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Paper Title

Automatic Construction of ITS Ontologies with Structural and WordSpace Analysis Specific to ITS Documents

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2912
  • Naohiro Nakamura
  • Keio University
  • Japan


In order to efficiently build up ITS ontologies, we take three steps: automatic process from documents and manual process by ITS experts with ontology editor and then the integration process into refined ITS ontologies in our going project. This paper focuses on how to au...Lead moreIn order to efficiently build up ITS ontologies, we take three steps: automatic process from documents and manual process by ITS experts with ontology editor and then the integration process into refined ITS ontologies in our going project. This paper focuses on how to automatically construct ITS Ontologies from ITS standard documents with Structure Analysis and Syntactic Analysis by exploiting sentence patterns specific to ITS documents. The case studies with EFC standard documents show us that the proposed automatic process goes well as the preliminary results.

Paper Title

Effect of Discomfort Glare on Speed Discrimination in A Simulated Driving Scenario

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2909
  • Ying-Yin Huang
  • ETH Zurich
  • Switzerland


Good and stable driving skills, which highly rely on visual performance, are very important for traffic safety. Glare has been shown to have certain impacts on driving safety issues, such as driving in low-sun conditions or gazing into the headlamp of an oncoming vehicle....Lead moreGood and stable driving skills, which highly rely on visual performance, are very important for traffic safety. Glare has been shown to have certain impacts on driving safety issues, such as driving in low-sun conditions or gazing into the headlamp of an oncoming vehicle. While disability glare causes reduced visibility of objects on the road which increases risky driving events, discomfort glare irritates visual perception and distracts visual attention which affects visual performance. In the present study, we investigate the potential effects of discomfort glare on motion perception. Participants performed speed discrimination tasks of a front vehicle with different speed set up in a simulated driving scenario under low-level luminance glare and no-glare conditions. Results showed that discomfort glare interfered in visual perception of motion and caused reduced detectability in speed discrimination. One should be aware of the misestimation of speed caused by discomfort glare when performing a driving task.

Paper Title

DOGIES - Dangerous Goods Incident Early Warning System

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2908
  • Miroslav Haltuf
  • H-Comp Consulting
  • Czech Republic


The paper describes activities in project which is going to help improve the situation in transportation of dangerous goods in all transport modes. The aim of the project is preventing occurrences of incidents and accidents by monitoring and automated consignment data tra...Lead moreThe paper describes activities in project which is going to help improve the situation in transportation of dangerous goods in all transport modes. The aim of the project is preventing occurrences of incidents and accidents by monitoring and automated consignment data transmissions on transport network.

Paper Title

Prototype Implementation and Positioning Performance Results of the GAIN Enhanced Active Green Driving Assistant

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2907
  • Robin Streiter
  • Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Germany


The aim of the GAIN project is to enhance the positioning performance of an already existing Active green driving Assistant and to extend it to an Enhanced Active Green Driving system for real time optimization and reduction emissions and fuel consumption. Due to erroneou...Lead moreThe aim of the GAIN project is to enhance the positioning performance of an already existing Active green driving Assistant and to extend it to an Enhanced Active Green Driving system for real time optimization and reduction emissions and fuel consumption. Due to erroneous positioning solutions, the existing prototype often proposes inappropriate maneuvers to the driver, which avoids a successful market entry of the existing application. To remove this limitation new positioning strategies for low cost GNSS receivers will be implemented in GAIN -with a special focus on integrity issues in order to prevent the application from taking misleading decisions. Next to Galileo/GPS, the concept of position integrity is introduced to detect multipath in urban areas through a GNSS/INS tightly coupled approach and 3D environment modeling with probabilistic multipath mitigation. This paper gives an overview about the GAIN prototype implementation and shows first results of the positioning performance.

Paper Title

Driver Support Systems and Road Safety Outcomes: Potential Effects on Fatal Accidents

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2906
  • Truls Vaa
  • Institute of Transport Economics
  • Norway


A prime objective of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) which are applied in road transportation is to reduce the number of accidents. A subset of ITS is Driver Support Systems (DSS), i.e. systems that support the driver in handling information, provide warnings, or inte...Lead moreA prime objective of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) which are applied in road transportation is to reduce the number of accidents. A subset of ITS is Driver Support Systems (DSS), i.e. systems that support the driver in handling information, provide warnings, or interfere in the process of maneuvering the car. The present overview will provide ex ante estimates regarding the effects on accidents ISA, Maximum Speed Governor, Alcolock, Seat-belt Lock, Sleep Warning Systems, Programmable Ignition Key, ACC and ESC. The estimation methods will, except for ESC, be by proxy, i.e. supposed effect on certain accident types or other surrogate variables. Focus will be on systems that limit or hinder drivers in engaging in behaviours that are deliberate violations of traffic law. Estimates of lives saved are based on in-depth investigation of fatal accidents possibly prevented if respective systems had been installed in the cars when the accident took place.

Paper Title

Automated Tool Chain for Evaluation of Real World Tests Developed and Applied in eCoMove and interactIVe

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2905
  • Philipp Themann
  • Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika) RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


This work summarizes the main design characteristics of an automated tool chain to analyze measurement data from real world tests in order to validate different aspects and functionalities of assistance systems. The highly flexible and adaptable data format as well as cor...Lead moreThis work summarizes the main design characteristics of an automated tool chain to analyze measurement data from real world tests in order to validate different aspects and functionalities of assistance systems. The highly flexible and adaptable data format as well as corresponding steps in information processing are presented. The approach described is used in the European research projects eCoMove and interactIVe and hence has to work out for quite different requirements on data analysis. As real world tests may acquire confidential measurement data the approach has to ensure that these confidential data do not end up in validation results provided to project partners. This aspect is also considered in this work.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2904
  • Rifkat Minnikhanov
  • Head of Traffic Police
  • Russian Federation


The article presents the examples of intelligent technologies used to improve road traffic safety and the experience of work with video systems, recording traffic violations. In this paper we discussed the influence of modern systems on regional surveillance of road accid...Lead moreThe article presents the examples of intelligent technologies used to improve road traffic safety and the experience of work with video systems, recording traffic violations. In this paper we discussed the influence of modern systems on regional surveillance of road accidents and the introduction of automated system for the general improvement of road traffic conditions in the Republic of Tatarstan

Paper Title

The Contribution of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to Sustainable Development of Austria as a Business Location in 2020 - A Delphi Study

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2903
  • Friedrich Starkl
  • FHOOE Logistikum Steyr
  • Austria


Sustainably safeguarding business locations is a major priority of politics. The development of a wide range of technical solutions in the field of intelligent transportation systems has generated high expectations for solving transport problems of today and tomorrow. The...Lead moreSustainably safeguarding business locations is a major priority of politics. The development of a wide range of technical solutions in the field of intelligent transportation systems has generated high expectations for solving transport problems of today and tomorrow. The paper in hand is, therefore, an early attempt to answer the question concerning what ITS can contribute to the sustainable development of Austria as a business location by means of the Delphi method. An ambivalent view is reflected in the literature review and public discussion. Experts' opinions were obtained in terms of impact on sustainable development, probability and desirability. In general, the results show a relatively high degree of dissent. In particular one group of measures was identified as having a higher impact and higher probability than other groups. Based on results the principal has obtained support in the decision whether to implement a real-time road traffic information system.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2902
  • Christina Nikolova
  • University of National and World Economy
  • Bulgaria


The environment is now very close to the top of the political agenda in many countries. One particular aspect of this topic concerns the role of transport as a major consumer of energy and a generator of pollution. The various paragraphs of this paper concentrate on the r...Lead moreThe environment is now very close to the top of the political agenda in many countries. One particular aspect of this topic concerns the role of transport as a major consumer of energy and a generator of pollution. The various paragraphs of this paper concentrate on the real problems which environmental performance of transport present to policy-makers and assess the contribution that the analysis can make to handling more effectively environmental considerations in transport decision making and especially in those related to the application of ITS.
The paper does not aim either to be comprehensive in its treatment of environmental policy in transport or to provide answers to the questions that it or its paragraphs raise. It is hoped, however, that it may flag some of the key issues where uncertainty remains and where subsequent research could prove beneficial.

Paper Title

Automated detection and classification process for critical incidents and driving events by means of vehicle data

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2901
  • Mohamed Benmimoun
  • Institut fuer Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


Data from Field Operational Tests (FOT) is more and more used to analyze the impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Due to the high amount of collected data the analysis of this data is time-consuming. Within this paper an automated detection process for rec...Lead moreData from Field Operational Tests (FOT) is more and more used to analyze the impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Due to the high amount of collected data the analysis of this data is time-consuming. Within this paper an automated detection process for recognition of relevant driving situations based on vehicle data has will be presented. By means of automation the analysis can be conducted within a reasonable time period. Moreover the algorithm for detection of the relevant situations have been defined and tested, in order to ensure a reliable detection. The automated recognition process was applied for data processing and analysis of the gathered data within the euroFOT field operational test. The euroFOT project is the first large-scale FOT of multiple ADAS technologies in Europe. Main objective of the project was the impact assessment of different ADAS on safety, traffic efficiency, environment, driver behavior in real life situations.

Paper Title

ITS policy and business outcomes

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2158
  • Richard Harris
  • Xerox
  • United Kingdom


Intelligent Transport Systems have been under development now for many years. Indeed there are excellent examples of implementation which are saving lives, reducing environmental damage, improving efficiency and compliance and supporting economic activity as well as makin...Lead moreIntelligent Transport Systems have been under development now for many years. Indeed there are excellent examples of implementation which are saving lives, reducing environmental damage, improving efficiency and compliance and supporting economic activity as well as making travel more reliable, comfortable and accessible. But are we really capitalizing on the investment made in ITS? How can we make sure that the true potential is unlocked, identified, safeguarded and exploited? The real benefits of ITS must be clearly related to the policy objectives and to business outcomes. This paper will consider the development of ITS so far, its contribution to these outcomes and suggest how to reinforce these links to help accelerate sustainable deployment.

Paper Title

Funding ITS deployment

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2157
  • Richard Harris
  • Xerox
  • United Kingdom


Intelligent Transport Systems have been under development now for many years. Indeed there are excellent examples of implementation which are saving lives, reducing environmental damage, improving efficiency and compliance and supporting economic activity as well as makin...Lead moreIntelligent Transport Systems have been under development now for many years. Indeed there are excellent examples of implementation which are saving lives, reducing environmental damage, improving efficiency and compliance and supporting economic activity as well as making travel more reliable, comfortable and accessible. But are we really capitalizing on the investment made in ITS? How can we make sure that the true potential is unlocked, identified, safeguarded and exploited?
ITS has to compete for funding and the limited economic resources available and the tendency for short term objectives mates this increasingly difficult. However there are innovative means available for funding. This paper considers the potential funding mechanisms that can be used to unlock the resources necessary to enable real deployment to be achieved and for services to be maintained.

Paper Title

Map-based Minimal Fuel Routing

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2156
  • Kees Wevers
  • BrightAngel ITS
  • Netherlands


This paper addresses the topic of least fuel routing. After a short introduction on vehicle routing, the elements influencing vehicle fuel consumption are elaborated. This is followed by a detailed analysis of minimal fuel routing in relation to the digital map database.This paper addresses the topic of least fuel routing. After a short introduction on vehicle routing, the elements influencing vehicle fuel consumption are elaborated. This is followed by a detailed analysis of minimal fuel routing in relation to the digital map database.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2155
  • Emine Altintas
  • Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication
  • Turkey


In this paper, approach to ITS policies in Turkey, some information related National ITS Strategy Document which has been prepared , our ITS vision and purposes, planning and continued projects in Turkey are mentioned.In this paper, approach to ITS policies in Turkey, some information related National ITS Strategy Document which has been prepared , our ITS vision and purposes, planning and continued projects in Turkey are mentioned.

Paper Title

Dynamic parking pricing and future developments

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2154
  • Robert De Beukelaer
  • Xerox Services
  • Netherlands


Parking is one of the fundamental services and requirements for effective mobility. While Intelligent Transport Systems have been applied to many aspects of parking, there are still major opportunities to increase effective management and to improve customer services. Thi...Lead moreParking is one of the fundamental services and requirements for effective mobility. While Intelligent Transport Systems have been applied to many aspects of parking, there are still major opportunities to increase effective management and to improve customer services. This paper presents the current state of the art of parking practice, describes the latest development including data mining, dynamic parking pricing and integrated management systems and benefits and also looks at future services based on unlocking the potential of a mobile internet platform and the additional applications that this will support.

Paper Title

Application of satellite technologies based on GLONASS/GPS for creating ITS systems in big cities.

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2153
  • Vladimir Vozhzhov
  • Navigation-information systems
  • Russian Federation


Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are essential for providing information on real-time spatial positions of objects to intelligent transportation systems. Nowadays American GPS and Russian GLONASS are the only two functioning global satellite navigation systems, ...Lead moreGlobal navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are essential for providing information on real-time spatial positions of objects to intelligent transportation systems. Nowadays American GPS and Russian GLONASS are the only two functioning global satellite navigation systems, and GLONASS has the opportunity to become, alongside with the GPS, one of the principal navigation satellite systems.

Paper Title

How to Attract and Promote Young Talent in ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2151
  • Sarah Krautsack
  • Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
  • Austria


Excellence in transport research and technology can only be achieved with highly qualified employees. Targeted promotion of young talent and interest aims to ensure that the pool of young talents in ITS will not dry up in the future. In order to push for young talents, th...Lead moreExcellence in transport research and technology can only be achieved with highly qualified employees. Targeted promotion of young talent and interest aims to ensure that the pool of young talents in ITS will not dry up in the future. In order to push for young talents, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, the host of the 19th ITS World Congress has put Talents for ITS on top of the political agenda for the World Congress in Vienna 2012.

Prior to and involving every aspect to the 19th ITS World Congress in Vienna 2012, a broad range of activities designed to promote young talents were planned. Those activities aimed to get school children and students enthused about the new career field with internships, competitions, company excursions and much more.

Paper Title

Joint Road Traffic Management in Gothenburg

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2150
  • Josef Hamrin
  • Prospero Technology Management AB
  • Sweden


The growth in the Gothenburg region has prompted a vast amount of infrastructure investment in the coming decade. As a consequence the road traffic management needs to be strengthened to ensure efficient handling of disturbances in the traffic as well as providing accurat...Lead moreThe growth in the Gothenburg region has prompted a vast amount of infrastructure investment in the coming decade. As a consequence the road traffic management needs to be strengthened to ensure efficient handling of disturbances in the traffic as well as providing accurate traffic information. In order to achieve this the Swedish Transport Administration and the City of Gothenburg's Traffic and Transport authority are establishing a collaborative road traffic management centre. The collaborative road traffic management centre is responsible for managing both the national and municipal road networks
This paper outlines the critical success factors in this establishment as well as which solutions have been chosen for achieving the collaboration.

Paper Title

National Public Transport e- Ticketing in Turkey

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2146
  • ihsan Cihan
  • The Ministry Transport, Maritame Affairs and Communication
  • Turkey


Paper abstract :

Several types of tickets are used in public transport systems ( ticket – based price discrimination ). In other words, price depends on the ticket type used.
It makes virtually no difference to an operator's production cost whether a passe...Lead more
Paper abstract :

Several types of tickets are used in public transport systems ( ticket – based price discrimination ). In other words, price depends on the ticket type used.
It makes virtually no difference to an operator's production cost whether a passenger makes a trip using a single ticket, or a season ticket.
In Turkey
Every city has it's own ticketing system and standarts in their transportation locally. There is no any common and unique standart and transport card as a nationally.

We prepared a Feasability Project to build one Automatic Fare Collection( AFC) Systems.

Paper Title

EU wide multimodal ITS services and regional high quality data. Is this a contradiction or is a combination possible for the benefit of the Traveler? The Co-Cities project.

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2144
  • Alexander Froetscher
  • AustriaTech
  • Austria


European cooperative systems projects have demonstrated technical feasibility and a first positive user reaction to cooperative mobility services. In the In-Time project common traveler information services based on distributed regional data sources accessible via one com...Lead moreEuropean cooperative systems projects have demonstrated technical feasibility and a first positive user reaction to cooperative mobility services. In the In-Time project common traveler information services based on distributed regional data sources accessible via one commonly agreed data interface (CAI) have been developed. These mobility services include dynamic navigation and intermodal routing and advice in real time but deliver no information from the traveler to urban traffic management. This is the scope of Co Cities, which closes the feedback loop of cooperative mobility services and elaborates a development path for traffic management in European cities.
Co Cities delivers common traffic information services in European cities via the CAI and enable the customization to single user groups.
The cities involved inform the user in a fast, precise and accurate way of the changes in the status of the network and the possible consequences for travel times and connections

Paper Title

Always green at traffic lights - for emergency vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2143
  • Jukka Talvi
  • City of Oulu
  • Finland


A modern preemption system is able to force traffic lights green for emergency vehicles in every intersection and all of the directions. The street and road authorities and local rescue service department of the Oulu region at northern Finland have planned and acquired a ...Lead moreA modern preemption system is able to force traffic lights green for emergency vehicles in every intersection and all of the directions. The street and road authorities and local rescue service department of the Oulu region at northern Finland have planned and acquired a cost-efficient system that does just that and controls automatically the traffic cameras as well. Currently forced green is given in 125 intersections to 30 vehicles. The feed-back has been very positive and the system is expanding to cover two provinces in the next two years including several cities, fire departments and hospital districts. Although all the devices and some of the software are generic there is a groundbraking new method behind the success and the authorities are on the driver seat.

Paper Title

Speech Input Pre-Processing for Car Driver Robust Automatic Speech Recognition

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2139
  • Sacha Vrazic
  • IMRA Europe SAS
  • Germany


This paper describes a pre-processing system that allows robust Automatic Speech Recognition in car adverse environment. The pre-processing with only 3 microphones allows that only the driver provides commands to the car, the passenger voice is cancelled or reduced depend...Lead moreThis paper describes a pre-processing system that allows robust Automatic Speech Recognition in car adverse environment. The pre-processing with only 3 microphones allows that only the driver provides commands to the car, the passenger voice is cancelled or reduced depending the situation and music does not need to be muted. An adaptive beamformer is combined with sources localization based on Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA) estimation. Additional specific adaptive filters are combined to remove remaining noises (engine, road, wind, music, etc.). The evaluation is done using real driving situations on a Toyota RAV4 car and with the Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS) software in French to assess the recognition rate. The results show a recognition rate drastically improved.

Paper Title

A selection process for next generation cooperative driver assistance systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2138
  • Oliver Sawade
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS
  • Germany


Field operational testing of first-generation Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication systems (Car-2-X) has recently commenced in projects such as DRIVE C2X or Safety Pilot. Following the evaluation an introduction of such systems into the market is...Lead moreField operational testing of first-generation Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication systems (Car-2-X) has recently commenced in projects such as DRIVE C2X or Safety Pilot. Following the evaluation an introduction of such systems into the market is expected, thus leading research focus to shift to novel assistance systems enabled by C2X. In this paper we describe the properties of cooperative driver assistance (CoDAS) systems and present a selection process for CoDAS functions with regard to technical, economic and social factors.

Paper Title

Monitoring, Control and Management of Dangerous Goods Transports in Urban Areas

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2136
  • Fabrice Reclus
  • France


GeoFencing MD is a R&D project which started the 1st June 2012, for a duration of 3 years. It aims to experiment a telematic system designed for the management and control of dangerous goods transports in the Lyons urban area (France).
The main goals of GeoFencing MD a...Lead more
GeoFencing MD is a R&D project which started the 1st June 2012, for a duration of 3 years. It aims to experiment a telematic system designed for the management and control of dangerous goods transports in the Lyons urban area (France).
The main goals of GeoFencing MD are to develop innovative tools and value-added services both for private actors involved in the logistic chain of dangerous goods transportation (shippers, carriers, drivers, clients...), and for public authorities in charge of transport and security issues.

Paper Title

Standardization of performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals for ITS applications at CEN/CENELEC/TC5

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2135
  • Francois Peyret
  • France


The paper is about independent performance standards for GNSS-based positioning terminals used in road transport applications. It deals with the activities that have started in 2013 at CEN/CENELEC/TC5 standardization body. A new WG will work on a generic methodology to de...Lead moreThe paper is about independent performance standards for GNSS-based positioning terminals used in road transport applications. It deals with the activities that have started in 2013 at CEN/CENELEC/TC5 standardization body. A new WG will work on a generic methodology to derive the positioning terminal performance from the application key performance indicators and on the tests for assessing this performance.

Paper Title

Real-Time Eco-Driving Prototype

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2134
  • Francesco Alesiani
  • NEC Europe Ltd.
  • Germany


This paper presents a prototype application for an eco-friendly ITS service based on an Android platform which aims at reducing vehicle CO2 emission and fuel consumption. The application service consists of a visual suggestion of longitudinal speed and acceleration/decele...Lead moreThis paper presents a prototype application for an eco-friendly ITS service based on an Android platform which aims at reducing vehicle CO2 emission and fuel consumption. The application service consists of a visual suggestion of longitudinal speed and acceleration/deceleration advices to the driver. The prototype consists of the following main elements: a traffic simulator, a cloud based service, a web-based visualizer and a tablet for displaying information to the driver.

Paper Title

Low cost stereovision based truck parking occupancy detection

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2133
  • Wouter Favoreel
  • FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Belgium


In this paper we present a new stereovision based traffic sensor that can detect the availability of parking spaces on truck parkings. A comparative test on a parking in German has shown that over a period of a year an average accuracy of 98% was achieved. This outperform...Lead moreIn this paper we present a new stereovision based traffic sensor that can detect the availability of parking spaces on truck parkings. A comparative test on a parking in German has shown that over a period of a year an average accuracy of 98% was achieved. This outperforms any other technology that was tested under the same conditions including in-ground pucks, radar, inductive loops and laser scanners. Due to the low energy consumption of our stereo sensor, solar powering the system is perfectly possible. Combining this with wireless communication makes it a cheap, flexible and non-intrusive parking occupancy detection solution. Finally, adding pedestrian recognition may provide an additional surveillance function helping to make parkings more secure.

Paper Title

Video-based parking occupancy detection

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2132
  • Kristof Maddelein
  • Traficon International nv
  • Belgium


Outdoor vehicle detection is one of the most challenging tasks in the world of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Today, a substantial amount of different technologies such as video detection, microwave radar detection and electromagnetic loop detection are used wo...Lead moreOutdoor vehicle detection is one of the most challenging tasks in the world of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Today, a substantial amount of different technologies such as video detection, microwave radar detection and electromagnetic loop detection are used worldwide to detect vehicles for ITS applications such as traffic signal control, traffic flow measurement, automatic incident detection and many more. A growth in parking management applications has resulted in technologies being adapted to respond to different environments with different needs. This paper will present a video-based approach to detect vehicles at outdoor parking areas.

Paper Title

Real-time Bicycle Detection at Signalized Intersections using Thermal Imaging Technology

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2131
  • Kristof Maddelein
  • Traficon International nv
  • Belgium


Cities worldwide are looking for a smarter approach towards the control of signalized intersections in order to enhance safety and efficiency for bicyclists. Traditional detection technologies, such as video, microwave radar and loops, can be used to detect vehicles at si...Lead moreCities worldwide are looking for a smarter approach towards the control of signalized intersections in order to enhance safety and efficiency for bicyclists. Traditional detection technologies, such as video, microwave radar and loops, can be used to detect vehicles at signalized intersections, but none of these can consistently separate bikes from other traffic, day and night and in various weather conditions.
Bikes should get higher priority and longer greentime to safely cross the signalized intersection. Traffic managers are therefore looking for alternative detection systems that can distinct between bicycles and other vehicles near the stop bar.
In this paper, the drawbacks of a video-based approach and benefits of a thermal image-based approach are presented for vehicle presence detection with bicycle separation. The specific technical challenges are highlighted in developing a detection algorithm and a system that combines thermal image capturing, image processing and output triggering to the traffic light controller.

Paper Title

A New Sustainable Paradigm For Charging Vehicle Use

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2130
  • Duncan Matheson
  • PA Consulting Group
  • United Kingdom


This paper sets out a novel approach to vehicle taxation by focusing upon the impact that vehicle journeys make upon the road network and the environment. A simple approach is proposed in the short term that would not require complex in-vehicle equipment to be fitted. I...Lead moreThis paper sets out a novel approach to vehicle taxation by focusing upon the impact that vehicle journeys make upon the road network and the environment. A simple approach is proposed in the short term that would not require complex in-vehicle equipment to be fitted. In the longer term elements of congestion charging by time, distance and place could be introduced. The focus is upon charging for the distance travelled; the ‘well to wheel’ pollution related to the energy source used and damage to the road network related to the vehicle’s weight.

Paper Title

European and United States scenarios for energy efficient traffic signal operations

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2129
  • Jaap Vreeswijk
  • Imtech Traffic & Infra
  • Netherlands


Energy efficient traffic signal operations includes the use of connected vehicle technologies to decrease fuel consumption and decrease greenhouse gasses and criteria air pollutant emissions on arterials by reducing idling, reducing the number of stops, reducing unnecessa...Lead moreEnergy efficient traffic signal operations includes the use of connected vehicle technologies to decrease fuel consumption and decrease greenhouse gasses and criteria air pollutant emissions on arterials by reducing idling, reducing the number of stops, reducing unnecessary accelerations and decelerations, and improving traffic flow at signalized intersections. The EU-US task force on ITS cooperation, working group for sustainability applications, aims to research the operational scenarios within this scope and assess commonalities and differences in message sets, data transmission techniques and system algorithms. This paper gives a break-down structure of operational scenarios based on increasing level of complexity with regard to traffic signal timing algorithms and use of communication technologies. Implications for the application use cases eco-traffic signal timing, eco-traffic signal priority, and eco-approach and departure at signalized intersections will be discussed in the final paper.

Paper Title

Drivers' perception of route alternatives

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2128
  • Jaap Vreeswijk
  • Imtech Traffic & Infra
  • Netherlands


Although travel time is probably one of the most important attributes in route choice, the shortest time route is often not the preferred route. This study tries to explain this finding by testing the hypotheses that choice makers may be able to estimate travel times cor...Lead moreAlthough travel time is probably one of the most important attributes in route choice, the shortest time route is often not the preferred route. This study tries to explain this finding by testing the hypotheses that choice makers may be able to estimate travel times correctly for routes they prefer, but that they are biased against alternatives even if these are faster. For a few choice sets of routes in the Dutch city of Enschede, respondents were asked to choose a route and provide their estimated travel times for both the preferred and alternative routes. These travel times were then compared with actual travel times from a license plate study. The comparison confirmed the hypotheses. For chosen routes, perceived travel times correspond quite well with actual travel times on average, while for non-chosen routes, perceived travel times are overestimated by 3-4 minutes on average.

Paper Title

Comparison Study of Software Tools for Online Traffic Simulation Supporting Real-time Traffic Management of Road Networks

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2127
  • Andreas Pell
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • Austria


Traffic simulation models and software tools were developed for the purpose of traffic modeling, planning and to compare different strategies in traffic control during simulations. Traffic micro-simulation models and tools are more and more used in real-time on inclusion ...Lead moreTraffic simulation models and software tools were developed for the purpose of traffic modeling, planning and to compare different strategies in traffic control during simulations. Traffic micro-simulation models and tools are more and more used in real-time on inclusion of area-wide current traffic data to form the basis for traffic management actions. A comparison of 17 simulation software tools available on the market has been conducted. Reviews and spec sheets have been analysed and an online survey has been conducted. A state-of-the art review report has been drawn up. It became apparent that there is a lack of real-time traffic simulation software applications designed for heterogeneous road transportation networks.

Paper Title

Towards A New Transport Policy - Intelligence in Transport and Wisdom in Mobility

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2126
  • Marko Forsblom
  • Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Finland


Finland published the first National Strategy for Intelligent Transport on 2009. The strategy got a lot of attention internationally. Our Second Generation Strategy for Intelligent Transport: - Intelligence for Transport and Wisdom for Traveller's was finished at the end ...Lead moreFinland published the first National Strategy for Intelligent Transport on 2009. The strategy got a lot of attention internationally. Our Second Generation Strategy for Intelligent Transport: - Intelligence for Transport and Wisdom for Traveller's was finished at the end of 2012. The main goal for updating the strategy was to speed up the implementation of the previous strategy and to update the list of key projects and ITS Implementation Programme.

Paper Title

Advanced design of Motorcycle Approaching Indication

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2125
  • Takeshi Chiba
  • Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center
  • Japan


The Motorcycle Approaching Indication (MAI) using the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Systems (V2VCS) . We found that MAI has some issues in actual road environment to detect the motorcycles. We describ about the issues, suggested the algorithm and test result that MAI c...Lead moreThe Motorcycle Approaching Indication (MAI) using the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Systems (V2VCS) . We found that MAI has some issues in actual road environment to detect the motorcycles. We describ about the issues, suggested the algorithm and test result that MAI can be adopted in the actual road environment more.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2121
  • Ivan Dadic
  • Faculty of transport and traffic sciences
  • Croatia


Our previous researches have shown that the throughput capacity of the intersection and the traffic network in general can be significantly increased by proper directing the traffic flows at at-grade intersections in order to avoid unnecessary intersecting of the traffic ...Lead moreOur previous researches have shown that the throughput capacity of the intersection and the traffic network in general can be significantly increased by proper directing the traffic flows at at-grade intersections in order to avoid unnecessary intersecting of the traffic flows. This can substantially increase the average speed, reduce the waiting times at intersections, reduce the adverse impact of the traffic on the environment and traffic safety.
In this paper a method is shown that utilises recorded vehicle itineraries gathered from corporate fleet management and tracking systems. Vehicle paths obtained from GNSS are introduced to spatiotemporal GIS database and processed through methods of stochastic analysis in order to detect and indicate points and intensities of unnecessary intersecting of traffic flows. By analysing the relations between the routes, the causes of unnecessary intersecting may be determined and adequate measures to eliminate such a situation can be undertaken.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2120
  • Marko Sevrovic
  • Faculty of transport and traffic sciences
  • Croatia


In this paper we consider the possibility of using smartphones to determine the level of roughness of pavement surface on the observed road network elements. An accelerometer built into the smartphone, enables detection of irregularities in the pavement surface on the bas...Lead moreIn this paper we consider the possibility of using smartphones to determine the level of roughness of pavement surface on the observed road network elements. An accelerometer built into the smartphone, enables detection of irregularities in the pavement surface on the basis of measured changes in the values of acceleration. While driving across the larger deformations on the pavement surface great vibrations are created on the vehicle which causes abrupt changes in the values of current acceleration, while on the other hand on relatively flat pavement surfaces vehicle vibrations and changes in the values of current acceleration are much smaller. The measured values of acceleration are utilised in determining the value of international road roughness index (IRI) and for the evaluation and monitoring of pavement surface quality and the selection of priorities and ways of remediation of pavement surface on certain parts of the observed road network segments.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2118
  • Timothy Gammons
  • Ove Arup & Partners Ltd
  • United Kingdom


In the case of road transport we are subject to tolled roads and crossings, road pricing and congestion charging and although these are provided to deliver different objectives the end user is the same. Within the European Union the adoption of Directive 2004/52/EC and D...Lead moreIn the case of road transport we are subject to tolled roads and crossings, road pricing and congestion charging and although these are provided to deliver different objectives the end user is the same. Within the European Union the adoption of Directive 2004/52/EC and Decision 2009/750/EC for interoperability through the Electronic Toll Service (EETS) is aimed at providing seamless road travel across the Trans European Road Network (TERN). However across Europe there are many tolled crossings and roads that are not on the TERN and as a consequence the road user is unable to get the full benefit of European Interoperability. This paper considers the merits of providing interoperability for its customers on the UKs first planned Free-Flow Toll Crossing, the Humber Bridge. The paper will draw conclusions that could be considered for other no-TERN tolled facilities.

Paper Title

Sustainable Freight Transport Systems through Strengthening Cluster Initiatives

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2117
  • Meng Lu
  • Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics
  • Netherlands


Logistics covers not just transport; it also covers the good that are transported and to the way
in which they are transported. Regions, involving a complementary mix of industry, research
institutes and authorities (called the "triple helix"), are key entities for ...Lead more
Logistics covers not just transport; it also covers the good that are transported and to the way
in which they are transported. Regions, involving a complementary mix of industry, research
institutes and authorities (called the "triple helix"), are key entities for constituting crucial
research and innovation initiatives for providing significant contributions to a sustainable
intelligent transport system. The paper presents options for strengthening regional initiatives.
Two case studies have been elaborated, the Netherlands South West & Flanders Cluster, and
the Region of Aragón cluster (Spain). Furthermore a comparative study was done. The results
contribute to the development of an approach for learning from best practices of regions for
stimulating the establishment of a sustainable freight transport system.

Paper Title

112 eCall on Motorcycles

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2116
  • Finland


The Pan-European 112 eCall is targeted to enter in the European markets in 2015 for cars and light commercial vehicles. Motorcycles are excluded in this act. Motorcyclists agree that they might be the greatest beneficiaries of an optional 112 eCall in-vehicle system. This...Lead moreThe Pan-European 112 eCall is targeted to enter in the European markets in 2015 for cars and light commercial vehicles. Motorcycles are excluded in this act. Motorcyclists agree that they might be the greatest beneficiaries of an optional 112 eCall in-vehicle system. This is specifically the case for those riders that mainly ride outside city area where they are alone and unsecured. The motorcycle 112 eCall system itself is mainly based on the standardized generic 112 eCall box. It is noticeable that there are huge differences in riding dynamics of motorcycles compared to those of cars and trucks. Also the differences in price points between 4-wheelers and 2-wheelers are remarkable. Thus the transferability of car 112 eCall system is highly questionable to motorcycle environment. This is to be left for voluntary application and industry and motorcyclist communities' development. In projects like HeERO and SENSIN partial solutions are developed.