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3320-3360 of 3402

Paper Title

Fault Model for Cooperative Semi-Automated Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2058
  • Josef Nilsson
  • SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
  • Sweden


This paper presents a fault model for vehicle functions that include communication devices for inter-vehicle cooperation. In particular, the fault model addresses vehicles where automation has partially replaced the driver, i.e., semi-automated cooperative vehicles. Compo...Lead moreThis paper presents a fault model for vehicle functions that include communication devices for inter-vehicle cooperation. In particular, the fault model addresses vehicles where automation has partially replaced the driver, i.e., semi-automated cooperative vehicles. Components considered in the fault model include human drivers, communication systems, sensors, actuators, and control units. An analysis of faults in cooperative systems in general is complemented with an identification of errors in a cooperative adaptive cruise control system. The identification has revealed systematic faults in software and human errors in the interaction between the system and the driver.

Paper Title

Methodology and framework architecture for the evaluation of effects of ICT measures on CO2 emissions

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2057
  • Eline Jonkers
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


Within Europe, Japan and the US, applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been identified to have a significant contribution to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the field of transport. The mechanisms by which ICT has an impact on...Lead moreWithin Europe, Japan and the US, applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been identified to have a significant contribution to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the field of transport. The mechanisms by which ICT has an impact on CO2 emissions can be very complex, and calculating this impact requires various models (e.g. traffic and emission models). Today, an integrated and harmonized modeling approach for the assessment of CO2 emissions is not available, and knowledge on interactions between the required models is missing in some cases. The aim of the Amitran project is to develop a framework for evaluation of the effects of ICT measures in traffic and transport on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. This paper describes two of the main outcomes of the project: the outline of the methodology to evaluate the CO2 effects of ICT measures and the framework architecture for this methodology.

Paper Title

Remote sensing of road surface conditions and ITS applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2056
  • Torgeir Vaa
  • Norwegian Public Roads Administration
  • Norway


The objective for the project presented in this paper is to develop a system for recording road state that with high precision can monitor the condition of the road network in almost real-time. The project demonstrates how road state data can be collected and linked to ot...Lead moreThe objective for the project presented in this paper is to develop a system for recording road state that with high precision can monitor the condition of the road network in almost real-time. The project demonstrates how road state data can be collected and linked to other information such as weather conditions and operational measures in the form of snow clearing and gritting. It is also shown how road state data can be used to improve the prognosis for the development in driving conditions.

The project is on-going and is co-ordinated with similar initiatives in other Nordic countries and internationally (US, Canada, Japan). The paper will concentrate on the results from the state-of-the-art report and testing of various technologies. The paper presents more in detail both the test setup and the results from the first winter together with recommendations for further research effort and pilot studies.

Paper Title

Estimation of Vehicle Emissions of improved Traffic Management Performance using Microsimulation

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2055
  • Olaf Czogalla
  • Institut f Automation u Kommunikation - ifak
  • Germany


The reduction of climate relevant gases such as carbon dioxide constitutes a major target of local policies of numerous cities within the European Union. The central German city of Magdeburg seeks for a significant reduction of emissions until 2050 [2]. Traffic and transp...Lead moreThe reduction of climate relevant gases such as carbon dioxide constitutes a major target of local policies of numerous cities within the European Union. The central German city of Magdeburg seeks for a significant reduction of emissions until 2050 [2]. Traffic and transport account for approximately 30 percent of total emissions. In this respect exist a considerable potential of dedicated traffic management improvements to contribute to a substantial reduction of energy consumption and tailpipe emissions. Selected enhancements of traffic management performance including traffic control optimization of single intersections and coordinated signal controls have been investigated using microscopic simulation models for their capability to reduce energy and emissions. To estimate emission reductions internal emission models of Transportation Analysis and Simulation System (TRANSIMS) [4] have been calibrated and applied to conditions of the modeled urban network and vehicle emission rates.

Paper Title

An integrated communications and control framework for Electric Vehicle charging

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2053
  • Angelos Amditis
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
  • Greece


This article presents a centralized deterministic load balancing controller (LBC) and a communications framework that jointly address the problem of efficient grid power dispatch to Electric Vehicles (EV), with respect to grid constraints. A set of standardized interfaces...Lead moreThis article presents a centralized deterministic load balancing controller (LBC) and a communications framework that jointly address the problem of efficient grid power dispatch to Electric Vehicles (EV), with respect to grid constraints. A set of standardized interfaces that enable communication interoperability among the main components of the grid is detailed. Focus is particularly made on the LBC and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), which provides the interface to the EV. A brief description of each entities communication stack will be provided. However attention is given to higher level protocols that are emerging in the area of smart metering (COSEM) and vehicle to grid (V2G) communications. These protocols come to bridge the current, application level, communications gap, between the power grid and EVs.

Paper Title

Smart Mobility Through Multi-Level Innovation

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2052
  • Niklas Johansson
  • Viktoria Swedish ICT
  • Sweden


A number of areas within the North Sea Region are located at a distance from the main economic agglomerations of their countries and lag behind in terms of socio-economic development. Key elements in development are connectivity and accessibility. In line with the Europea...Lead moreA number of areas within the North Sea Region are located at a distance from the main economic agglomerations of their countries and lag behind in terms of socio-economic development. Key elements in development are connectivity and accessibility. In line with the European Commission strategy document "A sustainable Future for Transport towards an integrated technology-led and user-friendly system", the ITRACT (Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies) project aims to improve those capacities through innovative transport and communication concepts. Contributing also to the Digital Agenda of Europe 2020, the project will focus on the development and use of ICT applications to boost efficient, environmental- and user-friendly transport concepts in order to reverse the spiral of decline in remote areas.

Paper Title

eCo-FEV: efficient Cooperative infrastructure for Fully Electric Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2051
  • Lan LIN
  • Hitachi Europe SAS
  • France


The electrification of road transport is considered as one of the key elements in Europe and in worldwide to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from road transport sector, while meeting the growing traffic demands. Electric mobility does not only cover the electrifi...Lead moreThe electrification of road transport is considered as one of the key elements in Europe and in worldwide to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from road transport sector, while meeting the growing traffic demands. Electric mobility does not only cover the electrification of vehicles to Fully Electric Vehicles (FEVs), but also involve multiple infrastructure systems. The eCo-FEV project aims at achieving a breakthrough in FEV market introduction by proposing an IT electric mobility platform for integration of FEV into infrastructures, enabling connections and information exchanges between multiple infrastructure systems that are relevant to FEVs. The aim of this paper is to present the use cases and platform architecture to be developed during the project.

Paper Title

Co-operative Systems - V2X Communications FOT by Testfeld Telematik based on 5.9GHz in real traffic environment (highways and urban, different TMCs, and traffic modes) experiences, results and lessons learnt

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2049
  • Juergen Rudolf
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


A consortium of 14 partners in Testfeld Telematik (a public funded project by Austrian Climate&Energy Funds) and the C2C Communication Consortium started by lead of the Austrian highway operator ASFINAG a project to experience the day one use cases, especially safety rela...Lead moreA consortium of 14 partners in Testfeld Telematik (a public funded project by Austrian Climate&Energy Funds) and the C2C Communication Consortium started by lead of the Austrian highway operator ASFINAG a project to experience the day one use cases, especially safety related, of Cooperative Systems, based on 5.9 GHz Communication (IEEE 802.11p).
During the 19th ITS World Congress in Vienna, about 2000 visitors participated in the live demo of Testfeld Telematik, the Kapsch V2X Demo, and the C2C CC. Followed by a FOT of 100 power users, equipped with ITS-G5 devices, as well as about 3000 test drivers via App on mobiles, will test ITS in their daily usage. Further they will collect FCD (Floating Car Data) and give response on their experience and user behavior.
These data will be evaluated in an accompanying study by Technical University Graz, Austria. Results will be expected quite before ITS World Congress, Tokio.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2048
  • Sven Bauer
  • Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Germany


The aim of the fahrE project is to develop and evaluate concepts for multimodal micro mobility using local renewable energy. As a testing ground four charging stations are erected and equipped with electric cars and bikes to connect the four main sites of the Chemnitz Uni...Lead moreThe aim of the fahrE project is to develop and evaluate concepts for multimodal micro mobility using local renewable energy. As a testing ground four charging stations are erected and equipped with electric cars and bikes to connect the four main sites of the Chemnitz University of Technology. The project focuses on the development and evaluation of tools to ease the university employees' shuttle traffic between the university sites considering the eco-balance of the trips. This is done using an IT-based integration of different mobility platforms, local renewable energy, environmental information and the infrastructure. Besides the technical approach itself, the scientific design and evaluation of the prototype system and its use by usability experts and psychologists is a key issue of the project, aiming to maximize the user acceptance of the concept. This paper gives an overview about the project objectives and introduces the taken approach.

Paper Title

Collision Avoidance System for Trams using Laserscanners

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2046
  • Roman Katz
  • Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH
  • Germany


This paper presents the development of a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) for trams based on state- of-the-art automotive laser scanning technology. Our work investigates TCAS regarding required functionalities and current efforts, and proposes an innovative solu...Lead moreThis paper presents the development of a Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) for trams based on state- of-the-art automotive laser scanning technology. Our work investigates TCAS regarding required functionalities and current efforts, and proposes an innovative solution for trams that is based on Ibeo laserscanners and digital maps. The different components of the proposed system are presented together with a description of upcoming field tests to be carried out in several European countries.

Paper Title

UR:BAN MV Human Factors in Traffic - a German Research Project to Increase Safety in Urban Traffic

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2044
  • Dietrich Manstetten
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Germany


Within the framework of the German project initiative UR:BAN the project UR:BAN MV ('Mensch im Verkehr') focuses on human-centered research and development tasks to increase the traffic safety in urban areas. The paper presents an overview on objectives and first results ...Lead moreWithin the framework of the German project initiative UR:BAN the project UR:BAN MV ('Mensch im Verkehr') focuses on human-centered research and development tasks to increase the traffic safety in urban areas. The paper presents an overview on objectives and first results in the five sub-projects 'Urban Driving', 'Human-Machine Interface for Urban Scenarios', 'Recognition of Driver Intention / Prediction of Driver Behavior', 'Simulation & Behavioral Modeling' and 'Controllability of Driver Assistance Systems'.

Paper Title

V2X communications applied to safety at level crossings

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2043
  • Louahdi KHOUDOUR
  • CETE South West
  • France


Considered as a weak point in road and railway infrastructure, level crossings (LC) improvement safety became an important field of academic research and took increasingly railways undertakings concerns. Statistically, nearly 44% of level crossings users have a bad percep...Lead moreConsidered as a weak point in road and railway infrastructure, level crossings (LC) improvement safety became an important field of academic research and took increasingly railways undertakings concerns. Statistically, nearly 44% of level crossings users have a bad perception of the environment which consequently increases the accidents risks. However, the behavior of pedestrians, road vehicle drivers and railway operators cannot be previously estimated beforehand. The human errors are the causes of 99% of accidents at LC whose 93% are caused by road users. It is important also to note the high cost related to each accident, approximately one hundred million euro per year in the EU for all level crossing accidents. For this purpose, road and railway safety professionals from several countries have been focused on providing a level crossing as safer as possible

Paper Title

CONVERGE - ITS Communication architecture for future mobility

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2042
  • Jonas Vogt
  • Hochschule fuer Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes
  • Germany


In the past various German and European research projects have created several isolated solutions for an intelligent transportation systems (ITS) infrastructure. The backend architecture provided by those systems is mostly focused on supporting test and evaluation of topi...Lead moreIn the past various German and European research projects have created several isolated solutions for an intelligent transportation systems (ITS) infrastructure. The backend architecture provided by those systems is mostly focused on supporting test and evaluation of topics in the context of vehicular based applications and communication. Those solutions solve problems from more or less narrow fields and tend to be dependent of regional characteristics. The German research project CONVERGE (COmmunication Network VEhicle Road Global Extension) addresses a couple of those problems and therefore tries to create a distributed, trans-regional connected, provider independent, scalable, flexible and secure Car2X System Network architecture as input for standardization as well as a prototype for a rollout. The following article introduces the CONVERGE initiative and shows how it tries to reach this goal and why it is necessary for the ITS rollout.

Paper Title

SCORE@F : French field operational test for cooperative systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2041
  • Louahdi KHOUDOUR
  • CETE South West
  • France


SCORE@F (French experimental and cooperative road system) is a collaborative research project, whose goals are experimentations of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (Cooperative ITS) inside an European framework. This project must prepare the deployment of co...Lead moreSCORE@F (French experimental and cooperative road system) is a collaborative research project, whose goals are experimentations of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (Cooperative ITS) inside an European framework. This project must prepare the deployment of collaborative ITS across Europe including all kind of road infrastructures. This project, belonging to the French work-programme FUI is composed of 21 partners with a global budget of 6 Meuros. The Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems are based on a local wireless communication (WAVE for Wireless Access for Vehicular Environment at 5,9 GHz bandwith allocated by CEPT/ECC) between vehicles (V2V) and vehicle-roadside infrastructure (V2I and I2V). The deployment of collaborative ITS will really be influenced by the European Commission ITS Directive which was adopted in 2010.

Paper Title

Tomorrow's Transport Infrastructure: From static to elastic mobility

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2040
  • Panagiotis Lytrivis
  • Institute of Communication & Computer Systems
  • Greece


The mobility needs of modern cities and their citizens are changing. From today's static transport networks we are heading towards flexible and adaptive networks with the ability to respond to the changing needs and goals of drivers and travelers, creating a novel highly ...Lead moreThe mobility needs of modern cities and their citizens are changing. From today's static transport networks we are heading towards flexible and adaptive networks with the ability to respond to the changing needs and goals of drivers and travelers, creating a novel highly elastic road infrastructure. The advances in information and communication technologies and the use of smart-phones are key enablers affecting future transport networks and enhancing sustainable mobility. Collaboration among all the different participants in the transportation network, in a way that the overall mobility of the system is optimized, is a key concept. At the same time this collaboration is challenging since different users and various stakeholders have conflicting preferences, characteristics and constraints. The main challenge is to raise the community awareness making road users to follow collaborative strategies that benefit all road users as a group.

Paper Title

Improved road geometry estimation by fusing multiple sources of information: the interactIVe approach

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2039
  • Manolis Tsogas
  • Institute of Communications and Computer Systems
  • Greece


In the future, intelligent vehicles will rely on using a large number of sensors for perceiving effectively the road environment. So, efforts are focused on developing reliable algorithms for fusing data received from different sources of information, such as sensors and ...Lead moreIn the future, intelligent vehicles will rely on using a large number of sensors for perceiving effectively the road environment. So, efforts are focused on developing reliable algorithms for fusing data received from different sources of information, such as sensors and databases, installed on the vehicle. This paper focuses on the development of an algorithm for fusing information generated by the optical sensors of the vehicle (cameras) and data retrieved from a map-database in order to extract the geometry of the road where the vehicle is moving. By using multiple information sources the reliability of the system is increased significantly, since if a specific sensor stops providing data then the system will continue to work using information from the rest of the sensors.

Paper Title

Object perception algorithms for multiple homogeneous sensors with all-around vehicle coverage

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2038
  • Nikolaos Floudas
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, ICCS
  • Greece


Despite their effectiveness, available automotive safety systems are typically implemented as independent functions causing expensive sensor redundancy, limiting their scope mainly to premium-class vehicles. The interactIVe project by integrating applications together and...Lead moreDespite their effectiveness, available automotive safety systems are typically implemented as independent functions causing expensive sensor redundancy, limiting their scope mainly to premium-class vehicles. The interactIVe project by integrating applications together and by making vehicle components shared among safety systems aims to enhance their performance. Robust object perception modules are of great importance towards the fulfillment of these goals and their architectural and algorithmic design will be presented in this paper.

Paper Title

The integrated object recognition approach of the novel MiniFaros Laserscanner

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2037
  • Nikolaos Floudas
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, ICCS
  • Greece


Research effort on automotive safety applications is continuously increasing over the past years; however ambitious safety goals are not met as scheduled, due to the applications' high cost and therefore being not affordable to small and medium cars. MiniFaros project aim...Lead moreResearch effort on automotive safety applications is continuously increasing over the past years; however ambitious safety goals are not met as scheduled, due to the applications' high cost and therefore being not affordable to small and medium cars. MiniFaros project aimed at the realization of an affordable generic sensor with low cost, small size and high performance. The data processing approach for this novel Laserscanner is the topic of this paper. The sensor and its processing algorithms simultaneously serve a number of six different safety applications. The various steps of data clustering, road geometry estimation, multi-object tracking and object classification are briefly presented in this paper, together with the overall object recognition results.

Paper Title

Compliant Roads

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2033
  • Paul Marsh
  • Mouchel
  • United Kingdom


This paper considers the factors that define the choice of interventions on the highway network and what 'drives' the success of a scheme. It considers the route characteristics and the complex relationships between the choice of interventions which leads to compliant dri...Lead moreThis paper considers the factors that define the choice of interventions on the highway network and what 'drives' the success of a scheme. It considers the route characteristics and the complex relationships between the choice of interventions which leads to compliant driver behaviour, a safe scheme, one on which drivers experience reliable journeys and which is environmental and politically sustainable. To build on the success of recent interventions on the highway network and to develop optimised designs, we need to understand the relationships between: driver behaviour, operational interventions, infrastructure and technology provision (both at the road side and in-vehicle). It is then possible to achieve the desired outcomes on a variety of types of roads with varying characteristics.

Paper Title

Fix for the missing link in parking guidance - two-way pedestrian guidance in car parks

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2032
  • Ali Lattunen
  • Finnpark Ltd
  • Finland


Well-functioning parking guidance is composed of unbroken chain of guidance services or signage from trip starting point to the final destination of each customer - and even back. However, the last links of the guidance chain are most often left loose. The customers that ...Lead moreWell-functioning parking guidance is composed of unbroken chain of guidance services or signage from trip starting point to the final destination of each customer - and even back. However, the last links of the guidance chain are most often left loose. The customers that have been successfully guided to a free parking space are not there yet. Their final destination of interest is not the car park, but the surrounding services. In addition, large and complex car park set a real challenge for customers to find their way back to their vehicles. The novel guidance system introduced in this paper fixes these missing links in parking guidance: how to find the way to the final destination from car park and how to find the vehicle again when coming back. The system binds the car park and the surrounding city as a solid service ecosystem, with no discontinuity in guidance whatsoever.

Paper Title

Real-time event-based information collection from street parking

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2031
  • Ali Lattunen
  • Finnpark Ltd
  • Finland


Dynamic parking guidance and real-time parking monitoring require collecting up-to-date information from parking facilities: sub-area occupancies, vehicle identities, vehicle location, etc. Considering car parks with access control and zone-specific vehicle counting, ther...Lead moreDynamic parking guidance and real-time parking monitoring require collecting up-to-date information from parking facilities: sub-area occupancies, vehicle identities, vehicle location, etc. Considering car parks with access control and zone-specific vehicle counting, there are advanced solutions for collecting this information in high detail. However, the characteristics of street parking make it more challenging to gather such a real-time information repertory. Equipping streets with bay-specific sensors to get occupancy information is both expensive and against to tendency of reducing the amount of road-side parking equipment. In this paper, the authors introduce a real-time information system for street parking, which is based on real-time event-based data collection uniformly from both mobile payment and pay-and-display machines. This makes it possible to introduce both variable message signs (VMS) and highly graphical visualisations of street parking as well as to implement a back end system for automated traffic enforcement.

Paper Title

ITS Innovation Stockholm Kista - Stimulating innovative ITS solutions in Sweden's first PCP

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2030
  • Jens Lofgren
  • ITS
  • Sweden


Stockholm's traffic situation and the Swedish Government's urge for pilot projects stimulating innovative ITS solutions and PPPs, has led to the innovation competition ITS Innovation Stockholm Kista. The innovation competition which is organised by The City of Stockholm, ...Lead moreStockholm's traffic situation and the Swedish Government's urge for pilot projects stimulating innovative ITS solutions and PPPs, has led to the innovation competition ITS Innovation Stockholm Kista. The innovation competition which is organised by The City of Stockholm, Swedish Transport Administration, Stockholm Public Transport, Swedish ITS Council and Kista Science City, and financed by Sweden's Innovation Agency, is the first PCP to be arranged in Sweden. The challenge for competitors is to develop solutions meeting the demands of more effective travels and transports to and from the outer Stockholm district Kista. However, in the long run, the solutions are to be scalable and serve citizens in the larger Stockholm region. To facilitate data access for competitors, the competition organisers offer a data market where developers get free access to some forty datasets through one API.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2028
  • Mikko Tarkiainen
  • VTT
  • Finland


Novice car drivers are a group at very high risk for severe accidents. They are also a group whose risks are very difficult to reduce. There is a need to motivate young drivers towards responsible driving. This paper describes the Trafisafe R&D concept and setup for a fie...Lead moreNovice car drivers are a group at very high risk for severe accidents. They are also a group whose risks are very difficult to reduce. There is a need to motivate young drivers towards responsible driving. This paper describes the Trafisafe R&D concept and setup for a field trial of a feedback system that has the potential to bring about significant safety benefits for novice drivers while supporting their learning of safe and eco-friendly driving. The preliminary results of the field trial and detailed description of the study will be presented in the full paper in summer 2013.

Paper Title

How the "Railreader Maintenance Support" Ensures a High Level of Safety and Availability in Railway Networks

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2026
  • Martin Novak
  • prosoft sud consulting gmbh
  • Austria


This paper describes a service concept based on an cost efficient RFID identification technology and an software solution for the accurate allocation of measurements from wayside train monitoring systems to specific wagons which supports the train and wagon operator to ke...Lead moreThis paper describes a service concept based on an cost efficient RFID identification technology and an software solution for the accurate allocation of measurements from wayside train monitoring systems to specific wagons which supports the train and wagon operator to keep the technical shape of their wagons at a high level. Thus the wearing of the network lines can held low and track closures for maintenance work can be minimized.
The described system (�Railreader-Maintenance Support�) generates added value of the measurements by exactly allocate them to a specific wagon or its parts as axles, bogies, wheels, etc.
An upcoming maintenance need can be early recognized and countermeasures being taken by the train or wagon operator in time. The so maintained wagons are generally in a better shape and introduce less wearing to the infrastructure. This leads to increased safety, less track maintenance effort and ensures higher availability of track resources.

Paper Title

Impact Assessment Methodology in interactIVe

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2024
  • Felix Fahrenkrog
  • Institut fuer Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


This paper describes the safety impact assessment methodology that is developed and used for the evaluation of safety related Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in the interactIVe project. The used method builds on the assessment method that was developed in the pr...Lead moreThis paper describes the safety impact assessment methodology that is developed and used for the evaluation of safety related Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in the interactIVe project. The used method builds on the assessment method that was developed in the projects eIMPACT and PReVAL, and is refined in interactIVe. With this method the safety effects of the developed functions on road fatalities and injuries in Europe are calculated, based on the results of the technical and user-related tests in the project. This paper presents the refinements of the method that are made by interactIVe.

Paper Title

Energy-based pedestrian navigation

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2023
  • Ari Virtanen
  • Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


Car navigation systems usually offer choices to route calculation, for example fastest, shortest and nowadays also minimum energy consumption. For pedestrians the choice is shortest and it not clear that the shortest path is the best one. Pedestrian has a tendency to ener...Lead moreCar navigation systems usually offer choices to route calculation, for example fastest, shortest and nowadays also minimum energy consumption. For pedestrians the choice is shortest and it not clear that the shortest path is the best one. Pedestrian has a tendency to energy minimization for example when choosing walking speed. This paper presents a novel energy based routing algorithm for pedestrians. Energy model is derived from energy expenditure measurements found from literature. Route planning is based on road database utilizing accurate digital elevation model.

Paper Title

Standardization and Upgrade of HA Communications Infrastructure by extending IP capability to the edge of the Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2022
  • Gabriel Ozique
  • Fluor Corporation
  • United Kingdom


The UK HA communication infrastructure is made up of various legacy arrangements. This needed to be upgraded and standardised into a comms infrastructure based on IP. The IP Translator (IPT) was developed, trialled and is being migrated to address the need to standardise ...Lead moreThe UK HA communication infrastructure is made up of various legacy arrangements. This needed to be upgraded and standardised into a comms infrastructure based on IP. The IP Translator (IPT) was developed, trialled and is being migrated to address the need to standardise existing communication infrastructure A further development involves the use of an enhanced 'Fibre-Only' solution, which is now being deployed on the English motorway network as part of a Managed Motorway scheme.

The new fibre based design extends IP to the edge of the network by delivering a high capacity and resilient IP network up to the edge of the network. This is made possible by use of new hardened IP routers and switches which can be accommodated in roadside cabinets.

Paper Title

Do water underpass tunnels pose specific challenges in the ITS safety context?

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2021
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


There is a long history in immersed and water underpass tunnels – this technical paper briefly reflects on the more holistic approach on how to deal with traffic safety preventative and emergency release actions. Amongst other traffic data generated by sensors the ...Lead moreThere is a long history in immersed and water underpass tunnels – this technical paper briefly reflects on the more holistic approach on how to deal with traffic safety preventative and emergency release actions. Amongst other traffic data generated by sensors the most useful data comes from video. Video per se and video analytics more importantly has tremendous add on capability for the complete project-operation lifecycle.

Paper Title

Validation of a multi-objective, predictive urban traffic model

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2020
  • Isabel Wilmink
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


This paper describes the results of the validation of the ecoStrategic Model, which was developed, implemented and tested in the eCoMove project. The model uses real-time and historical traffic information to determine the current, predicted and desired state of traffic i...Lead moreThis paper describes the results of the validation of the ecoStrategic Model, which was developed, implemented and tested in the eCoMove project. The model uses real-time and historical traffic information to determine the current, predicted and desired state of traffic in a network. The model was implemented for the city of Helmond, the Netherlands. The validation focused on two questions: (1) does the model accurately predict the traffic situation 15 minutes ahead, so that traffic management measures may be taken when necessary, and (2) does the desired state, which minimizes the environmental costs, result in lower overall CO2 emissions?

Paper Title

V2X in Industrial Site Safety Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2018
  • Ari Virtanen
  • Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


V2X communication opens interesting possibilities to improve safety not only in traffic environment, but also in industrial sites like harbour or mining sites. These environments utilize large machines mixed with small machines and human workers in same environment. There...Lead moreV2X communication opens interesting possibilities to improve safety not only in traffic environment, but also in industrial sites like harbour or mining sites. These environments utilize large machines mixed with small machines and human workers in same environment. There are dedicated RFID and GPS based safety systems available in these environments. Usually these systems are proprietary and closed systems. V2X 802.11p offers open and economically feasible solution, which is also open to trucks visiting on sites. This paper show results of communication tests as well dynamic risk evaluation concept to warn drivers of increased collision risks

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THE ISSUE : Traffic, Health, Environment; Intelligent Solutions Sustaining Urban Economies

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2017
  • Jacques Bouffier
  • CETE SO (French Ministry of Transportation)
  • France


THE ISSUE is a project within the Regions of Knowledge scheme funded through the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme. THE ISSUE focuses on Traffic, Health and Environment to achieve Intelligent Solutions for Sustaining Urban Economies by bringing together in...Lead moreTHE ISSUE is a project within the Regions of Knowledge scheme funded through the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme. THE ISSUE focuses on Traffic, Health and Environment to achieve Intelligent Solutions for Sustaining Urban Economies by bringing together innovative research-driven clusters to coordinate European research and technology development in six areas. These areas are Intelligent Transportation Systems; transport impacts on urban mobility; transport greening; intermodal regional transport; safety and security of citizens; and associated economic, health and environmental impacts. THE ISSUE project particularly addresses the use of space technologies from satellite remote sensing and navigation, as well as GIS and computer intelligence technologies in transport-related sectors. This paper looks into the general presentation of the project and the first results.

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Investigation of ITS coexistence on the physical layer

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2016
  • Liesbeth Gomme
  • NXP Semiconductors
  • Belgium


The goal of this paper is to identify coexistence bottlenecks between 802.11p and other standards. A standard in transmit can cause a substantial amount of noise power in the received 802.11p channel bandwidth by way of its wide band noise. Concurrent operation of the sta...Lead moreThe goal of this paper is to identify coexistence bottlenecks between 802.11p and other standards. A standard in transmit can cause a substantial amount of noise power in the received 802.11p channel bandwidth by way of its wide band noise. Concurrent operation of the standards can also give rise to blocking of the receiver and multiple concurrent transmitters can cause receiver inter-modulation.

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Deployment of Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2014
  • Pekka Eloranta
  • Mobisoft Oy
  • Finland


The EUREKA-CELTIC project CoMoSeF (Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future) started in July 2012 and will continue until June 2015. It aims to create, implement and deploy co-operative mobility solutions, including devices and applications, supporting the objectives ...Lead moreThe EUREKA-CELTIC project CoMoSeF (Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future) started in July 2012 and will continue until June 2015. It aims to create, implement and deploy co-operative mobility solutions, including devices and applications, supporting the objectives of the European Commission's ITS Action Plan and national ITS strategies. The European services will be piloted in Finland, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Spain and Turkey. There will also be a pilot in South Korea. CoMoSeF will bring the existing and emerging sensors, service platforms, communication technologies and solutions closer to market introduction and create business models that promote and speed the deployment.

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Study on CO2 benefit through Cooperative Systems

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2013
  • Philipp Gilka
  • DLR German Aerospace Center
  • Germany


Broad activities are currently ongoing to reduce fuel and in consequence CO2 in the field of transport. Advanced driver information based cooperative systems are developed with the goal to help the driver to perform a more eco-friendly driving style with the result to saf...Lead moreBroad activities are currently ongoing to reduce fuel and in consequence CO2 in the field of transport. Advanced driver information based cooperative systems are developed with the goal to help the driver to perform a more eco-friendly driving style with the result to safe fuel. Reaching the envisaged goal it is very important that the systems are accepted by the drivers and that drivers comply with the systems recommendations. In this regard also a negative influence of eco-driving with impacts on traffic performance and safety has to be avoided. The present paper gives an outlook to the potential validation and assessment results of the EU co-funded 7th Framework eCoMove project (Cooperative Mobility Systems and Services for Energy Efficiency). Within the next half year the final results will be prepared ready for the final paper.

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Use of model based signal control systems and other signal control systems in Germany

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2012
  • Thomas Wietholt
  • TUV Rheinland InterTraffic GmbH
  • Germany


Traffic signals to a large extent determine traffic quality in urban road networks. To increase the traffic flow in urban areas it is useful to coordinate traffic signals. In Germany the coordination of traffic signals on arterials has a great tradition, but the coordinat...Lead moreTraffic signals to a large extent determine traffic quality in urban road networks. To increase the traffic flow in urban areas it is useful to coordinate traffic signals. In Germany the coordination of traffic signals on arterials has a great tradition, but the coordination of more complex networks is relatively new in German cities. Therefore a team of researchers, practitioners from public authorities and consultant companies gathered to write a guideline for the use of these systems. In this guideline information about the systems currently used in Germany has been collected and a checklist for the implementation and maintenance of these systems has been developed. This paper describes the structure, methodology and content of the guideline to present it internationally. The guideline is currently in the last review phase and will be published most likely at the end of 2013.

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viaTOLL: Electronic Toll collection in Poland - Experience and outlook

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2011
  • Gilbert Konzett
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AG
  • Austria


Prior to implementing the viaTOLL system, Poland had an obsolete and loss-generating vignette system and the country was facing the need to adjust its law to EU directive requirements on road infrastructure charging. The new solution was to be interoperable, future-proof ...Lead morePrior to implementing the viaTOLL system, Poland had an obsolete and loss-generating vignette system and the country was facing the need to adjust its law to EU directive requirements on road infrastructure charging. The new solution was to be interoperable, future-proof and, most of all, a source of revenue for the National Road Fund which finances the construction and modernization of roads in Poland. Eight months after contracting, a DSRC-based ETC system was launched by the tender-winner Kapsch TrafficCom and its local subsidiary, Kapsch Telematic Services.
The paper at hand addresses the European and Polish legislative prerequisites, the ETC system architecture, the Polish charging policy, the national enforcement system as well as road user services in place. Further, the paper looks into socio-economic consequences realized about two years after system implementation and discusses the further integration and extension of the system.

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The ITS-platform for electromobility in Norway

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2010
  • Tom Noerbech
  • Norwegian Public Roads Administration
  • Norway


Norway is among the nations with the highest number of electric vehicles and globally ranks first per capita. Key factors in explaining this success are infrastructure, financial incentives and a fruitful collaboration between the public and private sectors, which also in...Lead moreNorway is among the nations with the highest number of electric vehicles and globally ranks first per capita. Key factors in explaining this success are infrastructure, financial incentives and a fruitful collaboration between the public and private sectors, which also includes ITS-services. The charging stations database NOBIL was launched in 2010 to serve as the backbone for ITS services and business related to electromobility. It is publicly owned and allows anyone to build services using standardized data free of charge. From being a one-way tool showing placements of charging stations, Nobil is now being developed as a communicative delivering real-time data on status of charging stations. By the end of 2012 36 fast charging stations delivered real-time data on availability to EV users.

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Possibilities of system integration in the development of operations in the road traffic management centres in Finland

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2009
  • Sami Luoma
  • Finnish Transport Agency
  • Finland


Currently Finnish Transport Agencys ITS systems are controlled via more than 40 separated traffic controls systems that hardly communicate with each other and all of the systems have own GUIs which makes the traffic control challenging for the operators. The Finnish Trans...Lead moreCurrently Finnish Transport Agencys ITS systems are controlled via more than 40 separated traffic controls systems that hardly communicate with each other and all of the systems have own GUIs which makes the traffic control challenging for the operators. The Finnish Transport Agency is developing an integrated traffic control operating system to ease the controlling of the separate systems. The system enables the simultaneous use of all operating systems, maintains the situational awareness and facilitates communication authorities with a single interface. This paper concentrates especially on how the operation of road traffic management centres could be developed considering the new possibilities of T-LOIK. It was also investigated how the integrated system enhances the cooperation between authorities taking part to the management of disturbances in traffic and operators in TMCs. Time schedule for the system integration is 2013-2018 and budget around 30 Meuros.

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Validation Results of Driver Behavior Prediction in a Cooperative Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2008
  • Philipp Themann
  • Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika) RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


State of the art vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technologies enable future driver assistance and traffic management systems to cooperate in order to improve energy efficiency and to reduce emissions of traffic. Therefore predictions of the ...Lead moreState of the art vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technologies enable future driver assistance and traffic management systems to cooperate in order to improve energy efficiency and to reduce emissions of traffic. Therefore predictions of the behaviour of single vehicles as well of the whole traffic network are necessary. For this purpose a microscopic model focusing on single vehicles as well as a macroscopic network model is developed within the European research project eCoMove. This paper elaborates on the microscopic ecoSituational Model (eSiM) and presents validation results gained from real world field tests in a cooperative environment. The quality of velocity profile predictions and the impact of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technologies are analyzed. The paper summarizes the benefits of the chosen approach and outlines limitations and requirements to in-vehicle systems.

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Weather Applications and Services in Field Operational Tests - Experiences from the First Practical ITS Solutions in FOTsis

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2007
  • Pertti Nurmi
  • Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • Finland


The EU plays a key role to fund ITS initiatives of solutions and applications for safer and more sustainable transportation systems. The FOTsis project is one highly successful undertaking. FOTsis is a large-scale ITS field test of road infrastructure management systems i...Lead moreThe EU plays a key role to fund ITS initiatives of solutions and applications for safer and more sustainable transportation systems. The FOTsis project is one highly successful undertaking. FOTsis is a large-scale ITS field test of road infrastructure management systems implemented at nine test highways in four countries. Weather-driven applications and services have a fundamental role in FOTsis because of the fact that some of the most notorious disruptions in road transportation are caused by adverse weather. The FOTsis weather applications are developed and operated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Weather applications represent multi-disciplinary solution-oriented approaches applied in the road transportation field and the export of the Finnish road weather excellence. The FOTsis road weather concept was introduced at the previous, Vienna ITS World Congress. The present paper illustrates first experiences of the practical solutions implemented at the FOTsis test highways. Future perspectives of the project are also highlighted.