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Paper Title

Quantifying Route Quality through Viability Indices using Actual Travel Time Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3163
  • Jeong-il Son
  • Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology
  • Korea


This paper explores route viability using real-time link travel time data obtained from Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) devices in Daegu City, South Korea. The purpose of this study was to quantify the quality of alternative routes by explicitly considering rou...Lead moreThis paper explores route viability using real-time link travel time data obtained from Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) devices in Daegu City, South Korea. The purpose of this study was to quantify the quality of alternative routes by explicitly considering route travel time variability. To demonstrate the practical implication of the proposed route viability, a few origin and destination pairs were selected, the distributions of shortest travel time routes (i.e., the best and the second best routes) were generated, and the viability of the shortest routes were compared on the basis of the viability index. It was found that the shortest route based on average travel time is not always the best route due to travel time variability as such viability index will help travelers understand the quality of the routes.

Paper Title

Long-Term Experiment of the ECOLOG Database Capability of Estimating V2X Effect Replacing with EVs

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3162
  • Takashi Tomii
  • Yokohama National University
  • Japan


We have constructed a database (DB) that contains daily logs of moving information acquired by simple sensors placed on vehicles. Electric energy consumption is estimated from those logs by the power model of electric vehicle (EV), in that sense, we named the DB as ECOLOG...Lead moreWe have constructed a database (DB) that contains daily logs of moving information acquired by simple sensors placed on vehicles. Electric energy consumption is estimated from those logs by the power model of electric vehicle (EV), in that sense, we named the DB as ECOLOG DB, standing for Energy Consumption Log. By using appropriate queries for the DB, it is realized that various estimations of some effects by replacing EVs are performed quantitatively. From the viewpoint of vehicle to X (V2X) application, quantitative amount of movable electric energy can be estimated by a query. We constructed a prototype system, and we have performed long term experiment for 18 months.

Paper Title

Estimation of a Driver's Stress based on Steering Admittance Measurement

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3161
  • Hiroki Nakamura
  • Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
  • Japan


To improve the performance of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, the system should be adaptive to the change of conditions of drivers. To achieve this we need to be able to get accurate, non-evasive estimates of driver neuromuscular admittance. From previous researches, ...Lead moreTo improve the performance of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, the system should be adaptive to the change of conditions of drivers. To achieve this we need to be able to get accurate, non-evasive estimates of driver neuromuscular admittance. From previous researches, correlation between grip strength and driver's stress is shown. Also, correlation between human admittance and grip strength is shown. From these two facts, estimation of admittance can be used for non-evasive estimation of driver's stress. In this research a method of admittance measurement using sensors of power steering system is proposed and its performance is examined through an experiment using driving simulator. Admittance is estimated from measured feedback torque of power steering and steering wheel angle, and its feasibility is shown in case of highway entrance and passing situations.

Paper Title

Utilizing Probe information for the signal controls

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3160
  • Masayuki KUROSAWA
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
  • Japan


As Probe technology is expected as the system of the next traffic information provider, car
navigation companies mainly experiment with them to be put to practical use. Today automobile
makers, car navigation companies and taxi companies are collecting and accumulat...Lead more
As Probe technology is expected as the system of the next traffic information provider, car
navigation companies mainly experiment with them to be put to practical use. Today automobile
makers, car navigation companies and taxi companies are collecting and accumulating Probe
information. Making traffic information tries to provide vast area and the road manager of Ministry
of land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism begins to collect it.
In this report to get over the problem, we will make use of the huge private sector's collection and
accumulation of Probe information first in Japan. And then we will make the signal control
sophisticate and will experiment so that we can make the signal control high and so that we may get
the parameter of the precision better etc. That is, we will introduce it.

Paper Title

Demonstration of Regional-Traffic-Information Feedback System for Promoting Environmentally Conscious and Efficient Traffic-Related Behavior

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3159
  • Akira Mitsuyasu
  • Pacific Consultants Co.,Ltd.
  • Japan


In this study, we develop a system to promote more environmentally conscious traffic-related behavior by raising awareness of environmental conditions by providing regional traffic information in an easy-to-understand manner. The traffic information includes traffic condi...Lead moreIn this study, we develop a system to promote more environmentally conscious traffic-related behavior by raising awareness of environmental conditions by providing regional traffic information in an easy-to-understand manner. The traffic information includes traffic conditions and the CO2 concentration in the air, which change with time and location. A demonstration to verify the effectiveness of the information providing system and methods of evaluating its efficacy are reported in this paper. We will evaluate behavioral modification using the travel records of the participants in the demonstration and the acceptability of information provided by our services using the records of access through applications on, for example, smartphones, by the participants.

Paper Title

Expansion of FAST into Tokyo Metropolitan Area

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3158
  • Yuuko KATOU
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
  • Japan


For the purpose of reducing response time of police cars rushing to scenes and preventing accidents, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department(MPD) deployed the fast emergency vehicle preemption system (FAST), which went into service in 2001. This system consists of in-ve...Lead moreFor the purpose of reducing response time of police cars rushing to scenes and preventing accidents, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department(MPD) deployed the fast emergency vehicle preemption system (FAST), which went into service in 2001. This system consists of in-vehicle devices mounted on emergency vehicles and roadside infrared beacons which detect emergency vehicles passing beneath them to allow the Traffic Control System predict travel time of police cars and conduct priority control of traffic signals on their route.
The MPD decided to expand the area controlled by this FAST into the whole Tokyo Metropolitan Area in a period between 2010 and to significantly increase the number of subject emergency vehicles including ambulances. This paper reports the priority control method in the whole Tokyo Metropolitan Area and effect of its control.

Paper Title

Fading characteristic modeling of V2V communication at 700MHz band and the system margin design

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3156
  • Masahiro Suneya
  • Mazda Motor Corporation
  • Japan


To realize reliable V2V communication system, it is significant to design the system margin which is defined as the difference between received signal power and receiver sensitivity. This requires the prediction of received signal power variation. Propagation loss and fad...Lead moreTo realize reliable V2V communication system, it is significant to design the system margin which is defined as the difference between received signal power and receiver sensitivity. This requires the prediction of received signal power variation. Propagation loss and fading characteristics which determine the received signal power fluctuation again vary with respect to driving environments. In this paper, we show that the modeling method by Nakagami-m distribution, in which the factor m is determined by maximum likelihood estimation enables designing the system margin with high accuracy.

Paper Title

Development of a Simulator for One-way EV Sharing Service

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3155
  • Keiko Shimazaki
  • TOYOTA InfoTechnology CENTER Co., Ltd.
  • Japan


One-way EV sharing has a potential to make first and last mile traffic more convenient and to increase the modal share of public transportation, which turns out to reduce traffic jam in urban area and total CO2 emission. Such service, however, poses a couple of challenges...Lead moreOne-way EV sharing has a potential to make first and last mile traffic more convenient and to increase the modal share of public transportation, which turns out to reduce traffic jam in urban area and total CO2 emission. Such service, however, poses a couple of challenges to service operators: spatial and temporal bias of demand due to one-way short trip, and electrical charge management. Therefore, we have developed a simulator for one-way EV sharing service to examine effects of operational parameters to service beforehand. The simulator uses a event-driven state transition model and requires information of demand and distribution of resources including vehicles, parking facilities and staffs to output evaluation indices of service rate, frequency of use, revenue and expenditure. The simulator is applied to the EV sharing service in Toyota City Low-Carbon Society Verification Project.

Paper Title

Development of an Automatic Detection and Alarm System of Traffic Control for Drivers Using Real-time Analysis of Pictures on Cellular Phone Handsets

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3154
  • Yokota Masatoshi
  • East Nippon Expressway way co.,LTD
  • Japan


A smart phone is a device that can be utilized as a terminal equipped with an onboard camera (sensor) for processing and providing information. Using such a smart phone as a sensor and information provision terminal, the authors developed a safe-driving support system (ap...Lead moreA smart phone is a device that can be utilized as a terminal equipped with an onboard camera (sensor) for processing and providing information. Using such a smart phone as a sensor and information provision terminal, the authors developed a safe-driving support system (application) for drivers. In this system, risks are automatically judged by applying image processing technology to pictures taken by a camera installed facing the forward direction of a vehicle, and aural warnings are announced. Specifically, when warning signs are detected with the image processing, indicating that the vehicle is approaching a traffic lane regulation zone, an alarm is transmitted to the driver warning that the vehicle is approaching the traffic lane regulation zone.
The results of evaluations of the above-mentioned functions on expressways are described, as well as the system's effectiveness and problems.

Paper Title

Effect of Introducing Traffic Demand-Predicting Signal Control

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3152
  • Toshiyuki SHIMAZU
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
  • Japan


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department(MPD) calculates parameters such as cycle length, split and offset every 50 seconds based on traffic indices, which include traffic volume and congestion length data collected by vehicle detectors, and reflects them in traffic sign...Lead more The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department(MPD) calculates parameters such as cycle length, split and offset every 50 seconds based on traffic indices, which include traffic volume and congestion length data collected by vehicle detectors, and reflects them in traffic signal control operations to mitigate congestion in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. However, it takes a fair amount of time to receive, send and process data after the traffic data is collected and before signal control parameters are set up in the traffic lights so that these signal control parameters are always based on past data. The MPD established a method to control traffic signals by predicting the traffic demand approaching the intersection and has introduced this method to the most congested routes in Tokyo in its eight-years plan (Operation-Hyper-Smooth) since FY2009. This paper reports the effect of the method introduced in several road segments over the past four years.

Paper Title

A study of Gas Pedal Release Support system using vehicle-to-vehicle communication

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3150
  • Takao Shimamori
  • Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Automobile R&D Center
  • Japan


In this paper, we mention and report the results of field evaluation tests for gas pedal release support. We tested on public road and even if we did not use signal information, we confirmed that average fuel consumption could be cut down.In this paper, we mention and report the results of field evaluation tests for gas pedal release support. We tested on public road and even if we did not use signal information, we confirmed that average fuel consumption could be cut down.

Paper Title

Technical approach for smooth operation at ETC lanes

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3149
  • Ryohei Hamamoto
  • Highway Toll Systems Co. Ltd.
  • Japan


The hardware of ITS is evolving daily. As the utilization ratio of ETC is close to 90%, it is indispensable as the one of the social infrastructures in Japan. Although traffic congestions have been relieved at tollgates due to expansion of ETC, some troubles are still rem...Lead moreThe hardware of ITS is evolving daily. As the utilization ratio of ETC is close to 90%, it is indispensable as the one of the social infrastructures in Japan. Although traffic congestions have been relieved at tollgates due to expansion of ETC, some troubles are still remained at ETC lanes by customers' causes. Once a trouble occurs, the ETC lane is closed and then to recover the trouble, the human correspondence at the lane is necessary. In some cases not only correspondence takes a long time but also traffic congestion or traffic accident at the tollgate may occur. This paper introduces Remote Cash Collector (RCC) with which the ETC system is supplemented. Implementing this machine the time of the ETC lane closure by troubles may be reduced.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3148
  • Tatsuo Yamamoto
  • Yazaki Energy System Corporation
  • Japan


A traditional system is designed to upload vehicle data from the in-vehicle terminal to the associated server provided for the individual users of a particular industry. This paper introduces an in-vehicle equipment platform that allows the integrated management of the ve...Lead moreA traditional system is designed to upload vehicle data from the in-vehicle terminal to the associated server provided for the individual users of a particular industry. This paper introduces an in-vehicle equipment platform that allows the integrated management of the vehicle data of all industries in a cloud server and the provision of a variety of services.

Paper Title

Integrated traffic management across NSW mega region and Sydney mega city

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3147
  • Steven Shaw
  • Roads and Maritme Services, NSW, Australia
  • Australia


A number of SCATS installations provide integrated traffic management across 'mega region' scope. Numerous examples cover state and city metropolises. In cases, the SCATS installation integrates across arterial and freeway road networks, including intersections, roundabou...Lead moreA number of SCATS installations provide integrated traffic management across 'mega region' scope. Numerous examples cover state and city metropolises. In cases, the SCATS installation integrates across arterial and freeway road networks, including intersections, roundabouts and ramp traffic signal sites. Some examples integrate across differentiated road traffic modes to provide prioritized service. Many have extensive vehicle measurement, and implement localized and adapting congestion management policies. To demonstrate, this paper explains the SCATS installation employed in the state of New South Wales, which includes the Sydney metropolis. This installation demonstrates: extensive vehicle detection coverage, vehicle-infrastructure (V-I) communications, tracked real-time prioritized public transport, sophisticated congestion and network management policies, using an integrated traffic control system that spans the road network, state-wide. The paper is particularly relevant to managers of mega regions whom are seeking to gain the benefits of integrating their traffic management system capabilities at the mega scale.

Paper Title

The Development of Kashiwa Cyber Physical Database to Integrate Time–Space Traffic Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3146
  • Saori Yorozu
  • Chodai Co., Ltd.
  • Japan


Kashiwa-cyber physical Database can collect and process the comprehensive traffic information which changes time-space.Kashiwa-cyber physical Database can collect and process the comprehensive traffic information which changes time-space.

Paper Title

Estimation of the Yaw Moment of Inertia of a Vehicle for Automatic Platooning

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3145
  • Seungyong Lee
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


Travelling with the automatic platooning is one of future traffic systems to solve the environment problems and the traffic problems. However, accurate parameters for the vehicle control are required to achieve high performance of the automatic platooning because the vari...Lead moreTravelling with the automatic platooning is one of future traffic systems to solve the environment problems and the traffic problems. However, accurate parameters for the vehicle control are required to achieve high performance of the automatic platooning because the variation of parameters of vehicle has much influence on performance of the vehicle control. In the vehicle parameters, the yaw moment of inertia is an important parameter for the steering control. Therefore identifying the yaw moment of inertia of the vehicle is important to accomplish high performance of the steering control just before starting the vehicle control. In this paper, an identification method for the yaw moment of inertia is proposed. The yaw moment of inertia is estimated by the proposed identification method through the experiment that a vehicle travels on the flat road and the banked road. The performance of the estimation of the yaw moment of inertia is evaluated.

Paper Title

A Quarter of Century of National Road Map Database in Japan and Challenging for Contribution to Advanced ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3144
  • Akira Yaguchi
  • Japan Digital Road Map Association
  • Japan


The National Road Map Database of Japan has been created and maintained in public private partnership since 1988. The Road Bureau and major car companies have established a very unique system of the Database provision based on road information collection two years before ...Lead moreThe National Road Map Database of Japan has been created and maintained in public private partnership since 1988. The Road Bureau and major car companies have established a very unique system of the Database provision based on road information collection two years before road completion. Therefore many road information services including the public traffic information service as well as car navigation device production by private companies can take time to be prepared by the road opening. So far the first challenge of the Database has been very successful. Then comes the next challenge for contribution to ITS. What is the role of road map database to play for advanced ITS applications? Will the public private partnership be successful again in future? Although the answers are still open, we are starting preparation for the future in several directions including the simple road reference system, the road elevation and the lane network.

Paper Title

Monitoring Entire-City Traffic using Low-Resolution Web Cameras

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3143
  • Tsuyoshi Ide
  • IBM Research - Tokyo
  • Japan


We propose a new approach to intelligent transportation systems for developing countries. Our system consists of two major components: (1) Web-camera-based traffic monitoring and (2) network flow estimation. The traffic monitoring module features a new algorithm for compu...Lead moreWe propose a new approach to intelligent transportation systems for developing countries. Our system consists of two major components: (1) Web-camera-based traffic monitoring and (2) network flow estimation. The traffic monitoring module features a new algorithm for computing the vehicle count and velocity from very low-resolution Web camera images, while the network flow estimation module features a traffic flow estimation algorithm at every single link, based on measurements at a limited number of links with the cameras. Using real Web cameras deployed in Nairobi City, Kenya, we assessed the accuracy of our approach. To the best of authors' knowledge, this is the first practical framework for monitoring an entire city's traffic without special expensive infrastructure and time-consuming data calibration.

Paper Title

Vehicles Group Identification Technology in Host Vehicle Path via Fusion of V2V Communication and Autonomous Sensor Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3142
  • Motonori Ando
  • Japan


In order to reduce traffic accidents and environmental loads, applications such as Emergency Electronic Brake Lights (EEBL) and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), which gives warnings and controls vehicles, are considered to accommodate the movement of not only a...Lead moreIn order to reduce traffic accidents and environmental loads, applications such as Emergency Electronic Brake Lights (EEBL) and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), which gives warnings and controls vehicles, are considered to accommodate the movement of not only a vehicle directly in front but also ahead of the preceding vehicle. However, as vehicles move around and cross lanes freely and the accuracy of vehicle relative position based on GPS is limited, the identification of control target vehicles by the host vehicle is difficult. This paper presents a technology to identify a group of vehicles to be considered in the host vehicle path by combining V2V communication and autonomous sensor information.

Paper Title

Application of the Camera-Equipped Drive Recorder to the Recognition of Road Surface Markings

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3141
  • Hiroyuki Oishi
  • Yazaki Energy System Corporation
  • Japan


This paper introduces several applications of in-vehicle equipment with a camera that is capable of recognizing or identifying road surface markings (hereafter called in-vehicle equipment).This paper introduces several applications of in-vehicle equipment with a camera that is capable of recognizing or identifying road surface markings (hereafter called in-vehicle equipment).

Paper Title

Human-Vehicle Intelligent Communication with Advanced Steering Wheel and Smartphone

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3140
  • Yoichi Hasegawa
  • Aichi Prefectural University
  • Japan


There are many researches for driver state detection such as drowsiness. However, these present stimuli to one-sidedly encourage the recovery the state. So, they are not flexible on the personality of individual driver and the change of state. Because there is no efficien...Lead moreThere are many researches for driver state detection such as drowsiness. However, these present stimuli to one-sidedly encourage the recovery the state. So, they are not flexible on the personality of individual driver and the change of state. Because there is no efficient communication device between the vehicle and the driver. Therefore, we propose an intelligent communication device to adaptively assist based on the reaction of the driver. The advanced steering wheel equips with a camera, vibrators and reaction buttons. The camera can take face images to transmit to a smartphone. The vibrators can present vibration stimuli to palms. The reaction buttons can submit a intention of the driver to the smartphone. And, the smartphone application can be used for not only image processing but also external communication. Accordingly, it has a potentiality as human machine interface using cloud computing in the future.

Paper Title

Impact of Speed Limit on Traffic Flow Characteristic in Long Tunnel on Freeway

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3139
  • Tien-Pen Hsu
  • National Taiwan University
  • Chinese Taipei


Hsuehshan tunnel is the fifth longest tunnel in the world, which has the distance of 12.9km and locates on Freeway No.5 in northern Taiwan. For safety reason, the speed limit in tunnel was originally set as 80km/h. Nowadays, for enhancing the travel performance, the speed...Lead moreHsuehshan tunnel is the fifth longest tunnel in the world, which has the distance of 12.9km and locates on Freeway No.5 in northern Taiwan. For safety reason, the speed limit in tunnel was originally set as 80km/h. Nowadays, for enhancing the travel performance, the speed limit is now set as 90km/h. The impact of speed limit on traffic safety in tunnel is still not clarified. However, the paper firstly aimed at analyzing the impact of speed limit on the traffic flow characteristics. The results conclude the free flow speed in tunnel will increase significantly, but the capacity has no significant change. The fundamental diagrams of flow-occupancy have different distribution by different speed limits.

Paper Title


  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3138
  • Yasumune Yukizaki
  • Japan


In recent years, vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure wireless communication has been developed for automotive use. DENSO has conducted field tests around the world to develop high performance and reliable radio system. In this paper, we introduce study result...Lead moreIn recent years, vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure wireless communication has been developed for automotive use. DENSO has conducted field tests around the world to develop high performance and reliable radio system. In this paper, we introduce study results about propagation characteristics of the radio wave with actual vehicle running condition and antenna requirements.

Paper Title

Establishment of a New Safe Driving Indicator through the Recognition of Traffic Lights

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3136
  • Junji Tanaka
  • Yazaki Energy System Corporation
  • Japan


A traditional safe driving indicator was controlled based on the vehicle data collected by the digital tachograph (such as the speed and engine RPM). In fact, drivers score high on safe driving even if they fail to slow down rapidly when the traffic light turns yellow. ...Lead moreA traditional safe driving indicator was controlled based on the vehicle data collected by the digital tachograph (such as the speed and engine RPM). In fact, drivers score high on safe driving even if they fail to slow down rapidly when the traffic light turns yellow. This paper introduces the establishment of a more detailed safe driving indicator by analyzing the images of an event collected by the drive recorder (such as traffic lights and driver's behavior).

Paper Title

Measure research for realization of sustainable traffic society by ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3135
  • Kohei Koide
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


Regarding ITS of our country until now, government initiative, and cooperation of industrial, governmental and academic sectors have been able to popularize in-vehicle units, such as car navigation systems, VICS, and ETC, to over 30 million number, respectively. Also, ITS...Lead moreRegarding ITS of our country until now, government initiative, and cooperation of industrial, governmental and academic sectors have been able to popularize in-vehicle units, such as car navigation systems, VICS, and ETC, to over 30 million number, respectively. Also, ITS has been positively used in by the governmental road traffic policies, and has contributed to the improvement of road traffic problems, such as traffic accidents and traffic congestion, greatly. ITS of our country needs to spread ITS suitable for the needs of the region from now on, as the next step in order to accomplish the further progress. This paper is going to propose two kinds of strategies. One is how to use ITS effectively in the governmental road traffic policies. Another is the strategy which introduces ITS to the regions smoothly, enables continuous use by citizens, and also enables activation of regional economy.

Paper Title

Application of the Payload Measuring System Technology to a Truck Rollover Warning System

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3134
  • Tetsuji Takamori
  • Yazaki Energy System Corporation
  • Japan


This paper introduces a warning system to effectively prevent the rollover of freight trucks based on the technology improved in the development of a payload measuring system called Load Indicator.This paper introduces a warning system to effectively prevent the rollover of freight trucks based on the technology improved in the development of a payload measuring system called Load Indicator.

Paper Title

Travel Time and Graphical Based Traffic Advisory Information for Singapore's Roads

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3133
  • Mun Onn Cheong
  • Land Transport Authority
  • Singapore


EMAS Arterial project extends the Expressway Monitoring and Advisory System (EMAS) capabilities to 10 major arterial road corridors. It allows motorists to be better informed on the traffic conditions ahead of their journeys through strategically located Arterial Variable...Lead moreEMAS Arterial project extends the Expressway Monitoring and Advisory System (EMAS) capabilities to 10 major arterial road corridors. It allows motorists to be better informed on the traffic conditions ahead of their journeys through strategically located Arterial Variable Message Signs (AVMS).

Phase 1 of EMAS Arterial consisting of 6 major arterial road corridors were launched for operation in May 2012. Since then, further improvements were made to the traffic advisory information display where more graphical incident messages were introduced in October 2012. As part of the EMAS Arterial initiative, motorists will also expect to see travel time information display on the AVMS along the major arterial roads which will provide them with estimated travel time information to designated destinations.

This paper gives an overview of the system architecture, operational realization of the graphical incident message and travel time implementation process of the EMAS Arterial project.

Paper Title

Millimeter Wave Radar using Stepped Multiple Frequency Complementary Phase Code Modulation

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3132
  • Masato Watanabe
  • Graduate School of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications
  • Japan


This paper describes a development of Millimeter wave Radar for the automotive. The radar is based on Stepped multiple-frequency complementary phase code (CPC) that is a radar signal modulation to obtain high range resolution even by the narrowband receiver. In this paper...Lead moreThis paper describes a development of Millimeter wave Radar for the automotive. The radar is based on Stepped multiple-frequency complementary phase code (CPC) that is a radar signal modulation to obtain high range resolution even by the narrowband receiver. In this paper, the radar configuration and a measurement result by the radar equipped on the vehicle in a multiple target situation are presented to demonstrate the capability of the suggested radar system.

Paper Title

Geospatial Information Search System Development and Operations

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3131
  • Nexco engineering Niigata.Co.Ltd
  • Japan


This paper discusses the development of a support system that allows users to search for geographical information, aerial photographs, and other geospatial information stored in decentralized locations, providing a valuable resource for expressway maintenance and emergenc...Lead moreThis paper discusses the development of a support system that allows users to search for geographical information, aerial photographs, and other geospatial information stored in decentralized locations, providing a valuable resource for expressway maintenance and emergency response tasks. The paper also covers examples of actual implementation projects and describes how the system has improved efficiency in applied usage.

Paper Title

Expressway Operations Management Using a GPS Vehicle Location Management System

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3130
  • Nexco Engineering Niigata.Co.Ltd
  • Japan


We have developed a system that ensures precise service vehicle operations, establishes a stronger work structure, and streamlines work tasks by using a GPS signal-based vehicle location management system to collect real-time location/work information for expressway servi...Lead moreWe have developed a system that ensures precise service vehicle operations, establishes a stronger work structure, and streamlines work tasks by using a GPS signal-based vehicle location management system to collect real-time location/work information for expressway service vehicles.
The location/work information collected by the system can also be used to provide accurate, real-time information to expressway users.

Paper Title

Design of Lateral Control Algorithms for a Flexible Platoon

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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3129
  • Miyake Takamasa
  • Meijo University
  • Japan


This paper presents lateral control algorithms for vehicles within a platoon. The vehicles are supposed to drive either along the same trajectory or at a free position. The platoon is called a flexible platoon here, and can be applied mainly to low-speed, small automated ...Lead moreThis paper presents lateral control algorithms for vehicles within a platoon. The vehicles are supposed to drive either along the same trajectory or at a free position. The platoon is called a flexible platoon here, and can be applied mainly to low-speed, small automated vehicles. The lateral control algorithms in this paper are for following vehicles in an automated platoon. One algorithm is for following vehicles that drive along the same trajectory of a preceding vehicle, and the lateral control is expressed by a linear combination of the lateral deviation and the relative heading between the successive two vehicles. The other algorithm is also for following vehicles that drive not along the same trajectory of a preceding vehicle but at a free position, and the lateral control is expressed by a rule-based algorithm. The algorithms are verified by simulation studies and experiments with autonomous mobile robots.

Paper Title

Automatic Recognition of the Number of Passengers to Revise a Bus Route to the Needs of Passengers

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3128
  • Junji Tanaka
  • Yazaki Energy System Corporation
  • Japan


This paper introduces a system to count the passengers of a bus based on the image collected by the drive recorder. The system provides bus businesses with a new application not only for driver and safety assistance but also for the analysis of the number of passengers g...Lead moreThis paper introduces a system to count the passengers of a bus based on the image collected by the drive recorder. The system provides bus businesses with a new application not only for driver and safety assistance but also for the analysis of the number of passengers getting on and off at bus stops. This helps to revise a bus timetable to the needs of passengers.

Paper Title

Experiments to Add Values to Light Rail Transit in Toyama city by Smart ICT

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3127
  • Masakazu Hori
  • INTEC Inc.
  • Japan


The goal of our research is that we make a model to revitalize the center of the city by Information and Communication Technology. For this purpose, we have developed three kinds of systems which aim to add values for Light Rail Transit in Toyama city as follows:
̶...Lead more
The goal of our research is that we make a model to revitalize the center of the city by Information and Communication Technology. For this purpose, we have developed three kinds of systems which aim to add values for Light Rail Transit in Toyama city as follows:
•Tram Signage System
•Tram Augmented Reality System
•Tram Location and Route Navigation System
In this paper, we show the overview of these systems and the current status of the research based on experiments conducted in three trams since February 2012.

Paper Title

Lane Mark Detection Using On-Vehicle LIDAR for Platooning

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3126
  • Japan


For highly efficient platooning, all platooning vehicles need to maintain a short distance between each vehicle and the same position within the traffic lane. Each vehicle has to detect the lane mark and precisely calculate its lateral position from the lane mark. We deve...Lead moreFor highly efficient platooning, all platooning vehicles need to maintain a short distance between each vehicle and the same position within the traffic lane. Each vehicle has to detect the lane mark and precisely calculate its lateral position from the lane mark. We developed a lane mark detection method using LIDAR based on lane mark features extraction and lane shape estimation using Hough transformation, and achieved excellent experimental results on an unused expressway. Moreover, we increased the robustness in rainy conditions.

Paper Title

Development and Verification Test of Driving Safety Support Systems utilizing ITS Radio system

  • ITS WC
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3125
  • Yuichi Taniguchi
  • Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
  • Japan


We are striving to develop DSSS (Driving Safety Support Systems) that prevent accidents by offering the Driving Safety Support Information, for the realization of the safety traffic society. Until now, we have concentrated our efforts on realizing DSSS utilizing IR-Beacon...Lead moreWe are striving to develop DSSS (Driving Safety Support Systems) that prevent accidents by offering the Driving Safety Support Information, for the realization of the safety traffic society. Until now, we have concentrated our efforts on realizing DSSS utilizing IR-Beacon, and it was deployed in Jul. 2011. Now, we are concentrating our efforts on realization of the DSSS utilizing ITS Radio System that is able to offer the dynamic information for example sensor information that is not able to be offered by IR-Beacon. In this report, we will explain the system definition for DSSS utilizing ITS Radio System. The system definition contains communication area and sensor detection area etc.. And we will introduce the result of the verification test which is based on the system definition.

Paper Title

Strategic Plan for Disaster Information Services based on VICS

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3124
  • Miho Ohara
  • Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies,The University of Tokyo
  • Japan


This paper is an overview of the "Strategic Plan for Disaster Information Services based on VICS," prepared by the VICS Center in cooperation with the University of Tokyo based on the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Strategic Plan includes strate...Lead moreThis paper is an overview of the "Strategic Plan for Disaster Information Services based on VICS," prepared by the VICS Center in cooperation with the University of Tokyo based on the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Strategic Plan includes strategies up through approximately 2030 aiming at realizing information services that will make full use of information and communications technologies to cope with disasters.It is hoped that preparing and releasing this Plan will serve as an opportunity to bring about agreement and efforts on the part of a wide range of relevant public and private sector institutions, making it possible to minimize the damage from future anticipated major disasters, frequent downpours, etc.

Paper Title

ITS at the time of Disaster

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3123
  • masafumi kobayashi
  • Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
  • Japan


The great east Japan earthquake, which caused serious damage to the East Japan whole area, brought heavy damage in TMC (Traffic Management Center) as well. The securing of mobility of the road traffic for emergency transportation at the time of the disasters is important ...Lead moreThe great east Japan earthquake, which caused serious damage to the East Japan whole area, brought heavy damage in TMC (Traffic Management Center) as well. The securing of mobility of the road traffic for emergency transportation at the time of the disasters is important issues for reduction of damage and restoration from it. And it becomes the urgent business to establish a strong traffic control system for a disaster. Since 2012, UTMS (UTMS Society of Japan) has started research to support the police ITS applied to time of disaster as well as time normal. This paper introduces our activities.

Paper Title

Traffic Signal Control Using Probe Data

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3122
  • Yasushi Nagashima
  • UTMS Society of Japan
  • Japan


UTMS Society of Japan is researching on the various technologies and specifications for traffic flow control, using probe data to reduce CO2 emissions . We have developed an advanced traffic signal control system using probe data and detector data in combination. We are n...Lead moreUTMS Society of Japan is researching on the various technologies and specifications for traffic flow control, using probe data to reduce CO2 emissions . We have developed an advanced traffic signal control system using probe data and detector data in combination. We are now verifying the effect of this system through simulation. In this paper, we will report on the architecture of this system and provide the results of the simulation that have already been processed.

Paper Title

Robust Dead-Reckoning in Urban Area with Tightly Coupled Integration of GPS-Doppler and INS

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3121
  • Kojiro Takeyama
  • Toyota Central Research & Development Labs Inc.
  • Japan


With the development of various driver assistance systems using vehicle position, improvement of positioning accuracy is desired. GPS, widely used as a positioning system, can provide accuracy of a few meters in suburban areas. However, in urban areas, this accuracy can b...Lead moreWith the development of various driver assistance systems using vehicle position, improvement of positioning accuracy is desired. GPS, widely used as a positioning system, can provide accuracy of a few meters in suburban areas. However, in urban areas, this accuracy can be degraded to ten meters or more because of the reflection and blocking of GPS signals by tall buildings. In order to maintain accurate positioning in such an environment, it is important to develop a method of dead-reckoning which is robust against the surrounding buildings. In this paper, a new method of dead-reckoning is developed in order to improve the robustness in urban areas. As a result, the error of dead-reckoning in urban area has been reduced to less than 1/4 that of the previous method.

Paper Title

Concerning the congestion reduction measures by providing driving support information on the Expressway

  • ITS WC
  • Paper ID
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  • 20th ITS World Congress 2013
  • 3120
  • Hiroyuki Ishibashi
  • East Nippon Expressway co.,LTD.
  • Japan


Direct traffic smoothing effects are obviously produced by such structural measures as adding traffic lanes for a physical increase in traffic capacity. Considering the enormous amounts of money and time necessary for purchasing land and constructing lanes, however, the K...Lead moreDirect traffic smoothing effects are obviously produced by such structural measures as adding traffic lanes for a physical increase in traffic capacity. Considering the enormous amounts of money and time necessary for purchasing land and constructing lanes, however, the Kanto Regional Head Office of NEXCO East has also been laying stress on non-structural measures against traffic congestion, such as providing information using LED information signboards.Within the area of the Kanto Regional Head Office, traffic congestion occurs mostly at non-intersection sag sections. There have been concerns about congestion occurring at low traffic volumes and congestion worsening due to low traffic handling capacity during congestion.To reduce congestion where congestion occurs frequently, we attempted to increase traffic volumes by providing drivers with traffic information using LED information signboards (leveling lane usage before congestion and recovering speed after congestion), and certain effects were obtained as reported in this paper.