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Paper Title

Cooperative Relative Positioning Scheme for V2X Safety Application

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0387
  • Lei Du
  • Research Institue of Highway, Ministry of Transport, P.R.C.
  • China


Cooperative positioning (CP) is one of the core functions in cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) which is designed to increase the positioning accuracy via wireless communication between vehicles and infrastructures. Commonly, high accuracy absolute pos...Lead moreCooperative positioning (CP) is one of the core functions in cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) which is designed to increase the positioning accuracy via wireless communication between vehicles and infrastructures. Commonly, high accuracy absolute positioning can't be achieved because of complex city environment, while high accuracy relative positioning can be acquired by combining the information both from the vehicle sensor and the V2X communication. In this paper, a novel CP scheme is proposed for the curve warning scenario with limited GNSS by utilizing the received WSM from adjacent vehicles and on board sensors includes millimeter microwave radar and inertial sensor unit. The information fusion process was supported by an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The whole safety scenario is analyzed by computer simulation built by the traffic and communication co-simulation software Dylsim, and the result shows the feasibility of the method.

Paper Title

The analysis of sudden braking event using event-data-recorder data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0386
  • Kentaro Kondo
  • Fujitsu Ltd.
  • Japan


Data from event data recorders (EDRs) were used to analyze sudden braking events to investigate the driver’s cautiousness against the possible emergence of objects on the road ahead, typically appearing behind from a blind corner. The driver’s cautiousness was examined by...Lead moreData from event data recorders (EDRs) were used to analyze sudden braking events to investigate the driver’s cautiousness against the possible emergence of objects on the road ahead, typically appearing behind from a blind corner. The driver’s cautiousness was examined by the existence of preceding deceleration before sudden braking recorded in EDR accelerometer data. Such driver’s preceding behavior was validated by visually checking the actual appearing time of an object in the video records from EDR data.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0384
  • Kenta Yamazaki
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Japan


In this paper, driving operation by focusing on what is done in unconscious, it is considered to be able to build a driver model by the mental load of the disturbance. We focus on human’s readiness potential that the electrokinetic potential ingenerates about 0.3 seconds ...Lead moreIn this paper, driving operation by focusing on what is done in unconscious, it is considered to be able to build a driver model by the mental load of the disturbance. We focus on human’s readiness potential that the electrokinetic potential ingenerates about 0.3 seconds before the conscious potential. Formulating a hypothesis based on the electrokinetic potential ingenerate before the conscious potential, driving operations are considered to be reactive behaviors that the drivers settle their behavior unconsciously. The driving operations are configured two elements of the cognition and the operations. We consider the driving model which expressed by the area of using driver’s brain. The active region of their brain divided into unconscious area and conscious area. Increase of the conscious area considered to press the unconscious area, and this influences driving behavior. In this paper, we give dual tasks to subjects, and set the context that unconscious area pressed by the conscious area. In this situation, the correlation of the subtask and driving behavior is verified by measuring driving behavior changes. In the experiments, the dual tasks are a mental arithmetic problem and a listening problem. The subjects drive without giving subtasks until they will get used to drive.

Paper Title

Gaze-based signage recognition for parking navigation system

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0382
  • Kazuyo Yoshimura
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Advanced Technology R&D Center
  • Japan


We propose a parking navigation system, especially for connected cars, which estimates a driver’s intention from his/her gaze movement, and navigates to the parking space he/she looks at. The parking signage the driver gazes at is detected using a camera and an eye tracke...Lead moreWe propose a parking navigation system, especially for connected cars, which estimates a driver’s intention from his/her gaze movement, and navigates to the parking space he/she looks at. The parking signage the driver gazes at is detected using a camera and an eye tracker in the vehicle, and the signage image data taken by the camera is matched with a parking information database in the cloud to identify the parking space. Then the system provides the driver with detailed information on the parking space, and navigates there if desired. Our preliminary experiment showed that a prototype of parking signage recognition, a characteristic processing in our proposed system, recognized around 50% of parking signages when a driver gazed at them.

Paper Title

Verification of the GNSS Positioning Accuracy and sky view factor

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0381
  • Masayuki YAGI
  • Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited
  • Japan


Application technology for GNSS positioning data will be a vital element in introducing autonomous cars and travel-distance-based electronic toll-collection systems on Japan’s roads in the future. In Europe, GNSS positioning technology is already applied in expressway tol...Lead moreApplication technology for GNSS positioning data will be a vital element in introducing autonomous cars and travel-distance-based electronic toll-collection systems on Japan’s roads in the future. In Europe, GNSS positioning technology is already applied in expressway toll collection. But in Japan, the technology is used only to display travel history on vehicle navigation devices and is not yet fully applied in driving-assistance systems or for collecting tolls. The authors have conducted basic research examining the accuracy of the current GNSS positioning for vehicles travelling on expressways in Japan, as the technology will be vital in introducing driving-assistance and travel-distanced-based toll-collection systems on Japanese roads in the future.

Paper Title

Automatic Braking and Lane-keeping Design for Driver Assistance System

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0380
  • Ping-Ming Hsu
  • Automotive Re
  • Chinese-Taipei


A driver assistance system has the function of combining with automatic braking and lane-keeping is presented in this paper. The lane keeping system is designed to assist driver not to cross the lane when the driver is distracted. This is a class of automatic lateral cont...Lead moreA driver assistance system has the function of combining with automatic braking and lane-keeping is presented in this paper. The lane keeping system is designed to assist driver not to cross the lane when the driver is distracted. This is a class of automatic lateral control assistance system. Another kind of automatic longitudinal control assistance system is designed to prevent the collision with the obstacle in front of vehicle, named autonomous emergency braking system. However, to integrate both lateral and longitudinal automatic control system into one driving assistance system involves with adequate control strategy so that the action of these two automatic control systems do not contradict each other. This paper presents the system architecture for lane keeping and automatic braking respectively. Moreover, the driver assistance system is integrated these two functions is also discussed. The experimental results show the performance of longitudinal and lateral dynamic control and the domination between two active control systems is logical.

Paper Title

Verification of the Detection of Raised Profile Line Marikings by Millimeter-Wave Radar

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0379
  • Kotaro Ishimoto
  • Japan


We verified the performance of the detection of raised profile line markings by using millimeter-wave radar. The development of automated driving technology has advanced in recent years. And automated driving must provide robustness in regards to the natural environment. ...Lead moreWe verified the performance of the detection of raised profile line markings by using millimeter-wave radar. The development of automated driving technology has advanced in recent years. And automated driving must provide robustness in regards to the natural environment. Accordingly, in this paper, we have verified the performance of the detection of raised profile line markings by using a millimeter-wave radar, which has robustness in regards to the natural environment. From the results of our evaluation, we confirmed that the ribs on raised profile line markings can be detected by the emission of signals from a millimeter-wave radar. Additionally, we were able to confirm that raised profile line markings can be stably detected by using processing that improves the gain. In the future, the use of this technology can contribute to the development of automated driving that provides robustness in regards to the natural environment. The contents of this paper include some results obtained during the “Development and Verification of Lane Marker Detection System in All-Weather Condition”, a commissioned project of the Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0377
  • Yosuke Takeuchi
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • Japan


ETC systems are being introduced in the developing countries with aiming smooth traffic, and DSRC method has been employed in many cases while various ETC communication methods are available in the market. The DSRC can be classified into 2 methods, namely Active method an...Lead moreETC systems are being introduced in the developing countries with aiming smooth traffic, and DSRC method has been employed in many cases while various ETC communication methods are available in the market. The DSRC can be classified into 2 methods, namely Active method and Passive method, and furthermore, RFID method has also been employed for ETC system in recent years. Thus, in the current situation in Vietnam, such different methods of ETC communication could voluntarily be employed by ETC concessionaires, regardless of geographic relationship of the other concessionaires' tolling sites. In that case, interoperability among the different communication methods will contribute to enhance the road user's convenience. We implemented Hybrid DSRC Trial for Integrated ETC in Vietnam to cope with the interoperability, and the performance was demonstrated as the result. From this onward, we are planning to propose the Hybrid DSRC System for actual ETC projects.

Paper Title

The start of ITS operation in the New Traffic Control Center

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0374
  • Masayuki Tokuda
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


One decade has passed since the previous road traffic control system was implemented in the Traffic Control Center of Kanto Regional Head Office, and the operation of a higher grade road traffic control system has started in February, 2016. As a new ITS, the following con...Lead moreOne decade has passed since the previous road traffic control system was implemented in the Traffic Control Center of Kanto Regional Head Office, and the operation of a higher grade road traffic control system has started in February, 2016. As a new ITS, the following contents are reported: 1. Utilization of probe data 2. Traffic control centers resistant against disasters 3. Functional enhancement of traffic control vehicles 4. Operating traffic control center

Paper Title

Feasibility study of identifying passable routes after disasters made from ETC2.0 probe data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0372
  • Tomoaki Mizutani
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, MLIT
  • Japan


Since 2010, MLIT has installed 1,600 “ITS Spot” along major expressways throughout Japan. ITS Spot allows provision of road traffic information to vehicles equipped with ETC 2.0 OBU, and furthermore allows the collection of probe data, such as the vehicle’s driving histor...Lead moreSince 2010, MLIT has installed 1,600 “ITS Spot” along major expressways throughout Japan. ITS Spot allows provision of road traffic information to vehicles equipped with ETC 2.0 OBU, and furthermore allows the collection of probe data, such as the vehicle’s driving history. It is called ETC2.0 probe data that probe information collected from ITS Spot.. NILIM is researching methods to analysis of vehicle driving routes making use of ETC 2.0 probe data. Grasping travel routes can allow analysis of the effects of newly opened routes and understanding of road conditions after typhoons or other disasters. This paper studies the application of ETC 2.0 probe data after disasters that focus to changes in travel routes due to roads made impassable after disasters.

Paper Title

Provision of traffic and supporting information together affects tourist travel behavior

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0368
  • Masatoshi Sugita
  • Japan Road Traffic Informatiou Center
  • Japan


Drivers who have access to road traffic information are able to utilize it and adjust the travel behavior accordingly based on the information available, in order to achieve smooth transport by making a detour to avoid congested areas or changing the departure time. Howev...Lead moreDrivers who have access to road traffic information are able to utilize it and adjust the travel behavior accordingly based on the information available, in order to achieve smooth transport by making a detour to avoid congested areas or changing the departure time. However, when traveling in tourist areas with which drivers are unfamiliar, drivers would not know which road they should take to avoid congested areas, thus in most cases, it is difficult for them to select the most appropriate travel behavior. In this study, we conducted verification experiments in Kyoto and Okinawa, both being major tourist destinations in Japan, targeting tourists traveling in these two cities. In the experiments, we provided additional information, “supporting information”, which is detour options and recommended tourists attractions, together with traffic information when the routes to reach their destinations are congested, and we confirmed that it could possibly alter their travel behavior.

Paper Title

Success of Red Light Camera System in Bangkok

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0367
  • Amornchai Leelakajonjit
  • Royal Thai Police
  • Thailand


In Thailand, there is high number of fatal road accidents over 24,237 deaths in 2013 (WHO, 2015). This road accident death rate is about 36.2 per 100,000 population which is the second highest in the world (WHO, 2015). One of accident contribution factors is traffic signa...Lead moreIn Thailand, there is high number of fatal road accidents over 24,237 deaths in 2013 (WHO, 2015). This road accident death rate is about 36.2 per 100,000 population which is the second highest in the world (WHO, 2015). One of accident contribution factors is traffic signal violation at intersections. Royal Thai Police implemented automatic red light camera system at 30 intersections in Bangkok. This system issues red light violation tickets over 4,000 in the beginning of implementation. The effect of this system improves driving behavior in Bangkok and reduces number of red light violation tickets to 67,037 tickets in 2014 or 184 tickets per day (TPD, 2015). This study found that during 6 years of implementation road accidents in Bangkok reduce 43%, number of casualties reduce 12%, number of fatalities reduce 37% according to number of accidents from traffic signal violation reduces 37% (RTP, 2016). This system returns road safety benefit about 4,089 million Bath or 112 million USD. And, benefit-cost ratio for red light camera system in Bangkok is 22.72.

Paper Title

Effort to Improve the Service in Expressways by Utilizing Big Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0366
  • Yasushi Kimura
  • Nexco-East Innovation & Communications Company Limited
  • Japan


East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., (NEXCO East, Japan) which constructs and manages expressways in the eastern Japan area covering from Tokyo to Hokkaido, is attempting to use various kinds of big data in order to further improve the expressway service. This paper presents...Lead moreEast Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., (NEXCO East, Japan) which constructs and manages expressways in the eastern Japan area covering from Tokyo to Hokkaido, is attempting to use various kinds of big data in order to further improve the expressway service. This paper presents actions taken by NEXCO East to improve the expressway service using the usage details information of ETC (electronic toll collection system) used by about 90% of about 2.7 million vehicles traveling in NEXCO East’s coverage area per day.

Paper Title

A Study on System for Finding Hit-and-Run Based on CCTVs

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0362
  • MiraeNS
  • South Korea


This study is about system for finding hit-and-run using CCTVs, it figures out the circumstance about surrounding environment by various data which is collected by CCTVs, black boxes, sensors in relevant area. It minimizes economic loss about finding hit-and-run drivers t...Lead moreThis study is about system for finding hit-and-run using CCTVs, it figures out the circumstance about surrounding environment by various data which is collected by CCTVs, black boxes, sensors in relevant area. It minimizes economic loss about finding hit-and-run drivers through automatically showing videos of the drivers by time-lines, also, an increased the arresting rate is look for. Besides, the system would be utilized for integrated security control centre, moreover, large-scale of secure application system, such as smart city, u-airport, etc. Last of all, it would provide reliable service of high quality depending on whether enhancing of based on infrastructure.

Paper Title

The effect of the Congestion Relief by the Moving Light Guide System

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0361
  • Hiroyuki Kameoka
  • Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. (C-NEXCO) has been conducting the field research of increasing lower speed vehicles’ velocity, and equalizing following distances by affected driver’s speed recognition and awakened driver’s light following emotion with Moving Light Gui...Lead moreCentral Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. (C-NEXCO) has been conducting the field research of increasing lower speed vehicles’ velocity, and equalizing following distances by affected driver’s speed recognition and awakened driver’s light following emotion with Moving Light Guide System (MLGS) installed along a road shoulder. We installed MLGS along expressway road shoulder where traffic congestion occurred frequently. Then we analysed the flow rate and the vehicle movement for both congested and non-congested situation in a congestion relief point of view. We found that the trend of vehicle velocity homogenized, and the throughput after congestion increased statistically significant with MLGS.

Paper Title

Investigation of Registration, Driver Licensing and Insurance Issues Associated with Automated Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0360
  • Michael Regan
  • ARRB Group
  • Australia


Highly automated vehicles that are able to drive themselves for extended periods of time are expected to be introduced on Australian roads before the end of this decade. This paper presents the findings of a collaborative research study commissioned by Austroads, and unde...Lead moreHighly automated vehicles that are able to drive themselves for extended periods of time are expected to be introduced on Australian roads before the end of this decade. This paper presents the findings of a collaborative research study commissioned by Austroads, and undertaken by the ARRB Group, Australia’s national road transport research agency, to assess the registration, licensing and insurance issues relevant in preparing Australia and New Zealand for testing and wide-scale deployment of highly autonomous and self-driving vehicles.

Paper Title

Time Required for Take-Over from Automated to Manual Driving when Exiting Highway

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0355
  • Arata Takada
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Japan


Automation of the vehicle can be expected to improve safety, comfortable and efficiency, and developed. The SAE working group defined “On-roads Automated Vehicle Standards Committee” was established in 2011. Level 0: Systems cannot execute longitudinal or lateral control....Lead moreAutomation of the vehicle can be expected to improve safety, comfortable and efficiency, and developed. The SAE working group defined “On-roads Automated Vehicle Standards Committee” was established in 2011. Level 0: Systems cannot execute longitudinal or lateral control. Level 1: Systems execute parts of the dynamic driving task. Level 2: Systems execute the lateral and longitudinal control dynamic driving subtasks completely with the driver in the loop execute. Level 3: Systems allow the driver to run his attention away from the complete dynamic driving task. Level 4: Systems do not have those restrictions. Level 5: Systems can accomplish the complete journey from origin to destination in a high automation. Currently, feasible automation level is Level 3 and take-over from automated to manual driving is needed when the automated system overs at this level. In this situation, required time for take-over is an important issue. In the Level 3 Automated systems, for applying to the highway driving, a take-over from automated to manual driving at the entrance and exit of interchanges is needed. The issue here is that whether the take-over from automated to manual driving is operational while the driver is accustom to a long time, automated driving.

Paper Title

A Feasiblility Study on Traffic Safety Effect of Cooperative ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0352
  • Tag-young KIM
  • The Korea Transport Institute
  • Republic of Korea


So for now, there has been few studies on their effect analysis on traffic safety although they are new technology based systems and not yet deployed for commercial purpose. Thus, this paper has proposed a new method to macroscopically analyse the effect of Cooperative IT...Lead moreSo for now, there has been few studies on their effect analysis on traffic safety although they are new technology based systems and not yet deployed for commercial purpose. Thus, this paper has proposed a new method to macroscopically analyse the effect of Cooperative ITS(C-ITS) on traffic safety effect. To implement this purpose, first, it is necessary to review the existing methods related to effect analysis of the C-ITS services. Second, we have fully examined C-ITS based service applications and their features, which have been obtained from the filed operational tests(FOTs) in the world for applicability in the future, and then selected a set of traffic safety related 16 services. Third, we have collected various traffic accident data with many types of categories such as road, crash, time, place, and weather as well as human factors. Fourth, they have been matched by comparing use cases of each service application and category based accident scenarios, and finally investigated by identifying if each service application can prevent the target accident scenario.

Paper Title

Advanced traffic monitoring system for expressways

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0351
  • Sadaaki Hattori
  • West Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


West Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO-WEST) is now promoting to introduce a remote monitoring system in order to start a fully automated (unmanned) toll gate operation. However, the remote monitoring system contains complicated problems along to an increase of the...Lead moreWest Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO-WEST) is now promoting to introduce a remote monitoring system in order to start a fully automated (unmanned) toll gate operation. However, the remote monitoring system contains complicated problems along to an increase of the cameras. To solve the problems, we installed a new monitoring system which integrated that multi-cameras capture cameras’ images and processed lens distortion correction, viewpoint conversion and image synthesis. The system aims at helping tollgate staffs to recognize what happens at and around the tollgate.

Paper Title

Statistical approach to improve accuracy of traffic speed fused from various sensors

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0348
  • Sok Ee Poh
  • Land Transport Authority of Singapore
  • Singapore


Reliable, accurate and consistent traffic information is crucial for motorists, traffic management and policy makers to obtain accurate road condition sensing and make informed decisions. Traffic information is collected from a wide variety of ground sensors, processed an...Lead moreReliable, accurate and consistent traffic information is crucial for motorists, traffic management and policy makers to obtain accurate road condition sensing and make informed decisions. Traffic information is collected from a wide variety of ground sensors, processed and disseminated for various purposes. In the traffic data processing chain, data collected via different sensors are fused based on the weightages assigned to each data collection methods. As part of The Land Transport Authority’s continuous effort in enhancing the quality of traffic data, it was observed that this weightage distribution can be adjusted to further improve the traffic speed accuracy and better reflect actual road traffic conditions. This paper describes the statistical analysis conducted to identify the appropriate weightages and assessment of impact via improvement studies. Recommendation from this study was adopted and progressively implemented in several ITS systems’ fusion algorithm.

Paper Title

Effect Evaluation of Cooperative ITS Services

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0346
  • Yoshiyuki Ikeda
  • UTMS Society of Japan
  • Japan


In addition to autonomous systems using radar, cameras, and other sensors, research is progressing into cooperative intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that use wireless infrastructure-to-vehicle (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to notify drivers of i...Lead moreIn addition to autonomous systems using radar, cameras, and other sensors, research is progressing into cooperative intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that use wireless infrastructure-to-vehicle (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to notify drivers of information from areas outside the field of view. The safety support systems by V2I communication are called Driving Safety Support Systems (DSSS). To help identify the characteristics of appropriate intersections for DSSS application, this paper describes the planning and effect of public road tests in which driving behavior is compared with and without DSSS based on images obtained from roadside cameras. An analytic image data acquisition system is currently being developed to help facilitate this project.

Paper Title

Human Skeleton Recognition using 3D Depth Camera on Vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0343
  • Yoshihisa Asayama
  • Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
  • Japan


We developed a technology that recognizes a driver's skeleton with a 3D depth camera to achieve a highly accurate grasp posture of the driver, with the aim of supporting safe driving, among other things. The previous Reeb Graph method is not accurate enough to correctly r...Lead moreWe developed a technology that recognizes a driver's skeleton with a 3D depth camera to achieve a highly accurate grasp posture of the driver, with the aim of supporting safe driving, among other things. The previous Reeb Graph method is not accurate enough to correctly recognize the skeleton according to the posture of the driver. The proposed method achieved a highly accurate skeleton recognition that didn’t depend on posture by separating the body and the arm ahead, and tracking the part with small shape variation. We compared the proposed method and the previous Reeb Graph for the posture of 19 patterns. The proposed method confirmed higher skeleton recognition performance than the conventional method.

Paper Title

An analysis of probe data deriving from a road management system

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0341
  • katsuhiko nakamura
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


East Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO-East) uses a road management system to evaluate real-time visibility in snow with images captured by on-board cameras for the winter road management in Hokkaido, Japan. Because the system records images and location informatio...Lead moreEast Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO-East) uses a road management system to evaluate real-time visibility in snow with images captured by on-board cameras for the winter road management in Hokkaido, Japan. Because the system records images and location information simultaneously at a short and fixed interval, we thought these records can be used as probe data to trace speed changes of the vehicles with no additional cost. We have processed the data derived from this system, and confirmed they clearly coincided with the congestion record from the conventional method. In addition, this system is unique in that the cause of speed decline can be identified by reviewing the recorded images; for example, by sag, by snowfall, or by other reasons. Although the number of the vehicles with on-board cameras exclusive to this system is limited, there is a scope for further improvement.

Paper Title

Registration of oblique aerial images in mountainous areas using DEM

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0339
  • Kota Suzuki
  • Shizuoka University
  • Japan


In this paper, we propose a robust method for registration of oblique aerial images in mountainous areas to 2D maps. This method helps to grasp passable roads when a large-scale disaster occurs. Matching between aerial images and satellite images is difficult. However, us...Lead moreIn this paper, we propose a robust method for registration of oblique aerial images in mountainous areas to 2D maps. This method helps to grasp passable roads when a large-scale disaster occurs. Matching between aerial images and satellite images is difficult. However, useful objects do not exist in mountainous areas. In addition, registration of aerial images with an oblique angle is difficult. We propose a method that is applicable in the oblique videos in the mountainous areas. Our method use digital elevation models (DEM). We estimate camera poses of each frame by optimizing re-projection errors. In order to perform global alignment, we use shadow areas between the DEM and aerial images. As a result, our proposed method realizes registration between the aerial images and 2D maps by considering terrain.

Paper Title

Cluster analysis of Beijing public bicycle stations using behavioral dataset

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0337
  • zheng zhang
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Public Bicycle in Beijing (PBB) was launched in June 2012 with about 2,000 bicycles and 63 stations initially expanding to about 30,000 bicycles and 823 stations by the end of 2014 resulting from the serious traffic jam and longer trip distance. Although new technological...Lead morePublic Bicycle in Beijing (PBB) was launched in June 2012 with about 2,000 bicycles and 63 stations initially expanding to about 30,000 bicycles and 823 stations by the end of 2014 resulting from the serious traffic jam and longer trip distance. Although new technological improvements result in the widespread adoption of PBB, the modal share for bicycles is still decreasing. An appropriate location of bicycle station would contribute a lot to popularizing PBB, unfortunately little studies of the operation patterns of differently distributed stations has taken place. The metrics of operation efficiency for stations are often too general or incomparable to others making relative evaluations of different types stations. So intensity and operation characteristics are involved in this paper. We focus our study on PBB stations by aggregating user`s trip data at the station level. Then, we group stations into seven clusters. Further, some statistics in a buffer zone of 250m around each station are introduced. Two categories, imbalanced stations and balanced stations, consisting of a wide range of station clusters are presented. Variables like population and accessibility to public transit have shaped these two categories. The results of the analysis can be of benefit to PBB station planning.

Paper Title

Virtual experience and dynamic evaluation system of distracted driving

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0334
  • Ying Yao
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


By means of investigating and analysing distracted driving behaviour caused by taxi drivers using cab-hailing apps (like Uber in China) when they driving, we evaluated the effects of distracted driving from the viewpoint of safety ,comfort of driver and smoothness of traf...Lead moreBy means of investigating and analysing distracted driving behaviour caused by taxi drivers using cab-hailing apps (like Uber in China) when they driving, we evaluated the effects of distracted driving from the viewpoint of safety ,comfort of driver and smoothness of traffic flow. According to the actual research, we designed the virtual driving scenario and got driver’s distracted driving behaviour data. Then through search results of literature, we selected several driving behaviour indicators which can most reflect driving safety characteristics. Meanwhile, we mapped the real-time driving behaviour’s data from driving simulator to traffic flow model VISSIM, and selected several indicators which may influence traffic flow. And through comparative analysis, we established an evaluation system about driving safety and smoothness. Finally, we build a virtual experience of distracted driving and dynamic evaluation system based on “simulator+”, and realize the goal of experience, evaluation, generalization and education of distracted driving.

Paper Title

Joint public–private research for the realization of next-generation C-ITS in Japan

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0332
  • Gaku OHTAKE
  • Japan


The NILIM is conducting joint public–private research with sixteen private companies for the realization of next-generation cooperative ITS (C-ITS). As part of this, it is investigating the services and systems that C-ITS should provide. Step 1 of this research (Sept 2012...Lead moreThe NILIM is conducting joint public–private research with sixteen private companies for the realization of next-generation cooperative ITS (C-ITS). As part of this, it is investigating the services and systems that C-ITS should provide. Step 1 of this research (Sept 2012–Mar 2014) resulted in a wide range of strategies desired by the Japanese government and features desired by researchers. From among these, Step 2 (Apr 2015–Mar 2017) will focus on investigating themes of advanced road management, safe driving support, and common platforms. This paper reports on the status of each.

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The effective control method for over-weight heavy trucks using toll charging devices

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0331
  • Hideki TAKAHASHI
  • Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya Co., Ltd.,
  • Japan


Every day, 1.9 million vehicles use expressway in Central Nippon Expressway area. According to the survey at all Japan expressway in 2011-2013, about 25% of heavy trucks was over axial as over-weight on expressway. These over-weight trucks damage road structure such as pa...Lead moreEvery day, 1.9 million vehicles use expressway in Central Nippon Expressway area. According to the survey at all Japan expressway in 2011-2013, about 25% of heavy trucks was over axial as over-weight on expressway. These over-weight trucks damage road structure such as pavement, bridges and concrete floor slabs seriously. The traffic accidents caused by over-weight heavy trucks, give tremendous damage for other vehicles, road structure and road facilities. We indicate drivers to be over axle load of over-weight trucks, and order to go out expressway at next IC in NEXCO Central managing expressway. But all drivers did not obey these order. Then we investigated the effective and reasonable over-weight truck control system using toll charging devices at expressway.

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Delivery of travel time information by using Bluetooth technology

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0330
  • Hisanaga Sato
  • Central Nippon Highway Engineering Tokyo Company Limited
  • Japan


Chuo Expressway, specifically in the section between Takaido Interchange (IC) and Hachioji IC (25.8km), contains heavy traffic, which produces frequent congestions in every morning and early evening, so it is difficult to set work zones or lane closure (Figure 1). Thus, N...Lead moreChuo Expressway, specifically in the section between Takaido Interchange (IC) and Hachioji IC (25.8km), contains heavy traffic, which produces frequent congestions in every morning and early evening, so it is difficult to set work zones or lane closure (Figure 1). Thus, NEXCO-Central has employed the intensive works project since 2010. This project is to consolidate almost of all the annually planned maintenance and repair works within two weeks, with 24/7 continuous lane closures. During the project, drivers are forced frequent stop-and-go drive that caused long travel time. Therefore, NEXCO-Central developed a new travel time information system with using Bluetooth technology in order to increase the reliability of travel time information. The result shows that this system is more effective when the traffic is forced to be extremely low or frequent stop-and-go, by comparison with floating survey.

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Study of resting behavior on inter-urban expressways using ETC2.0 probe data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0327
  • Shoichi HIRAI
  • Nippon Expressway Research Institute Company Limited
  • Japan


Resting is a part of long drive to keep both drivers and vehicles relax and safe. The Nippon Expressway Companies (NEXCO) which administrate the inter-urban expressways in Japan provide with two types of resting place, service areas (SA) and parking areas (PA). As for the...Lead moreResting is a part of long drive to keep both drivers and vehicles relax and safe. The Nippon Expressway Companies (NEXCO) which administrate the inter-urban expressways in Japan provide with two types of resting place, service areas (SA) and parking areas (PA). As for the administrator, NEXCO is interested in the smooth operation and the fully utilization of SA/PAs through the informative guidance taking account the drivers’ resting behavior. However, there is less knowledge on the drivers’ resting behavior during long drive and further investigation on this topic is expected. In order to survey the resting behavior on inter-urban expressways, we have been using ETC2.0 probe data. The ETC2.0 probe data may allow us to extract individual resting behaviors by tracking successive travel data on expressways. In this paper, we describe the procedure for the extraction of resting behaviors. And the preliminary profiling and the analysis on the microscopic resting behavior model to be implemented on the inter-urban expressway network simulator will be discussed.

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Nighttime pedestrian detection by onboard monocular camera

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0326
  • Yuki Takata
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Japan


Currently, devices which are equipped with pedestrian detection technology have begun to install for the safety of pedestrians. Since only legs of a pedestrian illuminated by host headlamps are visible at night, these are difficult to capture a shape of a pedestrian. As a...Lead moreCurrently, devices which are equipped with pedestrian detection technology have begun to install for the safety of pedestrians. Since only legs of a pedestrian illuminated by host headlamps are visible at night, these are difficult to capture a shape of a pedestrian. As a countermeasure, devices are equipped using an infrared camera for the night environment. Because of high cost, these have an issue that consumers are difficult to introduce them. Therefore this paper proposes a detection method of nighttime pedestrian by the monocular camera. We select pedestrian candidate regions by distinguishing optical flow of the legs and background in the image. The pedestrian candidate region is selected by erasing small optical flows and quantizing the direction. In addition, this study focused on that the change of the legs of the pedestrian shape. Vertical edge histograms of legs of the pedestrian greatly change because the shapes of the legs change for walking. We clarify the pedestrian shape by applying a local normalization to less visible upper body shape of the pedestrian candidate region. We extract the pedestrian like shape by binarization on the normalized area. By estimating the human similarity of the extracted shape, we classify the pedestrian.

Paper Title

Clustering analysis of link-based traffic pattern of urban network

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0325
  • Hee-jin Jung
  • Korea Institute of Science Technology Information
  • Japan


This paper studies an inference of traffic condition including non-congested, moderate, congested traffic condition on a link of urban road network with signalized intersections. Average link travel speed based on the global positioning system (GPS) data of car navigation...Lead moreThis paper studies an inference of traffic condition including non-congested, moderate, congested traffic condition on a link of urban road network with signalized intersections. Average link travel speed based on the global positioning system (GPS) data of car navigation system built in a probe vehicle is used to infer the traffic condition. It is difficult accurately to estimate the traffic condition using the data of probe vehicles because of sparsity of sampled data and fixed delay caused by traffic devices such as traffic signal. In this study, a historical data of average link travel speed is considered as additional information representing link traffic flow characteristics, and Links of the road network are temporally and spatially clustered into several clusters using a multivariate analysis method such as the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Each cluster is graphically analysed, and a Multimodal Probability Density Function (MPDF) of each traffic condition is derived for each link cluster. The observations of a probe vehicle that travelled through a link are classified and converted to probability of congestion by the MPDF. The model would be verified by MSE calculated by average difference between observations and estimates of the suggested method.

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Geo-registration of Aerial Images for Grasping Road Situation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0322
  • Rei Kojima
  • Shizuoka University
  • Japan


In the aftermath of a disaster, it is important to rapidly grasp the road conditions and traffic situations over wide areas for rescue and evacuation. We can obtain information in wide areas from aerial images taken from helicopters or UAVs. To utilize the information, th...Lead moreIn the aftermath of a disaster, it is important to rapidly grasp the road conditions and traffic situations over wide areas for rescue and evacuation. We can obtain information in wide areas from aerial images taken from helicopters or UAVs. To utilize the information, the geo-spatial registration of the consecutive aerial images is useful. A local registration technique that uses image-to-image registration is effective, but we need to correct the accumulating errors by associating the image to a map. We have proposed a registration method that focuses on roads on the ground. We detect roads and track them over frames in a video to keep consistency between each frame and a map. This method realizes robust registration even if images are taken obliquely above from aerial vehicles.

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Analysis of relationship between fare structure and passenger behaviour using smartcard data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0319
  • Hiroshi Shimamoto
  • University of Miyazaki
  • Japan


As the fare systems of different public transport operators vary different not only in amount of charge per distance but also in the complexity of the fare structure, the fare structure may affect the traveller’s behaviour. This study analyse the relationship between the ...Lead moreAs the fare systems of different public transport operators vary different not only in amount of charge per distance but also in the complexity of the fare structure, the fare structure may affect the traveller’s behaviour. This study analyse the relationship between the fare system in the public transportation system and the passengers’ behaviour. Price cap is adopted as an example of the fare system. We firstly compare the price cap system and the duration time of each trip or activity. As the result, it was confirmed that price cap brings to reduce the duration of activity but it does not brings to reduce the travel time. Secondly, we categorise travellers based on the similarity of the activity pattern and then compared the price cap system and the activity pattern. As the result, it was confirmed that the price cap system contribute to the diversity of travellers’ activity pattern.

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Local adaptive network reconstruction strategy for V2X

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0313
  • Lei Du
  • Research Institue of Highway, Ministry of Transport, P.R.C.
  • China


Information-theoretic public safety broadcast channel and vehicular service channels enable vehicle to transmit basic safety messages to adjacent nodes periodically or apply for infotainment data from access point of wide area network under the multi-channel operation in ...Lead moreInformation-theoretic public safety broadcast channel and vehicular service channels enable vehicle to transmit basic safety messages to adjacent nodes periodically or apply for infotainment data from access point of wide area network under the multi-channel operation in V2X includes many functional applications without consideration about the complex traffic environment. A novel network reconstruction strategy for V2X under variable environment is shown in this paper which attempt to improve efficiency of safety function and ensure the reliability of services can be achieved. All vehicles are assumed to estimate its own functional relability by collect information from adjacent vehicles, as most V2x appliations depend on information exchange. The core idea of the suggested strategy is to balance the relability according to desired function levels and the varying degrees of network load by estimating the wireless environment in the adaptive learning process based on Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model. Additionally, the effects on congestion control of wireless communication for parking lots scenarios are expressed at the same time with Monte Carlo simulation for verification which was built with the traffic and communication co-simulation software-Dylsim.

Paper Title

Feasibility Study on Novel System of Auto-parking with Human Cooperation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0312
  • Yuta Abe
  • Tokyo University of Science
  • Japan


Whenever we ride in an automobile, we must park it. Then, we want to avoid that very troublesome act if possible. In recent years, the parking assist system is becoming partially implementation. This conventional system mainly recognizes the parking space surrounded by th...Lead moreWhenever we ride in an automobile, we must park it. Then, we want to avoid that very troublesome act if possible. In recent years, the parking assist system is becoming partially implementation. This conventional system mainly recognizes the parking space surrounded by the lane. The auto-parking system have been studied previously. However, that system have an issue to depend on development of infrastructure at parking lots to detect the parking space. Then, the authors propose the novel system of auto-parking that drivers indicate parking position from the outside of the automobile and assist the environmental recognition. This system is another approach for auto-parking with human cooperation. Specifically, the driver parks using an on-board camera and the indication device which indicate parking position. An on-board camera detects the indication device, therefore the vehicle detect parking position. The method to detect indication device is based on Hough transformation and to calculate between the indicated position and the vehicle is based on on-board camera. Assuming some real parking positions, we evaluated those using the proposed method. These results show enough detection to park possible and possibility of the proposed system implementation.

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Field experiment of distribution support using ETC 2.0 probe data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0305
  • Tatsuyuki Negishi
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, MLIT
  • Japan


In recent years, distribution companies have faced an increasing number of problems, including increased fuel costs, aging drivers, and a shortage of younger drivers. To address these issues, there is a need for improved distribution efficiency through governmental polici...Lead moreIn recent years, distribution companies have faced an increasing number of problems, including increased fuel costs, aging drivers, and a shortage of younger drivers. To address these issues, there is a need for improved distribution efficiency through governmental policies. The National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management is therefore investigating support for improved distribution efficiency using ETC 2.0 uplink functions to provide private distribution companies with information on travel history and behavior history. This report provides an overview of distribution support field experiments currently underway and describes the system to provide private distribution companies with ETC 2.0 probe data. This report also describes initiatives toward full-scale operation.

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A Study on Information Provision to Tourists for Effective Usage of P&R

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0302
  • Nobuhiro Uno
  • Kyoto University
  • Japan


Park and Ride (P&R) can be regarded as one of feasible and effective traffic management measures to mitigate congestion but not to deteriorate the convenience of tourists so much. In order to enhance the usage of P&R facilities, this study focuses on the characteristics o...Lead morePark and Ride (P&R) can be regarded as one of feasible and effective traffic management measures to mitigate congestion but not to deteriorate the convenience of tourists so much. In order to enhance the usage of P&R facilities, this study focuses on the characteristics of tourists who tend to utilize the P&R based on questionnaire surveys so as to define the target tourists who should be intensively encouraged to shift to P&R from driving to the final destination. In addition, the effect of information provision through on-line navigation system such as VICS (Vehicle Information and Communication System) to tourist upon the usage of P&R facilities is analysed using Stated Preference Survey.

Paper Title

Traffic Information Provision for Route Choice between Toll and Non-toll Roads

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0295
  • Ricardo Sigua
  • Institute of Civil Engineering, University of the Philippines
  • Philippines


The paper presents the results of a study conducted to assess the feasibility of providing real time traffic information to road users in order to make correct decision when choosing between two routes in the same corridor i.e., two parallel roads one of which is a highwa...Lead moreThe paper presents the results of a study conducted to assess the feasibility of providing real time traffic information to road users in order to make correct decision when choosing between two routes in the same corridor i.e., two parallel roads one of which is a highway and the other a toll expressway. Currently, the expressway is equipped with detectors which can measure speed and traffic volume. CCTV cameras are also installed at strategic locations as part of monitoring traffic along the expressway. On the other hand, the highway (Manila North Road) does not provide any traffic information to its users.

Paper Title

Ways to regulate enforcement access and use of ITS personal information

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0291
  • James Williams
  • National Transport Commission
  • Australia


The reasonable use of ITS, and clarity of enforcement purposes, is important for three reasons: 1) ITS that do not meet minimum standards of performance and security could generate inaccurate data that, used as evidence, could result in a miscarriage of justice. 2) The in...Lead moreThe reasonable use of ITS, and clarity of enforcement purposes, is important for three reasons: 1) ITS that do not meet minimum standards of performance and security could generate inaccurate data that, used as evidence, could result in a miscarriage of justice. 2) The increased transparency of behaviour is open to abuse by officials who have the tools to target individuals without justification, or to zealously pursue small or incidental breaches. 3) Without certainty, operators and drivers are less likely to adopt innovative ITS technologies. Australian governments have regulated access to ITS personal information in a number of ways. This paper will compare two distinct and complementary approaches that have been adopted , and reflect on the success and lessons of these two approaches: 1. legislative controls and 2. a policy framework approach. Regulators need to be proactive about ITS and clearly indicate to operators and drivers how personal information will be managed; in what circumstances data will be accessed by regulators for an enforcement purpose, and what level of assurance is required of systems that are used for a regulatory purpose.