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Paper Title

Effects of Dynamic Travel Information on Drivers' Heterogeneous Adaptation Behavior to Traffic Accidents on Expressways

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4105
  • Ying Jiang
  • Hiroshima University
  • Japan


Focusing on the individualized dynamic traffic information, this study applies a stated preference (SP) survey and a data mining technique called Exhaustive CHAID to evaluate the heterogeneous effects of the information on drivers' adaptation behavior to the occurrence of...Lead moreFocusing on the individualized dynamic traffic information, this study applies a stated preference (SP) survey and a data mining technique called Exhaustive CHAID to evaluate the heterogeneous effects of the information on drivers' adaptation behavior to the occurrence of traffic accidents in the context of expressway. Three decision scenes are targeted: before departure, on the way to expressway and on expressway. SP survey is designed to reflect the influence of each respondent's different driving experience and preference for travel information on the SP responses. Different from existing studies, several new types of traffic information are additionally examined. Taking the expressway of West NEXCO, Japan as an example, 10,000 SP responses were collected for each scene. Analyses identified about 30 adaptation patterns with considerably different influencing information contents. The importance of developing individualized traffic safety information systems is confirmed.

Paper Title

Communication and Localization in Urban Traffic Environments using IEEE 802.15.4-based WSN

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4103
  • Robert Baumbach
  • Technische Universität Dresden
  • Germany


The constantly growing amount of vehicles in urban areas leads to a more saturated condition at signalized intersections. Microscopic traffic flow optimization offers a probate solution to reducing queue length and lost time, thus increasing overall traffic flow. Gatherin...Lead moreThe constantly growing amount of vehicles in urban areas leads to a more saturated condition at signalized intersections. Microscopic traffic flow optimization offers a probate solution to reducing queue length and lost time, thus increasing overall traffic flow. Gathering sufficient input data for the optimization process is dependent on the available hardware and the used mode of transport. In this paper we suggest the usage of inexpensive 802.15.4-based wireless sensor networks (WSN) as a technology to be applicable to a broad variety of modes of transport in urban traffic environments. The WSN-nodes are capable of transmitting traffic telematics information as well as achieving a distance measurement between two equally equipped nodes. We present testing data that shows the performance of the positioning using the proposed hardware while still maintaining a communication link and transmitting data from the traffic light system to the vehicle.

Paper Title

Practical Lateral Control for Autonomous Platooning System of Heavy-Duty Trucks

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4100
  • Toshiyuki Sugimachi
  • Kobe University
  • Japan


In Japan, a new project for reducing CO2, called "Energy ITS project" has started since 2008 by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for reducing CO2 emissions. This project aims to develop techniques for the autonomous platooning of heavy-...Lead moreIn Japan, a new project for reducing CO2, called "Energy ITS project" has started since 2008 by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for reducing CO2 emissions. This project aims to develop techniques for the autonomous platooning of heavy-duty trucks to reduce their air resistance in expressway driving. Platooning needs lateral and longitudinal control. This paper describes novel lateral and longitudinal control. Lateral control method is based on path following. Longitudinal control method uses information acquired from the front and rear trucks by inter-vehicle communication. And a steering control methods using feedfoward control to deal with a road cant and a deviation from a target course by a disturbance are proposed. The experimental results of autonomous platooning are provided to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. In this experiment, the platoon is composed of four trucks, and two kind trucks are used.

Paper Title

High Throughput Routing based on SNR Prediction for Variable Mobility Nodes

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4098
  • Tsubasa Suzuki
  • Advanced Wireless Communication Research Center, The University of Electro-Communications
  • Japan


Multi-hop inter-vehicle communication is considered as one of methods for area expansion with distributed manner in ITS. In multi-hop networks, a route decision called routing for relaying packets is important. In previous research, a new routing protocol which is based o...Lead moreMulti-hop inter-vehicle communication is considered as one of methods for area expansion with distributed manner in ITS. In multi-hop networks, a route decision called routing for relaying packets is important. In previous research, a new routing protocol which is based on prediction of LET (link expiration time) has been proposed to improve the communication success probability. However, a route decided by the previous routing protocol needs a long time for transmission, because this route may have low throughput. In this paper, by using the SNR prediction based on the location and the mobility of nodes, we propose a new routing protocol. In this protocol, the delay time for satisfying the data transmission is predicted, and a route with the shortest delay time is selected. Through the computer simulation, we can confirm that the proposed routing method can achieve high end-to-end throughput and short delay compared with the conventional routing protocol.

Paper Title

A Model and Simulation of EV Use in Environments with V2H and Battery Replacement Infrastructure

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4095
  • Marat Zhanikeev
  • Kyushu Institute of Technology
  • Japan


This paper proposes a model for city-scale EV infrastructures. Recent advances both in EV battery technology and alternative battery ownership formulations have created favorable conditions for houses where EVs are used not only for commuting but also as one of the main ...Lead moreThis paper proposes a model for city-scale EV infrastructures. Recent advances both in EV battery technology and alternative battery ownership formulations have created favorable conditions for houses where EVs are used not only for commuting but also as one of the main power supplies. Power supplied by EVs is a natural complement for solar panels, where the former is the only choice at night when solar panels cannot function by definition. The proposed model is based on a system of practical considerations with the target to build simulations as close to reality as possible.

Paper Title

Design of seat-mounted ECG sensor for detecting absent-mindedness in vehicle driving

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4093
  • Japan


The causes of traffic accidents are predominantly human factors such as absent-mindedness driving. Non-contact electrocardiography monitor for continuous ECG detection while driving is needed to reduce a number of fatal accident by human error.We have designed an effectiv...Lead moreThe causes of traffic accidents are predominantly human factors such as absent-mindedness driving. Non-contact electrocardiography monitor for continuous ECG detection while driving is needed to reduce a number of fatal accident by human error.We have designed an effective circuit configuration for common noise resistance. The sensor system employed the DRL (Driven Right Leg) circuit is composed of at least two sensor head mounted into the seat cover and a electrode mounted on a steering wheel for reducing well common mode noise in cardiac electricity frequency. We have succeeded in attaining stable detection of cardiac electrical impulses during two driving conditions, stable driving at the average speed of 70km/h. In addition to that, we tried to estimate driver's absent-mindedness by ECG measured by medical equipment when driving. As the result on this trial, analysis of RRI indicates that we can detect the Driver's absent-mindedness using ECG signal.

Paper Title

Modeling En-Route Driver Diversion Behavior with Advanced Traveler Information System: A Descriptive Bayesian Approach

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4091
  • Chenfeng Xiong
  • University of Maryland
  • United States


This paper presents a Bayesian approach for modeling and calibrating drivers' en-route route changing decision with behavior data collected from laboratory driving simulators and field blue-tooth detectors. This paper presents a Bayesian approach for modeling and calibrating drivers' en-route route changing decision with behavior data collected from laboratory driving simulators and field blue-tooth detectors.

Paper Title

Smarter Mobility Integrated System: A Real Time Processing Framework for Sensor Data Aggregation, Analysis and Query

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4085
  • Chiba Tatsuhiro
  • IBM Research - Tokyo
  • Japan


By virtue of IT technology, many kinds of mobility data are available on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and many sensors generate a huge amount of data in every sub-second. Some of the big challenges for ITS infrastructure in this domain are i) data gathering, ii) da...Lead moreBy virtue of IT technology, many kinds of mobility data are available on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and many sensors generate a huge amount of data in every sub-second. Some of the big challenges for ITS infrastructure in this domain are i) data gathering, ii) data analyzing, and iii) querying in real time. By gathering, mining and querying these data in ITS infrastructure as efficiently as possible, it gives promising opportunities for many ITS applications, especially for safety of transportation. In this paper, we propose a real time processing framework for sensor data aggregation, analysis and query. The system can also have capacity from many of sensor data transport connections, scalability of real time processing for various kind of data source, and capability of querying in real time. We implement a prototype system, and evaluate the performance of capacity. Our system can handle over 10,000 messages per second from car sensor.

Paper Title

Criterion-shift in a complex visual environment as function of location of information in the visual field and as function of age

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4084
  • Marino Menozzi
  • ETH Zurich
  • Switzerland


We investigated effects of location of information in the visual field and of age on criterion adopted in a visual detection task carried out in a complex visual environment as seen by car drivers. Criterion was recorded in 150 healthy participants with ages between 15 y ...Lead moreWe investigated effects of location of information in the visual field and of age on criterion adopted in a visual detection task carried out in a complex visual environment as seen by car drivers. Criterion was recorded in 150 healthy participants with ages between 15 y and 67 y. Results show a significant effect of location on adopted criterion when detecting and processing visual information. In visual periphery, participants adopted a more conservative criterion as was the case in the central visual field. With increasing age, a more conservative criterion was adopted. We conclude that costs for wrong decision were rated higher in the peripheral task than was the case for the task in the central visual field. This conclusion has implications in the design of information layout in augmented reality systems used in cars. Also we conclude that drivers could benefit from assistant systems detecting and processing peripheral information.

Paper Title

Accelerating Large-Scale Distributed Traffic Simulation with Adaptive Synchronization Method

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4083
  • Toyotaro Suzumura
  • IBM Research
  • Japan


In the era where traffic problems are critical for realizing smarter cities, large-scale and real-time traffic simulations are becoming important. To enable such a simulation in highly distributed environment such as supercomputers, we have built a microscopic traffic sim...Lead moreIn the era where traffic problems are critical for realizing smarter cities, large-scale and real-time traffic simulations are becoming important. To enable such a simulation in highly distributed environment such as supercomputers, we have built a microscopic traffic simulator called Megaffic on top of an X10-based distributed agent-based simulation framework. In this paper, we propose a new approach that accelerates large-scale agent-based simulations by adaptively adjusting synchronization granularity. The tradeoff exists in that the precision of the simulation result might be lost to some extent, however we design our method in a way of not losing the precision as much as possible. In our experiment, we have used 192 CPU cores and the Tokyo road network data in a supercomputer and validated that our proposed method achieves at least 2.5 times speed-ups without sacrificing much precision.

Paper Title

Self-Learning Algorithm and Signal State Prognosis at Traffic Lights for V2I-Applications

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4081
  • Thomas Otto
  • GEVAS software Austria
  • Austria


V2I applications are increasingly getting into the focus of traffic optimization. Especially in urban areas the traffic lights affect the traffic flow substantially. An exchange of information on remaining green- or redtimes of the signal groups and an information about t...Lead moreV2I applications are increasingly getting into the focus of traffic optimization. Especially in urban areas the traffic lights affect the traffic flow substantially. An exchange of information on remaining green- or redtimes of the signal groups and an information about the optimal speed for a green wave promise large effects in terms of Level of Service. Especially at adaptive traffic lights the prognosis of switching times is not trivial. This paper presents a self-learning algorithm for signal plans in combination with a prognosis algorithm for switching times of traffic lights at fixed-time and also of adaptive signalization. It shows areas of application and ways of visualization. Most of the results knowledge is based on the Austrian project SHARE.

Paper Title

Demonstration of a cooperative system for freight

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4078
  • Solveig Meland
  • Norway


Trucks are important contributors to urban environmental challenges related to emissions of pollutants and noise. Allowing heavy vehicles to keep a constant speed level, if possible keeping them out of queues, or moving queues to less unfavourable areas, are measures to r...Lead moreTrucks are important contributors to urban environmental challenges related to emissions of pollutants and noise. Allowing heavy vehicles to keep a constant speed level, if possible keeping them out of queues, or moving queues to less unfavourable areas, are measures to reduce local pollution in urban areas. The GOFER project idea is to develop concepts which facilitate control and management of heavy freight vehicles, much the same way as the air control manages airplanes approaching or leaving an airport. This requires acceptance from all stakeholders, and demands the establishing of a win-win-situation, where all participants benefit. The system requirements for such concepts are legio and challenging, but emerging technologies, solutions and data sources contribute to the realism of such concepts being realized.

Paper Title

Fuzzy Inference-based Self-tuning of Steering Control Gains For Heavy-duty Trucks

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4076
  • Takuma Ario
  • Kobe University
  • Japan


As the number of automobiles in use worldwide increases, the number of associated serious environmental and safety problems also increases. A solution to these problems is an autonomous platooning system for trucks, which is expected to have various effects such as reduct...Lead moreAs the number of automobiles in use worldwide increases, the number of associated serious environmental and safety problems also increases. A solution to these problems is an autonomous platooning system for trucks, which is expected to have various effects such as reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and increase in traffic capacity. Although various control lows have been proposed for automated driving, control gains are typically tuned manually. The optimal values change owing to the freight or over a period of several years. Therefore, when the control performance decreases, gain tuning is again required. In this study, we propose a fuzzy inference-based self-tuning method of steering control gains, which leverages the relationship between the meander cycle/amplitude of a vehicle and control gains. Its effectiveness is experimentally evaluated.

Paper Title

Offset optimization to maximize green-time overlap considering a platoon for network signal control

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4074
  • Hiromasa Niimi
  • Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


In order to reduce congestion in arterial roads, many researches on corridor traffic signal control for arterial roads have been extensively performed. However, it is difficult to apply those signal control method to urban road network in which most of the links are major...Lead moreIn order to reduce congestion in arterial roads, many researches on corridor traffic signal control for arterial roads have been extensively performed. However, it is difficult to apply those signal control method to urban road network in which most of the links are major roads and none of them has priority for traffic control to one another. To solve the congestion problems in urban road network, we would like to propose an algorithm to optimize offset value of each intersection by considering boundary conditions of offset values at adjacent intersections and platoons. A proposed algorithm maximizes the overlap of green-time among adjacent intersections where traveling time of each link should be considered to estimate the green-time overlap and to predict platoons. Traffic simulations were performed using VISSIM, and the proposed algorithm was proved to improve the traffic efficiency. In this paper, simulations were done in the conditions of under-saturated traffics.

Paper Title

Concepts of traffic management system and participation policy for intelligent vehicles

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4073
  • Ricardo Reghelin
  • Brazil


This paper presents theoretical concepts of a proposed microscopic centralized management system of intelligent vehicles transiting on the road system network. The main benefits are presented including the possibilities of a traffic optimization. A participation policy in...Lead moreThis paper presents theoretical concepts of a proposed microscopic centralized management system of intelligent vehicles transiting on the road system network. The main benefits are presented including the possibilities of a traffic optimization. A participation policy in order to make drivers join the full automated system is also proposed. A comparison between two options is presented: mandatory participation through governmental regulation or making the system attractive by offering benefits, such as rewards program. The conflicting of overtaking order in traffic is discussed. An individual priority level assign to each vehicle is proposed that can be evaluated and then market traded.

Paper Title

Classify 3D Point Cloud Using Relationship Descriptor

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4067
  • Yiming Liu
  • Department of Information and Communication Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo
  • Japan


We propose a system utilizing the both advantages of top-down and bottom-up frameworks to fulfill the task of classify structured objects in the surrounding environment. First, the 3D point clouds are segmented into lots of regions with one of the three geometric primitiv...Lead moreWe propose a system utilizing the both advantages of top-down and bottom-up frameworks to fulfill the task of classify structured objects in the surrounding environment. First, the 3D point clouds are segmented into lots of regions with one of the three geometric primitives: plane, line and scatter. This step can be seen as a preliminary classification. Then, these regions are sent to a learned Markov Networks to give them object labels. To represent the edge in the Markov Network, we developed a feature called relationship descriptor which indicates the structured relationship between geometric primitives. The experiment result showed the effectiveness of this feature for classifying structured objects in urban environment.

Paper Title

Automated Courier Transport System using Public Transport: Use of ITS-aided Robots

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4065
  • Tomoyuki Yamamoto
  • CiNet/NICT
  • Japan


A concept for new modal shift method using automated transferring and rail transportation is proposed. The problems of rail transport were long exchanging time, large container size, and slow train speed. Firstly, the proposed system aims to improve usability of rail tran...Lead moreA concept for new modal shift method using automated transferring and rail transportation is proposed. The problems of rail transport were long exchanging time, large container size, and slow train speed. Firstly, the proposed system aims to improve usability of rail transport for quick transferring and shorten delivery time, as comparable as that of passenger. Second, we assume target system not bulk transport but courier service of small packet where handling unit is wheeled cage box where automated transfer made easy. Finally, we assume to use same vehicle as the passenger train where the axle weight is similar to run fast. The key technology is to use ITS-based robots and multilevel routing system where flexible handling is realized and scalability is expected. Feasibility analyses show that the system is physically and economically feasible and Japanese rail system has sufficient capacity.

Paper Title

Study of Vehicle All-in-One System with Single Camera

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4064
  • Yi-Feng Su
  • Automotive Research & Testing Center
  • Chinese Taipei


The objective of this research is to develop a camera-based driver assistance system with lane departure warning (LDW) and forward collision warning (FCW) functions, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS), virtual image display, and coordinate conversion technology. The inp...Lead moreThe objective of this research is to develop a camera-based driver assistance system with lane departure warning (LDW) and forward collision warning (FCW) functions, adaptive front-lighting system (AFS), virtual image display, and coordinate conversion technology. The input image captured by the single camera is used to recognize the lane and the preceding vehicle positions through image detection. The system prevents danger from occurring by providing real-time auditory warnings and information of virtual image display when the vehicle is deviating from the lane or is unwittingly driven too close to the preceding vehicle. During nighttime, in addition to the foregoing warning functions, the system is able to control the bending of the headlights to provide immediate illumination when making a turn. The experimental results show that the all-in-one system with single front camera is robust and can perform lane detection, vehicle detection, and road curvature calculation in most environments.

Paper Title

Utilizing Machine-to-Machine Communication for Speeding Alerts and Enforcement Augmentation

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4063
  • Ching-Yao Chan
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • United States


The advancements in wireless communication have become a tremendous enabler for the implementation of a multitude of safety and mobility applications in transportation. This paper reports an innovative and unconventional solution of a speed alert and enforcement system th...Lead moreThe advancements in wireless communication have become a tremendous enabler for the implementation of a multitude of safety and mobility applications in transportation. This paper reports an innovative and unconventional solution of a speed alert and enforcement system that relies on the use of machine-to-machine communication. Specifically, 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) and cellular communication are utilized to transmit real-time information to enable interface with driers and enforcement officers. Through the combinational use of advanced sensing devices, image processing, wireless communication, and computing platforms, a system is developed with the goal of offering enhanced feedback to influence driver behaviors and to bring about safety impacts.

Paper Title

A Robust Traffic Light Detection Algorithm Based on Computer Vision

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4062
  • Bo Zou
  • Neusoft Corporation
  • China


The traffic light detection system is one of the important components in Electronic Police. Early system need to connect traffic light controller, due to the cost and complexity of implementation, this method has been replaced by computer vision technique gradually. Howev...Lead moreThe traffic light detection system is one of the important components in Electronic Police. Early system need to connect traffic light controller, due to the cost and complexity of implementation, this method has been replaced by computer vision technique gradually. However, although this subject in the vision field has been researched for many years, there are still numbers of challenges to affect the detection accuracy because of various outdoor environments and limitations of monitoring camera. To solve these issues, we present an adaptive traffic light detection system based on video sequences in this paper. This system locates traffic lights by Haar classifier firstly, and then utilizes HSL color model and spatial-temporal information to recognize states of signal lights. The results from 1000 videos at 130 actual intersections in different environment show that the proposed method is robust and effective.

Paper Title

Gigabit Optical Transmission Using Step-Index Hard Polymer Cladding Fiber Cord for Vehicles

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4059
  • Aiba Takamitsu
  • Ibaraki University
  • Japan


We evaluated gigabit transmission characteristics of a step-index hard polymer cladding fiber (SI-HPCF) cord which has high flexibility and heat resistance for vehicles. First, we measured the fiber length dependence of transmission bandwidth under some launching conditio...Lead moreWe evaluated gigabit transmission characteristics of a step-index hard polymer cladding fiber (SI-HPCF) cord which has high flexibility and heat resistance for vehicles. First, we measured the fiber length dependence of transmission bandwidth under some launching conditions, and also evaluated the bending and thermal characteristics of the transmission bandwidth. Then, we compared the measurement results of transmission bandwidth with calculated ones based on theoretical model, and we found that the mode coupling coefficient of SI-HPCF cord was very small. In addition, as a result of our experimental evaluation of the eye diagram and bit error rate in some gigabit transmission rates, we confirmed good waveform of eye diagram and low power penalty. It is shown that the optical link system with SI-HPCF cord is adaptive to gigabit transmission.

Paper Title

A Traffic Demand Forecasting Model for Internal Junction in a Multi-Level Bus Terminal with RFID Monitoring Systems

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4058
  • Chien-Hung Wei
  • National Cheng Kung University
  • Chinese Taipei


Taipei Bus Station is the first multi-level-platform bus terminal and hub launched in the heart of Taipei metropolitan area. Different from OASIS21 in Nagoya and Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City, significant congestion has been experienced during peak periods ...Lead moreTaipei Bus Station is the first multi-level-platform bus terminal and hub launched in the heart of Taipei metropolitan area. Different from OASIS21 in Nagoya and Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City, significant congestion has been experienced during peak periods at a T-junction in the terminal due to the multi-level structure. Based on the findings for this issue of an analytical signal control model developed by Wei et al. (2011), a traffic demand forecasting model is needed to upgrade the existing pre-timed control strategy to adaptive control level. Artificial neural network approach is employed for constructing the demand forecasting model taking into account the relevant traffic flow information provided by the RFID readers embedded in the terminal monitoring systems. The results show that separate forecasting models for peak and non-peak periods would be desirable for both directions.

Paper Title

Developing Real-time Queue Estimation Model with Dynamic Capacity based on Shock Wave analysis

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4055
  • Jing Cao
  • University of Alberta
  • Canada


The authors propose a time-space discrete macroscopic model to estimate real-time queue length at an active freeway bottleneck on the basis of shock wave theory. The analysis of the queue is carried out using a VISSIM-simulated scenario where a shock wave is present. This...Lead moreThe authors propose a time-space discrete macroscopic model to estimate real-time queue length at an active freeway bottleneck on the basis of shock wave theory. The analysis of the queue is carried out using a VISSIM-simulated scenario where a shock wave is present. This micro-simulation functions as a substitute for the real world traffic system. The proposed model includes a dynamic discharge capacity and queue density. The authors proved the discharge capacity is a very sensitive parameter for estimating the queue by calibrating the optimal discharge flow rate. In developing this model, the initial condition of the onset of the queue is proposed and makes the estimated duration of queue more reliable. By comparing the queue length in VISSIM with the results from the base model and the proposed model, this study reveals that the queue estimation by the proposed model is more accurate than the base model.

Paper Title

Analysis of Road Users Perceptions to Radio Traffic Information in Lahore, Pakistan

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4054
  • Muhammad Javid
  • Yokohama National University
  • Japan


Provision of advance traffic information to travelers about traffic conditions on roads has become an important task in developing countries where literacy level, accessibility and affordability of travelers are critical issues. Insufficient financial and technical resour...Lead moreProvision of advance traffic information to travelers about traffic conditions on roads has become an important task in developing countries where literacy level, accessibility and affordability of travelers are critical issues. Insufficient financial and technical resources are also important matters in deciding nature of advance traffic information system. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the potential and effects of radio traffic information on traveler’s trip making and their future preferences with it. This traffic radio provides information for the road users during congestion and un-expected traffic restrictions on roads. Survey results reveal that such simple audio traffic information media is very important in making effective trip choices i.e. route, departure time and mode. Results of structural equation modeling depict that future preferences are strongly related to current listening propensity and satisfaction with service quality. This study would be helpful to make necessary improvements in service quality of traffic radio.

Paper Title

The Effects Of Changes In Passenger Habit With The Real-Time Transit Information Service

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4043
  • Jin-Yuan Wang
  • National Chiao Tung University
  • Chinese Taipei


Unlike former research used the passengers' behavior or surveys at particular times as its basis for evaluation the real-time transit information services. This research uses long duration bus user behavior data and survival analysis to determine the real-time transit inf...Lead moreUnlike former research used the passengers' behavior or surveys at particular times as its basis for evaluation the real-time transit information services. This research uses long duration bus user behavior data and survival analysis to determine the real-time transit information services has significant influence on the possibility of passengers discontinued use of buses. In this paper we not only found the risk that passengers who used the real-time transit information discontinued use of buses was merely 32.9% of the risk for those who did not use real-time transit information service, but it also helped improve the duration in which passengers take a public transport system as their main transport means.

Paper Title

A Robust Vehicle Tracking for Real-time Traffic Surveillance

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4042
  • Bo Zou
  • Neusoft Corporation
  • China


Vehicle tracking, as one of the important steps in traffic surveillance, has intensively been studied in the past decades. Although numerous approaches have been proposed, robust tracking of moving vehicles remains a huge challenge. Difficulties arise due to complex road ...Lead moreVehicle tracking, as one of the important steps in traffic surveillance, has intensively been studied in the past decades. Although numerous approaches have been proposed, robust tracking of moving vehicles remains a huge challenge. Difficulties arise due to complex road context, various lighting and different weather conditions. Besides, multiple targets, occlusion and high speed driving are also key things to be dealt with in Red Light Camera. In this paper, a recently developed Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) approach is used for tracking vehicles under these challenging conditions. Meanwhile, we improve several strategies for multi-target tracking and long-term occlusion. The proposed algorithm has been tested in Red Light Camera. The results from 217 red light cameras on 53 intersections demonstrate that the proposed approach is feasible and effective for vehicle tracking.

Paper Title

Interactive Local Road Weather Services through VANET-capable Road Weather Station

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4039
  • Timo Sukuvaara
  • Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • Finland


The European Eureka/Celtic Plus project CoMoSeF (Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future) creates co-operative mobility solutions, devices & applications feasible for large scale deployment and supporting international and national ITS strategies. The project aims t...Lead moreThe European Eureka/Celtic Plus project CoMoSeF (Co-operative Mobility Services of the Future) creates co-operative mobility solutions, devices & applications feasible for large scale deployment and supporting international and national ITS strategies. The project aims to create co-operative mobility solutions (including devices and applications), feasible for large scale deployment that support the objectives of the European Commission's ITS Action Plan and national ITS strategies. In practice this means communication system between vehicles and vehicles and infrastructure, employing interactive example services related to safety and weather information exchange. In this paper we present Finnish Meteorological Institute approach to employ CoMoSef vehicular networking entity to provide route weather information for vehicles bypassing our combined Road Weather Station/Road Side Unit. Route weather is a special type of weather service tailored for dedicated road stretches, based on a road weather model and data collected from local RWSs and from vehicles themselves.

Paper Title

Utilization of Spatio-temporal image for LED array acquisition in Road to Vehicle Visible Light Communication

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4038
  • Syunsuke Usui
  • Nagoya University
  • Japan


In this paper, we focus attention on visible light communication systems using an LED array as a transmitter and a high-speed camera as a receiver for road-to-vehicle communications (R2V-VLC) in intelligent transport systems. To implement R2V-VLC, it is necessary for the ...Lead moreIn this paper, we focus attention on visible light communication systems using an LED array as a transmitter and a high-speed camera as a receiver for road-to-vehicle communications (R2V-VLC) in intelligent transport systems. To implement R2V-VLC, it is necessary for the receiver to search the target LED array from the captured images (LED array acquisition) before data demodulation. We propose a new approach for LED array acquisition. We focus on spatio-temporal image and spatio-temporal cross-section image and show LED array in the spatio-temporal image has high time-gradient value and low space-gradient value. Using such characteristic gradient values, we propose new LED array acquisition method. As the results of the experiment in driving situation, we can achieve acquisition miss rate = 0%.

Paper Title

Urban Road Extraction on the DSM Data based-on ART, Hough Transform and B-Spline

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4037
  • Darlis Herumurti
  • Kumamoto University
  • Japan


In this work, we describe an approach of road extraction in urban area. In urban area, the road is dominant and surrounding the buildings. In aerial photo, the building shadow is the main problem for road extraction. In this case, we use Digital Surface Model, which is ba...Lead moreIn this work, we describe an approach of road extraction in urban area. In urban area, the road is dominant and surrounding the buildings. In aerial photo, the building shadow is the main problem for road extraction. In this case, we use Digital Surface Model, which is based-on the elevation of land surface, to minimize this problem. We employ the thresholding approach to extract the road in an instant. We propose the threshold selection based on ART clustering in the geometrical histogram point and combined with the Hough transform as the cluster evaluation. This thresholding is for extracting the candidate road. The region growing is then carried out to expand the road, followed by morphology operation to fill the holes and remove large area. Finally, the road lines are constructed based on the b-spline curve. The experiment result shows that the proposed method improves the quality with a good performance.

Paper Title

Cognitive Vision for Driving Environment Categorization Using Network-Type Fusion

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4036
  • Toshio Ito
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Japan


For the next-generation active safety technology of a car, it is important that the car itself understands front driving environment autonomously. Therefore, we are examining cognitive vision which categorizes the front driving environment using an on-board monocular visi...Lead moreFor the next-generation active safety technology of a car, it is important that the car itself understands front driving environment autonomously. Therefore, we are examining cognitive vision which categorizes the front driving environment using an on-board monocular vision system. Our approach is not that of categorization about the environment by complicated image processing, but that of categorization by the network state of the simple image processing modules. We modularize some simple image processing and make a fusion network by mutual evaluation, immune network, between these modules. Then, we associate the network state and the driving environment. In this paper, we show the validity of this method by the lane judging of a preceding car as an example of an experiment.

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Study on Driver Assistance System with Smartphones

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4035
  • Sumi Kaio
  • Meijo University
  • Japan


The growth of smartphones continues to be on the rise because of its slim, lightweight and user friendly features. It has multiple wireless features such as Wi-Fi and GPS, and advanced motion sensor fusion, which enables us to collect positioning information of user, is a...Lead moreThe growth of smartphones continues to be on the rise because of its slim, lightweight and user friendly features. It has multiple wireless features such as Wi-Fi and GPS, and advanced motion sensor fusion, which enables us to collect positioning information of user, is also integrated. Utilizing its devices, the concept of "Total LIFE Support System(TLIFES)" which can detect detailed user behavior and watch it from a distant place has been proposed. This study is focused on the methods to detect driver activities and evaluate risk level according to hands-on situation that TLIFES also assumes.

Paper Title

Power Split Strategy for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Driving Pattern Recognition and Genetic Algorithm

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4032
  • Nicolas Denis
  • Sherbrooke University
  • Canada


Hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (HEV and PHEV) represent one of the best alternatives to conventional engine propelled vehicles since they are able to increase both autonomy and fuel economy. Such vehicles require a high level control in order to establish the...Lead moreHybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (HEV and PHEV) represent one of the best alternatives to conventional engine propelled vehicles since they are able to increase both autonomy and fuel economy. Such vehicles require a high level control in order to establish the power split decision that minimizes fuel consumption while maintaining drivability. Since fuel consumption greatly depends on road type, this paper proposes a power split strategy which benefit from information on current and previous driving conditions. Based on the Dynamic Programming (DP) work, a chosen set of control parameters were optimized on specific driving cycles using Genetic Algorithm (GA). A driving pattern recognition module using a KNN classifier is then used to select the specific driving pattern, and consequently the relevant set of parameters, that fit the most with the driving conditions. The efficiency of the proposed controller is demonstrated through simulations and experiments.

Paper Title

An Energy Management System Using Trip Information and Fuzzy Logic for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4031
  • Nicolas Denis
  • Sherbrooke University
  • Canada


The growing interest in reducing fuel consumption and gas emissions make the automotive industries to innovate in the field of hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (HEV and PHEV). The two embedded power sources in these vehicles require an intelligent controller in...Lead moreThe growing interest in reducing fuel consumption and gas emissions make the automotive industries to innovate in the field of hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (HEV and PHEV). The two embedded power sources in these vehicles require an intelligent controller in order to take the decision on the power distribution. Actually these controllers, often called energy management systems (EMS), are very important and greatly influence the achievable fuel economy. Many authors studied the possibility of fuzzy based systems as they have proved to be robust, reliable and simple. However, they demonstrate a lack of optimality because their conception is more focused on vehicle characteristics rather than driving conditions. This paper proposes an approach that uses a fuzzy system fed with driving condition information in order to increase effectiveness of the controller in every situation. The efficiency of the proposed controller is demonstrated through simulations and experiments.

Paper Title

A Framework of Autonomous Electric Vehicle with Advanced Motion Control Based on the Integration of GPS Receiver and On-board Dynamic Sensors

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4029
  • Binh Minh Nguyen
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


This paper presents an integrated framework of autonomous electric vehicle with advanced motion control. The advanced motion control is designed based on the fusion of GPS data and driving dynamic sensors. In order to achieve long-term stability and accuracy vehicle state...Lead moreThis paper presents an integrated framework of autonomous electric vehicle with advanced motion control. The advanced motion control is designed based on the fusion of GPS data and driving dynamic sensors. In order to achieve long-term stability and accuracy vehicle state estimation, Kalman filter is utilized to unify the positive characteristics of both GPS and dynamic sensors. The framework is organized as the combination of different local controls, such as lateral traction control, longitudinal traction control, and heading angle control.

Paper Title

A Hierarchical Traffic Management Framework with Multiple Survivability Classes for Vehicular Networks

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4028
  • Chih-Wei (Mark) Hsu
  • Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • Chinese Taipei


This paper proposes a hierarchical traffic management framework to support multiple survivability classes for vehicular network. Using different fault recovery schemes, the framework contains three survivability classes and four traffic management phases. Through this fra...Lead moreThis paper proposes a hierarchical traffic management framework to support multiple survivability classes for vehicular network. Using different fault recovery schemes, the framework contains three survivability classes and four traffic management phases. Through this framework, network providers can effectively utilize network resources and provide differentiated services to meet service demands from network users. The framework uses an optimization method (we called CPLEX method) to find the best formulation solution, including optimization problem formulation of multi-survivability and an optimization software package. The analysis results show that the CPLEX method improves thrice the network capacity compared to the traditional CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First) method.

Paper Title

Development of Multimodal Stimulus Detection Task for Assessing Mental Workload associated with Operating In-Vehicle Information Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4024
  • Takahiro Ishikawa
  • Japan


The aim of this study was to develop a multimodal stimulus detection task (MSDT) as a performance-based assessment of drivers' mental workload associated with operating in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). In this study participants drove using a driving simulator (DS),...Lead moreThe aim of this study was to develop a multimodal stimulus detection task (MSDT) as a performance-based assessment of drivers' mental workload associated with operating in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). In this study participants drove using a driving simulator (DS), and performed some attention-demanding subsidiary tasks on visual-manual operations of IVIS and MSDT. In MSDT the participants perceive one of a visual stimulus, a tactile stimulus or an auditory stimulus in a random order and immediately press a button on the steering wheel. The reaction time and the detection error rate reflected the levels of IVIS operation tasks. Moreover, there were some differences between the response to the visual stimulus and the response to the tactile or the auditory stimulus. These results indicated that MSDT had the potential to evaluate the mental workload associated with IVIS operations during driving, quantitatively and qualitatively.

Paper Title

Development of a Car-Following Tendency Prediction Method and Its Application to a Forward Collision Warning System

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4022
  • Hirofumi Aoki
  • Nagoya University
  • Japan


It is important to understand the driver’s car-following tendency to enhance the effectiveness as well as the acceptance of advanced driving support systems. If a system can estimate the driver’s usual car-following tendency, it can provide avoidance support matched to h...Lead moreIt is important to understand the driver’s car-following tendency to enhance the effectiveness as well as the acceptance of advanced driving support systems. If a system can estimate the driver’s usual car-following tendency, it can provide avoidance support matched to his/her sense of normal safety driving when the vehicle is approaching a preceding one. Since the car-following tendency varies not only between drivers but also within a driver by the feeling and/or the driving environment, real-time estimation is required. This study introduces a method that can easily predict the car-following tendency. The method uses such parameters as the throttle-pedal released timing and the braking timing that were found to be correlated from the naturalistic driving data analysis. It was found that the method can predict the car-following tendency within a short distance. We applied the method to a forward collision warning system and confirmed the potential benefit of the system.

Paper Title

Impedance inverter based analysis of wireless power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling for charging moving electric vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4021
  • Kim Ean Koh
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


Wireless power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling is widely researched for various applications especially for charging electric vehicles. In order to reduce the dependency on battery capacity, charging while the vehicle is moving may be a solution. Wireless power tr...Lead moreWireless power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling is widely researched for various applications especially for charging electric vehicles. In order to reduce the dependency on battery capacity, charging while the vehicle is moving may be a solution. Wireless power transfer lane is constructed by embedding the transmitters and repeaters beneath the road to provide charging coverage to certain distance. The actual system will consists of arbitrary number of repeaters and receivers and therefore conventional equivalent circuit analysis will be complex. In this paper, a new and simplied analysis method using impedance inverter representation is proposed to investigate the feasibility of charging lane

Paper Title

Brake Operation Algorithm of Driver Model in Simulation

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4019
  • Kazumoto Morita
  • National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
  • Japan


The authors are developing a simulation program to evaluate the effect of preventive safety assistance systems. In the program, a driver model conducts brake operation to avoid a collision. Whether the brake pedal force is appropriately calculated relates to the accuracy ...Lead moreThe authors are developing a simulation program to evaluate the effect of preventive safety assistance systems. In the program, a driver model conducts brake operation to avoid a collision. Whether the brake pedal force is appropriately calculated relates to the accuracy of the simulation. In the process there are two factors to be determined; the braking timing and the brake pedal force after starting brake operation. To establish the algorithms for these factors, we analyzed several experimental results concerning driving behaviors and obtained necessary equations including the inverse of Time to Collision (iTTC) and correction term to calculate the timing and the pedal force, respectively. These algorithms can assure the high-reproduction fidelity of our simulation program.

Paper Title

Accuracy of Travel Distance Calculation Based on GNSS Technology

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 4018
  • Shoichi SUZUKI
  • National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, MLIT, Japan
  • Japan


It is necessary for implementation of travel demand management measures, providing incentives or disincentives to drivers based on vehicles' mileage from perspective of mitigating urban traffic congestions or preserving energy resource and living environment, to calculate...Lead moreIt is necessary for implementation of travel demand management measures, providing incentives or disincentives to drivers based on vehicles' mileage from perspective of mitigating urban traffic congestions or preserving energy resource and living environment, to calculate the mileage of each vehicle by some device and methodology. This paper illustrates the outlines and results of a fundamental experiment in Japan validating accuracies of vehicle mileage which have been calculated based on Global Navigation Satellite System technologies by several methodologies using multiple devices such as smart-phones and ITS Spot compatible OBU. Some possible factors which have influence on mileage calculation such as vehicle's driving behaviors also have been examined in the experiment.