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Paper Title

Infrastructure-Oriented IntelliDriveSM Applications - IntelliDriveSM Pooled Fund Study Overview

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00592
  • Hyungjun Park
  • University of Virginia
  • United State of America


IntelliDriveSM holds significant potential in advancing our surface transportation systems to the next level. While the benefits expected from IntelliDriveSM are appealing, unprecedented cooperation between the private and public sectors is a must in order to realize thes...Lead moreIntelliDriveSM holds significant potential in advancing our surface transportation systems to the next level. While the benefits expected from IntelliDriveSM are appealing, unprecedented cooperation between the private and public sectors is a must in order to realize these benefits. Especially, the role of infrastructure providers is of great significance. With this background, a pooled fund study was created to provide a means to conduct the work necessary for infrastructure providers to play a leading role in IntelliDriveSM. In this paper, current status of this pooled fund study activities as well as the next steps are presented.

Paper Title

Intellligent Pavement for Traffic Flow Detection

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00578
  • Eil Kwon
  • University of Minnesota Duluth
  • United State of America


This paper presents a new approach in detecting vehicles on a roadway by making a roadway section itself as a traffic flow detector. In this approach, sections of a given roadway are paved with carbon-nanotube (CNT)/cement composites and the piezoresitive property of carb...Lead moreThis paper presents a new approach in detecting vehicles on a roadway by making a roadway section itself as a traffic flow detector. In this approach, sections of a given roadway are paved with carbon-nanotube (CNT)/cement composites and the piezoresitive property of carbon-nanotubes enables the composite to detect the vehicles passing over. Experimentation results show that the fabricated self-sensing CNT/cement composite exhibits sensitive and stable responses to vehicular loadings. In contrast to current traffic flow detection technologies, which require separate devices to be installed either in the pavement or over the road, the proposed sensing approach enables the pavement itself to measure traffic flow parameters. Therefore, the proposed sensor is expected to have a long service life with relatively little maintenance.

Paper Title

5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Standards Overview and Status

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00566
  • Justin Mcnew
  • Kapsch TrafficCom Inc.
  • United State of America


Over the past several years the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standards Association has developed standards for the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications protocols (DSRC), also known as Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE). The...Lead moreOver the past several years the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standards Association has developed standards for the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications protocols (DSRC), also known as Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE). These standards consist of IEEE 1609 as well as an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard or 802.11p. The 1609 standards were published for Trial Use and these as well as the 802.11p draft have been implemented in a variety of test beds to provide lessons learned and feedback into the standards working groups. Based on a variety of test results, the protocols display a strong capability to address the requirements of electronic toll collection, crash avoidance and other transportation mobility applications, including IntelliDrive. The standards are currently being updated to full use versions and commercial implementations are becoming available. In this paper we explore the history and status of the standards and implementations as well as upcoming revisions of IEEE 1609 for Full Use and publication of IEEE 802.11p.

Paper Title

Design for Sustainability: Sustainable Networked Delivery (SND) System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00549
  • Junbeum Kim
  • University of Minnesota
  • United State of America


Transportation and environmental issues are strongly connected. The damaging environmental impact of transportation is a worsening global problem that needs to be tackled with local solutions. At the same time, transportation has been causing serious local environmental p...Lead moreTransportation and environmental issues are strongly connected. The damaging environmental impact of transportation is a worsening global problem that needs to be tackled with local solutions. At the same time, transportation has been causing serious local environmental problems such as air quality, noise, visual intrusion and community severance. This study is therefore an attempt to design a sustainable networked delivery system which can save energy consumption and reduce emissions of critical local pollutants and greenhouse gases due to growing local transportation in the city. More specifically, this paper is intended to serve three purposes; (a) to design a sustainable networked delivery system, (b) to compare the transport energy consumption and concomitant emissions in three networked delivery system (traditional, E-commerce, and sustainable networked system), (c) to estimate the energy savings and carbon reduction potential under alternative strategies and system through sensitive anlaysis.

Paper Title

St. Louis Avoids “Apocalypse” Using Wireless Vehicle Detection

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00502
  • Michael Volling
  • Sensys Networks
  • United State of America


In 2006, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) announced a major removal and rebuilding of 10 miles of MoDOT Hwy 40/I-64. MoDOT Highway 40 was not built to interstate standards when constructed during the 1930’s. In addition, half of the 30 bridges on the rout...Lead moreIn 2006, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) announced a major removal and rebuilding of 10 miles of MoDOT Hwy 40/I-64. MoDOT Highway 40 was not built to interstate standards when constructed during the 1930’s. In addition, half of the 30 bridges on the route were in such bad condition, that they would need to be shut down due to safety concerns. In an effort to complete the project as quickly as possible, MODOT determined that the best path would be a complete shutdown of Hwy 40/I-64 during the construction period, lasting up to two years. With the impending shutdown of Hwy 40/I64, the City of St. Louis was facing an unprecedented transportation crisis. All the vehicles using Hwy 40/I64 had to go somewhere. As a result, 10 major arterials in the city were facing a huge surge of traffic flow, easily double the normal capacity, that the roads were not capable of handling in their current state. The city of St. Louis needed to dramatically increase traffic flow capacity on these arterials. These arterials were running fixed time, using older controllers (a large percentage of them electro-mechanical) and had limited communication capabilities using old seven wire interconnect. To optimize arterial flow, St. Louis decided that semi actuation on these corridors was required. St. Louis quickly reviewed the detection options available to them. This paper explores their choice of Wireless Vehicle Detection to implement this strategy and their experience.

Paper Title

Tolling Overweight Vehicles On Highways

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00491
  • Rish Malhotra
  • International Road Dynamics Inc.
  • Canada


The concept of Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) has a long history of application in data collection for use in planning transportation infrastructure. This has expanded to use in enforcement in sorting compliant from violating vehicles to increase the throughput and ease congestion...Lead moreThe concept of Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) has a long history of application in data collection for use in planning transportation infrastructure. This has expanded to use in enforcement in sorting compliant from violating vehicles to increase the throughput and ease congestion at inspection stations. In various applications, particularly within the tolling area, WIM has long proved itself to be a valuable option for roads managers. This paper discusses the relationship between the wear and tear on pavements, bridge structures, and other components of the transportation infrastructure as a relationship to the increase in weight of the vehicle or the vehicle’s individual axles. Various vehicle weighing strategies including the usage of static scales and WIM scales at slow speeds and high speeds have been included with references to the WIM technology deployed and installed by International Road Dynamics (IRD) Inc. in various locations worldwide. The paper also includes performance and comparative data on the cost to the buyer, technology accuracy and tested reduction in delay using the WIM technologies implemented by IRD as well as tolling based on WIM. The paper concludes with a discussion on future trends towards the usage of universal radio frequency identification in commercial vehicles thus leading to further integration of transportation management functions via Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) of overloaded vehicles.

Paper Title

Dynamic Adaptations of LPG-based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00483
  • Taek jin Kwon
  • Applied Research, Telcordia Tehcnologies
  • United State of America


As vehicles move in roadways, wireless communication conditions undergo dynamic, continuous changes in terms of propagation performance, node density, and network topology. To maintain reasonable performance, V2V networks need to dynamically adapt to such changes. In this...Lead moreAs vehicles move in roadways, wireless communication conditions undergo dynamic, continuous changes in terms of propagation performance, node density, and network topology. To maintain reasonable performance, V2V networks need to dynamically adapt to such changes. In this paper, we present a new framework of dynamically adapting V2V network operations using a particular vehicle group network (the local peer group or LPG) as the example. We identify and describe five adaptation areas of the adaptive LPG, and show dynamic transmission time scheduling.

Paper Title

Evaluation on Signal Coordination Effects on Arterial Travel Time? Case Study of City of Irvine

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00460
  • Seri Park
  • Tetra Tech
  • United State of America


Travel time estimation is the core element for real-time traffic control and Advanced Transportation Management and Information Systems (ATMIS) as well as determining network efficiency. Consequently, minimizing travel time and delay have attracted many researchers and tr...Lead moreTravel time estimation is the core element for real-time traffic control and Advanced Transportation Management and Information Systems (ATMIS) as well as determining network efficiency. Consequently, minimizing travel time and delay have attracted many researchers and traffic/transportation operators for many years. In signalized network, signal coordination is applied as one of the methods to achieve this goal. In this paper, the before and after study of the Signal Coordination is presented by conducting case study of major arterial networks in the City of Irvine, CA. Optimal signal bandwidth and offset are generated by applying SYNCHRO software and applied to real-world signal coordination system. Traffic coordination methods, analysis results, and associated signal coordination benefits are also discussed. With the encouraging results from the proposed paper, this study can be greatly utilized in not only measuring intersection performance but also supporting intersection control.

Paper Title

Real-time Traffic Management Pilot Study ? Port of Long Beach Case Study

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00459
  • Seri Park
  • Tetra Tech
  • United State of America


Real-time traffic data are vital components in traffic operation, control, and transportation planning. Advances in detector technology and data dissemination methodologies have significantly contributed in generating these valuable data. Accurate real-time traffic data h...Lead moreReal-time traffic data are vital components in traffic operation, control, and transportation planning. Advances in detector technology and data dissemination methodologies have significantly contributed in generating these valuable data. Accurate real-time traffic data has important applications in various transportation fields, with demand responsive traffic management being a prime example. Especially in congested and constrained areas such as the Port of Long Beach, where monitoring truck traffic highly relies on a variable cargo schedule is important, real-time traffic data can play a vital role in controlling dynamic port network flow as well as adjacent transportation facilities. Furthermore, in the event of an unexpected natural or man-made disaster situation, the process of evacuation is crucial in saving lives. Continuously updated real-time traffic data can lead to a timely reaction and evacuation in response to such threats by diverting network congestion. This paper covers a general implementation of a real-time traffic management system based at the Port of Long Beach in California, USA. The objective of this paper is to develop and evaluate the real-time traffic management system through a case study and to enhance and improve the overall port traffic flow and monitoring. In addition, this paper aims to demonstrate a potential use of the implemented system by integrating various traffic sensors at minimal cost. With suggested future recommendations, this paper can be of great use as a guideline in developing real-time traffic data collection/dissemination system.

Paper Title

Methodology of Architectural Project Applied in Systems for Supervision Operation and Information to the User of Highways

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00458
  • Wagner Carvalho
  • Galdino Informatica LTDA
  • Brazil


This article describes the RM-ODP Methodology, proposed by ITU-T and standardized by ISO/IEC 10746 and 19793, used for the development of the logic project (Enterprise and Information Viewpoints) and of the physical project (Computational, Engineering and Technology Viewp...Lead moreThis article describes the RM-ODP Methodology, proposed by ITU-T and standardized by ISO/IEC 10746 and 19793, used for the development of the logic project (Enterprise and Information Viewpoints) and of the physical project (Computational, Engineering and Technology Viewpoints) of the Sub-Architectures of ITS, called ITS Module (MITS) and the Highway User Information System (SIUR). The RM-ODP Methodology was initially suggested by Becerra (1), in 1997, and applied to the construction of Sub-Architectures of ITS by Marte (2), in 2000. MITS is an important tool for monitoring the operation of highways under concession by the Regulatory Agency (ARTESP). It is being developed by IPT and already deployed in some concessionaries in the State of Sao Paulo. Since the beginning of this decade, the IPT has been acting as a technological branch of ARTESP and during the period 2005-2007 developed a joint work with the agency, seeking the registration of the ITS equipment concessionaries state's highways. In addition to this work, in the period 2008-2011, MITS has been developed, so that on-line information of ITS equipment and event map of the State´s firsts highway concessionaires can be obtained. SIUR is the result of Carvalho´s (3) thesis, that was presented to the IPT Masters Program in 2009. This system (SIUR) was chosen because that is better exemplified during the presentation of RM-ODP viewpoints and according to its lower complexity, than MITS, making the presentation more didactic.

Paper Title

ITS and Travel Time Reliability in the Second Strategic Highway Research Program

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00457
  • William Hyman
  • The National Academies
  • United State of America


The $130 million, Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) is a time-limited program of research seeking to achieve major advances in four focus areas: Reliability, Capacity, Renewal and Safety. The Reliability Focus Area is concerned with reducing non-recurring...Lead moreThe $130 million, Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) is a time-limited program of research seeking to achieve major advances in four focus areas: Reliability, Capacity, Renewal and Safety. The Reliability Focus Area is concerned with reducing non-recurring congestion due to events that are random or not anticipated by drivers. Such events include accidents, weather and work zones. Uncertain and unexpected events affect travel time reliability, which is experienced subjectively and can be measured objectively. Recently a consensus has evolved that the value road users place on travel time reliability revivals the value they place on travel time. Nearly all of the 20 projects in the $20 million Reliability Focus Area directly or indirectly relate to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This paper groups the Reliability research program into five themes: organizing agencies to improve reliability; new tools for data collection and analysis; understanding and influencing driver behavior; improving planning, programming and design of highway projects; and fostering innovation. The relationship between ITS and each of the projects that fit within these themes is identified. In addition, the linkage between ITS, travel time reliability, and the Capacity, Renewal and Safety Focus Areas is also briefly discussed.

Paper Title

GNSS Road Pricing: The Six Pillars of Acceptance

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00450
  • Bern Grush
  • Skymeter Corporation
  • Canada


Any jurisdiction considering pricing of an extensive road network, perhaps even all roads in a country, must consider the socio-political effects of the intended program on the driver population. How can a government maximize acceptability of its pricing program(s)? This ...Lead moreAny jurisdiction considering pricing of an extensive road network, perhaps even all roads in a country, must consider the socio-political effects of the intended program on the driver population. How can a government maximize acceptability of its pricing program(s)? This paper identifies and discusses six key, interrelated elements that effect program and system acceptance: Cost, Fairness, Performance, Privacy, Security and Value. This paper discusses these program attributes as a checklist that policy must be prepared to address. It does not recommend specific policies, since many solutions will be politically, economically and culturally determined. Rather, several suggestions addressing each of these key elements, based in international standards work, the existing literature on acceptability and on extensive experience with systems design related to GNSS tolling systems are offered for consideration.

Paper Title

Technological Model for Application of Bridge Weight in Motion Technology to Inspection of Goods

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00446
  • Cledson Sakurai
  • Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • Brazil


Technological evolutions at Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is allowing that ubiquitous society use the ITS facilities to conducting their activities. At this scenario the paper presents a study case that is being developed to SEFAZ (Treasury Department) of Sao Paulo ...Lead moreTechnological evolutions at Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is allowing that ubiquitous society use the ITS facilities to conducting their activities. At this scenario the paper presents a study case that is being developed to SEFAZ (Treasury Department) of Sao Paulo state in order to use ITS technologies applied to conduct his activities, mainly for tax inspection. The study case presented in this paper uses the Bridge Weight in Motion (B-WIM) to inspection of goods, all study case considers the use of existing ITS infrastructure, as well as the deployment of new infrastructure. The advantage of B-WIM is the ability to measure the trucks without disrupting the normal flow or even cause a decrease in speed and to be non intrusive in perspective of vehicles owners, and to be portable.

Paper Title

Technological Model for Application of Optical Character Recognition Technology to Monitor Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00423
  • Cledson Sakurai
  • Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • Brazil


Technological evolutions at Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is allowing that ubiquitous society use the ITS facilities to conducting their activities. At this scenario the paper presents a study case that is being developed to SEFAZ (Treasury Department) of Sao Paulo ...Lead moreTechnological evolutions at Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is allowing that ubiquitous society use the ITS facilities to conducting their activities. At this scenario the paper presents a study case that is being developed to SEFAZ (Treasury Department) of Sao Paulo state in order to use ITS technologies applied to conduct his activities, mainly for tax inspection. The study case presented in this paper uses the Optical Character Recognition to identify and monitor the vehicles that does not pay the IPVA (motor vehicle tax), all study case considers the use of existing ITS infrastructure, as well as the deployment of new infrastructure. The advantage of OCR is the ability to identify vehicles without disrupting the normal flow or even cause a decrease in speed and to be non intrusive in perspective of vehicles owners.

Paper Title

Quality Traffic Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00421
  • Manuel Fontan
  • Florida Department of Transportation
  • United State of America


The launch of Florida’s Advanced Traveler Information System (FLATIS), which disseminates information automatically from the state’s incident management software (SunGuide?) to the FLATIS system, may potentially dessiminate inaccurate information. FDOT District Six develo...Lead moreThe launch of Florida’s Advanced Traveler Information System (FLATIS), which disseminates information automatically from the state’s incident management software (SunGuide?) to the FLATIS system, may potentially dessiminate inaccurate information. FDOT District Six developed the first FLATIS verification software tool, called “511 Watcher”, to overcome this issue.

Paper Title

Wireless Vehicular Safety Systems: Phased Improvements in Car-to-Car Link Performance

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00379
  • Brian Gallagher
  • DENSO International America, Inc
  • United State of America


ABSTRACT The U.S. Government, automotive industry, and DENSO have been developing prototype systems to evaluate the effectiveness of using 5.9GHz 802.11p Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) for vehicular safety and traffic management applications. Most 802.11p tra...Lead moreABSTRACT The U.S. Government, automotive industry, and DENSO have been developing prototype systems to evaluate the effectiveness of using 5.9GHz 802.11p Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) for vehicular safety and traffic management applications. Most 802.11p transceivers being evaluated today are based on IEEE 802.11a wireless transceivers embedded into prototype automotive and computing platforms. This paper summarizes phased improvements in car-to-car wireless link range and packet error rate (PER) using these devices. Test results are presented for non-line-of-sight (NLOS) highway and intersection experiments. The paper begins with a history of DENSO’s link tests, and then describes the set-up of field test vehicles and DSRC 802.11p radio equipment. Next, results are given for baseline 802.11p link range and PER performance. Then phased improvements to the link are shown. These improvements are provided by the use of shaped antenna coverage, receive antenna diversity, and elimination of RF loss due to the antenna cable. The paper shows that link improvements up to TBD% in PER and TBD% in link range are available, compared to the baseline configuration.

Paper Title

Location Aware Fast Handover between WiMAX and WiFi Networks

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00363
  • Jianlin Guo
  • Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
  • United State of America


Next generation mobile communications will rely on integrated networks consisting of multiple wireless access technologies such as WiFi, WiMAX, GSM and UMTS. With variety of access technologies, mobile users want to take diverse advantages without any disruption when they...Lead moreNext generation mobile communications will rely on integrated networks consisting of multiple wireless access technologies such as WiFi, WiMAX, GSM and UMTS. With variety of access technologies, mobile users want to take diverse advantages without any disruption when they move from one place to another. Seamless handover in between homogeneous or heterogeneous wireless access networks will be a key to provide mobile users with required QoS. To achieve seamless handover in vehicular environment, total handover delay must be very short. This paper proposes a location aware fast handover technique for vertical handover between WiMAX and WiFi networks to minimize target network detection delay, select proper target network for handover and eliminate Ping-Pong effect. The proposed technique aims to reduce the total handover latency and can be applied to realize seamless handover between WiMAX and WiFi networks.

Paper Title

Fuel Economy Benefit of Traffic Signal to Vehicle Communication System

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00358
  • Drew Cunningham
  • Toyota Technical Center
  • United State of America


The purpose of this paper is to report experimental fuel economy results of an applied Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) communication system. Such a system was tested and shown to provide X% improvement in vehicle fuel economy for the given conditions.The purpose of this paper is to report experimental fuel economy results of an applied Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) communication system. Such a system was tested and shown to provide X% improvement in vehicle fuel economy for the given conditions.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00356
  • Caio Fontana
  • University of Sao Paulo
  • Brazil


The cargo transportation affects the availability of property and goods in the consumer markets, become a decisive fraction of the costs, what is crucial for determining equilibrium prices and its economic viability. The models needed to study the transport of goods, howe...Lead moreThe cargo transportation affects the availability of property and goods in the consumer markets, become a decisive fraction of the costs, what is crucial for determining equilibrium prices and its economic viability. The models needed to study the transport of goods, however, are from a very complex analysis because of the amount of variables involved with the possibilities and combinations of origin and destiny, cargo, transport modes and routes and still restrictions, that the need of confidentiality in a competitive market requires to the availability of information. The cargo´s transportation, however, also suffers a significant impact of the variability of conditions of their transit. The various resources involved in the operations such as vehicles, terminals, systems, warehouse and the necessary interactions between the carrier and shipper of the cargo, the receiver is the final customer or a distribution agent, and also restrictions that operations of cargo´s transportation are submitted in the large centers, all these factors are important reasons to give more attention to modeling that considers the effects of risk and uncertainty involved. Transit time is a random variable and for each set of road characteristics and operation has its own probability density function. This variability will involve, for example, different expectations with regard to delays that may occur in different conditions of a particular route or different routes, for the specific requirements of each cargo´s transportation.

Paper Title

Methodology for the Implementation of the Safe Logistic Supply Chain Process

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00354
  • Caio Fontana
  • University of Sao Paulo
  • Brazil


This paper provides a model of secure logistic supply chain, aiming at integrating the electronic seal, tracking and non-intrusive inspection technologies. By using as premises the security concepts and standards set forth by several entities worldwide, among them, CSI (C...Lead moreThis paper provides a model of secure logistic supply chain, aiming at integrating the electronic seal, tracking and non-intrusive inspection technologies. By using as premises the security concepts and standards set forth by several entities worldwide, among them, CSI (Container Security Initiative), WCO (World Customs Organization) recommendations and the SAFE Ports Act. This model might be applied within the supply chain in order to help in cargo security, by monitoring its inviolability.

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Appalachian Development Highway System GIS Project

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00276
  • Sang hong Yoo
  • Rahall Transportation Institute
  • United State of America


Rahall Transportation Institute has been working on Appalachian Development Highway System GIS Project to facilitate numerous tasks and needs for State DOTs and FHWA Division offices since 2002. From Phase I to Phase III and from desktop to Enterprise GIS, ADHS GIS projec...Lead moreRahall Transportation Institute has been working on Appalachian Development Highway System GIS Project to facilitate numerous tasks and needs for State DOTs and FHWA Division offices since 2002. From Phase I to Phase III and from desktop to Enterprise GIS, ADHS GIS projects have achieved many successes and been recognized as a good example of regional data management and integration. The ADHS GIS portal, Interactive Web Mapping GIS application, using Web 2.0 technology changes the static webpage to continuous interactive website providing user new information by consuming various Web Service ,non-spatial, and Web Map Service (WMS), spatial, via the Internet. These Web APIs, REST and Soap, which allow web-based access to data and functions open new opportunities of being data consumer as well as provider at the same time.

Paper Title

Methods to Reduce DSRC Channel Congestion and Improve V2V Communication Reliability

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00275
  • Aaron Weinfield
  • United State of America


The U.S. Government, automotive industry, and DENSO have been developing prototype systems to evaluate the effectiveness of using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) to support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) safety applications. Many ...Lead moreThe U.S. Government, automotive industry, and DENSO have been developing prototype systems to evaluate the effectiveness of using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) to support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) safety applications. Many V2V safety applications rely on each vehicle periodically broadcasting a Basic Safety Message (BSM) at a sufficient interval to provide an accurate representation to surrounding vehicles about the transmitter’s current position, speed, heading, and other critical information. A vehicle may also transmit a BSM immediately if some critical event occurs that requires immediate attention by neighboring vehicles. However, as the number of vehicles in communication range increases, the ability for each vehicle to reliably receive messages decreases due to increased congestion and packet collisions on the wireless medium. This paper shows how the congestion level affects the Packet Error Rate (PER) and describes parameters that can reduce the wireless channel congestion level and transmission methods that can increase the likelihood of receiving critical safety messages. Methods to detect high congestion levels and dynamically adapt these parameters are also provided. Test results using DSRC radios show the benefits of changing these parameters in real world situations.

Paper Title

Portable Visibility Warning System for the Safety of Highways

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00268
  • Mohamed Abdel-aty
  • University of Central Florida
  • United State of America


Patches of fog and wildfires have become a recurring problem for the safety and operation of Florida highways. A recent example was the recent 70 vehicle pileup on I-4 in Polk County, Florida, in January 2008. This multi vehicles crash caused 5 fatalities and many injurie...Lead morePatches of fog and wildfires have become a recurring problem for the safety and operation of Florida highways. A recent example was the recent 70 vehicle pileup on I-4 in Polk County, Florida, in January 2008. This multi vehicles crash caused 5 fatalities and many injuries, in addition to shutting I-4 for extended time. The objective of this study is to develop a system that detects any reduction in visibility below a certain limit that would be considered hazardous for normal traffic flow conditions in a timely manner. Respond accordingly in real time to convey Specific warning/messages in advance to drivers in an effective way (and relay of this information to the appropriate FDOT-TMC). Investigate how this warning/information would be displayed in real-time ahead of the hazardous location. The system currently under development at the University of Central Florida has the following characteristics: Light weight and mobility; components are available commercially; the system was constructed as portable station; portable stations could be used with weather forecast data for fog and smoke from controlled burn that is planned close to a highway. In addition, the system is equipped with Solar power to avoid reliance on electric power, contains cell-phone based communications is used between base station and TMC, and an internal communication link (data from sensors and dynamic message sign control) is a radio 900 Mhz.

Paper Title

Applying Intelligent Transportation Systems to Decrease Hydroplane Related Traffic Crashes in Greenville County, South Carolina

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00262
  • Theodore Smith
  • Noblis
  • United State of America


To address the challenges of rural safety, the U.S. Department of Transportation established the Rural Safety Initiative in February 2008. One component of the Rural Safety Initiative is the Rural Safety Innovation Program (RSIP). Using funding provided through the RSIP, ...Lead moreTo address the challenges of rural safety, the U.S. Department of Transportation established the Rural Safety Initiative in February 2008. One component of the Rural Safety Initiative is the Rural Safety Innovation Program (RSIP). Using funding provided through the RSIP, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (South Carolina DOT) is implementing an innovative technology-oriented system to improve safety through the reduction of speed-related crashes, wet weather-related crashes as well as roadway departure crashes on a two-mile segment of rural US 25 in Greenville County. This paper examines project in terms of project goals and objectives, anticipated safety benefits, system design, and evaluation approach.

Paper Title

Improving Rural Work Zone Safety in California Using Augmented Speed Enforcement

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00255
  • Theodore Smith
  • Noblis
  • United State of America


Rural roads carry approximately 40 percent of the vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) in the United States, yet annually account for nearly 55 percent of the fatalities. Studies have also shown higher crash rates at specific highway locations such as work zones that temporarily ...Lead moreRural roads carry approximately 40 percent of the vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) in the United States, yet annually account for nearly 55 percent of the fatalities. Studies have also shown higher crash rates at specific highway locations such as work zones that temporarily set lower speed limits, especially in rural areas. Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is one technological that helps improve the safety of rural travel through a reduction in aggressive driving. Despite the documented effectiveness, there may be legal impediments for some jurisdictions to implement ASE. As an example, the photo-enforcement legislation in California explicitly states that its provisions do not apply to speed related violations. Therefore, ASE based on photo-enforcement is prohibited in California at present. One solution available to address this impediment is Augmented Speed Enforcement (aSE). aSE differs from traditional ASE in that it uses the information about detected violators in real-time to notify a linked officer to manually track and stop the speeder to process the citation. This paper examines an aSE system that has been developed by Western Transportation Institute and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) using funding provided by United States Department of Transportation ? Research and Innovative Technology, ITS Joint Program Office. This paper discusses the functional capabilities, and system goals and objectives of aSE.

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Innovative Traffic Signal Solutions that can Relief Emerging Urban Traffic Congestion

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00252
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc.
  • United State of America


Significant development has been made, in the last decades, in deploying the foundation of urban Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) by many operating agencies throughout Taiwan. These include the development and deployment of various vehicular/pedestrian detector sy...Lead moreSignificant development has been made, in the last decades, in deploying the foundation of urban Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) by many operating agencies throughout Taiwan. These include the development and deployment of various vehicular/pedestrian detector systems, signal controllers, communication systems, information exchange networks, and standard central computer software platforms. However, there is an immediate need, throughout the Taiwan as well as in China, to elevate the traffic signal system control and operational practice into the next level by maximizing the capabilities of system/equipment/personnel already available. Since most cities/counties are now well equipped with new generation of control centers, traffic controllers, operational staffs, and domestic capabilities, the results can be very significant. As has been demonstrated successfully in USA, such as in the state of California during 1970s, in the state of Texas during 1980s, in the state of Florida during1990s, significantly benefits can yield the benefits of 20% travel time saving, 15% stops saving, and 12-18% fuel saving. These tangible operational benefits can be readily obtained simply by retiming the existing traffic signal timing plans at the various local intersections, arterial streets, and downtown networks with updated traffic demands, traffic signal control strategies, and traffic signal timing parameters and updated plans to provide updated and smoother operations. At present, various implementation guidelines and education workshops are available in the United States and Asia that can be used as the starting point for developing practical education/training packages, and implementation performance evaluation programs. This paper describes the efforts needed to (1) develop the practical implementation framework, (2) develop education program and training packages, (3) devise practical traffic signal operation evaluation mechanisms, (4) deploy the education and training workshop(s), and (5) develop web-based Community of Practice (COP) and peer-to-peer support network, to improve the skills for attacking urban trafffic.

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Available ITS Technology to Overcome Climate Change Risks, Nature Disasters

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • T_AM00251
  • Edmond Chang
  • EDCPC, Inc.
  • United State of America


Adverse weather often diminishes visibility, reduces tire-pavement traction, causes drivers to slow down, and increases following distances on highways. Consequently, the driver faces increases in delay, the necessity to use an alternative/undesirable route, and the possi...Lead moreAdverse weather often diminishes visibility, reduces tire-pavement traction, causes drivers to slow down, and increases following distances on highways. Consequently, the driver faces increases in delay, the necessity to use an alternative/undesirable route, and the possibility of postponement or cancellation of travel. The movement of goods can also be adversely impacted, resulting in significant productivity losses on the national transport system. This paper discussed: (1) a practical methodology developed for assessing inclement weather and associated induced travel delays on all the highway networks at the national level, (2) how to estimate the operational delay so that roadway users may have a better appreciation of the magnitude of the problems, and (3) how innovative Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) designs can be used to resolve the problems that traffic and transportation professionals have to face each year all over the world. As indicated, this paper has successfully quantifies the essential operational delays and needed performance measures on all the urban highways, rural freeways, and principal arterials in the United States’ highway systems. It is recommended that this similar environmental monitoring and weather monitoring methodology also be used, in Asia and China, to quantify the extent of adverse weather and mitigate its impacts, such as fog, rain, snow, ice, snowstorms, sandstorms, that have caused such operational and safety impacts on capacity reduction, delays, trip rescheduling, rerouting, reduced mobility, and reduced travel reliability for improved traffic management on the important national transportation system. Keywords: Adverse Weather, Travel Impacts, Goods Movement, ITS

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Investigating Realistic Visualizations for Safety-related Traffic Telematics

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01381
  • Peter Froehlich
  • Telecommunications Research Center (FTW)
  • Austria


In-vehicle safety information systems (IVIS) are dramatically improving with regard to their visualization capabilities. Navigation and exploration, but also urgent incident warnings will increasingly be supported by 3D representations of the road, traffic signs, landscap...Lead moreIn-vehicle safety information systems (IVIS) are dramatically improving with regard to their visualization capabilities. Navigation and exploration, but also urgent incident warnings will increasingly be supported by 3D representations of the road, traffic signs, landscape and buildings from multiple perspectives and zoom levels. However, we do by far not know enough about the general effects of such an increased realism on driving performance, usability and driver state. Also the design space of these improved visualizations is so far left unexplored. We present a series of experiments in a driving simulator to evaluate the safety impact of such powerful visualizations for safety-related driving recommendations. The following design dimensions are of foremost interest: (1) richness of visual details (schematic map vs. rich and textured visualization), (2) perspective (horizontal vs. bird’s eye. vs. vertical), (3) field-of-view (zoom-in vs. zoom-out), and (4) recommendation type (text vs. spatial overlay of arrows and icons). The full paper will provide an illustrated introduction into advanced realistic visualizations for realtime safety-related traffic telematics. The results will provide insight into the value of realistic visualizations for in-car use in general.

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Trust and prvacy in interoperable autonomous tolling

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01341
  • Jan Vis
  • Ministry of Transport
  • Netherlands


The widespread use of tolling also requires provisions for users of vehicles that are roaming through many different toll domains. For autonomous toll systems one party, the toll service provider, is doing the metering for the other parties, the toll domain's toll charger...Lead moreThe widespread use of tolling also requires provisions for users of vehicles that are roaming through many different toll domains. For autonomous toll systems one party, the toll service provider, is doing the metering for the other parties, the toll domain's toll chargers. The toll service provider uses onboard equipment (OBE) installed in the vehicle to calculate the toll and draws up the toll declarations for the toll chargers. In practice such a scheme will work only if the toll charger can check the trustworthiness of the declaration while, on the other hand, the privacy of the user should be respected as well. The secure monitoring concept described in this paper provides this trust and privacy. OBE data can be checked on the spot and the trustworthiness of toll declarations can checked against unobtrusive observations of the vehicle in the toll domain. The concept is based on well known cryptographic techniques. For the OBE it requires the use of a trusted element (e.g. smart card) but does not impose any further security requirements on the onboard equipment.

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Building value in ITS services

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01320
  • Pekka Leviakangas
  • VTT
  • Finland


ITS services need to be developed and there is potential for new business opportunities and investors, but the value of information must be assessed properly. This paper presents a framework of attributes that contribute to information value - literature on information va...Lead moreITS services need to be developed and there is potential for new business opportunities and investors, but the value of information must be assessed properly. This paper presents a framework of attributes that contribute to information value - literature on information value and valuation is utilised to create the list. The attributes are discussed from the viewpoint of the actors of the service supply chain. Value asymmetry proposition is introduced and the strategies to mitigate the asymmetry problem are discussed, yielding to three basic strategies to tackle the problem.

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Towards 3D Automotive LIDAR Processing - How to deal with Vehicle Dynamics

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01307
  • Philipp Lindner
  • Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Germany


Laser sensors are common devices for todays vehicle environment recognition tasks in ADAS applications. The advantages of active scanning laser sensors are a high range of measurements for distance and horizontal field of view as well as its high spatial resolution. These...Lead moreLaser sensors are common devices for todays vehicle environment recognition tasks in ADAS applications. The advantages of active scanning laser sensors are a high range of measurements for distance and horizontal field of view as well as its high spatial resolution. These are very attractive features for an automotive environment detection sensor. To fully exploit the potential of these kind of sensors custom signal processing algorithms have to be developed. Recent and future approaches for laser based vehicle environment recognition have to address and solve also challenges like multipath propagation, multi echo signals and backscatter from road surface. One practical problem what researchers and engineers are facing today is the disadvantageous influence of the vehicles dynamics on the laser measurements. The problem introduced in this situation appears as false measurements generated by the road surface or as a wrong estimated height of obstacles in the vehicles environment. This behaviour has e.g. recently been observed in a Pre-Crash safety related research project. The paper describes a practical approach using the LIDAR itself as a sensor for the vehicles pitch angle and to recalculate a correcting factor for the laser measurements.

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Travel Times, Congestion Levels And Delays at Intersections Calculated on The Basis of Floating Car Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01212
  • Harry Lahrmann
  • Aalborg University
  • Denmark


Traditionally, the mapping of flow rate in a road network has been based on spot and intersection counting. Using these counting techniques, detailed information about traffic at a few well-picked spots in the road network is obtained. However, these techniques give no ex...Lead moreTraditionally, the mapping of flow rate in a road network has been based on spot and intersection counting. Using these counting techniques, detailed information about traffic at a few well-picked spots in the road network is obtained. However, these techniques give no exact information about traffic only a few meters away from the measuring spots. The situation is totally the opposite when it comes to log data from GPS receivers in cars. Here detailed information about individual cars in the entire road network is obtained. However, the GPS data is only available from a small subset of the cars. This paper presents a method to determine travel time, congestion levels and delays using GPS data from moving vehicles ? the so-called floating car data.

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Intelligent Decision Support for Traffic Management

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01181
  • Rajesh Krishnan
  • Imperial College London
  • UK


Traffic control systems for urban road networks, such as the widely deployed SCOOT system, automatically respond to changing traffic conditions incrementally. Such systems are often complemented by traffic control centres where network managers make traffic control interv...Lead moreTraffic control systems for urban road networks, such as the widely deployed SCOOT system, automatically respond to changing traffic conditions incrementally. Such systems are often complemented by traffic control centres where network managers make traffic control interventions manually to mitigate rapidly developing congestion events. An Intelligent Decision Support (IDS) system to aid the network managers is presented in this paper. The primary objective of the IDS system is to identify traffic congestion in near-real-time and to recommend appropriate traffic control interventions. IDS uses historic datasets of traffic sensor data, traffic control intervention data and an incidents and faults database. IDS consists of multiple internal components. A state estimation component monitors live traffic sensor data and determines if there is congestion on the road network. If a problem is identified, a pattern-matching component is used to identify past time periods with similar congestion events. The component is based on binary pattern-matching technology, enabling rapid searches across large historic traffic sensor datasets. All traffic control interventions carried out during time periods with similar congestion events are identified and their effectiveness evaluated using a Performance Index (PI). The intervention that resulted in the highest improvement in PI is recommended as the course of action, along with confidence levels based on the closeness of the traffic pattern during the time period of intervention and its level of success. In addition to the recommendation for traffic control intervention, IDS identifies traffic incidents and equipment faults during time periods with similar congestion pattern identified by the pattern-matcher component. These incidents and faults are presented to the network manager as potential causes of the identified problem. This paper describes the IDS system in detail. The system is currently under development. An early version of IDS was trialled using off-line data from London, yielding encouraging preliminary results.

Paper Title

First Results of The Largest Survey on Acceptability of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01169
  • Sven Vlassenroot
  • Ghent University/Delft University of Technology
  • Belgium


Several trials with different types of ISA have shown that ISA can be an efficient and effective way to reduce speed and speeding. In our research we ask the question will there be acceptability of ISA by the public? Different methods and theories were used to distil the ...Lead moreSeveral trials with different types of ISA have shown that ISA can be an efficient and effective way to reduce speed and speeding. In our research we ask the question will there be acceptability of ISA by the public? Different methods and theories were used to distil the most relevant determinants that could influence acceptability. Based on these determinants a web-survey was held: 6370 individuals responded in Belgium (Flanders region) and 1158 persons in The Netherlands. In our questionnaire the respondents indicated that their own driving behaviour is of great influence on accidents and traffic safety, instead of environmental issues like infrastructure or even other drivers. Even more, the respondents indicated that ITS could be beneficial to support their driving behaviour. It was noted that there is a high market potential for different types of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS). 95% of the respondents are in favour of ISA. Seven out of then drivers want to have an informative or warning system. Three out of ten drivers wanted to go even further and choose to have a supportive or even a restricting type of ISA. Drivers would only choose for more restricting systems if the penetration level is high enough.

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Predicting the injury severity of pedestrians in frontal car crashes based on empirical, in-depth accident data

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01028
  • Thomas Helmer
  • BMW AG
  • Germany


For proposed pedestrian protection systems, evaluation of safety benefits is required as an integral part of the design and optimization phases. Stochastic (“Monte-Carlo”) simulation techniques are currently being utilized to predict safety benefits in terms of physics; c...Lead moreFor proposed pedestrian protection systems, evaluation of safety benefits is required as an integral part of the design and optimization phases. Stochastic (“Monte-Carlo”) simulation techniques are currently being utilized to predict safety benefits in terms of physics; converting physics to human benefits requires injury and fatality risk models. To this end, multivariate predictive models for pedestrian fatalities and for injury severity on the ISS scale are estimated using the US Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS). Although numerous parameters are correlated with injury and fatality risk in univariate analysis, many of these correlations can be attributed to an association with collision speed, which is the most important single explanatory variable. In addition to collision speed, age, pedestrian physiological characteristics and vehicle parameters are significant multivariate predictors. The in-sample predictive quality is remarkably high. The models provide an interface to large-scale stochastic simulation and virtual testing of proposed vehicle-based active safety systems for pedestrian protection.

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Verifying Mobility Data under Privacy Considerations in V2X Communication

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU01010
  • Hagen Stuebing
  • Adam Opel GmbH
  • Germany


Inter-vehicle communication and communication between vehicles and infrastructure (Vehicle-to-X, V2X) is a promising technology to improve road safety and driver’s convenience. Vehicles create an ad-hoc network with adjacent vehicles or roadside stations in order to trans...Lead moreInter-vehicle communication and communication between vehicles and infrastructure (Vehicle-to-X, V2X) is a promising technology to improve road safety and driver’s convenience. Vehicles create an ad-hoc network with adjacent vehicles or roadside stations in order to transmit messages. These messages may contain warnings of hazardous situations (e.g., hard braking vehicles) or information for traffic efficiency enhancements. All applications using V2X messages rely heavily on the accuracy and reliability of the provided information. Therefore system protection against compromised messages generated by possible attackers or faulty vehicles is a key factor for successful deployment of V2X technology. All messages contain mobility information of the transmitting vehicle. Therefore security mechanisms based on cryptographic primitives may be enhanced by verification mechanisms which evaluate the plausibility of transmitted mobility information. In this work, we propose a Kalman filter-based approach for efficient mobility verification of neighboring vehicles. The filter is integrated into a verification framework, capable of verifying mobility data even under privacy considerations (i.e. changing pseudonyms). The framework has been developed to fit into an overall V2X system architecture and will be deployed in the context of the project “Safe and Intelligent Mobility Test Field Germany” (simTD), a large scale field operational test for V2X communication. Hence, privacy mechanisms, application support, scalability and performance limitation determined by simTD are regarded.

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Toward a Safer Ecological Driver Assistant System

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00915
  • Hong Tu Luu
  • France


This paper presents a new approach to design a driver assistant system for light vehicles that decreases the fuel consumption and ensures the safety distance between vehicles and the respect to the legal speed. The computation of the optimal speed profile to be provided t...Lead moreThis paper presents a new approach to design a driver assistant system for light vehicles that decreases the fuel consumption and ensures the safety distance between vehicles and the respect to the legal speed. The computation of the optimal speed profile to be provided to the driver uses a predictive strategy combined with a fuzzy logic approach and dynamic programming algorithm. The simulation results explicitly show that the inclusion of the safety problem in the optimization strategy allows to build a safer ecological driver assistant system. A first analysis on the obtained ecological and economical gains is given.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00913
  • Jianping XIE
  • France


The problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is still a challenging issue in large-scale unstructured dynamic environments. In this paper, we introduce a real-time reliable SLAM solution with the capability of closing the loop using exclusive laser data. In...Lead moreThe problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is still a challenging issue in large-scale unstructured dynamic environments. In this paper, we introduce a real-time reliable SLAM solution with the capability of closing the loop using exclusive laser data. In our algorithm, a universal motion model is presented for initial pose estimation. To further refine robot pose, we propose a novel progressive refining strategy using pyramid grid map based on Maximum Likelihood mapping framework. We demonstrate the success of our algorithm in experimental result building a consistent map along a loop trajectory of 1.2 km (an area about 100,000 m?) in an increasingly unstructured outdoor environment, with people and other clutter in real time.

Paper Title

A Methodology for Quantificationof Fuel Reduction Potentialfor different Driving StrategiesA Methodology for Quantification of Fuel Reduction Potential for different Driving Strategies

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00902
  • Adrian Zlocki
  • ika - Institut fur Kraftfahrzeuge
  • Germany


Driving strategies in terms of acceleration or deceleration of vehicles determine fuel consumption and energy recuperation, especially for hybrid vehicles. Next to the driver, who does not always adapt the optimal driving strategy by himself, technical systems can recomme...Lead moreDriving strategies in terms of acceleration or deceleration of vehicles determine fuel consumption and energy recuperation, especially for hybrid vehicles. Next to the driver, who does not always adapt the optimal driving strategy by himself, technical systems can recommend an optimal strategy or provide an optimised longitudinal vehicle control, e.g. for ACC systems. The additional degree of freedom within the power train of hybrid vehicles can be utilised in intelligent driving strategies. Within this paper a methodology on how to quantify the fuel reduction potential for different driving strategies in different driving scenarios is described. In a first step reference measurements of different driver are recorded in order to determine the baseline for the quantification of the possible fuel reduction potential against a realistic reference. Afterwards the representative average driver for each scenario is calculated out of these measurements. Together with the reference profiles of the slowest and the sportiest driver these velocity profiles are used as input values for the simulation of different driving strategies. Therefore a simulation model of the hybrid vehicle and the model of the scenarios are available in MATLAB/SIMULNIK. The vehicle model represents the power train of the hybrid vehicle and allows a calculation of fuel consumption and the state of charge of the hybrid battery. Within this paper different strategies of two different scenarios are presented as examples. The fuel reduction potential of each of the driving strategy is calculated and a comparison between the results is provided. The methodology is applied for the design of fuel reduction optimised ACC controller in conventional and hybrid vehicles.

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Accuracy Assessment for Traffic Information Derived from Floating Phone Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00894
  • Sandra Geisler
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • Germany


We describe a layered evaluation approach to assess the accuracy of traffic speed estimation based on floating phone data. We design a simulation framework to investigate the influence of various parameters on the estimation of traffic speed based on floating phone data. ...Lead moreWe describe a layered evaluation approach to assess the accuracy of traffic speed estimation based on floating phone data. We design a simulation framework to investigate the influence of various parameters on the estimation of traffic speed based on floating phone data. Several quality metrics and combinations of metrics are used and intervals of metric values mapped to quality ratings to enable a uniform and comprehensible presentation of results. We simulated traffic on several artificial and real maps and identified influencing parameters and their optimal values to achieve a higher speed accuracy estimation. The results for artificial maps can be transferred to realistic maps with restrictions.