vehicle number when passing by. Challenges were to interconnect various IT “worlds” in a unique system, to cope with the circumstances of remote stations which are hard to reach for local service, to handle a large amount of information in time for further processing and to achieve a high 24/7 availability of the system. It will be shown how to develop an all over systems design for such a large scale traindetector network, which focus has to be set on applications on readpoints and hosts to “uniform” the messaging, how could it be ensured that the system can flexible be extended by size and functionality and the demands for browser and mobile device oriented user interfaces for the operation personnel. The system now handles 350+ detector stations.

Paper Title

Open source big data landscape and possible ITS applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0220
  • Adam Warski
  • SoftwareMill
  • Poland


Big data is taking the world by storm, and the ITS industry is becoming one of the key players as both the vehicles and the road infrastructure are becoming rich data producers and consumers. In our paper we describe the freely available open-source big data tools, which ...Lead moreBig data is taking the world by storm, and the ITS industry is becoming one of the key players as both the vehicles and the road infrastructure are becoming rich data producers and consumers. In our paper we describe the freely available open-source big data tools, which can be used for data ingestion, analysis and storage, such as Apache Hadoop, Spark, Kafka and Cassandra. They are already widely used in data-intensive web and social systems, and ITS can certainly leverage the existing work. We also differentiate between big data and fast data solutions, when the amount of data isn’t huge, but must be processed in near real-time. A common data gathering and processing architecture is shown, together with possible applications in the ITS space, when the data is gathered from vehicles or transport infrastructure.

Paper Title

Impacts and CBA of new ITS deployments in NEXT-ITS corridor

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0216
  • Merja Penttinen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Finland


The main objective of the NEXT-ITS project was to improve the performance of the northern NEXT-ITS corridor i.e. to improve the efficiency and reliability of the corridor as well as safety and reduce the environmental impacts. This was to be done primarily through a Coord...Lead moreThe main objective of the NEXT-ITS project was to improve the performance of the northern NEXT-ITS corridor i.e. to improve the efficiency and reliability of the corridor as well as safety and reduce the environmental impacts. This was to be done primarily through a Coordinated deployment of core European traffic information services in response to the European Priority Actions b) and c) of the ITS Directive. In addition, the impacts and hence the benefits were to be estimated and calculated. In all, the ex-ante evaluation gave very positive and encouraging results of the benefits of deployed services in this corridor having typically problems with heavy traffic load on some sections and/or rapidly changing weather. The group suggests the next step to be the ex-post evaluation of the same services.

Paper Title

Bumps in the road?

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0212
  • Stuart Pritchard
  • Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd
  • United Kingdom


This paper examines the human and social aspects likely to affect the introduction of autonomous vehicles. A change from individual owner-drivers to co-operative routing and autonomous vehicles is a fundamental change psychological change for road users, from an individua...Lead moreThis paper examines the human and social aspects likely to affect the introduction of autonomous vehicles. A change from individual owner-drivers to co-operative routing and autonomous vehicles is a fundamental change psychological change for road users, from an individualistic road transport system to a collective operational mentality. It is by no means certain that the public are ready for such a change. In exploring the psychological effects of the introduction of autonomous vehicles - from data privacy, vehicle user’s feelings of safety, and how autonomous vehicles might deal with unexpected situations – this paper proposes a range of issues that the industry needs to be discussing.

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Dublin vs. Helsinki – A ‘Mobility as a Service’ comparison

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0209
  • Orla O'Halloran
  • Ove Arup and Partners Ltd.
  • Ireland


Modernising transportation is an indisputable catalyst to the enhancement of urban life and the transition to smarter cities. The concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) typifies the innovation that is required to transform outdated transport systems – often in need of up...Lead moreModernising transportation is an indisputable catalyst to the enhancement of urban life and the transition to smarter cities. The concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) typifies the innovation that is required to transform outdated transport systems – often in need of upgrading – into modern and sustainable transport systems. To realise MaaS, the feasibility of introducing it into a specific location must be initially assessed. Against the backdrop of pilot studies of MaaS in Scandinavia, this paper constitutes a socio-technical comparison between Helsinki, the origin and frontrunner in MaaS; and Dublin, a city in search of the kind of transport solutions MaaS can offer. The paper addresses the feasibility of MaaS in Dublin against the following criteria: technological, infrastructural, economic, government and social/attitudinal. It then draws conclusions on the relative preparedness of Dublin for the advent of the MaaS concept, and comments on what will be required to best promote success.

Paper Title

Designing a Dual-display HMI System for Connected Vehicles: the AutoNet2030 Approach

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0205
  • Panagiotis Pantazopoulos
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
  • Greece


Connected vehicles, whether manually-driven or of higher automation level, typically rely on HMI applications to provide the driver with maneuvering advices and/or information about road and vehicle events. However, in view of the increased awareness capabilities provided...Lead moreConnected vehicles, whether manually-driven or of higher automation level, typically rely on HMI applications to provide the driver with maneuvering advices and/or information about road and vehicle events. However, in view of the increased awareness capabilities provided by the cooperative V2X messaging, HMI systems are now required to leverage information beyond the scope of any ego-vehicle perception system and provide it to the driver with the maximum possible clarity. The paper seeks to address this challenge by presenting the design of an innovative dual-display approach to HMI visualizations for connected vehicles, as specified in the context of the AutoNet2030 EU project.

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Enabling technologies for testing ADAS/HAD

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0173
  • Roman Katz
  • Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH
  • Germany


Efficiently testing ADAS/HAD is a crucial element for guaranteeing safe operation of such systems on the road. The technologies to enable this testing range from low-level perception to higher-level functionalities. In this paper we present a classification for enabling t...Lead moreEfficiently testing ADAS/HAD is a crucial element for guaranteeing safe operation of such systems on the road. The technologies to enable this testing range from low-level perception to higher-level functionalities. In this paper we present a classification for enabling technologies that includes the generation of ground-truth data from real driving, specific implementations of ADAS/HAD, and automation and tooling functionalities with specific example solutions for each level of this taxonomy.

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Remote operation of canal locks and bridges in England

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0165
  • Robert Lynch
  • Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd
  • United Kingdom


This paper considers an innovative application for ITS which has been developed for use on canals in England and Wales. Using a series of scanning lasers in a safety system to check for the presence of obstacles and using smartphones as a user interface, the process of op...Lead moreThis paper considers an innovative application for ITS which has been developed for use on canals in England and Wales. Using a series of scanning lasers in a safety system to check for the presence of obstacles and using smartphones as a user interface, the process of operating swing bridges and locks is being automated and offered direct to canal users. While the laser-scanning approach was based on a technique used in the automation of rail crossings, a detailed study identified several significant differences with its application on waterways and a trial revealed safety-related issues that had to be addressed in a pilot project. The pilot project is currently underway. This draft paper outlines the approach and lessons learned in the study and trial which was completed in 2015. The final paper will describe the findings in detail.

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Control Centre - European Common Model

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0160
  • Philip Gardner
  • United Kingdom


This paper shows a model of a European control centre for inland waterway management developed in conjunction with a number of organisations in northern Europe. It sets out the functional requirements of the control centre along with the legal framework to which it needs ...Lead moreThis paper shows a model of a European control centre for inland waterway management developed in conjunction with a number of organisations in northern Europe. It sets out the functional requirements of the control centre along with the legal framework to which it needs to adhere. It shows how the model encompassed all the individual requirements of member countries and covers the stringent River Information Services (RIS) Directive as well as areas not covered by that particular directive. The model was designed to be futureproof, flexible, outcome based and top level.

Paper Title

Integration as a conduit for sustainable forms of Mobility as a Service

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0157
  • Steven Sarasini
  • VIktoria Swedish ICT
  • Sweden


The road transport system is currently unsustainable and is subject to a set of megatrends, such as digitalisation and urbanisation, which may bring about radical change. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) may be viewed as a natural consequence of these pressures for change, an...Lead moreThe road transport system is currently unsustainable and is subject to a set of megatrends, such as digitalisation and urbanisation, which may bring about radical change. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) may be viewed as a natural consequence of these pressures for change, and has the potential to reorient road transport towards a more sustainable path. This paper argues that the development and adoption of sustainable forms of MaaS hinges upon the integration of different types of activities and research perspectives that are, at present, hugely fragmented and disjointed. We outline two key principles: ‘integration in practice’ and ‘integration in research’ to reflect this argument. We provide stylised examples of key areas of practice and outline five research perspectives that can be integrated to ensure that a shift towards MaaS is both sustainable and feasible. We place particular emphasis on the need for demand-driven, transdisciplinary research that utilises the social sciences as part of applied approach. As part of this approach, researchers perceive themselves as ‘actors’ as part of a change programme that is tailored to the needs of practitioners and stakeholders in accordance with local contexts and specificities.

Paper Title

Adapting Turn-by-Turn Navigation to User Expectations with the Help of Machine Learning

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0128
  • Henning Hasemann
  • TomTom
  • Germany


Guidance in the context of a navigation system has the task of, given a valid route, generating audible and/or visual instructions to the driver to ensure correct turns at all junctions. This can amount lead to a considerable amount of decision logic due to many factors t...Lead moreGuidance in the context of a navigation system has the task of, given a valid route, generating audible and/or visual instructions to the driver to ensure correct turns at all junctions. This can amount lead to a considerable amount of decision logic due to many factors that influence the choice of instruction. This logic can become cumbersome to maintain and consists of various assumptions developers have to make about the system user, i.e. the driver. In this work, we investigate the feasibility of a new approach to Guidance systems that uses modern machine learning approaches to constantly adapt the systems behavior to users expectations. The intermediate output is a clearly defined model that translates junctions in the context of a given route into instructions that match the users expectations. For this, we will analyze different machine learning approaches for applicability for this task.

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Using big data to improve urban mobility

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0124
  • Richard Harris
  • Xerox Services
  • United Kingdom


We need to progress from individual systems and services to an integrated coordinated and more effective suite of services. The ultimate ITS service is one where data is collected once and used as many times and in as many applications as appropriate. This may be in a for...Lead moreWe need to progress from individual systems and services to an integrated coordinated and more effective suite of services. The ultimate ITS service is one where data is collected once and used as many times and in as many applications as appropriate. This may be in a form of a system of systems (or a number of sub-systems) to ease understanding and control. Today this is even more urgent as we face the duel challenges of reduced economic performance and resilience and the environmental challenges of climate change. We need to get more from less. Unlocking value from data is the key. With slow economic recovery and continuing budget constraint for both capital and operating expenditures, public-sector agencies have to work more intelligently to maintain services. In many cases, simply matching the capabilities and deliveries of past years is not enough, an information hungry public, increasingly used to having answers at its fingertips, demands ever greater levels of access and accuracy. Put simply, everything is about being ‘smart’, be it smart handheld devices or even whole cities. Data is the key, big data, open data, and smart cities.

Paper Title

Towards novel public transport services via optimisation of demand and supply

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0117
  • Marcin Seredynski
  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
  • Luxembourg


In this paper we argue that developments within Intelligent Transportation Systems and Information and Communication Technology allow significant improvements in Public Transport operations. We demonstrate how Demand Responsive Transport services—characterised by flexible...Lead moreIn this paper we argue that developments within Intelligent Transportation Systems and Information and Communication Technology allow significant improvements in Public Transport operations. We demonstrate how Demand Responsive Transport services—characterised by flexible routing and scheduling—can extend conventional timetable-bound bus operations in order to offer seamless inter-modal door-to-door mobility. We present an overview of our solution, and discuss associated security and privacy issues.

Paper Title

Strategic Routing and “virtual” Traffic Control System

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0112
  • Ulrich Haspel
  • Bavarian Road Administration
  • Germany


Traffic control systems are a wide-spread means of traffic management. The architecture of these systems does often not consider a communication to service providers or navigation systems. Drivers will therefore often find inconsistent information on the sings and their n...Lead moreTraffic control systems are a wide-spread means of traffic management. The architecture of these systems does often not consider a communication to service providers or navigation systems. Drivers will therefore often find inconsistent information on the sings and their navigation system, whilst the compliance level of the recommendation is low. Many previous projects have dealt with this problem in a research context. The Bavarian Road Administration has decided to develop an operational solution for harmonizing the display of variable message signs and traffic control systems with those of navigation devices. The system has been developed, tested and an extensive scientific support has been put in place to measure e.g. latency times. The project results can be viewed in different test vehicles, in which potential services based on the data are shown.

Paper Title

Maintaining visibility of data quality in a world of Big Open Data.

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0111
  • Daniel Johns
  • Vaisala
  • United Kingdom


In the growing world of Big Data, eyes are fast turning to the world of weather to help traffic managers and vehicle manufactures optimise their services to the travelling public. However what is not yet clear is how the relative accuracy and quality of the various data c...Lead moreIn the growing world of Big Data, eyes are fast turning to the world of weather to help traffic managers and vehicle manufactures optimise their services to the travelling public. However what is not yet clear is how the relative accuracy and quality of the various data compares within the available and future sources. In fact this paper will examine those sources and determines that there is a real risk of inaccurate data being used in modelling and operational services that could be detrimental in the long run to the desired effects of congestion reduction and journey time stability. There is also a significant risk to traffic safety both in driver operated vehicles and those likely to become autonomous. However the paper also identifies a possible way forward in identifying and classifying the quality of all available data by use of a reference network of very high quality observational measurements. It will look to other areas where the use of weather data is very mature and shows how a direct analogy to the growing sector of data fusion services in transportation can be drawn and learnt from.

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Wireless Roadside Access Technology Trial on England’s Highways

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0109
  • Gabriel Ozique
  • Fluor Corporation
  • United Kingdom


In Previous World Congress, a desktop study was published and presented on wireless roadside access solution aimed at providing a cost effective solution for extending network coverage to areas of the road network without existing fibre or copper infrastructure. The study...Lead moreIn Previous World Congress, a desktop study was published and presented on wireless roadside access solution aimed at providing a cost effective solution for extending network coverage to areas of the road network without existing fibre or copper infrastructure. The study indicated that savings in the order of 50% on the cost of the equivalent wire-line implementation could be realised by using wireless technology. In addition to the reduced cost of deployment and installation/roadside exposures of workers, it also stated that the speed of deployment would be increased. Following this study, a trial is being conducted on a motorway in the West Midlands area of England, incorporating the Network Permanent Test Network (PTN), which is located nearby, at the Disaster Recovery Centre. The Trial aims to deliver a ‘toolbox’ of options that can be drawn on as appropriate for different road developments. The trial is based on standard commercially available equipment and utilises standardised infrastructure solutions, including radio antenna mounting arrangements on Highways structures. Several vendors wireless radio equipment are being tried to benchmark performances and determine the optimum solution. The paper will evaluate and highlight the suitability of the technology in the Highways environment.

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Monitoring and Optimizing Coordinated Signal Control

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0107
  • Michael Haberl
  • Graz University of Technology
  • Austria


Coordinated signal control can reduce traffic congestion, as it can improve the continuity of traffic flow and therefore can reduce delay. Traffic signal control researches are mostly based on average delay, number of queuing vehicles, number of stops, intersection satura...Lead moreCoordinated signal control can reduce traffic congestion, as it can improve the continuity of traffic flow and therefore can reduce delay. Traffic signal control researches are mostly based on average delay, number of queuing vehicles, number of stops, intersection saturation degree and capacity. Emissions usually are not included in the traffic signal control metrics. Since environmental performance measures become more important in decision making of traffic signal control there is a need for further investigations. Therefore, a tool (MONITRA) was elaborated within the COLOMBO project that allows multi-objective optimization of signal control at intersections. The demand for modelling the traffic and emission simulation in MONITRA is lower than for standard microscopic traffic models. It includes PHEMlight for emission simulation and an optimization routine that is able to consider travel time, waiting time, number of stops and a set of emission measures, covering CO2, NOx, CO and PM, in the objective function. The reduction potential for optimizations of emissions given by MONITRA is in the range of at least 6% for CO2.

Paper Title

Co-operation between the Finnish road authorities in the TMCs.

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0105
  • Sami Luoma
  • Finnish Transport Agency
  • Finland


The Finnish Transport Agency's (FTA) four road traffic management centres are located in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Oulu. Since 2009 all of these centres have focused strongly to enhance the co-operation with various Finnish authorities as cities (municipalities), the p...Lead moreThe Finnish Transport Agency's (FTA) four road traffic management centres are located in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Oulu. Since 2009 all of these centres have focused strongly to enhance the co-operation with various Finnish authorities as cities (municipalities), the police, the fire brigade and the emergency response centre (112). The purpose of this exercise is to highlight and record the experiences gained from these common traffic management centres and assess the qualitative effects and synergies gained with these reformations. It has been experienced that the investments made by the cities and the police on the operative personnel improve the operating of traffic management systems. The central improved operational functions are information collection, traffic situation awareness and communication, as well as more effective management of incidents and more systematic monitoring of the cities’ transport information systems. This co-operation enables more accurate communication to traffic, for example in co-operation with local media. Systemising the monitoring of the functionality of the technical systems improves for example identifications of the malfunctions of the traffic lights and speeds up the maintenance. The paper gives a description of the affects of co-operation between various authorities involved in road traffic management in Finland.

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Electric mobility requirements for ITS architectures

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0102
  • Horst Wieker
  • htw saar, University of Applied Sciences
  • Germany


In the vehicular environment, new and modern Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are introduced step-by-step. The next potential milestone will be the introduction of Vehicle-to-X ad-hoc communication scheduled for 2019 but also the next generation of cellular commun...Lead moreIn the vehicular environment, new and modern Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are introduced step-by-step. The next potential milestone will be the introduction of Vehicle-to-X ad-hoc communication scheduled for 2019 but also the next generation of cellular communication (5G) is already on the horizon for 2020+. With more and more communication to be implemented into the vehicular systems, the need for intelligent backend architectures arises to properly distribute the flow of information. On the other hand, the market for electric mobility is uprising but still needs development to be able to replace conventional powered vehicles. In this context, the German research project NoLimITS (New Economic Developments of Innovative Models for Intelligent Transport Systems) aims to bring both disciplines together, especially trying to answer if electric mobility has different requirements on ITS than current vehicles. The review of typical electric mobility specific use-cases and the analysis of relevant communication requirements achieves this. Additionally, interviews with stakeholders in the market environment help to collect current and future requirements. Those requirements will be the technological and economic foundation of the required ITS architecture.

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Simulation of Vehicle Flocking Using Game Engine

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0088
  • Jo Skjermo
  • Norway


To avoid building more roads, better exploitation of existing road infrastructure is required. One predicted result of a future with cooperative ITS systems and connected automated vehicles is such an increase in road exploitation. However, building these systems is compl...Lead moreTo avoid building more roads, better exploitation of existing road infrastructure is required. One predicted result of a future with cooperative ITS systems and connected automated vehicles is such an increase in road exploitation. However, building these systems is complex, costly and potentially dangerous during prototype development. In early prototype stages, simple targeted simulations for specific applications may be developed using modern game engines in a cost effective way. Here we present the development of such simulations for testing the concept of emergent behaviour generation for connected automated vehicles, based on theories of how flocking in nature is achieved. The simulations are used to test the flocking concept with regard to road exploitation.

Paper Title

LUTZ Pathfinder real-world trials of fully automated pods

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0087
  • Eric Chan
  • Transport Systems Catapult
  • United Kingdom


The LUTZ Pathfinder project is developing the technology for fully automated pods and carrying out trials in the real-world environment of Milton Keynes, UK. The pods operate in shared pedestrian spaces, sharing the environment with cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Initial...Lead moreThe LUTZ Pathfinder project is developing the technology for fully automated pods and carrying out trials in the real-world environment of Milton Keynes, UK. The pods operate in shared pedestrian spaces, sharing the environment with cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Initial results from the trials will be presented.

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Privacy in a fast evolving Location Technology Industry

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0084
  • Jeroen Brouwer
  • TomTom
  • The Netherlands


Traffic congestion is a growing and global problem, impacting the majority of people traveling and moving goods. Due to the increasing volume of connected navigation devices in the market (personal navigation devices or PNDs), smartphone applications, in-dash devices) Flo...Lead moreTraffic congestion is a growing and global problem, impacting the majority of people traveling and moving goods. Due to the increasing volume of connected navigation devices in the market (personal navigation devices or PNDs), smartphone applications, in-dash devices) Floating Car Data (FCD) becomes widely available. When this data is matched with a map and processed in a traffic fusion process, real-time traffic solutions including traffic incidents and traffic flow are created. However, how do you deal with the privacy of the driver when collecting FCD data? Data security and data privacy are becoming hot topics for both governments and consumers. With the European Legislation around privacy and best practice methods like Privacy by Design it is possible to be transparent, innovate and at the same time protect the privacy of the end user.