The 7th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum 2005 New Delhi

The 7th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum 2005 New Delhi





Theme: “Towards New Horizons”
Period: 9-11 August, 2005
Venue: The Ashok
Organized by ITS India
Supported by Government of India (Department of Heavy Industries and Science and Technology, Ministers of Urban Development and Tourism), and the State Government of Delhi



Total Participants: 275
Countries/area: 12

Total number of sessions: 18
Executive Sessions: 4
Special Sessions: 3
Technical Sessions:11



It was the first APF held in the South Asia. Although the event was held in a smaller scale compared to the past forums, with the presence of three Ministers from Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Heavy Industries, and Ministry of Urban Development of India as well as the international distinguished VIP guests, it was a big appeal of starting ITS deployment in emerging economy of India.

The recent economic growth has brought motorization to India, and the automotive market is estimated to bring 2 million cars per year in the coming five years, however, transport infrastructures are still poor in the country. Through the forum, the government recognized the necessity of ITS. The collaboration between public and private partnership is expected to improve the traffic environment there in future.

From Japan, 24 people participated in the event as delegates and speakers, and 7 organizations joined the Japan pavilion stand in the exhibition.

Session Programs

After the ribbon cutting ceremony with the presence of Minister of Science and Technology, Shri Kapil Sibal, the Opening Ceremony was opened. These are the list of speakers:

Welcome Speech: Amitabh Bajpai, President of AITS India
Keynote Speech: Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Science and Technology, Idia
Congratulation Speeches: Russel Shields, Principal, Ygomi LLC)/ITS America
Hon’ble Dato’Seri S. Samy Vellu, Minister of Works, Government of Malaysia
Daisaburo Terajima, President of ITS Japan, Japan
Hak-Lae Son, President of ITS Korea, Korea
Oliver Mosse, CEO of ERTICO

After the speeches, the following MoU signing ceremonies were held:
EU-India Joint Programme on ITS
Taiwan-India Industry & Research Cooperation on ITS


Ribbon Cutting

Opening Ceremony
PL1 Towards New Horizons…ITS in Asia-Pacific
PL2 Towards New Horizons…ITS in India
ES1 ITS in Japan
ES2 Tolling
ES3 Rural ITS
ES4 Vehicle and Infrastructure Coordination
SS2 Electronic Toll Collection
TS1 ITS Infrastructure – GIS/GPS
TS3 ITS in Developing Countries
TS4 ITS Policy, Budgeting & Evaluation
TS5 Making ITS Work
TS6 Data Collection & Management
TS7 Human Factors and Behavior
TS9 Public Transport Systems
TS10 Communications Technologies


Technical Visits

After the forum, the Japanese delegates visited the four places as the optional technical tours to learn the various ITS activities in the country such as;

1-Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
2-National Highways Authority of India
3-Maruti Udyog Limited
4-Infosys Technologies Ltd./SoCrates Software India Pvt. Ltd.




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