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Paper Title

Accuracy of Smartphones for GNSS Road User Charging

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0646
  • Ola Martin Lykkja
  • Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


This paper compares GNSS position performance from smartphones with dedicated GNSS road user charging equipment. All current deployed GNSS tolling systems all use dedicated on-board equipment (OBE) that is specified, tested, approved, procured, and distributed by the toll...Lead moreThis paper compares GNSS position performance from smartphones with dedicated GNSS road user charging equipment. All current deployed GNSS tolling systems all use dedicated on-board equipment (OBE) that is specified, tested, approved, procured, and distributed by the toll service provider. This drives up the cost of a GNSS tolling system. If it was possible to use commodity equipment for GNSS toll collection, this would significantly lower the operational cost and investment for such systems. The paper also examines how more advanced post-processing algorithms could mitigate the possibly lower accuracy and availability of a smartphone based system.

Paper Title

A Road Operator’s View on Cloud-based ITS – Requirements and Cooperation Models

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0644
  • Stefan Ruehrup
  • Austria


Cloud-based ITS connect vehicles and mobile devices with computing resources via the Internet. The “connected vehicle” concept is based on cloud services, which are driven by automobile manufacturers (OEMs). Telematics services providers offer cloud services to road opera...Lead moreCloud-based ITS connect vehicles and mobile devices with computing resources via the Internet. The “connected vehicle” concept is based on cloud services, which are driven by automobile manufacturers (OEMs). Telematics services providers offer cloud services to road operators, ranging from data delivery to complete traffic management applications. It is currently unclear how the universe of ITS cloud services develops. In any case, there will be more than one cloud, and cooperation between cloud services is vital in order to make the most out of the data that the different stakeholders can contribute. In this paper we explain cooperation models for connected clouds, and describe requirements from the viewpoint of a road operator.

Paper Title

Regulatory Telematics Architecture for Dangerous Goods Transport and Cooperative ITS

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0642
  • Fabrice RECLUS
  • CEREMA Centre-Est
  • France


GeoTransMD is an innovation project based on ITS and addressing specifically Transport of Dangerous Goods. Under the aegis of UNECE, the Telematics WG mandate aims to consider what information provided by telematics could enhances the safety and security of the transport ...Lead moreGeoTransMD is an innovation project based on ITS and addressing specifically Transport of Dangerous Goods. Under the aegis of UNECE, the Telematics WG mandate aims to consider what information provided by telematics could enhances the safety and security of the transport of dangerous goods and facilitates such transport. In response to this mandate, the GeoTransMD project has designed and tested a telematics architecture called TP1/TP2, in order to replace paper documentation with an access to electronic documents via a secured back-office system. Several features and services dedicated to public bodies are presented in relation with real-life use cases. At last, the paper will present some prospective use cases based on C-ITS standards and their specific aspects on dangerous goods data, in order to improve traffic management, incident management, safety, emergency response with regards to dangerous goods transport.

Paper Title

Cooperative infrastructure in closed test track for traffic monitoring and safety enhancement

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0639
  • Marcos Pillado
  • Applus+ IDIADA
  • Spain


Traditional development, test and validation procedures and tools for vehicles are based on the V-Model where the vehicle is considered a complete system. With cooperative and automated driving vehicles, the complexity increases and testing needs to be taken into account ...Lead moreTraditional development, test and validation procedures and tools for vehicles are based on the V-Model where the vehicle is considered a complete system. With cooperative and automated driving vehicles, the complexity increases and testing needs to be taken into account from the design stages. New requirements concerning the vehicle itself and the interaction with other road users introduce validation at two levels. For development, testing and validation, it is required a safe environment where conditions are controlled and repeatability is warranty. This paper presents IDIADA’s C-ITS platform, a reference environment to rapid develop Connected Automated Driving systems and an example of its usage for safety enhancement in the proving grounds via monitoring the traffic and integrating a well-proven Forward Collision Warning application.

Paper Title

Smart Corridors – What are they and the benefits?

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0638
  • Ian Achurch
  • Northamptonshire County Council
  • United Kingdom


Northamptonshire’s Smart Corridors initiative will showcase some of the latest developments in technology in a series of demonstration corridors. The aim through this is to improve how the corridors function and benefit all users, including motorists. The use of technolog...Lead moreNorthamptonshire’s Smart Corridors initiative will showcase some of the latest developments in technology in a series of demonstration corridors. The aim through this is to improve how the corridors function and benefit all users, including motorists. The use of technology to manage the network is not new. However, most technology solutions have been developed as self-standing projects. They often act in isolation and are focused on a single technology or user. One of the aspects that make the Smart Corridors initiative different from this is that it brings together a number of technology-based solutions in a comprehensive, and integrated, way to maximise synergies, impact and respond to multiple users’ needs and enable improved travel performance. A particular emphasis is being placed on opportunities to collaborate with others including technology suppliers, academia, research and development institutes, technical network and think-tanks in the planning, deployment and evaluation of the initiative.

Paper Title

A GIS-based approach to determine beneficial meeting points for long-distance ride-sharing trips

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0637
  • Paul Czioska
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Germany


Ride-Sharing is an effective way to utilize the available but often unused seat capacity in private vehicles. In long-distance ride-sharing, people offering rides at common ride-sharing platforms often find passengers in cities en route. Hence, it is necessary to define a...Lead moreRide-Sharing is an effective way to utilize the available but often unused seat capacity in private vehicles. In long-distance ride-sharing, people offering rides at common ride-sharing platforms often find passengers in cities en route. Hence, it is necessary to define a meeting point there to establish the pickup. This is often done by agreeing on common locations like e.g. train stations, which frequently induces unnecessary detours. Meeting points in the vicinity of motorways and arterial roads could hence significantly reduce driving time through inner city districts. This work proposes a GIS-based approach to identify possible meeting point locations that can be used subsequently for an automatic pickup location recommendation.

Paper Title

Next steps for Multi-channel Operation in EU V2X Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0636
  • Tim Leinmueller
  • DENSO Automotive Deutschland GmbH
  • Germany


Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) operating in the 5~GHz band in Europe will use most likely only a single communication channel during initial deployment. Increasing C-ITS penetration rate and the introduction of novel applications will result in growing ...Lead moreCooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) operating in the 5~GHz band in Europe will use most likely only a single communication channel during initial deployment. Increasing C-ITS penetration rate and the introduction of novel applications will result in growing demand of communication bandwidth that can be addressed by utilizing multiple radio communication channels in parallel. The full version of this paper discusses requirements for this so-called multi-channel operation (MCO), analyzes boundary conditions in the designated frequency bands, presents a concept for offloading and backloading information from congested communication channels, and presents extensions to the GeoNetworking protocol to support MCO.

Paper Title

An Open Source TTCN-3 conformance testing tool for C-ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0635
  • Álvaro Arrúe
  • Applus IDIADA
  • Spain


In this paper a new conformance testing suite for ITS communications based on the previous work done by ETSI is developed with the joint forces of Ericsson and IDIADA in the framework of the i-Game project. The purpose of this tool is to offer researchers and developers f...Lead moreIn this paper a new conformance testing suite for ITS communications based on the previous work done by ETSI is developed with the joint forces of Ericsson and IDIADA in the framework of the i-Game project. The purpose of this tool is to offer researchers and developers facilities to test the conformance and interoperability of new C-ITS solutions, especially in multi-brand environments such as the GCDC competition.

Paper Title

Evaluation of safety and performance in a multi-brand environment of cooperative automation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0630
  • Álvaro Arrúe
  • Applus IDIADA
  • Spain


In this paper we develop and discuss a set of tools and methodologies intended to test safety and performance of cooperative and automated vehicles in a multi-brand environment in the framework of the i-GAME (interoperable-GCDC AutoMation Experience) project funded by the...Lead moreIn this paper we develop and discuss a set of tools and methodologies intended to test safety and performance of cooperative and automated vehicles in a multi-brand environment in the framework of the i-GAME (interoperable-GCDC AutoMation Experience) project funded by the European Commission. These test methodologies are expected to be a reference for future regulations in the fields of C-ITS and autonomous vehicles and some of them are already being applied to test future commercial vehicles.

Paper Title

Climate and pollution challenges - ITS can make a difference !

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0624
  • Helge Jensen
  • City of Oslo, Agency for Urban Environment
  • Norway


This paper takes up the challenges of actions for reducing green house gases and air pollution. ITS solutions will make a difference. It is a process that the national ITS networks and ERTICO for the more global potential.This paper takes up the challenges of actions for reducing green house gases and air pollution. ITS solutions will make a difference. It is a process that the national ITS networks and ERTICO for the more global potential.

Paper Title

Advanced topological map matching: a step towards full integrity and reliability

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0615
  • Lauri Koponen
  • TomTom International B.V
  • The Netherlands


An advanced map matching algorithm is proposed, which embeds the road topology inherently in a set of path candidates. Paths are treated and evaluated independently using multiple criteria, with paths being ranked and a best path chosen, which makes the algorithm reliable...Lead moreAn advanced map matching algorithm is proposed, which embeds the road topology inherently in a set of path candidates. Paths are treated and evaluated independently using multiple criteria, with paths being ranked and a best path chosen, which makes the algorithm reliable and robust in different scenarios. The algorithm is efficient in both accuracy and computational speed, making it suitable to use in the mass-market navigation devices throughout all road transport environments.

Paper Title

Dynamic scheduling through mobile based location advisory services of African informal transportation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0613
  • Obakeng Morapeli Matlhoko
  • Afta Robot Platform Systems
  • South Africa


In Africa, the vast majority of all public transport commuters use minibus taxis or share taxi’s not only to commute, but to earn a living, to meet family and loved ones and this equates to billions of trips per annum. Despite this, there are very little to no ICT systems...Lead moreIn Africa, the vast majority of all public transport commuters use minibus taxis or share taxi’s not only to commute, but to earn a living, to meet family and loved ones and this equates to billions of trips per annum. Despite this, there are very little to no ICT systems in these operations, which has led the industry to being unsafe and inefficient. The operators suffer from operational invisibility, as they have no access to real data about their operations as most core processes are not recorded (manual). Commuters on the other hand suffer from an inability to safely plan their journey, as they have no access to information about what time they will get to their destination. By using wireless mobile technology, Afta Robot (http://www.aftarobot.com/) brings increased understanding of operations to bring efficiency to operators and information for peace of mind & guidance to ensure a safe journey for commuters. Product features include route activity, rank activity, vehicle and commuter location to name a few. Transport services are referred to as a one-to-many load based service. Commuters only engage with the service along dedicated routes. https://www.youtube.com/embed/R622rW4qowA

Paper Title

Passengers’ data to measure perceived impact of schedule deviation in public transit

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0612
  • Frédéric Roulland
  • Xerox Research Centre Europe
  • France


This paper illustrates the new opportunities offered by the use of massive user data in transportation application through the example of a specific method that we have developed in the context of analytics for quality of service of public transit. In this method we are a...Lead moreThis paper illustrates the new opportunities offered by the use of massive user data in transportation application through the example of a specific method that we have developed in the context of analytics for quality of service of public transit. In this method we are able to propose new metrics for understanding the real impact of public transit service schedule deviation on traveler’s perception of the quality of service. These metrics are computed at a user centric level and use different sources of passengers’ data instead of the only traditional vehicle location tracking systems data. We explain briefly the method used to compute the metric and how it can be put into practice in order to give new insights to analysts.

Paper Title

Bus priority at roundabouts

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0609
  • Arvid Aakre
  • NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Norway


When transport demand is high and capacity is limited, we often want to give priority to public transport. Traditional bus priority is usually connected to signalized intersections and certain physical measures as separate bus lanes, turning restrictions etc. In Norway, a...Lead moreWhen transport demand is high and capacity is limited, we often want to give priority to public transport. Traditional bus priority is usually connected to signalized intersections and certain physical measures as separate bus lanes, turning restrictions etc. In Norway, as well as in many other European countries, roundabouts have been a very popular type of intersection for more than 30 years. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages with both roundabouts and signalized intersections. The obvious possibility to give bus priority is often used as an important argument for signalized intersections. However, it is also possible to give priority to buses at roundabouts. This paper describes and analysis different schemes for bus priority at small and medium sized roundabouts. The priority schemes are evaluated by practical measurements in real traffic and analysis by well known traffic engineering software; the Australian analytical model SIDRA INTERSECTION and the Spanish micro simulation model AIMSUN. The results are compared with observations in real traffic, and the conclusion is that there is a large and unused potential for bus priority at roundabouts. Finally the author gives some general guidelines on how and when bus priority could be used at roundabouts.

Paper Title

Functional validation and performance assessment of automated truck platoons in controlled environment

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0594
  • Marcos Pillado
  • Applus+ IDIADA
  • Spain


Platooning of heavy duty vehicles (HDV) provides the opportunity to save fuel, increase safety and add road capacity. The COMPANION (Cooperative dynamic formation of Platoons for safe and energy-optimized goods transportation) project aims to develop and validate a system...Lead morePlatooning of heavy duty vehicles (HDV) provides the opportunity to save fuel, increase safety and add road capacity. The COMPANION (Cooperative dynamic formation of Platoons for safe and energy-optimized goods transportation) project aims to develop and validate a system for creation, coordination and operation of platoons. A complete integration of the entire system is performed in the project in order to make a global assessment of the full system. This paper presents the testing methodology used for the validation and performance assessment of the platooning manoeuvres and the on-board HMI in a controlled scenario.

Paper Title

Traffic Lab Finland - Creating PPP-ecosystem for Digital Mobility Services

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0583
  • Anders Granfelt
  • Tafi of Finland
  • Finland


In Finland Ministry of Transport and Communication with Finnish Transport Safety Agency and Finnish Transport Agency promote the digitalisation of transport and logistics in collaboration with companies and public authorities by enabling the creation of an ecosystem of di...Lead moreIn Finland Ministry of Transport and Communication with Finnish Transport Safety Agency and Finnish Transport Agency promote the digitalisation of transport and logistics in collaboration with companies and public authorities by enabling the creation of an ecosystem of digital mobility services. The Traffic Lab Finland combines promotion of digital mobility solutions, culture of experiments and close cooperation between the public and the private sectors. The door is open also for international actors to come to Finland to test and innovative future transport service. One goal of Traffic Lab is that the service consumers’ views would be better discovered via different channels when preparing and deciding on the norms.

Paper Title

FOT project agreements crucial for data sharing

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0561
  • Helena Gellerman
  • SAFER, Chalmers
  • Sweden


Numerous datasets have been collected during the last decade and if re-used could provide answers to many of the research questions concerning vehicle and traffic safety, mobility and environment. The awareness of the importance of the agreements need to be further enhanc...Lead moreNumerous datasets have been collected during the last decade and if re-used could provide answers to many of the research questions concerning vehicle and traffic safety, mobility and environment. The awareness of the importance of the agreements need to be further enhanced, to avoid the present situation, where many of the collected datasets cannot be shared, as the agreements do not allow data sharing. This paper discuss the content needed in the project agreements connected to a field operational test, naturalistic driving study or pilot to enable data sharing after the project has ended. The four main categories that are described are the grant agreement, the consortium agreement, the participant agreement and agreements with external data providers. The content as well as important issues to discuss and decide upon in the initial phase of the project are elaborated and discussed.

Paper Title

Open RUC systems - are PPPs for the past?

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0531
  • Scott Wilson
  • D'Artagnan Pacific Pty Ltd
  • United Kingdom


Traditionally, network based road charging schemes have been delivered either through the public sector procuring and managing its operation or through a PPP concession with a single supplier that may finance, build, own and operate the system for many years. However, an ...Lead moreTraditionally, network based road charging schemes have been delivered either through the public sector procuring and managing its operation or through a PPP concession with a single supplier that may finance, build, own and operate the system for many years. However, an emerging approach now seen in New Zealand, Oregon and Hungary is to establish an open platform that allows competitive delivery of the collection of road user charges. Furthermore, some more recent PPP procurements have included provision for competitive “retail” delivery of customer service. There is some evidence that the open platform approach can deliver a system at lower cost and with the benefits competition can deliver for customer service over a heavily regulated monopoly provider. This paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages across all three main approaches by reference to case studies: 1. Public sector ownership and operations: Switzerland, Austria. 2. Single supplier PPP: Germany, Czech, Republic, Slovakia (and Belgium’s hybrid model). 3. Open system: Hungary, New Zealand, Oregon. It concludes that government authorities should consider more closely the benefits and challenges that more competitive delivery models may offer.

Paper Title

Decentralized Congestion Control for Multi-hop Vehicular Communication

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0529
  • Andreas Festag
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (IVI)
  • Germany


WiFi-based vehicular communication systems, such as DSRC in the US and C-ITS in Europe, suffer from large delays and high packet losses in dense scenarios with high packet loss, which can result in system instability and degraded safety application performance. To ensure ...Lead moreWiFi-based vehicular communication systems, such as DSRC in the US and C-ITS in Europe, suffer from large delays and high packet losses in dense scenarios with high packet loss, which can result in system instability and degraded safety application performance. To ensure a stable system and fair share of resources among vehicles, a decentralized congestion control (DCC) function limits the data that is generated by a network node depending on the measured channel load. Standardization efforts of the European C-ITS system currently fore-see a state-based, reactive DCC function. This paper gives an overview of the cross-layer DCC framework developed by ETSI and presents results of a simulation-based performance evaluation of DCC and analyzes the impact of DCC on forwarding algorithms at the network layer.

Paper Title

Automation control and acceptance on construction and maintenance works of highways constructions

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0526
  • Sadykov Ayrat
  • Ministry of transport and road economy of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • Russia


Article is devoted to a problem of introduction of intelligent transport system that is actual today in the Russian Federation and its subjects. Article describes operation of the automated system of work acceptance on the roads maintenance. The idea of system operation c...Lead moreArticle is devoted to a problem of introduction of intelligent transport system that is actual today in the Russian Federation and its subjects. Article describes operation of the automated system of work acceptance on the roads maintenance. The idea of system operation consists of uniting databases of the republic road network and to integrate systems involved in the processes of operation and maintenance of roads. The purpose of introduction of the System was a necessity to provide complex control. One of the priority problems of System of the Ministry of transport and road economy of the Republic of Tatarstan is developing a platform for effective interaction of the state institutes and business sector. The analysis of system’s operation has showed by different criteria the increase in effectiveness of road traffic management in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Paper Title

Leveraging synergies between the HAD and the ADAS map

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0525
  • Stephen T'Siobbel
  • TomTom Maps
  • Belgium


We discuss the characteristics, role of and relation between both the ADAS map in the vehicle and the Highly Automated Driving (HAD) map – which is on the verge of enabling automated driving the years to come. The former map, with attributes as road gradient, curvature, h...Lead moreWe discuss the characteristics, role of and relation between both the ADAS map in the vehicle and the Highly Automated Driving (HAD) map – which is on the verge of enabling automated driving the years to come. The former map, with attributes as road gradient, curvature, height and lane information, is typically a road centric representation of the road and differs from the HAD map which adopts a lane centric model of the road. The latter includes dedicated features and attributes for robust and continuous vehicle localization, an important prerequisite for all levels of automated driving. The production and maintenance of the ADAS map will benefit from the HAD map development. The technical challenge is to reduce the detailed, accurate and vast amount of HAD map information into meaningful ADAS map representation, whilst keeping the inherent qualities of the HAD map. This paper shows how the ADAS map can be tightly and loosely linked to the HAD map in such a way as to benefit from both the strategic merits from the ADAS map (routing/planning) and for the tactical value provided by HAD map (lane guidance & overtaking, incident/object avoidance).

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0518
  • Joshua A. Odeleye
  • Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria
  • Nigeria


The Nigerian highway network is synonymous with four principal operational problems; namely: overloading, over speeding, congestion and potholes. The ubiquitous potholes in particular are; in literature, attributed to overloading, highway misuse and increasing traffic vol...Lead moreThe Nigerian highway network is synonymous with four principal operational problems; namely: overloading, over speeding, congestion and potholes. The ubiquitous potholes in particular are; in literature, attributed to overloading, highway misuse and increasing traffic volume which subjected the highway to permanent stress and fatigue. However, considering the geographical size of the country and distance to cover, motorists are nevertheless tempted to over speed despite the deplorable condition of the highways. The aim of this paper therefore is to highlight the noticeable technological gaps on major highway in Nigeria, and recommend appropriate ITS solutions, such as Smartsensor, which is capable of addressing the identified operational problems, with a view to guaranteeing safety and efficiency of the network over time and space.

Paper Title

Applying V2V for operational safety within cooperative adaptive cruise control

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0515
  • Ellen van Nunen
  • TNO
  • The Netherlands


Truck platooning is an application which aims to automate a truck both longitudinally and laterally for following its predecessor at reduced following distances in order to minimize fuel consumption. Short inter vehicle distances can be realised by the use of Vehicle-To-V...Lead moreTruck platooning is an application which aims to automate a truck both longitudinally and laterally for following its predecessor at reduced following distances in order to minimize fuel consumption. Short inter vehicle distances can be realised by the use of Vehicle-To-Vehicle communication (V2V). This application should be operational safe, which means to prevent harm to personnel in hazardous situations in case the system is fully operational: the system should avoid collisions with other road participants and with the leading truck. This paper proposes to use V2V communication in a platoon to share information on surrounding traffic participants in order to predict possible hazardous traffic situations continuously, which could be used when V2V fails. In case these situations can be predicted in time, actions could be taken to avoid collisions.

Paper Title

Geolocation accuracy improvement by means of shared C-ITS sensor information.

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0503
  • Paul Spaanderman
  • PaulsConsultancy BV
  • The Netherlands


Cooperative intelligent transport system (C-ITS) applications rely on knowledge of geographical positions. Satellite-based absolute positioning systems (e.g., GPS and Galileo) currently only provide limited accuracy possibilities of many Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) applicatio...Lead moreCooperative intelligent transport system (C-ITS) applications rely on knowledge of geographical positions. Satellite-based absolute positioning systems (e.g., GPS and Galileo) currently only provide limited accuracy possibilities of many Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) applications especially those in challenging environments (e.g., urban, canyons and tunnels). The HIGHTS project, an European funded 3 year project started May 2015, grant number 636537 focus on improvement of the location accuracy by means of 3 different groups of possibilities, utilization of existing ranging technologies, utilization of cooperative location information exchange between ITS stations such as vehicles, motorcycles, bikes, pedestrians and infrastructure as well as utilization of multi sensor algorithms & systems. It is expected that a combination of investigated methods will provide solutions for location accuracy improvements to support new upcoming ITS applications such as C-ACC, Platooning, Vulnerable Road User (VRU) and Autonomous driving. This paper provides an insight of the findings in one of these 3 groups, the area of utilizing the exchange of information between ITS stations. Some promising ITS cooperative information sharing technics to improve the Geolocation accuracy have been identified and presented.

Paper Title

UDRIVE Data Protection Concept

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0494
  • Helena Gellerman
  • SAFER, Chalmers
  • Sweden


This paper describes the content of the Data Protection Concept for the European naturalistic driving study UDRIVE. It is the first comprehensive concept for how to protect and treat data to be developed for a pan-European field data collection. The UDRIVE project gathers...Lead moreThis paper describes the content of the Data Protection Concept for the European naturalistic driving study UDRIVE. It is the first comprehensive concept for how to protect and treat data to be developed for a pan-European field data collection. The UDRIVE project gathers and analyses data on driver behaviour in relation to the vehicle and traffic environment during normal driving. The project is affected by a number of different legal and ethical considerations and subsequent requirements. In an international setting, the challenges are many. The purpose of the Data Protection Concept is to ensure data security throughout the project, and to achieve a common understanding of data protection among all partners. The concept outlines the requirements and constraints for handling data: during data collection, in storage and transfer, at analysis, until the end of the lifetime of the data. For each step in the data handling chain, the concerned stakeholders, the data, the external requirements, and their consequences are identified together with the related requirements. Common definitions and procedures form the basis for the concept. Each project partner handling data is required to implement and document their part of the concept based on their role in the project.

Paper Title

In-Vehicle Architectures for Truck Platooning: The Challenges to reach SAE Automation Level3

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0490
  • Tjerk Bijlsma
  • TNO
  • The Netherlands


Truck platooning, i.e. trucks following each other at short distances, promises great benefits for amongst others fuel savings and efficiency. Safe platooning requires an extensive automation function with extensive safety considerations. This paper presents the in-vehicl...Lead moreTruck platooning, i.e. trucks following each other at short distances, promises great benefits for amongst others fuel savings and efficiency. Safe platooning requires an extensive automation function with extensive safety considerations. This paper presents the in-vehicle architecture of the truck platooning system suitable for platooning on the public road, as realized and demonstrated by the EcoTwin consortium of DAF, NXP, TNO and Ricardo. Novel is that the truck platooning system spans two trucks that communicate, thereby placing wireless communication on the critical path of a safety critical system. The currently realized SAE automation level 2, fail-safe architecture still requires the driver to continually monitor its operation. In reviewing this architecture we will present the challenges to get towards a SAE automation level 3 automated driving in-vehicle architecture. This requires a platooning system to be fail-operational, i.e. able to operate in the face of component failures, at least for a while.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0481
  • Dirk van Amelsfort
  • VIktoria Swedish ICT
  • Sweden


Within the European project Empower new incentive based mobility services will be developed and deployed in 11 cities in Europe with the objective to reduce the use of conventionally fueled vehicle by incentivizing travellers to choose alternative travel option. This pape...Lead moreWithin the European project Empower new incentive based mobility services will be developed and deployed in 11 cities in Europe with the objective to reduce the use of conventionally fueled vehicle by incentivizing travellers to choose alternative travel option. This paper describes the development of business models for the 4 lead cities within Empower: Manchester, Gothenburg, Helsinki, and Enschede. The business models are a central part of creating sustainable and attractive services.

Paper Title

Relating different types of data in the NDW Traffic Observatory at DiTTlab

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0479
  • Edoardo Felici
  • National Data Warehouse for Traffic Information
  • The Netherlands


The National Data Warehouse in the Netherlands has teamed up with the DiTTlab research group at the Delft University of Technology to relate different types of (traffic) data together. Combining these data types (real-time traffic-, incident-, roadworks-, event- and weath...Lead moreThe National Data Warehouse in the Netherlands has teamed up with the DiTTlab research group at the Delft University of Technology to relate different types of (traffic) data together. Combining these data types (real-time traffic-, incident-, roadworks-, event- and weather data), each containing different characteristics, geographical referencing and timeframes, will lead the team to novel insights and analysis possibilities of the traffic state, further explored in a multi-year project proposal that will allow the multi-scale analysis of traffic with all relevant data, from road section level to the national scale. This will lead to innovative applications to predict the traffic state that can be used in all future ITS developments. The first steps have produced promising results: an application has been realized, making it possible to relate traffic data with related road works, incident and the weather conditions. This gives novel insights and analysis possibilities for traffic engineers and policy makers.

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MOBiNET: EU-wide interoperable payment services

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0461
  • Guido Di Pasquale
  • PluService Srl
  • Italy


The European Wide Service Platform MOBiNET has set the goal of creating an “Internet of Mobility” linking the main actors – travelers, road or transport operators, vehicle manufacturers, and service providers – through a dynamic platform for online services available to e...Lead moreThe European Wide Service Platform MOBiNET has set the goal of creating an “Internet of Mobility” linking the main actors – travelers, road or transport operators, vehicle manufacturers, and service providers – through a dynamic platform for online services available to everyone in Europe. This paper describes how MOBiNET enables interoperability among EU mobility services in terms of payment, billing and clearing through a dedicated component capable of managing financial transactions for membership and business fees.. Service/app provider can use the Billing platform component facilities in order to enable End-Users (B2C) and Businesses (B2B) to pay for the use of applications, services and data. As a concrete use case, a parking payment interoperable service is developed by Pluservice, the Hungarian National Mobile Payment Plc. (NMP) and North Denmark Region. This integration allows, for instance, PluService customers to buy parking service in Hungary using their usual application.

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SCATS Virtual Bus Priority and Information System for Dublin City

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0459
  • Trevor Platt
  • Nicander
  • United Kingdom


Dublin City Council (DCC) has designed a selective bus priority solution that utilises their investment in SCATS traffic management and GPS-based bus tracking and information systems technology (AVLC) to deliver selective priority services with no additional roadside infr...Lead moreDublin City Council (DCC) has designed a selective bus priority solution that utilises their investment in SCATS traffic management and GPS-based bus tracking and information systems technology (AVLC) to deliver selective priority services with no additional roadside infrastructure. Bus priority schemes typically require roadside devices to instigate priority, but the Dublin solution makes use of a new centralised software solution that establishes virtual detection zones across the City to effect priority based on a defined set of parameters. SCATS incorporates an API allowing external applications to interface with traffic signal operation. Dublin Bus AVLC system provides a SIRI VM data feed which contains the position of each in-service bus in the fleet at a polling period of approximately 20 seconds. Data on whether the bus is in congestion or free-flowing and if the bus is loading passengers at a bus stop is also contained in this data feed. The new Dublin Public Transport Interface Module (DPTIM) bridges the gap between SCATS and the AVLC systems by integrating these systems through a specially designed and low cost software solution implementing traffic signal priority for the City’s bus network.

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Dynamic trigger speed for vehicle activated signs

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0457
  • Diala Jomaa
  • Department of Computer Engineering, Dalarna University
  • Sweden


Optimal trigger speeds for vehicle activated signs were not considered in previous studies. The main aim of this paper is to summarise the findings of optimum trigger speed for vehicle activated signs. A secondary aim is to be able to build and report a dynamic trigger sp...Lead moreOptimal trigger speeds for vehicle activated signs were not considered in previous studies. The main aim of this paper is to summarise the findings of optimum trigger speed for vehicle activated signs. A secondary aim is to be able to build and report a dynamic trigger speed based on an accurate predictive model to be able to trigger operation of vehicle activated signs. A data based calibration method for the radar used in the experiment has been developed and evaluated. Results from the study indicate that the optimal trigger speed should be primarily aimed at lowering the standard deviation. Results also indicate that the optimal trigger speed should be set near the 85th percentile speed, to be able to lower the standard deviation. A comparative study investigating the use of several predictive models showed that random forest is an appropriate model to dynamically predict trigger speeds.

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Assessment of a battery electric taxi fleet based on empirical taxi data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0447
  • Martin Reinthaler
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Austria


Introducing electric taxi (E-Taxi) fleets in urban areas poses a number of economic, organizational and technical challenges related to the nature of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). Taxi vehicles are ideal candidates for being replaced by BEVs, because of short driving d...Lead moreIntroducing electric taxi (E-Taxi) fleets in urban areas poses a number of economic, organizational and technical challenges related to the nature of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). Taxi vehicles are ideal candidates for being replaced by BEVs, because of short driving distances, high mileages and intermediate waiting times, especially in urban areas. For the city of Vienna a previous feasibility study shows the system requirements and possible locations for charging stations for an estimated charging demand. This paper presents an integrated approach using empiric data of the first E-Taxis in Vienna, Austria to assess the functionality and quality during a demonstration phase. The results are used to support the underlying decision processes for system adaptions and extensions.

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Evaluations of the collaborative TEAM-applications

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0442
  • Merja Penttinen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Finland


Evaluation in TEAM (Tomorrow’s Elastic Adaptive Mobility) EU-project was combining several approaches and methodologies. The overall objective of the evaluation was to assess the impacts of various collaborative applications designed for drivers and travellers on mobility...Lead moreEvaluation in TEAM (Tomorrow’s Elastic Adaptive Mobility) EU-project was combining several approaches and methodologies. The overall objective of the evaluation was to assess the impacts of various collaborative applications designed for drivers and travellers on mobility, safety, efficiency and environment. The main methods in impact assessment were traffic simulations, expert assessment and user interviews and questionnaires. Due to the new collaboration paradigm, the user acceptance and behaviour was a central part of the evaluation. Technical performance was the third crucial part of the evaluation. The scope of the overall evaluation was not limited to drivers and hence private cars as a mode, but covered travelling by various modes, including multimodality. In addition, the key stakeholders such as road authorities and cities were included into the evaluation of new applications.

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DATEX II and C-ITS: a promising engagement in SCOOP@F

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0429
  • Loïc Blaive
  • France


In Europe DATEX II has become the cornerstone of data exchanges between traffic authorities and traffic managers. Cooperative ITS become a new paradigm that can help improve road safety and manage traffic. Following the French SCORE@F FOT, the French ministry of transport...Lead moreIn Europe DATEX II has become the cornerstone of data exchanges between traffic authorities and traffic managers. Cooperative ITS become a new paradigm that can help improve road safety and manage traffic. Following the French SCORE@F FOT, the French ministry of transport launched in 2014 a pre-deployment project co-funded by the European Commission: SCOOP@F. As for SCORE@F a crucial element is to implement an efficient data circulation between the different value chain components. Whereas data circulation between vehicles and roadside units is based on standardised message sets CAM and DENM the idea is to use DATEX II for data exchanged between roadside units and TCCs. Therefore, a translation mechanism has been defined between DATEX II messages and CAMs or DENMs. Developments are ongoing and the first tests on table then on roads are expected in spring 2016. However, first lessons can already be drawn.

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Performance simulations versus field trials at Bordeaux test site for COMPASS4D project

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0426
  • Louahdi Khoudour
  • France


We have simulated the impact of cooperative Intelligent Transport system in Bordeaux pilot test site in the COMPASS4D project. The objectives of these simulation tests are to ensure that the pilot operation of the project will not cause undue interruption in the other pil...Lead moreWe have simulated the impact of cooperative Intelligent Transport system in Bordeaux pilot test site in the COMPASS4D project. The objectives of these simulation tests are to ensure that the pilot operation of the project will not cause undue interruption in the other pilot sites and to identify optimal trial parameters. Results from this analysis will help with setting realistic performance targets. We have simulated two use cases from the Compass4D services: Energy Efficient Intersection (EEI): Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) and Green Wave. From the simulations we have carried out a deep evaluation on Bordeaux test sites and we have achived some interesting results presented here. Simulations for the GLOSA and Green wave use cases have shown that energy consumption saving can reach up to 10% depending on the number of stops undergone by the vehicles and the penetration rate of equipped vehicles. For the results on test sites : Light vehicles: minimal change in the average speed and duration reasonably substantial saving in both the number of stops, emissions and the efficiency (~10%) Heavy vehicles no substantial change in duration (a reduction of under 5%), nor in the average speed ~10% reduction in fuel consumption

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Evaluating traffic signs use of the tachistoscopic method

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0418
  • Romain Chaumontet
  • France


This paper presents the use of a tachistoscope for evaluating the comprehension of road signs through the results of a survey realized in 2014 by the Cerema (Centre d’étude et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement). This method is used...Lead moreThis paper presents the use of a tachistoscope for evaluating the comprehension of road signs through the results of a survey realized in 2014 by the Cerema (Centre d’étude et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement). This method is used to assess the reconstruction mechanism between the cognitive perception of the stimulus and its interpretation by the subject. It consists of displaying traffic signs to a subject during a very brief time which increases gradually during the experiment. The subject’s verbal description after each display allows the assessment of his perception of the degraded image and the associated interpretation. The answers analysis gives a qualitative grade of the sign readability and of its interpretation. This method has been in use for several years in France, especially for the creation of variable message pictograms, which come from the rasterization of road signs in order to be displayed on a LED matrix (35*35 up to 64*64). A survey on complete variable message sign (VMS) messages was conducted by the Cerema in 2014 in order to emulate the different steps of reading and interpretation. This survey also included the testing of new pictograms and of urban setting traffic signs.

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A Platform to support service lifecycle management for ITS

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0410
  • Rafia Inam
  • Ericsson AB
  • Sweden


Urbanization trend is continuing and is predicted that by 2050 about 64% of the developing and 86% of the developed world will be urbanized [1]. Automated driving with Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has potential to meet challenges for cities of the future, inclu...Lead moreUrbanization trend is continuing and is predicted that by 2050 about 64% of the developing and 86% of the developed world will be urbanized [1]. Automated driving with Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has potential to meet challenges for cities of the future, including an optimized commuting experience based on demand prediction, reduced fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions through optimized traffic flows, integrated payment solutions, improved road safety for both vehicle occupants and pedestrians, mobility and environmental sustainability in transportation networks [2]. An essential element of ITS is wireless connectivity. In future 5G networks will support a multitude of network services with differentiated Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, mission critical traffic like instructions to the driver or to automated vehicle, will coexist with other types of services (e.g. infotainment). Additionally, to manage the large number of network services, the service lifecycle management function should be automated to the extend possible. This paper presents an architectural platform for 5G service lifecycle management and addresses end-to-end QoS issues for services, focusing specifically on ITS in urban areas. The purpose of this platform is to enable rapid development and automated deployment, operation and decommissioning of ITS applications.

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Short-term prediction of Traffic levels and Pollution exceedances using ensemble techniques

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0409
  • Fabio Galatioto
  • Transport Systems Catapult
  • United Kingdom


The ability to predict combined traffic and pollution levels over a short-term period has been rarely explored in the past. The potential to improve traffic and air quality management by allowing a proactive approach, rather than reactive, can lead to more effective decis...Lead moreThe ability to predict combined traffic and pollution levels over a short-term period has been rarely explored in the past. The potential to improve traffic and air quality management by allowing a proactive approach, rather than reactive, can lead to more effective decisions to different changing conditions. This paper provides an advancement on early findings on two separate research streams namely traffic and pollution short-term prediction. It explores how the combination of the two techniques explored independently, specifically Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model may lead to a more accurate prediction of both traffic conditions and pollution levels. The case study has been chosen in UK on an urban section of a motorway where both traffic and air quality impacts are important. Preliminary results show that ensemble techniques can improve the prediction accuracy up to 90% using the same input data and in the pollution case increase the ability to predict exceedances above the legal limits of 25% more and up to 93% overall prediction. Future steps to embed the short-term prediction technique developed into a comprehensive modelling framework will also be anticipated.

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GATEway – early results from a living laboratory for automated vehicles

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0407
  • Nick Reed
  • TRL
  • United Kingdom


The GATEway (Greenwich Automated Vehicle Environment) project is delivering three trials of automated vehicles and creating a ‘living laboratory’ for automated vehicles in London. Vehicle manufacturers and technology providers will be able to test automated vehicle techno...Lead moreThe GATEway (Greenwich Automated Vehicle Environment) project is delivering three trials of automated vehicles and creating a ‘living laboratory’ for automated vehicles in London. Vehicle manufacturers and technology providers will be able to test automated vehicle technologies in an environment where much of the risk analyses and mitigation strategies will be in place and there will be baseline studies to which their new system performance can be compared. This paper describes the three real world trials being undertaken in the project. These are automated shuttles, autonomous valet parking and automated delivery vehicles. The final paper will provide descriptions of the three vehicle types used for the trials, outline challenges and developments in trial design as the project progressed and provide any results available at the time of submission.

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A user centric development of a handheld DSRC transceiver

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • EU-TP0401
  • Øyvind Standal
  • Q-Free ASA
  • Norway


Use of Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) within electronic tolling has been one of the very earliest and most efficient technologies within the history of ITS reducing congestion and enabling effective traffic management. Within tolling, enforcement has been impl...Lead moreUse of Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) within electronic tolling has been one of the very earliest and most efficient technologies within the history of ITS reducing congestion and enabling effective traffic management. Within tolling, enforcement has been implemented with barrier solutions, effective vehicle registers and suitable legal frameworks, or with manual enforcement by tolling officers. The widespread deployment of DSRC On-board Units (OBU’s) have enabled a market for additional services such as fuel-payment, parking, ferry tickets, and access control. This has in turn driven a need for better handheld DSRC enforcement technology. Previous technology within this field is characterized by adaptions of technology for tolling, proprietary solutions and special purpose products unfit for general use in a wider application area. This paper describes the user-centric analysis and development adopted for a generic handheld enforcement transceiver with open interfaces creating a platform for future open solution innovation within the segment