
Date: 20 October 2019
Venue: Meeting Room 304, Level3, Suntec Singapore


  • WORD3. Draft Agenda AP BOD Meeting in Singapore_5


  • EXCEL1. Sep2019APBOD_Participant_2
  • POWER POINT4. PDSC_Final_Presentation_H
  • EXCEL4-1. ITAPBOD_Approved_Worsheet_H
  • POWER POINT5. AP2020 Promotional Presentation – APBOD Singapore Update
  • MOVE5. ITS AP2020 Register Now
  • POWER POINT6-1. 2020LA_ap
  • PDF6-2. ITS+WC+2020+ELP_FINAL
  • PDF7. WC BOD Singapore Suzhou Update
  • POWER POINT8-1-1 Update of ITS AP Memorandum of Understanding
  • WORD8-1-2 Appendix 2. 4. 6
  • PDF8-2. MaaS MoU for ITS organisations final draft July
  • POWER POINT8-3 ITSAP Workshop_1017
  • POWER POINT8-4 2025WC Host City Bidding Schedule_A
  • PDF9. Inclusive Mobility Invitation


  • WORD2. Draft Minutes AP BOD Meeting in Singapore_a