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Paper Title

Detection of Emergency Telephone Indicators Using Infrared Cameras for Vehicle Positioning in Tunnel Environment

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3031
  • Zhipeng Wang
  • Institute of Industrial Science University of Tokyo 3rd Dept. Ikeuchi Laboratory
  • Japan


Vehicle positioning is of great importance to driving assistance and vehicles' navigation. In tunnel environment, positioning is challenging, since neither GPS sensors nor ordinary cameras function properly. In this paper, we propose a real-time solution for positioning o...Lead moreVehicle positioning is of great importance to driving assistance and vehicles' navigation. In tunnel environment, positioning is challenging, since neither GPS sensors nor ordinary cameras function properly. In this paper, we propose a real-time solution for positioning of vehicles. In tunnels, we can gain the absolute coordinates of some specific objects, here the emergency telephone indicators, which are some special lights. Then during the travelling in tunnels, we sense the environment using infrared cameras and detect the emergency telephone indicators to infer the experimental vehicle's position. In our detection method, we make use of both the emergency telephone indicators' appearance information and motion information. Through well balancing the pipeline, by making time-consuming steps deal with fewer instances, we gain a real-time detection method with promising detection results.

Paper Title

Partnering with Industry for ITS Procurement - Planning the First Pure ITS Alliance

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3030
  • Andrew Somers
  • Transoptim / Main Roads WA
  • Australia


Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) has developed a pilot project to introduce Managed Freeway technologies and operation to an urban freeway section in Perth. The ITS works for the pilot project will be procured through a Project Alliance, the first use of this mechanis...Lead moreMain Roads Western Australia (MRWA) has developed a pilot project to introduce Managed Freeway technologies and operation to an urban freeway section in Perth. The ITS works for the pilot project will be procured through a Project Alliance, the first use of this mechanism for a purely ITS scope. The rationale for the selection of this method and the implications of its use are presented here as being of interest to both government clients and consultant and contractor industry partners.

Paper Title

Enhancement in the Function of Metropolitan Expressway Traffic Control System

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3029
  • Satoshi Endo
  • Metropolitan Expressway Co.Ltd
  • Japan


Metropolitan Expressway has been 50 years since started the service on 1962. As of 2013, Metropolitan expressway has a huge network in the Tokyo Metropolitan area which total length in service is 300km and average traffic volume is approximately 100 million vehicles per d...Lead moreMetropolitan Expressway has been 50 years since started the service on 1962. As of 2013, Metropolitan expressway has a huge network in the Tokyo Metropolitan area which total length in service is 300km and average traffic volume is approximately 100 million vehicles per day. In order to realize safe, smooth, and comfortable road traffic, the Metropolitan Expressway Company deploys patrol cars to deal with accidents and fallen objects immediately. Moreover, the company supports the operation and management of Metropolitan Expressway with its traffic control system aiming to improve the capacity of whole traffic network in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, including local streets. In 2014, Central Circular Shinagawa Line will be in service so that the network of Metropolitan Expressway will be further improved. To effectively and efficiently manage and operate the Metropolitan Expressway, a further reinforcement of traffic control system is scheduled to carry out.

Paper Title

Information Gathering System Utilizing a Smartphone

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3028
  • Daisuke Watanabe
  • Intelligent Transport System Division
  • Japan


At the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, we are focusing on information gathering technology utilizing smartphones, which have seen a surge in users and remarkable technological progress in the private sector. We studied the application of this te...Lead moreAt the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, we are focusing on information gathering technology utilizing smartphones, which have seen a surge in users and remarkable technological progress in the private sector. We studied the application of this technology to road management and developed a prototype for an information gathering system. In this paper, we report on the details of this system.

Paper Title

Development of EV/PHEV Charging System with Communication Technologies

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3027
  • Kenichi Hatanaka
  • Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
  • Japan


Due to demand for decreasing CO2 emission and improving fuel-efficiency of vehicles, research and development of Electric Vehicle (EV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is being revitalized in world wide. Sumitomo Electric has many technologies about EV/PHEV on b...Lead moreDue to demand for decreasing CO2 emission and improving fuel-efficiency of vehicles, research and development of Electric Vehicle (EV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is being revitalized in world wide. Sumitomo Electric has many technologies about EV/PHEV on both of vehicle and infrastructure. We have developed a prototype of PHEV, named S-ELV (Sumitomo Electric Vehicle), for the purpose of improvement of system design skills and technology evaluation based on vehicle. In this paper, we introduce the outline of S-ELV and equipped technologies, and propose how to utilize road to vehicle communication technologies for EV/PHEV.

Paper Title

Traffic Control System Providing For Large-Scale Disaster

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3026
  • Akira Kawaguchi
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, JAPAN
  • Japan


The Traffic Control System (TCS) of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is designed to create a safe and comfortable road traffic environment by controlling traffic signals based on traffic information collected through vehicle detectors and other devices. However, t...Lead moreThe Traffic Control System (TCS) of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is designed to create a safe and comfortable road traffic environment by controlling traffic signals based on traffic information collected through vehicle detectors and other devices. However, the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in March 2011 and brought about immense damage mainly to the northeast of Japan, caused full suspension of the train system and entry restriction of highways, resulting in long-term congestion with people and vehicles jamming the streets.
In a large-scale disaster situation, where securing emergency traffic routes for search and rescue and avoidance of massive congestion is essential, the role of the TCS is huge.
Since an earthquake is expected to occur directly beneath the Tokyo in the near future and building on these lessons, the MPD is promoting various efforts to realize the full potential of the TCS even under a large-scale disaster situation.

Paper Title

Multi-type Multi-modal Simulator for Transit Service Quality Evaluation

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3025
  • NEC
  • Japan


A multi-agent simulator has been developed for evaluating user type dependence of transit quality in a multi-modal transit system. The simulator allows transit service operators and transit information services to evaluate how service scenarios can affect various types of...Lead moreA multi-agent simulator has been developed for evaluating user type dependence of transit quality in a multi-modal transit system. The simulator allows transit service operators and transit information services to evaluate how service scenarios can affect various types of users with different user profiles. The simulator allows specifying multiple different user profiles which affect the changes of user states over time during trips and dynamic mid-trip switching of multi-modal routes. An example is presented of an urban mass transit scenario using real transit system data in Sydney Australia.

Paper Title

A Study on Communication System for Prevention of Bicycle/Pedestrian Accidents

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3024
  • Sugiura Yasunobu
  • Japan


In recent years, V2X wireless communication has been developed in order to support safety driving. For the purpose to prevent bicycle or pedestrian accidents, we are considering safety support systems using the RFID technology which is small size and low power consumption...Lead moreIn recent years, V2X wireless communication has been developed in order to support safety driving. For the purpose to prevent bicycle or pedestrian accidents, we are considering safety support systems using the RFID technology which is small size and low power consumption. In this paper, we introduce the developed system configuration and the results of fundamental experiments.

Paper Title

Conducting the FOT to Evaluate the Driving Practice for Smooth Traffic to Mitigate Traffic Congestion at Sag Sections on Expressways

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3023
  • Fumihiko Kanazawa
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management/ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
  • Japan


Approximately 60% of traffic congestion on Japanese inter-urban expressways occurs at sag/uphill sections. To mitigate congestion at sag/uphill sections,NILIM has been studying congestion countermeasures with V2I cooperative systems using ACC system. In this paper, the re...Lead moreApproximately 60% of traffic congestion on Japanese inter-urban expressways occurs at sag/uphill sections. To mitigate congestion at sag/uphill sections,NILIM has been studying congestion countermeasures with V2I cooperative systems using ACC system. In this paper, the results of field operational tests will be introduced which have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of adapting the following time gap for congestion mitigation. The feasibility of this countermeasure as well as the impact on other vehicles would be examined.

Paper Title

Simulation of a Park-and-Ride System and Train Scheduling Using Mathematical Optimization

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3022
  • Ryuhei Miyashiro
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Japan


In simulation of evaluating a park-and-ride system, a timetable of associated public transportation strongly affects the simulation results. Conventional traffic-flow simulators that examine the effectiveness of a park-and-ride system are insufficient, because it is not p...Lead moreIn simulation of evaluating a park-and-ride system, a timetable of associated public transportation strongly affects the simulation results. Conventional traffic-flow simulators that examine the effectiveness of a park-and-ride system are insufficient, because it is not practically possible to consider all timetables of the public transportation. In this study, using a mathematical optimization technique, we develop a method to obtain an optimal train timetable for a road network employing a park-and-ride system. The proposed method enables us to assess the effectiveness of a park-and-ride system more accurately to reduce congestion on a road network.

Paper Title

An Examination of Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Communication Access Method

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3021
  • Yuichi Kanai
  • Panasonic Corporation
  • Japan


The standard of 700 MHz band intelligent transport systems (ITS) including Vehicle–to-Vehicle (V2V) communication and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication has been published in Japan. Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication which can coexist with V2I and ...Lead moreThe standard of 700 MHz band intelligent transport systems (ITS) including Vehicle–to-Vehicle (V2V) communication and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication has been published in Japan. Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication which can coexist with V2I and V2V communication on the same frequency is required for pedestrian’s safety. This paper proposes three access methods which are suitable for the system. The possibility of coexistence was confirmed by static simulation in which several roadside units (RSUs), a lot of on-board equipment (OBE) and pedestrian portable terminals (PPTs) are distributed throughout a large intersection.

Paper Title

Development of a Probe data Utilization System to Facilitate Road Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3020
  • Yoshihiro Tanaka
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
  • Japan


In Japan, radio wave beacons called ITS spots were installed by the roadside and probe information is collected from ITS Spot-compatible car navigation systems (ITS Spot OBUs) mounted on vehicles. In this paper, the outline of the probe information utilization systems whi...Lead moreIn Japan, radio wave beacons called ITS spots were installed by the roadside and probe information is collected from ITS Spot-compatible car navigation systems (ITS Spot OBUs) mounted on vehicles. In this paper, the outline of the probe information utilization systems which is aimed at facilitating more efficient and advanced road management will be introduced as well as probe information extended utilization examples.

Paper Title

Multi-hop Communication and Multi-protocol Gateway for Disaster Network Assumed Vehicles as Local Network Nodes

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3018
  • Takashi Ohyama
  • Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Japan


We have intended to realize a temporary wireless LAN for disaster information to send it to smart phones, by using radio equipments on emergency vehicles or public wireless LAN, even if the network of the communication carrier is damaged at the time of a disaster. Researc...Lead moreWe have intended to realize a temporary wireless LAN for disaster information to send it to smart phones, by using radio equipments on emergency vehicles or public wireless LAN, even if the network of the communication carrier is damaged at the time of a disaster. Research and development of the disaster information temporary network assumed vehicles as local network nodes, is supported by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan. Concretely, it checks the damage for a local network node and the cable broadcasting communication line after disaster automatically. The network nodes of the neighborhood, relays communication data with the radio equipments instead of damaged area network nodes, and it establish techniques to reconstitute the network resource survived. For relay communication and plural wireless communication, we have evaluated communication quality by simulation and will evaluate the communication quality by using prototype, FY2012.

Paper Title

A Probe Data-Based Approach of Enhancing Traffic Flow Observation for Traffic Management Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3017
  • Toshihiko Oda
  • Vehicle Information and Communication System Center
  • Japan


This paper describes a study that is conducted to evaluate the feasibility of making use of probe data. The advantage of probe data is that it enables traffic administrators to observe traffic flow conditions of ordinary roads, including local streets with no vehicle dete...Lead moreThis paper describes a study that is conducted to evaluate the feasibility of making use of probe data. The advantage of probe data is that it enables traffic administrators to observe traffic flow conditions of ordinary roads, including local streets with no vehicle detectors installed. Furthermore it is possible to acquire the flows of turning traffic at signalized intersections which has not been possible to obtain by detectors. In this study, we collected probe data of taxis traveling around Yokohama City, and estimated the travel time and ratios of turning traffic flows based on only probe data. It is found that the probe data can be significantly utilized for traffic management purposes such as signal control and information provision in spite of their sparseness. Moreover, the results suggest that if the data are accumulated for sufficiently long periods of time, the traffic flow conditions can be accurately estimated.

Paper Title

Wireless Power Charging Techniques and ITS Technology for the Practical Operation of the LED Sign Board EV

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3016
  • Takeyori Maeda
  • Central Nippon Expressway Co. Ltd.
  • Japan


Since 1990s, various ecological friendly vehicles especially less CO2 emission vehicles have been developed and spread enough, and this trend have been expected to avoid global warming. Nowadays EVs have come to be sold generally.
In response to this trend, our company...Lead more
Since 1990s, various ecological friendly vehicles especially less CO2 emission vehicles have been developed and spread enough, and this trend have been expected to avoid global warming. Nowadays EVs have come to be sold generally.
In response to this trend, our company has focused to research and development of EV truck, and is planning to make a pilot model of LED sign board EV at the middle of 2013.
This EV has some merits as following, (i) relatively large size vehicle, (ii) ability to run 100km when fully charged, (iii) wireless battery charging compatible.
ITS technology is also adopted to prevent a dead battery. This pilot model is planned to be used and verified at actual sites on the highway from middle of 2013.

Paper Title

Vehicle detection using milliwave radar transmitting orthogonally

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3015
  • Takafumi Tokuhiro
  • Panasonic Corporation
  • Japan


For recognizing traffic jam, it is significant to detect occupancy on road and speed per vehicle and a lot of ultrasonic vehicle detectors are used on roadways. But the ultrasonic detector would increase maintenance cost since two sets of a transmitter and a receiver need...Lead moreFor recognizing traffic jam, it is significant to detect occupancy on road and speed per vehicle and a lot of ultrasonic vehicle detectors are used on roadways. But the ultrasonic detector would increase maintenance cost since two sets of a transmitter and a receiver need to be mounted away. Applying radar to the detector, it can be one set, but radar which has to transmit wave to vehicle orthogonally cannot ordinarily calculate speed of vehicle from observed Doppler shit in the reflected wave. In this paper, we propose phase rotations template matching method, which evaluates a correlation between observed phase rotations and theoretical templates, to calculate speed of vehicle with radar transmitting orthogonally. We experimented to use prototype 60GHz radar and 63 vehicles running slow. Calculated speed is accurate to within 2.0[km/h].

Paper Title

Knowledge Discovery from Taxi Probe Information at Tokyo By Using Hadoop MapReduce

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3014
  • Naoto Mukai
  • Sugiyama Jogakuen University
  • Japan


Taxi Probe information holds enormous potential to improve our social life. For example, real-time velocity information of taxis enables us to estimate a traffic flow in the city. In the future, the data size of stored taxi probe information will be enormous to handle (we...Lead moreTaxi Probe information holds enormous potential to improve our social life. For example, real-time velocity information of taxis enables us to estimate a traffic flow in the city. In the future, the data size of stored taxi probe information will be enormous to handle (we call Traffic Big Data).
One of the solutions of the problem is Hadoop which is a distributed processing framework.
In this paper, we apply the Hadoop framework in order to find out Taxi-Distribution and Origin-Destination from taxi probe information.

Paper Title

Self Assessed Driver Behaviour Evaluation Tool

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3013
  • Thunyasit Pholprasit
  • Thailand


With the rapid growth of the number of smartphone users, it is easy to see why many application domains have decided to deploy their product on this specific platform. This paper proposes a self assessed driver behaviour evaluation tool which makes use of the smartphones ...Lead moreWith the rapid growth of the number of smartphone users, it is easy to see why many application domains have decided to deploy their product on this specific platform. This paper proposes a self assessed driver behaviour evaluation tool which makes use of the smartphones onboard sensors as well as their accessibility and availability.

Paper Title

Research on Future Provision of Information Infrastructure for Road Traffic Information to Complement FM Multiplex Broadcasting.

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3012
  • Japan


The VICS Center provides traffic information by FM multiplex broadcasting in Japan. This paper reports on the platform additionaly employs communications media to provide upgraded information.The VICS Center provides traffic information by FM multiplex broadcasting in Japan. This paper reports on the platform additionaly employs communications media to provide upgraded information.

Paper Title

Development of Signal Information Drive System

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3011
  • Ito Kenichi
  • Traffic Planning Division
  • Japan


Green Wave Driving Support Systems aims to enhance decrease in CO2 and efficiency of traffic flow by terms of decreasing vehicle accelerations and decelerations by drivers at signal intersections and promoting economical driving such as easing off accelerator earlier by p...Lead moreGreen Wave Driving Support Systems aims to enhance decrease in CO2 and efficiency of traffic flow by terms of decreasing vehicle accelerations and decelerations by drivers at signal intersections and promoting economical driving such as easing off accelerator earlier by providing driving support information based on signal information to drivers. The field test of this system has been carried out both in suburb and in urban in 2011.

Paper Title

Road Ortho-image Generation and Road Marking Detection Using Conventional In-vehicle Sensors

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3010
  • Meguro Junichi
  • Japan


This paper proposes a technique to generate a digital road map, which is suitable for ADAS application, using low-cost sensors (single frequency GPS, speed sensor, yaw rate gyro, rear view camera, front stereo camera). Our proposal should contribute to reduction in produc...Lead moreThis paper proposes a technique to generate a digital road map, which is suitable for ADAS application, using low-cost sensors (single frequency GPS, speed sensor, yaw rate gyro, rear view camera, front stereo camera). Our proposal should contribute to reduction in production costs of accurate digital maps. The digital road map includes road marking, road network, and road boundary. The most striking feature of our proposal is vehicle trajectory estimation using GPS Doppler. This enables to integrate probe data that is collected by many vehicles, because of each vehicle's heading error is vanishingly small. In this paper, we mainly describe orth-image generation and road marking detection.

Paper Title

79GHz high resolution and wide scanning radar system

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3009
  • Hidekuni Yomo
  • Panasonic
  • Japan


We have developed an advanced millimeter-wave radar sensor prototype that could provide the range-resolution of 20cm and the direction of arrival (DOA) resolution of 5-degrees to enable detection of pedestrians in the presence of vehicles around a wide area such as inters...Lead moreWe have developed an advanced millimeter-wave radar sensor prototype that could provide the range-resolution of 20cm and the direction of arrival (DOA) resolution of 5-degrees to enable detection of pedestrians in the presence of vehicles around a wide area such as intersections. The detection performance is 40-meters maximum range and 110-degrees azimuth within 100-milliseconds processing cycle. This sensor is realized by key technologies of 'Tx/Rx adaptive array antenna' and 'the advanced coded sequences pulse modulation'. This paper describes the specification and basic performance of the prototype.

Paper Title

Sensor fusion method based on millimeter-wave radar profile and stereo camera disparity histogram

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3008
  • Makoto Yasugi
  • Panasonic Corporation
  • Japan


It is known that millimeter-wave radar has a high range resolution, however, a higher angle resolution is also desired for separating vehicles from pedestrians at far distance. This paper proposed a sensor fusion method which combines the radar power profile with the disp...Lead moreIt is known that millimeter-wave radar has a high range resolution, however, a higher angle resolution is also desired for separating vehicles from pedestrians at far distance. This paper proposed a sensor fusion method which combines the radar power profile with the disparity histogram from stereo camera. Using the combined new feature, the fusion senor can achieve a highly accurate positioning performance. The evaluation experiments show that the proposed method achieved high resolution on both range and angle. Using the highly accurate position information, pedestrians at the distance of 40m are successfully separated from nearby cars.

Paper Title

Method of Predicting Slowing Down Behavior of Preceding Vehicle at Intersection

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3007
  • Sayaka Ono
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Japan


Because of concerns about environmental issues such as global warming, carmakers have been developing advanced technologies for fuel efficiency. In order to improve actual fuel consumption, eco-driving support systems for the use of environmental information and circumsta...Lead moreBecause of concerns about environmental issues such as global warming, carmakers have been developing advanced technologies for fuel efficiency. In order to improve actual fuel consumption, eco-driving support systems for the use of environmental information and circumstance prediction are necessary. Therefore, circumstance prediction methods have to be developed. In this paper, we propose a method to predict the preceding vehicle's behavior (going straight/turning left) at the intersection. It utilizes a feature that the difference of the preceding vehicle's profiles of velocity and acceleration becomes wider when the vehicle approaches closer to an intersection depending on the driving behaviors. First, the method collects the patterns of the vehicle behavior when the own vehicle goes straight or turns left. Then, by comparing the patterns with the preceding vehicle's behavior, it predicts whether the preceding vehicle is going to decelerate. The effectiveness of the proposed method was examined by a preliminary study.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3006
  • Hiroyuki Mizuno
  • Japan


This paper explains the driving support function for the fuel economy purpose. We performed improvements on the "Eco-TRIAL function" that we announced in the 18th ITS World Congress 2011 so that the system leads the driver to drive economically by visualizing the points t...Lead moreThis paper explains the driving support function for the fuel economy purpose. We performed improvements on the "Eco-TRIAL function" that we announced in the 18th ITS World Congress 2011 so that the system leads the driver to drive economically by visualizing the points to be improved.
In field tests, we confirmed the improvement in fuel economy by making the driver conscious about the points to be improved for the eco-driving.

Paper Title

Software Development of OSEK/VDX Direct Network Mangement

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3005
  • Rong-Terng Juang
  • Automotive Research & Testing Center
  • Chinese Taipei


Network management (NM) is essential to the safety and reliability of in-vehicle communication networks. This paper reports on a software development of OSEK/VDX direct NM specified in ISO 17356-5. The design flow, consisting of software implementation, manually functiona...Lead moreNetwork management (NM) is essential to the safety and reliability of in-vehicle communication networks. This paper reports on a software development of OSEK/VDX direct NM specified in ISO 17356-5. The design flow, consisting of software implementation, manually functional verification and auto-testing, is elaborated step by step. Following this design flow, the NM software development is straightforward and efficient. The major contribution of the paper is to walk designers through the NM implementation, and then this methodology can be extended to various software developments on vehicular control units.

Paper Title

Integrated Traffic and Travel Information for the End User through Open-Architecture, Public-Domain, Cloud-Computing Information Platform

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3004
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc. (USA, China)
  • United States


In Taiwan, the City of Taipei has been successfully implementing "Sustainable Urban Transport" since 1990's, that built across Intelligent Transport, Public Transport, Safety Enhancement, and Seamless Transport for all citizens (including minority groups, disabilities, el...Lead moreIn Taiwan, the City of Taipei has been successfully implementing "Sustainable Urban Transport" since 1990's, that built across Intelligent Transport, Public Transport, Safety Enhancement, and Seamless Transport for all citizens (including minority groups, disabilities, elderly population). Beside various "Last-Mile Service" hardware investment (mini-bus, taxi walk, bike) to facilitate public transport usage, the recent ITS/ATIS system integration has successflly delivered all transport related information on Smart Cell phones (iPhone, Android, Window Mobile) that has integrated and delivered all travel information within and outside Taipei Metropolitan area. This paper describes Taipei's updated ITS/ATIS Development "Open-Architecture," "Public Domain," "Open-Standard," "Cloud-Based Computing" Data Sharing Policy/Exchange provides an excellent ITS Implementation example on how the various ITS services can be designed, developed, implemented, and deployed with the currently Information, Communication Technology (ICT) and with keeping "End-User in Mind"at any International, World-Class Cities in the 21st Century.

Paper Title

How to Proceed with Advanced Green Port Development through Integrated Energy Efficient ITS/ICT System Deployment in China

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3003
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc. (USA, China)
  • United States


This paper summarizes the comprehensive system development and intermodal traffic management center deployment, currently underway in China. For example, the ShenZhen Transport Commission is integrating the planning, system design, prototype demonstration, logistics, and...Lead moreThis paper summarizes the comprehensive system development and intermodal traffic management center deployment, currently underway in China. For example, the ShenZhen Transport Commission is integrating the planning, system design, prototype demonstration, logistics, and eco-friendly green port operations, water transport development to improve environment, resources, community, and investment to successfully attract new energy efficiency industry through the integrated high-tech development and improved intermodal logistics.

Keywords: Green Ports, Energy Efficiency, ITS/ICT Deployment
Topic: Intermodal, logistics

Paper Title

Effective, Automated Traffic Signal Control and Retiming Needed to Relief China Urban Congestion

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3002
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc. (USA, China)
  • United States


This paper discussed an Innovative Real-time, Video-Image Based, Real-time Traffic Adaptive Signal System, installed, operational, and proven successful in LiuZhou, GuangXi, China since early 2009 demonstrated the endless possibilities to address the Congestion Relief. V...Lead moreThis paper discussed an Innovative Real-time, Video-Image Based, Real-time Traffic Adaptive Signal System, installed, operational, and proven successful in LiuZhou, GuangXi, China since early 2009 demonstrated the endless possibilities to address the Congestion Relief. Various implementation design guidelines and education packages are available in the United States and Asia as the starting point education/training, implementation guidelines, performance measures, and congestion management needed in the emerging economy.

Paper Title

DynaMap: A Dynamic Map for Road Side ITS Stations

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2924
  • Bart Netten
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


This paper presents the design of a Local Dynamic Map (LDM) used in the road side and central ITS Stations of the DITCM test site. Most LDMs are primarily developed for use in cooperative vehicles. The requirements for road side application are significantly different fro...Lead moreThis paper presents the design of a Local Dynamic Map (LDM) used in the road side and central ITS Stations of the DITCM test site. Most LDMs are primarily developed for use in cooperative vehicles. The requirements for road side application are significantly different from application in vehicles. This paper motivates the requirements for road side applications and presents the architecture of the DynaMap.

Paper Title

What is required to guarantee data quality for regional traffic management?

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2923
  • Jos Vrancken
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


VERDER, a partnership of different governmental organizations in the Middle Netherlands, initiated different projects for regional traffic management to better use existing road capacity and safeguard mobility in the Middle Netherlands. This active form of traffic managem...Lead moreVERDER, a partnership of different governmental organizations in the Middle Netherlands, initiated different projects for regional traffic management to better use existing road capacity and safeguard mobility in the Middle Netherlands. This active form of traffic management requires traffic data with a certain quality level, although this is not taken into account in current plans. An organization plan to guarantee data quality for regional traffic management, based on various literature and expert interviews, was created and validated with experts. The plan contains a chain manager responsible for managing data quality through the information chains of regional traffic management and four different data management steps: define, measure, analyse and improve. The validation revealed that this plan brings substantial improvement on current practice.

Paper Title

QHM: The Quantitative Hierarchical Model, a scalable framework for road traffic network management

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2922
  • Jos Vrancken
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Netherlands


The QHM framework offers a scalable approach to network management (NM), which is the coherent management of traffic in large networks. The framework consists of a recursive decomposition of a large network and a recursive control strategy. The framework distributes the c...Lead moreThe QHM framework offers a scalable approach to network management (NM), which is the coherent management of traffic in large networks. The framework consists of a recursive decomposition of a large network and a recursive control strategy. The framework distributes the complexity of NM among different levels and, per level, among a number of subnetworks, such that each management instance has only a limited amount of complexity to cope with. In this way, NM becomes feasible and scalable, such that it can be applied to heterogeneous networks of arbitrary size.

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Concepts for the Improvement of Supply Chain Efficiency and Security

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2921
  • Johan Scholliers
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


Modern supply chains have a large number of transport phases and actors involved, and face many security risks. However, actors are reluctant to invest in security, as the main costs and benefits do not match. This paper will address the first results of a Finnish nationa...Lead moreModern supply chains have a large number of transport phases and actors involved, and face many security risks. However, actors are reluctant to invest in security, as the main costs and benefits do not match. This paper will address the first results of a Finnish national project, related to disturbance free supply chains, address which are the technological possibilities to improve the security of supply chains, assess how companies can benefit from the investments in security technology, and how companies can be assisted in selecting the most optimal technology.

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User evaluation of cooperative C-ITSs : a study of ten use cases on a dynamic simulator

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2920
  • Cecile Barbier
  • Renault
  • France


The development of cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITSs) has increased in speed since the launch, in 2010, of several nationwide experimentations. In this paper, we present the results of a user study carried out within Renault, using a dynamic simulator...Lead moreThe development of cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITSs) has increased in speed since the launch, in 2010, of several nationwide experimentations. In this paper, we present the results of a user study carried out within Renault, using a dynamic simulator. Nine use cases were presented to 36 naïve drivers in order to measure their attractiveness to users and their impact on driving activity. Driver behaviors were recorded and followed by in-depth interviews. The road safety use cases were met very positively, provided that the information complemented normal perception. In contrast, the manner in which drivers considered the use cases related to road signs was much more variable. Some users viewed them as very useful, since they thought that driving safety begins with traffic-related information. Other users barely tolerated them, and even found them to be annoying when they were already able to access this information via other devices.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2919
  • Ben Rutten
  • dr.ir.
  • Netherlands


Currently in traffic management (TM) road authorities use infrastructure-based systems to influence people. With market parties being able to offer more and better data at lower cost, and with in-car systems used for communication to the driver, there is a big opportunity...Lead moreCurrently in traffic management (TM) road authorities use infrastructure-based systems to influence people. With market parties being able to offer more and better data at lower cost, and with in-car systems used for communication to the driver, there is a big opportunity for making TM more efficient and effective. The emerging vehicle automation and communication technologies will change the current system towards an in-car based system, leading to a so-called in-car centric TM approach.
In this paper, we shortly elaborate on the minimum set of components needed for effective in-car centric TM. Subsequently, we show that massive introduction is very beneficial for improving the societal goals of efficiency, safety and environment. We describe the societal benefits during the transition phase and the potentially avoided TM costs, saving governmental budgets. Conclusion is that in-car centric TM is already feasible on short term and has a ROI of 3 to 4 years.

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Compensation algorithms for the piezoelectric WiM sensors

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2918
  • Anna Cerovska
  • Research and Development
  • Slovakia


To ensure the most reliable and accurate WIM data are evaluating, it is necessary to consider not only signals from the primary parts of the measuring chain such as weight sensors and inductive loops, but the secondary environmental variables too, like temperature and vib...Lead moreTo ensure the most reliable and accurate WIM data are evaluating, it is necessary to consider not only signals from the primary parts of the measuring chain such as weight sensors and inductive loops, but the secondary environmental variables too, like temperature and vibration associated with passing vehicles as well.

Paper Title

Real-time In-car Emission Measurement of a Hybrid Vehicle for improved Eco-driving in Urban Areas

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2917
  • Ernst Pucher
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • Austria


The presented research project analyzes the real-world performance of a gasoline hybrid vehicle with main emphasis on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. For this purpose, representative test routes were defined, including sections with significantly different driving...Lead moreThe presented research project analyzes the real-world performance of a gasoline hybrid vehicle with main emphasis on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. For this purpose, representative test routes were defined, including sections with significantly different driving conditions and the ECO mode. Furthermore, driving tests at different constant speeds on freeway were performed.
The test vehicle was equipped with a state of the art portable emission measurement system for real-time operation. The method is based on a modal analysis of the emission concentrations in the tailpipe of the vehicle. The exhaust gas mass flow is calculated from the air mass flow and the gas components. The fuel consumption is determined with the carbon balance method. GPS tracking was implemented to link the received geographical information of the test routes with the measured exhaust emission data. Real-time C2I communication is possible.

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Lean and reliable digital supply chains - T-Scale platform case study

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2916
  • Marcin Hajdul
  • Institute of Logistics and Warehousing
  • Poland


Existing business model supply chains organisation results in inefficient use of transport resources, high transport costs, increasing congestions and CO2 emission. This effect has been demonstrated by research conducted by the author as well as by the European Environmen...Lead moreExisting business model supply chains organisation results in inefficient use of transport resources, high transport costs, increasing congestions and CO2 emission. This effect has been demonstrated by research conducted by the author as well as by the European Environmental Agency. To change this situation companies are in need of affordable, realiable and trusted data-interchange solutions to take part in international trade and commerce flows.
The aim of this paper is to present practical implementation of the developed by the authors concept of global freight management ecosystem and its practical implementation using T-Scale platform. T-Scale enables co-opetition between independent transport users and transport service providers. The work is summarized by the major benefits of collaboration achieved by the group of companies operating in the FMCG sector in Poland.

Paper Title

Fusion and Enrichment of Traffic Message Channel (TMC) Messages with Floating Car Data (FCD)

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2915
  • Anke Sauerlaender-Biebl
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Germany


The paper describes an approach to fuse Traffic Message Channel (TMC) messages with urban traffic information obtained from Floating Car Data (FCD). There are two main directions for such a fusion: the first direction is that of validating the TMC messages with informatio...Lead moreThe paper describes an approach to fuse Traffic Message Channel (TMC) messages with urban traffic information obtained from Floating Car Data (FCD). There are two main directions for such a fusion: the first direction is that of validating the TMC messages with information obtained from FCD, and enrichment of the TMC messages by such information. The second direction is that of a cooperative and independent fusion: the two-dimensional and time-dependent traffic situation as obtained from FCD can be completed by the more punctual information of the TMC messages. For this purpose, information from TMC (such as road blockings, construction sites) can be used directly within routing services which calculate their routes using FCD information. The information gathered from TMC can also be used to facilitate the calculation of historical traffic heat maps, which visually mark regions where congestions have been experienced repeatedly in the past.

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Fault tolerant C-ITS for road safety

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2913
  • Gerard Segarra
  • France


Cooperative ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)) can be considered as the missing link enabling to progressively reach the zero fatalities / severe injuries goal on the roads as well as the development of autonomous vehicles. C-ITS are complementing the...Lead moreCooperative ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)) can be considered as the missing link enabling to progressively reach the zero fatalities / severe injuries goal on the roads as well as the development of autonomous vehicles. C-ITS are complementing the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) by providing highly dynamic data reflecting neighboring vehicle movements. However the current positioning and communication technologies are presenting some variation in their performances leading to a careful use the resulting exchanged data elements for critical collision avoidance applications. This contribution presents the fault tolerance approach followed in the French field operational test (FOT) SCORE@F (Système Coopératif Routier Expérimentation @ France) for collision risk management applications.