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CARS (Condition Acquisition Reporting System) and the CARS Group

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01386
  • Kristin Virshbo
  • Castle Rock Associates, Inc.
  • United State of America


As technological advancements enable great improvements to how travel information reaches the public, public transportation agencies must find innovative ways for developing and deploying new, modern information delivery systems that fit within their budgets. The CARS Gro...Lead moreAs technological advancements enable great improvements to how travel information reaches the public, public transportation agencies must find innovative ways for developing and deploying new, modern information delivery systems that fit within their budgets. The CARS Group of transportation agencies represents a unique and cost-effective approach to this challenge, where group members leverage each others’ capital investments and knowledge bases for the benefit of all. Throughout the last two decades, transportation agencies in the U.S. and Canada identified a common need for condition reporting systems, both for internal traffic management and for sharing real-time information about the transportation network with members of the public. In 1997, four states in the U.S. decided to pool their resources and to seek additional federal support to build a first-generation condition reporting system together, thus reducing the cost to each individual agency while also offering the opportunity to collaborate on the requirements and design definition for the new system. The end result of this multi-agency effort was CARS (Condition Acquisition Reporting System). CARS is an ITS standards-based condition reporting system that allows authorized agency users to enter, view, and share critical road, travel, weather and traffic information. Members of the “CARS Group” drive the ongoing development, extension, maintenance, and operation of the system based on their current needs and budgets. This paper will discuss the history of the CARS Group and its developments, while also discussing opportunities for expanding it to transportation agencies in other parts of the world.

Paper Title

A System-Wide Analysis of the Effects of Real-Time Bus Arrival Information

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01370
  • Piyushimita Vonu Thakuriah
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • United State of America


While many factors influence the decisions that travelers make, real-time information or Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) are rapidly becoming an influential factor. A key category of ATIS is transit ATIS, which provides information to transit users on a varie...Lead moreWhile many factors influence the decisions that travelers make, real-time information or Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) are rapidly becoming an influential factor. A key category of ATIS is transit ATIS, which provides information to transit users on a variety of factors in the transit travel environment, through pre-trip transit and multimodal traveler information systems, in-vehicle/wayside transit information systems, and in-vehicle transit information systems (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2000). While the basic information and communication infrastructure has mostly been installed with funding from transit agencies, private companies such as Google are now integrating transit information in several U.S. cities within their Location-Based Service environment, which users can access through their Personal Digital Assistants, cellular phones and other mobile devices, thus enabling users to tightly integrate transit information with their travel itineraries.This paper will present ongoing results in an analysis of the systemwide effects of the Bus Tracker system in the Chicago metropolitan area, USA. Most previous studies of the effects of real-time information on transit usage have been conducted on specific routes or service areas. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the system-wide effects of the CTA Bus Tracker, using longitudinal data from multiple years, before and after the implementation of the Bus Tracker system with information on gas prices, transit fares, employment rates, highway and transit construction periods and a panel data model that tracks ridership over time.

Paper Title

Using thermal images to identify and track big animals to avoid car-animal crash

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01361
  • Debao Zhou
  • University of Minnesota Duluth
  • United State of America


Animal vehicle collision (AVC) is constantly a major safety issue for the driving on rural roads. It is estimated that there are over 35,000 AVCs yearly in the US resulting in about 200 deaths and close to 4,000 reported property damages of one thousand dollars or more. T...Lead moreAnimal vehicle collision (AVC) is constantly a major safety issue for the driving on rural roads. It is estimated that there are over 35,000 AVCs yearly in the US resulting in about 200 deaths and close to 4,000 reported property damages of one thousand dollars or more. This justifies many attempts trying to detect animals on road. However, very little success has been achieved. In order to reduce the number of AVCs, this work focused on the study of using an infrared thermal camera with tracking system to detect the presence of big animals to avoid AVCs. This work assumes that the body temperature of a big animal is higher than its environment and its shape is different from a car. Thus any big animal can be distinguished from its environment using thermal images. In this research, pattern matching method is used to identify the presence of a big animal in either night or day time by analyzing the infrared thermal images which are independent of visible light. The prototype has been built and it consists of an infrared thermal image grabbing and processing system, which includes an infrared thermal camera, a frame grabber, an image processing system and a motion tracking system, which includes two motors with their motion control system. Lab test results have shown the applicability of the system.

Paper Title

Make Boring On-Board Units For Road-Pricing More Interesting

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01358
  • Bern Grush
  • Skymeter Corporation
  • Canada


This presentation will describe a ready-to-install road-use meter and an associated business model that provides numerous benefits to drivers to help reduce travel costs, increase convenience and safety and enhance acceptance of telematics for road-use charging. The empha...Lead moreThis presentation will describe a ready-to-install road-use meter and an associated business model that provides numerous benefits to drivers to help reduce travel costs, increase convenience and safety and enhance acceptance of telematics for road-use charging. The emphasis is on an extremely high level of user acceptance. The goal is to move from user hostility, through user tolerance to user desire and excitement.

Paper Title

Simulation Study of Active Traffic Management to Improve Freeway Mobility

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01356
  • Tony Qiu
  • University of Alberta
  • Canada


Freeway traffic management has been developing very rapidly in recent years. Over the past few decades, a huge number of research efforts have been devoted to empirical investigations of freeway traffic characteristics and dynamics. But, the more recent trend has focused ...Lead moreFreeway traffic management has been developing very rapidly in recent years. Over the past few decades, a huge number of research efforts have been devoted to empirical investigations of freeway traffic characteristics and dynamics. But, the more recent trend has focused on the development of control strategies to improve the operations on freeway. Active Traffic Management (ATM), mainly includes variable speed limit (VSL) and ramp metering (RM), have been applied into practice. In this study, the authors have adopted a previously developed combined control strategy for variable speed limits (VSL) and ramp metering (RM) to maximize the flow of a recurrent bottleneck which is modeled as a lane reduction; the authors have adopted freeway modelling using the micro-simulator VISSIM which contains a phycho-physical car following movement and a rule based algorithm for lateral movements. To enhance the behaviour of the merge and diverge sections on freeway, additional efforts including adding variations on default driver behaviour have been made. A detailed procedure for constructing and calibrating the model of a freeway using VISSIM has been presented and applied to a 11-Km freeway corridor of Whitemud Dr., Edmonton which is chosen as an ATM freeway corridor testbed in the City of Edmonton. Finally, the adopted combined VSL and RM model has been applied to the ATM based Whitemud Drive testbed, and a field operation field test has been conducted in order to evaluate the performance and capability of the proposed control strategies. This study indicates the potential benefit of implementing variable speed limit and ramp metering.

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How to Toll a Country for Free

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01354
  • Bern Grush
  • Skymeter Corporation
  • Canada


It is now possible to address all user fees, charges, taxes and insurance premiums paid by motorists for road and parking use in a single, transparent payment management system. This permits a government that employs this technology to obtain road tolling as a free servic...Lead moreIt is now possible to address all user fees, charges, taxes and insurance premiums paid by motorists for road and parking use in a single, transparent payment management system. This permits a government that employs this technology to obtain road tolling as a free service riding on a broader service suite of GNSS-mediated parking management, pay-as-you-go insurance and mobility credits and rewards. In other words, allow profitable, value-added services to fund system operational costs of road tolling, on the same business model that Google funds certain free services to Internet users from its advertising services. Here is how.

Paper Title

Automated turning movements through applied machine vision

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01338
  • Daniel Benhammou
  • Iteris
  • United State of America


The collection of turning movement count data has long been the bane of public works departments in cities across the world. The data is required for critical operations ranging from timing of intersections to traffic flow modeling and city planning. Unfortunately due to ...Lead moreThe collection of turning movement count data has long been the bane of public works departments in cities across the world. The data is required for critical operations ranging from timing of intersections to traffic flow modeling and city planning. Unfortunately due to tight budgets, these agencies often must result to substandard means to obtain this data resulting in poor quality and substandard frequency. This industry is undergoing a rapid transformation with the introduction of advanced machine vision technology which permits complete automation of this process. Real-time video processing solutions have proven to be not only more cost effective, but provide comprehensive turning movement counts with unprecedented accuracy and precision resulting in smoother traffic and safer roads at a fraction of the cost.

Paper Title

Safer roads through intelligent AID

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01337
  • Daniel Benhammou
  • Iteris
  • United State of America


The use of video based incident detection systems has rapidly proliferated over the past decade through a combination of increased sophistication and lower cost. The ability of machine vision systems to perform AID (Automatic Incident Detection) using CCTV cameras has pro...Lead moreThe use of video based incident detection systems has rapidly proliferated over the past decade through a combination of increased sophistication and lower cost. The ability of machine vision systems to perform AID (Automatic Incident Detection) using CCTV cameras has proved invaluable for the detection of stopped vehicles, wrong-way drivers, roadway debris, and smoke / fire detection with the resulting roadways being safer for motorists and minimizing the clearance times when incidents do occur. While the technology has rapidly advanced, many issues still plague the arena of video based AID systems as a result of optical phenomena such as glares, video blooms and other artifacts resulting from lighting and weather conditions. As a result of these challenges, performance of such systems has suffered ultimately resulting in a high occurrence of false calls which undermines the credibility of such technology. While these lighting conditions are unlikely to abate, new classes of algorithms have been developed to employ artificial intelligence to distinguish between false incident reports and real incidents. The following paper highlights some of the common failure modes of traditional video-based AID systems and how these challenges have been circumvented using a new class of learning algorithms. These algorithms are based upon operator interaction for the confirmation and rejection of potential incident alarms. This approach benefits from the years of experience a traffic engineer often brings to the traffic operations center which can help to mitigate false calls.

Paper Title

ITS deployment Subarchitectures over IMS (4G NGN)

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01332
  • Claudio Marte
  • University of Sao Paulo
  • Brazil


The development of mobile phone technology, from the introduction of the first cellular systems in the mid-eighties, caused a rupture in the service model in the telecommunications industry. To fill the gaps created by the technological breakthrough in the service availab...Lead moreThe development of mobile phone technology, from the introduction of the first cellular systems in the mid-eighties, caused a rupture in the service model in the telecommunications industry. To fill the gaps created by the technological breakthrough in the service availability architecture, which arose in the transition from first generation (analog) to the second (digital), the 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) has developed a model that resulted in an architecture called IMS - IP Multimedia Subsystem. The IMS architecture was initially developed in order to meet the needs of 3GPP in the context of cellular systems and became the basis of the session control architecture for third-generation networks (3G) and their evolution (4G networks), where the focus is no longer the increase in capacity or bandwidth, but the interoperability between heterogeneous access networks, such as HSPA - High Speed Packet Access, LTE - Long Term Evolution, WiMAX - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity, DSL - Digital Subscriber Line, DOCSIS - Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications and others. Based on the premise that increasing ITS services will be available on mobile devices (embedded or portable), the proposed architecture of 3GPP (IMS) can be extended to cover the ITS applications. The IMS can be used to implement the ITS sub architectures because it has the ability to provide multiple ITS services on the same session, regardless the different types of mobile devices used to access these services.

Paper Title

ITS - Present and future in brazilian granted federal highway

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01330
  • Luiz Castilho
  • National Agency for Land Transport
  • Brazil


This paper will show a current view on the adoption of Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITS in brazilian granted federal highways. Also listed are the expected investments to be made in the short and medium term in ITS due to the need to use better technology and espe...Lead moreThis paper will show a current view on the adoption of Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITS in brazilian granted federal highways. Also listed are the expected investments to be made in the short and medium term in ITS due to the need to use better technology and especially because of the need for expansion of the federal highway granted. Depending on availability of funds for ITS implementation in the federal highways provided on ANTT is developing a project to identify needs for improvement and expansion of ITS devices, focusing on creation in the medium term, a Operations Supervision National Center. The use of standards and devices of ITS last generation is an essential requirement to enable the deployment of a Operation Supervision National Center which will, in turn, an integration of all information relating to the Operation Control Center of brazilian federal granted highways. In addition, the Operation Supervision National Center will enable ANTT effectively fulfill its role and effectiveness of operational activities of highways under concession supervision and monitoring. This is made possible through the information data, voice and image, collected at the Operation Control Center, and through dedicated channel will be available to ANTT in real time.

Paper Title

Metro Area Intelligent Transportation System - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01318
  • Amrinder Arora
  • United State of America


We propose Metro Area Intelligent Transport System (MAITS) ? a combined traffic congestion management system that manages high occupancy vehicular traffic, truck traffic and helps in coordination of commuter and ride share traffic. Most of these components are already ava...Lead moreWe propose Metro Area Intelligent Transport System (MAITS) ? a combined traffic congestion management system that manages high occupancy vehicular traffic, truck traffic and helps in coordination of commuter and ride share traffic. Most of these components are already available in parts ? in form of stochastic algorithms for truck traffic congestion management, ride share coordination using 5.9 GHz Vehicular Area Networks and numerous systems for HoV management. The proposed MAIT system consists of a central decision engine that takes multiple inputs and a communication platform that interacts with the active and passive participants using various communication technologies. The decision engine takes inputs in form of trip itineraries from participating sharing vehicles, truck traffic as observed from RFID transponders and waiting area counters, user inputs from ride share websites, consolidated incidence reports and an analytical data warehouse of traffic patterns and trip times. The output of MAITS decision system can be used to control the road directions, high occupancy restrictions and traffic light durations and can influence trip routes. It can also aid in coordinating ride shares and public transportation units. Such a combined system can best leverage the investment at the metro level and provide the best traffic congestion management solution. The MAIT communication platform considers 5.9 GHz VANETs, existing RFID infrastructure, GPS based toll collection infrastructure and cellular networks (active participation by user or passive participation via the carrier to discover vehicular traffic) as complementing communication technologies and utilizes all available technologies.

Paper Title

Innovative Interagency Partnerships - The Mississippi Mstraffic-Med-Com Project

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01312
  • Michael Stokes
  • Mississippi Department of Transportation
  • United State of America


The purpose of the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) MED-COM Partnership Project was to integrate the expanding travel information network resources of the Mississippi state-wide Intelligent Transportation System (known as MsTraffic) with a new state-wide me...Lead moreThe purpose of the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) MED-COM Partnership Project was to integrate the expanding travel information network resources of the Mississippi state-wide Intelligent Transportation System (known as MsTraffic) with a new state-wide medical emergency response system known as Mississippi MED-COM. Through interconnection of the traffic and medical response management systems, the project helps saves lives by providing a permanent and useful service to the emergency response agencies, hospitals and first responders of Mississippi. The project has already proven to be useful in many emergency response situations through use of msTraffic cameras to validate conditions in order to notify the appropriate number and type of responders and to also notify emergency medical facilities of probable patient transfers and their medical status. This project can be a model as it proves that the two systems can be successfully integrated to increase transportation safety and mobility through new and dynamic partnerships linking the transportation and public safety communities.

Paper Title

Assessing Air Quality Impacts of Managed Lanes

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01311
  • Chanyoung Lee
  • University of South Florida
  • United State of America


Transportation systems are currently a significant source of air pollutant emissions throughout the U.S. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2001). Transportation infrastructure and management projects must now often consider the air quality impacts (National Research Counc...Lead moreTransportation systems are currently a significant source of air pollutant emissions throughout the U.S. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2001). Transportation infrastructure and management projects must now often consider the air quality impacts (National Research Council, 2004). However, there is significant controversy over the impacts of transportation infrastructure and management projects on emissions and resultant air quality impacts (Transportation Research Board, 1995; Replogle, 1995; Dowling et al, 2005). The concept of managed lanes in transportation management is currently of significant interest around the U.S. due to its potential to mitigate traffic congestion and generate revenue. The concept uses variable pricing of tolls to ensure desired operating speeds of vehicles using the managed lane facilities. The resultant reduction of congestion is particularly important to the efficiency, visibility, and use of transportation system. The Florida Department of Transportation has recently implemented a managed lane project in south Florida through the Miami Urban Partnership Agreement. This agreement includes 21 miles of managed High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes on the I-95 corridor between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. The study evaluates the potential benefits and costs of transportation projects on air quality. The I-95 managed lane project provides an opportunity to evaluate these impacts and develop methods for assessment applicable to future projects.

Paper Title

The Mississippi DOT ITS Program ? A Decade of Amazing Success

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01310
  • Michael Stokes
  • Mississippi Department of Transportation
  • United State of America


The Mississippi Department of Transportation obtained its first dedicated ITS funding 1998 and created the state’s first Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan. Mississippi’s plan was unique in that it was one of the first state-wide ITS plans to be fully...Lead moreThe Mississippi Department of Transportation obtained its first dedicated ITS funding 1998 and created the state’s first Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Strategic Plan. Mississippi’s plan was unique in that it was one of the first state-wide ITS plans to be fully integrated within the framework of its long range multimodal transportation plan. To this end, the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) has been focused on applying ITS technology and partnerships where such applications contribute to statewide goals and objectives and support the State’s other non-ITS policies, investments, and initiatives. Since the completion of this Strategic Plan, MDOT has created and expanded its diverse ITS program at a truly amazing pace. The accomplishments in the first decade of this primarily rural state are unparalleled and can serve as a model to other states (rural and urban) desiring to improve their programs.

Paper Title

Challenges and Opportunities of Brazil Traffic W2010 - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01251
  • Wagner Pacifico
  • Multispectral Digital Maps
  • Brazil


Brazil’s cities can eventually count with new solutions for traffic related services, once this theme’s concepts and technologies are being remarkably discussed worldwide. However, some important intelligent transportation features are not yet available in many important ...Lead moreBrazil’s cities can eventually count with new solutions for traffic related services, once this theme’s concepts and technologies are being remarkably discussed worldwide. However, some important intelligent transportation features are not yet available in many important cities, such as real time traffic information and intelligent transportation to citizens, police, hospitals and fire departments. The traffic management can be understood as the one big challenge for the daily life. New solutions for attractive public transportation systems and navigation systems for sustainable and intelligent vehicles’ use will lead the world to the green transportation systems in the cities: smart applications designed for large events with impacts on urban mobility and the people’s life. The relevance of this theme to the transportation sector will aim to improve its performances through the development of ITS local application supporting a demand using the telematics tools and open platform to the future integration. The key point of this article is to show Brazil’s traffic services by exposing characteristics of Brazil’s cities, geo-information and transportation tracker players, telecommunication infrastructure and consumer’s perceptions. The goal is to predict the main market challenges and opportunities of Brazil’s traffic services in the next 7 years, opening a wide range of possibilities to discussion while great investments are being made until Brazil’s 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

Paper Title

Macro-Micro Integration in Traffic Simulation Models: An Oregon Highway Case Study

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01100
  • Jongsun Won
  • PTV America, Inc.
  • United State of America


With the increasing application of macroscopic travel demand models and microscopic simulation models within the same project, the need for integrating these models to facilitate transferring data is becoming essential. This paper describes an example project where an int...Lead moreWith the increasing application of macroscopic travel demand models and microscopic simulation models within the same project, the need for integrating these models to facilitate transferring data is becoming essential. This paper describes an example project where an integrated macroscopic-microscopic model was applied to perform analyses at different levels of detail. The example project was a freeway corridor application in Portland, Oregon using the integrated PTV Vision Suite. The level of integrated enabled network consistency to be maintained across models, facilitated the development of 15-minute OD matrices and paths and expedited the coding of intersection and ramp signal timing plans. Ultimately, the integrated workflow saved a considerable amount of time and allowed the 3-month project to be delivered on schedule.

Paper Title

Economic Feasibility of Public Transportation -Bus, OLEV, Subway

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01094
  • Hyunjung Yoo
  • Republic of Korea


Nowadays, global warming is a serious environmental problem. In response, all industry sectors evolve in sustainability in order to reduce the pollution and its relative CO2 emission. Namely in transportation, many forms of electric vehicle are being researched and develo...Lead moreNowadays, global warming is a serious environmental problem. In response, all industry sectors evolve in sustainability in order to reduce the pollution and its relative CO2 emission. Namely in transportation, many forms of electric vehicle are being researched and developed. In this study, we observe the feasibility of OLEV, one of the new types of electrically operated vehicle to existing public transportation modes, CNG bus and subway. The purpose of the study is to suggest economically appropriate mode of public transportation to the city. We convert numbers of different factors to monetary value in order to compare the 3 modes in same unit. Then we conduct the benefit-cost analysis controlling the following variables; demand and time. Furthermore, we also perform sensitivity analysis based on oil price, electricity fee, fare, and CO2 saving’s market price. Based on our assumptions, we obtain that CNG bus is economically better for the first few years, whereas in long-term, subway becomes advantageous. However, OLEV appears to be the best choice of public transportation, as it rewards higher profit in the years between CNG and subway. Similarly, in demand perspective, as the city size increases, the desirable mode changes from CNG to OLEV to subway.

Paper Title

Online Reputation Management and Consumer Research

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01071
  • Kevin Kruke
  • Strategic Communication
  • United State of America


Online social media is fundamentally changing how government, business and consumers communicate and collaborate. ITS deployments and patrons are not immune from these changes. Social media has torn down the walls among ITS patrons who now openly and more honestly communi...Lead moreOnline social media is fundamentally changing how government, business and consumers communicate and collaborate. ITS deployments and patrons are not immune from these changes. Social media has torn down the walls among ITS patrons who now openly and more honestly communicate than ever before. While this creates potential new issues for those involved with ITS deployments in managing their reputations, governments, system integrators and operators, venture capitalists, marketers and others now also have a powerful new means of research, product development and sentiment analysis. Listen-Measure-Engage is a model that enables ITS deployments to carefully and effectively open a dialog with their patrons. This paper deals with the listening aspect of that model using three North American ITS deployment examples.

Paper Title

Incorporating Contra-flow Simulation into a Dynamic Transit-Based Evacuation Plan for Nonrecurring Congestions

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01046
  • Cheng-Chieh Chen
  • University of Maryland, College Park
  • United State of America


The purpose of this study is first to provide an effective approach to guide the evacuating vehicles outside the target area; then to adjust or re-optimize the original plan when nonrecurring congestions occur. The transit-based emergency evacuation plan with the contra-f...Lead moreThe purpose of this study is first to provide an effective approach to guide the evacuating vehicles outside the target area; then to adjust or re-optimize the original plan when nonrecurring congestions occur. The transit-based emergency evacuation plan with the contra-flow operations originally designed in our previous study is adapted and tested. When nonrecurring congestions occur, a dynamic routing algorithm is used to re-optimize the transit dispatching routes. Additional contra-flow network reconfiguration approach is also developed to get the system back on track in a timely manner while effectively using our available resources.

Paper Title

Discovering the Value of Three-dimensional Road Geometry in Advanced Intelligent Automotive Applications

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01042
  • Xiaopeng Li
  • Intermap Technologies Corp
  • Canada


The Government, the automotive industry and consumers share a broad vision regarding the future of the automotive industry; a future that is trending toward producing greener, safer and smarter vehicles that are fully loaded with advanced, intelligent automotive applicati...Lead moreThe Government, the automotive industry and consumers share a broad vision regarding the future of the automotive industry; a future that is trending toward producing greener, safer and smarter vehicles that are fully loaded with advanced, intelligent automotive applications. These applications demand three-dimensional (3D) and accurate road maps for all classes of roads. 3D digital road geometry ? an enabler and a virtual predictive sensor that complements onboard vehicle physical sensors ? can extend a vehicle’s horizon by providing look-ahead road topography. The automotive industry continues to see the value of, and is showing an intense interest in, 3D road geometry in support of such applications. Map providers, such as Intermap Technologies, are focusing their efforts on developing fit-for-purpose, nationwide comprehensive 3D road product. Concurrently, they are working closely with automotive industry partners to determine the appropriate value associated with 3D road product and the best use for such data within the application value chain. However, developing 3D road databases with the quality and coverage necessary to support such advanced automotive applications remains a challenge for the mapping industry. This paper strives to determine the appropriate value associated with 3D digital road geometry in support of advanced automotive applications. The outline for this paper: ? Section 1: Introduction ? Section 2: 3D Digital Road Geometry ? An Enabler of Intelligent Automotive Applications ? Section 3: Requirements of 3D Road Data for Application Purposes ? Section 4: A Cost-effective 3D Road Geometry Collection Technology ? Section 5: Conclusions and Future Work

Paper Title

Learning User Perception to Traveler Situation Awareness Alerts on Mobile Devices

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01039
  • Christian Manasseh
  • UC Berkeley
  • United State of America


The use of mobile devices to deliver traveler information is on the rise. Applications that assist the traveler in multi-modal transportation choices, situation awareness on the road, and navigation guidance have all been ported to mobile devices such as cellular phones a...Lead moreThe use of mobile devices to deliver traveler information is on the rise. Applications that assist the traveler in multi-modal transportation choices, situation awareness on the road, and navigation guidance have all been ported to mobile devices such as cellular phones and personal navigation devices. Yet, user adoption to such applications has been low. In this paper, we address one of the factors impeding the adoption of mobile device-based applications which is the lack of personalized experience tailored to each user. This issue is due to the fact that users react differently to traffic information, and a piece of information which is perceived useful by one user may be considered as nuisance by another. We provide evidence of this fact from a pilot field test performed on a situation awareness cellular application that alerts the user of approaching slow traffic 1.6km ahead. We then propose a machine learning algorithm based on a support vector machine that segregates alerts into “favorable” vs. “annoying” based on user feedback and user GPS trace analysis. The architecture and calibration process for the support vector machine to run in real time when the alert conditions are satisfied, will be presented. The proposed architecture is implemented and deployed within a pilot field test consisting of 32 users for 2 months to determine its effectiveness. Our preliminary findings reveal an 89% accuracy in detecting alert types based on time of day, day of week, time spent on the road and speed differential between vehicle and approaching traffic.

Paper Title

Defining The Operating Performance Envelope og an Intlligent Vehicle

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01036
  • Steven Dellenback
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United State of America


Intelligent vehicles perform various functions from driver assist through unmanned operation. The variety of envisioned functions make defining the desired performance of an intelligence vehicle difficult because it is based upon so many different factors to include level...Lead moreIntelligent vehicles perform various functions from driver assist through unmanned operation. The variety of envisioned functions make defining the desired performance of an intelligence vehicle difficult because it is based upon so many different factors to include level of operator intervention, range and speed of operations, and various environmental characteristics. It is necessary to define the system performance envelope in two ways because performance and operating environment are so closely related. This paper will propose a method for defining (1) the best performance possible by the intelligent vehicle system and the specific environment required for this performance and (2) the worst environment the intelligent vehicle system can operate in along with the performance of the intelligent vehicle system in this environment. This method has been developed by SwRI on the Mobile Autonomous Robotics Technology Initiative (MARTI) program and has been used to classify the operating performance envelope of various size prototype intelligent vehicle systems.

Paper Title

Supply Chain System Through ITS Technology - ITS World Congress of Busan 2010

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01034
  • Alberto Kotsuka Junior
  • AKMobile
  • Brazil


The Radio Frequency Identification is a revolutionary technology that can be applied to enhance supply chain management. This technology ought to use in various modules of the supply chain, such as asset management, warehouse operation, inventory management, manufacturing...Lead moreThe Radio Frequency Identification is a revolutionary technology that can be applied to enhance supply chain management. This technology ought to use in various modules of the supply chain, such as asset management, warehouse operation, inventory management, manufacturing processes and retail marketing. Combining the technologies of the system vehicle tracking (GPS) with RFID is possible to build an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) of supply chain more efficient and safer than currently exists. Using this process will be automatically reduced errors in product delivery, strategic routes to be covered, besides will can get information about the online delivery using a monitoring station as well as the customer will have access to the monitoring of delivery requested. With this integrated logistic system will be possible preserve the environment, eliminating unnecessary costs for fuel, tires and vehicle maintenance. This article focuses on demonstration the adoption of Radio Frequency Identification technology on the logistics business strategy and operation. This article contributes to filling the gap in the research into RFID as a strategic resource to solve logistic problems and provides insight into the strategic value in managing the supply chain and environment. Logistics performs an increasingly important strategic role in enabling organizations to cope with market changes and supply chain integration. Logistics is the most important process of companies joining planning, implementing and controlling the flow, besides storage and information of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

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Brazilian Standardization for ITS Architecture

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM01030
  • Andre Carvalho
  • Connectics
  • Brazil


The use and application of ITS services have been added to everyday people. Solutions mobility, efficient public transport and technologies built into the vehicle, improve the quality of life in big cities. The purpose of this paper is to give information about comprehens...Lead moreThe use and application of ITS services have been added to everyday people. Solutions mobility, efficient public transport and technologies built into the vehicle, improve the quality of life in big cities. The purpose of this paper is to give information about comprehensive introduction of the national architecture. The first step of the studies commission, suggest the creation of the national architecture, especially in the aspect of interoperability of solutions used for awards in several roads and high-ways. The type of transport services needed for standards depends on the complexity of the themes involved. Most of them will have the cooperation from reference group which it shall be provider of experience cities considering local solutions to public transport, authorities and industry. The national trend for the next two years shows a special attention on the government in the different sectors. The initiative with focus on co-operation of the partner organizations use ITS in the their daily operations. The share of experience and perspectives to the future will become one component to create an unified national architecture, using ITS services, groups and domains regarding multi-modal areas related to international standardization and will certainly be one of the major themes of study for the worldwide. The contribution of Brazilian Standardization for ITS Architecture experience will be an important component of the cities regarding traffic and transport systems for a long time. It improves an overview of innovations for a sustainable ITS applications, contribution to the society and environmental impacts.

Paper Title

A Practical Perspective on the System Level Benefits of Combined Traffic Assignment and Control Method

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00990
  • Muhammad Farhan
  • University of Utah
  • United State of America


Combined Traffic Assignment and Control (CTAC) method has been the topic of academic research for the last three decades. Several solution algorithms, model formulations, and implementation efforts have been well documented. Although proven in academic research, the use o...Lead moreCombined Traffic Assignment and Control (CTAC) method has been the topic of academic research for the last three decades. Several solution algorithms, model formulations, and implementation efforts have been well documented. Although proven in academic research, the use of CTAC based models is rare in engineering practice. Typically, the practice tends to keep traffic assignment and control-optimization processes separate. By doing so, the control-driver interaction in the traffic system is ignored. Previous research emphasizes that CTAC models can capture the control-driver interaction, and that the CTAC framework should be used in practice. The paper presents a practical perspective on benefits of a CTAC method in terms of conveying near-perfect information to the drivers to make route choice with improvements to traffic controls. Four scenarios were tested on an urban area in Salt Lake City, Utah using Static and Dynamic Assignments with Fixed and Vehicle Actuated Controls. The results show that the total-delay reductions and total-travel-time improvements were the smallest when only traffic controls were improved and the highest when the drivers had near-perfect information to make route choice in combination with improvements to traffic controls. Further research is needed to compare the benefits under other control types and simulation software.

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Investigation of Attributes of Kinematic Waves Affecting Traffic Behaviors Leading to Collisions

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00953
  • Ki Han Song
  • The Korea Transport Institute
  • Republic of Korea


The focus of vast majority of existing studies was to develop safety surrogate measures by quantifying the risk of traffic collisions based on observable data rather than uncovering the sequence of events leading to traffic collisions. These models can be applicable to si...Lead moreThe focus of vast majority of existing studies was to develop safety surrogate measures by quantifying the risk of traffic collisions based on observable data rather than uncovering the sequence of events leading to traffic collisions. These models can be applicable to sites that share the similar features; however, they may not be readily applicable to other sites. Furthermore, the model does not provide insights to what triggers the sequence of events leading to vehicular collision. To enhance the understanding of the details of the precursor traffic states that can potentially cause vehicular collision and understand what triggers them, current study examined the traffic and accident data along 20 miles of freeway corridor located in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Different attributes of kinematic waves emanating from recurrent bottlenecks, traffic incidents (i.e., debris on the roadway or stalled vehicle) and accidents were examined and the findings are documented in the report.

Paper Title

Evaluation of the benefits of Route Guidance System using Combined Traffic Assignment and Control Framework

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00948
  • Muhammad Farhan
  • University of Utah
  • United State of America


The traffic congestion in large urbanized areas around the globe is a major issue faced by the transportation planning professionals. The traffic engineers and planners are exploring new ideas to tackle the issue. From the perspective of congestion mitigation, the transpo...Lead moreThe traffic congestion in large urbanized areas around the globe is a major issue faced by the transportation planning professionals. The traffic engineers and planners are exploring new ideas to tackle the issue. From the perspective of congestion mitigation, the transportation research is focused on development of solutions that increase the efficiency of existing infrastructure. In this context, the development and implementation of Route Guidance Systems (RGS) has been the topic of extensive research for the last two decades. Many solution algorithms and implementation efforts have been well documented. Past research on RGS suggests that the information to drivers on prevalent traffic conditions can impact their route choice, and it may benefit the traffic system in reducing traffic congestion. The paper evaluates the benefits of RGS in a traffic system using Combined Traffic Assignment and control Framework (CTAC). Eleven scenarios were tested with different proportions of RGS equipped demand under Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) and vehicle actuated traffic controls. The test results suggest that system- wide travel time improvements and delay reductions can be achieved through RGS. The travel time improvement and delay reduction benefits were the minimum in Scenario with only 10% RGS equipped demand, and the benefits were the maximum in the scenario with 100% RGS equipped demand. Further studies are needed on drivers’ response behavior to information through RGS, and to test the benefits of RGS in larger study area networks.

Paper Title

Incident Detection and Response Utilizing Traffic Responsive across Agency-Jurisdictional Boundaries

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00919
  • Eric Raamot
  • Econolite Control Products, Inc
  • United State of America


Econolite Control Products, Inc, in partnership with the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) have performed a demonstration project of incident management strategies across agency-jurisdictional boundaries. Incident detection has been established utilizing thre...Lead moreEconolite Control Products, Inc, in partnership with the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) have performed a demonstration project of incident management strategies across agency-jurisdictional boundaries. Incident detection has been established utilizing threshold based, V+kO data from vehicle detectors at intersection approaches commonly used as diversion routes to freeway incidents. These detectors are collected from different agency systems in near-real-time and accumulated into a common traffic responsive algorithm, performed at one of the agency systems. Incident response utilizes a multi-jurisdictional, concurrent alteration of predefined timing plans in response to detected incidents. The system that performs the traffic responsive algorithm, distributes recommended timing plans for each agency to implement via the center-to-center interface. This project is unique in its leverage of off-the-shelf Traffic Responsive and Server-to-Server functionality within the Centracs ATMS as a basis for evaluation of incident detection and response methodologies. Each ATMS system operates at a peer level with another, providing a framework for collaborative signal monitoring, data exchange and control. This implementation does not require development of supervisory ATMS systems or other custom-engineered solutions as more commonly found in practice.

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Operational Concepts for Truck Automation Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00917
  • Steven Shladover
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • United State of America


Since the beginning of work on ITS, a wide range of applications of ITS have been defined and tested on heavy trucks, many of which have involved taking over some of the driving responsibilities of the truck drivers. It has been difficult to compare these applications wit...Lead moreSince the beginning of work on ITS, a wide range of applications of ITS have been defined and tested on heavy trucks, many of which have involved taking over some of the driving responsibilities of the truck drivers. It has been difficult to compare these applications with each other because of important differences in their operational concepts that have not always been clearly defined. In this paper, the operational concepts for truck automation systems are defined in terms of the relative roles of the driver and the system and the driving environment in which the system is expected to operate. When these two dimensions are combined, it becomes possible to determine the technical feasibility (or technical challenges) associated with practical implementation of each operational concept.

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Effect of Transmission Parameters on Efficiency and Reliability of V2V Networks

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00916
  • Fei Ye
  • University of Washington
  • United State of America


Vehicle-to-vehicle communications is essential to create cooperative awareness amongst vehicles, improve roadway safety and roadway capacity, and reduce green house gas emissions. As vehicle density increases, the amount of cooperative awareness messages also increases, w...Lead moreVehicle-to-vehicle communications is essential to create cooperative awareness amongst vehicles, improve roadway safety and roadway capacity, and reduce green house gas emissions. As vehicle density increases, the amount of cooperative awareness messages also increases, which in turns increases the amount of background interference in the wireless channel. Transmission under high degree of background interference reduces the reliability of the packet. Adjusting transmission parameters such as transmission power or backoff mechanism may reduce interference, but they also decrease efficiency of packet transmission. This paper quantifies the tradeoff between transmission efficiency and reliability, and shows how various transmission parameters affect overall system performance.

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Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Driver Selection of Car-Following Gaps

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00910
  • Steven Shladover
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • United State of America


A field test was conducted to determine the comparison between drivers’ usage of a normal adaptive cruise control (ACC) system and a cooperative ACC (CACC) system that uses vehicle-vehicle communication to enable shorter gaps and tighter control of gaps. Sixteen drivers f...Lead moreA field test was conducted to determine the comparison between drivers’ usage of a normal adaptive cruise control (ACC) system and a cooperative ACC (CACC) system that uses vehicle-vehicle communication to enable shorter gaps and tighter control of gaps. Sixteen drivers from the general public drove both systems on their daily commute trips, and their driving behavior and subjective opinions of the systems were recorded. The results show that the drivers had a strong preference for the shorter gaps enabled by the CACC, but there were significant differences in the preferences shown by the male and female drivers. This preference for shorter gaps implies the potential for CACC to produce significant increases in the achievable capacity per highway lane if CACC were to be widely used.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00909
  • Jungsil LIM
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • United State of America


SafeTrip-21 in the USA and Intelli Green Travel System (IGTS) in Korea are examples of current R&D projects on smart traveler service. The field tests for both projects have been conducted under a national ITS project to develop and evaluate methods for providing users se...Lead moreSafeTrip-21 in the USA and Intelli Green Travel System (IGTS) in Korea are examples of current R&D projects on smart traveler service. The field tests for both projects have been conducted under a national ITS project to develop and evaluate methods for providing users services. SafeTrip-21 and IGTS have initiated to assess how existing information, navigation, and communications technologies in mobile or permanent devices may further improve the convenience, safety and mobility of the users. The personalized and on-demand nature of the traveler services makes them appealing to users and could improve the quality of transportation and travel information service provided. This paper compares results of field tests for two SafeTrip-21 smart traveler services in the USA with the IGTS in Korea in providing connectivity among transportation modes, user mobile devices and infrastructures. It discusses the similarities and differences of the two systems in terms of technology, implementation, and user experiences.

Paper Title

Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control: Case Study of Cobb County SCATS

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00908
  • Seung Kook Wu
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • United State of America


In late 2004 the Cobb County Department of Transportation, in Cobb County, Georgia, U.S., conducted an adaptive signal control pilot study, implementing the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) on 15 intersections along Paces Ferry Road, Cumberland Parkway, ...Lead moreIn late 2004 the Cobb County Department of Transportation, in Cobb County, Georgia, U.S., conducted an adaptive signal control pilot study, implementing the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) on 15 intersections along Paces Ferry Road, Cumberland Parkway, and Atlanta Road. This study presents the results of a before-and-after operational comparison of optimized time-of-day (i.e. before control) and SCATS (i.e. after control) traffic control system performance. The focus of this operational analysis is the typical operating performance during the weekday peak, weekday off-peak, and weekend travel periods. Travel time data were collected using GPS-equipped test vehicles and traditional intersection delay studies. The results showed that neither the before time-of-day or after SCATS performance is clearly dominant except on Cumberland Parkway, where SCATS control consistently provides equivalent or superior performance to that of the time-of-day control.

Paper Title

Idling Reduction Using Intelligent Traffic Signal Controller Algorithms

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00907
  • Steven Dellenback
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United State of America


With today’s emphasis on pollution reduction and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, much of the world is focusing on methods to “go green.” In the United States, legislation has been proposed for climate control that includes the reduction of GHGs. A prime example of this le...Lead moreWith today’s emphasis on pollution reduction and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, much of the world is focusing on methods to “go green.” In the United States, legislation has been proposed for climate control that includes the reduction of GHGs. A prime example of this legislation is the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. One area being targeted is transportation, where discussions are being held about implementing a cap-and-trade system. If this system becomes a reality, there will be a need to identify ways to measurably reduce GHGs. The research project undertaken and discussed in this paper is to examine vehicle GHG emissions at intersections and to develop strategies and technologies to reduce needless deceleration, idling, and acceleration of vehicles at traffic signals. While many studies have shown that traffic signal improvements and optimization can result in beneficial improvements in travel times and fuel economy; little research has connected traffic signal technology improvements and measurable reductions in GHG emissions. This is important to the United States because the mandatory GHG reductions enacted by the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 will require cities/regions with populations greater than 200,000 to participate in a federally mandated cap-and-trade system. Thus, cities will have to demonstrate an effective plan to reduce measurable amounts of GHGs, and traffic signal improvements will provide a methodology to achieve a reduction in GHG emissions. This research will demonstrate utilizing new traffic signal technologies to achieve meaningful reductions in GHGs.

Paper Title

Developing Extensible Multi-use Traffic Management Software for use Across Wide Regions

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00906
  • Steven Dellenback
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • United State of America


The State of Florida initiated a program in October 2003 to develop a software system (known as SunGuide?) that is currently being deployed in multiple Traffic Management Centers (TMCs) including major metropolitan and smaller city/county deployments. Each of these TMCs m...Lead moreThe State of Florida initiated a program in October 2003 to develop a software system (known as SunGuide?) that is currently being deployed in multiple Traffic Management Centers (TMCs) including major metropolitan and smaller city/county deployments. Each of these TMCs manages traffic and events using video cameras, Dynamic Message Signs (DMSs), detectors, Highway Advisory Radios (HARs), managed lanes (with dynamic pricing) and Road Rangers (vehicles that are deployed to assist motorists and to assist in managing events). The centers are connected via a Center-to-Center (C2C) interface so that they may exchange status data and issue commands to control equipment. SunGuide? was designed and implemented to facilitate the managing of events and distribution of information to travelers. The generation of performance measure reports is automated so that reports are standardized across the state. A key feature of the software is that of new modules can be developed quickly to meet new user needs; for example, the state of Florida needed a managed lanes application developed quickly to support a variable pricing approach to newly created tolled lanes. The architecture allowed an integrated solution to be rapidly developed using existing capability coupled with a new pricing algorithm. This paper describes the system design, implementation, and lessons learned from the development of the three million lines of source code that provide a highly extensible and modular integrated system to support all aspects of the Transportation Management Center (TMC) and regional ITS needs.

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Travel Information Decision Support Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00903
  • Heejin Jung
  • Virginia Tech
  • United State of America


The I-95 Corridor Coalition is conducting a study to gain information and provide guidance for agencies to move from ad hoc to more structured, rules-based travel information systems. The project is titled “Travel Information Decision Support System (TIDSS)”. The objectiv...Lead moreThe I-95 Corridor Coalition is conducting a study to gain information and provide guidance for agencies to move from ad hoc to more structured, rules-based travel information systems. The project is titled “Travel Information Decision Support System (TIDSS)”. The objective of the study is to gain an understanding of current guidelines and protocols used by Traffic Management Centers (TMCs) to provide pre-trip and en-route travel information, to summarize those protocols, and to create a travel information decision support framework for use by the Coalition members. The intent is to provide a uniform approach for the way the decisions are made and consequently provide consistency in the information delivered to the users. To capture the current state of the practice a survey from has been developed and tested and was sent to TMC’s belonging to agencies in the I-95 Corridor Coalition and to agencies outside the coalition including the Seoul TOPIS in Korea. TMC’s are involved in disseminating various types of travel information, but the focus of this project is on the information listed below: 1-travel times 5-special event 2-incident duration 6-hazmat spill 3-route diversion 7-dynamic point to point routing 4-roadway closure 8-transit information Early results from the survey indicate that TMCs do not provide all the travel information listed above. Travel times, road closures, and incident location are the most popular travel information. The paper will cover all the results obtained from the survey and will provide insights on the proposed general DSS framework for providing travel information at a TMC.

Paper Title

An Integrated Design for Lane Allocation and Signal Optimization at Signalized Intersections

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00899
  • Wenteng Ma
  • Citilabs
  • United State of America


Signal timing and lane allocation are most important settings at signalized intersections to control the operation. Efficiently operated traffic signals and reasonably designed lane markings can reduce congestion and bring about significant payoffs in time and energy bene...Lead moreSignal timing and lane allocation are most important settings at signalized intersections to control the operation. Efficiently operated traffic signals and reasonably designed lane markings can reduce congestion and bring about significant payoffs in time and energy benefits. The design of signal timing plan and lane allocation pattern should be complementary to each other; however, existing research works have been concentrated on signal optimization, and few of them considered the impact of lane allocation pattern. This paper proposed an optimization model for the integration design of signal timing plan and lane allocation pattern at signalized intersections. A Genetic Algorithms (GA) model is developed and validated with the Cube transportation software suites. A fully optimized intersection design, including cycle length, phase durations, phase sequence, permitted movements, lane allocations, and shared movements, can be generated according to the assigned traffic flows and geometric properties at the intersection. A set of constrains are set up to guarantee feasibility of the optimal signal timing plan and lane allocation pattern design.

Paper Title

Landmark-based Routing and Guidance

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00741
  • Ettie Ettinger
  • Netomap
  • United State of America


Typically there are various possible automated routes between a start and an end point, however the direction instructions navigation systems produce are not always helpful. For instance, a driving instructions that yields a right turn in 10 meters, might present too quic...Lead moreTypically there are various possible automated routes between a start and an end point, however the direction instructions navigation systems produce are not always helpful. For instance, a driving instructions that yields a right turn in 10 meters, might present too quick a necessary reaction that is difficult for a driver to achieve on time. Or, a pedestrian who stops to look around and ends up facing another way than the direction of the last vector taken may find the directions of the original path confusing. This paper proposes a method that will enhance the quality of routing and orienteering by way of identifying, delivering, and using landmarks for in-car and pedestrian navigation. The key problems that need to be solved in order to facilitate a landmark-based routing and guidance solution are 1) how to enhance landmark data for referencing in routing, 2) how to collect information pertinent to navigational landmarks, and 3) how to qualify the landmark data. We approach the first problem by applying navigational relevant classifications and attribution. The second problem we solve by offering a social landmark content platform. The third problem we solve through a feedback-loop landmark quality update.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00703
  • Robert Rausch
  • TransCore
  • United State of America


During the past 4 years, New York City Department of Transportation has been upgrading their traffic controllers to conform to the NTCIP Standards with support for interval based operation and actuated-coordinated operation conforming to the NEMA TS2-2003 standard. In 200...Lead moreDuring the past 4 years, New York City Department of Transportation has been upgrading their traffic controllers to conform to the NTCIP Standards with support for interval based operation and actuated-coordinated operation conforming to the NEMA TS2-2003 standard. In 2007, New York City went through a complex process to select a vendor for a city-wide, wireless network to be used for a broad range of city services including Traffic Management and video monitoring. The wireless network, sponsored by the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) is shared with other services including police, fire, emergency call boxes, and sanitation. The system design modified the NTCIP standards to work over the wireless network. Wireless networks typically drop packets (packet loss) and often delay packets (latency) and such delays can be several seconds depending on network loading and other RF conditions. Addressing the unique features of the New York City traffic management system was a significant challenge due to the overall scale of the problem (12,000 intersections) and the shared nature of the network. The solutions developed and lessons learned during the deployment can help others in their migration to wireless networks for traffic management applications. New York City and the system integrator, TransCore, worked with the network provider, Northrop Grumman, DoITT, and the NTCIP standards working groups to optimize the design for use over their wireless network. They adopted an exception based reporting paradigm that has proven successful in spite of the drawbacks of the wireless environment.

Paper Title

Vehicle Re-identification Using Weigh-in-Motion Data for Truck Travel Time Measurement and Sensor Calibration

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00602
  • Jaimyoung Kwon
  • Berkeley Transportation Systems, Inc
  • United State of America


We developed the method for using the vehicle signature data from the general-purpose weigh-in-motion (WIM) infrastructure for two novel applications: truck travel time measurement and WIM sensor calibration. WIM sensors provide vehicle classification and truck axle weigh...Lead moreWe developed the method for using the vehicle signature data from the general-purpose weigh-in-motion (WIM) infrastructure for two novel applications: truck travel time measurement and WIM sensor calibration. WIM sensors provide vehicle classification and truck axle weights and spacing data for individual vehicles, which are primarily used for producing traffic data inputs to design of new and rehabilitated pavement structures. The proposed approach consists of four steps: (i) to collect vehicle signatures at upstream and downstream points; (ii) anonymously re-identify vehicles using an optimal constrained matching; (iii) estimate truck travel times from the matched vehicles; and (iii) calibrate WIM sensor bias for axle weights and spacing by comparing measurements from matched vehicles. The anonymous re-identification step employs a sophisticated constrained maximization method to find the optimal match to cope with the weak pattern in the raw vehicle signature data. The approach is applied to the data collected from WIM stations in California, USA, to reliably estimate the truck travel times and identify/calibrate sensor measurement biases for multiple sensors pairs, some of which are as far as 30 miles apart.