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3280-3320 of 3402

Paper Title

Stay Active, Stay Safe: the mobility of older drivers

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2114
  • Weihong Guo
  • Newcastle University
  • United Kingdom


The study presented in this paper examines the relationship between individuals' cognitive skills and their driving performance and explores to what extent that an active lifestyle would postpone the cognitive declines and significance of using cognitive ability to predic...Lead moreThe study presented in this paper examines the relationship between individuals' cognitive skills and their driving performance and explores to what extent that an active lifestyle would postpone the cognitive declines and significance of using cognitive ability to predict driving performance. A number of measurements are carried out via a group session and a single session with a total duration of approximately 4 hours. Participants' cognitive skills are examined against their driving performance. Demographic, social-economic, health and personality information are also collected for profile segmentation. As the study is ongoing, the results of this study will be reported in the final paper and presented at the conference if accepted.

Paper Title

Innovation and talent management: A strategic challenge for ITS professional education and training

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2113
  • Petra Wagner-Luptacik
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Austria


Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has to improve its competitiveness and redirect its efforts towards higher added value to generate new and better solutions. Strengthening the competitiveness of ITS companies increasingly means being capable to recruit (and retain) the...Lead moreIntelligent Transport Systems (ITS) has to improve its competitiveness and redirect its efforts towards higher added value to generate new and better solutions. Strengthening the competitiveness of ITS companies increasingly means being capable to recruit (and retain) the most talented and innovative employees. Though ITS experts are in demand, the shortage of skilled employment in industrialized economies already existing today will be exacerbated in the near future, also due to demographic changes. Based on major technological and non-technological innovation trajectories, this paper addresses the challenges resulting for strategic human resource management at corporate level, particularly talent management. It concludes with implications for professional education and training for (higher) education and policy.

Paper Title

Open Data as Enabler for ITS Factory

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2112
  • Finland


ITS Factory provides high quality proving, testing & demonstration environment for ITS innovation and demonstration projects. The activities are categorised in six ways: Open data & developer support, Test field, User experience, Standardisation & Roadmapping, Marketing &...Lead moreITS Factory provides high quality proving, testing & demonstration environment for ITS innovation and demonstration projects. The activities are categorised in six ways: Open data & developer support, Test field, User experience, Standardisation & Roadmapping, Marketing & Partnering support. Open data is recognised to be one of the key success factors in open proving, testing & demonstration activities and facilities. ITS Factory is considered to be venue for application, system, service and product development for interested parties in ITS. The process to join ITS Factory is intentionally kept informal, some basic assumptions are defined and expected to be complied with. ITS Factory provides access to public data, tools & processes related to ITS R&D and innovation. Public data in Tampere Region are made available for ITS Factory participants and projects against minimum bureaucracy and formalities. Open data sources are available to address user, service, technical, environmental, commercial and socio-economic aspects.

Paper Title

Hybrid Electronic Tolling Solution for France

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2111
  • Norbert Schindler
  • Siemens Electronic Tolling
  • Austria


We present a new hybrid electronic tolling platform which is being introduced to France in 2013. The new French system will be the first actual instance of implementing a real hybrid tolling system operating with both microwave and GPS-based technologies. In other words, ...Lead moreWe present a new hybrid electronic tolling platform which is being introduced to France in 2013. The new French system will be the first actual instance of implementing a real hybrid tolling system operating with both microwave and GPS-based technologies. In other words, Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology will be used simultaneously, for different parts of the tolled road network. The new Hybrid On Board Unit (OBU) has been developed for new GNSS-based toll domains as well as for legacy toll domains based on proprietary DSRC interface protocols already in use in France.

Paper Title

The truck stops here

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2110
  • Casper Wulff
  • Ramboll
  • Denmark


Intelligent truck parking, can help to reduce some of the problems related to freight, where one of the main problems of today, is inadequate parking space, along the main highway network, causing accidents and reducing the possibility for truckers to comply with drive ti...Lead moreIntelligent truck parking, can help to reduce some of the problems related to freight, where one of the main problems of today, is inadequate parking space, along the main highway network, causing accidents and reducing the possibility for truckers to comply with drive time regulations. The ITP project, which is located on a lay-by in the southern part of Denmark, was opened, by the minister of transport in January 2012, and seeks to reduce some of the problems mentioned above.
The ITP uses laser technology for lane measurement, lane lights for guidance, WMS and TMC to inform drivers of the number of free parking space.

The main idea of the system is to utilize the existing lay-by in a more effective manner, in order to increase parking capacity, without physically expanding the ground area. Preliminary evaluations are showing good results, as an increase in capacity, have reached 94 %.

Paper Title

Virtual stop line strategy to reduce fuel consumption of vehicles at ramp meters

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2109
  • Zeremariam woldeab
  • Author
  • Netherlands


Ramp meters successfully decrease congestion but leave a burden on the traffic situation at on-ramps. Chaotic queuing leads to many stop-and-go movements and causes inefficiency where fuel consumption is concerned. As part of the eCoMove project, complementary strategies ...Lead moreRamp meters successfully decrease congestion but leave a burden on the traffic situation at on-ramps. Chaotic queuing leads to many stop-and-go movements and causes inefficiency where fuel consumption is concerned. As part of the eCoMove project, complementary strategies are being designed and evaluated to reduce fuel consumption at metered on-ramps, using vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. This paper presents the design of a strategy as well as its effect as derived from simulation using AIMSUN. The strategy uses virtual stop lines to halt upstream parts of the queue, keeping them from stop-and-go movement, in combination with 'turn off engine' advices. Simulation shows that this strategy can reduce fuel consumption at on-ramps with 15 percent.

Paper Title

Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications for Electric Race Car

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2107
  • Alvaro Arrue
  • Applus IDIADA Automotive Technology S.A.
  • Spain


It has been demonstrated that Electric Vehicles (EV) bring benefits to society in delivery cleaner more energy efficient transport solutions. Despite a number of incentives designed to promote their uptake, EVs still suffer from many preconceived prejudices regarding perf...Lead moreIt has been demonstrated that Electric Vehicles (EV) bring benefits to society in delivery cleaner more energy efficient transport solutions. Despite a number of incentives designed to promote their uptake, EVs still suffer from many preconceived prejudices regarding performance, range and safety. The aim of the Volar-e project is to break these prejudices by demonstrating the performance of an EV in a competition environment where spectators can experience the real potential of EV technology. For this purpose, the Volar-e Electric Race Car has been designed with high-tech electronics and telematics modules enabling it to communicate with the surrounding infrastructure in order to achieve advanced energy management and robust and reliable access to the vehicle telemetry data through 802.11p Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications.

Paper Title

iSHARE - Car Sharing concept vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2106
  • Alvaro Arrue
  • Applus IDIADA Automotive Technology S.A.
  • Spain


iSHARE is an Electric Vehicle (EV) designed and implemented by IDIADA engineering services, based in functionalities assessment, stakeholders requirements and state-of-the-art technologies. iSHARE targets the latest mobility concepts in response of new societal challenges...Lead moreiSHARE is an Electric Vehicle (EV) designed and implemented by IDIADA engineering services, based in functionalities assessment, stakeholders requirements and state-of-the-art technologies. iSHARE targets the latest mobility concepts in response of new societal challenges in sustainable urban environments. Transportation has to answer these trends as the scenarios evolve into higher population mostly concentrated in cities with greater energy consumption needs. With the complete integration of ICT technologies, the iSHARE concept vehicle enables cutting-edge fleet management services and friendly user interaction through an open, comprehensive and reliable interface with the objective of supporting new mobility business models and a higher acceptance of the EV by private parties, institutions and final users.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2105
  • Yvonne Huebner
  • Newcastle University
  • United Kingdom


This proposed paper will provide an update and overview of the progress with the North East of England trials in the UK and provide an insight into how early adopters are using their vehicle and importantly their charging behaviour with a large number of charging points a...Lead moreThis proposed paper will provide an update and overview of the progress with the North East of England trials in the UK and provide an insight into how early adopters are using their vehicle and importantly their charging behaviour with a large number of charging points available to them. The proposed paper will provide an update on the strategy and indepth results from the two and a half years of operation of the trials in observing and monitoring the deployment of electric vehicles and the associated support and charging infrastructure in the North East. Moreover the implications and opportunities for effectively utilising ITS tools and services to better manage journey planning, navigation, range estimation and charging operations will be presented utilising the knowledge gained in the project.

Paper Title

Spanish initiative to develop a PRT system in the San Sebastian Technology Park

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2104
  • Jesus Murgoitio
  • Project manager
  • Spain


The Miramon PRT project is focused on creating an autonomous guided transport system as well as the control and the underlying traffic management. Based on the concept of PRT (Personal Rapid Transport) systems, the goal is to get a new step ahead of the current situation,...Lead moreThe Miramon PRT project is focused on creating an autonomous guided transport system as well as the control and the underlying traffic management. Based on the concept of PRT (Personal Rapid Transport) systems, the goal is to get a new step ahead of the current situation, eliminating the need to incorporate external elements to the existing roads and reduce the cost of the integration. This innovation is born from the union of three entities (CGI, Tecnalia and Novadays) that they intend to create the first PRT of Spanish origin and technology, making a commitment to the most innovative public transport system than currently exists. This project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish government has four years duration, after which it is intended to make possible the implantation of PRTs in Spain and other countries positioning itself as suppliers in the international market.

Paper Title

Analysis of the Use of Quick Chargers for Electric Vehicles in the North East of England

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2103
  • Yvonne Huebner
  • Newcastle University
  • United Kingdom


The North East of England is one of the pioneering regions of ElectroMobility. This paper summarises the findings of the UK Government funded Charge Your Car infrastructure trial and the Technology Strategy Board funded Ultra Low Carbon Vehicle Demonstrator Programme Swit...Lead moreThe North East of England is one of the pioneering regions of ElectroMobility. This paper summarises the findings of the UK Government funded Charge Your Car infrastructure trial and the Technology Strategy Board funded Ultra Low Carbon Vehicle Demonstrator Programme SwitchEV trial. Since 2010, over 600 charging posts have been installed in the region, including 12 quick fast chargers at key transport links. At the same time, 44 production electric vehicles were deployed in the region and the driving and charging behaviour was monitored through data loggers. This paper provides an overview of how and when early adopters use the existing quick charging infrastructure, their attitudes towards driving EVs and the use of quick chargers and how ITS can create the link between the driver and the infrastructure.

Paper Title

CloudLogistic - A formal description of exclusive freight routes based on a multi-zone model with elliptic isochrones

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2099
  • Christian Tummel
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


this field do not accept my abstract (less than 150 words)this field do not accept my abstract (less than 150 words)

Paper Title

In-Vehicle Systems; A Challenge or Panacea for Network Operators?

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2098
  • ian patey
  • Mouchel
  • United Kingdom


All societies rely on the movement of goods and people for their existence and growth. Network operators use a variety of tools to enable the safe and efficient management of their network, using:
• Detection;
• Analysis & Decision making, including e...Lead more
All societies rely on the movement of goods and people for their existence and growth. Network operators use a variety of tools to enable the safe and efficient management of their network, using:
• Detection;
• Analysis & Decision making, including ever more sophisticated predictions and scenario planning; and,
• Instruction & Information.
Leading to an understanding of what is happening on the network, being able to work out what to do to make a difference and then to either instruct or inform road users to achieve the desired. Reliance has been on systems and infrastructure provided by the network operator, now in-vehicle and mobile systems provide challenges and opportunities to network operators.
This paper considers the potential impact and use of in-vehicle systems on road network operators and how the growth and use of such systems may complement or work against the needs of the road operators.

Paper Title

MOBI-ROMA Developing Mobile Observation Methods for Road Maintenance Assessments

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2097
  • Pirkko Saarikivi
  • Foreca Ltd
  • Finland


MOBI-ROMA develops, tests and evaluates improved, affordable and moderate-cost road condition and performance assessment techniques, which offer new effective tools for monitoring and assessing maintenance needs in countries with varying climatic conditions. The emphasis ...Lead moreMOBI-ROMA develops, tests and evaluates improved, affordable and moderate-cost road condition and performance assessment techniques, which offer new effective tools for monitoring and assessing maintenance needs in countries with varying climatic conditions. The emphasis is on road surface condition monitoring using Floating Car Data (FCD) coming from the vehicles' internal sensors through the CAN-bus or simple devices mounted on the vehicle. Similar techniques with suitable sensors can be used also for assessing the strength of the road bed or need for winter maintenance. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed to be used as a maintenance tool, and is available openly online on http://mobiroma.eu.

Paper Title

New Electric Bus System with Wireless Underground Power Supply and Automatic Guidance

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2096
  • Ernst Pucher
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • Austria


Electric drive becomes due to its environmental benefits increasingly important. But there are some disadvantages on electrical driving. The significant one is the storing problem of the electrical energy. For public transport systems in cities, it is possible to solve th...Lead moreElectric drive becomes due to its environmental benefits increasingly important. But there are some disadvantages on electrical driving. The significant one is the storing problem of the electrical energy. For public transport systems in cities, it is possible to solve that problem with an electrical power supply on the route. The common way is overhead lines.
A more advanced solution is offered by a wireless underground energy supply based on inductive power transmission. Additionally the bus system requires only small on-board electricity storage.
To ensure reliable track holding and energy transfer an intelligent control device for automatic guidance is required. With that device a direct connection between vehicle and infrastructure is given.
The design already works in a prototype vehicle. The development methodology, the vehicle technology and first results will be presented in the publication.

Paper Title

Signalization Safety and Driver Behavior Study with Flashing Green and Amber Time at Signalized Intersections in Istanbul

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2095
  • ISBAK Inc.
  • Turkey


In order to increase awareness of traffic safety, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) made some significant changes in signalization operations in Istanbul. The flashing green application was terminated while the duration of yellow change interval was extended in all...Lead moreIn order to increase awareness of traffic safety, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) made some significant changes in signalization operations in Istanbul. The flashing green application was terminated while the duration of yellow change interval was extended in all signalized intersections.This paper presents an evaluation study on driver behavior and traffic safety before and after the implementation of traffic signalization operations.

Paper Title

Business model evolution for ITS services

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2094
  • Juho Kostiainen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


While the global economy has suffered in the recent years and projections for the future are highly uncertain, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is one of the sectors where growth potential is still envisaged and has shown grown in steeper curves than other industry sec...Lead moreWhile the global economy has suffered in the recent years and projections for the future are highly uncertain, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is one of the sectors where growth potential is still envisaged and has shown grown in steeper curves than other industry sectors. Evaluating the roles and shares of different stakeholders is challenging due to the involvement of several public and private actors, which complicates the business model value network. The roles in value networks change with the emergence of new business models and technology. With concepts such as open data, open source, and cloud computing, the changes can be dramatic. This paper examines existing business models and, based on those, presents a generalised business model framework.

Paper Title

Real-time Bicycle Recognition for Intelligent Rear Collision Warning Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2093
  • Reza Shirvany
  • France


Accurate and real-time recognition of pedestrians and cyclists have recently emerged as a premier research topic in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and computer vision. We present a vision-based framework for reliable recognition of cyclists in urban traf...Lead moreAccurate and real-time recognition of pedestrians and cyclists have recently emerged as a premier research topic in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and computer vision. We present a vision-based framework for reliable recognition of cyclists in urban traffic environments with tight real-time constraints. The cyclist recognition completes our obstacle detection/recognition system composed of two fish-eye cameras valuable for detecting side-appearing obstacles. The performance of this approach is evaluated and compared with recent publications using real-world data in various urban scenarios. Our experimental results suggest that it is possible to obtain high recognition rates (95%) and low false-alarm rates (less than 5%) by fusion of 3D and 2D data obtained with ultra wide-angle stereo images.

Paper Title

Urban electric mobility impacts on road pollutant emissions: the role of ITS & traffic management solutions

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2092
  • Simone La Spada
  • university of Roma Tre
  • Italy


Road pollutant emissions in urban context have reached unsustainable values exceeding law-limits. Many efforts have been done adopting "green" policies and "green" traffic management operations. Through the emission regulation procedure, vehicle industry provides to the m...Lead moreRoad pollutant emissions in urban context have reached unsustainable values exceeding law-limits. Many efforts have been done adopting "green" policies and "green" traffic management operations. Through the emission regulation procedure, vehicle industry provides to the market less pollutant vehicles; but it is not still enough. Electric and hybrid vehicles seem to be the best and suitable solution to combine and integrate the increase of public transport users. Through a first case study in the city of Rome (Italy), the paper wants to assess the emissions reduction and the role of ITS and traffic management solution in the incoming changes in fleet compositions

Paper Title

On-board Real Time Driver Information using bidirectional Data Exchange between Smartphones and Traffic Data Provider

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2088
  • Felix Rudolph
  • University of Kassel
  • Germany


As a result of most recent research activities on wireless infrastructure-to-vehicle (i2v) communication, traffic information can be transferred from traffic data provider (e. g. infrastructure-sided traffic management centre) to mobile devices via mobile cellular systems...Lead moreAs a result of most recent research activities on wireless infrastructure-to-vehicle (i2v) communication, traffic information can be transferred from traffic data provider (e. g. infrastructure-sided traffic management centre) to mobile devices via mobile cellular systems. For this purpose, the development of a Green Wave Assistant and of a Braking Assistant using smartphones has been intended. This paper focuses on the development of the assistants named before as smartphone applications for use in signalized urban networks. It specifies development works and a test environment including the so called Devices-in-the-Loop approach, which has been extended and modified in view of the initial situation. Furthermore, the paper describes the estimation of the most probable path, first experiences concerning the latency test for data communication via mobile cellular systems as well as suitable visualization of driver information on smartphones.

Paper Title

Quality Assessment of Green Waves using Process Data of Traffic Lights and limited Samples of Probe Vehicle Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2087
  • Felix Rudolph
  • University of Kassel
  • Germany


This paper focuses on quality assessment of coordinated signalizations by using probe vehicle data. In particular, the applicability of existing methods for quality assessment of green waves using process data of traffic lights in conjunction with limited samples of probe...Lead moreThis paper focuses on quality assessment of coordinated signalizations by using probe vehicle data. In particular, the applicability of existing methods for quality assessment of green waves using process data of traffic lights in conjunction with limited samples of probe vehicle position data will be discussed. It also presents the prerequisites of the assessment, e. g. the need of algorithms for georeferencing, filtration of corresponding intersections, signal groups and distances between stop lines.

Paper Title

Interoperability and multi-application support in Dedicated Short Range Communication systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2086
  • Carl Olov Carlsson
  • Kapsch TrafficCom AB
  • Sweden


To ensure privacy, integrity and efficiency in ITS applications that uses one single OBU in a vehicle, it is important that this OBU supports interoperability and multi-applications regarding data storage and security domains. This paper shows how the CEN TC278 DSRC stand...Lead moreTo ensure privacy, integrity and efficiency in ITS applications that uses one single OBU in a vehicle, it is important that this OBU supports interoperability and multi-applications regarding data storage and security domains. This paper shows how the CEN TC278 DSRC standards supports such a solution.

Paper Title

BayernInfo - traveller information services as a means for fostering new mobility concepts

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2084
  • Ulrich Haspel
  • Bavarian Road Administration
  • Germany


Traveller Information Services have been operatied in Bavaria since 1996 by the public side. With changing mobility concepts, new technologies, enhanced international cooperation and challenges regarding the society, these services have to be adapted continuously.Traveller Information Services have been operatied in Bavaria since 1996 by the public side. With changing mobility concepts, new technologies, enhanced international cooperation and challenges regarding the society, these services have to be adapted continuously.

Paper Title

Deployment guideline for co-modal traveler information

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2083
  • Ulrich Haspel
  • Bavarian Road Administration
  • Germany


The Easyway Deployment Guidelines (DG) have been developed to harmonise Traffic Information Systems, Traffic Management, Freight and Logistics, Daat Exchange and ICT Infrastructures in Europe. The DG for co-modal traveller information shall be a guideline for the developm...Lead moreThe Easyway Deployment Guidelines (DG) have been developed to harmonise Traffic Information Systems, Traffic Management, Freight and Logistics, Daat Exchange and ICT Infrastructures in Europe. The DG for co-modal traveller information shall be a guideline for the development of such services in Europe.

Paper Title

Macro emission module for assessing ITS with macroscopic traffic models

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2081
  • Gerdien Klunder
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


This paper presents a macro emission module for macroscopic traffic models to be used for assessment of ITS and traffic management. It especially focuses on emission estimates for different urban intersection types. It provides emission values for CO, CO2, HC, NOx, and PM...Lead moreThis paper presents a macro emission module for macroscopic traffic models to be used for assessment of ITS and traffic management. It especially focuses on emission estimates for different urban intersection types. It provides emission values for CO, CO2, HC, NOx, and PM10. It is applied and validated in the EU 7th Framework project eCoMove and in a macroscopic traffic model of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment of the Netherlands.

Paper Title

Multimodal Traveller Information - from a local approach to interoperable cross-border services

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2080
  • Martin Boehm
  • AustriaTech GmbH
  • Austria


This paper presents the scope of the EDITS (European Digital Traffic Infrastructure Network for Intelligent Transport Systems) deployment project - an European Union co-funded project under the umbrella of the Central Europe Programme which aims to deploy and operate cros...Lead moreThis paper presents the scope of the EDITS (European Digital Traffic Infrastructure Network for Intelligent Transport Systems) deployment project - an European Union co-funded project under the umbrella of the Central Europe Programme which aims to deploy and operate cross-border multimodal travel information based on harmonized traffic data and information gathered on transnational level.

Paper Title

Traffic data routing through cooperative systems and DATEX II

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2079
  • Van-Bao Ta
  • French Ministry of Transport - CETE IDF
  • France


Vehicle, traffic center and infrastructure are three independent entities of our roads ecosystem. The aim of cooperative mobility systems is to link these actors allowing vehicle to interact locally and directly with traffic control equipment in order to collect real-time...Lead moreVehicle, traffic center and infrastructure are three independent entities of our roads ecosystem. The aim of cooperative mobility systems is to link these actors allowing vehicle to interact locally and directly with traffic control equipment in order to collect real-time data and to provide services for the drivers. Important barriers for the deployment may exist: legal and liability issues, stakeholders’ interaction, investment costs and user acceptance. This paper presents a compromise taking into account all these topics by describing technical aspects of traffic information routing from the traffic center to the final user and vice versa. The originality of this work lies on an evolution in the use of Datex II, a communication protocol between centers, extended to roadside units. Conversion steps from an infrastructure to infrastructure message to an infrastructure to vehicle message will be emphasized. Experimental results on circuit test and open roads will also be included.

Paper Title

The constraints of 4G/LTE Deployment in Underground Metros

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2078
  • France


4G/LTE is a new radio communication standard which brings high bandwidth and new services to ITS operators and passengers: real-time CCTV, live passenger information, geopositioning... Hence, there is no doubt that ITS applications will benefit from the deployment of 4G/L...Lead more4G/LTE is a new radio communication standard which brings high bandwidth and new services to ITS operators and passengers: real-time CCTV, live passenger information, geopositioning... Hence, there is no doubt that ITS applications will benefit from the deployment of 4G/LTE in the near future. However, mobile communication is currently unavailable in underground metros, except in a few cities, due to several constraints. This paper assesses the deployment of a 4G/LTE network in underground metros with respect to the legislation and regulation, the constraints tied to the premises, technical requirements, health & safety concerns, and political and economic constraints. Based on these parameters, we study 4G/LTE deployment on current and newly constructed underground metros.

Paper Title

How Open Data will bring Traffic Information the Next Level in The Netherlands

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2076
  • Hans Nobbe
  • Rijkswaterstaat
  • Netherlands


The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has announced that all its data will be open (free of charge, free of restrictions) from January 1st 2015. That includes actual traffic information collected by the Ministry. It will also include road maps, traffic signs,...Lead moreThe Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has announced that all its data will be open (free of charge, free of restrictions) from January 1st 2015. That includes actual traffic information collected by the Ministry. It will also include road maps, traffic signs, etcetera. With opening up all those data sources, the public sector gives opportunities to the private sector to develop all kinds of services.
This paper will address the opportunities and challenges for both public and private organizations. Solutions will be outlined for the challenging questions that needs to be solved.

Paper Title

Taking better advantage of road weather information - different models for combining content and services

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2075
  • Eetu Pilli-Sihvola
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Finland


This paper will consider the issues standing in the way of more effective utilisation of road weather information and try to examine potential solutions to resolve these issues. Different models of combining road weather related services and content in different countries...Lead moreThis paper will consider the issues standing in the way of more effective utilisation of road weather information and try to examine potential solutions to resolve these issues. Different models of combining road weather related services and content in different countries are looked at to gain an insight into how to best realize the benefits of road weather information. The potential of integrating of services and content from different providers in improving the quality of the information and make it more accessible to a greater group of end-users is also estimated.

Paper Title

An Intelligent Transport System for Intermodal Freight Transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2073
  • Max Haberstroh
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


To deal with the challenges of modern transport, the European Commission recommends optimizing the performance of multimodal logistic chains. In this regard, the EU project TelliSys aims to develop, build and test an intelligent intermodal transport system. The system con...Lead moreTo deal with the challenges of modern transport, the European Commission recommends optimizing the performance of multimodal logistic chains. In this regard, the EU project TelliSys aims to develop, build and test an intelligent intermodal transport system. The system consists of a modular set of volume-optimized and trackable/traceable MegaSwapBoxes (MSB) and a supporting trailer and low deck tractor for road transport. The first steps of the project include an analysis phase and the development of design concepts for the MSB, the trailer and the low deck tractor. In order to elicit the requirements for the TelliSys, the analysis phase includes an extensive market analysis and interviews with several lead users. The final paper will feature the results of the analysis phase as well as the design concepts of the modular MSB, the trailer and the low deck tractor.

Paper Title

Efficient ITS Organisation Structures as Framework for Collaborative ITS Key Projects in Austria

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2072
  • Bernhard Engleder
  • ITS Vienna Region / Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region VOR GmbH
  • Austria


In the last years innovative and efficient ITS organisation structures have been established in Austria. All federal states have implemented ITS departments or founded collaborative ITS projects. Additionally the national ITS platform ITS Austria was founded.
In a tec...Lead more
In the last years innovative and efficient ITS organisation structures have been established in Austria. All federal states have implemented ITS departments or founded collaborative ITS projects. Additionally the national ITS platform ITS Austria was founded.
In a technical view, the extensive but widely scattered ITS knowledge of the authorities has been networked and integrated into a joint digital traffic network and continuously kept up to date in compliance with a consistent standard. This step now is taken by implementing the three nationwide key projects GIP.at, GIP.gv.at and Traffic Information Austria VAO.
This presentation is aimed at providing experts and stakeholder with an overview of ITS policies in Austria and based on this with the latest developments of the three collaborative Austrian ITS key projects GIP.at, GIP.gv.at and VAO.

Paper Title

Methods to differentiate between traffic information based on real time samples to traffic information based mainly on historical patterns

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2071
  • Ofer Avni
  • Cellint Traffic Solutions
  • Israel


Traffic information based on floating car data is becoming a major source of data to Government Agencies. Some of these sources are provided by companies which aggregate GPS data and use historical patterns and prediction algorithms to fill in the gaps in the real time da...Lead moreTraffic information based on floating car data is becoming a major source of data to Government Agencies. Some of these sources are provided by companies which aggregate GPS data and use historical patterns and prediction algorithms to fill in the gaps in the real time data. Data quantities from these systems are not enough to provide samples for all road sections every reporting period and most of road sections do not generate live samples most of the time. In some cases, Road Agencies and Municipalities which are looking for real time data are compromising on such data based on historical patterns because they don't have the knowledge to differentiate between such systems. This paper summarizes the challenges and possible solutions to this problem, which were identified by Cellint Traffic Solutions ("Cellint") based on its experience in validation procedures of Departments of Transportation and Road Agencies in North America and Europe.

Paper Title

Secure Traffic Networks - A Method for Model Based Security Tests in the field of ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2070
  • Franziska Wolf
  • Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation
  • Germany


The increasing complexity of networks asks for testing methods which cover both safety and security issues. Especially the area of ITS is constantly growing in impact and complexity. The aim of assuring high-level safety and security in ITS networks is one of the most amb...Lead moreThe increasing complexity of networks asks for testing methods which cover both safety and security issues. Especially the area of ITS is constantly growing in impact and complexity. The aim of assuring high-level safety and security in ITS networks is one of the most ambitious and essential challenges of today. The methodology of Model based Tests (MBT) for now ensures assertions concerning safety requirements. In this paper a method of using MBT especially for security objectives will be given. Based on misuse cases, security threats in ITS networks will be described and derivations concerning their security impacts given automatically.

Paper Title

Key Findings from the Development of a V2X Data Visualization Solution

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2069
  • Boris Atanassow
  • Germany


A decisive factor for effective driver awareness and warning systems is the visualization of important and safety critical information for the driver. In previous work, we introduced a flexible two-component system that can visualize real time data from vehicle-to-x (V2X)...Lead moreA decisive factor for effective driver awareness and warning systems is the visualization of important and safety critical information for the driver. In previous work, we introduced a flexible two-component system that can visualize real time data from vehicle-to-x (V2X) communication. In order to maximize the overall performance and reliability, the system consists of a vehicle-integrated V2X communication unit (onboard unit, OBU), and a personal portable device (PPD) which is used for conveying the information to the driver.
The focus of this paper is on the application running on the PPD. The mobile application supports some of the so-called ‘day-one use cases’, that are considered to create a sound basis at the beginning of V2X deployment. Based on our experiences during the development and the results from a laboratory user study, key findings are summarized and recommendations for the design of a V2X-based information visualization solution are given.

Paper Title

Security Evaluation of Mobile Device Integration with V2X Communication

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2066
  • Tim Leinmueller
  • Germany


In previous work, we investigated possibilities of an architecture for the functional distribution of a vehicle-to-x (V2X) system on two devices with different capabilities. One
of the devices is an in-vehicle onboard unit (OBU), the other a personal portable device (...Lead more
In previous work, we investigated possibilities of an architecture for the functional distribution of a vehicle-to-x (V2X) system on two devices with different capabilities. One
of the devices is an in-vehicle onboard unit (OBU), the other a personal portable device (PPD), such as a smartphone or tablet PC.

This work complements previous work with an in depth
security analysis. The security analysis unveils advantages and disadvantages of the three concepts. Based on the analysis, this work discusses how V2X security can be realized in the two-device setup, providing maximum security with minimum impact on the system performance.
The conclusions summarize which level of security can be reached with each of the three approaches.

Paper Title

Cooperative Services: User acceptance assessment in the Austrian FOT Testfeld Telematik

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • Company Name
  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2065
  • Doris Bankosegger
  • High Tech Marketing
  • Austria


Advanced traffic-related telematics applications contribute towards making traffic safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly. Both European road operators and the automotive industry consider cooperative systems as the future information channel to the vehic...Lead moreAdvanced traffic-related telematics applications contribute towards making traffic safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly. Both European road operators and the automotive industry consider cooperative systems as the future information channel to the vehicle. Based on the vision of enabling intelligent transportation the Austrian road operator ASFiNAG initiated the large scale field operational test Testfeld Telematik with 13 industrial and scientific partners in 2011. The field operational test with external test drivers will be performed from spring 2013 onwards to evaluate user acceptance of cooperative services provided by the Austrian infrastructure operator. This paper presents the methodological approach of this large scale field test with foreseen 3.000 test drivers. In a second step/at the ITS World Congress in Tokyo we will present test driver expectations and experiences with an innovative cooperative system, that provides the driver with safety-critical and convenience services.

Paper Title

A Proof-of-Concept for Token-Based Authentication for Secure EV Charging

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2063
  • Robert Schmidt
  • Germany


Electric vehicles are becoming part of our urban environment. Still, the success of EVs is decelerated because of long charging, and low convenience when charging at different locations. Thus, ISO/IEC develop international specifications for convenient charging management...Lead moreElectric vehicles are becoming part of our urban environment. Still, the success of EVs is decelerated because of long charging, and low convenience when charging at different locations. Thus, ISO/IEC develop international specifications for convenient charging management based on Vehicle-to-Grid communication.
As Vehicle-to-Grid communication has to be trustworthy, the standard ISO/IEC 15118 foresees several security mechanisms, based on TLS and PKI. Specifically, to enable secure Plug & Charge (PnC), automated authentication and authorization are required. ISO/IEC 15118 proposes per-vehicle key/certificate stores and automatic certificate installation and update for one single charging contract.
We propose a token-based approach for removable credentials that increases the flexibility and user-friendliness and does not limit the contract subscription to one vehicle. Moreover, the user can carry multiple contracts to benefit from the diversity of contract conditions.
With the Proof-of-Concept of the e-Mobility ID, we can show higher flexibility and user-friendliness on top of ISO/IEC 15118.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
  • Name
  • Company Name
  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2060
  • Franziska Wolf
  • Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation
  • Germany


The ASTER project optimises the emergency care with the focus on strokes. Therefore a specified multi-criteria routing strategy has been set up in order to detect the best route to the best hospital regarding different parameters such as street and current traffic conditi...Lead moreThe ASTER project optimises the emergency care with the focus on strokes. Therefore a specified multi-criteria routing strategy has been set up in order to detect the best route to the best hospital regarding different parameters such as street and current traffic conditions. Not just the general speed limits are regarded but also implicid speed and time costs are estimated using weighting functions and external data such as dynamic data from the German MDM project. Using the open map material of the OpenStreetMap project the challenge of incomplete data is also answered using metrices. As result an intelligent routing strategies for rescue staff can be demonstrated and discussed.

Paper Title

Investigating Intermittent Bus Lanes Using Simulation Data

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 2059
  • Vladimir Zyryanov
  • Rostov State Civil Engineering University
  • Russian Federation


Different strategies bus lane priority has been a topic of investigation in past decade, and various methods have been developed to improve public transport efficiency. One of the main concerns is the performance of bus service by intermittent bus lane (IBL) or bus lane w...Lead moreDifferent strategies bus lane priority has been a topic of investigation in past decade, and various methods have been developed to improve public transport efficiency. One of the main concerns is the performance of bus service by intermittent bus lane (IBL) or bus lane with intermittent priorities (BLIPs). However, the application of these methods is very difficult, therefore always used simulation at the preliminary stage. In turn, such models must take into account the additional data to activate the priority lanes and traffic lights. This paper describes results of using microsimulation for evaluation of intermittent bus lane (IBL) operation. The objective of this study is to know advantage and limitation of the IBL at different background traffic volume. Simulations and experimental data were used to compare different scenarios for IBL and without IBL. Bus speed, speed of general traffic, traffic flow, delay was measured to evaluate effectiveness of IBL.