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Paper Title

Development of the Standard Architecture of China Urban Intelligent Bus Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0150
  • Xianglong Liu
  • China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Ministry of Transportation
  • China


Urban transit, especially the urban bus systems, received major attentions and rapid development as China moves into rapid urbanization. However, the available intelligent bus system and ITS standards lag much behind. China Ministry of Transport is currently in the major ...Lead moreUrban transit, especially the urban bus systems, received major attentions and rapid development as China moves into rapid urbanization. However, the available intelligent bus system and ITS standards lag much behind. China Ministry of Transport is currently in the major efforts to improve public transport, and has selected 37 cities to start the “urban intelligent bus system pilot project”, with more than 10M Yuan funding at each city from the MOT. These include the specifications on onboard equipment, intelligent scheduling, traveller information, and data exchange needed to unify system implementation. This paper summarizes the China ITS ATPS standards or the China urban intelligent bus system architecture, including the technical specifications on devices, communication protocols, data resource, and application software being implemented. The development efforts will update the intelligent urban bus system architecture to ensure interoperability among devices, protocols, databases, and application systems; increase the devices and system reusability; and integrate the operations among bus companies, bus industry, and management agencies.

Paper Title

Verify China National Urban Traffic Congestion Patterns through Location-Based Big Data Techniques

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0149
  • Cheng LI
  • China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Ministry of Transportation
  • China


This paper describes an updated China ITS Development that utilize the innovative, real-time, vehicular trajectory data from the taxi agencies and vehicular manufacturers to verify citywide traffic congestion, and provide traffic performance evaluation at the national lev...Lead moreThis paper describes an updated China ITS Development that utilize the innovative, real-time, vehicular trajectory data from the taxi agencies and vehicular manufacturers to verify citywide traffic congestion, and provide traffic performance evaluation at the national level. Several user-definable indicators, Data Sharing/Information Exchange Models, and evaluation platforms, including three (3) China National Congestion Indices, were developed and compared to measure traffic performance at various metropolitan size, location, and different traffic congestion conditions. The Congestion Indices and computation techniques, verified successfully through the research sponsored jointly by China Ministry of Transport (CNMOT), China Academy of Transport Science (CATS), and Volvo Research Foundation (VREF), are being integrated into the China National Standards (GB) for nationwide applications in “China Transit Metropolis Demonstration Project.”

Paper Title

Categorization of c-ITS Safety Services of Two-Wheeled Vehicles

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0145
  • JooYoung Kim
  • Korea National University of Transportation
  • Republic of Korea


While heavily emphasizing passenger cars and trucks, advanced cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems (c-ITS) safety services have yet considered two-wheeled vehicles in its development: bicycles and motorcycles. This paper delivers a study conducted to categorize c-ITS...Lead moreWhile heavily emphasizing passenger cars and trucks, advanced cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems (c-ITS) safety services have yet considered two-wheeled vehicles in its development: bicycles and motorcycles. This paper delivers a study conducted to categorize c-ITS safety services applicable for two-wheeled vehicles and consequently to provide engineers motivation to develop relative techniques and equipment. The authors suggest eight common safety services for two-wheeled vehicles in c-ITS environment by capturing the critical patterns and properties of the historical accident data collected in the Republic of Kora and by reflecting the professional insight from the advisory group of transportation engineers. The proposed eight services classified as ‘bicycle (or motorcycle) to everything (B2X)’ embrace the combination of the bicycle and the motorcycle safety services. Three of the services would be applicable in the near future, due to current availability of communication techniques, while the rest would require further development of the c-ITS infrastructure information systems.

Paper Title

LDM(Local Dynamic Map) Requirements Definition For Cooperative Automated Driving (Level2)

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0144
  • Jiyeon Lee
  • Republic of Korea


In 2015, a R&D project was carried out on the development of a smart cooperative automated driving road system in Korea, and the Project included the development of LDM for cooperative automated driving(Level 2). The purpose of this paper is to define LDM requirements for...Lead moreIn 2015, a R&D project was carried out on the development of a smart cooperative automated driving road system in Korea, and the Project included the development of LDM for cooperative automated driving(Level 2). The purpose of this paper is to define LDM requirements for cooperative automated driving(Level2). The research outcome is as follows; Firstly, cooperative automated driving Level2 and the level of deployed functions were defined based on the results of preceding studies on cooperative automated driving in advanced countries. Secondly, LDM functions which are required for the deployment of functions to be provided by cooperative automated driving (Level2) were defined. Lastly, requirements related to LDM functions were suggested.

Paper Title

The current situation and development of Beijing’s traffic management

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0137
  • Hongji Du
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


Road congestion charging is an effective means to solve the urban congestion problem. Congestion is indicative of traffic supply-demand contradictions resulted from the development inconsistency between urban traffic supply and demand. Congestion charging aims to relieve ...Lead moreRoad congestion charging is an effective means to solve the urban congestion problem. Congestion is indicative of traffic supply-demand contradictions resulted from the development inconsistency between urban traffic supply and demand. Congestion charging aims to relieve the urban traffic jam and manage traffic demand by collecting tolls from vehicles driving in specified sections and regions, so as to control the traffic demands and ease the congestion. This paper is focused on the current traffic situation and stated the development of Beijing’s traffic management, which is mainly about the congestion charging.

Paper Title

VPS (Vehicle Position System) with Bluetooth Beacon Technology

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0134
  • JJ Fan
  • YDT Technology International Co. Ltd.
  • Chinese-Taipei


In recent years due to the popularity of smart phones, using smart phones for payments is an inevitable trend. Ever since Apple introduced iBeacon technology in 2013/6, almost new smartphones offer this feature (i.e. Bluetooth Beacon). So another possible alternative is t...Lead moreIn recent years due to the popularity of smart phones, using smart phones for payments is an inevitable trend. Ever since Apple introduced iBeacon technology in 2013/6, almost new smartphones offer this feature (i.e. Bluetooth Beacon). So another possible alternative is to use GPS (Global Positioning System) technology as tolling solution. This GPS module can be either connected or embedded in a smart phone. Then using smart phone’s APP to check the GPS position whether is inside in pre-defined charging zones. However the accuracy of GPS will cause the false detection of charging zone, especially for those adjacent roads with different altitude levels. This paper proposes a combination of GSP and Bluetooth Beacon technologies to construct a new ETC tolling system, in which the cost of Bluetooth Beacon emitters installed on the road sides are quite cheap and only about 1/100 or less of the replaced transceivers. The basic idea is to use the Bluetooth Beacon receiver in a smartphone which can read the UIN (Unique Identification Number) from different roadside’s Beacon emitters as smartphones passing through those Beacon emitters. These UINs from different Beacon emitters can be used as triggers for various mobile payments or backend payments as ETC tolling.

Paper Title

A detection and analysis of elderly’s street-crossing behaviour for walking safety at non-signalized crosswalks

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0131
  • Jeong Ah Jang
  • Ajou University
  • Korea


In Korea, the elderly pedestrian accidents capture 25.9% of total number of pedestrian accidents and therefore it is essential to identify behavior patterns of the elderly pedestrian to reduce their accident rate for preparing aging society in the near future. In this pap...Lead moreIn Korea, the elderly pedestrian accidents capture 25.9% of total number of pedestrian accidents and therefore it is essential to identify behavior patterns of the elderly pedestrian to reduce their accident rate for preparing aging society in the near future. In this paper, we suggest a framework of crossing task for detecting a pedestrian’s walking behaviors in crosswalk. After that, we use a video-based detecting methodologies of crossing behavior of the pedestrians at unsignalized crosswalk and analysis the differences of crossing behavior indicators between elderly and non-elderly. Significant results were found. This results can be used at design of vehicle-to-pedestrian warning system or strategies of pedestrian safety system.

Paper Title

Implementation of an Integrated Traffic Management System

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0129
  • Chong Chee Chung
  • ST Electronics (Info-comm Systems) Pte Ltd.
  • Singapore


In this paper, the implementation of an Integrated Traffic Management Platform for the traffic control centers for three of the cities/regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabic will be presented. Some of the unique and innovation features developed and deployed for the integ...Lead moreIn this paper, the implementation of an Integrated Traffic Management Platform for the traffic control centers for three of the cities/regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabic will be presented. Some of the unique and innovation features developed and deployed for the integrated platform will be presented and discussed.

Paper Title

Next service with WIM for the sustainable expressway operations

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0127
  • Akifumi Shintaku
  • Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


Japan faces to urgent problem about aging expressway. The ministry of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism (MLIT) starts the full-scale maintenance cycle for aging roads on “efforts in the First Year of Maintenance Era”. Overloaded vehicle presents a threat to road...Lead moreJapan faces to urgent problem about aging expressway. The ministry of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism (MLIT) starts the full-scale maintenance cycle for aging roads on “efforts in the First Year of Maintenance Era”. Overloaded vehicle presents a threat to road safety is well known in general, but also to infrastructure, as they increase pavement wear, cracking and rutting, and thus can contribute to bridge fatigue damage. Particularly, overloaded vehicle are one of the biggest causes to damage pavements and bridges. The axle load particularly effects road infrastructure damage. For example, considering to the damage of bridge, the one truck of twenty ton axle loads effects about four thousands trucks of ten ton axle load. In order to solve these issues, we have started to carry out the 5-year action plan for large and overloaded vehicles, and also we have tackled some projects. One of them, we describe the next road maintenance and traffic operation service with WIM system. We conduct the field test about automatic enforcement by some kinds of systems, i.e. traffic monitoring and weigh-in-motion (WIM) with video camera, in FY2015 and start the enforcement in FY2016.

Paper Title

Examining driver`s injury severity in two-vehicle crashes: Case study in Toyota City

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0126
  • Jia Yang
  • TTRI (Toyota Transportation Research Institute)
  • Japan


This study investigates the injury severity of two drivers involved in two-vehicle crashes in the local city in Japan. The traffic accident data of two-vehicle crashes involving injuries or fatalities in Toyota City are used for empirical analysis. An ordered probit model...Lead moreThis study investigates the injury severity of two drivers involved in two-vehicle crashes in the local city in Japan. The traffic accident data of two-vehicle crashes involving injuries or fatalities in Toyota City are used for empirical analysis. An ordered probit model is proposed to measure the injury severity of drivers in two-vehicle crashes, and the injury severity of drivers from the same accident are supposed to be independent. The Gibbs Sampler algorithm is implemented to estimate unknown parameters in the proposed model. The major findings suggest: 1) that crashes occurring at night are more prone to high injury severity, compared to other time-periods; 2) that the collision types of head-on, crossing, right-turn cause higher injury severity of drivers, compared to rear-end collision; 3) that trucks are much stronger and have more resistance to two-vehicle crashes compared to passenger cars; 4) that drivers aged less than 25 years old and drivers aged equal to or more than 70 years old are less likely to be highly injured in two-vehicle crashes, compared to drivers aged between 25 and 69 years old.

Paper Title

Driver drowsiness detection to assess differences between states of drowsiness and relaxation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0120
  • Yasuhiko Nakano
  • Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
  • Japan


Heartbeat fluctuation analysis is considered to be one of the best methods to detect drowsiness and is considered to be useful in the prevention of traffic accidents caused by human error. However, it is known that it is difficult to distinguish between the states of drow...Lead moreHeartbeat fluctuation analysis is considered to be one of the best methods to detect drowsiness and is considered to be useful in the prevention of traffic accidents caused by human error. However, it is known that it is difficult to distinguish between the states of drowsiness and relaxation by heartbeat fluctuation analysis because the two states are close each other from the viewpoint of autonomous activity. This issue causes a deterioration in drowsiness detection accuracy. Here, we study a new technology to identify the differences between drowsiness and relaxation. According to our experiment, a new method could improve the accuracy of driver drowsiness detection.

Paper Title

New Approaches for Heavy Vehicle Traffic Management Using ETC2.0

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0113
  • Kazuya Tamada
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, MLIT
  • Japan


In Japan, measures for addressing aging of road infrastructure are a pressing concern. In particular, vehicles exceeding load limits have a large effect on the degradation of road infrastructure, so proper road use by heavy vehicles is needed. On the other hand, the effic...Lead moreIn Japan, measures for addressing aging of road infrastructure are a pressing concern. In particular, vehicles exceeding load limits have a large effect on the degradation of road infrastructure, so proper road use by heavy vehicles is needed. On the other hand, the efficiency of distribution needs to be improved by addressing the increasing size of vehicles and lessening burdens on freight operators. This report describes applications of ITS technologies toward initiatives for optimizing heavy-vehicle traffic while simultaneously smoothing distribution and making it more efficient.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0099
  • Masatoshi Ito
  • Japan


This paper is intended to report the simulator-based verification results of the influence of (i) communication time delays due to environmental factors, and (ii) position accuracy differences of mobile objects on the accident rate when edge computing and mobile communica...Lead moreThis paper is intended to report the simulator-based verification results of the influence of (i) communication time delays due to environmental factors, and (ii) position accuracy differences of mobile objects on the accident rate when edge computing and mobile communication are utilized to detect pedestrians.

Paper Title

Transport Engineering into the future – ripe for disruption?

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0097
  • Philip Blake
  • Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia
  • Australia


The range of engineering disciplines taught at Australian universities has slowly grown and some disciplines have adapted and expanded in scope over the last century. The large base engineering disciplines of civil / structural, mechanical and electrical / electronic are ...Lead moreThe range of engineering disciplines taught at Australian universities has slowly grown and some disciplines have adapted and expanded in scope over the last century. The large base engineering disciplines of civil / structural, mechanical and electrical / electronic are very longstanding. With the increasing prevalence of ITS, and its expanding scope and complexity, Systems and Software engineering has become critical to the success of ITS applications. Moreover the need for system architectural approaches is becoming more crucial to effective and sustainable ITS. However it is contended that there are ‘white spaces’, where the traditional engineering disciplines lack coverage of the transport engineering field. This paper poses questions to spark the conversation around the skills and knowledge needed by future transport engineers in the context of accelerating complexity in the paradigm of connected and automated vehicles within the Internet of Things.

Paper Title

Intelligent Transport Systems Developments in South Australia

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0096
  • Philip Blake
  • Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia
  • Australia


The purpose of this paper is to provide a cohesive overview of interesting and innovative Intelligent Transport Systems developments occurring in South Australia. This includes developments or adaptations for managed motorways, tunnel management, opening bridge management...Lead moreThe purpose of this paper is to provide a cohesive overview of interesting and innovative Intelligent Transport Systems developments occurring in South Australia. This includes developments or adaptations for managed motorways, tunnel management, opening bridge management, traffic signals, public transport and multi-modal traveller information and open data. South Australia is a leader in autonomous and connected vehicles, having hosted the first driverless vehicle trials in the Southern Hemisphere in November 2015. This followed the earlier ConnectSafe connected vehicle trial supported by the SA Motor Accident Commission. South Australia has been at the forefront over many years, having had a one-way fully reversible expressway, and hosting the finish of the biennial World Solar Challenge for solar powered electric cars.

Paper Title

Human-factors issues of transition from an automated driving system to manual driving

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0092
  • Ryohei Homma
  • Japan Automobile Research Institute
  • Japan


We conducted a driving-simulator experiment to observe the behavior of drivers during normal operation of a highly automated driving system and to investigate the driver’s behavior when accepting the system’s request for manual driving. During 25 min of automated driving,...Lead moreWe conducted a driving-simulator experiment to observe the behavior of drivers during normal operation of a highly automated driving system and to investigate the driver’s behavior when accepting the system’s request for manual driving. During 25 min of automated driving, a driver usually felt drowsiness, unlike during manual driving. Furthermore, non-driving-related tasks, such as the driver using a mobile phone, were observed. At the end of the run, there was a construction site where a lane change was required because the automatic driving systems exceeded their capabilities. The timing of starting lane change was significantly later in the 2 s condition than in the manual conditions. No significant difference was observed in the 5 s and 10 s conditions. However, a few high-risk lane changes were observed. We suggest that the method for generating the request to shift from automated driving to manual driving should be considered.

Paper Title

Freight Vehicle Identification Based on Records and Rules of V2I Communication

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0083
  • Kazunori Inoue
  • Panasonic Corporation
  • Japan


In this paper, we propose a new method for identifying freight vehicles which are subcontracted, usually they are very difficult to determine their own vehicle’s IDs before starting transport. This method is an application of Japanese national V2I system called ETC2.0/ITS...Lead moreIn this paper, we propose a new method for identifying freight vehicles which are subcontracted, usually they are very difficult to determine their own vehicle’s IDs before starting transport. This method is an application of Japanese national V2I system called ETC2.0/ITS Spot service and based on our former research into high regularity at scheduled transport which operates in Japan. Our goal is making up management system for freight vehicle which is able to look up locations and estimate arriving time of vehicle with inexpensive way and even it includes subcontracted vehicles with “uncertain” IDs.

Paper Title

Ultra-Low Field Magnetic Guidance System

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0082
  • Michiharu Yamamoto
  • Aichi Steel Corporation
  • Japan


A magnetic lane guidance system using ultra-low magnetic field is presented. The system comprises with high sensitivity magneto-impedance sensors to be set on a vehicle and ferrite rubber magnets markers on the road. Newly developed high sensitivity magneto-impedance sens...Lead moreA magnetic lane guidance system using ultra-low magnetic field is presented. The system comprises with high sensitivity magneto-impedance sensors to be set on a vehicle and ferrite rubber magnets markers on the road. Newly developed high sensitivity magneto-impedance sensor enables ferrite rubber magnet markers with very low energy density to serve as markers. The system can solve the cost issue of former magnet guidance systems in which expensive rare earth magnets are involved. At the same time, signal processing technique which extract small marker signal buried in large ambient noise fields are developed. This combination of innovation will revive the magnetic guidance system as feasible alternative to the drive assistance.

Paper Title

Development of Traffic Management System Using Uplink Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0078
  • Shinya Adachi
  • Vehicle Information and Communication System Center
  • Japan


In Japan, each prefectural traffic control center has been passed several dozen years since establishment, and the need for maintenance has been increased year by year. On the other hand, the finance of each prefecture is very tight for sufficient maintenance. Particularl...Lead moreIn Japan, each prefectural traffic control center has been passed several dozen years since establishment, and the need for maintenance has been increased year by year. On the other hand, the finance of each prefecture is very tight for sufficient maintenance. Particularly, the aging of the roadside vehicle detector is a serious problem, and it is feared that the quality of the traffic information will be decreased in the near future. By the above background, VICS center started the study of utilization of the uplink data from the infrared beacons which is one of the providing information medium of VICS system, as the complementary information of the vehicle detector. In this paper, we will introduce the abovementioned study.

Paper Title

Wake-on-demand push notification system through Bluetooth low energy using an edge server

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0077
  • Tsuyoshi Takahashi
  • Iwate Prefectural University
  • Japan


Push-based delivery services have been provided for stations which implement Bluetooth low energy (BLE) at various spots. For such services, when a station detects the identifiers in advertising frames, the station receives information corresponding to the identifiers fro...Lead morePush-based delivery services have been provided for stations which implement Bluetooth low energy (BLE) at various spots. For such services, when a station detects the identifiers in advertising frames, the station receives information corresponding to the identifiers from an external server through the Internet. Therefore, it is not possible for the station to obtain information based on push notification when the Internet access from the station is not available. And it is often difficult to lay a cable and supply power for equipment in some remote areas. We proposed the system that not only sends frames with identifiers but also delivers information to stations through BLE. BLE devices do not need more power supply as a wireless LAN access point for lower energy consumption. And proposed system enables push notification even at the spots where the Internet is not available. Additionally the proposed system can integrate the travel history in a vehicle with their behavior history outside the vehicle. As a result, it is possible that appropriate information is delivered to each station depending on the transportation.

Paper Title

Evaluating Social and Economic Benefits of VICS WIDE and Its Future Prospects

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0076
  • Toshihiko Oda
  • Vehicle Information and Communication System Center
  • Japan


VICS (Vehicle Information and Communication System) Center has commenced an advanced information service called VICS WIDE in 2015. Characteristics of the epoch making service is to provide drivers with probe-data based traffic congestion and travel time information in lar...Lead moreVICS (Vehicle Information and Communication System) Center has commenced an advanced information service called VICS WIDE in 2015. Characteristics of the epoch making service is to provide drivers with probe-data based traffic congestion and travel time information in larger road networks where no vehicle detectors are installed. Furthermore, the new service enables urban traffic management functions by providing detailed travel time information at signalized intersections and offers hazard warnings for natural disasters such as rainstorms. This paper describes a study of the estimated social and economic benefits that can be reaped by introducing VICS WIDE. The study is conducted by using traffic simulations with drivers’ route choices. The simulation results show that the economic impact will be significant and also suggest that VICS WIDE has the potential to achieve broader coverage and higher user satisfaction as well as greater social benefits. Moreover, VICS WIDE can be expected to play an essential role during the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.

Paper Title

Merging FCD and detector data: testing and improving the new VICS algorithm

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0070
  • Thomas Riedel
  • Adaptive Traffic Control AG and Verkehrs-Systeme AG
  • Switzerland


The VICS organization in Japan uses a detector-based reliable and stable travel time estimation algorithm for off-highway street segments. However this algorithm tends to travel time estimations that are too short, due to missing information about the downstream traffic l...Lead moreThe VICS organization in Japan uses a detector-based reliable and stable travel time estimation algorithm for off-highway street segments. However this algorithm tends to travel time estimations that are too short, due to missing information about the downstream traffic light queues. This problem can be overcome by adding FCD information. Because FCD is still sparse, merged travel time information ages quite quickly and tends to have the algorithm fall back to short travel time estimations. Therefore a simple intersection phasing estimation has to be added for the times where no FCD is available. The paper introduces the algorithms used within a generalized data merging environment introduced at the previous world congress, shows simulation results and field results from the test area in Yokohama. The simulation environment is used for quality improvements and for evaluating the minimum detection infrastructure necessary for obtaining reliable travel time estimates.

Paper Title

A simple Car Navigation algorithm (Case study Tehran city, a Comparative Study)

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0063
  • Ehsan Barjasteh Askari
  • Iran university of science and technology
  • Iran


In This Paper, A simple Car Navigation algorithm is presented. It’s the first time that an algorithm be set for a road network in Iran. Road network belongs to Tehran city. The Capital and the biggest city of Iran. Selected area in Tehran city was Shahran district (NorthW...Lead moreIn This Paper, A simple Car Navigation algorithm is presented. It’s the first time that an algorithm be set for a road network in Iran. Road network belongs to Tehran city. The Capital and the biggest city of Iran. Selected area in Tehran city was Shahran district (NorthWest of Tehran).Algorithm is simple and can be used for navigation purposes. The algorithm can be used in both online and offline simulations. One of the most important advantages of this algorithm is its simplicity so simple mathematical equations have been used in this article.

Paper Title

A new approach to keeping a high-quality ETC service

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0055
  • Yotaro Nagai
  • West Nippon Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


We introduce a new training center for our expressways operation. It has several training rooms and equipments including electronic toll collection. This paper reports in particular the start-up of toll collection equipments and our training course for toll collection.We introduce a new training center for our expressways operation. It has several training rooms and equipments including electronic toll collection. This paper reports in particular the start-up of toll collection equipments and our training course for toll collection.

Paper Title

Pedestrian recognition for autonomous emergency braking system

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0054
  • Takahiro Baba
  • Japan


We have developed AEB(Autonomous Emergency Braking) for pedestrians by a mono camera and a 77GHz radar. For ensuring reliability of pedestrian recognition, we constituted a redundant system which recognizes feature of pedestrians by each sensor. In particular, we used mag...Lead moreWe have developed AEB(Autonomous Emergency Braking) for pedestrians by a mono camera and a 77GHz radar. For ensuring reliability of pedestrian recognition, we constituted a redundant system which recognizes feature of pedestrians by each sensor. In particular, we used magnitude and variation of radio wave reflection detected by the 77GHz radar and also used results of pattern matching and optical flow detected by the camera. We classified roadside object, pedestrian and crossing pedestrian by fused recognition result of both sensor.

Paper Title

Passive RFID-Based ETC System for Multi-Lane Free Flow using Cloud Computing

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0053
  • Noriani Mohammed Noor
  • Malaysia


RFID-based ETC system for Multi-lane free flow (MLFF) is a system that enables collection of toll payments electronically using RFID tags, allowing for nonstop toll collection and free-flow of high-speed travelling at toll highway with use of ordinary multilane road segme...Lead moreRFID-based ETC system for Multi-lane free flow (MLFF) is a system that enables collection of toll payments electronically using RFID tags, allowing for nonstop toll collection and free-flow of high-speed travelling at toll highway with use of ordinary multilane road segments and aim to eliminate toll booths. The system allows vehicles with passive RFID tag to emit communication with front-end reading system to uniquely identifying and classifying each vehicle and transfer the transaction to a centralized back office system for revenue collection. With the multi-lane free flow system, road users will only pay after the distance travelled. It is critical that the toll transaction information be updated on real-time basis to ensure that road user’s account is deducted as per usage and toll operator is also aware of the transaction to avoid payment violations or delay in payments. This paper proposed for a passive RFID-Based ETC system for MLFF that uses cloud computing for a real-time, secured and integrated toll information collection system which it may improve toll operations and increase productivity. The cloud computing services could facilitate toll collection solution with its scalability, web-enabled and on-demand services that will reduce the RFID-Based ETC system implementation, operational and maintenance costs

Paper Title

Factors and Strategies for Successful Taiwan Freeway Electronic Toll Collection System Implementation

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0050
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc.
  • United States


This paper summarized the factors and strategies for the successful implementation of a new, innovative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) system. The "seamless shift” from the original “time-based charge” into the “mileage-based charge” system has already achieved i...Lead moreThis paper summarized the factors and strategies for the successful implementation of a new, innovative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) system. The "seamless shift” from the original “time-based charge” into the “mileage-based charge” system has already achieved its soaring popularity in such a short period starting in 2014. This successful transition into “Open-Road” Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) operation can not be made possible without the well-established planning, thoughtful system design, hardware/software integration, innovative marketing strategies, and collaborated public/private partnerships. Key Words: ITS, Infrastructure, Electronic Toll Collection (ETC), Open-Road

Paper Title

Visual behavior and vehicle fluctuation in using HUD and gesture input interfaces

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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0049
  • Hiroshi Uno
  • Japan Automobile Research Institute
  • Japan


This experimental study demonstrates the effects of head-up display (HUD) and gesture input interfaces of a task device on driver behavior. A destination setting task requiring a sequence of manual and voice inputs was administered; each driver had to pay attention to det...Lead moreThis experimental study demonstrates the effects of head-up display (HUD) and gesture input interfaces of a task device on driver behavior. A destination setting task requiring a sequence of manual and voice inputs was administered; each driver had to pay attention to determine whether the next input in the sequence would be available. Six interface conditions were set by combining two levels of visual display (a smartphone screen and a HUD combiner) and three levels of input operation (“tapping” on the smartphone’s touch-panel screen, finger tracing on the screen, namely “touch gesturing,” and showing a hand gesture to the smartphone, namely “remote gesturing”). The results of a series of driving experiments in which twelve drivers followed a lead car on a straight road showed that performing in-vehicle tasks using the HUD interface remarkably reduced the frequency and duration of glancing at the smartphone. In addition, the gesture-input interfaces improved visual behavior and facilitated manipulation without having to glance at the device. Despite the improvements in visual behavior obtained using the HUD and gesture inputs, large fluctuations in lateral displacement and headway, which might have been induced by the cognitive demand of the task itself, were observed under every interface condition.

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Urban mobility ITS application deployment in Japan

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0028
  • Highway Industry Development Organization
  • Japan


This paper describes the ongoing ITS application deployments in Japan. The society with environmentally friendly urban mobility has been realized by reducing excessive impact to road structures by enhancing law enforcement of heavy vehicles, by reducing traffic congestion...Lead moreThis paper describes the ongoing ITS application deployments in Japan. The society with environmentally friendly urban mobility has been realized by reducing excessive impact to road structures by enhancing law enforcement of heavy vehicles, by reducing traffic congestions by changing toll tariff of various routes in urban or inter-urban areas. The vehicle probe data collected can enhance monitoring of weighing limits and access controls of heavy vehicles in urban area. By ETC 2.0 system, the cooperative ITS system, probe data services have actually been started by the effort of MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). Other various ITS application services are scheduled to be available around 2021. Each vehicle stores vehicle location data (probe data stored for past up to around 80km, at every 200m (or 100m) or at sudden movement variants point) and releases data at the roadside probe data collectors. Those data can be used for various ITS application services. One of the first use cases deployed is a monitoring system which is a combined application with weigh in motion system and probe data system. And HIDO is supporting MLIT to disseminate these technologies to the world by defining an international standard IS15638-21 at ISO/TC204/WG7.

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Data Processing Procedure for DSRC Probe-based ATIS on Signalized Arterial

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0017
  • Jinhwan Jang
  • Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
  • Korea


Data processing procedure to generate real-life traffic information (travel time and speed) in a probe-based advanced traveler information system on signalized suburban arterials in Korea is presented. The procedure includes methods for traffic information generation, out...Lead moreData processing procedure to generate real-life traffic information (travel time and speed) in a probe-based advanced traveler information system on signalized suburban arterials in Korea is presented. The procedure includes methods for traffic information generation, outlier filtering, and missing data imputation. Due to the practical characteristics of the methods presented herein, they could be practically referred by practitioners of similar probe-based systems. This article concludes with some discussions on improvement directions toward algorithm improvement.

Paper Title

Data Feature Selection and Data Clustering Methods for Travel Time Prediction

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0016
  • Chi-Hua Chen
  • Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
  • Chinese-Taipei


This study proposes a garbage truck fleet management system (GTFMS) and data feature selection and data clustering methods for travel time prediction. A GTFMS includes mobile devices (MD), on-board units, fleet management server, and data analysis server (DAS). When user ...Lead moreThis study proposes a garbage truck fleet management system (GTFMS) and data feature selection and data clustering methods for travel time prediction. A GTFMS includes mobile devices (MD), on-board units, fleet management server, and data analysis server (DAS). When user uses MD to request the arrival time of garbage truck, DAS can perform the procedure of data feature selection and data clustering methods to analyses travel time of garbage truck. The proposed methods can cluster the records of travel time and reduce variation for the improvement of travel time prediction. After predicting travel time and arrival time, the predicted information can be sent to user’s MD. In experimental environment, the results showed that the accuracies of previous method and proposed method are 16.73% and 85.97%, respectively. Therefore, the proposed data feature selection and data clustering methods can be used to predict stop-to-stop travel time of garbage truck.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-TP0015
  • Noriani Mohammed Noor
  • Malaysia


RFID-based Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system for Multi-lane free flow (MLFF) is a system that enables collection of toll payments electronically using RFID tags, allowing for nonstop toll collection and free-flow of high-speed travelling at toll highway with use of ...Lead moreRFID-based Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system for Multi-lane free flow (MLFF) is a system that enables collection of toll payments electronically using RFID tags, allowing for nonstop toll collection and free-flow of high-speed travelling at toll highway with use of ordinary multilane road segments and aim to eliminate toll plazas and booths. The system allows vehicles with passive RFID tag to emit communication with Front-End reading system to uniquely identifying and classifying each vehicle and transfer the toll transaction back to a centralized back office system for revenue collection by deducting from the account of vehicle owner. The RFID-based ETC systems have been implemented in developed and developing countries like Turkey, Taiwan and countries of South America. The review is focused on the RFID-based ETC system architecture that has been implemented by some these countries. The review may help to understand how the overall system works hence it shall provide the essential information in converting and re-engineering current toll booth ETC lane system to MLFF system and serve as a reference view of the system concept or model in developing a new RFID-Based ETC system for MLFF.

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An Integrated Framework for Real-Time Interaction of Vehicles with Human

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0708
  • Youngmi Baek
  • Republic of Korea


As technologies for full self-driving automation in vehicles progress rapidly, the human factor becomes more complicated, and it is more difficult to predict driver’s behaviour on the road, especially under the mixed-traffic condition. In this paper, we introduce an effic...Lead moreAs technologies for full self-driving automation in vehicles progress rapidly, the human factor becomes more complicated, and it is more difficult to predict driver’s behaviour on the road, especially under the mixed-traffic condition. In this paper, we introduce an efficient framework for research on the interaction between the human-driven physical vehicles and autonomous vehicles by integrating traffic simulator and driving simulator with a human driver into one system through standardized V2V communication, as a form of HILS. We demonstrate that the implemented system is capable of real-time processing under real traffic scenarios.

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Network Resilience and Recoverability in Urban Rapid Transit Systems during Disruption

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0706
  • Ghim Ping Ong
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore


It is important for urban rapid transit system network to be resilient and in the event of a disruption, be capable to recover in the shortest possible time. This paper presents a holistic approach to analyse the resiliency and recoverability of an urban rapid transit - b...Lead moreIt is important for urban rapid transit system network to be resilient and in the event of a disruption, be capable to recover in the shortest possible time. This paper presents a holistic approach to analyse the resiliency and recoverability of an urban rapid transit - bus transit network during and after disruption. A maximum survivability - minimum recovery time approach was formulated in this paper to determine the number of affected passengers in the rail network during a disruption, the number of passengers who need to be transferred to alternate transport modes, and the recovery duration. A case study based on the Singapore urban mass rapid transit and bus networks is presented in this paper to demonstrate the applicability of our proposed framework. It was found in the paper that our proposed framework could provide a clear picture on state of rail network resilience in the presence of different disruption scenarios (such as node, link or line disruption) as well as estimating the recovery time during disruption.

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Robust Multi-directional Bicycle Recognition under Pose Variation using Stereo Vision

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0705
  • Kousuke Matsushima
  • National Institute of Technology, Kurume College
  • Japan


Many researches have worked for the development of automotive technologies, so as to realize a convenient and safety automotive society such as Advanced Safety Vehicle (ASV) and Traffic Monitoring System (TMS). As a result, traffic accidents have decreased as the years pa...Lead moreMany researches have worked for the development of automotive technologies, so as to realize a convenient and safety automotive society such as Advanced Safety Vehicle (ASV) and Traffic Monitoring System (TMS). As a result, traffic accidents have decreased as the years pass, and the number of the dead and injuries have been reduced. However, autonomous driving is not only required to detect bicycles around vehicles, but also expected to understand the behaviours of bicycles. In addition, since the proportion of bicycle accident shows a high percentage in the total traffic accident, it has been predicted an increase of the accident of the bicycle in the future. Therefore we propose a multi-directional bicycle recognition system using the distance information obtained by the stereo camera. In the proposed system, we divide the moving direction of the bicycle into three directions. In addition, we propose a robust feature extraction method on rotation in order to cope with the bicycle between each direction. Finally, we show the experimental results and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Traffic state estimation of Nanjing based on multi-source data fusion

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0696
  • Weifang Wang
  • ITS Research Centre
  • China


Accurate and timely traffic state estimation is helpful for urban traffic management. This paper introduces the development and application of a traffic state estimation method for Nanjing City, China based on multi-source traffic data. Firstly, data derived from microwav...Lead moreAccurate and timely traffic state estimation is helpful for urban traffic management. This paper introduces the development and application of a traffic state estimation method for Nanjing City, China based on multi-source traffic data. Firstly, data derived from microwave traffic detector and probe vehicles were analyzed, i.e. distribution of probe vehicle data, ratio of probe vehicle for typical roads, and difference of speed data from different data sources, etc. Secondly, a map-matching method was developed to tackle the huge volume of probe vehicle data, while an adaptive average speed estimation method is also developed to process probe vehicle data efficiently. Thirdly, a NN-based model considering multi-source data was built for road traffic state estimation. In addition, 3 traffic state indexes were provided to estimate network traffic state from macroscopic perspective; they are comprehensive network traffic state grade, proportion for each state, and congestion road ranking. At last, based on the above models, a Nanjing traffic operation monitoring system was developed by using .Net platform and ArcEngine9.3, the evaluation results imply that the system capable of providing traffic state information scientifically and effectively.

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An Anonymity Comparison between Theoretical Model and Real Log of Transit Ridership

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0629
  • Seongun Choi
  • Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


Since a huge size of data can be handled due to improvement of technologies, many companies and governments are eager to use those data for profit or public interest. Especially, trajectory data concentrates public attention for its valuable usage. For example, it can be ...Lead moreSince a huge size of data can be handled due to improvement of technologies, many companies and governments are eager to use those data for profit or public interest. Especially, trajectory data concentrates public attention for its valuable usage. For example, it can be used for analysing traffic of the city that leads to transportation optimization. When handling trajectory data, one thing that should be kept in mind is that it involves individual privacy. To do privacy evaluation with using real log data is difficult to realize because it is hard to get. There was a study evaluating privacy of transit ridership by theoretical model. However, since their theoretical model was made based on the number of passenger data at each stations and they supposed that there is no correlation between stations, it was deviated to real data. In this paper, we compare anonymized data between real log of transit ridership in Tokyo and Osaka where are major areas in Japan and theoretical model. Moreover, we point out problems of theoretical model and describe the requirement when designing an accurate model.

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Deployment of a roadside-enhanced V2X Field Trial System for Intersection Collision Avoidance

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0622
  • Mingta Tu
  • Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
  • Chinese-Taipei


In the past decade, the interest in the V2X safety system as well as its applications has been growing rapidly since the development of Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and the technology of communications - such as 4G and Wireless Access in Vehicular ...Lead moreIn the past decade, the interest in the V2X safety system as well as its applications has been growing rapidly since the development of Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and the technology of communications - such as 4G and Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment/Dedicated Short Range Communication (WAVE/DSRC), which offer the feasibility of handling the complex and multivariate intersection environment of V2X application to provide a better on-road safety warning system for user. The technical of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) is future trend for V2X deployment. However, it needs full market penetration of V2V devices, such as On Board Units (OBUs). In this paper, we introduce a hybrid system, which enhance V2V safety warning by integrating roadside radar detection and Content Management System (CMS), to provide extensive safety protect to all road users at intersections. This innovated system has been deployed at four major intersections in north Taiwan. We also develop a back-end system which provide not only device-level but also application-level information for integrated intersection monitoring.

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A Complete Public Transport Route Choice Model from Origin to Destination

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0602
  • Rui Tan
  • National University of Singapore
  • Singapore


Travelling in multimodal public transport does not only involve transfers between different public transport modes and services, but also access and egress to/from the public transport network. This study proposes a modelling framework to model the route choice decisions ...Lead moreTravelling in multimodal public transport does not only involve transfers between different public transport modes and services, but also access and egress to/from the public transport network. This study proposes a modelling framework to model the route choice decisions of complete public transport trips from origin building to destination building utilizing both travel survey data and smart card data. Data of individual trips from household travel surveys is used for model estimation while the smart card data is used for extracting dynamic travel time due to congestion and crowdedness as well as assisting in choice set generation procedure. The estimation results illustrate individuals’ heterogeneous preferences over various path attributes. The results indicate that passengers prefer to reach public transport services from origin in a shorter distance than to reach destination from public transport services. When passengers are on mandatory trips for work or education, they are the least patient to longer waiting time. The results also demonstrates the increase of value of time along with increase in income as well as the existence of an increasing preference over path purely on buses among senior passengers with increase in age.

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Development of Novel Queue-Length Based Signal Control Algorithm for Individual Road Intersection

  • ITS WC
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  • 23th ITS World Congress 2016
  • AP-SP0584
  • Yong Yao Yang
  • Zhe Jiang Supcon Information Co., Ltd.
  • China


In order to meet traffic signal control requirement of the road intersection with heavy traffic demand and large traffic flow variation, the vehicle queue length is introduced as the key element to analysis the real-time traffic demands and an adaptive signal control algo...Lead moreIn order to meet traffic signal control requirement of the road intersection with heavy traffic demand and large traffic flow variation, the vehicle queue length is introduced as the key element to analysis the real-time traffic demands and an adaptive signal control algorithm for the intersection based on queue length is developed in this paper. Firstly, road traffic variables such as queue lengths at the end of green light and the end of red light, traffic flow for each lane are derived from the purposely installed road traffic monitoring video cameras. Secondly, the green time of every phase is calculated through optimization by the input traffic demand, and the queue length subject to the constraints of the maximum and minimum green time. Critical technical indicators such as the intersection queue eliminating rate, road saturation, and empty green time rate are used to evaluate the algorithm’s control efficiency and used as the feedback to the traffic controller. Road intersection application shows that the proposed algorithm is able to deal with the large variation of heavy traffic flow under different weather conditions and can improve the intersection traffic flow significantly.