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Paper Title

Cooperative Delivery Concepts for Compliant City Logistics: Case Study in Graz, Austria

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2103
  • Martin Reinthaler
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Austria


The number of freight and parcel deliveries are increasing and especially cities are facing the challenges of heavy delivery traffic. The growth rates of e-commerce are remarkable, but they also require new approaches and delivery innovations for compliant city logistics....Lead moreThe number of freight and parcel deliveries are increasing and especially cities are facing the challenges of heavy delivery traffic. The growth rates of e-commerce are remarkable, but they also require new approaches and delivery innovations for compliant city logistics. Sustainability in delivery can be improved through cooperation, coordination and sharing models. Currently, the delivery of parcels in the cities is largely uncoordinated. The courier, express and parcel (CEP) service provider covers the entire logistics chain up to the delivery address on their own. In doing so, parallel structures have been developed which have high potential for more efficient use of existing resources. This study describes the approach to define and optimise a city hub, elaborate a business and operation model for cooperative use and implement and evaluate the cooperative city hub in the inner district of Graz, Austria.

Paper Title

Early Lessons Learnt from Connecting Austria – C-ITS-Focused Level 1 Truck Platooning

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2083
  • Wolfgang Schildorfer
  • University of Applied Sciencees Upper Austria
  • Austria


Enhancing the efficiency of freight transport is one key question of logistics companies and has been a rather challenging task due to steadily increasing volumes of goods based on e-commerce and same-day delivery services. One approach for setting-up a smart and sustaina...Lead moreEnhancing the efficiency of freight transport is one key question of logistics companies and has been a rather challenging task due to steadily increasing volumes of goods based on e-commerce and same-day delivery services. One approach for setting-up a smart and sustainable logistics system is using some form of truck platooning combined with C-ITS solutions. The Austrian road operator ASFINAG proactively sets the scene for using truck platooning for optimising their road network. After setting the scene in 2018, the flagship project on energy-efficient cooperative truck platooning Connecting Austria starts testing in 2019. One challenge is testing in mixed-traffic on public roads in Europe. How to cope with legislation and not to lose competitive ground against US or Dubai? This paper outlines first Connecting Austria results to prepare the ground for next steps in deployment of C-ITS-focused truck platooning services in Austria.

Paper Title

On the Galileo and EGNOS Test Campaign for eCall: Motivation, Methodology and Overall Results

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2076
  • Karen Boniface
  • European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Ispra
  • Italy


The Commission Delegated Regulation 2017/79 establishes that all new passenger cars and light duty vehicles must be equipped with eCall; in Annex VI, the technical requirements for compatibility of eCall with EGNSS are reported. GSA launched the eCall testing campaign whi...Lead moreThe Commission Delegated Regulation 2017/79 establishes that all new passenger cars and light duty vehicles must be equipped with eCall; in Annex VI, the technical requirements for compatibility of eCall with EGNSS are reported. GSA launched the eCall testing campaign which was jointly designed and performed with the JRC. The test campaign allowed both supporting manufacturers in reaching full compatibility with EGNSS signals and providing guidelines to the technical centre designated to grant EC type-approval of the vehicles. Fifteen devices were tested under static and dynamic scenarios. The tests were conducted using simulated signals characterised by different signal power levels and propagation conditions. The variety and the volume of data lead to the generation of a unique dataset, which was useful to verify that the adoption of Galileo is quite mature, despite its early service provision stage, and provides a substantial contribution to reach the regulation objectives in the interest of EU citizens and in particular providing quality positioning information to enable a safer emergency service in European roads. At the same time the campaign also allowed the manufacturers to identify margin for improvements in terms of capability to optimally acquire track and use EGNSS signals.

Paper Title

BIG IoT – Interconnecting IoT Platforms from Different Domains – Final Results

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2075
  • Thomas Jell
  • Siemens Mobility GmbH
  • Deutschland


The Internet of Things (IoT) is today separated by different vertically oriented platforms for integration of all the different devices. Developers who aim to access other platforms and access that data are forced to manually adapt their interfaces to the specific platfor...Lead moreThe Internet of Things (IoT) is today separated by different vertically oriented platforms for integration of all the different devices. Developers who aim to access other platforms and access that data are forced to manually adapt their interfaces to the specific platform API and data models. This paper highlights the work of the BIG IoT project that aims at launching an IoT marketplace and ecosystem as part of the European Platform Initiative (IoT EPI). The project finished end of 2018, so I will be able to present the setup of and the final results of the integra-tion of the use cases that have been implemented in Northern Germany, Italy and Barcelona.

Paper Title

Designing an On-Board Driving Scene Monitoring Sensory System for Preventing Terrorist Attacks with Road Transport

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2072
  • Gorka Velez
  • Vicomtech
  • Spain


Road transport vehicles are being used as weapons in terrorist attacks across all the world. A driving scene monitoring system installed in the vehicles could potentially mitigate this threat. This system would process the information received from the on-board sensor to ...Lead moreRoad transport vehicles are being used as weapons in terrorist attacks across all the world. A driving scene monitoring system installed in the vehicles could potentially mitigate this threat. This system would process the information received from the on-board sensor to assess the risk of an attack and take control if necessary. This paper presents the first steps towards such a system describing the design of its sensor setup. We have based the design of the outside monitoring system on the state-of-the-art driving assistance and autonomous driving technologies, even if the present application does not strictly fall into any of these categories. During the design of the sensory system, we have considered the distinctive features of our application and proposed some options that could be suitable to fulfil the expected performance.

Paper Title

Methodological Challenges Related to Real-World Automated Driving Pilots

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2070
  • Satu Innamaa
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Finland


This paper discusses the methodological challenges related to automated driving pilots in the real world, providing an overview of some of the solutions offered by the L3Pilot project. The L3Pilot project, coordinated by Volkswagen, has 34 partners including 13 OEMs, with...Lead moreThis paper discusses the methodological challenges related to automated driving pilots in the real world, providing an overview of some of the solutions offered by the L3Pilot project. The L3Pilot project, coordinated by Volkswagen, has 34 partners including 13 OEMs, with a total budget of 68M€ over a 48 month duration. Although the overall methodology defined for Field Operational Tests (FOTs) has been developed quite extensively for driver support systems, our efforts in the L3Pilot project show that the evaluation process can be adapted to suit the needs of automated driving pilot projects, as long as some caveats related to the pilot nature of automated driving studies are acknowledged. The automated driving pilots currently in place around the world provide important insights into the impacts of automated driving on their users, other road users and the society at large. However, as these systems mature, large-scale FOTs will be needed as (closer to) ex-post evaluation, to verify the assessed impacts. This paper outlines the challenges and offers some solutions for working towards that goal.

Paper Title

Innovative Human Machine Interaction for Automatised Car: Analysis of Drivers Needs for Recommended Design

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2067
  • Annie Pauzie
  • Ifsttar/Lescot
  • France


This study investigated drivers’ needs and preferences for HMI design at the transition phase from automated to manual driving. This phase is crucial for road safety as the human will have to fit to the upcoming driving task requirements and to be fully aware of the exter...Lead moreThis study investigated drivers’ needs and preferences for HMI design at the transition phase from automated to manual driving. This phase is crucial for road safety as the human will have to fit to the upcoming driving task requirements and to be fully aware of the external situation. Several focus groups involving seniors, novices, experts, and mixed population have been conducted to investigate needs related to these HMI features. Results allow identifying preferred perceptual modalities for each group in relation to the increase emergency of the takeover. Novice drivers and seniors can have similar needs to be reassured, with different HMI to reach this goal. The need to have messages with visual and auditory redundancy has been identified for the seniors. The recommendations based upon these drivers ‘propositions are made available for HMI designers, in a process of human centred design involving users at the early stage of the development.

Paper Title

Assessment of GNSS Receiver Performance in Varied Multipath Environments with Innovative Real-Time Multipath Simulation System

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2060
  • Todor Trionski
  • Spirent Communications
  • UK


Multipath can be one of the main sources of error in a GNSS receiver in urban environment. Errors can vary from a few meters to hundreds of meters according to the geometry of satellites and environmental conditions. The characterization and study of multipath is complex ...Lead moreMultipath can be one of the main sources of error in a GNSS receiver in urban environment. Errors can vary from a few meters to hundreds of meters according to the geometry of satellites and environmental conditions. The characterization and study of multipath is complex but important when its effect needs to be compensated in the position or navigation solution. It is complex to model accurately in GNSS simulations and with the development of highly automated and autonomous navigation systems, it’s an area where realistic simulation results are required. This paper analyses performances of a GNSS receiver with an innovative real-time system reproducing an authentic multipath environment. The system combines a state-of-the-art GNSS simulator and advanced GNSS propagation model. Simulated results are compared with real measurements, showing that it is possible to carry out realistic simulation of a dense urban multipath environment and obtain results that are comparable to real case scenarios.

Paper Title

A New Era for Traffic Management: the C-Roads Italy Project and the Implementation of C-ITS Systems Towards Automated Driving

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2059
  • Carlo Costa
  • Autostrada del Brennero SpA
  • Italy


Technologies have always had an important impact on mobility, on the role of road operators and on users’ safety. In the new scenario emerging for the management of road mobility, following the diffusion of C-ITS systems, road operators are called to prepare the infrastru...Lead moreTechnologies have always had an important impact on mobility, on the role of road operators and on users’ safety. In the new scenario emerging for the management of road mobility, following the diffusion of C-ITS systems, road operators are called to prepare the infrastructure in a way to allow the use of cooperative systems for the communications exchange between vehicles and infrastructure (V2I - I2V). The C-Roads Italy project (co-funded by the European Commission) fits into this context. It offers new and multiple opportunities, including the test of the EC "Day1" C-ITS services recommended by the “C-ITS Platform of the European Commission. V2I information along the Brenner motorway, the management of coexistence with electronic toll systems, the cross-border management (Italy-Austria) of Day-1 services and cooperative maneuvers with heavy duty vehicles (truck platooning) as well as the study on the application of V2X to the cars of the future (Highway Chauffeur).

Paper Title

Specifications for Multi-Brand Truck Platooning

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2051
  • Lina Konstantinopoulou
  • Belgium


Platooning technology has made significant advances in the last decade, but to achieve the next step towards deployment of truck platooning, an integral multi-brand approach is required. It is the ambition of ENSEMBLE to realise pre-standards for interoperability between ...Lead morePlatooning technology has made significant advances in the last decade, but to achieve the next step towards deployment of truck platooning, an integral multi-brand approach is required. It is the ambition of ENSEMBLE to realise pre-standards for interoperability between trucks, platoons and logistics solution providers, to speed up actual market pick-up of (sub)system development and implementation and to enable harmonisation of legal frameworks in the member states. This paper provides with definition of the specifications of the whole multi-brand truck platooning concept to be implemented within the testing and demonstration trucks of the 6 OEMs. It describes the functional architecture, captures all minimum set of operations layer requirements and tactical layer specifications for Platoon level A. The building blocks of truck platooning consist of in-vehicle requirements (Longitudinal, sensors, HMI interaction), infrastructure (V2I), information among trucks in platoon, and platooning strategy (coordination mode, gap regulation, formation, dissolution, and vehicle mix).

Paper Title

Smart Tallinn - Real Case Studies from Future Transport Solutions

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2050
  • Toomas Türk
  • Tallinn City Government
  • Estonia


Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, is a big fan and promoter of open innovation – as a role model and leader, and as an inspirational and cooperative partner. Tallinn’s Innovation Philosophy - Smart Tallinn - is relying on three following streams: Tallinn as a True e-S...Lead moreTallinn, the capital city of Estonia, is a big fan and promoter of open innovation – as a role model and leader, and as an inspirational and cooperative partner. Tallinn’s Innovation Philosophy - Smart Tallinn - is relying on three following streams: Tallinn as a True e-Society offering a platform for international socio-economic innovations. In urban mobility context it means, that for example (a) Parcel delivery robots are legally allowed and operating on the streets since 2017; (b) Self-driving cars are legally allowed and piloted on the streets throughout the EU Presidency in 2017. The next piloting of self-driving busses (last mile solution in urban context) starts from summer 2019; (c) Ride-sharing is legalised and properly taxed already in 2016. The riding-sharing services have grown very vigorously. Tallinn as a Healthy Lifestyle City where living green and healthy life is a basic human right. Tallinn is the Capital of Free Public Transport. Tallinn is experimenting with free public transport for its residents supported by priority lane system for busses and the award winning Park & Ride system for car owners. Tallinn has 300+km bike roads and its streets are covered by a novel Bikeep bicycle parking network.

Paper Title

The CROCODILE Corridor: Successful DATEX II Deployment in a Cross-Border Setting

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2043
  • Alexander Hausmann
  • AustriaTech
  • Austria


In the course of the pan-European vision of a free movement of people and goods, it is obvious that traffic management strategies must not be limited to national borders. The CROCODILE corridor project responds to the apparent need for cross-border traffic management by c...Lead moreIn the course of the pan-European vision of a free movement of people and goods, it is obvious that traffic management strategies must not be limited to national borders. The CROCODILE corridor project responds to the apparent need for cross-border traffic management by consolidating authorities and road operators and providing a forum for collaboration. Data is an important basis for modern traffic management and it became apparent that motorway operators already have a lot of relevant data sets available. CROCODILE has worked on the implementation of traffic data exchange between more than ten Member States using DATEX II with regards to the EU ITS Directive. Efforts include a dedicated CROCODILE middleware solution, resulting in operational data exchange (SRTI, truck parking, RTTI) and their use in traffic management systems as well as in added-value for end-user applications. Ongoing work includes the extension to static data.

Paper Title

Deployment and Testing of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area MaaS Platform

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2040
  • Pekka Eloranta
  • Sitowise Oy
  • Finland


This paper describes the Helsinki region MaaS platform planning, developing and piloting project that started in mid-2017 and ended in June 2018. The aim of the project was to investigate an operating model of a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) platform in Helsinki Metropolit...Lead moreThis paper describes the Helsinki region MaaS platform planning, developing and piloting project that started in mid-2017 and ended in June 2018. The aim of the project was to investigate an operating model of a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) platform in Helsinki Metropolitan Area and to build and run a MaaS pilot service based on and utilizing publicly funded passenger transport services in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. During the project, a MaaS service platform, open to third parties, was developed and implemented. The main objective of the experiment was to connect the Korso-Koivukylä area in the City of Vantaa, public transport services in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and statutory city-funded passenger transport as one service package into the extendable/scalable Maas service.

Paper Title

Catalonia Living Lab: A One-stop-shop for Development and Testing of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Europe

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2033
  • Stefan de Vries
  • Applus IDIADA
  • Spain


Catalonia Living Lab is a public-private framework for development and testing of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies. Its primary goal is to cover all CAV related development and testing needs with Catalan (public) infrastructures and industry. Catalonia L...Lead moreCatalonia Living Lab is a public-private framework for development and testing of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies. Its primary goal is to cover all CAV related development and testing needs with Catalan (public) infrastructures and industry. Catalonia Living Lab provides the main test environments required in the development process of connected and automated vehicles: from virtual simulation to laboratories, proving grounds and public roads. Its service portfolio is designed to support automotive industry and research institutes worldwide. Between all partners involved, it covers the complete development cycle of automated and connected vehicle functionalities: from concept finding and design to integration and final validation. With the support of the public administrations and an enabling regulatory status, the Catalonia Living Lab provides all-year-round, versatile testing capabilities for connectivity and automation stakeholders. Since its launch in 2016, Catalonia Living Lab is constantly expanding its network and adding abilities to its service portfolio.

Paper Title

Connecting Vehicles to a Digital Twin

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2025
  • Ian Patey
  • WSP
  • UK


The safety and efficiency of road travel relies on all drivers having a proper and consistent understanding of the road layout and any associated traffic signs and regulations; including temporary and variable instructions and information. As reliance on vehicle systems b...Lead moreThe safety and efficiency of road travel relies on all drivers having a proper and consistent understanding of the road layout and any associated traffic signs and regulations; including temporary and variable instructions and information. As reliance on vehicle systems becomes more prevalent, with a move towards replacing human understanding and control by machines, the need for vehicle systems to quickly and accurately “read” road layouts, signs and signals become more important, eventually essential. A digital twin is an exact digital representation of the road (or other asset) which is connected to the asset itself by 2-way communication. The digital twin therefore includes a dynamic map of the road layout along with asset information such as signs, road markings, speed limits and so on. Connecting vehicles with a digital twin (using a digital thread) could provide the solution to the question of how roads can be read by machines.

Paper Title

Prediction of Post-Accident Road Network Recovery Time

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2016
  • Leanne Pienaar
  • Ove Arup & Partners
  • UK


This paper investigates the application of machine learning to traffic and accident data to predict the duration of congestion caused by road accidents on the UK road network. With advance knowledge of how long an accident will take to clear, road operators and users can ...Lead moreThis paper investigates the application of machine learning to traffic and accident data to predict the duration of congestion caused by road accidents on the UK road network. With advance knowledge of how long an accident will take to clear, road operators and users can more proactively respond to accidents, enabling more efficient allocation of accident management resources and more intelligent redistribution of traffic on the road network. By comparing flow and speed of vehicles at the time of a reported accident to that of a normal average day, it was possible to detect the resultant time window of congestion. The durations of congestion and associated accident characteristics were then used to train a variety of machine learning models, which were then applied to a test dataset to validate the models’ prediction capability. Artificial Neural Networks exhibited the most optimal results with 70% accuracy, 65% precision and 74% recall scores.

Paper Title

Micro- and Macroscopic Simulation and Impact Assessment of the Coexistence of Automated and Conventional Vehicles in European Cities

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2015
  • Bernard Gyergyay
  • Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung GmbH
  • Germany


This technical paper reports on progress made within the European project CoEXist (1st May 2017 – 30th 2020) on the simulation and modelling of the coexistence of conventional and automated vehicles, both in microscopic traffic flow and macroscopic transport demand models...Lead moreThis technical paper reports on progress made within the European project CoEXist (1st May 2017 – 30th 2020) on the simulation and modelling of the coexistence of conventional and automated vehicles, both in microscopic traffic flow and macroscopic transport demand models, as well as the assessment of its impacts on urban road infrastructure and mobility. The paper focuses on the respective enhancements of microscopic modelling software solution (PTV Vissim), macroscopic modelling (PTV Visum) approaches, and the ongoing project work on developing a methodology for assessing the impacts of connected and automated driving.

Paper Title

Development of a Traffic Safety Program for Cyclists between 11 and 14 years in Germany with a Focus on Metacognitive Abilities

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2009
  • Franz Lambrecht
  • University of Kassel
  • Germany


In the field of road safety, protection is particularly needed for the group of 11 to 14-year-old cyclists. The number of cyclists in this age group involved in accidents is rising sharply compared to the younger age groups. Although extensive changes in behaviour occur a...Lead moreIn the field of road safety, protection is particularly needed for the group of 11 to 14-year-old cyclists. The number of cyclists in this age group involved in accidents is rising sharply compared to the younger age groups. Although extensive changes in behaviour occur at the beginning of adolescence and, for example, the willingness to take risks (especially due to overestimation of one’s own ability) in road traffic increases, there are hardly any traffic educational measures at secondary schools in Germany. In order to increase road safety in this particularly vulnerable age group of 11-14-year-olds, this study describes a possible development and design of a road safety programme. This programme is designed in such a way that it can be transferred to different regions and can be carried out independently by teachers at schools, even without specialist knowledge of road safety. In cooperation with two schools, the behaviour when cycling in different traffic situations will be first determined by video observation and eye-tracking. The data gained will be processed and pupils will discuss individual traffic situations independently. In particular, this should increase the pupils’ awareness of the dangers of cycling, which leads to an increased sense of safety.

Paper Title

Mobility as a Service in Small and Medium-sized Cities

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP2003
  • Jernej Vozelj
  • PNZ d.o.o.
  • Slovenia


Urban mobility transport usually focuses on collective transport based on modes such as metro, trains or buses. The introduction of Mobility as a Service - MaaS have been gaining ground in recent years and becoming a viable alternative to collective public transport. Proj...Lead moreUrban mobility transport usually focuses on collective transport based on modes such as metro, trains or buses. The introduction of Mobility as a Service - MaaS have been gaining ground in recent years and becoming a viable alternative to collective public transport. Projects show, that it is essential to simulate a MaaS solution before running the service. The paper examines the effect of shared mobility on public and private transport in small and medium-sized urban areas. For this study, different configurations of shared mobility solutions were simulated using advanced computer models provided with mobility data for the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In addition, it investigates how the optimized use of shared transport modes can influence mobility behavior by organizing shared transport service. The design approach to MaaS service is in paper presented. The study indicates that the introduction of MaaS will benefit both, supply and demand side.

Paper Title

New Ways Towards Wrong-Way Driver Avoidance: Implementation and Scientific Evaluation of ITS-based Wrong-Way Driver Detection Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1998
  • Christoph Maget
  • Center for Traffic Management
  • Germany


Wrong-Way drivers are a severe danger for road traffic. It is therefore of great importance to reliably detect and stop wrong-way drivers before entering highways, while keeping false detections to a minimum. In this paper we propose scientific criteria for a systematic e...Lead moreWrong-Way drivers are a severe danger for road traffic. It is therefore of great importance to reliably detect and stop wrong-way drivers before entering highways, while keeping false detections to a minimum. In this paper we propose scientific criteria for a systematic evaluation of wrong way driver detectors. These criteria were applied to three innovative implementations of ITS-based wrong-way driver detection systems. In order to evaluate false-positive detections, a long-term test was conducted. In order to evaluate false-negative detections, wrong-way drives were carried out on the closed road. It is shown that all of the detection systems show good detection rates with specific disadvantages. Interventions with construction or maintenance vehicles had to be considered. The main contributions of the present work are the concept for a scientific evaluation, the test environment with real traffic conditions including dedicated road closures and a systematic long-term record of the corresponding ground truth.

Paper Title

ViaRODOS – Use BIG DATA to Create Dynamic Mobility Model in CZ

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1996
  • Karel Feix
  • Kapsch Telematic Services
  • Czech Republic


In the Czech Republic, the toll system has been working reliably and flawlessly for more than 12 years. Besides the collection of financial means, its vast infrastructure throughout the entire country directly on the road network allows for gathering huge amount of real-t...Lead moreIn the Czech Republic, the toll system has been working reliably and flawlessly for more than 12 years. Besides the collection of financial means, its vast infrastructure throughout the entire country directly on the road network allows for gathering huge amount of real-time data concerning the traffic. Gradually, state and the toll system operator develop together its functionalities in terms of road traffic safety, increase in the permeability of key roads and wider impacts on the environment. Within the RODOS research project which integrates the collaboration of commercial entities and the academic sphere, experts in traffic engage in the development of a dynamic mobility model, i.e. the prediction of traffic load in time, and simultaneously also in the decision-making process related to particular traffic measures. They gather BIG DATA from several different sources whereas the toll system represents one of the most important sources (apart from traffic data from company car fleet management databases, it concerns also data from traffic detectors, SIM, GPS data or weather information).

Paper Title

Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach with Hybrid Policy for Traffic Signal Timing Optimization

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1994
  • Abdullah Karaağaç
  • Erciyes University
  • Turkey


In this paper, we aim to propose an approach to optimize real time signal timing. The algorithm acts with two policies based on queue length and traffic flow velocity. Traffic data is extracted from real videos via optical flow technique. Deep neural network predicts the ...Lead moreIn this paper, we aim to propose an approach to optimize real time signal timing. The algorithm acts with two policies based on queue length and traffic flow velocity. Traffic data is extracted from real videos via optical flow technique. Deep neural network predicts the traffic if the minimize the queue length or maximize the traffic flow. Then the deep reinforcement learning algorithm allows the traffic lights to determine current best timing. To solve the problem gathered data is simulated in VISSIM and optimization algorithms are implemented in MATLAB environment.

Paper Title

Scaled Test Environment for Testing ITS Applications

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1992
  • Rakshith Kusumakar
  • HAN Automotive Research
  • Netherlands


Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being developed rapidly to address certain limitations of human drivers, leading to increased safety and transport efficiency. Traditionally, the final proof of concept is realized by performing full-scale testing in a naturalistic ...Lead moreIntelligent transport systems (ITS) are being developed rapidly to address certain limitations of human drivers, leading to increased safety and transport efficiency. Traditionally, the final proof of concept is realized by performing full-scale testing in a naturalistic environment. However, this is not always feasible for rapid development of ITS applications due to safety, liability, time, legal and economic aspects. For these purposes, a test environment is presented as an intermediate step between simulation and full-scale testing. Although the test environment has its own limitations, it provides insights, especially regarding the influence of sensor and communication dynamics on system performance, which can be used for its enhancement. Three ITS applications have been developed and tested using the presented test environment and are discussed as examples, specifically: automated parking of an articulated vehicle, dolly steering to minimise the swept path of an articulated vehicle and platooning of articulated vehicles.

Paper Title

Concept Proposal - A Holistic Approach to Utilize Machine Learning in Autonomous Driving Applications

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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1985
  • Julia Nitsch
  • Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH
  • Germany


Recently artificial intelligence and in particular machine learning achieves astonishing results in various fields. Prototypes of autonomous driving applications show promising results when utilizing machine learning algorithms and open new possibilities to autonomous mob...Lead moreRecently artificial intelligence and in particular machine learning achieves astonishing results in various fields. Prototypes of autonomous driving applications show promising results when utilizing machine learning algorithms and open new possibilities to autonomous mobility. However, it is still challenging to apply machine learning in automated or even autonomous series driving functions. Thus, we present a holistic concept proposal to apply machine learning in autonomous driving functions. This includes a broad consideration of algorithmic, infrastructural and automotive aspects as well as necessary processes, responsibilities and roles to bring machine learning algorithms to product maturity.

Paper Title

A Discrete Event Traffic Model for Passenger Demand-Dependent Train Control in a Metro Line with a Junction

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1981
  • Florian Schanzenbacher
  • RATP Dev
  • France


We propose in this article a traffic model of the train dynamics in a metro line with a junction. It extends: 1) a model that describes the train dynamics in a metro line with a junction but without taking into account the passenger travel demand, and 2) another model tha...Lead moreWe propose in this article a traffic model of the train dynamics in a metro line with a junction. It extends: 1) a model that describes the train dynamics in a metro line with a junction but without taking into account the passenger travel demand, and 2) another model that controls the train dynamics in a metro line without junction taking into account the passenger demand. We show that, within a margin on the train run time, the system is linear in the Max-plus algebra, and admits a steady state with an unique asymptotic average growth rate, interpreted here as the asymptotic average train time-headway, for which closed-form solutions are presented. We apply the traffic model to the metro line 13 of Paris (with one junction), which allows to derive phase diagrams of the train dynamics, where the train time-headway and frequency are given as functions of 1) the number of trains on the line, 2) the difference between the number of trains on the two branches, and 3) the passenger demand. Finally we interpret the derived diagrams and explain how they can be used for traffic control.

Paper Title

Setting up Experimental Procedure for Level 3 Automated Driving Pilots

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1973
  • Merja Penttinen
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
  • Finland


The goal of the ongoing large-scale EU-H2020 project L3Pilot with a budget of 68M€ and 34 partners involved, is to pilot and assess the Level 3 automated driving functions (ADFs) in real or close to real contexts and environments in several sites around Europe. The experi...Lead moreThe goal of the ongoing large-scale EU-H2020 project L3Pilot with a budget of 68M€ and 34 partners involved, is to pilot and assess the Level 3 automated driving functions (ADFs) in real or close to real contexts and environments in several sites around Europe. The experimental procedure aims at responding to the question ‘How to organize the pilot tests in each site to ensure sufficient data from pilots to project-level evaluation?’ The work started by a theoretical analysis and recommendations on several topics to be considered when setting up the field trials. The next phase included the actual pilot site visits, and the work is to be finalised with the practical guidance to the pilot sites taking into account a holistic view of L3pilot based on the preferred experimental procedure and the practical limitations and actual plans of each pilot.

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Investigation of Pothole Detection using In-Vehicle Data for Cooperative Applications

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1964
  • Moksheeth Padarthy
  • HAN University of Applied Sciences
  • Netherlands


The road authorities are constantly challenged to maintain the quality of the road infrastructure. Road anomalies can have a significant impact on the traffic flow, the health of the vehicles and the occupants of the vehicle. Strategies such as Pavement Management Systems...Lead moreThe road authorities are constantly challenged to maintain the quality of the road infrastructure. Road anomalies can have a significant impact on the traffic flow, the health of the vehicles and the occupants of the vehicle. Strategies such as Pavement Management Systems that use Pavement Evaluation Vehicles which are equipped with various sensors have been adopted to aid the authorities to mend these anomalies. Due to the limited availability of such vehicles, however, the quantity of data that is available is limited to the coverage of these vehicles. This paper aims to address this problem by investigating if production vehicles can be used as mobile sensors to detect road anomalies. In this paper, an algorithm was developed using machine learning while utilizing lateral acceleration and individual wheel speeds, which are commonly available vehicular variables to detect potholes. The results of the algorithm were validated with actual test scenarios.

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New Opportunities in Assessing Tunnel Safety Risk

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1960
  • Hannah Steele
  • WSP
  • United Kingdom


Safety risk management is an essential part of any infrastructure asset. Assessing baseline and predicted future safety performance enables appropriate design, operation and maintenance solutions and mitigations to be implemented to achieve objectives. One such methodolog...Lead moreSafety risk management is an essential part of any infrastructure asset. Assessing baseline and predicted future safety performance enables appropriate design, operation and maintenance solutions and mitigations to be implemented to achieve objectives. One such methodology for safety risk assessment is the Generic Hazard Log; this has been used to assess and predict safety performance on some of the most significant UK highway projects in recent decades and continues to be a robust asset to network operators. This paper summarises the development of the Generic Hazard Log methodology and its application to safety risk management of highway projects. Its benefits are demonstrable and its application is now ingrained in safety risk management for the UK Strategic Road Network; the question now is how this can be effectively applied to more complex and challenging operating environments such as tunnels.

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Automated Driving Development & Deployment via Continuous Integration and Digital Twin

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1953
  • Igor Passchier
  • Siemens PLM Software
  • The Netherlands


The complexity of automated vehicles increases rapidly the level of automation. With the increased complexity, the development time increases exponentially, and testing and validation efforts become unmanageable when traditional methodologies and processes are used. In th...Lead moreThe complexity of automated vehicles increases rapidly the level of automation. With the increased complexity, the development time increases exponentially, and testing and validation efforts become unmanageable when traditional methodologies and processes are used. In this paper, we describe a continuous integration of the development and deployment process, and the use of a digital twin approach, where a virtual version of the system is utilized during the complete development cycle. Advanced tools are required to support these new development methodologies, which will be addressed in this paper as well.

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Development of the ITS Components for Multimodal Transport Infrastructure of the Republic of Tatarstan

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1944
  • Rifkat Minnikhanov
  • "Road Safety" state company
  • Russia


In modern world intelligent transport systems (ITS) is a key direction in development of smart environment. The top priorities of Republic of Tatarstan is development of unique platform of all existing ITS technologies as well as its separate components. Therefore, the fo...Lead moreIn modern world intelligent transport systems (ITS) is a key direction in development of smart environment. The top priorities of Republic of Tatarstan is development of unique platform of all existing ITS technologies as well as its separate components. Therefore, the focus of this paper is in presentation of the ITS particles, their development and integration. The main points are connected with advanced high-level projects, association for ITS, as well as ITS education.

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Investigating Consumers’ Intension to Adopt Private Autonomous Driving Vehicles

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1932
  • Ilias Panagiotopoulos
  • Harokopio University of Athens (HUA)
  • Greece


Major steps towards implementation of autonomous driving technology are being taken nowadays through technological advancements in sectors of robotics and artificial intelligence. Many vehicle manufacturers have announced plans for deployment of private autonomous driving...Lead moreMajor steps towards implementation of autonomous driving technology are being taken nowadays through technological advancements in sectors of robotics and artificial intelligence. Many vehicle manufacturers have announced plans for deployment of private autonomous driving vehicles (PADVs) in the near future. In the longer term this disruptive technology is expected to improve significant aspects such as efficient road safety, reducing pollution and congestion, and providing comfortable driving. All these potential benefits will not be achieved unless PADVs are accepted and used by a critical mass of people. Addressing these challenges, the present study investigates the factors influencing consumers’ intensions to have/use and accept PADVs by extending the original Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Results show that the constructs of performance expectancy, social influence, user’s enjoyment and trust in automation technology, are all useful predictors of behavioral intentions to have/use PADVs, with user’s enjoyment having the strongest impact. The insights derived from this study could significantly contribute to ongoing research related to acceptance of PADVs and are expected to allow automobile industries to improve their design and technology

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Interfaces on Customer Experience at Transit Stations

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1897
  • Steffen Reymann
  • Cubic Transportation Systems
  • UK


Transit stations play an important role in determining the performance of a city’s public transport. One of the most accountable factors for a station’s quality is the travel experience of passengers. This performance is strongly dependant on TTI (Travel Transit Informati...Lead moreTransit stations play an important role in determining the performance of a city’s public transport. One of the most accountable factors for a station’s quality is the travel experience of passengers. This performance is strongly dependant on TTI (Travel Transit Information). This research aims to assess the effect of a VTA (Virtual Ticket Agent) on customer experience and on the overall performance of the transit system, in line of today’s needs and projecting on future development opportunities. The effects are examined through different satisfaction measures: behavioural economic models, importance-satisfaction ratings, additional contributing factors and the relation of information and effort. Results show that the VTA provides benefits by increasing mobility access to a larger public or by improving the efficiency of human labour allocation. The upgrading capability of the product provides the additional advantage of evolving after observing collected data on users’ reactions giving place to a long-term customisable solution.

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Urban Mobility Demand Management strategies - Options for Modern Cities

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1884
  • Jose Carlos Riveira
  • Kapsch TrafficCom
  • Spain


Entering the 21th century, the mobility management approaches, which were established and promulgated since the early 1950s and that focused on moving vehicles, are changing in a dramatic way and options available to travellers are growing, including ride- and car-sharing...Lead moreEntering the 21th century, the mobility management approaches, which were established and promulgated since the early 1950s and that focused on moving vehicles, are changing in a dramatic way and options available to travellers are growing, including ride- and car-sharing, bike sharing, more mass-transit options (on-demand, last-mile), as well as the possibility of telecommuting. However, the ever increasing the population in our cities have led to greater and greater congestion challenges and emissions, and their deadly consequences. Cities, supported by their citizens and disruptive technologies from the private sector, are now starting to provide alternative or complementary means to address congestion including open-data portals, promoting modal-shift, encouraging start-ups to develop new solutions, and to think about how to influence and manage mobility demand to address these challenges by means other than adding lanes and other physical infrastructure. This technical paper focusses on the applicable options for mobility demand management.

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The Using of C2X in the Mobile Telematics System on Highway

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1883
  • Tomas Tichy
  • ELTODO, a.s.
  • Czech Republic


The paper describes experiences with implementation of the cooperative systems (C2X) especially on a highway and introduces the possibilities of implementation and extension of these systems in the cities of the Czech Republic, including the experiences from abroad. The t...Lead moreThe paper describes experiences with implementation of the cooperative systems (C2X) especially on a highway and introduces the possibilities of implementation and extension of these systems in the cities of the Czech Republic, including the experiences from abroad. The text introduces new trends in the C2X for mobile telematics on highways with an example of deployment on the Mirosovice - Rudna section, including a focus information on the mobile telematics system for traffic control of the construction zones on highways. The paper describes the experience of its installation in the traffic engineering approach for construction framework and the experience of its deployment in real-life traffic. The system’s control algorithm reacts by activating symbols on portable LED traffic signs. The outcome is a reduction in the probability of incidents and traffic jams before the construction zone on the communication as well as a decrease in the average delay time when passing through a critical location including a C2X link. The superstructure software applications are used for C-ITS that and provide reliable information to the driver and automated control interventions of traffic, serves as the stage for future trend of leading to autonomous vehicles.

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Self-Driving Car ISEAUTO for Research and Education

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1877
  • Raivo Sell
  • tallinn U
  • Estonia


The paper introduces a research and educational project targeted to self-driving cars and urban mobility issues. The project focuses on design and development of the self-driving car in cooperation with a partner company, university researchers, and students. Research and...Lead moreThe paper introduces a research and educational project targeted to self-driving cars and urban mobility issues. The project focuses on design and development of the self-driving car in cooperation with a partner company, university researchers, and students. Research and implementation results of simulations, software development and mechanical design are presented, and a potential smart city use case discussed.

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Testing Cooperative Automation: The Truck Platooning Use Case

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1876
  • Álvaro Arrúe
  • Applus IDIADA
  • Spain


Cooperative vehicles share information with other vehicles and with the infrastructure in order to improve global traffic performance. Connectivity is one of the enablers of vehicle automation as it allows automated systems to 1) have a better overall performance and 2) e...Lead moreCooperative vehicles share information with other vehicles and with the infrastructure in order to improve global traffic performance. Connectivity is one of the enablers of vehicle automation as it allows automated systems to 1) have a better overall performance and 2) execute complex manoeuvres in a safe way. In the following paper we will cover different types of tests that shall be performed in order to validate cooperative communications that take part of automated systems focusing in the particular truck platooning use case.

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Future Mobility: The Impact of Changing Working Patterns

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1874
  • Stephanie Barton
  • WSP
  • UK


Urbanisation and the continued growth of cities is resulting in significant strain on transport networks. The impacts are exacerbated during peak periods of commuting, where mass travel to urban centres remains commonplace. Network operators’ use of traditional capacity i...Lead moreUrbanisation and the continued growth of cities is resulting in significant strain on transport networks. The impacts are exacerbated during peak periods of commuting, where mass travel to urban centres remains commonplace. Network operators’ use of traditional capacity improvement schemes on various modes of transport only appear to be scratching the surface of this ever-growing global challenge. There are however changes on the horizon; increased use of technology, greater flexibility, economic considerations of travel and health and wellbeing awareness relating to commuter stress are challenging traditional working patterns across the globe. This paper considers the impacts of these changing patterns of work on mobility and introduces scenario planning to identify opportunities for network operators to consider these changes and their implications on future mobility; enabling opportunities to develop future ready strategies.

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Novel Approaches for Analysing and Testing the Effect of Autonomous Vehicles on the Traffic Flow

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1871
  • Jacqueline Erhart
  • Austria


A large number of research projects considers new traffic management approaches for cooperative, connected and automated mobility. However, the test and analysis of the effects of autonomous vehicles on the traffic flow under real traffic conditions is still missing, espe...Lead moreA large number of research projects considers new traffic management approaches for cooperative, connected and automated mobility. However, the test and analysis of the effects of autonomous vehicles on the traffic flow under real traffic conditions is still missing, especially due to the low penetration rate of vehicles with SAE Level 2 and higher. The H2020 project INFRAMIX introduces novel approaches for analysing and testing traffic flow effects by proposing functional systematic tests under human control in real traffic as well as a novel technique of hybrid testing on proving grounds. Hybrid testing uses virtual traffic flow data in real driving tests in order to overcome the limitations of pure simulations and the limited scale of test drives. The results enable a basic statement on the interaction of autonomous vehicles and the physical and digital infrastructure and will indicate the next steps in mixed traffic management.

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Connected Vehicles and Driver Distraction – Disentangling the Ethics

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1866
  • Katherine Rogers
  • WSP
  • United Kingdom


The rise of connected vehicles will lead to a significant expansion of in-vehicle features and information available to drivers – there is potential for the in-vehicle environment to thus become more distracting than before. Human beings are fallible; given the establishe...Lead moreThe rise of connected vehicles will lead to a significant expansion of in-vehicle features and information available to drivers – there is potential for the in-vehicle environment to thus become more distracting than before. Human beings are fallible; given the established role of distraction-related factors in causing collisions on our roads, this presents a safety challenge. Should, therefore, those features of connected vehicles which contribute to driver distraction be outlawed? This paper suggests that such a response would be simplistic – other ethical values may be pertinent, intergenerational trade-offs may justify short-term pains for long-term gains, and the current state of data and research on the issue may not be sufficient to provide justification for prohibitions. It explores some of the options available to legislators to ensure the road environment, legal and licensing regimes, and manufacturing regulation are configured to minimise the risk of safety disbenefits as a consequence of increased connectivity.

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Support study for Impact Assessment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

  • ITS WC
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  • 26th ITS World Congress 2019
  • EU-TP1864
  • Kareen El Beyrouty
  • Ricardo
  • UK


This support study was conducted to assist the European Commission build a framework to encourage the widespread deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) services. To compare different pathways that encourage deployment, three Policy Options (PO) wer...Lead moreThis support study was conducted to assist the European Commission build a framework to encourage the widespread deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) services. To compare different pathways that encourage deployment, three Policy Options (PO) were developed - PO1 consisting of non-binding measures, PO2 assuming the adoption of a Delegated Act under the ITS Directive, and PO3 mandating vehicle-to-vehicle communication deployment and the creation of security and compliance legal bodies. Their direct and indirect impacts were assessed via qualitative analysis and modelling, respectively. Direct impacts are considered for each key barrier of wider C-ITS deployment, including privacy, security and interoperability. Indirect impacts include the safety, economic and environmental costs and benefits associated with C-ITS deployment under each PO. The study concludes that PO2 is the preferred option, due to superior performance on efficiency, as well as proportionality and subsidiarity, although this does not preclude a future move to PO3.