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Paper Title

Research on Key Technologies to Deploy Automated Driving in Long Highway Tunnels

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1963
  • BaoFeng Su
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


This paper briefly reviews aspects of traffic safety and driver behavior in road tunnels, acquisition of precise data is the prerequisite to analyze driver behavior and improve driving safety inside tunnels. Meantime, glamorous vision of automated driving has already attr...Lead moreThis paper briefly reviews aspects of traffic safety and driver behavior in road tunnels, acquisition of precise data is the prerequisite to analyze driver behavior and improve driving safety inside tunnels. Meantime, glamorous vision of automated driving has already attracted huge investment and gained significant advancements. However, low quality of wireless communication in harsh environment makes it hard to meet automated driving requirements in the long tunnels, this indicates long tunnels are potential bottleneck to fulfil automated driving for whole road condition. This research will study unexpected events monitoring and early warning system in the tunnels, and then design an innovative V2X framework leading by 5G new radio compatible with existing WLAN/LTE based V2X technologies, this multimodal framework fuses unexpected events monitoring and early warning roles with cooperative vehicle-infrastructure system. The effect on improving active safety for tunnel driving will be verified via a simulation system.

Paper Title

Study on the Evaluation Method of Electric Bus Performance in Operation and Case Analysis in China’s Typical City

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1962
  • Rongxian Liu
  • China Academy of Transportation Sciences
  • China


By the end of 2017, China’s electric buses in operation have exceeded 170,000, but their performances in operation have received a mixed reaction. This study aims to propose a feasible quantitative method for evaluating electric buses performance in operation from the use...Lead moreBy the end of 2017, China’s electric buses in operation have exceeded 170,000, but their performances in operation have received a mixed reaction. This study aims to propose a feasible quantitative method for evaluating electric buses performance in operation from the user’s perspective. 6 indicators around energy consumption, driving range, battery degradation, and vehicle failure are proposed, and 7 typical electric bus types are evaluated by the proposed indicators using the actual operation monitoring data in 7 cities. The results show that the seasonal difference of energy consumption is affected by the region from 10% to 30%; the driving ranges have 30%-85% gaps to the nominal values tested under the standard test condition and so on. The results imply that the proposed evaluation methods can provide useful help for bus operators to select optimal electric buses to meet their demands appropriately.

Paper Title

A Pedestrian Detection Method based on 24-GHz Band Radar for Driving Safety Support Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1961
  • Atsushi Higashi
  • Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
  • Japan


The Driving Safety Support System (DSSS) is expected to prevent traffic accidents. An example of the system is to provide information on the presence of pedestrians on a crosswalk to a vehicle turning at an intersection and call attention to the driver. For this system, w...Lead moreThe Driving Safety Support System (DSSS) is expected to prevent traffic accidents. An example of the system is to provide information on the presence of pedestrians on a crosswalk to a vehicle turning at an intersection and call attention to the driver. For this system, we developed a 24-GHz band radar to detect pedestrians as a roadside sensor. This paper introduces our new algorithms for coping with challenges peculiar to roadside sensors, such as misdetection of stationary objects and non-detection of pedestrians existing near big objects, and shows the result of a field test.

Paper Title

Application of Stochastic Resonance to Convolutional Neural Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1958
  • Mohd Hafiz Hilman Mohammad Sofian
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Japan


Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) managed to gain breakthroughs through its image recognition accuracy. It can be used for the recognition of vehicles and pedestrians, making it the perfect choice to be used on the autonomous driving vehicle. For that, the accuracy of CN...Lead moreConvolutional Neural Network (CNN) managed to gain breakthroughs through its image recognition accuracy. It can be used for the recognition of vehicles and pedestrians, making it the perfect choice to be used on the autonomous driving vehicle. For that, the accuracy of CNN should be as accurate as possible. In this research, we hypothesized that by mimicking the stochastic resonance by inserting artificial noise into the test image, the CNN accuracy should increase. In this research, we tested this idea.

Paper Title

Coordinated Ramp Metering and Urban Road Dynamic and Real-time Traffic Control with Mixed Traffic Conditions

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1956
  • Hui-Sheng Feng
  • Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC, R.O.C
  • Taiwan


Taichung city, located in central Taiwan, was surrounded by highway No.74 and crossed by freeway No.1. Consequently, the traffic congestion was occurred recurrently. Junctions between freeway, highway and urban roads had been the main sources of traffic congestion. Unsync...Lead moreTaichung city, located in central Taiwan, was surrounded by highway No.74 and crossed by freeway No.1. Consequently, the traffic congestion was occurred recurrently. Junctions between freeway, highway and urban roads had been the main sources of traffic congestion. Unsynchronized traffic control strategies between different road-system administers such as Freeway Bureau and Taichung City Government are the main reasons for the congestion problem. Taichung Transportation Bureau has established an integrated regional dynamic and read-time traffic control system which will coordinate ramp metering and urban roads traffic control strategies to optimize the whole road network system including 3 on-ramps and 5 off-ramps and 20 main intersections. The project aims at effectively enhance the road network operational efficiency, and improve road traffic congestion by adaptive coordinated regional traffic control system and alternative path guidance. This project also shows that a local authority should have the ambition to deal with travel management problem from a regional perspective. And how Taichung Transportation Bureau can successfully persuade the stakeholders, the highway and freeway agencies, to join in the project and agree with the coordinated traffic control strategies. The results of the travel time analysis indicate a 10-20% reduction in travel time on the key routes

Paper Title

The Study for the Optimum Display Colours on the Road Information Boards with Consideration for Colour Vision Barrier Free

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1954
  • Eiji Hidaka
  • Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


For the display colours of the road information boards, the previous studies reported that white is easy to see for both colour vision normal person and colour vision impaired person under any weather conditions, and also, that red is difficult to see for colour vision im...Lead moreFor the display colours of the road information boards, the previous studies reported that white is easy to see for both colour vision normal person and colour vision impaired person under any weather conditions, and also, that red is difficult to see for colour vision impaired persons. We conducted the experiments of the visibility evaluation on the display colours of the road information board in the environmental simulated facility and in the real environment under various weather conditions. This study includes these technical investigation and analysis: 1) The optimum display colours 2) The display methods of the new barrier free measures for colour vision variation by fully using the multicolour function 3) The improvements of the better recognizable display symbols to the road users The significant results obtained from this study show that white is the optimal display colour for each weather condition, leading to further improving the display methods.

Paper Title

Development and Operation of the Wrong-way Driving Avoidance System

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1952
  • Naoki Mitsuhashi
  • Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


For preventing collision accidents caused by wrong-way driving on the highway, Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Limited (HSBE) researched and developed the new wrong-way driving avoidance system because HSBE considered that it is effective to avoid or decrease col...Lead moreFor preventing collision accidents caused by wrong-way driving on the highway, Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway Company Limited (HSBE) researched and developed the new wrong-way driving avoidance system because HSBE considered that it is effective to avoid or decrease collision accidents not only to provide warning information toward the wrong-way driving vehicle but also to simultaneously provide the wrong-way driving information toward the forward driving vehicle. In this research and development of the new wrong-way driving avoidance system, for the purpose of surely letting know information toward all vehicles, the display boards were combined with rotating lamps (light) and speakers (sound), in order to increase the effect of caution and warning by this system. The arrangement of the facility on the highway was also considered with vehicle driving speed, visibility of providing information and avoiding operation time in order to certainly provide the warning sound.

Paper Title

Driver State and Driving Maneuver Analysis in Take-over from Automated to Manual Driving

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1950
  • Akihiro Abe
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Japan


Automated driving system is expected to contribute in reducing driver’s fatigue and accidents. At Level 2 and 3 of the system, it is required that the driver takes over the driving operation in case of emergency. However, in previous study, it is reported that driver tend...Lead moreAutomated driving system is expected to contribute in reducing driver’s fatigue and accidents. At Level 2 and 3 of the system, it is required that the driver takes over the driving operation in case of emergency. However, in previous study, it is reported that driver tends to feel sleepy. Therefore, driver’s sleepiness is an important factor for the safety of automated driving. This study focuses on driver’s sleepiness. The authors conducted take-over experiments with 7 students as the experiment subjects by using the driving simulator. We asked the subjects to drive the driving simulator and evaluated their sleepiness levels through observation of their facial expressions from the recorded video. We also analysed their steering operations and brainwaves. This paper describe the details of this study and results of each analysis.

Paper Title

Mining Sequential Patterns of Driving Events and Identifying Driving Styles from Vehicular Dynamic Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1949
  • Kuan-Hung Lu
  • National Cheng Kung University
  • Chinese-Taipei


Personal driving style is highly related to driving safety and energy saving. Through driving style profiling, drivers can be warned to improve their behaviors and thus achieve the goal of enhance traffic safety and fuel reduction. Previous studies utilize group-based sta...Lead morePersonal driving style is highly related to driving safety and energy saving. Through driving style profiling, drivers can be warned to improve their behaviors and thus achieve the goal of enhance traffic safety and fuel reduction. Previous studies utilize group-based statistics to classify driving styles, recent researches focus on using sensor-fusion driving dataset as input and utilizing machine learning to achieve driving styles classification. In this paper, we develop an event-series-based clustering architecture to distribute drivers into different driving styles based on vehicular dynamic data. The naturalistic driving dataset is converted into critical events and used as input to conduct sequential pattern mining. Utilizing the mining results as the features, frequent driving patterns can be recognized and integrated into multiple driving styles from different drivers. In the result, we discuss the different driver characteristics and future applications of the driving style identification.

Paper Title

Instantaneous Prediction of Vehicle Outlines Conflict Using the High-Frequency and High-Precision Position Information

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1947
  • Jianbei Liu
  • CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., Ltd.
  • China


The vehicle collision warning system is a key component of Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS). The core technology of the vehicle collision warning system is detecting the distance and determining the safety indicators. There are two ways to extract the distance bet...Lead moreThe vehicle collision warning system is a key component of Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS). The core technology of the vehicle collision warning system is detecting the distance and determining the safety indicators. There are two ways to extract the distance between vehicles, namely perceiving distance by sensors installed on the vehicle and calculating relative distance by positioning information. The latter is more feasible due to the characteristics of low-cost and high-precision obtained from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). In this paper, the position information with centimeter-level can firstly be collected at the frequency of 5HZ by the onboard terminal when BDS Continuously Operating Reference Stations System (CORS) is built along the highway. Second, a novel model is proposed to predict the vehicle outlines conflict at the target moment, which is demonstrated in the 7km section. Finally, 6,000 samples are collected from the field experiment. The results indicate the average error between true values and predicted values varies from -0.027 to 0.002. The errors’ standard deviation of the lateral and longitudinal distance can reach up to centimeter-level and decimeter-level respectively. The proposed method in this paper is feasible and extendable because of the higher accuracy of the model.

Paper Title

ET City Brain System - Innovative Solution to Traffic Management Optimization

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1943
  • Shuangchao Yin
  • AutoNavi Software Co
  • China


Beneficial from “ET City Brain” traffic-management system, traffic efficiency of Hangzhou has dramatically boosted, with congestion rank decreasing from 5th in 2016 to 57th 2018 and average travel time decreasing by 15.3%. In this paper, we will share about ET City Brain ...Lead moreBeneficial from “ET City Brain” traffic-management system, traffic efficiency of Hangzhou has dramatically boosted, with congestion rank decreasing from 5th in 2016 to 57th 2018 and average travel time decreasing by 15.3%. In this paper, we will share about ET City Brain on what activities have done to make such huge traffic improvement. Illustration will be presented in three different aspects, namely, data record, calculation and algorithms and emerging traffic management assistance. For data record, integrated with multiple data source, including camera data and AMAP IoT data, traditional traffic data can be more accurate. For calculation and algorithms parts, seven attributes have been created to help traffic policy-makers to understand traffic states and to improve congestion level. Finally, real solution cases about the optimization of traffic signal, traffic management, traffic guidance and traffic information broadcast will be demonstrated to support the achievement of ET City Brain system.

Paper Title

Modular Controller Box for Autonomous Personal Mobility

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1941
  • Muhammad Zulfaqar Azmi
  • Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Japan


Many research institutes and societies are heading their focus towards autonomous vehicle systems. However, most of the previous studies focus towards cars, which is difficult to operate along pedestrian walkaway. Furthermore, research about small vehicle commonly involve...Lead moreMany research institutes and societies are heading their focus towards autonomous vehicle systems. However, most of the previous studies focus towards cars, which is difficult to operate along pedestrian walkaway. Furthermore, research about small vehicle commonly involves the act of modifying the vehicle, such as relocating the handle to allow it to operate autonomously. This paper proposes a modular system and hardware architecture, named as Automatic Set Box(ASB), that can be attached to a motorized mobility scooter. The localization module employs one of the point cloud matching method, the Normal Distribution Transform (NDT) while pure pursuit algorithm is used for path following. The experiments are conducted where pedestrian population is moderate. The result demonstrates the capability of the ASB to navigate the scooter in a predefined map environment. The work is important for the development of a reliable personal mobility system for pedestrian walkaway area.

Paper Title

Independent Third Party Risk Assessment for Automated Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1938
  • Oliver Klaus
  • Insurance Australia Group
  • Australia


With the advent of automated driving technology, there is a need for the insurance industry to determine the emerging risks, as it does with less advanced automobile technology today. Next to occupant and road user safety that will need to be proven to type-approval and r...Lead moreWith the advent of automated driving technology, there is a need for the insurance industry to determine the emerging risks, as it does with less advanced automobile technology today. Next to occupant and road user safety that will need to be proven to type-approval and registration authorities, the insurance industry has a further focus on financial risks that are connected to vehicular incidents. Unlike conventional motor insurance products where the risk is calculated through a technical assessment of the vehicle and a view of driving behaviour, based on history and statistics, for automated vehicles both the vehicle and its system of decision making must be assessed in a technical investigation. With automated vehicles and assessment in the early stages, there may be opportunity for global collaboration across the insurance industry to set up frameworks that allow independent testing of automated vehicles by third parties for type approval or insurance cover.

Paper Title

The Simplified Measuring System for Congestion at a Rest Area

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1936
  • Akiyuki Ohkawa
  • Central Nippon Highway Engineering Nagoya Co., Ltd.,
  • Japan


Until now, in order to measure the congestion at a rest area, we need a lot of video cameras and a lot of magnetic censers. Then these kinds of systems are expensive, so these are installed only main rest areas on expressway. Now, we developed more simplified and reasonab...Lead moreUntil now, in order to measure the congestion at a rest area, we need a lot of video cameras and a lot of magnetic censers. Then these kinds of systems are expensive, so these are installed only main rest areas on expressway. Now, we developed more simplified and reasonable new system which can measure the congestion at a rest area than ever. The system totals the number of parking vehicles in a rest area, by checking vehicles at an entrance and an exit, where the expressway rest area only has. This measurement uses the image recognition device for a licence plate, and then this system has many merits. This paper shows the process of this system and the way of a stable operation.

Paper Title

Public Transport Priority in Melbourne, Australia

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1935
  • Anthony Fitts
  • VicRoads
  • Australia


This paper is an overview of the latest public transport priority system being implemented which utilises the SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) traffic signal control system and GPS bus tracking information. TRANSnet applies a ’top-down’ approach to publi...Lead moreThis paper is an overview of the latest public transport priority system being implemented which utilises the SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) traffic signal control system and GPS bus tracking information. TRANSnet applies a ’top-down’ approach to public transport priority where the local traffic signal controller does not require reprogramming. The bus detection uses ‘virtual detectors’ for queue detection and journey time information, therefore the physical installation of public transport detectors is also not required. The priority can be activated on a number of performance conditions including schedule adherence, delay and/or headway, via the SCATS Regional computers, to one or any number of signals connected to SCATS. The paper will discuss the trials with trams which is being conducted with ARRB (Australian Road Research Board), La Trobe University and Yarra Trams and with buses which is being conducted with PTV (Public Transport, Victoria) and Bus Operators. The different signal priority techniques being implemented will be discussed.

Paper Title

An Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicle Shuttles to Improve ‘first km-last km’ Transport Journeys

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1933
  • Doug Wilson
  • The Univeristy of Auckland
  • New Zealand


This paper evaluates the potential use of electric Autonomous Vehicle (AV) shuttles in first kilometre-last kilometre solutions to provide a base upon which AV shuttle transport initiatives can be developed. The prime objective of using AV shuttles in this research was to...Lead moreThis paper evaluates the potential use of electric Autonomous Vehicle (AV) shuttles in first kilometre-last kilometre solutions to provide a base upon which AV shuttle transport initiatives can be developed. The prime objective of using AV shuttles in this research was to connect residents in transport disadvantaged areas who face accessibility issues directly to Mass Rapid Transit systems. A framework has been developed to evaluate whether implementation of these shuttles into a specific route is an efficient solution to the primary issue of accessibility, and secondary issue of mobility. A survey was conducted to gauge public perception of AV shuttles; the results showed that 55% were positive, 32% were unsure and 13% responded negative about AVs and expressed legitimate concerns. The study determined that placing SAV shuttles within an ideal distance of potential users’ origin or destination is critical to attracting users to a potential service. Although there are significant benefits to placing AV shuttles on routes in low accessibility areas, authorities need to first educate people about AVs in order to attract sufficient users for it to be efficient.

Paper Title

Predicting Arrival Times of Commuter Buses, Trains & Ferries in Real-time

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1931
  • Vikash Kumar
  • New Zealand Transport Agency
  • New Zealand


Accurate predictions for commuter bus departure times in a transportation network are essential to delivering a high-quality service. Making these predictions is a non-trivial problem due to various factors such as weather, roadworks, and special events that can affect a ...Lead moreAccurate predictions for commuter bus departure times in a transportation network are essential to delivering a high-quality service. Making these predictions is a non-trivial problem due to various factors such as weather, roadworks, and special events that can affect a bus’s travel time. This paper focuses on a bus departure time prediction engine which was built for Auckland Transport (AT) to provide real time information on the estimated arrival times of buses along routes in their network. An onboard GPS device provides the real time location of each bus. This information is used to dynamically update the estimates generated by the prediction engine. A model was developed based on a month of historical data on 11 Auckland bus routes. The model utilises Kalman filtering combined with historical means to generate predictions. The model considers external factors such as variations arising due to the time of day or the day of week. By using the limited available data and accounting for the aforementioned external factors, promising results were achieved. The strength of this approach is the ability for the model to quickly adapt to external factors. We were also able to scale this model to multiple bus routes with minimal effort.

Paper Title

A PLUS Geospatial Journey in ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1930
  • Shahdaryani Abd Talib
  • PLUS Malaysia Berhad
  • Malaysia


PLUS Geospatial journey started in 1998 focuses to manage highway assets for operations and maintenance efficiency. Along the way and in line with technology advancement, PLUS geospatial undergone series of enhancement seeing transformation of data acquisition methodology...Lead morePLUS Geospatial journey started in 1998 focuses to manage highway assets for operations and maintenance efficiency. Along the way and in line with technology advancement, PLUS geospatial undergone series of enhancement seeing transformation of data acquisition methodology, higher data accuracy, improvement of data analytics process for geospatial modelling that leads to better information representation for more user-friendly visualization. Future initiatives including embracing Industry 4.0 and integrating geospatial data, geospatial science, remote sensing data and analytics with cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoTs), Intelligent Machines, big data will identify potential areas worth analysis, provide valuable insights into the businesses, and deliver those results effectively to stakeholder that ultimately meet business targets and objectives.

Paper Title

Green Man + : Making it Easier for Vulnerable Road Users to Cross Roads in Singapore

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1929
  • Francis Tan
  • Land Transport Authority
  • Singapore


Singapore is constantly making its transport infrastructure more elderly and PWD friendly while at the same time, ensuring that the needs of other road users, such as motorists, are not adversely affected.Green Man + (GM+) is the initiative implemented by the Land Transpo...Lead moreSingapore is constantly making its transport infrastructure more elderly and PWD friendly while at the same time, ensuring that the needs of other road users, such as motorists, are not adversely affected.Green Man + (GM+) is the initiative implemented by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore to address these needs and make the local transport infrastructure more friendly for the elderly and PWD pedestrians. Green Man + serves our needy pedestrians well by allowing them to have more time in crossing the road safely and independently, without adversely impacting on vehicular traffic flow in our road network. Careful design thinking had been put in place to balance the needs of pedestrians and motorists by means of harnessing technology.

Paper Title

Moving Millions A Day: IoT and Cloud Driving ITS

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1928
  • Shamsul Izhan Abdul Majid
  • PLUS Malaysia Berhad; TERAS Teknologi Sdn Bhd
  • Malaysia


The technological advances in hardware and software has been rapidly integrated by computer systems, demanding new methods for software and systems engineering to provide a steadfast and quality product hence producing better services. This paper discusses how PLUS levera...Lead moreThe technological advances in hardware and software has been rapidly integrated by computer systems, demanding new methods for software and systems engineering to provide a steadfast and quality product hence producing better services. This paper discusses how PLUS leveraging technology advancement onto its highway operations by offering greater payment options, safety enhancement through implementation of video analytics and visibility prediction through machine learning for the benefits of its users and the company’s operation.

Paper Title

Trip Table Estimation and Prediction for Dynamic Traffic Assignment Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1927
  • Sajjad Shafiei
  • Australia


The study focuses on estimating and predicting time-varying origin-destination (OD) trip tables for a dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model. A bi-level optimisation problem is formulated and solved to estimate OD flows from pre-existent demand matrix and historical traff...Lead moreThe study focuses on estimating and predicting time-varying origin-destination (OD) trip tables for a dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model. A bi-level optimisation problem is formulated and solved to estimate OD flows from pre-existent demand matrix and historical traffic flow counts. The estimated demand is then considered as an input for a time series OD demand prediction model to support the DTA model for short-term traffic condition forecasting. Results show a high capability of the proposed OD demand estimation method to reduce the DTA model’s error through an iterative solution algorithm. Moreover, the applicability of the OD demand prediction approach is investigated for an incident analysis application for a major corridor in Sydney, Australia.

Paper Title

Resilience of Urban Road Networks: A Case Study of Auckland

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1922
  • Prakash Ranjitkar
  • University of Auckland
  • New Zealand


The need for detailed resilience studies is increasing due to the occurrence of large disruptive events such as earthquake. Vulnerability in transport systems cannot be predicted so the network’s ability to accommodate change without adverse consequences is critical. The ...Lead moreThe need for detailed resilience studies is increasing due to the occurrence of large disruptive events such as earthquake. Vulnerability in transport systems cannot be predicted so the network’s ability to accommodate change without adverse consequences is critical. The first stage of resilience analysis is to identify critical links in the network. This study developed a quantitative criticality methodology using traffic simulation modelling in Aimsun using Auckland, New Zealand as a case study. A short list of potentially critical links was narrowed down and then simulated with a road closure. The network performance was measured using the Network Robustness Index (NRI), Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD), Congestion Index (CI), Total Travel Time and Uncompleted Trips. The NRI was found to be inappropriate when comparing simulations with unequal trips completed, and the MFD could only be used when comparing networks with equal density. CI and Total Travel Time can be used interchangeably to identify critical links. In the Auckland region, the most critical link was found to be a section of the Northern Motorway between Shelly Beach Road On-Ramp and Esmonde Road On-Ramp.

Paper Title

Public Acceptance of Autonomous Road Public Transport in Singapore

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1919
  • Samuel Chng
  • Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Singapore


This study examines the perceptions of concern and benefit surrounding autonomous road vehicles deployed for public transport, how they are related with public acceptance of this mobility innovation, and what the public wants to see alongside its eventual implementation. ...Lead moreThis study examines the perceptions of concern and benefit surrounding autonomous road vehicles deployed for public transport, how they are related with public acceptance of this mobility innovation, and what the public wants to see alongside its eventual implementation. By employing a survey in Singapore (n=210), we found that there is an general acceptance of the deployment of autonomous road public transport in Singapore. Our participants agreed that introducing autonomous road vehicles would be beneficial, particularly in improving the reliability and accessibility of public transport. However they reported concerns in the areas of technical-related issues (i.e., accidents triggered by technical error and confusion during unexpected/unprecedented situations) and legal liability. We found that participants who perceived greater benefits from the introduction of autonomous road public transport were also likely to report greater acceptance, even after taking into account their concerns and sociodemographic backgrounds. Participants also reported preferences for human operators to continue playing an active role (e.g., monitoring the system), the government to test the autonomous vehicles extensively before making it available for public use and greater clarity on the legal liability when accidents involving autonomous vehicles occur when autonomous road public transport is eventually implemented.

Paper Title

Road Closure Detection by Analyzing Vehicle Probe Data Adopting Poisson Probability

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1918
  • Xin Jin
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Japan


Detection of road closure is not only an additional source for traffic information but also an important beneficial factor in the case of disasters like earthquake, etc. especially in Japan a country where natural disasters occur frequently. To detect road closures vehicl...Lead moreDetection of road closure is not only an additional source for traffic information but also an important beneficial factor in the case of disasters like earthquake, etc. especially in Japan a country where natural disasters occur frequently. To detect road closures vehicle probe data is an effective method. This paper describes the development of an optimized algorithm with high sensitivity and low error ratio which calculates the probability of closed road by analyzing the statistical and real-time vehicle probe data using Poisson probability.

Paper Title

Data about ‘Movement’ and ‘Place’ is the New Oil – Using Big Data Analytics in NSW to Better Plan and Manage the Road Transport Network

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1916
  • Claire Thurston
  • Roads and Maritime Services, NSW Australia
  • Australia


This paper will provide insight and learnings on how New South Wales roads authority, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is using big data analytics to better plan and manage the road transport network. The paper will share RMS approach to, including: • Better leveraging t...Lead moreThis paper will provide insight and learnings on how New South Wales roads authority, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is using big data analytics to better plan and manage the road transport network. The paper will share RMS approach to, including: • Better leveraging third party data to better understand customer behaviour • Unlocking new and connecting existing disparate data sources using intelligent data platforms to enable actionable insights and informed decision making • Overcoming challenges with open data and establishing appropriate governance

Paper Title

Developing an ITS Road User Communications Roadmap for Transurban

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1912
  • Hossein Parsa
  • Transurban
  • Australia


In this context, Road User Communication technologies are ITS technologies and are used to convey information and guidance to the road users for the purposes of emergency management, road safety, traffic management, driver assist and better user experience. In addition to...Lead moreIn this context, Road User Communication technologies are ITS technologies and are used to convey information and guidance to the road users for the purposes of emergency management, road safety, traffic management, driver assist and better user experience. In addition to the basic devices like lane use signs and variable message signs the communication includes those by radio and telephone, and digital transmissions via mobile phone, Internet, global positioning technologies and I2X Cooperative ITS devices. Emerging technological trends such as CAVs (Connected and Automated Vehicles), smart devices, digital transformation and targeted/personalised messaging such as narrow-casting are reshaping the technologies and channels that road operators can deploy to effectively deliver road user communication; while minimising the whole of ITS asset lifecycle costs. This paper will elaborates on the roadmap Transurban has developed to inform the asset lifecycle management plans and technology investments for Road User Communication ITS Technologies.

Paper Title

Effects of Drivers’ Characteristics on Duration of Traffic Law Recidivism

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1911
  • Garyoung Lee
  • Seoul National University
  • Republic of Korea


Administrative Fines are imposed on drivers who committed traffic violations and detected on the enforcement cameras. In this study, a survival analysis was used to analyse the effects of drivers’ characteristics on the compliance duration of recidivism who got administra...Lead moreAdministrative Fines are imposed on drivers who committed traffic violations and detected on the enforcement cameras. In this study, a survival analysis was used to analyse the effects of drivers’ characteristics on the compliance duration of recidivism who got administrative fine imposed. Drivers in their 50s, Omnibus drivers, class 2 license owners, and females who once had an Administrative Fine imposed were found to be violation-prone groups. The current state of Administrative Fines doesn’t suppress recidivism. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of the current Administrative Fines depending on the drivers’ characteristics.

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Operations of Automated Heavy Vehicles in Australia and New Zealand

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1910
  • Charles Karl
  • Australian Road Research Board
  • Australia


The paper identifies opportunities for future use of automated heavy vehicles in Australia and New Zealand, as well as any boundaries to prevent such use. The study aimed to provide road managers and industry with direction for their development of facilities, procedures ...Lead moreThe paper identifies opportunities for future use of automated heavy vehicles in Australia and New Zealand, as well as any boundaries to prevent such use. The study aimed to provide road managers and industry with direction for their development of facilities, procedures and regulations around the use of automated heavy vehicles. The roles and responsibilities of road managers and government were defined in respect of the operation of the road network. The findings were based on the most suitable automated heavy vehicle operations in remote and regional areas, which were found to be automated highway driving and platooning. An implementation roadmap was derived from the lessons learned covering the areas of technology, infrastructure (physical and digital requirements), regulation and opportunities in remote areas are presented.

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Unlocking Shared Mobility Through New Parking Paradigms

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1909
  • Stacey Ryan
  • ITS Australia
  • Australia


There is a pressing need to reduce reliance on individual use of private vehicles, mitigating impacts of parking and reducing the need for car-park spaces, and creating the opportunity for next generation car-share programs is a key element to enable these goals. Parking ...Lead moreThere is a pressing need to reduce reliance on individual use of private vehicles, mitigating impacts of parking and reducing the need for car-park spaces, and creating the opportunity for next generation car-share programs is a key element to enable these goals. Parking is a complex challenge in most jurisdictions and this is tackling a range of high priority issues for local governments and our growing urban centres, as well as making car-share programs more attractive and relevant to outer-metro and regional areas. Research on the cost benefits and social impacts of these opportunities will lead to the development of a series of use-cases that we will test in real-world environments across diverse locations across the east coast of Australia. The project will mix technology, policy guidelines, and effective stakeholder engagement to offer best practice solutions for design and deployment.

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Safety Management Plans for Automated Vehicle Trials

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1907
  • Charles Karl
  • Australian Road Research Board
  • Australia


Since 2015, there have been a number of automated vehicle demonstrations and trials in Australia. A safety management plan is required for all such activity as the operational environment is mostly on public roads. From being involved in numerous such projects (low speed ...Lead moreSince 2015, there have been a number of automated vehicle demonstrations and trials in Australia. A safety management plan is required for all such activity as the operational environment is mostly on public roads. From being involved in numerous such projects (low speed shuttles, light vehicles and heavy vehicles in Australia), the paper seeks to provide a basic understanding of the importance and role and what goes into a safety management plan, its contents, the underlying regulatory and operational needs, the assessment criteria and the key stakeholders who are involved. Lessons learnt from the preparation of a number of safety management plans are also detailed and discussed.

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Establishing Quantitative Criteria for Stages of Commercial Gentrification Using the Multivariate Normal Distribution

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1906
  • Sebin Oh
  • Seoul National University
  • Republic of Korea


This study aims to establish numerical criteria for the stages of the commercial gentrification by using multivariate normal distributions (MVNs). The commercial gentrification is composed of three stages on its process, and MVNs followed by gentrification factors for eac...Lead moreThis study aims to establish numerical criteria for the stages of the commercial gentrification by using multivariate normal distributions (MVNs). The commercial gentrification is composed of three stages on its process, and MVNs followed by gentrification factors for each stage are constructed. We propose three MVNs with their own mean and variance about the gentrification factors and there are notable transition patterns along the MVNs for each stage, which is consistent with the results of the previous studies. The timing of the gentrification stages resulting from the proposed model is within the valid range presented in the previous studies. We apply the model in five areas where the gentrification has been suspected, and we conclude that all areas currently are undergoing a final stage of commercial gentrification, although there are differences in the timing between the areas.

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Use of ANPR Camera to Complement GPS Location Accuracy for Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1905
  • Hsueh Cheng Sagin Hsu
  • NCS Pte Ltd
  • Singapore


A method of using roadside ANPR (automated number plate recognition) camera to capture the location of a vehicle and transmitting the vehicle location/speed to the same vehicle is proposed to estimate the vehicle’s current location in high accuracy and reliability. The me...Lead moreA method of using roadside ANPR (automated number plate recognition) camera to capture the location of a vehicle and transmitting the vehicle location/speed to the same vehicle is proposed to estimate the vehicle’s current location in high accuracy and reliability. The method can be used for scenarios that the vehicle OBU (on-board unit) has no/poor GPS reception or there is GPS signal jamming or spoofing in the vicinity. The method is currently patent pending

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Development of Simplified and Portable ETC System for Distance-based Toll Collection Method in Japan

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1903
  • Yukinori Matsushita
  • East Nippon Expressway Company Limited, Japan
  • Japan


In Japan, road administrators usually install a lot of peripheral equipment such as lane display, vehicle detector, roadside display, automatic gate, booth display, interphone, ticket machine, lane monitoring camera, etc, for smooth flow of ETC lane. But in case of troubl...Lead moreIn Japan, road administrators usually install a lot of peripheral equipment such as lane display, vehicle detector, roadside display, automatic gate, booth display, interphone, ticket machine, lane monitoring camera, etc, for smooth flow of ETC lane. But in case of trouble of these machines, or destruction of machines by accident, it takes long time to recover ETC lane and ETC lane is compelled to be closed till repairing all the peripheral equipment. E-NEXCO is developing new two ETC systems, that are ‘Simplified’ and ‘Portable’ roadside equipment of ETC system for distance-based (Closed system) toll collection methods in Japan. These equipment are expected to install to tollgate of expressways and to decrease unavailability of ETC at tollgate. Simplified road equipment consists of antenna, lane server and roadside display. These are installed beforehand to the manual lane next to ETC lane, and only would be used in case ETC lane is closed. On the other hand, portable equipment is set up temporarily in case of trouble of usual ETC lane, and consists of portable antenna and lane server.

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User Perception of Autonomous Vehicle: a Comparison between Singapore and the United Kingdom

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1888
  • Katherine Cai
  • Tongji University
  • Singapore


This study aims to gain insight on the individuals’ perception towards Autonomous Vehicle (AV) in Singapore and the United Kingdom (UK), utilising the readily available social media data for analysis. A total of 405 comments from twelve different Facebook articles were ex...Lead moreThis study aims to gain insight on the individuals’ perception towards Autonomous Vehicle (AV) in Singapore and the United Kingdom (UK), utilising the readily available social media data for analysis. A total of 405 comments from twelve different Facebook articles were extracted. Articles from social media sources with high fellowship and wide spectrum of topics are selected. A qualitative analysis via a category system was adopted for analysis. Findings show that the people in Singapore believe that more focus should be placed on improving the existing public transport system before introducing the AV. The key concerns were on safety and distrust in the AV technology. Similarly, in the UK, the people believe that the introduction of AV is not worth the investment and the main concerns were on losing driving enjoyment and distrusting the AV technology. This study further recommends measures to address the critical concerns highlighted from the articles. One of the proposed solutions is to conduct comprehensive AV simulation and field testing to satisfy the safety and trust concerns.

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Evaluation of the Impact of a Vehicle Trajectory on Traffic by Utilizing All Vehicle Trajectory Data Observed on Expressway

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1886
  • Takashi Kodama
  • Hanshin Expressway Company Limited
  • Japan


In vehicle control of an automated driving vehicle, motion planning is very important. In the motion planning, with the spread of V2V, the planning to evaluate not only the safety and comfort of the vehicle but also the impact of the vehicle trajectory on traffic, that me...Lead moreIn vehicle control of an automated driving vehicle, motion planning is very important. In the motion planning, with the spread of V2V, the planning to evaluate not only the safety and comfort of the vehicle but also the impact of the vehicle trajectory on traffic, that means the safety and comfort of the surrounding vehicles, is assumed to become increasingly important in the future. Therefore, Hanshin Expressway Company have studied the method to evaluate the impact of a vehicle trajectory on traffic, utilizing all vehicle trajectory data observed in the heavy traffic section including merging, with traffic problem on the expressway.

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Study on Time Accessibility of Regional Public Transportation

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1881
  • Lingyang Meng
  • Beijing University of Technology
  • China


The public transportation accessibility is a crucial indicator to support traffic planning. Past studies mostly have the limitation of estimating travel time between an origin-destination by using travel distance and average speed. This paper put forward a method to calcu...Lead moreThe public transportation accessibility is a crucial indicator to support traffic planning. Past studies mostly have the limitation of estimating travel time between an origin-destination by using travel distance and average speed. This paper put forward a method to calculate the travel time between OD pair. By using smart card data, the travel time can be completely obtained for each trip chain. In this way the accuracy of the results can be greatly improved. Besides, a public transportation time accessibility evaluation model is built from the aspects of travel probability and travel distance. As a case study, the travel time is calculated for the three large residential areas in Beijing, during the morning commutes to the all destinations. The public transportation time accessibility is also analyzed. The results can be used to improve regional accessibility and identify the vulnerable region in urban public transport services to support traffic planning.

Paper Title

Validation of Effectiveness on Integration of Private Sector Probe Data

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1879
  • Akira Tsukamoto
  • Vehicle Information and Communication System Center
  • Japan


VICS Center is planning a demonstration test during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics for the Kanto area. The purpose of the test is to mitigate the industry and life field impact of traffic congestion in urban areas, to understand problems for private sector probe ...Lead moreVICS Center is planning a demonstration test during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics for the Kanto area. The purpose of the test is to mitigate the industry and life field impact of traffic congestion in urban areas, to understand problems for private sector probe data and to consider future policy. In this paper, we researched expansion of travel time information generated by integrating three types of private sector probe information. By using it, we confirmed that it is possible to increase the current VICS travel time information by about 2.6 times nationwide average in Japan.

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Future Mobility Sensing (FMS): An Adaptive System for Data Collection, Fusion and Visualization

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1878
  • Linlin You
  • Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology
  • Singapore


The advancement of next-generation intelligent systems facilitating studies of urban mobility emphasizes the generality to support a unified data collection, fusion and visualization process. By harnessing various sensing technologies, heterogeneous multi-source data and ...Lead moreThe advancement of next-generation intelligent systems facilitating studies of urban mobility emphasizes the generality to support a unified data collection, fusion and visualization process. By harnessing various sensing technologies, heterogeneous multi-source data and analytical functionalities, a generic Future Mobility Sensing (FMS) system is designed and implemented. It consists of three dedicated platforms, namely 1) the FMS Data Management Platform, which provides standardized data access APIs; 2) the FMS Data Collection Platform, which combines sensing objects, machine learning algorithms and user verifications to collect high resolution, multi-day travel data; and 3) the FMS Data Fusion and Visualization Platform, which consolidates multi-source data to be interpreted and presented as decision-making evidence. This paper introduces the overall architecture of the FMS system and summarizes various applications that it can support.

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A Framework Including Traffic Diffusion for Short-Term Traffic Prediction

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1875
  • Xuefang Zhao
  • Tsinghua University
  • China


With the increasing popularity of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), how to achieve accurate and real-time traffic prediction has become more and more important. In this paper, we intend to improve the accuracy of traffic prediction by appropriate integration of di...Lead moreWith the increasing popularity of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), how to achieve accurate and real-time traffic prediction has become more and more important. In this paper, we intend to improve the accuracy of traffic prediction by appropriate integration of diffusion process. We propose a deep learning framework to capture the spatial-temporal features of traffic flow. Specifically, 1) a 1-dimension Convolutional Network (CNN) is exploited to capture the spatial features when fed by the congestion matrix; 2) two long short-term memory methods (LSTMs) are applied to mine the temporal closeness and period properties; 3) external factors such as traffic diffusion, time and weather characteristics are also included in the framework to enhance prediction performance. Experiment results on a public dataset indicate that the consideration of traffic diffusion has advantage in short-term traffic prediction.

Paper Title

A Method of Traffic Safety Structured System -A proposal of A Traffic Accidents’ Data Analysis System-

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • AP-TP1869
  • Noriyuki Tsukada
  • SUBARU Corporation
  • Japan


In Japan, fatalities from traffic accidents are down to the three thousands. On the other hand, the traffic accident’s situation remains in a severe condition because death accidents of elderly adult occur at a high level, the majority of pedestrian accidents occur due to...Lead moreIn Japan, fatalities from traffic accidents are down to the three thousands. On the other hand, the traffic accident’s situation remains in a severe condition because death accidents of elderly adult occur at a high level, the majority of pedestrian accidents occur due to law violation and so on. Therefore, “people” including driver, “automotive” and “road” including traffic/road management, that is to say, a tripartite cooperation that forms an automobile society is essential to further reduce traffic accidents in the near future. This paper offers new approach to reduce traffic accidents through cooperation with people, vehicle and road.