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Paper Title

How to Study the variability of the Impact of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (the french LAVIA) among Drivers: a Data Mining Approach

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00889
  • Sylvain Lassarre
  • France


From experiments on the usage of Intelligent Speed Adaptation system, large amount of data are collected to be, at the end for the purpose of evaluation, aggregated over the sample of trips made by the drivers during the experiment. We propose a data mining method based o...Lead moreFrom experiments on the usage of Intelligent Speed Adaptation system, large amount of data are collected to be, at the end for the purpose of evaluation, aggregated over the sample of trips made by the drivers during the experiment. We propose a data mining method based on a multiple factorial analysis in order to carry out an assessment of the effects on the speed of different modes of the French ISA system, which offers both possibilities of analysis : global and individual. This is done by the research of a “compromise” factorial space where we could represent the speed variables, the gravity centers of the clouds of drivers and the cloud of drivers themselves. We show how the interpretation of the ISA system effect is improved by such technique on a set of 16 000 trips made by 92 drivers in the outskirts of Paris.

Paper Title

Intermodal Traffic Management Networks - Methods for converting bilateral data exchange to service-oriented architecture

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00876
  • Susanne Jenkner
  • ifak - Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg
  • Germany


Typically, traffic in large conurbations is regulated by an expensive and complex traffic management centre. In smaller cities, the implementation of a complex traffic management centre may not be an appropriate solution. A new approach is the development of a decentralis...Lead moreTypically, traffic in large conurbations is regulated by an expensive and complex traffic management centre. In smaller cities, the implementation of a complex traffic management centre may not be an appropriate solution. A new approach is the development of a decentralised network with the splitting of work and competencies on all actors with equal rights and responsibilities. This paper describes a new method to share traffic data in a cost-efficient way without the necessity to implement a traffic management centre.

Paper Title

Identifying and analyzing reference scenarios for the development and evaluation of preventive pedestrian safety systems

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00694
  • Adrian Ebner
  • BMW AG
  • Germany


To develop and evaluate active safety systems, reference scenarios need to be identified and analyzed. In this research, pedestrian accident data of the US and Germany were analyzed in order to develop a combined set of scenarios to be used for developing a preventive ped...Lead moreTo develop and evaluate active safety systems, reference scenarios need to be identified and analyzed. In this research, pedestrian accident data of the US and Germany were analyzed in order to develop a combined set of scenarios to be used for developing a preventive pedestrian safety system with the highest efficacy all over the world. The objective is to identify the pre-crash situations and conditions where a system should work and which also function as representative test scenarios for evaluating the system efficacy. German accidents were analyzed using data of the German-In-Depth-Accident-Study. The National Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System and the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, as well as the Pedestrian Crash Data Study, were used for the US. Different methodologies were applied to define and develop as well as to identify the most important scenarios. To understand the reference scenarios in detail, several parameters which describe the situation, the environment, the vehicle, the driver, the pedestrian, and the consequences of the accident were analyzed. The most important accident scenario involving pedestrians was as follows: the vehicle is going straight, the pedestrian is crossing the roadway and the event happens on an local / low speed street (road with a low speed limit). The importance of the scenarios changes if the severity of an accident is considered. The comparison of US and German results showed that, overall, the frequencies of the scenarios are very similar.

Paper Title

Enhanced Radar-based Target Identification and Tracking on Curved Road

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00511
  • Dezhao Zhang
  • Tsinghua University
  • China


The paper describes a new algorithm for radar-based target vehicle identification and tracking on curved roads for adaptive cruise control (ACC) applications. The key problems are the distinction between target curve-entry/exit and lane-change and the identification of th...Lead moreThe paper describes a new algorithm for radar-based target vehicle identification and tracking on curved roads for adaptive cruise control (ACC) applications. The key problems are the distinction between target curve-entry/exit and lane-change and the identification of the host-lane proceeding vehicle from the adjacent-lane one in curves. In order to make a more accurate distinction between curve-entry/exit and lane-change of the target vehicle, the GOF (Goodness of Fit) of regression equations respectively corresponding to these two scenarios is improved by using a correlation coefficient method and by introducing additional distinction criteria which have a clear physical meaning. Furthermore, the deviation of the measured lateral distance from the theoretical value is used to estimate whether the proceeding vehicle is in the host lane or in the adjacent lane. Tests show that the method is able to identify the position of the target vehicle on a curved road with high reliability.

Paper Title

Advantages of Friction Estimation in Collision Avoidance and Mitigation Calculations

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00489
  • Sami Koskinen
  • VTT
  • Finland


This paper discusses how collision avoidance and collision mitigation by braking can utilize information about maximum coefficient of tyre?road friction. Requirements for friction information quality are discussed from the safety systems’ point of view. Simulations are us...Lead moreThis paper discusses how collision avoidance and collision mitigation by braking can utilize information about maximum coefficient of tyre?road friction. Requirements for friction information quality are discussed from the safety systems’ point of view. Simulations are used to analyse the potential improvements in collision calculations with and without friction information. A sensor data fusion based on-board friction estimation system developed in EU project FRICTI@N is used as a basis when assessing the current capabilities to detect road slipperiness. Further, the effects of common estimation errors to collision calculations are discussed.

Paper Title

Modeling the reduction of Traffic and Air Pollution by DYNAMIC TOLLING

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00477
  • Thomas Reiter
  • Graz University of Technology
  • Austria


This paper (discusses) offers a traffic management model which allows for the reduction of traffic congestion and air emissions by dynamically adapting tolling tariffs. Modern traffic control technologies allow us to extend classic static tolling schemes to manage traffic...Lead moreThis paper (discusses) offers a traffic management model which allows for the reduction of traffic congestion and air emissions by dynamically adapting tolling tariffs. Modern traffic control technologies allow us to extend classic static tolling schemes to manage traffic in real-time according to factors like the time of day, level of traffic congestion, or the air quality. Such models allow load-balancing on alternative routes, controlling throughput through bottlenecks and reducing traffic on sensitive sections/routes. We propose a generalized cost function as an objective function for traffic assignment so that the modeled route choice will reflect user response on various dynamic pricing schemes. The modeling will be adapted to the MNL model. The MNL output presents possible route choices which are the basis for estimating the traffic situation and can be used to evaluate several elasticities as measures of changes in the expected data. The elasticities allow forecasting he effects of changes in the dynamic tolling amount. The aim is to control the congestion situation on the road network and to reduce traffic in sensitive zones. Finally, we show ways in which the information needed to generate a dynamic pricing scheme can be used to create practical applications. This can be used to ensure simple, self-explanatory, traffic-influencing equipment.

Paper Title

User Needs in Green ITS: the Results of a Questionnaire Survey on Dutch and Japanese Drivers

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00443
  • Jing Bie
  • University of Twente
  • Netherlands


A web survey has been conducted to study the attitude towards Green ITS among drivers in the Netherlands and Japan. The survey consists of four parts: personal information, driving behavior and ITS experience, attitude towards environment, and Green ITS preferences. The r...Lead moreA web survey has been conducted to study the attitude towards Green ITS among drivers in the Netherlands and Japan. The survey consists of four parts: personal information, driving behavior and ITS experience, attitude towards environment, and Green ITS preferences. The results show that the greatest motivation for drivers to follow fuel efficient behavior is to provide them with information on how much money they would save. To a lesser degree drivers are also interested in information on their fuel consumption during the trips. The least preferred information is about impact on environment, such as CO2 emission. Correlations are found between information preference and the driving style. However, the majority of the respondents think that the provided information is relevant and they are willing to use the system. This positive attitude towards Green ITS can lead to acceptance and frequent use of Green ITS. Based on the survey results, a new design for Green ITS is proposed. It provides information on driving behavior, expenses on fuel consumption and environmental factors. During the trip, advice and fuel consumption will be displayed with simple indications on an on-board screen. After the trip other information will be presented with trends, numbers and texts. In the design of such a system, safety and distraction of the driver are also taken into account.

Paper Title

Smart Transportation Management Systems to Support the Freight-Related Information

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00441
  • Vahid Mirzabeiki
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Sweden


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how much the smart transportation management (STM) systems are affecting visibility of different value-adding information types related to material handling and transportation of the freights in the supply chain and functionalities...Lead moreThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate how much the smart transportation management (STM) systems are affecting visibility of different value-adding information types related to material handling and transportation of the freights in the supply chain and functionalities related to them. In other words the paper is aiming to identify the support level of the STM systems regarding visibility of different types of information. A literature study was conducted to identify the value-adding supply chain information types and the STM systems’ cornerstones. Documents from different products and services of companies related to the STM systems are reviewed to identify the types of information they support. Interviews with logistics managers of Swedish industrial and retailing companies were conducted to evaluate how much visibility of different SCITs is affected by using the STM systems. The visibility of information regarding the location of products in supply chain and condition of products in shipment has the largest support from the STM systems out of the interviews with the logistics managers. This paper helps to more efficient application and developments of the STM systems by providing knowledge about the effectiveness of such systems on the information flow in the supply chains. Also the results of the paper indicate the functionalities that are affected according to the supported information types in supply chain by using the STM systems.

Paper Title

Analysis of Fault Detection and Identification for Heading Control of a Four Wheel Vehicle

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00417
  • Seda Ozgen
  • Abant Izzet Baysal University
  • Turkey


This paper deals with an analysis of fault detection and identification based on a Heading Control (HC System) for a four wheel vehicle. Such a HC System helps reducing the required torque from the driver to stay in the desired lane. The performance of a HC System is exam...Lead moreThis paper deals with an analysis of fault detection and identification based on a Heading Control (HC System) for a four wheel vehicle. Such a HC System helps reducing the required torque from the driver to stay in the desired lane. The performance of a HC System is examined using IPG-CarMaker with Matlab Simulink, while for the controller of the HC System the optimal control theory is applied. The vehicle used in IPG-CarMaker is a Mercedes E-Class model with this designed HC System integrated. Tests like a curved path and side wind disturbance are used to examine the efficiency of the HC System. Different assistance levels are applied to state the importance of a HC System and evaluate its characteristics. Based on this system with its characteristics a fault detection and identification system is developed as a failure of this HC System can lead to an increasing workload of the driver or even an instable system. The Fault Detection and Identification module (FDI module) using Fourier transformation for signal processing and statistical analysis and neural networks for feature extraction and clustering of faults is integrated into the simulation model and its performance is analyzed.

Paper Title

SAFERIDER HMI Strategies for Motorcycles’ ARAS and OBIS

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00400
  • Frederik Diederichs
  • University of Stuttgart IAT
  • Germany


For more than one decade the European Commission has been focusing on the enhancement of road safety by funding research on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Intelligent Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) in the field of automotive. However, the application of...Lead moreFor more than one decade the European Commission has been focusing on the enhancement of road safety by funding research on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Intelligent Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) in the field of automotive. However, the application of such technologies for motorcycles is currently lacking behind. While in the automotive sector extended knowledge has been generated also on the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for ADAS and IVIS this does by far not apply for the motorcycle sector. Therefore five Advanced Riding Assistance Systems (ARAS) and four On-Bike Information Systems (OBIS) are developed in the SAFERIDER project. Additionally high effort is dedicated to the design of an innovative HMI for these ARAS and OBIS, based on new haptic, visual and acoustic HMI elements that are integrated into an iteratively tested HMI concept. The paper focuses on the assignment of HMI elements to the specific ARAS and OBIS and the design of intuitive haptic warnings. Especially the acceptance and compliance toward safety warnings is considered in the presented HMI startegies that are developed within the project. After iterative testing the approach will lead to a highly acceptable and effective HMI conept for motorcycle riders.

Paper Title

GuideWeb: An introductory solution for v2v-communication

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00399
  • Bernd Weis
  • BlackForestLightning
  • Germany


In this paper a new paradigm for networks based on vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) communication is presented. We named this paradigm GuideWeb. It is new in the sense that it allows market introduction of v2v communication offering substantial benefits and circumventing some of ...Lead moreIn this paper a new paradigm for networks based on vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) communication is presented. We named this paradigm GuideWeb. It is new in the sense that it allows market introduction of v2v communication offering substantial benefits and circumventing some of the difficult problems that are still under research. GuideWeb is a support network for vehicle navigation and guidance. It is constituted by the cooperation of a multitude of autonomous MapSynthesiser nodes located in vehicles. A MapSynthesiser, being the autonomous core of GuideWeb, receives over radio communication traffic flow information using information-enhanced maps (called map syntheses) from other GuideWeb participants’ MapSynthesiser. From received map syntheses and the information of its own travel route it creates a new map synthesis, which is then broadcasted. MapSynthesiser provides timely and accurate information on traffic flow and density as well as traversability everywhere within a radius of approx. 100 km to a navigation system for driver assistance. MapSynthesiser cooperation is based on short range radio communication e.g. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) according to IEEE 802.11 standards. GuideWeb deploys the simple method of broadcast for network formation and thus, avoids the issues arising from setting up and maintaining an ad-hoc network. By the map based data design, data security and privacy are ensured. Therefore, GuideWeb can serve as a commercially viable introductory phase for full-fledged v2v communication network. The lessons learned from GuideWeb deployment provide insights for v2v network design.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00361
  • Jose Naranjo
  • Spain


Traditionally, the design of road vehicle HMI is based in esthetic principles, maintaining it as an attractive factor for possible clients when buying a car. Only recently, ergonomic benefits have been applied to the design of HMIs, mainly following institutional impulses...Lead moreTraditionally, the design of road vehicle HMI is based in esthetic principles, maintaining it as an attractive factor for possible clients when buying a car. Only recently, ergonomic benefits have been applied to the design of HMIs, mainly following institutional impulses like the European Union one, but whose contribution is not clearly stated nowadays in commercial products. In this paper we present a study of the design of a HMI, based in usability and accessibility premises, centering the design in the user, as method to improve safety, making natural the communication with the driver as well as being able of transmitting information to the driver, from basic to the generated by ADAS installed in the car. Following these specifications a set of prototypes have been designed in order to develop a testbed that could be evaluated for a large set of drivers.

Paper Title

Probe Vehicle based Estimation of Parameters for adapting Traffic Signal Control at single Intersections

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00360
  • Thomas Otto
  • University of Kassel
  • Germany


Signalized intersections essentially impair the quality of traffic flow particularly in urban regions. An effective control of traffic lights on the one hand and an increasingly efficient road traffic flow as a result of more information for drivers on the other hand are ...Lead moreSignalized intersections essentially impair the quality of traffic flow particularly in urban regions. An effective control of traffic lights on the one hand and an increasingly efficient road traffic flow as a result of more information for drivers on the other hand are the basic principles for a good symbiosis. Other than conventional detectors the so-called co-operative systems in transport offer the opportunity for an extensive collection of detailed information on traffic conditions via floating car data in order to optimize the control of traffic lights. The paper focuses on the advantages of using floating car data (FCD) for the possibility to capture signalization quality parameters directly and integrate them into the signal controller. Therefore the correlation between the mobile collected data will be identified.

Paper Title

Utilisation of Really Simple Syndication for Real-Time Traffic Information Distribution

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00271
  • Renato Filjar
  • Ericsson Nikola Tesla d. d.
  • Croatia


Provision of accurate traffic information in real time is essential for every Intelligent Transport System (ITS) development. With growing number of stakeholders involved in the ITS, it becomes a necessity to establish robust and reliable system for immediate traffic repo...Lead moreProvision of accurate traffic information in real time is essential for every Intelligent Transport System (ITS) development. With growing number of stakeholders involved in the ITS, it becomes a necessity to establish robust and reliable system for immediate traffic report notification for either all, or targeted groups of ITS users. The fact that communications make gradual transition towards the Internet Protocol (IP)-based systems offers an opportunity to exploit the existing IP-related signalling/notification mechanisms for possible deployment in ITS. Here we present the concept of utilisation of the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and Geospatial RSS (GeoRSS) in provision of near-real-time notification and distribution of the latest traffic information, based on the Traffic Information System as a system for continuous traffic situation awareness monitoring. The GeoRSS-based system for traffic information syndication monitors the release of the latest traffic information report (provided by Traffic Information System), and notifies subscribers in targeted geospatial zone about them. Using proposed communication protocol and a dedicated client installed in vehicle, driver is automatically and immediately provided with the latest traffic information related to the road segment in current use in the ost user-friendly form (preferably voice, but the addition of a dedicated geospatial data layer for vehicle navigation device is an option). The utilisation of the GeoRSS protocol allows for geospatial filtering, thus reducing the amount of data traffic. Mobile internet is a communication back-bone, with end-users allowed to choose the most appropriate option for network access. Proposed concept is validated using a simple research prototype, comprehensively presented in this paper. Performance of GeoRSS-based traffic information distribution system is discussed, providing an outlook in contribution to situation awareness enhancement and the range of possible applications. Paper concludes with an outline of existing syndication-for-ITS opportunities, and the plans for further developments.

Paper Title

Traffic modeling within the interactive spatial planning tool Urban Strategy

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00270
  • Michiel Minderhoud
  • TNO
  • Netherlands


Interactive spatial planning requires an intelligent approach in connecting classical models that are normally used offline as stand-alone models. Spatial planning, especially in existing urban areas, is a complex multidisciplinary process. There are many stakeholders, ea...Lead moreInteractive spatial planning requires an intelligent approach in connecting classical models that are normally used offline as stand-alone models. Spatial planning, especially in existing urban areas, is a complex multidisciplinary process. There are many stakeholders, each with their own interests, such as the investors, the municipality, NGO’s and (future) inhabitants. In densely populated areas, many different aspects play a role, such as mobility, noise, air quality, safety and esthetics. Human health and comfort as well as climate change are topics that arise. Existing models and calculation tools to quantify these aspects produce noise maps, air quality maps, as well as indicators on accessibility. In planning processes however, it is a challenge to have results of calculations on time and to produce calculations on different aspects that are based on consistent input data. When in the planning process new measures or scenarios are defined, it is virtually impossible to include results of calculations in the process. The tool Urban Strategy has shown the possibilities and advantages of interactive spatial planning with such dedicated models in already a number of cases. A central role within the concept of Urban Strategy is the Traffic Model, since the output of traffic flows is used as input for most of the other models, such as the air quality and noise hinder models.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_EU00259
  • Jaume Barcelo
  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
  • Spain


Forecasted Travel Time, that is the expected travel time that vehicles will experience when traverse a freeway segment, is relevant information to be supplied by an ATIS to the motorists entering the freeway. Its quality depends not only on the quality of the forecasting ...Lead moreForecasted Travel Time, that is the expected travel time that vehicles will experience when traverse a freeway segment, is relevant information to be supplied by an ATIS to the motorists entering the freeway. Its quality depends not only on the quality of the forecasting models but namely on the accuracy and reliability of the measurements of traffic variables supplied by the detection technology. This paper explores the quality of the Travel Time Forecasting based on data collected from Bluetooth sensors capturing the mobile devices that equip vehicles. The forecasting is based in an ad hoc Kalman Filtering procedure it has been implemented and successfully in a pilot project in Barcelona and the numerical results of the computational experiments are presented and discussed

Paper Title

Development of Vessel Traffic System for Small Ship

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01504
  • Ki-Nam Choi
  • Dong-A University
  • Republic of Korea


Currently, Korean Coastal Traffic Control employs AIS(Automatic Identification System)and radar system to provide with coastline control, search, rescue support and ship traffic control in marginal sea areas. Since AIS is too costly for small vessels to be equipped with a...Lead moreCurrently, Korean Coastal Traffic Control employs AIS(Automatic Identification System)and radar system to provide with coastline control, search, rescue support and ship traffic control in marginal sea areas. Since AIS is too costly for small vessels to be equipped with and due to Target Swapping effect and changes in detecting capacity resulting from variable sizes of ships and distance to the target, however, it seems imperative to find appropriate precautions to reduce sea traffic accidents. From these perspectives, this paper suggests a fundamental study of Vessel Traffic System development with the use of IP-RFID technology.

Paper Title

An Efficient Implementation of Origin-Destination Demand Adjustment Problem using Column Generation

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01483
  • Taehyung Park
  • Soongsil University
  • Republic of Korea


In this paper, we propose an efficient implementation scheme for the Origin-Destination matrix adjustment problem (DAP). DAP is usually formulated as a bilevel problem where the upper level problem is a generalized least squares problem with nonnegativity constraints and ...Lead moreIn this paper, we propose an efficient implementation scheme for the Origin-Destination matrix adjustment problem (DAP). DAP is usually formulated as a bilevel problem where the upper level problem is a generalized least squares problem with nonnegativity constraints and the lower level problem is formulated as a traffic assignment problem. Typical iteration of the bilevel programming approach is that OD demand produced from the upper level is used as input to the lower level and lower level updates the optimal link flows for the upper level. In these approach, the key input data for DAP is the OD proportion coefficient that reflects the proportion of OD demand in the current link flow. In this research, we employ a column generation approach for the traffic assignment problem that produces OD proportion coefficients explcitly and converges fast using the second derivative information. Also, using the previous iteration's optimal route flows, a good feasible starting solution for the lower problem can be obtained.

Paper Title

Multiple Representation Database Model for Real-Time Synchronization of Road networks

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01475
  • Yongjin Joo
  • University of Seoul
  • Republic of Korea


Multiple representation methodology is used to display the same real-world-phenomenon at different levels of precision, accuracy and resolution.. The primary objective of the this paper is to construct an efficient model for multiple representations which are capable of m...Lead moreMultiple representation methodology is used to display the same real-world-phenomenon at different levels of precision, accuracy and resolution.. The primary objective of the this paper is to construct an efficient model for multiple representations which are capable of managing and reconciling real-time data with respect to large-scale roads in Vector Domain. That is to say, we suggested framework based on a bottom-up approach, which is allowed to integrate data from the network of the lowest level sequentially and perform automated matching in order to produce variable-scale map. Finally, we applied designed multi-LoD model to in-vehicle application by using SQLite, which is embedded relational database system, in order to evaluate practical feasibility of the proposed Multi-LoD model and selected Jeju Island as study area and put multi-LoD generation algorithm into real-time synchronization on road networks and dynamic paths finding for on-board map database.

Paper Title

Simulation of Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Implementation in Highway-Rail Grade Crossings

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01459
  • Chung-Jen Hsu
  • University of Nebraska
  • United State of America


A simulation of vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) implementation for highway rail grade crossings (HRGCs) is constructed. The driver behavior, vehicle maneuvering, and communication characteristics are considered by providing a user interface for updating parameter...Lead moreA simulation of vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) implementation for highway rail grade crossings (HRGCs) is constructed. The driver behavior, vehicle maneuvering, and communication characteristics are considered by providing a user interface for updating parameters of the vehicle, train, latency, and simulation. The simulation emulates communication standards of the railroad, roadway, and vehicle system. Instead of simulating the send-and-receive process of dedicated short range communication (DSRC), the eventual latency is emulated. The mobility improvement is significant in terms of delays, travel times, and queue lengths, with the implementation of simple vehicle control logics. As the train information is provided to VII vehicles, the drivers are able to respond to avoid complete stops in a queue. The transmission range and market penetration rate are key issues to future implementation. The simulation results indicate that longer transmission ranges and higher market penetration rates will be beneficial to mobility improvement. Keywords: Vehicle Infrastructure Integration; Inter-vehicle communication; Simulation; Highway-Rail Grade Crossings; Highway-Rail Interface

Paper Title

Interface Protocol and Message Set Definition between Traffic Signal Controllers and Detectors

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01435
  • Yu Suyoung
  • Ajou University
  • Republic of Korea


Nowadays, a practical application of wireless communications between traffic signal controllers and detectors is increasing according to technological developments in wireless communications. However, there exists no compatibility among the manufacturing companies, busine...Lead moreNowadays, a practical application of wireless communications between traffic signal controllers and detectors is increasing according to technological developments in wireless communications. However, there exists no compatibility among the manufacturing companies, business proprietors and countries because a proper standard for data interface between traffic signal controllers and detectors hasn't been developed. In this paper, the detectors are categorized into three types(Occupancy type, image type and vehicle ID type) according to the communication characteristics and the message specification and method for wireless interface is presented. The interior test result of the protocol transmission between detector and Traffic signal controller, the success rate of the data collection were analysed by 99.26% in case of Occupancy type, by 98.52% in case of image type, by 98.19% in case of ID type. If this study result is adopted as an international standard for wireless communications between traffic signal controllers and detectors, compatibility among different detectors will be accomplished and development cost would be decreased. Besides, many kinds of costs such as excavation, maintenance, congestion would be greatly decreased.

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01432
  • Seungkirl Baek
  • Expressway and Transportation Research Institute, Korea Expressway Corporation
  • Republic of Korea


The objective of this study is to develop a dynamic model to forecast multi-interval traffic volume using historical and real-time traffic volume data. This paper also includes the applicability of the proposed model using real-world data. This research was triggered by t...Lead moreThe objective of this study is to develop a dynamic model to forecast multi-interval traffic volume using historical and real-time traffic volume data. This paper also includes the applicability of the proposed model using real-world data. This research was triggered by the drawbacks of the existing real-time based short-term prediction models, which have been widely applied for single interval predictions. The developed model is based on the Nearest Neighbor Non-Parametric Regression (NN-NPR) using historical and current data collected by Toll Collection System (TCS). In a practical test with real-time data, the presented prediction model performed effectively in terms of both prediction accuracy and computing time to the degree of the application of real ATMS.

Paper Title

A Statistical Method for Assessing the Periodicity of Traffic Flow Time Series

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01379
  • Zhao cheng He
  • Sun Yat-sen University
  • China


The characterization of the traffic dynamics is fundamental to traffic prediction and control. To obtain more insights in short-term traffic dynamics, this paper explored periodicity, as an important index for evaluation of certainty degree of time series, and offers a me...Lead moreThe characterization of the traffic dynamics is fundamental to traffic prediction and control. To obtain more insights in short-term traffic dynamics, this paper explored periodicity, as an important index for evaluation of certainty degree of time series, and offers a method to assess periodicity. Recurrence Plot (RP) and the parameter of Recurrence Quantitative Analysis (RQA), DET, are introduced to quantitatively depict the periodicity of traffic flow. An empirical study using flow data collected from detector on Guangshen Freeway is conducted. The statistical result revealed that different periodicities can emerge depending on the length of statistical time interval. Periodicity becomes more remarkable when larger length of statistical time interval is adapted, but it’s not linear. In addition, traffic flow periodicity is most distinct in periods when traffic flow showed significant trend, fair periodicity also emerged in low occupancy period and most indistinctive periodicity shows in rush hours with high occupancy. Results indicate that RQA can quantitatively identify the periodicity of traffic flow and it offers an effective way to reveal the evolution of traffic flow. These findings could be valuable in the implementation of traffic prediction, control and management according to traffic dynamics.

Paper Title

Wireless Black Box for Real Time Accidental Monitoring of Vihecle

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01365
  • Adisorn Tuantranont
  • National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
  • Thailand


In this work, wireless black box using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking system is developed for real time accidental monitoring of vehicles such as motorcycles. The system consists of cooperative components of an accelerometer, microcontroller unit, GPS device and GSM ...Lead moreIn this work, wireless black box using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking system is developed for real time accidental monitoring of vehicles such as motorcycles. The system consists of cooperative components of an accelerometer, microcontroller unit, GPS device and GSM module. In the event of accident, this wireless device will send mobile phone short message indicating the position of vehicle by GPS system to family member, emergency medical service (EMS) and nearest hospital. The threshold algorithm and speed of motorcycle are used to determine fall or accident in real-time. The system is compact and easy to install under rider seat. The system has been tested in real world applications using bicycles. The test results show that it can detect linear fall, non-linear fall and normal ride with high accuracy.

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Inconsistency of Optimal Signal Timing Plans at Design and Evaluation Stages in ITS Management

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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01360
  • Jin-Tae Kim
  • Yonsei University
  • Republic of Korea


This paper brings discussion on Inconsistency of the optimal signal timings at design and evaluation stages in the ITS traffic management. Evaluation methods of signal timing design software used in many consulting firms differ from the one of the HCM, a prescribed evalua...Lead moreThis paper brings discussion on Inconsistency of the optimal signal timings at design and evaluation stages in the ITS traffic management. Evaluation methods of signal timing design software used in many consulting firms differ from the one of the HCM, a prescribed evaluation method required at the final decision making stage in most states. If such difference exists, it would falsely guide the righteous design alternative to the failure and thus increases the social costs. In this study, traffic signal timings suggested by TRANSYT and SOAP were compared with the HCM optimums searched through a hybrid genetic algorithm. It was found that such differences truly exist and a new method is necessary to keep the potential alternatives as the options available from being withdrawn.

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Emergency Evacuation with Household Consolidation

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01352
  • Ke Liu
  • University of Maryland
  • United State of America


Emergency evacuation events are difficult to plan for because available traffic data typically come from non-emergency commuting traffic conditions. Traffic simulation has been used to study evacuation strategies and durations of the evacuation. Such simulations typically...Lead moreEmergency evacuation events are difficult to plan for because available traffic data typically come from non-emergency commuting traffic conditions. Traffic simulation has been used to study evacuation strategies and durations of the evacuation. Such simulations typically look at the capacity of the transportation network rather than the actual traffic pattern. One of the most common assumptions made in emergency evacuation simulations is that all drivers will take the shortest or fastest route away from the epicenter of the emergency event. While this assumption is reasonable from a transportation systems perspective, it does not apply to all evacuees. Factors that affect the drivers’ choice of evacuation routes may include the perceived level of threat, road closure, traffic conditions and locations of the drivers’ dependents. One of the strongest reasons for an evacuee to forego the obvious choice of leaving the area of danger is to pick up dependent family members. Unfortunately, traffic simulation software is written to study commuting traffic. Special tools need to be built to allow such software to study emergency evacuation traffic with household consolidation. To this end, an Application Programming Interface is written that tracks vehicles by households. A portion of the population is assumed to have dependent family members. These evacuees must consolidate as a family before evacuation out of the area of danger begins in earnest. The results of such behavior are (1) evacuation time is significantly longer compared to the assumption of evacuees taking the shortest route away from danger, and (2) traffic into the area of danger continues long after the evacuation has begun.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01321
  • Kittipong Hi-ri-o-tappa
  • Chulalongkorn University
  • Thailand


The objective of this study is to develop a new automated short-term traffic congestion detection algorithm that detects traffic patterns leading to congestion in microscopic traffic variables. A new approach algorithm, namely Dynamic Time Warping, is difference from trad...Lead moreThe objective of this study is to develop a new automated short-term traffic congestion detection algorithm that detects traffic patterns leading to congestion in microscopic traffic variables. A new approach algorithm, namely Dynamic Time Warping, is difference from traditional artificial intelligent algorithms that require a huge training dataset to satisfy the accuracy. The Dynamic Time Warping has much ability to classification in very complex time series but requires smaller training dataset with yielding high accuracy in result. The performance of the proposed algorithm is assessed using a Bayesian algorithm with microscopic traffic simulation environment and real-world data. The result shows that the new proposed algorithm has comparable performance to Bayesian algorithm with using the standard deviation of speed as algorithm figure to detects and precursors traffic congestion pattern. The proposed algorithm also performs very well even when applied to real-world scenarios.

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Examining the Effect of Connecting Auxiliary Lanes on Mitigation of Expressway Traffic Congestion

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01285
  • Jian Xing
  • Express Highway Research Foundation of Japan
  • Japan


To mitigate traffic congestion on the Higashi-Meihan Expressway, various countermeasures have been studied and finally the continuous connection of auxiliary lanes has been implemented on the site together with some additional channelizing devices. This paper describes th...Lead moreTo mitigate traffic congestion on the Higashi-Meihan Expressway, various countermeasures have been studied and finally the continuous connection of auxiliary lanes has been implemented on the site together with some additional channelizing devices. This paper describes the result of examination of the effects of connecting the auxiliary lanes on lane utilization, bottleneck capacity and mitigation of traffic congestion on the expressway. It was found that the longitudinal utilization of the auxiliary lane increased by a range of 2-9% with the continuous connection compared to that before the connection. It has resulted in a more balanced use of lanes with increased traffic in the auxiliary lane and decreased traffic in both outer lane and inner lane. The normal broken lane line tends to keep more vehicles on the auxiliary lane than the dotted lane line. It was also found that the average breakdown flow at the inbound bottleneck increased by 6% (190 vph) and that at the outbound bottleneck increased by 3% (100 vph). Finally, because of the even distribution of traffic across the lanes and thus resulted increase in the average breakdown flow, the total delay was reduced by 24% in the inbound direction and 62% in the outbound direction, and on the average 33% in both directions, consequently reducing the total delay and CO2 emissions due to traffic congestion.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01284
  • Hyoungsoo Kim
  • Korea Institute of Construction Technology
  • Republic of Cote d' Ivoire


Compared to a typical one-way multi-lane highway, a one-way divided highway operated, for instance, in the form of two two-lanes instead of four lanes may have an advantage on safety more than operation. In congested traffic conditions, drivers would change lanes into les...Lead moreCompared to a typical one-way multi-lane highway, a one-way divided highway operated, for instance, in the form of two two-lanes instead of four lanes may have an advantage on safety more than operation. In congested traffic conditions, drivers would change lanes into less heavy lanes. Frequent lane changes cause unstable traffic flows, reduce capacity and increase accident possibility. The purpose of this study is to observe an impact of one-way divided highway scheme on highway operation and safety. In order to compare a one-way divided highway design to an undivided one, simulation experiments were conducted in a variety of traffic conditions. In results, a one-way divided highway design appears to be contributed to the stability of traffic flows since long-distance vehicles and short-distance ones are separated. One-way divided scheme is expected to lead not only the more stability of highway traffic flow but also the less possibility of incidents.

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  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01280
  • Syahriah Bachok
  • International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Malaysia


The paper describes the variation in mode switching behaviours among rail users in a developing city. It aims at modelling such behaviours in the event of services delay, an outcome which will be fed into the planning of supplementary feeder services. It is one of the fir...Lead moreThe paper describes the variation in mode switching behaviours among rail users in a developing city. It aims at modelling such behaviours in the event of services delay, an outcome which will be fed into the planning of supplementary feeder services. It is one of the first attempts at explaining the changes in travel decisions resulting from information provisions on-board public transport. A case study was selected to illustrate the differing impacts of various media on travel decisions. Passengers of a commuter-rail-system servicing Klang Valley conurbation in Malaysia were chosen as respondents of a stated preference survey. To test the hypothetical scenarios, delay information was presented. The information was disseminated via three media: a voice recording, a scrolling multi-lines variable message sign and *.*mpeg movies. Preliminary findings illustrated the effects of varying the medium of information dissemination. When delay information was conveyed in audio and textual versions, mode change decisions for the continuing journeys were found to be inversely related to delay durations. A similar but inconsistent trend was depicted when visual or graphical media were presented. Significant tests of underlying factors including socio-demographics and trip characteristics also showed some degrees of influence on mode switching behaviours.

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A Case Study of ‘Continuous Risk Profile’ Approach for Hotspots Identification on Korean Expressways

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01273
  • Shin Hyoung Park
  • Seoul National University
  • Republic of Korea


The information on the high collision locations on highways, which are also referred as hotspots, is widely used for detailed engineering studies in order to make countermeasures of traffic accidents. Recently, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a safety ...Lead moreThe information on the high collision locations on highways, which are also referred as hotspots, is widely used for detailed engineering studies in order to make countermeasures of traffic accidents. Recently, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a safety performance function (SPF) to identify the relationship between the expected accident rate and specific characteristics of a single section or an intersection such as AADT, horizontal curvature, and vertical grade. As mentioned by Chung et al., however, the SPF approach has several inappropriate assumptions for continuous road segments: spatial uncorrelatedness among collision rates of each segment, uniform collision rates within a segment, and the residence of factors causing high collision rates within the segment. In order to improve these issues, they introduced “Continuous Risk Profile (CRP) approach,” which calculates a moving average value of accident counts for every location while the methods adopted by previous researches used only fixed accident frequencies in single section for screening hotspots, and thus the influence of spatial correlation can be analyzed. Furthermore, the CRP approach can be implemented to estimate accident reduction effects, investigate temporal trends of accident frequencies on the same location, and identify the attribution of hotspots on highways. This paper aims to apply the CRP approach suggested by Chung et al. for the collision data of Korean expressways, and discuss its applicability to the tasks of hotspots identification for the safety improvement project in Korea.

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A Study On Estimating The Benefits Of Pedestrian Environment Improvements

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01266
  • Yongseok Kim
  • University of Seoul
  • Republic of Korea


In this study, a CVM, which has previously been used in environmental economics, was used to estimate the value of pedestrian environment improvements. After finding the Willingness To Pay (WTP) of residents using a survey, the CVM is designed to quantitatively calculate ...Lead moreIn this study, a CVM, which has previously been used in environmental economics, was used to estimate the value of pedestrian environment improvements. After finding the Willingness To Pay (WTP) of residents using a survey, the CVM is designed to quantitatively calculate the benefits of pedestrian environment improvements. For this study, after showing a virtual scenario of the quiet and comfortable pedestrian environment that would be formed, a survey was carried out of the inhabitants in Seongbuk-gu adjacent to the business area. The survey was carried out in an area designated for pedestrian environment improvement, gathering such information as what form of payment was best, residents willingness to pay, etc. The survey showed a willingness of the residents in Seongbuk-gu to pay, a 627 won per month of surcharge for pedestrian environment improvement. The annual total benefits of the pedestrian environment improvement were estimated to be from 1,247,516,820 won to 286,305,110 won.

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Panoramic Vision System for the Intelligent Vehicle using a Laser Sensor and Cameras

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01260
  • Min woo Park
  • Kyungpook National University / Virtual Reality Laboratory
  • Republic of Korea


In this paper, we propose the multipurpose panoramic vision system for eliminating the blind spot and informing the approaching vehicles using three cameras and a laser sensor. A wide-angle camera is attached on the trunk and two cameras are attached under each side-view ...Lead moreIn this paper, we propose the multipurpose panoramic vision system for eliminating the blind spot and informing the approaching vehicles using three cameras and a laser sensor. A wide-angle camera is attached on the trunk and two cameras are attached under each side-view mirror for eliminating the blind spot of a vehicle. A laser sensor is attached on the rear-left of the vehicle for gathering the information around our vehicle. First of all, our system displays laser sensor data in three dimensions and performs the calibration between laser sensor data and a rear image for finding road boundaries and gathering information of other vehicles. Therefore, our system computes a homography between a rear image and laser sensor data interactively and overlaps laser sensor data on a rear image for improving driver’s recognition. Then, our system generates a panoramic mosaic view for eliminating the blind spot. First, our system computes the focus-of-contraction(FOC) in images of rear-view and a homography between each side-view image and a rear-view on pre-processing. Next, our system performs an image registration process after road and background region segmentation using laser sensor data. Finally, it generates various views such as a cylinder panorama view, a top view and an information panoramic mosaic view for displaying varied safety information.

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Experimental Analysis of the Impacts of Freeway Incidents

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01258
  • Ji Hoon Kim
  • Ajou University
  • Republic of Korea


Predictive information on the impacts of freeway incidents can be a critical criterion for users in selecting travel options and for operators in operating transportation systems. If it is provided properly, users can select time-effective routes and operators can effecti...Lead morePredictive information on the impacts of freeway incidents can be a critical criterion for users in selecting travel options and for operators in operating transportation systems. If it is provided properly, users can select time-effective routes and operators can effectively run the system. In this study, a model was proposed to estimate and predict freeway incident impacts using a micro-simulation based framework. The predictive model for incident impacts was based on short-term forecasting. The proposed model was examined using techniques such as MARE, MAE, and RMSE. The results of the analysis show that the models are accurate enough to be deployed in the real world. They also suggest that the development of a microscopic incident impact forecasting model proposed in this study would help mitigate the traffic delays in case of incidents and the associated social expenses as well.

Paper Title

Microscopic Analysis of Breakdown Characteristics at Freeway Recurrent Congestion Sections

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01240
  • SangGu Kim
  • Chonnam National University
  • Republic of Korea


The principal objective of this paper was to assess breakdown characteristics at a microscopic level. Using the data derived from aerial photography, the study evaluated the characteristics of speed breakdowns at freeway merging and weaving sections. The paper contained a...Lead moreThe principal objective of this paper was to assess breakdown characteristics at a microscopic level. Using the data derived from aerial photography, the study evaluated the characteristics of speed breakdowns at freeway merging and weaving sections. The paper contained a rough analysis of breakdowns via the observation of flows, speeds, and density variations. In the microscopic view, the trajectories of individual vehicles were investigated by a time-space diagram, and the breakdown was analyzed by vehicular speed variations. The breakdown phenomenon was observed in detail from a spatial and temporal perspective and we determined that the breakdown progressed through three processes of sign, progress, and completion. The results should provide a method by which time and location at which the breakdown occurs can be determined, and should also help us to understand the processes underlying the occurrence of breakdowns. Our findings are hoped to ultimately help us understand the phase transition to congested flow.

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A Shortest Path Algorithm considering Turn Penalty in Urban Road Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01233
  • Keun hong Min
  • Seoul National University
  • Republic of Korea


In general, road network in urban area consists of a lot of signalized or unsignalized intersections. Thus, drivers perform a lot of right-turn or left-turn maneuvers at intersections they approach. Delays which drivers experience at intersections may vary by a traffic vo...Lead moreIn general, road network in urban area consists of a lot of signalized or unsignalized intersections. Thus, drivers perform a lot of right-turn or left-turn maneuvers at intersections they approach. Delays which drivers experience at intersections may vary by a traffic volume. Therefore, a shortest path algorithm for road network in urban area should consider turn-penalty which varies by traffic volume and give information to drivers. The purpose of this paper is to develop a shortest path algorithm which considers turn penalty in time-dependent network. In this paper, Gangnam-gu which is one of the crowded areas in Seoul is selected to be our study site. Link travel times per minute are calculated by PARAMICS, the simulation package, and a shortest path considering turn-penalty is searched. Comparison among minimum travel cost which is calculated by Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kaufman’s algorithm and Kaufman’s algorithm considered turn-penalty was performed. The result shows that total travel time searched by Dijkstra’s algorithm is longest, next is Kaufman’s algorithm which doesn’t consider turn penalty, and the last is Kaufman’s algorithm which consider turn penalty. This research and the result will not only maximize drivers’ benefit by offering reality-based travel information, but also reduce total social cost.

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Autonomous Driving Based on LQ Path Following Control and Platooning with Front and Rear Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01231
  • Toshiyuki Sugimachi
  • Kobe University
  • Japan


Energy consumption and CO2 emission are the world-wide problems. In Japan, a new project for reducing CO2, called "Energy ITS project" has started since 2008 by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). To reduce the amount of CO2 emission, the...Lead moreEnergy consumption and CO2 emission are the world-wide problems. In Japan, a new project for reducing CO2, called "Energy ITS project" has started since 2008 by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). To reduce the amount of CO2 emission, the establishment of the techniques for the autonomous eco-driving of heavy duty trucks and platooning to reduce their large air resistance in highway driving is needed. In this paper, new control methods for the lateral and longitudinal direction of heavy duty trucks are proposed. In lateral control, a truck is controlled not to go beyond the road. The method is based on the LQ control in the framework of path following. In longitudinal control, the method which uses both information of a front and rear truck is proposed. The accelerator and brake of a truck are controlled. The platoon stability in both the backward and forward directions is guaranteed based on Lyapunov stability theory. In platooning, the inter truck distance should be kept to be small and constant. The experimental results of autonomous driving and platooning are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Relationship of Vehicle Kilometers Traveled and Social Economic Status - using panel data analysis

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01208
  • Hoyeon Kim
  • Hanyang university
  • Republic of Korea


Past VKT data in Korea is well organized, but prediction is highly difficult. For more accurate forecasting, VKT also can be one of the key factors, general time-series and cross-sectional data analysis is methodologically aided by VKT. VKT and Social Economy status have ...Lead morePast VKT data in Korea is well organized, but prediction is highly difficult. For more accurate forecasting, VKT also can be one of the key factors, general time-series and cross-sectional data analysis is methodologically aided by VKT. VKT and Social Economy status have difference between region and time-space. Therefore, this project is undertaken, because time-space data is essential for analyzing time-space. As the consequence of the research, income per person has plus effectiveness of VKT and the most influence. Otherwise length of road per person has minus effectiveness of VKT, the reason is conducted by characteristic of panel data and panel analysis. The analysis as Metropolitan level indicated that plus factor appeared to Capital city area and Yeongnam area. On the other hand, Chungcheong, Gwangwon and Honam areas’ factors showed minus level, Gwangwon area was illustrated as minus. Why this figure showed up is that plus group has well-established infrastructure and social economy status. Otherwise Gwangwon does not have enough factors.

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Railway Safety Development in Thailand : An Initiative Concept

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01185
  • Matee Serearuno
  • Aeronautical Radio of Thailand
  • Thailand


This paper presents an initiative concept to improve railway safety in Thailand. By incorporating the ICAO’s CNS concept, the prime objective is to develop an automated system that is capable of supporting the decision making process of all parties concerned in the railwa...Lead moreThis paper presents an initiative concept to improve railway safety in Thailand. By incorporating the ICAO’s CNS concept, the prime objective is to develop an automated system that is capable of supporting the decision making process of all parties concerned in the railway daily operation. These include the train driver, the railway station manager/officer, the automatic road-crossing barrier, the car drivers and the railway authority itself. The Communication, Navigation and Surveillance systems used in aviation are adopted in this prototype to detect, process and distribute information among the parties and give appropriate warnings in a timely fashion. The experimental project is currently underway. As Thai government is now launching a campaign “2010: The Year of Transport Safety”, the authority has short-listed the first 100 level-crossings to be equipped with the newly developed modern control system to meet the demand for railway safety in Thailand.

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Design of Filtering Process to Provide Real-time Instant Information for City Telematics Service

  • ITS WC
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  • 17th ITS World Congress Busan 2010
  • S_AP01149
  • Shing Tenqchen
  • CHT/TL
  • Taiwan


In this paper, we propose a filtering process to provide instant information (info) for city Telematics service. Based on this process, an experimental system is realized to filter data from the vehicle detectors (VD) and changeable message sign (CMS), already built in th...Lead moreIn this paper, we propose a filtering process to provide instant information (info) for city Telematics service. Based on this process, an experimental system is realized to filter data from the vehicle detectors (VD) and changeable message sign (CMS), already built in the urban area of Taipei city. The On-Board-Unit (OBU) installed at the front side of vehicle can provide useful instant traffic information to the drivers. Since the most wanted information for drivers is to know the events that already happened on the road in front of your vehicle and real-time traffic at the surrounding, the filtering process is designed to provide an instant information that covers an area of 1 km long in front of the vehicle and with 330 m wide on both sides after at least 12 times on-line adjustment on the designed parameters. In order to have a better presentation with your driving speed larger than 5 km/hr, only three instant messages are allowed to tell the driver automatically; meanwhile, other real-time messages can be selected manually on what you want at that moment.